Administrative Law Case Digests National Housing Authority vs Almeida, 525 SCRA 383 Case Digest G.R. No. 162784 J...
Administrative Law Arellano University School of Law aiza ebina/2015
National Hosin! Athority vs Almeida 525 S"#A $%$ Adjudicatory Powers Powers &A"'S( &A"'S( On June 28, 1959, the Land Tenure Administration (LTA) awarded to Margarita Herrera severa !ortions o" and whi#h are !art o" the Tunasan $state in %an &edro, Laguna'The re#ords show that Margarita Herrera Herrera had two #hidren eatri* Herrera+Mer Herrera+Mer#ado #ado (the mother o" !rivate res!ondent) and ran#is#a ran#is#a Herrera' eatri* Herrera+Mer#ado !rede#eased her mother and e"t heirs' Margarita Herrera !assed awa- on 2/, 19/1'On August 22, 19/0, ran#is#a Herrera, the remaining #hid o" the ate Margarita Herrera ee#uted a eed o" %e"+Ad3udi#ation #aiming that she is the onremaining reative, .eing the soe surviving daughter o" the de#eased' %he aso #aimed to .e the e#usive ega heir o" the ate Margarita Herrera' The eed o" %e"+Ad3u %e"+Ad3udi#ation di#ation was .ased on a %inum!aang %inum!aang %aa-sa- dated /, 194, aegedee#uted .- Margarita Herrera' The surviving heirs o" eatri* Herrera+Mer#a Herrera+Mer#ado do 6ed a #ase "or annument o" the eed o" %e"+Ad3udi#ation %e"+Ad3udi#ation .e"ore the then 7ourt o" irst nstan#e o" Laguna' On 29, 198, a de#ision on the #ase uestioning the eed o" %e"+Ad3udi#ation was rendered and the deed was de#ared nu and void' uring tria on the merits o" the #ase assaiing the eed o" %e"+Ad3udi#ation, ran#is#a Herrera 6ed an a!!i#ation with the :HA to !ur#hase the same ots su.mitting therewith a #o!- o" the ;%inum!aang %aa-sa-; %aa-sa-; ee#ut ee#uted ed .- her mother mother'' &rivate &rivate res!ond res!ondent ent Ameida, Ameida, as heir heir o" eatri* eatri* Herrer Herrera+Me a+Mer#a r#ado, do, !rotested the a!!i#ation' n a
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