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CORROSION TESTING & MONITORING Index of Books on this Page Electrochemical Approach to Selected Corrosion and Corrosion Control Studies (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 28) Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Predictive Methods for Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Materials, Equipment, and Structures Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service, Revised Edition Corrosion Testing and Monitoring CICS ISTFA ’96: 22nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis Nondestructive Testing Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation Computer Modeling in Corrosion Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrochemical Impedance and Noise Corrosion Testing Made Easy: DC Electrochemical Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Atmospheric Corrosion Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Galvanic Corrosion Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: 7-Book Set Slow Strain Rate Testing for the Evaluation of Environmentally Induced Cracking—Research and Engineering Applications Electrochemical Impedance—Analysis and Interpretation Automation in Fatigue and Fracture-Testing and Analysis Application of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to Service Life Prediction of Materials Techniques for Corrosion Measurement Computers in Corrosion Control, Volume IV Computers in Corrosion Control, Volume III Galvanic Corrosion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Electrochemical Approach to Selected Corrosion and Corrosion Control Studies (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 28) Edited by P.L. Bonora and F. Deflorian These proceedings contain 26 papers from a symposia held at the 1999 ISE meeting in Pavia, Italy. The symposia addressed the industrial application of the electrochemical approach to corrosion research, including testing and monitoring, corrosion prediction, prevention and control, and fundamental research. The papers are categorized into the following headings: inhibitors, organic coatings, inorganic coatings, passivity, and corrosion testing and evaluation in special environments. 2000 by IOM Communications, Ltd., 7" x 10", hardbound, 367 pages, figures, tables, references, and index, ISBN 186125-110-6. $120 List and NACE Member -- Item #38330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Predictive Methods for Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Materials, Equipment, and Structures Edited by R.D. Kane
This book features the latest international developments on the generation of relevant materials and properties data based on laboratory tests and methodologies for the evaluation and assessment of environmental assisted cracking in equipment and structures exposed to corrosive service environments. Includes 27 peer-reviewed papers. Topics include: the use of electrochemical, surface analysis, slow strain rate, and fracture mechanics techniques; the correlation between laboratory and in-service cracking resistance; state-of-the-art developments in fitness-for-service and risk assessment methodologies; monitoring of equipment and structures for environmentally assisted cracking; and uses of corrosion models to understand mechanisms and predict service life of equipment. This book is appropriate for materials selection engineers and consultants, metallurgists, mechanical engineers, and corrosion engineers. 2000 by ASTM, 6"x9", hardbound, 500 pages, figures, tables, references, author index, subject index, ISBN 0-8031-28746. $195 List and NACE Member -- Item #38323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers By Roger Francis Galvanic corrosion affects engineers in just about every field. Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers offers practical advice on what to do when galvanic corrosion in common engineering materials occurs in the typical environment of the engineer 좰 and how to take steps in the future to avoid it. This book provides a single place that pulls together answers from some of the most common questions concerning galvanic corrosion. 2000 by NACE, 8" x 10", softbound, 134 pages, 8-page color section, figures, tables, references, index, ISBN 1-57590110-2. $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37568 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service, Revised Edition By D.E. Bray and R.K. Stanley This revised edition introduces and discusses the primary techniques used in the field of nondestructive evaluation: ultrasonics, magnetics, radiography, penetrants, and eddy currents. Written from a fundamental law of physics approach, the book contains examples, problems, and applications of each technique making it suitable as a primary reference and as a textbook for courses on nondestructive evaluation. Research and future applications are also covered. 1997 by CRC Press, 7" x 10", hardbound, 586 pages, figures, tables, references, appendices, and index, ISBN 0-84932655-9. $100 List and NACE Member -- Item #38252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing and Monitoring CICS CICS are compilations of papers and articles from NACE topical symposia and conferences, Materials Performance magazine, Corrosion journal, book proceedings, and technical committee reports. The following CICS are now available for the corrosion testing and monitoring industry: Laboratory Techniques for In-Situ Corrosion Monitoring—2001 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 22 papers. NEW! $22 List and NACE Member -- Item #37224
