Navigate A1 WorkBook

May 11, 2017 | Author: MarianoSchneider | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Navigate Beginner A1 WorkBook...


Jane Hudson Series Adviser Catherine Walter

Navigate workbook

with key



Jane Hudson Series Adviser Catherine Walter

Navigate workbook

with key



Contents 1

F ir s t m e e t in g s

Om Oxford 3000™ Navigate has been based on the Oxford 3000 to ensure that learners are only covering the most relevant vocabulary.

page 4

Grammar verb be (l/you) verb be (we/you) question words

5 7 9

Vocabulary introductions numbers 1-10; countries the alphabet

4 6 8

Speaking hello and goodbye


W riting filling in a form


Pronunciation saying names of countries the alphabet Listening fo r pleasure Murder in Kingston [2

Q u e s t io n s

6 8 11 page 12 13 15 16

Vocabulary objects; numbers 11-100 jobs prepositions of place

12 14 17 18 18

Pronunciation word stress: -teen and -ty word stress: jobs

12 14


P e o p le a n d p o s s e s s io n s

Writing a social media message


Pronunciation stress in yes/no questions and answers


Listening fo r pleasure Unusual collections



page 20

Grammar have got, has got have got negatives and questions possession

21 22 25

Vocabulary adjective + noun phrases (1); irregular plurals opposite adjectives family

20 23 24

M y life

page 28

Grammar present simple positive present simple negative present simple yes/no questions

28 31 33

Vocabulary common verbs transport daily activities

29 30 32

Speaking in a shop


W riting an informal email


Pronunciation present simple with he/she/it stress in present simple yes/no questions and answers

28 32

Review: Units 3 & 4

[ 5

W riting a blog

Review: u n its 1 & 2


[ 4

Grammar this/that/these/those; verb be (it/they) verb be (he/she/it/they) subject pronouns

Speaking telling the time

Speaking everyday expressions

S ty le a n d d e s ig n


page 36

Grammar adverbs of frequency Wh- questions present simple - all forms

36 39 40

Vocabulary colours and clothes adjectives parts of the body adjective modifiers

37 38 41 41

Speaking travel information


Writing making arrangements by text


Pronunciation word stress: clothes plural forms

37 41

Reading fo r pleasure ■ The Girl with Red Hair


I 6 Places a n d fa c ilitie s

page 44

Grammar there is/there are is th e re ...?/Are th e re ...? ■ all the and each

45 47 49

vocabulary ■ places in a town hotel facilities ■ rooms and furniture

44 46 48

Speaking explaining problems


W riting ■ a hotel review


Pronunciation is th e re ... ?!Are th e re ...? linking (1)

47 49

Review: Units 5 & 6

[ 7 S kills a n d in te re s ts


page 52

Grammar can/can't Can y o u ...? like + -Ing

53 54 56

Vocabulary skills ■ adverbs of manner hobbies like, love, hate + -ing

52 55 56 57

Speaking ■ simple requests


W riting a post on a social media website


Pronunciation can, can't can, c a n t in questions and statements linking vowels with /w/ or /j/ Reading fo r pleasure Last Chance [ 8 O u r p a st

Writing a biography


Pronunciation was and were regular past simple endings linking (2)

60 63 65

Review: Units 7 & 8

[ 9 U nusual s to rie s


p age 68 I

Grammar past simple irregular verbs past simple negatives and questions ago

68 70 72

Vocabulary adjective + noun phrases (2) verb phrases (1)

69 71

Speaking the weather


Writing a review of an event


Pronunciation sentence stress word stress in two-syllable words

71 73

Listening fo r pleasure Kim Peek


[1 0

N e w places, n e w p ro je c ts

p age 76

Grammar going to positive and negative going to questions and short answers would like

76 79 80

53 54 57

Vocabulary future time phrases verb phrases (2) prepositions of time cafe food

77 78 79 80


Speaking ordering food and drink


Writing invitations and thank-you notes


Pronunciation going to ■ silent letters

77 81

page 60

Grammar verb be past simple ■ past simple regular verbs object pronouns

60 63 64

Vocabulary dates was born/died ■ past time phrases

61 62 65

Speaking ■ special occasions


Review: Units 9 & 10


A u d io s c rip ts

page 84

A n s w e r key

page 92


First meetings 1.1

On business or on holiday?

vocabulary introductions 1

Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the box. on business on holiday on holiday to study


I'm Aneta. I'm here on holiday .

