Stmulaes growh and proecs agains adverse conditons for maximum productve poental
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Inroducton: Plan sress
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Inroducton: Plan sress
Plans are rarely under optmum environmenal conditons, and are subeced o siuatons where hey are forced beyond he optmum limis!
"he sudy of plans under hose conditons is #nown as plan sress physiology!
Stress is usually dened as an exernal facor ha exers a disadvanageous in$uence on he plan! "hese can be environmenal or abiotc facors ha produce sress in plans, alhough biotc facors such as weeds, pahogens, and insec predaton can also produce sress! In mos cases, sress is
measured in relaton o plan survival, crop yield, growh %biomass producton& or he primary assimilaton processes %'( ) and mineral upa#e& which are relaed o overall growh! Taiz and Zeiger, 2010.
Plans respond o sress conditons by modifying heir physiology and meabolism!
*biotc and +iotc environmenal sress facors
Climac stress:
Stress linked to crop cycle:
Salt / pH
High / low temperature
Fruit set
Heavy metals / Nutrients
Fruit growth
Other stress:
Plant damages
Phytotoxicity due to pesticides application
hy boher abou sress
*s human populaton increases, agriculure mus feed more people while competng wih urban developmen for premium arable land!
If record yields can be assumed o represen plan growh under ideal conditons, hen he losses associaed wih biotc and abiotc sresses can reduce the averae producvity !
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