Industrial Applications for In-Situ Corrosion Monitoring—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 9 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37225 On-line Bacteria Monitoring as Related to the Petrochemical Industry—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 12 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37226 Fireside Corrosion Testing in Waste and Energy Processes—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 13 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37229 Fireside Corrosion Testing in Coal Fired Processes—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 11 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37230 Slow Strain Rate Testing: General Topics—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 14 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37231 Slow Strain Rate Testing in the Nuclear Industry—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 11 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37232 Slow Strain Rate Testing in the Petrochemical Industry—1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 14 papers. $8 List and NACE Member -- Item #37233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISTFA ’96: 22nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis This resource covers the largest conference worldwide for fault-finding procedures, diagnostic techniques, and failure analysis. Held in Los Angeles, CA, it is a vital forum for the exchange of technical information, practice, and experience. This conference continues to emphasize current and emerging techniques and technologies used for failure analysis, plus screening tests on electronic systems and components. Topics covered include process analysis techniques, packaging/assembly, related analysis techniques, EOS/ESD, nonsilicon devices, vendor-equipment topics, testing, and comprehensive case studies. 1996 by ASM International, hardbound, 370 pages, ISBN 0-87170-582-6. $124 List and NACE Member -- Item #38212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nondestructive Testing By Louis Cartz An extremely wide range of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are available to help you examine the different problems and various defects in an assortment of materials under varying circumstances. This book gives you sufficient basic theory to comprehend the principles of each method so that the most appropriate method can be selected and used to its fullest advantage. A wide range of examples are included to provide ideas on how to proceed in the investigation of a particular NDT problem. The NDT methods covered include radiography, ultrasonic testing, liquid penetrant inspection, magnetic particle inspection, and eddy current inspection. Typical illustrative calculations and a comprehensive bibliography are also provided. This book is particularly useful to advanced technicians involved with high level III NDT training, engineers concerned with quality control, general scientists and technologists dealing with materials problems but who are not NDT specialists, and engineering students taking a course in NDT.
1995 by ASM International, 7-1/4" x 10-1/4", hardbound, 225 pages, figures, tables, glossary, data tables, references, and index, ISBN 0-87170-517-6. $126 List and NACE Member -- Item #37792 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation Edited by R. Baboian This manual addresses the worldwide problem of corrosion of metals and alloys, and provides guidelines for recognizing types of corrosion as well as the fundamentals of corrosion testing. The technical quality and value of this manual is the result of the efforts of over 400 experts in the field of corrosion testing and evaluation. Their work provides complete coverage of application and interpretation of corrosion tests and standards. Eight sections of the book include General Information, Testing and Evaluation, Types of Tests, Testing for Corrosion Types, Testing in Environments, Materials Testing, Testing in Industries, and Cross Referencing. 1995 by ASTM, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 800 pages, tables, figures, references, and standards cross index, ISBN 0-80312058-3. $149 List and NACE Member -- Item #37751 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Computer Modeling in Corrosion Edited by R.S. Munn This proceedings publication is from an ASTM symposium on Computer Modeling for Corrosion held November 12-13, 1990, in San Antonio, Texas. It was sponsored by ASTM Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals and its Subcommittee G01.03 on Computers in Corrosion. Sections include Surface Phenomena and Localized Corrosion, Corrosion Data Fitting and Modeling of Electrode Kinetics and Impedance, and Spatial Corrosion Modeling. 1992 by ASTM, 6" x 9-1/4", hardbound, 296 pages, figures, tables, photographs, references, and index, ISBN 0-80311473-7. $86 List and NACE Member -- Item #37748 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrochemical Impedance and Noise By Bob Cottis and Dr. S. Turgoose Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrical Impedance and Noise is the seventh volume in the series. The book addresses electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrochemical noise measurements that have been developed for the examination of the electrochemistry of corroding metal samples. An appendix is included covering the mathematical aspects of the two subjects, along with other supporting material. Topics include: principles of the subjects, measurement of impedance spectra, analysis of EIS data, description of noise signals, measurement of electrochemical noise, analysis of electrochemical noise, electrical circuits, electrochemical kinetics, walk-through of a noise measurement and analysis, spectral estimation techniques and signal processing, theoretical basis of noise processes, and transient effects of EIS. Also includes a number of resources to assist the reader in following the text and obtaining further information about impedance and noise methods applied to corrosion. Includes companion software. 1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, approximately 200 pages, figures, tables, references, and index, ISBN 1-57590093-9.
