Nature and Characteristics of Research (Theological Perspective)
Short Description
This is a presentation on nature and characteristics of research contextualized on theological research...
RE1. Methods of Theological Research Chapter 1 Nature and Characteristics of Research By: Jonas P. Villas St. John the Evangelist School of Theology Palo Leyte, Philippines
you've learned is the source of the background information you use to communicate with others.
you haven't learned more than your audience already knows, there is nothing for you to share.
Thus you do research!
Research is a syste stema mattic, formal rigorous and precise process employed to gain solutions to problems and/or to discover and interpret new facts and relationships. (Waltz and Bausell, 1981 1981,, p.1) p.1)..
Research is the process of looking for a specific answer to a specific question in an organized objective reliable way (Payton, 1979, p.4)
Research is systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena (Ker (Kerliling nger er,, 1973, 973, p.1) p.1)..
for knowledge or any systematic s ystematic investigation to establish facts.
Discovering iscovering,,
interpreting, and the development interpreting, development of of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity of curiosity.. Social research refers to research conducted by social scientists. scientists.
rese resear arch ch by definition speaks of the divine/human encounter, and takes place in a community of people. heolog ogic ical al Theol
Theological research calls the seminarian to reflect on his/her tradition, experience and faith journeyin other words, to examine his/her soul. an
extension of selfhooda thrust of intentionality tow toward me mea aning ning withi ithin n one oness lif life eworl world d --faith-based
identity and vocation --form a context of meaning through which the seminarian learns to live theologically theologically
A seminarians research interests should emerge from a faith-based identity and journey with God. Selection of a research topicespecially for a major projectcalls for a moment of spiritual journaling.
writing is a mirror of the soul isc ern by which the researcher d isc erns the work of God within.
Purposes Purposes and Fu Functions of Research
Exploratory ecome e fami familiar with Becom the basic facts, sett se ttin ing g and and conc concer erns ns.. Create a general mental of picture conditions. Formulate and focus ques uestion tions s for futur uture e research. Generate new ideas, conjectures, or hypotheses. D e t er m i n e the feasibility of conductin conducting g research research.. Develop techniques ad locating future
Descriptive Provide a detailed highly accurate picture. Locate new data that contradicts past data. Create a set of categories or class assify ify types. Classi fy a sequence of steps or stages. Document a causal process or mechanism. Report on the background or context of the
Explanatory Test a theory or prediction principle. Elaborate and enrich theo theory ryÑs Ñs explanation. Extend a theory to new issues or topics. Su pport or refute an explanation or prediction. Link issues or topics with a gener al principle. Determine which or several explanation is bes est. t.
of Good Research
There should be the possibility of surprise in social research. research. look for differences that make a difference build in reality checks to see if identical analyses yield similar res ults for different samples of people compare like with like study change Let method be the servant, not the master.
Role of Theory heory in Research
Theory is a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that conde onden nses or orga rganize zess knowl nowled edg ge abou bout the the soci socia al world. rld. It also defi efined as a generalization or series of generalizations by which we attempt to expl expla ain some some phen pheno ome men na in a syst system ema atic tic manner er.. (Wiersama,1995).
theories explain recurring patterns not unique or one time event.
theories are explanations for aggregates not particular individuals.
theorist state a probability, chance or tendency of events to occur, rather than stating that one event must absolutely follow another
Role of Theory heory in Research
Theory in general makes it easier to read someone elses research or to conduct your own. Such awareness of how theory fits into the research process produces better designed, easier to understand, and better conduc conducted ted studie studies. s. A theory provides a framework for conducting research, and it can be used for synthesizing and explaining (through generalization) research results.
Theory helps provide a framework by serving as a point of departure for the pursuit of a resea res earch rch proble problem. m.
Role of Theory heory in Research Th eory identifies th e crucial factors. It provides guide for systematizing and interrelating h e various facets of research t h
Theory also may very well identify gaps, weak points and inco nconsi nsiste stencie nciess that that ind indicate cate the the nee need for add additio itiona nall research. research. The development development of the theory may light the way for continued research on the phenomena under study.
