Narutod20 Way of the Master
February 9, 2017 | Author: Joe D Pilgrim | Category: N/A
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s Credits.................................................................................. 3 OGL .................................................................................. 4 s Section 1: The Way............................................................. 6 s Section 2: Enhancement Seals and Artifacts.................... 7 s Section 3: The Exalted One................................................ 8 s Section 4: The Pressure Points Style............................... 11 Kyushojutsu Techniques Index ........................................ 26 s Section 5: Iconic Characters............................................ 29 Benkei .............................................................................. 29 Hoteimaru ........................................................................ 30
CREDITS Design and Managing Editor Frankto Vinneti Design Advisor Frederick Cross, Franz Thomas Playtesters Frankto Vinneti Translations Frankto Vinneti
Proofreaders Frankto Vinneti, Frederick Cross, Christopher Kawasaki, Franz Thomas Special Thanks Frederick Cross, Wizards of the Coast, Skip Williams, Charles Ryan, Kishimoto Masashi, and the entire community of the Nd20 forums! Thank you!
This ND20 supplement is designed for use with the ND20 and d20 Modern Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the Coast™. To be able to comprehend and use the game to its full extent, you should purchase the d20 Modern Core Rulebook as well as download, entirely free of charge, the ND20: Scrolls of Knowledge, Volume I rulebook, if you have not already. An alternative solution would be to read the System Reference Document (SRD) which contains every OGC portion of the rulebook, minus any artwork and flavor text shown in the original product. The Way of the Master contains a wealth of options for hand-to-hand experts to explore, based on real martial arts.
Way of the Master is Copyright ©2004-2011, Frankto Vinneti. Unauthorized distribution of this entirely product is strictly forbidden without authorization from the author.
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OPTIONAL CONTENT—VOLUME II: TAIJUTSU Every warrior follows their own path. Where that path leads is the cumulation of their life's experience. Whether a warrior fights for himself or strives for peace, he can only hope that he follows the Way of the Master. This supplment explores in detail the Kyushojutsu style of Taijutsu, and includes over 30 techniques, 1 epic technique, 2 new occupations, 1 new prestige class, and 2 iconic characters for the GM to use in his or her campaign.
SECTION I: THE WAY This segment is dedicated to new feats and occupations introduced in this supplement that any master of pressure points or the sacred fist style should look into.
New Feats This new feat is essential to any practitioner of the Kyushojutsu style.
Pressure Secrets Prerequisite: Dex or Wis 15, Weapon Finesse, Knowledge (earth and life science) 4 ranks. Benefit: You may use your Dexterity or Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength modifier as your relevant ability score for Taijutsu techniques and learn Kyushojutsu techniques without a penalty.
The Way of the Master They say that one's path is set in one's early years. That masters of martial arts are made in infancy, their bodies and their minds forged into a deadly instrument. These new occupations reflect this school of thoughts.
Adept Monk: You were born and raised in a monastery, or have adopted the teachings at some point in your life. You are very studious and prefer to avoid conflict whenever you can. Prerequisite: Age 8+. Skills: Select any three skills from the following list as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Balance, Chakra Control, Concentration, Craft (calligraphy, chemical, pharmaceutical), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Genjutsu, Knowledge (earth and life science, history, ninja lore, tactics, theology and philosophy), Listen, Ninjutsu, Perform (martial arts), Profession, Research, Sense Motive, Taijutsu or Treat Injury. Feat: Select one of the following: Defensive Martial Arts, Studious or Weapon Finesse.
Warrior Monk: You are a warrior monk, trained to kill but taught to avoid doing so unless strictly necessary. Your body is a honed instrument that you use for either war or peace, but to great effect either way. Prerequisite: Age 15+. Skills: Select any two skills from the following list as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Balance, Climb, Chakra Control, Craft (calligraphy), Diplomacy, Jump, Intimidate, Knowledge (history, ninja lore, tactics, theology and philosophy), Listen, Ninjutsu, Perform (martial arts), Profession, Spot, Survival, Swim and Taijutsu. Feat: Select one of the following: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Nin Weapons Proficiency or Weapon Finesse. Reputation Bonus Increase: +1
SECTION II: ENHANCEMENT SEALS AND ARTIFACTS The following section includes a set of two artifacts for the master martial artist, and an armor seal to allow the armored warrior to better defend against the deadly attacks of the practitioners of Kyushojutsu. Ring of Disruption [Armor, Sealed Item] This simple iron band has no decorations save for a small carving of a triangle. Sealed Item (ring) Superior (Lv 10) DC 25 Power (1/encounter, swift action): Use when performing a Kyushojutsu technique. If the technique hits, the target takes 1d6 tenketsu damage and 2 chakra damage. Grandmaster's Quarterstaff [Sealed Item, Weapon] This simple quarterstaff has the unique property of being light and very wieldy, making it ideal to target pressure points. Sealed Item (quarterstaff) Greater (Lv 12) +1 DC 32 Epic (Lv 21) +2 DC 45 Enhancement: Attack and damage rolls. Property: This weapon can be used to deliver Kyushojutsu techniques in place of unarmed attacks as though it had the Armed descriptor. Power (3/day, free action): Use when performing a Kyushojutsu technique with the grandmaster's quarterstaff. If the attack hits, the staff deals damage as the character's unarmed attack, plus any bonus granted to staff attacks, such as this enhancement bonus and Strength multiplier for wielding a weapon with two hands. Warding [Armor] Superior (Lv 11) +1 DC 26 Greater (Lv 18) +2 DC 38 Enhancement: Defense Item Slot: Armor (light or medium) Property: The armor counts as one category larger to defend against Kyushojutsu
techniques (light becomes medium, medium becomes heavy). Level 18: The armor counts as two category larger.
