National Cranberry Cooperative Solutions

November 16, 2017 | Author: jr_gimp | Category: N/A
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National Cranberry Cooperative Case for MBA...


National Cranberry Cooperative Revised 3 Dumpers 3000 b/h

Dry Trucks 273.3/hr


Destoners 4500 b/h


Dechafer 1500 Separators 1200 b/h

Wet/Dry 2000 Dechaffers 3000 b/h

Dryers 675 b/h

Wet 1200

Wet Trucks 1093.3/hr

Arrivals Wet berries Per hour

16,400 *.8 = 13,120 13,120/12 = 1093.3

Dry berries per hour

16,400 * .2 = 3,280 3,280/12 = 273.3

7 am start with no changes Receiving backup wet berries Time to unload trucks Total Time per worker Regular Time for 20 days Overtime Overtime cost

(1093-675)*12 -3200 in bins = 1820 1820/675 = 2.7 hours (7am to 7pm = 12 hours + 2.7=14.7)*20 days = 294 hours 4 weeks * 40 hours per week = 160 hours 294-160 = 134*15 workers = 2010 2010*$15.75 = $31, 658

Processing Time per worker Regular Time for 20 days Overtime Overtime cost

13,120 wet berries per day/675 berries per hour = 19.4*20 days = 388 160 * 2 shifts = 320 388-320 = 68*17 workers = 1169 1169*$15.75 = $18,405

Total Overtime cost

$31,658 + 18,405 = $50,063

7 am start with 1 new dryer Receiving backup wet berries Total Time per worker Regular Time for 20 days Overtime Overtime cost

(1093-900)*12 -3200 bin capacity = 0 (no new bins needed) (7am to 7pm = 12 hours)*20 days = 240 hours 4 weeks * 40 hours per week = 160 hours 240-160 = 80*15 workers = 1200 1200*$15.75 = $18,900

Processing Time per worker Regular Time for 20 days Overtime Overtime cost

13,120 wet berries per day/900 berries per hour = 14.6*20 days = 292 160 * 2 shifts = 320 292-320 = 0 (no overtime) $0

Total Overtime cost Savings with 1 new dryer Cost of 1 new dryer Pay Back Period

$18,900 $50,063 - $18,900 = $31,163 $60,000/$31,163 = 2 years. A great investment.

7am start with 2 new dryers Receiving stays same Processing time wet berries But separator becomes bottleneck Processing time separator

13120/1125 = 11.7 hours

Processing Time per worker Regular Time for 20 days Overtime No Savings Payback period

13.67*20 = 273 320 273-320 = 0

Recommendations 1. Buy one new dryer 2. No not convert any bins

16400/1200 = 13.7 hours

Infinite, a very bad investment

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