Nathan George - BBC Documentary Overpopulation and Discussion Questions - 3B

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BBC Documentary: Documentary: Overpopulated Overpopulated Name:: Nathan George Name Date:: 10/21 Date Period:: 3B Period

1.  Beginning in 10,000 BCE, what did humans develop that increased the population? During that time it was the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution that developed new agricultural methods and a wide scale transition of many human products. 2.  List two of the Empires that contributed to human evolution. Perisan Empire and Mesopotamia 3.  What happened in the year 1800 that is important to the world’s population? The world's population increased 7 times. 4.  What historic event happened during this period to increase the population so rapidly? The Green Revolution as well as the First, Second and Third Agricultural Revolutions 5.  What is the population size of Bangladesh? 164.7 million 6.  How are medical experts educating women in local villages on pregnancy? They are teaching women about contraceptives and birth control through other women in the area. 7.  What were the three main undeveloped nations of the world in 1963?  Africa, Asia, Asia, and Latin America 8.  What do you notice about the number of babies born in 1963 comparing developed to undeveloped nations? Developed nations have a significantly lower number of births compared to undeveloped nations. 9.  In Bangladesh, what gender outnumbers the other? Girls outnumber boys 10. What What idea about large families is taught in school?


That large family will face problems with finance and health compared to smaller families 11. At   what age did girls girls once married married in Bangladesh? Bangladesh? 17 12. C Chance hance survival drives everything. So, how did the Industrial Revolution change the survival rate and longevity of life? There was more food, more water, and more economic support to stabilize family. There was a higher rate of child survival. 13. W What hat is expected of the rapid growth of the world population by 2100? It will hit 11 billion and rapidly slow down 14. IIn n what year did the world enter the age of Peak Child? 2000 15. According   to this idea, idea, what is the population population trend trend of the the children children in the world? The population trend is stable, meaning it will not increase 16. Out Out of the 7 billion people of the world, how many live in the Americas? 1.002 billion 17. How How many live in Asia? 4 billion 18. B By y the year 2100, what percentage of the world population will be living in Asia and  Africa? 80 percent 19. What What do you predict will happen in these areas that will make this happen? That they will have a bigger work force, and more adults 20. What What is predicted to happen to the population in the western hemisphere? The population in the western hemisphere will remain stable and lower than the rest of the world.

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