SECTION III: THE EXALTED ONE This section contains the Sacred Fist's answer to the Exarch prestige class. The Exalted One is a master of both mind and body, capable of extraordinary feats of defense and offense.
Exalted One The exalted one has been set on a path to enlightenment his entire life and has finally reached the final steps of his journey. He is a warrior monk, a master of both the mind and the body. Wise men defer to his wisdom, and martial artists bow before his skill. Requirements: To qualify to become an exalted one, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Skills: Chakra Control 9 ranks, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 9 ranks, Taijutsu 16 ranks. Feats: Combat Martial Arts, Harmony, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Sacred Flurry. Special: Sacred fist stance, buddhist palm and enlightened defense Sacred Fist class features. Class Information The following information pertains to the Exalted One prestige class. Hit Die The Exalted One gains 1d8 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies. Action Points The Exalted One gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character level, rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class. Class Skills The Exalted One's class skills are as follows. Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Chakra Control (Wis), Craft (calligraphy) (Int), Knowledge (earth and life science, ninja lore, theology and philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read Language (None), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Taijutsu (Str). Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier. Class Features The following features pertain to the Exalted One prestige class.
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus 1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Exalted strike, sacred fist abilities, +1 +1 bonus chakra 2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Exalted art +2 +1 rd 3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Exalted art +2 +1 4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Exalted art +3 +2 th 5 +5 +4 +4 +4 Perfection of mind and body +4 +2 Exalted Strike The exalted one can declare one melee attack per Exalted One level per day as a touch attack. This attack must be done while in sacred fist stance and ignores all hardness and damage reduction if it hits. This ability must be declared before damage is rolled. Sacred Fist Abilities Each exalted one class level stacks with sacred fist class levels to determine the progress of the Sacred Fist Stance and Buddhist Palm abilities. Epic progression still requires sufficient levels in the Sacred Fist class. Bonus Chakra The Exalted One gains a certain amount of bonus chakra and bonus reserve from taking levels in this class. The amount of bonus chakra or chakra reserve gained is shown on the table below. It is not influenced by ability scores, and is in addition to the standard amount gained every level from gaining an additional hit dice. The amount of bonus chakra or reserve doesn't stack, simply choose the appropriate value based on the character's class levels. Multiple instances of Bonus Chakra and Reserve, such as from various classes, do stack with each other. Class Bonus Bonus Levels Chakra Reserve 1st 1 2 2nd 2 4 3rd 3 6 4th 4 8 5th 5 10
Exalted Art At 2nd, 3rd and 4th level, the exalted one gains an exalted art, a special ability taken from the list below: Absolute Equilibrium: Once per day every odd-numbered exalted one level, the exalted one is able to completely ignore falling damage and land softly and gracefully on his feet, unless he is unable to do so. He is able to do so even when paralyzed or otherwise physically incapacitated, but must still be conscious.
Bonus Feat: Instead of a special ability, the exemplar may elect to pick a bonus feat from the list below instead. This ability can be selected twice. Advanced Two-Weapon Defense, Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Chakra Presence, Flawless Form, Hachimon Tonkou, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Improved TwoWeapon Fighting, Grand Master, Monkey Grip, Oversized Weapons Mastery, Oversized Weapons Proficiency, Power Critical, Skillful Assault, Tactical Implements, Training, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting. Exalted Fist: The exalted one always gains the benefits of the sacred fist stance ability while entering any of the following Kyushojutsu stances: Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Shodan, Nidan, Sandan or Seidan. Exalted Mastery: The exalted one can substitute an attack when making a full-attack action for a Kyushojutsu technique that can be performed as an attack action. The attack is resolved as specified by the Kyushojutsu technique, using that attack's base attack bonus. This ability is usable once per exalted one level per day, but no more than once per round. The chakra cost must be paid normally, and the same technique cannot be substituted twice during the same encounter. Master's Resilience (Ex): The exalted one is not subject by Kyushojutsu techniques that would not affect creatures wearing medium armor even when wearing no armor and gains a +1 bonus per odd-numbered exalted one levels to saving throws and ability checks against Kyushojutsu techniques. Paragon of Body (Ex): The exalted one is immune to poisons and diseases. Paragon of Spirit (Su): The exalted one gains a chakra resistance equal to 12 + his exalted one level + his Wisdom modifier. Peaceful Master: The exalted one can use his Wisdom modifier in place of his Strength modifier to resolve unarmed attack and damage rolls in Sacred Fist Stance, whichever is higher. Transcendent Senses (Su): The exalted one gains the blindsense ability up to 5 feet, doubled while in Sacred Fist stance. This exalted art can be selected more than once. Perfection of Mind and Body The exalted one is capable of extreme economy of energy with his body. He requires only one meal per day to function at optimal levels, or half a gallon of fluids and one-quarter of a pound of food every three days to avoid suffering from starvation or thirst. Additionally, the exalted one only requires 4 hours of sleep per evening of rest to gain the full benefits of recovery and recovers from fatigue, exhaustion and unconsciousness in half the normal time. Once per day, the exalted one can spend an action point to reroll failed saving throws against all effects that currently still affect the exalted one and that required a failed save.
