Naturamin-WSP ING Presentacion V3

March 2, 2019 | Author: Petre Constantin | Category: Biosynthesis, Plants, Amino Acid, Serine, Autoajuda
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Short Description



Naturamin®WSP Unique biosmulant

Stmulaes growh and proecs agains adverse conditons for maximum productve poental

Index •

Inroducton: Plan sress

Naturamin®WSP: descripton

Naturamin®WSP: benes

Field resuls

Inroducton: Plan sress 

Plans are rarely under optmum environmenal conditons, and are subeced o siuatons where hey are forced beyond he optmum limis!

"he sudy of plans under hose conditons is #nown as plan sress physiology!

Stress is usually dened as an exernal facor ha exers a disadvanageous in$uence on he plan! "hese can be environmenal or abiotc facors ha produce sress in plans, alhough biotc facors such as weeds, pahogens, and insec predaton can also produce sress! In mos cases, sress is

measured in relaton o plan survival, crop yield, growh %biomass producton& or he primary assimilaton processes %'( ) and mineral upa#e& which are relaed o overall growh! Taiz and Zeiger, 2010. 

Plans respond o sress conditons by modifying heir physiology and meabolism!

*biotc and +iotc environmenal sress facors 

Climac stress:

Stress linked to crop cycle:





Salt / pH


High / low temperature

Fruit set

Heavy metals / Nutrients

Fruit growth


Other stress:

Plant damages

Phytotoxicity due to pesticides application

hy boher abou sress

*s human populaton increases, agriculure mus feed more people while competng wih urban developmen for premium arable land!

If record yields can be assumed o represen plan growh under ideal conditons, hen he losses associaed wih biotc and abiotc sresses can reduce the averae producvity !

./ecs of sress The main effects are: 

Phoosynhesis ceases

0ecrease of meabolie synhesis

Increased respiraton

Sar or acceleraton of foliar senescence

Increased proein degradaton

Increased *+* synhesis:

Inhibis proein synhesis, sops growh



./ecs on he crop

&aster veetave development 'ncrease o( )ield


Parauay !"##


*pple scab conrol rial 'ncidence *+, > D> C> B> A> 6> @> ?> )> >




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Score %0ifenoconaEol )67&
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