Natural Glue Final Draft

July 29, 2018 | Author: Dong Santos | Category: Adhesive, Nature
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Short Description

The study entitled "The Effectiveness of Old or Spoiled Milk in the Production of Natural Glue" is an investig...



Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study

Through history, humans had a thirst for knowledge and development. From the beginning of human kind, the discoveries made by our race have shaped our  future forever. We have always wanted to know why things happen and why we always want to push the boundaries of what are possible. This has led to some of  the greatest discoveries man had in different fields of endeavors. Glue has been an important material at home, at school and at office. Most of  the commercially available glue is claiming to be non-toic. !owever, it is still uncertain of this claim since they contain preservatives that may harm both the user  and the environment. "ase "asein in,, a prot protei ein n obtai obtaine ned d from from milk milk,, has has been been long long prov proven en to play play an important role in the production of glue. #t can be obtained from milk by means of  adding vinegar into the milk. The curd formed from the reaction is mied with baking soda. The produced glue from milk may vary in consistency depending upon the amount of milk, and other raw materials used. $ther research conducted claims that glue made from milk casein is waterproof and can be used for bottle labeling and cigarette packaging. !ow !owever ever,, fres fresh h milk milk is know known n for for its its rich richne ness ss in calc calciu ium m and and thus thus its its importance for the bones. %side from this, it also contains more than & other  essential nutrients. #t contains proteins that are important to fight diseases, renew cells, build muscles and maintain healthy hair and nails, carbohydrates which gives


energy to the body, minerals and vitamins that are essential for good health, for  stronger bones, for more energy, for a stronger immune system and for healthier  skin, and fatty acids which are important for body cells, as long as they are taken in mode moderrate ate

'uan 'uanti titi ties es (http)**www.nestle-family. http)***nutrition-for-all*englis com*nutrition-for-all*english*why-ish*why-is-

milk-good-for-your-health+/0.asp,, 1etrieved %ugust /, /234. milk-good-for-your-health+/0.asp #t is within this contet that the researchers tried eploring the possibility of  utili5ing old or spoiled milk, which is usually thrown as waste because it may cause diarrhea and food poisoning, to produce strong natural glue by employing the principle of recycling. !ence, this study was undertaken.

Statement of the Problem

The study has been undertaken to assess the effectiveness of using old and spoiled milk as raw material in the production of natural glue. 6pecifically, it attempted to answer the following 'uestion) 'ues tion) 2. "an old and spoiled spoiled milk milk be combin combined ed with other other raw materia materials ls to produce produce strong natural glue7 /. What What is the degree degree of acceptabi acceptabilit lityy of the glue made made out of old and spoiled spoiled milk to consumers in terms of) a. appe appear aran ancce8 b. visco iscosi sity ty88 c. smell, and and d. adhe adhesi sive ve stre strengt ngth7 h7 9. #s the produced produced natural natural glue glue cheaper than than the commerci commercially ally available available glue7 glue7 Ba!c "umpt!on

2. That old old and spoiled spoiled milk can can be combin combined ed with with other raw mater material ialss in to produce natural glue.


energy to the body, minerals and vitamins that are essential for good health, for  stronger bones, for more energy, for a stronger immune system and for healthier  skin, and fatty acids which are important for body cells, as long as they are taken in mode moderrate ate

'uan 'uanti titi ties es (http)**www.nestle-family. http)***nutrition-for-all*englis com*nutrition-for-all*english*why-ish*why-is-

milk-good-for-your-health+/0.asp,, 1etrieved %ugust /, /234. milk-good-for-your-health+/0.asp #t is within this contet that the researchers tried eploring the possibility of  utili5ing old or spoiled milk, which is usually thrown as waste because it may cause diarrhea and food poisoning, to produce strong natural glue by employing the principle of recycling. !ence, this study was undertaken.

Statement of the Problem

The study has been undertaken to assess the effectiveness of using old and spoiled milk as raw material in the production of natural glue. 6pecifically, it attempted to answer the following 'uestion) 'ues tion) 2. "an old and spoiled spoiled milk milk be combin combined ed with other other raw materia materials ls to produce produce strong natural glue7 /. What What is the degree degree of acceptabi acceptabilit lityy of the glue made made out of old and spoiled spoiled milk to consumers in terms of) a. appe appear aran ancce8 b. visco iscosi sity ty88 c. smell, and and d. adhe adhesi sive ve stre strengt ngth7 h7 9. #s the produced produced natural natural glue glue cheaper than than the commerci commercially ally available available glue7 glue7 Ba!c "umpt!on

2. That old old and spoiled spoiled milk can can be combin combined ed with with other raw mater material ialss in to produce natural glue.


/. That the the produced produced glue glue has high degree degree of accept acceptabi abilit lityy to consum consumers ers in terms of appearance, viscosity, smell and adhesive strength. 9. That That the glue glue from from old and and spoi spoile led d milk milk is chea cheaper per than than its its comm commer erci cial al counterpart. .Ob#ect!$e of the Study 2. To determin determine e the effective effectiveness ness of old and spoiled spoiled milk milk as raw material material in the the production of natural glue. /. To assess assess the degree of consumer consumers: s: accept acceptabi abilit lityy on the produce produced d glue in terms of tear appearance, viscosity, smell, and adhesive strength. 9. To conduct conduct cost benefi benefitt analysis analysis to compare compare the cost of producti production on of the natural glue made out of old and spoiled milk and the commercially available glue.

S!gn!f!cance of the Study

The result of this study is deemed beneficial to the following groups of  people) To Glue Glue Manufa Manufactu cturer rers. s. They will will be provide provided d with with cheap cheap altern alternati ative ve raw materials in the production of glue which help them minimi5e their ependitures while increasing their profits8 To ;nviro ;nvironme nmenta ntall %dvoc %dvocate ates. s. The result result of this this study study will will suppor supportt their  their  advocac advocacyy of reduci reducing ng enviro environme nmenta ntall pollut pollution ion by employ employing ing the princip principles les of  recycling.


To the 6ociety. #f this product is found to be effective, then old and spoiled milk which is usually thrown away will turn out an economic resource that would contribute to the economic well-being of the society8 and To Future 1esearchers. $ther researchers would be encouraged to discover  economic benefits from other potential raw materials.

Scope and %!m!tat!on of the Study

The study dealt with the creation of a domestic product out of old and spoiled milk. $ther necessary raw materials of minimal proportions were used to bring about the desired product. 1esults of the study were delimited to the feasibility of the eternal use of the produced natural glue which has been tested by consumers via the "onsumer   %cceptability 6urvey. #t was etended by comparing the cost of production of the natural glue to its commercial counterpart through cost benefit analysis.

Conceptual &rame'ork

The study focused on determining determining the potential potential use of old or spoiled milk as raw material in the production of strong natural glue. Few people have eplored the possibilities of using this material in combination with other raw materials to create a useful product. This This study study made made use use of the the #npu #nputt-
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