Nail Art Design
Short Description
Descrição: Nail Art Design Apostila...
Apply standard nail polish and wait Choose a favorite color. Place a to dry. single dot on a nail.
Add additional dots around the side to create flower petals.
Choose another color and add a second flower.
Finished! With a beautiful design on your fingertips!
Connect the flowers with stems.
Draw a large dot and put a smaller hen drag the colours in on the Using the pen nib drag the colours dot in the center. four diagonals. out in four directions.
Draw a series of large dots. Use complimentary colours that you li"e.
Put smaller dots in each. Use a contrasting colour.
While the polish is still wet use the pen nib to drag figure#eights through the different colours.
Colors Used for this design: Basics Crystal, Rose Glitter Galore. Also uses: Your favorite violet monomer, acrylic brush, and topcoat. .
!ave your favorite violet monomer, glitter acrylic po"der , and acrylic brush ready.
$h e nail "ill be cap ped "ith a thin coat of clear acrylic in %tep &.
Draw a series of large dots. Use complimentary colours that you li"e.
Put smaller dots in each. Use a contrasting colour.
While the polish is still wet use the pen nib to drag figure#eights through the different colours.
Colors Used for this design: Basics Crystal, Rose Glitter Galore. Also uses: Your favorite violet monomer, acrylic brush, and topcoat. .
!ave your favorite violet monomer, glitter acrylic po"der , and acrylic brush ready.
$h e nail "ill be cap ped "ith a thin coat of clear acrylic in %tep &.
%tart by dipping the brush into the monomer.
)i p e t h e e *c e s s m o n o m e r o u t of the brush.
ip the "et brush into the glitter acrylic po"der.
ic/ up a medium si0ed ball "ith the acrylic brush.
lace the "et acrylic ball on the tip of the nail.
3 latten and sh ape the glit ter acrylic.
Add more glitter acrylic po"der as needed to cover the nail tip and create a deep smile line if preferred. Remember to /eep the tip of your nail as thin as possible because it "ill be capped "ith clear acrylic.
Cap the nail "ith clear acrylic.
3inish the nail by bu5 ng smooth 6remember not to 7le into the glitter acrylic layer because this causes the glitter to become scu8ed and turn silver9. Apply your favorite topcoat.
A 7 n is hed s et of nails "ith a colored acrylic french sculpt.
(modele)!.html".html http://www.the$'/gallery2themed.htm'/main2nail*art*gallery.htm'/ser+ice2men'.htm
Would you li"e to see other designs that our customers have posted$
Apply base coat %tart placing clear hen place another stones from the left row with different color
hird row
&ast row to the rightApply final co at to stabli'e stones
http://www.,*art.html(mar-a m'lte modele
Tuxedo French: Apply Beyond Black in a V shape at the cuticle, cure for 5 seconds. Apply the French white to the rest of the nail in a chevron shape, cure 5 seconds. Using a fine point brush, paint a bow tie with Reckless Red, at the point of the chevron on the white area. Flash to set. Use the back end of the brush dipped in Beyond Black to ake !buttons! under the bow tie. "ure for #.5 inute for full cure.
Leopard: Apply two thin coats of $earning $ellow, cure for #% seconds. Using a very fine point brush, paint rando spots on with Beyond Black. "ure for #.5 inutes. you can leave it raised and te'tured or apply a coat of (yper&Base over the entire nail for sooth finish.
Marbleized Red & White: Apply a coat of Reckless Red to entire nail plate. )* +* F-A(. /lace two sall drops of French 0hite in center of red. Using a toothpick swirl the white into the red, self level and cure for #.5 inutes. his can be done with any cobination of colors.
Apply two thin coats o French White to entire nail plate! Flash to set! "sin# Rec$less Red% place two s&all dots with the bac$ end o your brush at the center o the nail% Then pull the color down to a point to or& a heart! 'ure or ( ) &inutes!