$127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: DC Electrochemical Test Methods By N.G. Thompson, J.H. Payer An introduction to electrochemical test methods for corrosion. Designed to provide hands-on instructions and examples to those conducting the tests. Covers all key elements of electrochemical tests: instruments, wiring, sample and solution preparation, test setup and test procedures. Procedures provide step-by-step instructions for each test method. Data presented in the applications and examples provide a comparison for validation of procedures. Presentation of corrosion theory and interpretation of test results are included to provide context for the electrochemical tests. Also includes a troubleshooting chapter. 1998 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 120 pages, 60 figures, 7 tables, glossary, and index, ISBN 1-877914-63-0. $127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37562 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion By Brenda J. Little, Patricia A. Wagner, and Florian Mansfeld. Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion addresses microbiologically influenced corrosion in various operating systems. The book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of biofilm formation, cellular constituents of biofilms, mechanisms for MIC, and most importantly, tests that can be used in the laboratory and/or the field to determine the likelihood and extent of MIC. The book can be used as a step-by-step guide to performing specific types of MIC tests. It also describes the possible difficulties in performing an experiment and indicates how to correct mistakes if they were made. The book contains an unusually large number of illustrations—of which 30 are illustrated in full color. Chapters cover MIC mechanisms and case histories; sample identification and collection; metallurgical, microbiological, chemical, and electrochemical testing; monitors; recent laboratory developments; and conclusions. CTME: MIC is written with entry-level technicians in mind, although many experienced scientists and engineers will also find the book useful. 1997 by NACE, 81/2" x 11", hardbound, 120 pages, 107 figures, 9 tables, 30 color photos, bibliography, glossary, and index, ISBN 1-57590-035-1. $127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Atmospheric Corrosion Test Methods By H.H. Lawson The fourth volume in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series of books provides an introduction to atmospheric corrosion testing techniques. It is an invaluable source for technicians and engineers who are faced with the tasks of setting up exposure facilities and preparing and testing materials. Sections covered include test sites and facility hardware, test samples (removal and storage, cleaning, pit and destructive evaluation, etc.), measuring atmospheric corrosiveness, ISO atmospheric classifications, and atmospheric simulation testing. 1994 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, approximately 80 pages, 11 tables, 61 figures, references, and index, ISBN 1877914-82-7. $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37554
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics By E.D. Verink Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics is the third volume in the series and outlines the scientific and mathematical principles essential to the technician/engineer in performing corrosion testing. The book provides an introduction to laboratory procedures and equipment, including preparation of specimens and chemical handling, corrosion theory and technology, types of corrosion and corrosion testing, and test result interpretation. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 310 pages, more than 300 figures, tables, references, appendices, index, glossary, ISBN 1-877914-62-2. $115 List, $87 NACE Member -- Item #37538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Galvanic Corrosion Test Methods By H.P. Hack Volume 2 in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series, this book addresses the complexities of galvanic corrosion and provides the technician and engineer with clear, specific guidelines for both designing and conducting laboratory and field tests for prediction purposes. An excellent reference source for galvanic corrosion and testing methodology, this book can easily serve as an introduction to the subject for those who are unfamiliar with or new to the field. Details the nature of galvanic corrosion testing and theory, outlines relevant testing considerations, provides an in-depth description of the tests currently being practiced, and provides step-by-step procedures to follow for each testing method selected. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 80 pages, 6 tables, 63 figures, bibliography, and index, ISBN 1-877914-55-X. $84 List, $63 NACE Member -- Item #37537 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Methods By A.J. Sedriks Single-source, easy-to-read guidebook for conducting stress corrosion tests in laboratory, industrial, and natural environments. Provides step-by-step testing methods and procedures relating to mechanics, metallurgy, and corrosion. Discusses procedures for using the following specimens: uniaxially loaded tensile, bent beam, U-bend, C-ring, precracked cantilever beam, precracked wedge open loaded, and blunt notched. Examines measurement of crack velocities using precracked specimens. Volume 1 in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series of books for students and entry-level technicians as well as experienced scientists and engineers new to this area. 1990 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 87 pages, 2 tables, 73 figures, references, index, ISBN 0-915567-40-7. $47 List, $36 NACE Member -- Item #37512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Purchase the CTME: 7-Book Set and Save 25% $569 List, $427 NACE Member -- Item #37541-7
