MATS Law School Project on “Nature and Scope of Administrative
BY Ms. Disha Atri
Dewangan Asst Asst.. Prof Profes esso sorr
B.A. B.A.LL LL.B .B [1]
MATS Law School
4th Semester
MATS Uniersit!
MU"#BALLB"$ A!N"#L$%&$M$NT
%e& here'!& want !o( to )now that we than) o(r college *MATS LA% S+,OOL- for roi/ing (s with intellect(al an/ co0oeratie fac(lt! for Legal metho/ 1Ms. Disha Atri2 who allotte/ (s the ro3ect toic *5at(re an/ Scoe of A/ministratie law- an/ gae (s the oort(nit! to research on the toic an/ gain )nowle/ge an/ comman/ oer it. we wo(l/ also li)e to than) o(r Director sir Dr. 6.P. Triathi for roi/ing er! informatie& f(ll of )nowle/ge an/ great ariet! of 'oo)s in the college li'rar!& at the same time we wo(l/ li)e to than) the li'rarian Mr. Anil Dewangan to allow (s to the refer the 'oo)s an/ sen/ amle of time in the li'rar!. 5at(re an/ Scoe of A/ministratie law on which roe/ to 'e a 'oon for (s an/ o(r ro3ect hele/ (s a lot in (n/erstan/ing the 'asics of the toic. Next, we convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to my friends and family for rendering constructive and valuable suggestions and comments that have helped a lot in improving the quality and content of the project and also helped us for completing the project in limited time frame.
Than) Yo( Pragati Dewangan I7 SEMESTE8
%e are here to resent ro3ect wor) entitle/ “Nature and Scope of Administrative law” s('mitte/ to the MATS Uniersit! is the original wor) /one '! (s (n/er the g(i/ance of Ms. Disha& MATS Law School& 6(ll(& Arang& an/ this ro3ect has not erforme/ the 'asis for the awar/ of an! Degree or /iloma an/ similar ro3ect if an!. It9s for o(r ersonal interest an/ )nowle/ge. Pragati Dewangan
B.A.LL.B Semester
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Intro/(ction Definition '! /ifferent A(thors Scoe Significance 8eason for 6rowth Diec! on A/ministratie law +oncl(sion
A/ministratie law is the 'o/! of law that goerns the actiities of a/ministratie agencies of the goernment which comrise of r(le ma)ing or legislation1when /elegate/ to them '! the Legislat(re as an/ when the nee/ 'e2&a/3(/ication1to rono(nce /ecisions while giing 3(/gements
%$*(N(T("N )- %(**$'$NT AUT."'S+, L D %hite o'seres& *P('lic A/ministration consist of all those oerations haing for their (rose the f(lfilment or enforcement of ('lic olic!-. Pliffner /efines It wo(l/ seem that *P('lic A/ministration consists of getting the wor) of goernment /one '! co0or/inating the efforts of the eole so that the! can wor) together to accomlish their set tas)s-. Prof %oo/row %ilson /efine/ P('lic A/ministration as /etaile/ an/ s!stematic eec(tion of ('lic lawC eer! artic(lar alication of general law is an act of a/ministration. L(ther 6(llic) P('lic A/ministration is that art of the science of a/ministration which has to /o with 6oernment an/ th(s concerns itself rimaril! with the eec(tie 'ranch where the wor) of the goernment is /one. Dwight %al/o& /efines P('lic A/ministration as the art an/ science of management as alie/ to
S"P$ "* A%M(N(ST'AT(/$ LA# A/ministratie law /etermines the organiation& owers an/ /(ties of a/ministratie a(thorities. The emhasis of A/ministratie Law is on roce/(res for formal a/3(/ication 'ase/ on
The a2
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A/ministratie is
is on
fo(n/e/ the
'2 5o ower is a'sol(te or (ncontrolle/ howsoeer 'roa/ the nat(re of the same might 'e. c2 There sho(l/ 'e reasona'le restrictions on eercise of s(ch owers /een/ing on the sit(ation.
Tho(gh a/ministratie law is as ol/ as a/ministration itself since the! cannot eist searatel!&in In/ia the earl! signseistence of a/ministratie law co(l/ 'e fo(n/ in the treatises written /(ring the reign of the Ma(r!as&6(tas&M(ghals as well as East In/ia +oman!1mo/ern a/ministratie
It is 'ase/ on the concet of r(le of law that s(orts 5at(ral F(stice 1to a/3(/icate 'ase/ on imartialit!&(n3(stness an/ the rescri'e/ laws an/ legal metho/s instea/ of ar'itrariness an/ a'(se of official ower on the art of got. while sering the eole an/ /eci/ing cases 'ro(ght 'efore its Tri'(nals&etc. 5at(ral 3(stice is 'asicall! alie/ in cases where there are no laws rescri'e/&here the in/ii/(al has to 'e gien an oort(nit! to 'e hear/ an/ the 3(/gement is to 'e ta)en into consi/eration the artic(lar facts an/ cases of the case an/ the 3(/gement sho(l/ 'e free from 'ias2. It is to reent iolation of eoleGs rights '! officials in ower.
A/ministratie law secifies the rights an/ lia'ilities of riate in/ii/(als in their /ealings with ('lic officials an/ also secifies the roce/(res '! which those rights an/ lia'ilities can 'e enforce/ '! those riate in/ii/(als. It roi/es acco(nta'ilit! an/ resonsi'ilit! in the a/ministratie f(nctioning. Also there are secifie/ laws an/ r(les an/ reg(lations that g(i/e
an/ /irect the internal a/ministration relations li)e hierarch!&/iision of la'o(r&etc.
It is er! significant 'eca(se if it /i/ not eist then the er! concet of haing a /emocrac! an/ a goernment to wor) for the eole wo(l/ 'e self /efeating 'eca(se then there wo(l/ 'e no resonsi'ilit! or acco(nta'ilit! of the ('lic officials to an!'o/! an/ the a/ministration wo(l/ r(n ar'itraril! th(s creating a h(ge monster that wo(l/ eat ( the er! s!stem. There wo(l/ 'e an (set in the 'alance in areas s(ch as olice law& international tra/e& man(fact(ring& enironmental&
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"2 8ise in comleit! warrante/ han/ling of aria'le '! the state a(thorities in or/er to roi/e f(nctioning in that area with necessar! certaint! an/ rescritions. #2 In/(strial reol(tion that res(lte/ in the coming ( of cities an/ new t!es of economic transactions necessitate/ han/ling of affairs '! got in or/er to facilitate ro/(ction&s(l! an/ echange of ro/(cts an/ serices.
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