Nanotechnology (Seminar)

May 7, 2017 | Author: TB | Category: N/A
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it is seminar reort in Nanotechnology again a simple seminar not a deep report......


Sushila Devi Bansal College Of Technology, Indore

Session 2008-09

Seminar Report On:

Nanotechnology: Engendering an Era of Industrial Revolution

Submitted to: Submitted by: Mr. Dinesh Rajpoot  Tanmay  Tanmay Baid Rohi t Tomar

Computer Science II year, III sem.  Table of Contents: 1.


2. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology in Computers. 2.1. 2.1. Ballisti Ballistic c Sensor Sensor Disks. Disks. 2.2. 2. 2. Spintr Spintroni onics. cs. 2.3. Smart Dust. 3.

Nanotechnology Nanotechnology in Medicine. Su rgery, Cell Cel l Pharmacology. Pharmacology. 3.1 Cell Surgery, 3.2 Microvibore Artificial WBC. 3.3 Reciprocites: Mechanical Artificial RBC. 3.4 Ribosome. 3.5 Utility Fog.

4. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology & International International Security. Security. 5. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology and Environment. Environment. 6. Basis of Economy: Economy: A Strong possibility. possibility. 7. Conclusio Conclusion. n. 8.


Nanotechnology: Engendering an Era of Industrial Revolution 1. Introduction: A technology stepping into every aspect of our lines, powerful enough to make things easier and impossible which hitherto was unimaginable. These things include desktop manufacturing cellular repai epairs rs,, arti artifi fici cial al in inte tell llig igen ence ce,, in ine expens xpensiv ive e sp spac ace e travel, abundant energy and environmental restoration, restoration, ie radically changing the whole economic and polit politica icall syste systems. ms. This This is the Nanot Nanotech echnol nology ogy.. Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices and systems through manipul ula ation of  mini minisc scul ule e matt matter er,, mani manipu pula lati tion on of matte atterr at the the atomic or nonoscale (i.e one billionth of meter).  The semiconductors industry is edging closer to the worl world d of non non tech techno nolo logy gy wher where e com compone ponent nts s are are miniastured to the point of individual molecules and aton atones es this this worl world d alon alone e auto automa mati tic c cont conten enti tion on of  consumer goods with traditional labour like a Xerox ml/c ml/c pro produce duces s unli unlimi mite ted d retyp etypin ing g of the the orig origin inal al information. The shotgun marriage of chemistry and engine engineeri ering ng called called is usheri ushering ng in the era of self selfreplicating machinery and self-assembling consolatory goods made from cheap raw atoms.

Fig1. Depicts an infrastructure been built by convergent system.

In Nanotechnology by controlling molecular structure in mate materi rial al sy synt nthe hesi sis s we have have gain gained ed in inev evit itab able le contr control ol over over the basis basis mater material ial prope properti rties es such such as conductivity, strength, relativity, yielding innovative appl applic icat atio ion n rang rangin ing g from from batt batter erie ies s to auto automo moti tive ve materials. By starting with cheap, abundant compared molecules and processing them with small high hi gh freq freque uenc ncy, y, hi high gh prod produc ucti tivi vity ty m/s m/s it will will mak make products inexpensive design computes will execute more instructors per sec than the entire semi semico cond nduc ucto torr CPU’ CPU’s s in the the worl world. d. Talki alking ng abou aboutt appl applic icat atio ions ns Nano Nanote tech chno nolo logy gy will will enab enable le us to do radica radicall new thing things s in virtua virtually lly every every techno technolog logica icall and scientific areas. areas.

2. The New Era of Nano Computers: Nanotechnology is all about building working mecha echan nis ism ms us usin ing g com compone ponen nts ts.. Suc Such as su supe perr computers (bacteria sized) with today’s MIPS (Million instructions per sec) capacity, or super computers in the size of sugar cube possessing the power of a bill bi llio ion n lapt laptop ops s regul egular ar si size zed d desk deskto top p model odel with with power of billions of today’s PC and magnetic storage desk desks s coul could d wor word 100 00,0 ,000 00 tone tones s mor more data data than than current disk. Computation will then become a property of matter, computers right be morporated in next generation, by 2010 we will be aware of our using nanoscale computers.

2.1. Ballistic Sensor Disc:

Nanoscale computers will certain hard disks, which have sensors, sensitive enough to detect presence or abse absenc nce e of magn magnet etic ic fiel field d in a micr micros osco copi pic c bi bitt of  mate materi rial al.. This This is done done as if the the magn magnet etic ic fiel field d is strong enough to change a sensors electron flow the bift represents a 1, if not it is 0, the key factor is maki making ng sens sensor ors s that that can can read ead and and matt matter er bi bits ts in increasing the magnetic resistance of sensors.


The contact between these wires is only a few hundred atoms wide. The tight squeeze keeps electrons from scattering, allowing the sensor to read the minuscule minuscule bits that future, super super high-capa high-capacity city disk drives drives will depend on.

