Narrative Report on Senior High School Teachers
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St. Peter’s College Iligan City
Narrative Report on Senior High School Teachers’ Teachers’ Training Training Cris A. Capilayan, MA. Ed. “Education is a powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Senior igh School !rogra" !rogra" here in the !hilippines is fast approaching. In line with this #$day training is held here in %ourdes College, Cagayan de &ro City. It is also also a good good oppor opportu tuni nity ty to learn learn so"e so"eth thing ing new 'ehin 'ehind d this this se"in se"inar ar.. (ogether (ogether with "e are "y collegues collegu es who were )r. Ma. %igaya *icente, Ms. +resha %luis"a, Ms. Angelita A'ala and )r. ) r. A"paro ernande-. &n the first day of the se"inar, it was a thorough discussion on the +$/ and SS ra"e wor0. (his was discussed 'y 1hodora Angela ernande-$errer. CE)2s + / (ransition !rogra" Manage"ent supports Senior igh School i"ple"entation with initiati3es that pro3ide SS teachers with s0ills and "indsets to aid the" in the transition. She discussed that the + to / 4asic Education Curriculu" ra"ewor0 is co"posed of +indergarten, !ri"ary Education, 5unior igh School 67 years8 and Senior igh School 6/ years8.
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+riscentti E9ar !. 4arcelona, MA. Ed. tal0 a'out the / st Century learners. (hey li3e a period of rapid change. (hey are creati3e, interacti3e, "edia sa33y, "ultitas0er "ultitas0er,, reflecti3e, reflecti3e, critical, critical, co""unicators co""unicators,, colla'orators colla'orators,, technology technology literate literate and has "ulti"odal learning styles. After that, at :#; p", we went to our respecti3e su'ui--es and written e9ercises. Colla'orati3e for"ati3e assess"ent allows students to support each other2s learning. or"ati3e assess"ent "ay 'e integrated in all different parts of the lesson. Su""at Su""ati3e i3e assess assess"en "entt "easur "easures es the diffe different rent ways ways learner learners s use and apply all rele3ant 0nowledge, understanding and s0ills. (he co"ponents of su""ati3e assess"ent has # co"ponents: Britten wor0, !erfor"ance tas0s, and uarterly Assess"ent. (hese # co"ponents were the 'ases for grading students. Britten Bor0 co"ponent ensures that students are a'le to e9press s0ills and concepts in written for". (hese "ay include long >ui--es and unit or long tests. !erfor"ance (as0 co"ponent allows learner to show what they 0now and are a'le to do in di3erse di3erse ways. uarterly assess"ent assess"ent "easures student learning at the end of the >uarter.
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(he + to / 4asic Education !rogra" uses a standard$ and co"petency 'ased grading syste". (hese are found in the curriculu" guides. All grades will 'e 'ased on the weighted raw score of the learners2 su""ati3e assess"ents. (he "ini"u" grade needed to pass a specific learning area is D;, which is trans"uted to F in the report card. or +inderg +indergart arten en learner learners, s, chec0lis chec0lists ts and anecdot anecdotal al records records are used instead of nu"erical grades. (hese are 'ased on the learning standards found in the +indergarten curriculu" guide. or rades to /, there is one >uarterly assess"ent assess"ent 'ut there should 'e instances instances for students students to produce produce Britten Britten Bor0 and to de"onstrate what they 0now and can do through !erfor"ance tas0s. In +ind +inderg ergar arte ten, n, desc descri ript ption ions s of the the lear learne ners rs22 prog progres ress s in the the 3ari 3arious ous learning learning areas areas are represen represented ted using using chec0l chec0list ists s and student student portfo portfolios lios.. or rades $;, the a3erage grade of the uarterly rades produces the inal grade. or rades and /, the two >uarters deter"ine the inal rade in a se"ester. (he goal of the + to / curriculu" is to holistically de3elop ilipinos with /st century s0ills. (he de3elop"ent of the learners2 cogniti3e co"petencies and s0il s0 ills ls "ust "ust 'e co"pl co"ple" e"en ented ted 'y the the for" for"at atio ion n of their their 3alue 3alues s and atti attitu tudes des anch anchor ored ed on the the *isio ision, n, Miss Missio ion n and and Core Core *alues lues of the the )epa )epart rt"e "ent nt of Education.
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%earners2 class attendance shall 'e recorded 'y teachers daily. At the end of each >uarter, the attendance is reflected in the report card. A learner who who incurs a'sences of "ore than /;G of the prescri'ed nu"'er of class or la'oratory periods during the school year or se"ester should 'e gi3en a failing grade or not earn credits for the learning area or su'
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