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slow Strain Rate Testing for the Evaluation of Environmentally Induced Cracking—Research and Engineering Applications Edited by R.D. Kane Papers published in this proceedings from an ASTM meeting held May 18-19, 1992, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, cover all concerns with regard to environmentally induced cracking. Environmentally induced cracking is a "catch-all’’ term that refers to a number of different modes of corrosive degradation involving brittle cracking through the combined action of an environment, tensile stress (either residual or applied), and a susceptible material. These types of failures can often occur unexpectedly at stresses that are below normal design stresses and without substantial deformation. Examples of such types of cracking are chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC), caustic cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, and liquid metal embrittlement. These types of cracking are discussed in the papers published within the book. 1993 by ASTM, 6" x 9-1/4", 300 pages, hardbound, figures, tables, photographs, references, and index, ISBN 0-80311870-8. $73 List and NACE Member -- Item #37750 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Electrochemical Impedance—Analysis and Interpretation Edited by J.R. Scully, D.C. Silverman, and M.W. Kendig Papers published in this proceedings from an ASTM meeting held November 4-5, 1991, in San Diego, California, cover six major categories that very closely characterize the areas of research and engineering application of electrochemical impedance techniques in corrosion, including corrosion process characterization and modeling; applications of KramersKronig transformations for evaluating the validity of data; corrosion and its inhibition by either corrosion products or specially added inhibitors; corrosion of aluminum and aluminum alloys; corrosion of steel in soils and concrete; and evaluation of coatings on metal substrates. Papers range from theoretical modeling to practical applications. Electrochemical impedance is a major corrosion measurement technology and its usage has grown to include applications ranging from fundamental studies of corrosion mechanisms and material properties to very applied studies of quality control and routine corrosion engineering. 1993 by ASTM, 6" x 9-1/4", 480 pages, hardbound, figures, tables, photographs, references, and index, ISBN 0-80311861-9. $108 List and NACE Member -- Item #37745 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Automation in Fatigue and Fracture-Testing and Analysis Edited by C. Amzallag Papers published in this proceedings from an ASTM meeting held June 15-17, 1992, in Paris, France, cover a broad range of topics including how advancements in digital computer hardware and software have opened up new opportunities in mechanical testing, modeling of physical processes, data analysis and interpretation, and applications in engineering environments. This book is offered as a valuable source of information for all those interested in deepening their understanding of fatigue and fracture phenomena. With knowledge of the needs of industry, researchers gain insight valuable in assuring their focus is on meaningful topics. Armed with the latest developments from the research community, engineers are able to apply and validate these concepts and findings from the research community. 1994 by ASTM, 6-1/4" x 9-1/4", 665 pages, hardbound, figures, tables, photographs, references, and index, ISBN 0-80311985-2. $119 List and NACE Member -- Item #37753
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to Service Life Prediction of Materials Edited by G. Cragnolino and N. Sridhar Papers published in this proceedings from an ASTM meeting held November 16-17, 1992, in Miami, Florida, cover life prediction to structures or systems that are undergoing corrosive processes. For systems subjected to purely mechanical failure processes such as fatigue and creep, life prediction techniques have advanced to a greater degree. Accelerated laboratory corrosion tests, which in the past have focused on screening tests for materials ranking and selection and quality control tests for materials certification, also have to be re-evaluated for their usefulness to life prediction. A major objective of the symposium was to provide a forum for discussing the approaches to life prediction used by various industries. The papers are classified into three sections: laboratory and field analysis techniques, life prediction techniques in various applications, and experimental techniques. 