NBME 13 Answers Review

April 23, 2017 | Author: xx_caligurl_93xx | Category: N/A
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NBME 13: Uterosacral ligament is the only structure that extends posteriorly and attaches to cervical region. Local IL-1 and TNF effects lead to activation of osteoclasts and bone resorption in multiple myeloma! --> hypercalcemia Cocaine works by inhibiting NE reuptake at the presynaptic terminals. Chronic malabsorption leading to signs of severe vitamin deficiencies (retinal degeneration, ataxia, motor dysfunction) + acanthocytosis + low cholesterol--> abetalipoproteinemia due to Apo B 100 deficiency Exposure to paint thinner + ophthalmologic and neurologic symptoms + anion gap metabolic acidosis--> probably methanol exposure (give fomepizole = inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase) Chronic transplant rejection carried out by CD8+ T cells is due to direct cytotoxicity to graft cells Withdrawal symptoms of heroin include hyper-excitability (over react to stimuli around/startle response) and increased sympathetic discharge in newborns. Fibrosis = decreased tone (loss of function). Esophageal fibrosis-> decreased peristalsis and LES tone. Tetanus toxin works by inhibiting release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine. Cushing disease = hyperplasia of the cells in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal glands Homing - It is postulated that when tumor cells metastasize they are guided by release of cytokines or by presence of certain cell surface receptors, which explains why different tumors preferentially metastasize to certain organs. In this question, the antibody that was given blocked the cell surface receptors on liver cells preventing "homing" of tumor cells to the liver.

Photograph shows a collection of blood vessels of abnormal shape in the medial side of the brain, together with the history of seizures = congenital vascular malformation You never insert a needle BELOW a rib since the neurovascular bundle runs in the lower part of the rib. Thoracentesis should be done between 8th and 10th ribs to avoid lung injury. Glucagon and Epinephrine use Gs, adenyl cyclase pathway. Presence of weak pulse in lower limbs makes leaking aortic aneurysm the most probable answer. IgG response requires isotype switching from IgM which depends on T cell stimulation to B cells, T cells in that case were not stimulated because they recognize only protein antigens not polysaccharides. Hand cleansing is generally the most important and effective measure in preventing nosocomial infections. Praziquantel increases permeability of membranes to calcium, cause paralysis and death of parasite. Relative Risk < 1 = decreased risk. If CI doesn’t contain 1 the result = significant. Using compression sleeves is one of the recommended treatments for lymphedema. Slow nerve conduction = problem in the myelin sheath = slowing down of action potential propagation = depends on voltage gated Na channels. NT gated channels = initial excitation to the nerve; impairment = absent impulse not slowed conduction. Tachycardia, hypertension, pupillary dilatation and diaphoresis: typical of amphetamine and cocaine intoxication. Pheochromocytoma, when such a tumor occurs outside the adrenal gland, it is called paraganglioma. Alcoholism selectively destroys the vermis (central) part of the cerebellum which is responsible for coordination of truncal movements, leading to gait instability.

Collapse of the femoral head with preservation of the cartilage indicates avascular (aka aseptic) necrosis; the cartilage being an avascular structure is protected from the effects of ischemia, while the femoral head is highly vulnerable to ischemia due to its limited blood supply. The corticosteroids taken by the patient is a known risk factor for aseptic necrosis of the femur. The thoracic portion of the esophagus takes blood supply from branches of the aorta and the bronchial arteries. Peptidyl transferase is an aminoacyltransferase which forms peptide bonds (covalent) between adjacent amino acids using tRNAs during the translation process of protein biosynthesis. Function of myeloperoxidase = converting hydrogen peroxide into hyalide radicals. Adductor magnus (damage = weak hip adduction) origin: partially from the inferior ramus of the ischium, and inserts into the medial side of the femur. Chediak-Higashi syndrome, an immunodeficiency syndrome with giant granules in neutrophils and albinism, due to defective neutrophil function because of failure of phagolysosome formation. Acute intermittent porphyria is autosomal dominant. Except for congenital erythropoietic porphyria (AR), all the other well-known types of porphyria are AD. HPV E6 protein is the only foreign protein in a cancer (from options) so it produces the strongest immune response. Branchial cyst, formed due to incomplete obliteration of the 2nd branchial cleft by the branchial arch during embryonic development; it is found in front of the anterior border of the sternomastoid muscle. (The other cystic neck swelling, cystic hygroma, is found along the posterior border). High carboxyhemoglobin indicates CO poisoning, CO impairs oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria by inhibiting the last step catalyzed by the enzyme cytochrome oxidase (aka Cyt a+a3) Whenever you see fever and are asked cytokine = IL-1! Vertebral osteoporosis with a compression fracture associated with IL-1 (since it activates osteoclasts and is increased in postmenopausal osteoporosis which is characterized by increased resorption).

The sequence (AATAAA) which is transcribed into (AAUAAA) is the signal required to start adenylation and formation of the poly A tail, and it is located downstream (3) of the coding region. The function of the tail is to protect the mRNA from cleavage, in its absence most of the mRNA would be broken down by the endonucleases in the nucleus. Tyrosine kinases family acts as downstream effectors of various growth factors. Function through phosphorylating tyrosine residues on different proteins. Missense mutation = it didnt lead to a premature termination of translation, so didnt affect the amount of the enzyme formed, so it probably led to the formation of a non-functional enzyme that cant phosphorylate. Thyroid hormone is a steroid (lipid-soluble) so it acts intracellularly on a nuclear receptor. Periosteum = Inner layer has osteoblasts which cause new bone formation post fracture.

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