A successful save automatically ends the effect, even if it wouldn't otherwise. Any lingering effect from Kyushojutsu techniques are automatically terminated, but not reversed unless the technique specifically states otherwise.
SECTION IV: THE PRESSURE POINTS STYLE The largest section of this supplement explores in great detail the many techniques that make up the Pressure Points style, from the most minor techniques to the mythical Quivering Palm.
Kyushojutsu: Basshou Sanpo (Pressure Points Technique: Steady Steps) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 4 ranks) [Kick, Punch] Rank: 1 (D-Class); Learn DC: 13, 1 success; Perform requirements: 1 ranks (DC 12); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 3. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the target is staggered. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat.
Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Nidan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Second Rank) Taijutsu (Stance; requires Combat Martial Arts (f) and any two Kyushojutsu techniques) [Punch] Rank: 6 (C-Class); Learn DC: 19, 2 success; Perform requirements: 7 ranks (DC 19); Time: 1 swift action; Components: M; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Stance; Chakra Cost: 4. While in this stance, the user gains a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls when attacking with Kyushojutsu techniques.
Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Seidan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Master Rank) Taijutsu (Stance; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets and Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Nidan (5), Sandan (5), Shodan (5) and any six Kyushojutsu techniques) [Combination, Kick, Punch] Rank: 12 (S-Class); Learn DC: 33, 3 success; Perform requirements: 16 ranks (DC 32); Time: 1 swift action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Stance; Chakra Cost: 8.
While in this stance, the user can perform Kyushojutsu techniques as though they had the kick descriptor. He gains a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls with Kyushojutsu techniques, and may gain one of the three following effects. Gentle Way: The user can undo the effects of Kyushojutsu techniques at 1 less chakra (minimum 1). Enduring Way: The user gains a +2 bonus to Defense, saving throws and ability checks against Kyushojutsu techniques. Violent Way: The user can affect creatures wearing medium armor with Kyushojutsu techniques and can imbue Kyushojutsu techniques to affect creatures wearing heavy armor by paying 3 chakra. Twice per encounter when imbuing a Kyushojutsu technique that requires the target to make an ability check, that check DC increases by 2. Mastery The first step of mastery in this technique reduces the cost to imbue a technique with Violent Way to 2. The third step of mastery in this technique increases the chakra cost reduction of Gentle Way by 1 (minimum 1). The fifth step of mastery in this technique increases the bonus of Enduring Way by +1.
Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Sandan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Third Rank) Taijutsu (Stance; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f) and any four Kyushojutsu techniques) [Combination, Punch] Rank: 9 (B-Class); Learn DC: 28, 1 success; Perform requirements: 11 ranks (DC 24); Time: 1 swift action; Components: M; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Stance; Chakra Cost: 6. While in this stance, the user gains a +2 bonus to Defense, saving throws and ability checks against Kyushojutsu techniques.
Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Shodan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - First Rank) Taijutsu (Stance; requires Weapon Finesse (f) and any Kyushojutsu technique) [Punch] Rank: 3 (D-Class); Learn DC: 15, 1 success; Perform requirements: 3 ranks (DC 14); Time: 1 swift action; Components: M; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Stance; Chakra Cost: 2. While in this stance, the user's Kyushojutsu technique can affect creatures wearing medium armor, even if they normally couldn't. Once per encounter, the user can spend 4 points of chakra to imbue a Kyushojutsu to affect a creature wearing heavy armor. Mastery With the second and fourth steps of mastery in this technique, the user can imbue a Kyushojutsu technique to affect heavy armored creatures an additional time per encounter. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, imbuing a technique costs 3 chakra.
Kyushojutsu: Engi Renseiten (Pressure Points Technique: Riveting Performance) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f), base attack bonus +6, Knowledge (earth and life science) 9 ranks, Kyushojutsu: Keiren Teashi (2) and Basshou Sanpo (2)) [Combination, Lost Hijutsu, Punch] Rank: 5 (B-Class); Learn DC: 24, 2 success; Perform requirements: 7 ranks (DC 20); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round (see text); Saving Throws: Fortitude partial (see text); Chakra Cost: 6. The user makes two unarmed attacks at his highest attack bonus, the second at a -5 penalty. The attacks deal normal damage on a hit, and if both attacks hit, the target suffers an additional 1d10 points of damage, its Dexterity score is reduced to 0 and its body locks into position, unmoving, for 1 round. The target is staggered on a successful save instead (see below). If at least one attack hit, the target is staggered until it succeeds a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity checks, whichever is higher. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. This technique can only affect the same creature once per encounter. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Hentoutsuu Shou (Pressure Points Technique: Obscured Enlightenment)
Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f), Pressure Secrets (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 13 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 10 (S-Class); Learn DC: 26, 5 success; Perform requirements: 14 ranks (DC 30); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, P, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 8. This painful technique makes the opponent's head to ache and throb painfully each time it takes actions that require concentration. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the target's head begins to ache painfully. The target takes a -2 penalty to Concentration and Intelligence-based skill checks and ability checks, and each round it takes an action that requires concentration or performs a technique, it takes damage equal to 1d6 plus its Intelligence modifier (minimum 1d6). The target has a 20% chance to fail to perform
techniques with the Concentration component. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or lower while under the effects of this technique, it takes 1d10 points of Intelligence damage. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 3 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. Mastery The third step of mastery in this technique increases the damage dealt to 1d8 plus its Intelligence modifier. The fifth step of mastery in this technique reduces the chakra cost to 6.
