NCM 107 Activity 4 Terezo
October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Case Study # 1 - Leadership Types During your clinical experiences, you have more than likely witnessed many types of leadership from your clinical instructor, from the charge nurse, from the nursing supervisor, or even from yourself. Contingency, situational, interactional, and transformational leadership theories can describe the types of leadership styles that you have encountered.
A. Reflect on your most most recent recent past clinical clinical nursing nursing experience experience.. Which leadersh leadership ip theory most closely aligns with your care of your assigned patient? The best leadership theory fits in my experience as a student nurse is the Situational Theory. B. During your current current clinical experience, experience, identify the leadership theory that most closely represents the charge nurse/head nurse on the unit. Is this an effective style? Explain your response. Relationship Theory, this theory is a viable style this apply my situation as a student nurse towards head nurse and charge nurse. The head nurse encourage, motivate, and inspire us through their excitement and enthusiasm. With this you as a student nurse will be able to gain knowledge through their experience
C. Which leadership leadership theory most closely closely aligns with what you believe believe a leader should be? In which situation the leadership theory is applied? For me, it’s transformational theory. I do believe that good relatationship towards your co-worker or with the team members will inspires and motivates you to do your best while working as a team and together you will create a good working environment and work outcome.
Case Study #2 - Management & Leadership Characteristics As a recent recent graduate graduate nurse, nurse, you accepted a position position on an intermediate intermediate care unit. At your first unit meeting, Cathy Jones, unit manager/supervisor, informs the nurses that the patient satisfaction rating fell two points from the previous month. She asks everyone to reflect over the past month and submit their top three concerns to their charge nurses by the next unit meeting. Cathy states, "This is unacceptable. It is your problem, and it concerns me. We will increase our rating at least three points by the next quarter. I want reasons for this problem and expect each of you to submit your ideas to your charge nurses promptly." Three charge nurses, one from each shift, were asked by Cathy to make sure that the nurses addressed the issue. Sherrie, the day shift charge nurse, decided to ask each nurse individually over the next month for her ideas on the problem. To encourage a higher response rate, Sherrie had pizzas brought in on the day she presented the findings. She compiled the responses and reviewed them with the day shift nurses with a consensus on the top three responses. Sherrie was able to obtain a
100% response rate by including all individuals in the decision. Linda, the evening shift charge nurse, made a list of possible reasons and selected the top three. She then told the evening shift nurses what the three reasons were and that she would submit the list to Cathy for them. She spoke only to the nurses working on a particular evening and, when questioned by the absent staff, Linda told them that they could speak to Cathy individually. She added, "Like she said, it's your problem. Do what you want, but I'm not responsible for whatever happens with Cathy." As the midnight shift charge nurse, Tracy let the nurses decide on reasons and submit the responses independently. She thought
that the nurses had the right to accept or refuse participation and to be accountable as Individuals. Tracy stated, "The responses might be personal. I believe we have the right to stand up for our own conclusions and I will stand behind each of you." Tracy also achieved 100% participation by the nurses.
A. What management management style style did each each of the three charge charge nurses nurses (Sherrie, (Sherrie, Linda, Linda, and Tracy) display? Give a rationale for your choices.
Sherrie displayed a Transformational leadership style, her leadership styles motivates her workmates, and encourage them to participate for planning for the team improvement. Linda displayed an Autocratic Leadership style, because linda don’t want the team to participate with the planning and being involve with her decision. And for Tracey Tracey she she displayed displayed a LaissaezLaissaez-faire faire type type of leadership, leadership, because because she Let the staff work without restraint.
B. What type of management management style do you feel most comfortable working working under as a Student? Are there situations when you feel comfortable with a different type of Management style?
For me it is transformational theory, because this theory explains how I feel whenever I am motivate to work being with the team that builds good working relationship will produce a best results. To be with the co-worker that is very much enthusiast in their work and have that ability to show discipline and and cooperation will motivates you as a person to be better for yourself as well
C. By looking at the outcomes outcomes from each shift, describe how eff effective ective each charge nurse was based on her management and leadership characteristics.
Morning and midnight shift are both effective, because they let their staff being involve and participate to every activity for them to achieve a wide range of techniques and suggestions so for them to identify the area of improvements..
D. How would using a transformation transformational al leadership style style address the issue?
By using the transformational leadership style it will help them address the issue systematically and this will also promote connection between leaders and members. And the Leader will work together with members to identify the necessary changes, and will creates a vision to guide to the changes through inspiration, and to implements changes in conjunction with the committed members of the team.
E. What type of power does Cathy, Cathy, the unit manager, possess? possess? What about each of the Charge nurses? Give examples from the case study to defend your choices.
Cathy has a coercive type of power. Cathy is showing her power by informing the nurses that the patient satisfaction rating fell, then she asks everyone to check and reflect their past month performance and let them submit their top three concerns to their charge nurses. Cathy states, "This is unacceptable. It is your problem, and it concerns me. We will increase our rating at least three points by the next quarter. I want reasons for this problem and expect each of you to submit your ideas to your charge nurses promptly." Sherrie is the type of a leader that acknowledge the teams hardwork by giving them a reward and treating them with pizza, with this kind of treatment this will also boost the quality of each team members performance to increase the satisfaction rate of the each patients. Linda has Legitimate type of power. Legitimate power is the power someone holds as the result of a hierarchy in an organization. They can influence employees because their position dictates it. This is similar to military rankings like what Linda did when she command everyone to speak to Cathy individually. She is more on commanding type of a leader.
Tracy has Moral type of power. Moral power is the degree to which an actor, by virtue of his or her perceived moral stature, is able to persuade others to adopt a particular belief or take a particular course of action Tracy proved that she shows moral type of power when she thought that the nurses had the right to accept or refuse participation and to be accountable as an individuals when she said that the responses might be too personal. When she mention that “ I believe we have the right to stand up for our own conclusions and I will stand behind each of you”. This is a powerful statement that will help each member toi feel secure and accountable under your leadership.
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