Narrative Tenses Test

March 15, 2019 | Author: Delia Cristea | Category: Grammatical Tense
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Narrative Tenses Test...


Past tenses Complete the gaps with the verbs from the brackets in Past Simple, Past Past Continuous or Past Perfect. 1. I __________ __________ (walk) (walk) own the the street street !ester !estera!, a!, when I _________ __________ _ (see) a girl girl who  __________ (cr!). "hen I __________ (ask) (ask) her wh! she __________ (cr!), she  __________ (tell) me that she she __________ (lose) her parents parents an that she __________ (be) ver! afrai. #. $ar! ________ __________ __ (move) (move) out of her parents% parents% house house three !ears !ears before before her father father  __________ (ecie) to sell sell it. &owever, when she __________ (learn) (learn) about her father%s ecision, she __________ (feel) sa. 'evertheless, she unerstoo that her parents __________ (get) oler an that the! __________ (notnee) such a big house an!more. . It __________ __________ (be) (be) 11 pm an *ohn *ohn +ishop +ishop __________ __________ (sit) (sit) in the bushes bushes outsie outsie the +rowns% resience. &e __________ (prepare) his plan two a!s earlier. "hen he  __________ (see) $r an $rs $rs +rown leaving the house, house, he __________ (ump) out of the bushes an __________ (run) to the oor. oor. &e __________ (pick) the lock an  __________ (go) insie. -nfortunatel! -nfortunatel! for him, an angr! pit bull __________ (wait) (wait) in the hall. . $! a alwa!s alwa!s ________ __________ __ (hate) (hate) m! bo!frien, bo!frien, *im. *im. &owever, &owever, when we ________ __________ __ (ecie) to move in together, he __________ (call) me an __________ (sa!) that he  __________ (neverlike) (neverlike) him, but he __________ (trust) m! ugement. ugement. It%s funn!, because when he __________ (call) me, *im an I __________ (argue). /. 0aniel 0aniel is a ver! nice nice person now, now, but he _________ __________ _ (be) ieren ierentt several several !ears !ears ago. &e __________ (spen) time with a gang of rough bo!s, __________ (steal) raios from parke cars, an __________ (get) into 2ghts ver! often. &owever, one a! when he __________ (walk) home, he __________ (meet) a beautiful girl from a Catholic school. 3fter 3fter he __________ (meet) her, he __________ (change) for her completel!. 4. "hen I _________ __________ _ (be) a little little bo!, I _________ __________ _ (have) (have) a og, which I ________ __________ __ (2n) on the street. "e __________ (go) for long walks ever! a!. a!. 5nce, when we  __________ (walk) back home, home, a man __________ (approache) (approache) me an __________ (tr!) to mug me. $! og __________ (bite) him in the bottom an the man  __________ (start) running awa!. 3s he __________ (run), m! og __________ (bark) at at him. 6. *enn! an an 7en _______ __________ ___ (meet) (meet) at a part! part! in #886. #886. 3t that time time 7en 7en __________ __________ (have) a girlfrien, but *enn! __________ (havenever) a bo!frien before. It  __________ (be) love at 2rst 2rst sight. "hen 7en __________ __________ (see) *enn!, he __________ (ask) her to ance with him. 3s the! __________ (ance), 7en%s girlfrien __________ (come) to the part!. part!. She __________ (start) shouting at 7en an __________ (remin) him that he __________ (promise) to never leave her for another girl. 9. :an! :an! __________ __________ (rive) (rive) his new Porsch Porsche e to visit his parents. parents. &e _________ __________ _ (bu!) the car onl! two a!s earlier. It __________ (be) late at night an it __________ (rain) earlier, so the roa __________ (be) slipper!. slipper!. &owever, he __________ (want) to get to his estination as soon as possible, so he __________ (rive) ver! fast. Suenl!, when he __________ (go) through a forest, something __________ (ump) on the roa. In orer not to hit it, :an! __________ (step) on the breaks. &e __________ (lose) control of the car an __________ (hit) a tree.

7e!; 1. I WAS WALKING (walk) own the street !estera!, when I SAW (saw) a girl who WAS CRYING (cr!). "hen I ASKED (ask) her wh! she WAS CRYING (cr!), she TOLD (tell) me that she HAD LOST (lose) her parents an that she WAS (be) ver! afrai. #. $ar! HAD MOVED (move) out of her parents% house three !ears before her father DECIDED (ecie) to sell it. &owever, when she LEARNED (learn) about her father%s ecision, she FELT (feel) sa. 'evertheless, she unerstoo that her parents WERE GETTING (get) oler an that the! DIDN’T NEED (notnee) such a big house an!more. . It WAS (be) 11 pm an *ohn +ishop WAS SITTING (sit) in the bushes outsie the +rowns% resience. &e HAD PREPARED (prepare) his plan two a!s earlier. "hen he SAW (see) $r an $rs +rown leaving the house, he JUMPED (ump) out of the bushes an RAN (run) to the oor. &e PICKED (pick) the lock an WENT (go) insie. -nfortunatel! for him, an angr! pit bull WAS WAITING (wait) in the hall. . $! a alwa!s HATED (hate) m! bo!frien, *im. &owever, when we DECIDED (ecie) to move in together, he CALLED (call) me an SAID (sa!) that he HAS NEVER LIKED (neverlike) him, but he TRUSTED (trust) m! ugement. It%s funn!, because when he CALLED (call), *im an I WERE ARGUING (argue). /. 0aniel is a ver! nice person now, but he WAS (be) ierent several !ears ago. &e SPENT (spen) time with a gang of rough bo!s, STOLE  (steal) raios from parke cars, an GOT (get) into 2ghts ver! often. &owever, one a! when he WAS WALKING (walk) home, he MET (meet) a beautiful girl from a Catholic school. 3fter he HAD MET (meet) her, he CHANGED (change) for her completel!. 4. "hen I WAS (be) a little bo!, I HAD (have) a og, which I HAD FOUND (2n) on the street. "e WENT (go) for long walks ever! a!. 5nce, when we WERE WALKING (walk) back home, a man APPROACHED  (approache) me an TRIED (tr!) to mug me. $! og BIT (bite) him in the bottom an the man STARTED (start) running awa!. 3s he WAS RUNNING (run), m! og WAS BARKING (bark) at him. 6. *enn! an 7en MET (meet) at a part! in #886. 3t that time 7en HAD (have) a girlfrien, but *enn! HAD NEVER HAD (havenever) a bo!frien before. It WAS (be) love at 2rst sight. "hen 7en SAW (see) *enn!, he ASKED (ask) her to ance with him. 3s the! WERE DANCING (ance), 7en%s girlfrien CAME (come) to the part!. She STARTED (start) shouting at 7en an REMINDED (remin) him that he HAD PROMISED (promise) to never leave her for another girl. 9. :an! WAS DRIVING (rive) his new Porsche to visit his parents. &e HAD BOUGHT (bu!) the car onl! two a!s earlier. It WAS (be) late at night an it HAD RAINED (rain) earlier, so the roa WAS (be) slipper!. &owever, he WANTED (want) to get to his estination as soon as possible, so he WAS DRIVING (rive) ver! fast. Suenl!, when he WAS GOING (go) through a forest, something  JUMPED (ump) on the roa. In orer not to hit it, :an! STEPPED (step) on the breaks. &e LOST (lose) control of the car an HIT (hit) a tree.

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