Blue Confetti : Apply two coats o *e#uilin# *lue to entire nail plate! Flash second coat then sprin$le the conetti onto tac$y surace% cure or (+,(- seconds! Apply
.yper,*ase to entire Nail plate and cure or ( ) &inutes!
Gold Leaf : Ater applyin# an o0erlay bu o shine% and nail cleanse! /lue on a thin sheet or loose lec$s o #old lea to the entire nail! 10erlay with .yper,base and cure or ( &inute!
Lace French : Apply two thin coats o Rec$less Red or any color you want! 'ure ully% and bu o shine! /lue on lace at ree ed#e o nail! 'ut lace to it ree ed#e! 10erlay with .yper,*ase! .int: use a 0ery thin ine lace! Ater o0erlay is done curin# you &ay need to ile and shape the nail! 2o so% and apply a coat o .yper,Finish to brin# bac$ shine!
Midnight Madness: Apply two thin coats o *eyond *lac$ cure ully! *u o shine and #lue on #old star! 10erlay with .yper,*ase% and cure or ( &inute!
thof !ul" : Apply two thin coats o French White% cure or (+,(- seconds! "sin# a 0ery ine pointed brush paint on dia#onal stripes with Rec$less Red! Flash to set! Then apply blue dots with the bac$ end o your brush! 'ure or ( ) &inutes!
Mood polish : 10erlay nail% cure ully! *u and polish with your a0orite &ood polish! Allow polish to dry co&pletely! Apply .yper,Finish to seal on the polish!
Mood air brushing : Apply overlay, cure fully and buff off shine. Apply your favorite 1ood polish or any polish or any 2uintessence color. -ightly buff off shine and air brush the desired design. )* +* A//-$ */ "*A. +ow apply (yper&Finish and cure
Rhinestone Co#bo": Apply any color you desire, cure fully, buff off shine. Glue on rhinestones in any configuration you desire. Apply Hyper-Base to seal on rhinestones.
Pretty Petals: 1i' the $earning $ellow with Beguiling Blue to ake a pale green color. Apply to the entire nail plate. Using a very sall angle cut brush, /ick up a little French 0hite, then touch the point of the brush into the Reckless Red. his will give you a two&tone effect. "arefully paint the petals of your flower design, flash to set. Add a little yellow or black dot in the center of each flower, Flash to set. Add ore blue to the pale green to ake it darker. Using a very sharp pointed brush, paint stes and leaves. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Mother of Pearl Splash: Apply two thin coats of /recious /earl, cure for #% seconds. Using a very sall pointed brush, /aint on 4 French white splash lines at the free edge, flash to set. 1i' blue and yellow to ake a turuoise color. /aint on 4 turuoise splash lines at the free edge. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Wedding French: Apply one thin coat of (yper&heer to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. /aint on "hevron French with French white. wo coats. "ure for #% seconds Add an overlay of (yper& heer or (yper&Base. And cure for # 3 inutes.
$in% and White Cheron: 1i' (yper&Base with a very sall aount of Reckless Red to create a pink. *verlay entire nail plate with the pink. "ure for #% seconds. hen paint on the chevron french with French 0hite, two coats. "ure for #% seconds. Apply a coat of (yper& base and cure for # 3 inutes.
'ecals : Apply two thin coats of Beyond Black, cure for #% seconds. /lace decal on nail plate, then apply a coat of (yper&finish to seal on decal. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Fanc" Feathers 6 Apply two thin coats of French white and flash to set. /lace feather onto tacky surface and pat into place. "ure for #%& #5 seconds. "ut e'cess feather off. Apply (yper&Base to entire nail plate and cure for # 3 inutes.
$ol%a 'ots6 Apply two thin coats of french white, cure for #% seconds. 1i' Reckless Red and French 0hite to ake a deep or pale pink. Using the back end of your brush, /lace sall dots all over nail plate. "ure for # 3 inutes. -eave te'tured or apply a coat of (yper&Base to sooth surface.