Kyushojutsu: Intou Gekishou (Pressure Points Technique: Whisper-quiet) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 8 (A-Class); Learn DC: 23, 4 success; Perform requirements: 11 ranks (DC 25); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 6. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals half damage and the target has difficulty speaking. Each round it tries to speak normally, it takes damage equal to half the user's unarmed attack damage, or the user's normal unarmed attack damage if it tries to scream or shout. It must make a DC 15 Constitution check each time it takes damage or be unable to speak for that round. The target is still able to whisper normally. The effect ends when the target takes damage from trying to speak three times. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 2 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage.
Kyushojutsu: Issen Ougi - Shisei Hirate (Pressure Points Technique: Supreme Skill - Quivering Palm) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f), Epic Technique (Kyushojutsu: Issen Ougi - Shisei Hirate) (f), Chakra Control 24 ranks, Knowledge (earth and life science) 24 ranks and at least 3 steps of mastery in eight or more Kyushojutsu techniques) [Punch] Rank: 18 (Epic); Learn DC: 43, 8 success; Perform requirements: 26 ranks (DC 48); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature; Duration: Instantaneous plus up to 10 rounds; Saving Throws: Fortitude
partial (see text); Chakra Cost: 30. This technique is the true ultimate technique of the Kyushojutsu style and truly devastating. The user can throw his opponent back and cause fatal internal damage with a simple touch. The user makes an unarmed attack against the target's touch Defense. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage plus 14d6 plus 1d6 every 3 levels, up to 1d6 per level and the target is knocked back a number of feet equal to the additional damage done, rounded up to the nearest five feet unit. The knock back distance can be halved with a Fortitude save. The target also gains 2 negative levels, and more 2 negative levels each round it takes any hostile action. The target can make a DC 15 Wisdom check each round to negate the negative level gain. The negative levels remain for 24 hours and are automatically lost without a saving throw. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect, and two consecutive successful checks terminate it. This technique can be performed to deal only nonlethal damage. The negative level component will not grant more negative level than the target's level or hit dice minus 1. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 10 chakra. The negative level component of this technique can only affect a creature once per encounter. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1 and the duration of the negative level component by 1 round, maximum 1 round every 2 levels.
Kyushojutsu: Keiren Teashi (Pressure Points Technique: Stressful Spasms) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 9 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 6 (C-Class); Learn DC: 19, 2 success; Perform requirements: 7 ranks (DC 19); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 4. The user makes an unarmed attack targeting either an arm or a leg. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and cannot score a critical hit, but the target suffers additional effects depending on the limb targeted. Arm: The arm cramps painfully and becomes rigid and difficult to use, but the hand is still functional. Attacks with that arm are made at a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls, and the target also suffers a -2 penalty to Computer Use, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery and Treat Injury checks. If both arms are hit, the target automatically fails the penalized checks, save for Escape Artist, and loses any bonus to defense granted by a shield. Legs: The target's movement speed is halved, and it cannot run or charge. The target suffers a -2 penalty to Defense and Reflex saves. If both legs are hit, the target cannot move, turn or stand up from prone, and loses its Dexterity bonus to Defense.
The target can make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check each round to free the targeted limbs, whichever is higher. It makes a check for arms and legs, and a success frees both. Two consecutive successful checks end the effect for that area. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Keisuji Metsurou (Pressure Points Technique: Muscle Pinch) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f), Pressure Secrets (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 13 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 10 (S-Class); Learn DC: 26, 5 success; Perform requirements: 14 ranks (DC 30); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, P, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 8. This painful technique makes the opponent's muscles destroy itself as it struggles to fight on. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the target's muscles begin to cramp and convulse painfully. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls, and each round it makes a melee or ranged attack or moves more than 5 feet, it suffers damage equal to its Strength modifier, plus 1 per active speed and strength rank (minimum 1, maximum 5 plus its Strength modifier). If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or lower while under the effects of this technique, it takes 1d10 points of Strength damage. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 3 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the maximum damage dealt by strength and speed rank by 1. The fifth step of mastery in this technique reduces the chakra cost to 6.
Kyushojutsu: Kessen Ougi - Satsute Uchi (Pressure Points Technique: Absolute Fighting Skill - Touch of Death) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 15 ranks) [Lost Hijutsu, Punch] Rank: 13 (A-Class); Learn DC: 28, 5 success; Perform requirements: 16 ranks (DC 30); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One
living creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: Fortitude half; Chakra Cost: 12. This technique is the so-called ultimate pressure points technique. This technique can only be used on a creature that suffered piercing or slashing damage in the last round. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the wound bleeds profusely. The target takes 5d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 every 2 levels (maximum 15d6). The damage can be halved with a Fortitude save. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique.
