NBME 15 BLOCK 1-4 (No Answers Version)

December 2, 2018 | Author: Monica Li | Category: Streptococcus, Estrogen, Medical Specialties, Anatomy, Earth & Life Sciences
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A) B) C) ) E)

Enterococcus faecalis streptococci Group A beta hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus mitis Streptococcus pneumoniae

A) B) C) )

Atrio!entricular bloc k Biliary colic Chronic cou"h ecrease# myocar#ial contractility

E) %) G) ') &) *)

ro$siness &ncrease# bloo# "lucose concentration &ntermittent clau#ication (iosis Seiures +innitus

A) B) C) ) E)

%emoral &nferior mesenteric &nternal iliac ,umbar Super-cial in"uinal

Consult a collea"ue for a#!ice about treatin" a minor $ithout parental consent iscuss $ith her the nee# for testin" her for other se.ually transmitte# #iseases &nter!ie$ se.ualofpartners /otify herher parents the -n#in"s +reat her infection an# refer her to social ser!ices

A) Constriction of the terminal bronchioles B) estruction of the al!eolar $alls C) -brosissecretion in the interstitium ) &ncrease# &ncrease# mucus in the bronchioles E) ,oss of elastic support to the $alls of the bronchioles

A) A#sorption an# penetration B) Early protein synthesis C) ) E) %) G) ') &)

Genome inte"ration ,ate protein synthesis /ucleic aci# synthesis 0acka"in" an# assembly 0rotein processin" elease ncoatin"

A) Anaphylactic B) Car#io"enic C) ) 'ypo!olemic /euro"enic E) Septic

A) Glossopharyn"eal ner!e B) 'ypo"lossal ner!e C) -bers from-bers the !a"us ) (otor 0arasympathetic from ner!e the !a"us ner!e E) Sympathetic -bers from the superior cer!ical "an"lion

A) B) C) ) E)

Aplastic anemia %olic aci# #e-ciency Sickle cell #isease Beta+halassemia minor itamin B12 5cobalamin) #e-ciency

A) o$n syn#rome B) 'eart #efect C) ) 'ypothyroi#ism /eural tube #efect E) 0rematurity

A) Arthus reaction B) C) ) E) %)

Chronic "ranulomatous #isease elaye# 5type &) hypersensiti!ity reaction &nsect bites ,ocalie# anaphyla.is Sunburn

A) ecrease# !ascular resistance B) 'yper!olemia C) bloo# 6o$ ) &ncrease# &ncrease# cutaneous metabolic rate E) 7ei"ht "ain

A) B) C) ) E) %)

Cytoskeleton En#oplasmic reticulum Gol"i apparatus (itochon#ria /ucleolus /ucleus

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A) Anaphyla.is as a result of antibiotic hypersensiti!ity B) ecrease# risk for en#ocar#itis C) risk of forahemolytic uremic syn#rome ) ecrease# Establishment chronic carrier state in the spleen E) 0rolon"e# fecal e.cretion of the or"anism

Anemia ru" in#uce# al!eolar hyper!entilation esi#ence at a hi"h altitu#e Se!ere re"ional mismatchin" of al!eolar !entilation an# pulmonary capillary perfusion oluntary hyper!entilation

he cytotrophoblast is present8 but the syncytiotrophoblast has not yet forme# astrulation is complete8 but there are only t$o "erm layers he neural plate is present8 but the neural tube is not yet complete lacental #e!elopment is complete8 but the embryo is resistant tonot terato"ens he sclerotome cells ha!e be"un mi"ratin"8 but the somites ha!e yet forme#

A) Amyl nitrite B) Erythropoietin C) Ethanol ) o.y"en E) 'yperbaric 0hysosti"mine

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