Steps/ Stages/Components in/of the Research Process
1. Select a Topic
7. Inform Others
2. Focus Question
THEORY 6. Interpret Data 3. Design Study
5. Analyze Data
4. Collect Data
Kinds and classification of Research according to Purpose
Basic research
Conducted to develop, test, or refine theory Examples related to learning theory
Piaget Constructivism Mastery learning Gardners multiple intelligences intelligences
Kinds and classification of Research according to Purpose
Applied research
Conducted to to examine the usefulness of theory in solving practical educational problems Examples
seventh grade social studies curriculum around a problem-solving approach to learning Examining the effectiveness of a computer-based algebra program developed around a mastery learning approach Accommodating varied learning styles when teaching lessons in modern literature
Kinds and classification of Research according to Purpose
Evaluation research
Conducted to assess the merit or worth of a specific practice in terms of the values operating at a specific site
Merit is exemplified by a program accomplishing accomplishing what is was supposed to accomplish Worth is exemplified by the value attached to a program by those using it
Evalu Evaluat atio ion n (cont (contin inue ued) d)
The computerized algebra program being used in Williams Middle School has been installed properly, is being used properly, and student achievement is increasing as a result of its use The computerized algebra program being used in Willi illiam amss Mi Midd ddle le School is perceived to be an efficient and effective expenditure of district funds
Kinds and classification of Research according to Purpose
Research and Development R & D The major purpose of an R&D is not to formulate or test a theory but to develop effective products whether in school or in the social sciences. Once completed, products are field tested, revised until a specified level of effectiveness is achieved. achieved.
Kinds and classification of Research according to Purpose Action
Research This is concerned with a local problem and is conducted in a local setting. It is not concerned whether the results are generalizable to any other setting. The primary goal of action research is to generate a so lution of a given problem, not contribution to science.
Examples How can our college move to a performance based model for undergraduate teacher preparation programs? How can disciplinary policies be enforced consistently in our school?
Characteri stic s C yc lical
nat ure of data c ollecti on on and analysi s Four basic steps ± i denti fy fy a pr ob oblem, c ollect acti on data, analyze data, and take act on t o resolve the pr ob oblem Typically the educat or ÒownsÓ the pr ob oblem i n that they carr y out the research themselves Potential pr ob oblem Insular nat ure of the pr ocess ri go gor of the st udy udy
can affect the
Kinds and classification of Research according to Method
Purpose to describe current conditions Examples
How many students drop out of school in LNU? What are the attitudes of pare ren nts, students, and teachers to an extended school year? What kinds of activities typically occur in sixth-grade art classes, and how fre req quently does each occur? What have been the re rea actions of school administra rattors to inno innova vati tion onss in teac teachi hing ng phys physic ical al scie scienc nce? e? To what extent are elementary teachers using math manipulatives?
Use of large samples Use of tests, questionnaires, and surveys Focused on information related to preferences, attitudes, practices, concerns, or interests Statistical analysis of numerical data
Potential problems
development Low response rates Honest responses from subjects
Kinds and classification of Research according to Method
Purpose Purpose to ascertain ascertain the the extent extent to which which two or more variables are statistically related Examples
is the relationship between ACT scores and freshmen grades? Is a teachers sense of efficacy related to their effectiveness? Do significant relationships exist between the types of activities used in math classrooms and student achievement? What
Correlational (continued)
Measurement with a correlation coefficient coefficient One group of subjects measured on two variables Use of instruments to measure variables Focused on the direction and nature of the relationship
Correlational (continued)
Potential problems
development development Inferring cause and effect relationships
Kinds and classification of Research according to Method
Purpose Purpose to explore explore relatio relationship nshipss among among variables that cannot be actively manipulated or controlled by the researcher Examples
is the effect of part -time employment on the achievement of high school students? What characteristics characteristics differentiate students who dropout from those who do not? What is the effect of attending a magnet school on student attitude?