Kyushojutsu: Kibaku Shigai (Pressure Points Technique: Gentle Repose) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets and Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 6 (A-Class); Learn DC: 21, 4 success; Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 25); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 4. This technique causes a dying or recently dead creature's body to burst and rupture messily, making identification very difficult. Use this technique on a dying creature or a creature that died within 3 rounds. The user makes an unarmed coup de grace. If it succeeds, creature dies and the body will begin to convulse violently. After 3 rounds, the body will rupture messily. The difficulty class of a forensics check on the body increases by 10 until the body is reconstructed via Necromancy (see Forensics Training feat). A dead creature automatically fails the coup de grace saving throw. Mastery Each step of mastery increase the DC of the forensics check by 1. The fifth step of mastery increases the time spent for a forensics attempt by 50% until the body is reconstructed via Necromancy.
Kyushojutsu: Kikou Teishi (Pressure Points Technique: Breathless Conclusion) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 10 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 7 (B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success; Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 2 rounds/level; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 6. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals half damage and the target
loses control of its breathing. The target must hold its breath or begin suffocating, and can make a DC 15 Constitution check each round. Two consecutive successful checks ends the effect. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 2 chakra. This technique can only affect the same creature once per encounter. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage.
Kyushojutsu: Kisoku Matsudou (Pressure Points Technique: Way of Tranquility) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 11 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 10 (A-Class); Learn DC: 25, 4 success; Perform requirements: 13 ranks (DC 27); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial (see text); Chakra Cost: 4. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and prevents the target to use Speed and Strength ranks. A successful save grants a -2 speed and strength rank penalty instead. Each round, the target can make a DC 15 Dexterity check to regain use of his Speed and Strength ranks for 1 round. Two consecutive successful checks ends the effect. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 2 chakra. A creature wearing medium or heavy armor is not subject to this technique. This technique can only be used on the same creature once per encounter. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Kizui Massatsu Dokushu Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Comforting Embrace) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 10 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 7 (B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success; Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute/level; Saving Throws: None; Chakra
Cost: 2. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target suffers a -2 penalty to Dexterity and initiative checks and feels no pain. The target will be unaware of the damage it takes until the technique's effect ends. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat.
Kyushojutsu: Konsui (Pressure Points Technique: Peaceful Slumber) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 9 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 4 (B-Class); Learn DC: 18, 3 success; Perform requirements: 6 ranks (DC 19); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: Instantaneous plus 10 minutes/level (see text); Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 3. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target begins to fall asleep. It takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks that increases by 1 each round. When the penalty reaches -3, the target falls asleep for 10 minutes per level. Each round, the target can make a DC 15 Constitution check to resist the effect and negate the increment of the penalty on a success. Two consecutive successful checks ends the effect. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Musei Sankei (Pressure Points Technique: Lifelong Journey) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 8 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 7 (C-Class); Learn DC: 20, 2 success; Perform requirements: 8 ranks (DC 20); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: Instantaneous (see text); Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 4. The user makes an unarmed attack at a -4 penalty. If it hits, the attack deals half damage and forces the target to take a move action to walk forward its speed on its next turn. This forced movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra before
the action is taken. A creature wearing medium or heavy armor is not subject to this technique. This technique can only affect the same creatures three times per encounter. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery With the third step of mastery in this technique, the user can force the target to turn any direction it wishes. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage.
Kyushojutsu: Nigirikobushi no Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Method of the Closed Fist) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 10 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 8 (B-Class); Learn DC: 22, 3 success; Perform requirements: 10 ranks (DC 23); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute/level; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 4. The user makes an unarmed attack at a -2 penalty. If it hits, the attack deals half normal damage and one of the target's hands is forced into a clenched fist and becomes difficult to use. The target is unable to make hand- and half-seals or use sign language with that hand and held weapon attacks are made at a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The target also suffers a -2 penalty to Computer Use, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery and Treat Injury checks. The target can make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check each round to regain use of the hand for 1 round, whichever is higher. Two consecutive successful checks end the effect. This technique can only affect the same creature once every 3 rounds. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 2 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage.
Kyushojutsu: Nishi Toukou Odokashi (Pressure Points Technique: Kneeling Reverence) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Knowledge (earth and life science) 9 ranks and Kyushojutsu: Keiren Teashi (t)) [Punch] Rank: 8 (B-Class); Learn DC: 22, 3 success; Perform requirements: 10 ranks (DC 23); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One
same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 6. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and forces the target to a kneeling position and partially paralyzes it. While kneeling, the target is unable to move, turn to face another direction or stand up, and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Defense. The target can make a DC 15 Strength or Constitution check each round to temporarily regain use of its legs until its next turn. If it fails the check, the target is forced to return to a kneeling position. Once the technique is released, standing up from kneeling is a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing medium or heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Hagan Rekken Rendan (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill - Underhanded Tactics) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets (f), Weapon Finesse (f), base attack bonus +15, Knowledge (earth and life science) 15 ranks, Kyushojutsu: Kibaku Shigai (2), Kisoku Matsudou (2), Konsui (2) and Kessen Ougi - Satsute Uchi (t)) [Combination, Punch] Rank: 12 (A-Class); Learn DC: 27, 4 success; Perform requirements: 15 ranks (DC 29); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, P, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: Fortitude partial (see text); Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 18. The user makes four unarmed attacks at his highest attack bonus, the third at a -5 penalty and the fourth at -10. The first attack is a fierce jab and deals deals unarmed damage as piercing or slashing damage and causes the target to feel no pain for 3 rounds. The second attack deals normal damage and freezes the target's body into place, reducing the target's Dexterity score to 0 for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save grants a -4 penalty to Dexterity instead. The third attack deals normal damage plus 3d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 every 4 levels (maximum 8d6). A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. The fourth and final attack deals normal damage and removes the Dexterity score penalty granted by this technique. If the target was killed by this combo, its body will rupture at the start of the user's next turn and burst, making identification very difficult. The forensics check difficulty class to perform autopsy increases by 10 until the body is put
back together via Necromancy (see Forensics Training feat). A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increase the check DCs by 1. Mastery in Kisoku Matsudou, Nishi Toukou Okodashi and Suiheidou stack with mastery in this technique to increase the respective check DCs, up to a maximum of +5.
Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Nishisatsu Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill - Agressive Negotiations) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets (f), Weapon Finesse (f), base attack bonus +11, Knowledge (earth and life science) 15 ranks, Kyushojutsu: Kikou Teishi (2), Seijaku Renshu (2) and Seiyabari (2)) [Combination, Punch] Rank: 12 (A-Class); Learn DC: 27, 4 success; Perform requirements: 15 ranks (DC 29); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, P, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: Fortitude partial (see text); Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 10. The user makes three unarmed attacks at his highest attack bonus, the second at a -5 penalty and the third at -10. The first attack deals normal damage and stops the target from breathing for 2 rounds per level. It must hold its breath or start to suffocate. The second attack deals normal damage and blinds the target for 1 round per level. The target is dazzled instead on a successful Fortitude save. The third attack deafens the target for 1 round per level. The target takes a -4 penalty to Listen checks instead on a successful Fortitude save. Each round, the target is able to make a DC 15 Constitution check each round. Two consecutive successful checks allow the target to breathe again and ends the effect. This technique can be performed on a creature already under any of its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra per effect. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increase the check DCs by 1. Mastery in Kyushojutsu: Kikou Teishi stack with mastery in this technique to increase check DC, up to a maximum of +5.
Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Shoufuku Seidou (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill - Way of the Peaceful Resolution) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Pressure Secrets (f), Weapon Finesse (f), base attack bonus +11, Knowledge (earth and life science) 15 ranks, Kyushojutsu: Kisoku Matsudou (2), Nishi Toukou Odokashi (2) and Shuheido (2)) [Combination, Punch] Rank: 12 (A-Class); Learn DC: 27, 4 success; Perform requirements: 15 ranks (DC 29); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, P, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: Fortitude partial (see text); Saving
Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 10. The user makes three unarmed attacks at his highest attack bonus, the second at a -5 penalty and the third at -10. The first attack deals no damage and forces the target to drop what it is holding as Suiheido, unless it succeeds a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check for each hand. The second attack deals normal damage and prevents the target from using Speed and Strength ranks for 1 round per level, as Kisoku Matsudou. A successful Fortitude save grants the target a -2 speed and strength rank penalty instead. The third attack deals damage normally and forces the target to fall to its knees for 1 minute as Nishi Toukou Odokashi. Each round, the target is able to make a Strength or Dexterity check to stand up and a Dexterity check to regain use of strength and speed, as per their respective techniques. Two consecutive successful checks end the associated effect. This technique can be performed on a creature already under any of its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra per effect. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increase the check DCs by 1. Mastery in Kisoku Matsudou, Nishi Toukou Okodashi and Suiheidou stack with mastery in this technique to increase the respective check DCs, up to a maximum of +5.
Kyushojutsu: Ryuusui Retsushou (Pressure Points Technique: Inner Flow Disruption) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Harmony (f), Chakra Control 9 ranks and Knowledge (earth and life science) 9 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 6 (B-Class); Learn DC: 20, 3 success; Perform requirements: 8 ranks (DC 21); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 5. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage, but the target suffers 1d4 points of chakra damage and gains a -2 penalty to Chakra Control checks. Each time it fails a Chakra Control check, it takes 1 chakra damage and loses 1 chakra reserve. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 3 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery The second and fourth steps of mastery increase the penalty by 1. With the third step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals half damage, but cannot
score a critical hit.
Kyushojutsu: Seijaku Renshu (Pressure Points Technique: Rule of Silence) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 3 (C-Class); Learn DC: 16, 2 success; Perform requirements: 4 ranks (DC 16); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 2. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is deafened. A successful Fortitude save gives a -4 penalty to Listen checks instead. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery With the third step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals half damage. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage
Kyushojutsu: Seiyabari (Pressure Points Technique: Peaceful Darkness) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 7 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 3 (C-Class); Learn DC: 16, 2 success; Perform requirements: 4 ranks (DC 16); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 2. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is blinded. The target is dazzled on a successful save instead. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery With the third step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals half damage. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack deals normal damage.
Kyushojutsu: Shiatsu Jutsu (Pressure Points Technique: Acupressure Secrets) Training (Taijutsu; requires Pressure Secrets (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks) Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 15, 2 success.
The user is able to use the Treat Injury skills without a medical kit without taking a penalty if he takes double the amount of time for each check.