(tripes6 Apply two thin coats of Reckless Red and cure for #% seconds. Using Beyond Black paint on diagonal stripes at the free edge. Flash. hen paint on French white diagonal stripes at the free edge. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Chris Cross 6 Apply two thin coats of Reckless Red to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. /aint on Beyond Black in a "hris "ross pattern at the free edge, Flash to set. hen paint on white "hris "ross pattern ne't to black. Flash to set then cure for # 3 inutes.
tarry tarry +ights6 Apply two thin coats of $earning $ellow, cure #.5 inutes. Buff off shine and glue on black stars in rando design. *verlay with (yper&Base and cure for # inute.
)ebra #ith (lic% Finish: Apply #&7 thin coats of French white cure #% seconds. Using a fine point brush, apply rando stripes with Beyond Black. "ure #% seconds. Apply (yper&Finish for a sooth un& te'tured finish. "ure for #3 inutes.
Leopard #ith (lic% Finish: Apply one coat of $earning $ellow to entire nail plate. "ure #% seconds. Apply rando si8e and shaped spots with Beyond Black using a fine pointed brush. "ure #% seconds. Apply (yper&Finish to entire surface for a sooth slick finish. "ure for #3 inutes.
White #ith Red Fla*e: Apply French 0hite to entire nail plate. DO NOT !A"H O# $ure. /lace a sall drop of Reckless Red in center of white, using a toothpick. /ull red into desired flae shape. -evel and cure for #3 inutes.
Chriss Cross (*ooth: Apply Reckless Red to entire nail plate. "ure #% seconds. Using a very fine pointed brush, apply Beyond Black in a diagonal 4 line pattern. "ure 5 seconds. Apply French 0hite in 4 line pattern in opposite direction crossing the black lines. "ure 5 seconds. Apply (yper&Finish for a sooth slick finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
$in% and White $ol%a+'ots6 1i' a sall aount of Reckless Red into French 0hite to create a pale pink. Apply to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. Using the back end of your brush, add French 0hite dots to entire nail. "ure #% seconds. Apply (yper&Finish to entire nail plate for that sooth slick finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Fish Bo#l : 1i' $earning $ellow with a sall aount of Beguiling Blue to create a soft green. Apply color to entire nail plate, cure for #% seconds. Using a very fine pointed brush, paint on sall fish using any color you want. Flash to set. hen add seaweed and sand with beyond black. Flash to set. Add bubbles fro fish ouths using French 0hite. "ure #% seconds. Apply (yper Base over entire nail for a glass bowl finish. "ure for # inute.
$ale Green #ith 'ots: 1i' $earning $ellow with sall aount of Beguiling Blue to create that soft green. Apply to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. Add sall dots in a diagonal line using French 0hite, flash to set. Add a second row of diagonal dots using Reckless Red. )ots are applied with the back end of your brush. "ure for #% seconds. Add a thin coat of (yper& Finish for a sooth slick finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Clouds ,llusions6 Apply two coats of Beguiling Blue to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. Using French 0hite, paint on cloud
foration. "ure for another #% seconds. Apply (yper Finish for a sooth finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Red to White Fade6 Apply French 0hite to entire nail plate, )o +ot Flash or "ure. +ow /ick up a sall aount of Reckless Red and paint one side of the nail, gradually fading into 0hite. -evel and cure for # 3 inutes.
White -ot Fla*e: Apply Reckless Red to entire nail /late. "ure #% seconds. Using French 0hite, paint on the flae shape fro free
edge towards cuticle. Flash to set. +ow add sall 0hite spots along the side of the flae design. "ure #% seconds. Apply (yper& Finish to entire nail for a sooth slick finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
Blue to Tur.uoise: tart with Beguiling Blue and apply to entire nail plate. "ure #% seconds. 1i' a sall aount of $earning $ellow to soe Beguiling Blue to create a green. /aint on a diagonal stripe half way up the nail plate. "ure 5 seconds. Add a sall aount of French 0hit to the all ready i'ed green to create an even lighter green. /aint on a third diagonal stripe at the free edge. "ure for 5 seconds. Apply a thin coat of (yper& Finish to entire nail and cure for # 3 inutes.