I'm Haluk. I'm here_________ .

I'm Sachi. I'm here_________ .

I'm Ryan. I'm here_________ .

Match beginnings 1-8 to endings a-h. 1 Hello, a business? b you. 2 Hi, I'm c I'm not. 3 Nice d I am. 4 And e I'm Luz. 5 Are you here to f Murat, 6 No, g study? 7 Are you here on h to meet you. 8 Yes,

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Complete the conversation between Chris and David. Use the words in the box. And HeWe Hi holiday Nice No study Yes you Chris David Chris David

1 Hello . I'm Chris. 2_________ , I'm David. 3_________ to meet you. 4_________ you. Are 5_________ here on holiday? 6_________ , I'm not. I'm here to 7_________ . And you? Are you here on 8_________ ? Chris 9_________ , I am.






verb be (I/you) 4

Complete the sentences with I or you. 1 I 'm Lola. 2 Are_________ here on holiday? 3 _________ 'm not Ahmet. 4 _________ 'm here to study. 5 Are_________ Sarah? 6 _________ 'm not on business.


Complete the conversations. 1 Viktor Hi. I'm Viktor. Amy _________ Amy. 2 Kemal Hello,_________ Kemal. Susie H i,_________ Susie. 3 A m y ___________________ on business? Susie No,_. 4 Viktor _________ here on holiday. And you? Kemal _________ here to study. 5 V i k t o r ___________________ Susie? Susie Yes,_. 6 Amy Hello.___________________ Viktor? Kemal No,_________Kemal.

I c a n ...

introduce myself ask questions with be.

6a ((JirchjHhe correct options. 1 __ Will. a (Fm) b Ami 2 __ Sabine. a Am I b I’m not 3 __ here on business? a You aren't b Are you 4 __ Frida? a You’re b Are you 5 __ to study. a Am I b I’m here 6 __ on holiday? a Are you b You aren’t 7 __ Ben. a I'm not b Am I 8 __ here to study. a Are you b You're b 1.1))) Listen and check your answers. C 1 .1 )))Listen

again and repeat.

very well

Quite well

More practice

o o

o o

o o 5


Where are you from?

w m m m i numbers 1-10; countries 1

Complete the crossword.



Complete the series. 1 one two 2 two four 3 three six 4 one three 5 five six 6 six eight 7 three two 8 ten nine


Label the photos with the names of the countries.

1 Moscow. Russia

2 Sydney,_________

3 Beijing,_________

4 Rio de Janeiro,

5 Istanbul,

6 New York,

7 Tokyo,_________

8 Java,_________

9 Madrid,_________




saying names of countries

4a Complete the table with the countries in the box. Australia Brazil China Japan

Stress on syllable one

Russia Turkey

Stress on syllable two


b 1.2)))Listen and check your answers.

C 1.2))) Listen again and repeat.


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verb be (we/you) 5

Complete the sentences with I'm or We’re.


from Turkey.

_________ from Indonesia.

_________ from Spain.

_________ from Russia.

_________ from Brazil.

_________ from Australia.

6a Make the sentences negative. Use the words in (brackets). 1 We’re from the UK. (the USA) We w e n t from the lASA._______________________ 2 I'm from Japan. (China) I___________________________________________ 3 We’re here on holiday, (on business) We_________________________________________ 4 I’m Susie. (Amy) 1___________________________________________ 5 You’re here to study, (on holiday) You_________________________________________ 6 We're from Washington. (New York) We_________________________________________ 7 You're from Brazil. (Spain) You_________________________________________


Complete the conversation between Igor (I), Ratu (R) and Nuray (N). I Hello,1 I'm Igor. R Hi,2_________ Ratu. N And 3_________ Nuray. I Nice to meet you. W here4___________________ from, Ratu? R 5__________from Indonesia. I And you, Nuray? N 6__________from Turkey. I 7____________________here to study? R, N No,8___________________. 9_________ on holiday.


Put eight more capital letters in the correct places. My name isMarisol. i'm from Seville in spain. javier and i are on holiday in turkey, we are in a hotel in istanbul.

b 1.3))) Listen and check your answers.

I c a n ...

say countries and numbers 1- 10. talk about where I'm from.

very well

Quite well

More practice

o o

o o

o o 7

1.3 How do you spell that? w m m m i the alphabet 1 a (Circleithe letter with a different sound.

b 1.4 § Listen and check your answers.