Kyushojutsu: Shuheido (Pressure Points Technique: Way of the Open Hand) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 8 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 2 (C-Class); Learn DC: 15, 2 success; Perform requirements: 3 ranks (DC 15); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 2. The user makes an unarmed attack at a -2 penalty. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target must make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check to avoid dropping what that hand is holding, whichever is higher. A creature wearing heavy armor or plated gauntlets is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1. With the fifth step of mastery in this technique, the attack targets both arms. The target must check once for each arm.
Kyushojutsu: Sosou Rekken (Pressure Points Technique: Bracing Strike) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Defensive Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 9 (A-Class); Learn DC: 23, 4 success; Perform requirements: 12 ranks (DC 26); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 8. The user makes a series of quick strikes and jabs targetting several enabling pressure points to surprise and unbalance the opponent with an unexpected burst of speed. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage plus 2d6 and the target's speed increases dramatically without its knowledge for 1 round. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity Intelligence check to avoid suffering a -2 penalty to attack rolls, reflex saves and Defense. Regardless of the result of the check, the target becomes flat-footed on a natural roll of 1 or 2 on an attack roll or reflex save. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing medium or heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat.
Mastery Each step of mastery in this technique increases the DC of the check by 1. The second and fourth steps of mastery in this technique increase the penalty by 1.
Kyushojutsu: Tsukubi Jiten (Pressure Points Technique: Projection Spin) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Weapon Finesse (f) and Knowledge (earth and life science) 7 ranks) [Punch] Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 17, 2 success; Perform requirements: 5 ranks (DC 17); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One same-size humanoid creature; Duration: 1 round; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 4. Striking this pressure point can make the target violently sick. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the target is nauseated. The target is sickened on a successful save instead. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat.
Kyushojutsu: Ukiogoshi Sanpo (Pressure Points Technique: Unsteady Steps) Taijutsu (Strike; requires Combat Martial Arts (f), Knowledge (earth and life science) 6 ranks and Kyushojutsu: Basshou Sanpo (f)) [Punch] Rank: 4 (D-Class); Learn DC: 16, 1 success; Perform requirements: 4 ranks (DC 15); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One samesize humanoid creature; Duration: 1 minute; Saving Throws: See text; Chakra Cost: 2. The user makes an unarmed attack. If it hits, the attack deals normal damage and the target suffers a -2 penalty to Balance, Concentration and Tumble checks and an additional 1d6 points of damage if the target is staggered. This technique can be performed on a creature already under its effect to remove it at the cost of 1 chakra. A creature wearing heavy armor is not subject to this technique. The user suffers a -8 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Pressure Secrets feat. Mastery The second and fourth steps of mastery increase the penalty by 1.
Kyushojutsu Techniques List This techniques list is organized by rank and subtype.
Rank 1 Techniques:
Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Basshou Sanpo (Pressure Points Technique: Steady Steps)
Rank 2 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Shuheido (Pressure Points Technique: Way of the Open Hand)
Rank 3 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Seijaku Renshu (Pressure Points Technique: Rule of Silence) Kyushojutsu: Seiyabari (Pressure Points Technique: Peaceful Darkness) Stance: Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Shodan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - First Rank)
Rank 4 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Konsui (Pressure Points Technique: Peaceful Slumber) Kyushojutsu: Tsukubi Jiten (Pressure Points Technique: Projection Spin) Kyushojutsu: Ukiogoshi Sanpo (Pressure Points Technique: Unsteady Steps) Training: Kyushojutsu: Shiatsu Jutsu (Pressure Points Technique: Acupressure Secrets)
Rank 5 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Engi Renseiten (Pressure Points Technique: Riveting Performance)
Rank 6 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Keiren Teashi (Pressure Points Technique: Stressful Spasms) Kyushojutsu: Kibaku Shigai (Pressure Points Technique: Gentle Repose) Kyushojutsu: Ryuusui Retsushou (Pressure Points Technique: Inner Flow Disruption) Stance: Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Nidan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Second Rank)
Rank 7 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Kikou Teishi (Pressure Points Technique: Breathless Conclusion) Kyushojutsu: Kizui Massatsu Dokushu Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Comforting Embrace)
Kyushojutsu: Musei Sankei (Pressure Points Technique: Lifelong Journey)
Rank 8 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Intou Gekishou (Pressure Points Technique: Whisper-quiet) Kyushojutsu: Nigirikobushi no Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Method of the Closed Fist) Kyushojutsu: Nishi Toukou Odokashi (Pressure Points Technique: Kneeling Reverence)
Rank 9 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Sosou Rekken (Pressure Points Technique: Bracing Strike) Stance: Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Sandan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Third Rank)