2.2. Spintronics: Researche chers are aiming to make a spin based computer chip that does all the timing that conventional chip do but with cost power size and were viability advantages that come from magnetic logic with the concept of Spintronics hard disks may be replaced with plastic memories to open up many opportunities for new technologies such as flexible displays and responsive solar cells. Ohio State University researchers have made nearly all the moving electrons inside a sample of plastic to

spin in same direction – an effect called spin pola polari riza zati tion on that that coul could d fiel field d pl plas asti tic c memo memori ries es by repla eplaci cing ng the the hi high gh/l /low ow volt voltag age e repre eprese sent ntat atio ion n of  boolean ones and zero’s with north pole/south pole respe espect ctiv ivel ely y. We can can cons constr truc uctt basi basic c logi logic c gate gates, s, which carry out computations using the spin electrons.  This technology will make extremely small chips that are are in ine expen xpensi sive ve than than trad tradit itio iona nall IC’s IC’s beca becaus use e the the cirrcuit ci cuits s are are made made from from si sing ngle le wir wires rath rather er than than semico semicondu nducto ctorr trans transist istors ors leadin leading g to use of cheap cheap and low power computers. Also because spin states of electrons remain stable even when power goes off, such a computer would not have to boot up every time it is turned on.

2.3 Smart Dust:   These These are are bottle-ca bottle-cap-sh p-shaped aped micro-mac micro-machines hines fitted fitted with wireless communication devices - that measure light and temperature, When clustered together, they auto autom matic atical ally ly crea create te hi high ghly ly fle flexi xibl ble, e, lowlow-po powe werr netw networ orks ks with with appl applic icat atio ions ns rang rangin ing g from from cl clim imat ateecont contrrol sy syst stem ems s to ent enterta rtain inm ment ent devi devic ces that interact with handheld computers." computers."

fig3. Golem-dust. solar powered mote with bi-directional communications and sensing (acceleration and ambient light) 11.7 mm3 total circumscribed volume~ total displaced volume Engineers also envision other uses for the Smart Dust project, including:

4.8 mm3

1) Monit Monitori oring ng humidi humidity ty and tempe temperat ratur ure e to assess assess the freshne freshness ss of foods foods stored stored in the refrig refrigerat erator or or cupboard. 2) Moni Monito tori ring ng quad quadri ripl pleg egic ics' s' eye eye move moveme ment nts s and and faci facial al gest gestur ures es and and to assi assist st them them in oper operat atin ing g a wheelchair or using computational computational devices. 3) Comm Commun unic icat atin ing g with with a hand handhe held ld comp comput uter er for for game games s and and othe otherr for forms of ente entert rtai ainm nmen ent. t. A us user er coul could d atta attach ch the the sens sensor ors s to hi his s or her her fing finger ers s to "scu "sculp lpt" t" 3D sh shap apes es in vi virt rtua uall cl clay ay vi visi sibl ble e on the the device's screen. The same idea could be applied to playing the piano or communicating in sign langua language, ge, with with the handhe handheld ld comput computer er trans transla latin ting g hand gestures into music and speech. 4) Detecting the onset of diseases, such as cancer. Expe Experi rime ment nts s on huma humans ns are are expec xpecte ted d to begi begin n as soon soon as one one year year from from now, now, with with adop adopti tion on taki taking ng place anywhere from three to 10 years, according to Smart Dust researchers

3. Medicinal Era brought by Nanotechnology We can actua actually lly say say goodgood-bye bye to cancer cancer diseas diseases; es; hosp hospit ital als s no long longer er will will pl plag ague ues s of AID AIDS or Ebol Ebola a

strike the human race. Antibiotics will even decreasing effectiveness, would no longer be staple of medical med ical industry. industry. How How it will will be poss possib ible le sinc since e di dise seas ases es are are caus caused ed larg largel ely y by dama damage ge at mole molecu cula larr leve levell and and cell cellul ular ar level and today’s surgical tools at this scale are large and low, so with NT we will have nano-robots which will be programmed to perform delicate surgeries.

Fig4.showing an artificial DNA structure built by nano-matters

Autonomous molecular m/c operating in human body could monitor levels of various compounds and store

the info in internal memory. The molecular m/c can be filtered out of blood supply and the information can be analyzed supply and the information can be analyzed. This is very useful in diagnosis of various diseases. It is also suggested that using NT medical diagnosis will be transformed and use of nano- robots within body body cou could provi vide de a defe defens nse e again gains st in inv vadi din ng viruses. This technology could be used in particular application when considering immune sys. as this to combat immune deficiency diseases live HIV/AIDS.   The Therre is also also sp spec ecul ulat atio ion n that that nanonano-rrobot obots s woul would d show sh ow on even even rever everse se the the agi ging ng proc proces ess s and and life life expectancy could increase significantly. In near future we will be acquainted with notions like:

Cell Pharmacology: Delivery of drugs by medical nano-machines to exact location in the body. Cell Surgery: Modifying cellular structures using medical nano-machines. Ribosome: Naturally occurring molecular machine that manufactures proteins according to instructions derived from cell’s genes. Nanomedicine: Bunch of non -replicating nanorobots nanorobots with a specified medical task such as cleaning and closing a would and many more. Reciprocytes: Mechanical Artificial RBC: A blood bor borne spher pheric ica al 1 Mic icrron di dia amonded ded 1000 atm pres pressu surre vess vessel el with with acti active ve pump pumpin ing g powe powerred by

endogenous serum glucose, able to delver 236 times more oxygen oxygen to tissues per unit volume than national red cells and to manage carbonic acidity.

