NBDE I 2010

May 9, 2017 | Author: Sathya Sudhan | Category: N/A
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NBDE I 2010 1. 4~5 very detailed questions about Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; characteristics, manifestations, symptoms of progressed/advanced case, serologic testing, corelation to Rheumatoid factor (RF) 2.2~3 questions for Bone healing process; histologic feature after 4 years of healing 3. Which is not a cause of thrombosis; know the causes of thrombosis very well – hypertention? Hypercoagulation of blood? Turbulence or stasis of blood? 4. Advantage of dry-heat sterilization over autoclaving 5. Where is the most common site the lung cancer found? Bonchiole epithelium? Bronchus epithelium? Alveolar? Pleural layer? 6. Stimulation of salivary gland by Nicontinic? Or Muscarinic? 7.2 questions for ethics / Know the definitions for 4 principles from ethics class; beneficial, autonomus, etc. 8. Know the circle of Willis / which one is not a part of the circle of Willis; basilar artery? 9. Q fever = Coxiella burnetii 10. Why are Rickettsia notorious? Damage on endothelial cell? epithelial cell? Or other pathologic mechanism? 11. Jaundice on Hepatitis A patient. Why? / Hepatic cell damage? 12. Know the details about similarities and differences between skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells. 4~5 questions 13. The layers in order of epiphyseal plate; reserve zone, proliferative zone, hypertrophy zone, calcification zone, and ossification zone? 14. Know the layers of epidermis and contents / where can you find tonofibril? 15. Know the caclification of permanent teeth / at least anteriors, canines, and 1st molars 16. Antigen presenting cells; Macrophage, Dendritic cell, and B cell 17. From facial view, the shape of mesial side of maxillary canine from contact point to cervical line / straight, concave, convex? Or shorter than distal, or longer than distal side?

18. 6~8 questions for TMJ; innervation, pain sensation, nutrition for disc, blood supply, superior/inferior space / TMJ is load-bearing joint? Not sure / Hinge and translation movements 19. Sagittal view of envelop movement of mandible, know the points 20. Classic questions for sublingual contents related to hyoglossus muscle / lingual artery 21. Which membrane is piereced by internal laryngeal nerve? Hyothyroid membrane 22. Which nerve innervated to the below vocal folds? Internal laryngeal nerve? 23. Know the blood supply to larynx asending pharyngeal 24. Which nerve passing between superior and middle constrictor muscles? Glossopharyngeal nerve? 25. Know V(D)J recombination of antibody / mechanism 26. High fatty diet stimulates which endocrine cell? 27. Listeria monocytogens = risk of spontaneous abortion 28. Know Beriberi / which enzyme is affected by thiamine deficiency? 29. CN 5 nucleus for pain and temperature / Spinal trigeminal nucleus 30. sequence of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol / skin >> liver >> kidney 31. 17 y/o girl, acute periodontitis, but has spare plaque. Which bacteria causes this symptom? 32. The most common bacteria on skin / Strep? Or Staphy? 33. ATP synthesis during glycolysis / which enzyme involved? / pyruvate kinase 34. Which vein drains into the left renal vein and inferior vena cava / gonadal vein 35. Muscle innervated by radial nerve / tricep 36. what is the unique histologic feature of hepatic portal vein? 37. which one is not a part of temporal bone? / foramen ovale = sphenoid bone

38. superior orbital fissure / between lesser and greater wing of the sphinoid bone 39. formation of retromandibular vein Superficial temporal and maxillary 40. Posterior cusp height determinants / overjet and overbiet, and how they affect on cusp height? Larger overbite longer cusp. Larger overjet, shorter cusp. Steap eminensia angle. Longer cusp. 41. Normal serum calcium and posphate concentration for adult male? / know specific number Ionized calcium (Ca) 1.03[11] , 1.10[2] 1.23[11] , 1.30[2] mmol/L …..4.1 [12] , 4.4[12] 4.9 [12] , 5.2[12] mg/dL Inorganic phosphorus (serum) 1.0[5] 1.5[5] mmol/L …..3.0[5] 4.5[5] mg/dL 42. Which one does cover over the ulcer on hard palate? Those are all that I can recall. It was harder than I expected and there were some questions asking very specific details. I found only about 10 questions from previously released questions. It will be little bit challenging though, good luck every one! Nicitinic preganglion para syathetic. What is the product of cholesterol metabolism. Epi postsynaptic sypithetc What does parkinsons, eissimers, and something have in common. What nucleus does the sensory of the face synapes….VPM Vision synapse in laateral geniculate. Lenth will decrease. Resistace 8nl/pi r^4 Angiotension. What vit deffience will caouse bleading C, K. Ascorbic acid Thiamine-carboxylation….carb and AA breakdown. Dry heat doest dull. Lisseria monocytogenes—neonatal meningitis. Neonatal cepsis. Fetal death Strep pneu, klessbsiela.= antiphagocytic capsul. Streptomycin-protein inhebitoer, Rockymountain fever. tetracyclen, What inhibits gyrace- ceprophloxian. What would cause a underdeveloped or small orgin….. hypotrophy, aplasia. Scarlet fever- strep pyogens. What type of immune cells are pressent in advanced periodontitis…….? What causes painless hematouria……

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