Rank 10 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Hentoutsuu Shou (Pressure Points Technique: Obscured Enlightenment) Kyushojutsu: Keisuji Metsurou (Pressure Points Technique: Muscle Pinch) Kyushojutsu: Kisoku Matsudou (Pressure Points Technique: Way of Tranquility)
Rank 12 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Hagan Rekken Rendan (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill Underhanded Tactics) Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Nishisatsu Waza (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill Agressive Negotiations) Kyushojutsu: Ougi - Shoufuku Seidou (Pressure Points Technique: Secret Skill - Way of the Peaceful Resolution) Stance: Kyushojutsu: Dachi - Seidan (Pressure Points Technique: Stance - Master Rank)
Rank 13 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Kessen Ougi - Satsute Uchi (Pressure Points Technique: Absolute Fighting Skill - Touch of Death)
Rank 18 Techniques: Taijutsu: Strike: Kyushojutsu: Issen Ougi - Shisei Hirate (Pressure Points Technique: Supreme Skill -
Quivering Palm)
SECTION V: ICONIC CHARACTERS The last section of this supplement details two iconic characters offered as examples for the kyushojutsu style and exalted one class, Benkei and Hoteimaru. Benkei This unassuming, ordinary-looking bald man is in fact the leader of a sect of sohei, warrior monks. Despite being peaceful and calm in nature, Benkei fights alongside samurai when the solution calls for it, wielding a huge hammer in battle or, against stronger opponents, his expert hand-to-hand skills and devastating pressure point techniques. Though he frequently partakes in duels, Benkei believes in the sanctity of life and will never kill an opponent unless absolutely necessary. During his pursuit of perfection of body, Benkei has unlocked the ability to open the Eight Celestial Gates, something he reserves only for the most difficult, drastic confrontations. Benkei: Dedicated Hero 3/Sacred Fist 6/Samurai 4/Exalted One 3; CR 16; Medium-sized humanoid; HD 3d6+6 plus 5d8+10 plus 4d10+8 plus 3d8+6; hp 136; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; Defense 22, melee 23, touch 22, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +10 class); BAB +13; Grap +17; Atk +18 melee (1d12+6, spiked greatmace); Full Atk +18/+13/+8 melee (1d12+6, spiked greatmace); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; AL life, peace, good; SV Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +15; AP 13; CP 45 (47 reserve); Rep +5; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12. Occupation: Warrior Monk (Bonus Class Skills: Knowledge (tactics), Taijutsu; Bonus Feat: Combat Martial Arts) Skills: Chakra Control +15, Craft (calligraphy) +4, Knowledge (earth and life science) +15, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +13, Taijutsu +20. Feats: Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency (spiked greatmace), Harmony, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Initiate of the Eight Celestial Gates, Pressure Secrets, Sacred Flurry, Simple Weapons Proficiency. Talent (Dedicated Hero): Empathy, intuition. Talent (Sacred Fist): Sacred fist stance (1d10), enlightened defense, evasion, buddhist palm (chakra, dark iron). Talent (Samurai): Traditional path (tsuijutsu), weapon focus, combat acumen. Talent (Exalted One): Exalted strike, exalted art (exalted fist, exalted mastery). Equipment: Monk's robes, spiked greatmace, various personal possessions. Techniques Known: Benkei knows most techniques and masteries appropriate for a high-level warrior monk, as well as the following: Taijutsu- hokojutsu: shin daibutsu, daibutsu (5 mastery), tsuijutsu: tokuretsu (2 masteries), yamatoukai (3 mastery) kyushojutsu: bassho sanpo, intou gekishou (3 masteries), keiren teashi (5
masteries), kessen ougi - satsute uchi, kikou teishi (3 masteries), kizui massatsu dokushu waza, konsui (3 masteries), nishi toukou odokashi, ougi - nishisatsu waza, seijaku renshu (3 masteries), seiyabari (3 masteries) kyushojutsu dachi: nidan, sandan, shodan Hachimon Tonkou- Kai-mon Kai (5 masteries), Kyu-mon Kai (4 masteries), Seimon Kai (3 masteries), Shou-mon Kai (2 masteries), To-mon Kai Benkei (Any kyushojutsu stance or sacred fist stance, with strength ranks): Def 25, melee 25, touch 26, flat-footed 25 (+3 Wis); Atk +20 melee (1d12+9, spiked greatmace) or +20 melee (1d10+6, sacred fist); Full Atk +20/+15/+10 melee (1d12+9, spiked greatmace) or +19/+14/+9 melee (1d10+6, sacred fist) or +17/+17/+12/+7 melee (1d10+6, sacred fist flurry). Hoteimaru Hoteimaru is an apprentice monk who aspires one day to become head priest of his order. He studies diligently and practices his art every day from dawn to dusk. Hoteimaru: Dedicated Hero 3/Sacred Fist 2; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid; HD 3d6+3 plus 2d8+2; hp 32; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 dex, +3 class); BAB +3; Grap +4; Atk +6 melee (1d4+2, unarmed); Full Atk +6 melee (1d4+2, unarmed); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; AL monk order, peace, good; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; AP 5; CP 13 (18 reserve); Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14. Occupation: Adept Monk (Bonus Class Skills: Craft (chemical), Diplomacy, Taijutsu; Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse) Skills: Chakra Control +10, Craft (chemical) +6, Craft (pharmaceutical) +6, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (ninja lore) +5, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +13, Ninjutsu +7, Taijutsu +10 Feats: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Harmony, Pressure Secrets, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed). Talent (Dedicated Hero): Skill emphasis (knowledge theology and philosophy), faith. Talent (Sacred Fist): Sacred fist stance (1d6). Equipment: Monk's robes, various personal possessions. Techniques Known: Benkei knows techniques appropriate for an apprentice monk, as well as the following: Taijutsu- kyushojutsu: bassho sanpo, dachi - shodan, seijaku renshu, suiheido, tsukubi jiten Hoteimaru (Sacred fist stance): Atk +6 melee (1d6+2, sacred fist); Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+2, sacred fist).
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