1994 by ASTM, 6-1/4" x 9-1/4", 399 pages, hardbound, figures, tables, photographs, references, and index, ISBN 0-80311853-8. $61 List and NACE Member -- Item #37747 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Techniques for Corrosion Measurement Edited by A. Bronson, G. Warren This book contains 23 papers presented at the CORROSION/92 symposium "Techniques for Corrosion Measurement," sponsored by Unit Committee T-3L on Technologies for Corrosion Measurement. The papers are organized by five techniques of measurement: steady-state, mechanical-chemical, passive, transient, and techniques using electrode or probe characteristics. A broad spectrum of authors from academia, national laboratories, and industry contributed to the symposium, which addressed fundamental questions and solutions to practical industrial challenges. 1992 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 23 papers, 276 pages, 23 tables, and 246 figures, ISBN 1-877914-47-9. $25 List, $19 NACE Member -- Item #37358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Computers in Corrosion Control, Volume IV Edited by P.R. Roberge, P. Mayer, and W.F. Bogaerts Investigates the latest technology in computer software for corrosion prevention. A collection of technical papers presented at CORROSION/94. The fourth volume in a series of research studies on the subject, it presents and evaluates the use of expert systems to monitor and control corrosion activity. The field’s top scientists share their findings and review and evaluate existing systems. A variety of issues on the topic are addressed, including the role of the programmer in system development, linking and rule-generating tools in relational databases, selection of external pipeline coatings, cathodic protection, diagnosis, and many more. 1994 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 128 pages, 10 tables, and 44 figures, ISBN 1-877914-72-X. $30 List, $23 NACE Member -- Item #37383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Computers in Corrosion Control, Volume III
Edited by P. Mayer, A.C. Van Orden, and T. Hakkarainen These preceedings from the April 1992 two-day symposium, "Expert Systems for Corrosion Control," include papers that present current global trends in the use of expert systems to control corrosion. Subjects addressed include computerized corrosion engineering, knowledge and information retrieval, and intelligent data acquisition and processing. Covers computer applications for the design of and advice on corrosion protection, selection of corrosion- and erosion-resistant materials, prediction of corrosion behavior and service life, failure analysis, and advice on corrosion mitigation. 1992 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 23 papers, approx. 250 pages, tables, figures, and references, ISBN 1-877914-41X. $23 List, $18 NACE Member -- Item #37365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Galvanic Corrosion Edited by H.P. Hack Addresses computer prediction and testing for galvanic corrosion. Summarizes the effects of galvanic corrosion on various industries such as automobile, oil and gas production, telephone cable plants, ships, and power plants. Discusses the importance of interfacing between designers and corrosion engineers. Proceedings from an ASTM symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. Guide to electrochemical theory of galvanic corrosion. Divided into five areas: theory, computer prediction, testing and control, environments, and industries. Examines use of microcomputers for calculating galvanic corrosion and cathodic protection, prediction and experiments assisted by numerical analysis, computer modeling, quantitative assessment of atmospheric galvanic corrosion, controlling corrosion in soils with cathodic protection, and duplex Fe-Cr10% Ni alloys in reducing acid. 1988 by ASTM, 6" x 9", hardbound, 350 pages, 71 tables, 229 illustrations, 233 figures, references, and index, ISBN 08031-0981-4. $49 List and NACE Member -- Item #37717 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------=================================== BASIC CORROSION / REFERENCE
Index of Books on this Page Microbial Corrosion (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 29) Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers Proceedings of the CORROSION/2001 Research Topical Symposium Corrosion and Environmental Degradation, Vol. 1 and II Fundamentals of Electrochemical Corrosion Handbook of Material Weathering, Second Edition Encyclopedia of Corrosion Technology Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, Second Edition Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Chemical Resistance Guide for Plastics Corrosion: Understanding the Basics Understanding How Components Fail, Second Edition Proceedings of the CORROSION/2000 Research Topical Symposium Proceedings of the CORROSION/99 Research Topical Symposium Cold Climate Corrosion: Special Topics
