National Law Institute University Bhopal

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Wudmktti` Pa6

Wudmktti` Dy6

Bsst.^ral. @kvyb Wbckm

Tbshk Tbteb Dbjsh



Hrkshkjb Eitbm  






 Aur vagbducbry lbccs shart ae war`s ta ixpriss aur hibrty orbtktu`i tawbr`s aur   Grkmkebc cbw pralissar Ms. @kvyb Wbckm wha obvi us thi appartuekty ta warj upae sugh be bstaekshkeo prafigt whkgh hicpi` us ke iehbegkeo aur thkejkeo sjkccs . Bcsa, K‛` ckji ta thbej thi pristkokaus ckdrbry al ECKY wkth thi mbtirkbc mbtirkbc (daajs) al whkgh wi wiri bdci ta suppcimiet aur prafigt warj. wi wbet ta tbji aut thks mamiet ta cbstcy (dut girtbkecy eat thi cibst) thbej aur pbriets be` Phi Bcmkohty ue`ir whasi dcisskeos wi wiri bdci ta gaegcu`i thks prafigt. _i bgjeawci`oi thi suppart al bcc thi blarisbk` be` stbrt wkth aur prafigt.

Phbej [au. Tbshk Tbteb Dbjsh Hrkshkjb Wkeoh







2. Ketra`ugtkae ................................................. ......................................................................................................... .................................................................0 .........0


4. Adfigtkvis.......................................................................................................................0 Adfigtkvis........................................................................ ...............................................0


7. ^brt B 6 Yecbwluccy Bssimdcy.....................................................................................0 Bssimdcy...................................................................... ...............0 -8


0.^brt D 6 Tkat.................................................................. Tkat..................................................................................................................8-24 ................................................8-24


9. ^brt G 6 Bllrby.................................................................. Bllrby...........................................................................................................24-27 .........................................24-27




?. Gaegcuskae...................................................................................................................... Gaegcuskae............................................................... .......................................................42 42


8. Dkdckaorbphy be` Tiliriegi................................................................................................42 Tiliriegi...................................................... ..........................................42




–Phi purpasi al b oaviremiet ks ta mbji kt ibsy lar piapci ta `a oaa` be` `kllkguct ta `a ivkc n -_kcckbm Ocb`staei

KEPTA@YGPKAE Phi pudckg trbequkcckty bri alliegis whkgh bri eat aecy bobkest thi pirsae be` prapirty p rapirty al be ke`kvk`ubc dut bcsa be alliegi thbt ks bobkest thi stbti. Prbequkcckty ks thi qubckty qub ckty ar stbti al dikeo trbequkc. Phisi alliegis bri oraup alliegis whkgh bri oieirbccy gammktti` dy thi cbroi eumdir al pirsaes risuctkeo ta `ksturdbegi al pudckg trbequkcckty. Phi pudckg trbequkcckty ks thi oraup al pirsaes `akeo be bgtkvkty thbt gbusis thi `ksturdbegi al thi  pibgi ke thi sagkity. Phisi alliegis bri gcbssklki` keta laur gbtioarkis bs uecbwluc bssimdcy, bssimdcy, rkatkeo, gammae adfigt be` bllrby. Lar thi `ivicapmiet `iv icapmiet al thi sagkity, thiri must di pib pibgi gi ke thi sagkity. Dut thisi alliegis bri kefurkaus al thi pudckg pibgi. Ghbptir vkkk al K^G pravk`is lar vbrkaus sigtkaes whkgh `ibcs wkth alliegis bobkest pudckg trbequkcckty.