Micr Microb obiv ivor ore e Arti Artifi fici cial al WBC: WBC: Thi his s will will des destro troy mic icrrobi biol olo ogi gica call agent gent caus causin ing g dis isea eas se found und in huma human n bl bloo oods dstr trea eam m us usin ing g a di dige gest st and and di disc scha harrge protocol.

Fig 4.Showing artificial WBC.

Utility Fog:  These are objects formed of “intelligent” polymorphic subs su bsta tanc nces es,, havi having ng typi typica call lly y an octe octett trus truss. s. It’s It’s a simple extension of nanotechnology, based on tiny self-replicating robots. The robots are called Foglets and the substance they form is Utility Fog.

Fig5. shows us individual foglet & then the whole Utility Fog.

4. Nanotechnology & International Security:   The The poss possib ible le appli pplica cati tion ons s of Nano Nanote tech chno nolo logy gy to advanced weaponry are fertile ground for fantasy. It is obvious that 3-D assembly of nano- structures in bulk can yield much better versions of most conventional weapons weapons e.g. guns can be made lighter, easy easy mor more amm ammunit unitio ion, n, fir fire self self guid guided ed bull bullet ets, s, inco in corp rpor orat ate e mult multis ispe pect ctra rall gun gun sigh sights ts or even even fir fire themselves when an enemy is detected. Aerospace hardware would be far lighter and higher performance, built with minimal or no metal, it would be such such hard harder er to spot spot radar radar.E .Embe mbedde dded d comput computer er would would allow allow remote emote activa activatio tion n of any weapon weapon and more more compa compact ct power power handli handling ng would would allow allow great greatly ly improved robotics.Nuclear weapons can be credited

to prevent major wars since their inventions. Nuclear weapons have high long term cost of use that would be much uch low lower with ith nano nanote tech ch weapo apons ns.N .Nu ucl clea earr weapons require massive research effort and industrial development, which can be tracked more easily than nanotech weapons. Greater uncertainty of capabilities of the adversary less response time to an attack and better targeted destruction of enemy’s resources during an attack all make nanotech arm race races s less ess stabl ble e. Nano anotech ech wea weapons pons woul uld d be extremely powerful and could lead to a dangerously to an arm race race.. Als lso o unl nles ess s nan nanotech tech is tight ghtly cont contrrolle olled d the the numb number er of nano nanote tech ch nati nation ons s in the the wor world coul could d be such uch hig igh her than the the num number ber of  nuclear nations increasing the chance of a regional conflict blowing.

5.Nanotechnology and Environment : Nano Nano techn technolo ology gy has the poten potentia tiall to substa substanti ntiall ally y benefi benefitt envir environm onment ent thro through ugh pollut pollution ion preve preventi ntion, on, treatment and remediation. Auborne nano robots can be programmed to rebuild the removed from water sources and oil spills can be cleaned up instantly. Our dependenc ence an non-renewable sources ces would

diminish with nano-technology. Many resources can be developed by nano-machines.

Fig6. Nanotectnology making transortation easy.

However use of NT is scaled up emissions to environment may also increase and perhaps a whole new class of toxins or other environment problems may be created.

6. Basis of Economy: A Strong possibility:   The The pur purchas chaser er of manu manufa fact ctur ured ed prod produc uctt toda today y is paying for its design, raw materials, the labour and capital of manufacturing, manufacturing, transportations storage and sales. If nano-factories can produce a wide variety of 

product when and where they are wanted most of  this efforts will become unnecessary.

7. Conclusion: Thus, what we are seeing is the segment of a revol evolut utio ion n caus caused ed by our our abil abilit ity y to work work on same same

scale scale as natur nature, e, Nano-t Nano-tech echnol nolog ogy y will will affor afford d every every aspect of our lives from the medicines we use power of our computers the energy supplies we require, the food we eat, the cars we drive, the building we live in, the clothes we wear. Nanotechnology with all its challenges and oppor opportun tuniti ities es is an unavoi unavoidab dable le part part of our futur future. e.  The researches are filled with optimums and products are filled with optimum and products based on this technology are beginning to make their mark.  The extent to which non-technology will impact our lives only depends on times of human in genuinely. Huma Humani nity ty will will be face faced d with with a powe powerr acce accele lera rate ted d social reduction as a result of nano-technology. More pow powerfu erfull in indu dust strrial ial revo evolutio ution n capa capabl ble e of  bri bringi nging wealt ealth, h, healt ealth h and educ educa ation ion to ever very person on this planet is just around the corner. Along with the development of nanotechnology comes the necessary to develop reasonable guidelines proce procedur dures es and laws laws in order order to prote protect ct humani humanity ty from new forms of terror, runaway inanities misuse of technologies.


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