Red and /ello# Marble: Apply a coat of Reckless Red to entire nail plate. Do not lash or $ure. Add two sall drops of $earning $ellow to center of nail. Using a toothpick, swirl the $ellow into entire surface until you have reached the desired arble effect. -evel and cure for # 3 inutes.
(tor* Clouds6 1i' Beyond Black and French 0hite to create a pale gray. Do not lash or $ure. /lace a sall drop of French 0hite and Beyond Black on nail. Using a toothpick swirl drops into a gray. -evel and cure for # 3 inutes. For a real thunderstor look, add a lightening bolt to center of nail. "ure for #% seconds. hen apply a thin coat of (yper& Finish and cure for # inute.
Midnight Madness6 Apply Beyond Black to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. +ow use the French 0hite and paint on a crescent oon add sall spots for stars. "ure for #% seconds, then apply (yper& Finish and cure for # 3 inutes.
Beautiful Morning: 1i' Beguiling Blue and French 0hite to create a pale Blue. Use pale blue for entire nail plate. /aint on a un Burst using $earning $ellow. Flash to set. +ow use French 0hite and create a cloud partially covering your un Burst. Flash to set. +ow you can add eyes and outh to sun, using Reckless Red for outh and Beyond Black for eyes. "ure for # 3 inutes.
(tar (pangled Banner : Apply a coat of French white to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. /aint on the stripes using Reckless red. "ure for 5 seconds. +ow using Beguiling Blue paint on a sall blue field at cuticle. "ure for 5 seconds. Add sall !stars! onto the Blue field using French 0hite. "ure for #% seconds. Apply (yper& Finish to entire nail to finish the look. And cure for # 3 inutes.
0rizona at 'us%: Apply two coats of $earning $ellow to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. +ow using Beyond Black paint on the cactus, skull, and grass. "ure for #% seconds. hen apply (yper& Finish for a sooth finish. "ure for # 3 inutes.
/ello# Bell" 'ots6 Apply two coats of the $earning $ellow i'ed with a sall aount of French 0hite for a pale pastel yellow color. "ure for #% seconds add three rows of diagonal spots using Beguiling Blue, French 0hite, add $earning $ellow. "ure for #% seconds apply a coat of hyper&Finish and cure for # 3 inutes.
$ee%+0+Boo6 1i' $earning $ellow with a sall aount of Reckless Red to create the flesh color. Apply to entire nail plate. "ure for #% seconds. /aint a football shape using the French 0hite to obtain the eye. Flash for 5 seconds. Using the Beguiling blue place a circle in the center of the eye. Flash for 5 seconds. Using Beyond Black you
can create the pupil and the eye lashes. Flash for 5 seconds. Use a toothpick dipped in French 0hite to create the sparkle in the eye. 0hen the desired look is obtained, apply a thin coat of (yper&Finish to the entire nail and cure for #.5 inutes.
1ight Fires: Apply a coat of Beyond Black to entire nail plate. Do not lash or cure. /lace a sall drop of French 0hite at the free edge of the nail. Using a toothpick pull the white up to for a flae design. -evel and "ure for # 3 inutes.
Tiger : Apply the $earning $ellow over the entire nail plate cure for #% seconds. ake a sall aount of Reckless Red and $earning $ellow i' the two together to create a pale coral color. Using this color paint on a sheer coat in two different areas of the nail. 1aking sure there is a space between the two stripes where the $earning $ellow shows through. his gives it a two&tone effect. "ure for 5 seconds. /aint on rando tiger stripes using Beyond Black and a fine point brush. 0hen you get desired iger effect cure for #% seconds. o finish the look use the (yper&finish and cure for # 3 inutes giving it a sooth slick look.
Loe & 2isses6 Apply the Reckless Red over entire nail plate flash for #% seconds then randoly place your choice of heart and lip decals onto nail. Apply a sheer coat of /recious /earl and cure 5 seconds reove decals and finish curing for # inute.
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