Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III – Central Luzon Tarlac Tarlac City Schools Schools Diision Diision !"LI!"#$ PRI%ER$ I&TE#R"TED SC'$$L !alibago Primero( Tarlac City NARRATIVE AND PICTORIAL REPORTS ON GULAYAN SA PAARALAN PROJECT S. Y. 2016-2017 2016- 2017 I. INTRODUCTION
The school has been a basic foundation of skills and learning and is the ideal point for a project. One of the projects implemented by Balibago Primero Integrated School is the “Gulayan sa Paaralan! and a full support for the "ep#d $emo %o. &'( series &))*.
It encourages and promotes the school children to plants green leafy +egetables at home and school backyard garden areas as part of their sharing and implements consumption of +egetables among their community for a better healthy and balanced diet. ,e planted different kinds of +egetables like $alungay -amote lugbati and other +egetables.
To a/aken the pupil0s consciousness the reali1ation of ho/ important +egetables their nutrients their +itamins and effect of healthy li+ing. To incr increa ease se thei theirr a/ar a/aren enes ess s on hung hunger er issu issues es and and acti action ons s to miti mitiga gate te malnutrition among their family. To encourages for e+ery community to cooperate and shares reproduction of green leafy +egetables in their backyard garden.
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Pupils from Grade 2our to Grade Si3 encourage to ha+e a plot /here they plant different +egetables. School allotted budget from canteen for the agricultural seeds. #ncourages #ncourages for e+ery community to cooperate cooperate and shares reproduction reproduction of green leafy +egetables in their backyard garden.
#lementary griculture is the teaching of agriculture natural resources and land management through hands on e3perience and guidance to prepare students for entry le+el jobs of to further education to prepare them for ad+anced agricultural jobs. It is taught in public schools and deals /ith such subjects as ho/ plants and animals gro/ and ho/ soil is farmed and conser+ed. School gardens are culti+ation areas or school laboratories around or near schools for production of fruits and +egetables. The promotion of school gardens usually aims to/ards different objecti+es gi+ing pupils kno/ledge and skills for better agricultural producti+ity and sustainable agricultural practices gi+ing en+ironmental education a sustainable and practical dimension change attitudes to/ards agriculture and rural life and increase school attendance school feeding and create income and impro+ing food di+ersity to combat micronutrient deficiencies among school children and impro+e o+erall food security. 4ere pupils learned ho/ to plant different kinds of +egetables and ho/ to take care of them. They are the one /ho /atered and took care of +egetables planted in the school5 like okra stringbeans alugbati eggplants sili upo and patola. The production of fruits and +egetables in the school garden and the subse6uent preparation of healthy in close cooperation /ith the parents /ithin the school premises can address the he health and nutrition problems in the school. But the greater problem of malnutrition especially among children is that it ultimately leads to stunted mental and physical gro/th poor comprehension and lo/er performance in school. ccording to the teachers many children come to school /ith an empty stomach. 4ungry unhealthy children cannot concentrate on learning. The +egetables that /ere being har+ested /ere used in the 2ree 2eeding Program and through this program our pupils became healthier attenti+e and they are performing better in school. Pupils not only learned ho/ to reproduce +egetables but they /ere encouraged to eat green and leafy +egetables as /ell. So +egetable production through #lementary griculture must be gi+en emphasis.
Prepared by7 ADOR L. ISIP
Gulayan sa Paaralan 8eader 9ertified true and correct7 DR. JOLIE M. INTAL
Principal I
The students )lling up the seedlings case *ith soil and constructing a trellis for the preparation phase+
The students preparing the gallons as container for the
The student is putting a protectie plastic to sae the egetable from pest and
E,panding the gulayan sa paaralan pro-ect by turning all aailable plot to planting
&ourishing the students by adding harested egetables during feeding program+
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