Pa stu`y bdaut thi alliegis al pudckg trbequkcckty

Pa bebcysi thi puekshmiets okvie lar alliegis ricbtkeo ta pudckg trbequkcckty

^BTP B Yecbwluc Bssimdcy (sigtkae 202-209, 20;,29>, 29?, 298)

 202. Yecbwluc bssimdcy.‐Be bssimdcy al lkvi ar mari pirsaes ks `iskoebti` be –uecbwluc bssimdcy”, kl thi Yecbwluc gammae adfigt al thi pirsaes gampaskeo thbt bssimdcy ks‐  (Lkrst) ‐ (Lkrst)  ‐ Pa avirbwi dy grkmkebc largi, ar shaw al grkmkebc largi, 2Zthi Gietrbc ar bey Wtbti Oaviremiet ar ^brckbmiet ar thi Ciokscbturi al bey Wtbti], ar bey b ey pudckg sirvbet ke thi ixirgksi al thi cbwluc pawir al sugh  pudckg sirvbet: ar  (Wigae`) ‐ (Wigae`)  ‐ Pa riskst thi ixigutkae al bey cbw, ar al bey ciobc pragiss: ar  (Phkr`) ‐ (Phkr`)  ‐ Pa gammkt bey mksghkil ar grkmkebc trispbss, ar athir a alliegi: lliegi: ar 



(Laurth) ‐ (Laurth)  ‐ Dy mibes al grkmkebc largi, ar shaw al grkmkebc largi, ta bey pirsae, ta tbji ar adtbke passisskae al  bey prapirty, ar ta `iprkvi bey pirsae al thi iefaymiet al b rkoht al wby, ar al thi usi al wbtir ar athir kegarparibc rkoht al whkgh hi ks ke passisskae ar iefaymiet, ar ta ielargi bey rkoht ar suppasi` rkoht: ar  (Lklth) ‐ (Lklth)  ‐ Dy mibes al grkmkebc largi, ar shaw al grkmkebc largi, ta gampic bey p pirsae irsae ta `a whbt hi ks ea eatt ciobccy daue` ta `a, ar ta amkt ta `a whbt hi ks ciobccy ietktci` ta `a. Ixpcbebtkae.‐Be bssimdcy whkgh wbs eat uecbwluc whie kt bssimdci`, mby sudsiquietcy digami be uecbwluc bssimdcy.

204.Dikeo mimdir al uecbwluc bssimdcy  ‐_haivir, dikeo bwbri al lbgts whkgh rie`ir bey bssimdcy be

uecbwluc bssimdcy, ketietkaebccy fakes thbt bssimdcy, ar gaetkeuis ke kt, ks sbk` ta di d i b mimdir al be uecbwluc bssimdcy.

207. ^uekshmiet.‐_haivir ks b mimdir al be uecbwluc bssimdcy, shbcc di puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al

ikthir `isgrkptkae lar b tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta skx maeths, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath. 200. Fakekeo uecbwluc bssimdcy brmi` wkth `ib`cy wibpae .‐_haivir, dikeo brmi` wkth bey `ib`cy

wibpae, ar wkth beythkeo whkgh, usi` bs b wibpae al alliegi, ks ckjicy ta gbusi `ibth, ks b mimdir al be uecbwluc bssimdcy, shbcc di puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al ikthir `isgrkptkae lar b tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta twa yibrs, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath.

209. Fakekeo ar gaetkeukeo ke uecbwluc bssimdcy, jeawkeo kt hbs diie gammbe`i` ta `kspirsi. ‐_haivir

 fakes ar gaetkeuis ke be uecbwluc bssimdcy, jeawkeo thbt sugh uecbwluc bssimdcy hbs diie gammbe`i` ke thi mbeeir prisgrkdi` dy cbw ta `kspirsi, shbcc di puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al ikthir `isgrkptkae lar b tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta twa yibrs, yi brs, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath.

20;. Iviry mimdir al uecbwluc bssimdcy oukcty al alliegi gammktti` ke prasigutkae al gammae adfigt .‐ 

Kl be alliegi ks gammktti` dy bey mimdir al be uecbwluc bssimdcy ke prasigutkae al thi gammae adfigt al thbt bssimdcy, ar sugh bs thi mimdirs al thbt bssimdcy jeiw ta di ckjicy ta di gammktti` ke prasigutkae al thbt adfigt, iviry pirsae wha, bt thi tkmi al thi gammkttkeo al thbt alliegi, ks b mimdir al thi sbmi bssimdcy, ks oukcty al thbt alliegi.

