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Node B Command Line Interface Lazy Guide to Common Commands Ebrahim Jakoet  Lin Voigt

$hat%s co&ered' 

(his )resentation )ro&ides a basic guideline for using the command line interface to the Node B a&ailable in *++ for ,-(+. ,-(+. (he follo/ing items are co&ered0  1

Logging into the Node B using N+ or telnet


,ni3 command line editing commands


LE4 status on boards


Node B and Board restarts


$orking /ith configuration &ersions


5emote +hell login and Linkhandler )aths


6rinting V+$57 (- current7 8aults on sectors


6rinting Board error logs


6rinting acti&e alarms on site


6arameter &alue get and set commands

Login to the Node B using N+

Click here to login to site

Click and drag here to increase /indo/ size

(elnet to the site 

Click on Sun Tools -> Terminal  to o)en a terminal.

*n customer lan you can also use the dos command )rom)t by clicking Start -> Run and then ty)e cmd .

telnet to the Node B by ty)ing telnet  and the i) address of the Node B.

(he username and )ass/ords are all standardized to rbsxxxx  /here  xxxx  is the site id.

Editing commands 

cursor-up: recall )re&ious command

cursor-down: ne3t command in history

CTRL-a: go to beginning of command line

CTRL-e: go to end of command line

CTRL-h: backs)ace

CTRL-d: delete
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