2a 1.5)))Listen and write what you hear.

b Match numbers 1-8 in exercise 2a to photos A-H.

PRONUNCIATION TIP To remember A, E, /, 0, U: A = day E = meet

l = hi 0 = no


the alphabet

3a Complete the table with the words in the box. addtess are bye day hi phone see spell you

h \!




home meet





b 1.6)))Listen and check your answers to exercise 3a.


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question words 4a (Lhghjithe correct word. 1 __ 's your name? a What b How 2 __ do you spell that? a What b How 3 _are you from? a What b How 4 _in Russia? a What b How 5 __ 'syour phone number? a What b Flow

c Where c Where c Where c Where





6a Put lines a-i in the correct order to make a conversation, a Hi. I'm Tymon. What's your name? 1 b How do you spell that?__ c K-E-l-R-A?__ d I'm from Gdansk in Poland.__ e Hello. My name’s Keira.__ f I'm from Bristol in the UK. And you?__ g Yes, that's right.__ h K-E-I-R-A.__ i Where are you from, Keira?__ b 1.8))) Listen and check your answers to exercise 6a.

c Where

b Match answers a-e to questions 1-5 in exercise 4a. a 3 I’m from Russia. b __ Vladivostok. c __ My name's Viktor. d __ 007 495 23005799

e __ V-I-K-T-O-R 5a Write the questions. A 1 What's your name? B My name's Amy. A B A B A B A B


My last name's Chang. 3__________________

C-H-A-N-G 4__________________

I'm from China. 5__________________ 0086189 9820334

b 1.7))) Listen and check your answers. C 1.7))) Listen again and repeat.

I c a n ...

say the alphabet. use question words.

Very well

Quite well

More practice

o o

o o

o o 9

1.4 Speaking and writing dEEHflifl hello and goodbye 1

Complete the table with the words and phrases in the box.

filling in a form 3

Match words 1-6 to information a-f. 1 First name a Avenida Lusitana, 13, Granada 2 Last name b Spain 3 Country c 0034 758 3902281 d dzVn fa /iz 4 Home address e Eva 5 Phone number f Sanz 6 Signature


Read the information and complete the student registration card.

Bye Goodbye Good morning Have a nice day Hello Hi How are you? Morning See you later

H e llo


(jood wiomiviy


Complete the conversations. Write one word. 1 A Hello. B Hi . 2 A Goodbye. B _________ . 3 A _________ are you? B _________ , thanks. And you? A Great,_________ . 4 A Have a nice_________ . B Thanks. You,_________ . 5 A _________ morning. B _________ . 6 A Bye. B _________ you later.

Hello, I'm Faruk Akkaya from Turkey. I'm here to study English. My address is 39 Beykoz Sokak, Ankara. My phone number is 0090 508 99200437.

Student Registration Card F ir s t n a m e

1 Faruk

Last n a m e


H o m e ad d re ss

3 A n k a ra

l c a n ... say hello and goodbye. fill in a form.

C o u n try


Phone num ber


S ig n a t u r e

Faruk A kka ya

Very well

Quite well

More practice

o o

o o

o o







Listening for pleasure

Murder in Kingston 1

Look at the illustrations. Put them in order 1-4.

2a 1.9 ))) Listen to an extract from a radio play. Tick ( / ) the woman you believe. Mrs Penelope R. Hoffman __ Mrs Fiona D. Wright __


What do you think happens next? Look at the illustrations and choose one.


1.10)))Listen to the next part of the radio play and check your answer to exercise 3. You can read along on page 85.

b 1.9 ))) Listen to the extract again. Turn to page 84 and read along. 11

Questions 2.1

What's this in English?

ummim objects; numbers 11-100 1a Complete the objects with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and write a or an if necessary.

b 2.11 Listen and check your answers. 2


Complete the series. 1 eight, nine, ten, eleven 2 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,_________ 3 thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three,_________ 4 ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine,_________ 5 six, eight, ten,_________ 6 fourteen, sixteen, eighteen,_________ 7 forty-three, forty-five, forty-seven,_________ 8 fifty, sixty, seventy,_________

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word stress: -teen and -ty

3a 2.2))) Listen and write the numbers you hear.

b 2.2))) Listen again and repeat.






this!that!these!those', verb be (it/they) 4

f i r c l f the correct options.

1 What’s
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