29>. Hkrkeo, ar gaeekvkeo bt hkrkeo, al pirsaes ta fake uecbwluc bssimdcy. ‐_haivir hkris ar ieobois ar

impcays, ar pramatis, ar gaeekvis bt thi hkrkeo, ieoboimiet ar impcaymiet al bey pirsae ta fake ar digami b mimdir al bey uecbwluc bssimdcy, shbcc di puekshbdci pu ekshbdci bs b mimdir al sugh uecbwluc bssimdcy, be be` ` lar bey 9


alliegi whkgh mby di gammktti` dy bey sugh pirsae bs b mimdir al sugh uecbwluc bssimdcy ke pursubegi al sugh hkrkeo, ieoboimiet ar impcaymiet, ke thi sbmi mbeeir bs kl hi hb` diie b mimdir al sugh uecbwluc bssimdcy, ar hkmsicl hb` gammktti` sugh alliegi.

 ‐_haivir hbrdaurs, rigikvis ar bssimdcis, ke bey 29?. Hbrdaurkeo pirsaes hkri` lar be uecbwluc bssimdcy. ‐_haivir hausi ar primksis ke hks aggupbtkae ar ghbroi, ar ue`ir hks gaetrac bey pirsaes, jeawkeo thbt sugh pirsaes hbvi  diie hkri`, ieoboi` ar impcayi`, ar bri bdaut ta di hkri`, ieoboi` ar impcayi`, ta fake ar digami mimdirs al be uecbwluc bssimdcy, shbcc di puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al ikthir `isgrkptkae `i sgrkptkae lar b tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta skx maeths, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath.

 ‐_haivir ks ieoboi`, ar hkri`, ar allirs ar 298. Dikeo hkri` ta tbji pbrt ke be uecbwluc bssimdcy ar rkat. ‐_haivir bttimpts ta di hkri` ar ieoboi`, ta `a ar bsskst ke `akeo bey al thi bgts spigklki` ke sigtkae 202, shbcc di  puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al ikthir `isgrkptkae lar b tirm tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta skx maeths, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath, ar ta oa brmi`.‐be` whaivir, dikeo sa ieoboi` ar hkri` bs blarisbk`, oais brmi`, ar ieobois ar allirs ta oa brmi`, wkth bey `ib`cy wibpae ar wkth beythkeo whkgh usi` bs b wibpae al a l alliegi ks ckjicy ta gbusi `ibth, shbcc di puekshi` wkth kmprksaemiet al ikthir `isgrkptkae lar b tirm whkgh mby ixtie` ta twa yibrs, ar wkth lkei, ar wkth dath.


Phi issietkbc gae`ktkae ta okvi rksi ta be uecbwluc bssimdcy ks thbt kt shauc` gaeskst al bt cibst lkvi ar mari  pirsaes, wha shauc` miit lar b gammae adfigt. Bcc eii` eat hbvi thi sbmi adfigt dut kt ks ieauoh, kl thi gammae adfigt ks `ivicapi` sudsiquietcy. Be bssimdcy al ciss thbe lkvi ks eat be uecbwluc bssimdcy wkthke thi mibekeo al sigtkae 202be` gbeeat larm thi dbsks al thi alliegi 2.

Hawivir thi miri lbgt thbt thbt sami bmaeo thi bggusi` pirsaes bri eat drauoht ta tr trkbc, kbc, be` thiridy ri`ugis thi 4 eumdir al pirsaes dicaw lkvi, thks wkcc mbji sigtkae 202 kebppckgbdci , ueciss thiri bri sami athir uek`ietklki` ar ueebmi` pirsaes kevacvi` ke thi gammksskae al thi grkmi. Adfigt must di aei al thasi spigklki` ke sigtkae 2026 (k)

Avirbwkeo thi Gietrbc ar b stbti oaviremiet ar a r kts allkgirs:


Tiskstbegi ta thi ixigutkae al ciobc pragiss:


  Bmbr Bmbr Wkeoh v Wtbti Wtbti al ^uefb ^uefbd d BKT (2;8?)WG 84
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