Causal comparative (continued)
of subjects from at least two groups in which the cause (i.e., the independent variable) has already occurred Statistical comparisons of the effect (i.e., the dependent variable) variable) using at least two groups
Potential problems
cause and effect relationships
Potential problems
of researcher to adequately control extraneous variables Use of complicated research designs Complex statistical analyses of data
Kinds and classification of Research according to Method
Purpose Purpose to establis establish h cause cause and effec effect t relationships between variables Examples
Examine the effect of teaching with a 1) co operative groups strategy or 2) traditional lecture approach on students achievement Examine the effect of teaching with manipulatives manipulatives or a traditional algorithm approach on the test scores of algebra students
procedures for selecting subjects and assigning them to groups Manipulation of the causal variable Control of extraneous variables Statistical analysis of numerical data
Kinds and classification of Research according to Method
Historical research
Purpose Purpose to gain insight insight into into past events, events, issues, issues, of personalities to better understand the current situation Examples
The difficulties being experienced while implementing a standards based curriculum can be understood more completely if one recognizes the historical top -down control of curriculum imposed on teachers by the State Department of Education Current parochial school policies can be better understood with knowledge of the role these schools have played in the education of students in the community for the last fifty years
Historical research (continued)
Focus on specific individuals, social issues, events, or policies Documents and artifacts are the primary sources of data Data is already available and is complied, presented, and interpreted Data is examined carefully carefully for authenticity and truthfulness
Historical research (continued)
Potential problems
Authenticity Truthfulness Reliance on secondary sources Values of researcher can affect interpretation
and Measurement Scales
A variable is a concept -a noun that stands for variation within a class of objects such as gender, hair color, religion, etc. A variable could be characterized a quantitative (numerical) e.g. height, income,, etc. or qualitative A (categorical) e.g. hair color, religion, etc. numerical variable may also be discrete or continuous.
ependent Independ
(Experimental, reatment, Grou rouping) Variable Treatment,
and Measurement Scales
That That fa fact ctor or whic which h is m easur ed, ed, manipulat ed, ed, or s el ect ed by th e exp erim ent er to de t ermin e its re lationship to an o bs erv ed ph enom enon .
ependent Depend
Manipulated, lated,
(Outcome) Variable
That That fa fact ctor or whi which is o bs erv ed a n d me asur ed t o de t ermin e th e eff ect of th e ind ep end ent varia bl e, e, i .e., .e., that factor that app ears, disapp ears, or vari es as th e exp erim ent er introduc es, r emov es, or vari es th e ind ep end ent varia bl e. e.
Mod Moderator Variable
and Measurement Scales
That factor That factor which is m easur ed, manipulat ed, or s el ect ed by th e exp erim ent er to r to discov er wh eth er it modifi es th e r elationship of lationship of th th e ind ep end ent varia nt varia bl e to an o bs erv ed ph enom enon . I t is t is a sp ecial typ e of ind of ind ep end ent varia nt varia bl e. e.
Extraneou Extraneous Variable
Thos e factors which factors which cannot be controll ed .
and Measurement Scales
S tud tud ents
who r ec eiv e pizza coupons as a r eward do not r ead mor e books than stud ents who do not r ec eiv e pizza coupon r ewards .
High achi eving stud ents do not p erform bett er than low achi eving stud ent wh en writing stori es r egardl ess of wh eth er th ey us e pap er a n d pe ncil or a word proc essor .
Measu Meas urement Scales and and their Characteristics Nominal
A scale in which the numbers serve as labels rather than have numeric value Ordinal Scale
more" or A scale which " measures" in terms of such values as " mo "less," "larger" or "smaller," but without specifying the size of the intervals Interval Scale
A scale which measures in terms of equal intervals or degrees of d of diff erence, erence, but whose zero point, or point of beginning is arbitrarily arbitrarily established Ratio Scale
A scale which measures in terms of equal intervals and an absolute zero point of o of origin
Limitations of Scientific and Disciplined Inquiry Approaches
Four limitations
Value-based, philosophical, philosophical, or ethical problems or questions cannot be solved These approaches approaches provide a potentially overly simplified views of reality Methodological Methodological concerns
Access to subjects Data collection strategies Data analysis Limitations of research designs
Legal and ethical responsibilities of the researcher
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