The World Wide Web for Scientists and Engineers Practical Manual of Biocorrosion and Biofouling for the Industry – English Edition Second International Conference on Corrosion-Deformation Interactions - CDI ‘96 (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 21) A Guide to the Organization of Underground Corrosion-Control Coordinating Committees, TPC 11 Principles and Prevention of Corrosion Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Seventh Edition Reference Electrodes Manual of Biocorrosion Corrosion Atlas, Third Edition Materials for Engineering Basic Corrosion Technology for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition Corrosion Standards II Corrosion Engineering Handbook ASM Ready Reference: Properties and Units for Engineering Alloys Proceedings of the CORROSION/98 Research Topical Symposia Proceedings of the CORROSION/97 Research Topical Symposia Proceedings of the CORROSION/96 Research Topical Symposia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plant Aging and Life Prediction of Corrodible Structures Forms of Corrosion — Recognition and Prevention: NACE Handbook 1, Volume 2 Forms of Corrosion—Recognition and Prevention, NACE Handbook 1, Volume 1 Chemical Resistance Guide for Metals & Alloys Compass Corrosion Guide II, Second Edition Chemical Resistance Guide for Elastomers II Corrosion and Its Control: An Introduction to the Subject, Second Edition Innovative Ideas for Controlling the Decaying Infrastructure 1995 Conference on Corrosion and Infrastructure—Extended Abstracts Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrochemical Impedance and Noise Corrosion Testing Made Easy: DC Electrochemical Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Atmospheric Corrosion Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Galvanic Corrosion Test Methods Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Methods 1995 International Conference on Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Proceedings Lectures on Electrochemical Corrosion, Third English Edition Corrosion, Third Edition, Volume 1, Metal Environmental Reactions; Volume 2, Corrosion Control What Every Engineer Should Know About Corrosion Corrosion Resistance Tables, Fourth Edition, 3-Volume Set Corrosion and Corrosion Protection Handbook, Second Edition Materials Selection for Corrosion Control Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic Materials Corrosion Basics—An Introduction Corrosion Engineering, Third Edition Corrosion and Corrosion Control—An Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering, Third Edition A Practical Manual on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book, Second Edition Corrosion Data Survey—Metals Section, Sixth Edition Corrosion Data Survey—Nonmetals Section, Fifth Edition Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Handbook Flow-Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience CORROSION/93 Plenary and Keynote Lectures—A 50-Year History of Corrosion Prevention and Control 12th International Corrosion Congress Preceedings ASM Handbook, Volume 13—Corrosion Handbook of Corrosion Data, 2nd Edition Engineer-in-Training Reference Manual, Eighth Edition Engineer-in-Training Review Manual: Rapid Preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Solutions Manual for the Engineer-In-Training Reference Manual, Eighth Edition, English Units 1001 Solved Engineering Fundamentals Problems, Second Edition Engineering Unit Conversions, Fourth Edition Corrosion Fatigue, NACE Reference 2 The Electrochemistry of Corrosion
Localized Corrosion, NACE Reference 3 Fundamentals of Designing for Corrosion Control: A Corrosion Aid for the Designer DIALOGUE/89—The Conservation of Bronze Sculpture in the Outdoor Environment: A Dialogue Among Conservators, Curators, Environmental Scientists, and Corrosion Engineers NACE Professional Recognition Core-Book Set NACE Book of Standards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Microbial Corrosion (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 29) Edited by C.A.C. Sequeira This publication contains 28 papers from the fourth EFC workshop on microbial corrosion. The papers are devoted to both fundamental and applied aspects of microbial corrosion. The papers address the mechanisms; biofilms ? their chemistry, function, and structure; prevention and control; case histories; and other topics associated with microbial degradation of materials. 2000 by IOM Communications, Ltd., 7" x 10", hardbound, 368 pages, figures, tables, 4-page color section, references, and index, ISBN 1-86125-111-4. $120 List and NACE Member -- Item #38331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers By Roger Francis Galvanic corrosion affects engineers in just about every field. Galvanic Corrosion: A Practical Guide for Engineers offers practical advice on what to do when galvanic corrosion in common engineering materials occurs in the typical environment of the engineer?and how to take steps in the future to avoid it. This book provides a single place that pulls together answers from some of the most common questions concerning galvanic corrosion. 2000 by NACE, 8" x 10", softbound, 134 pages, 8-page color section, figures, tables, references, index, ISBN 1-57590110-2. $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37568 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the CORROSION/2001 Research Topical Symposium Sponsored by the NACE Research Committee A collection of papers from the CORROSION/2001 research symposium, "Localized Corrosion." Gerald S. Frankel serves as Chairman. Papers include "Crevice Corrosion of Alpha and Near Alpha Titanium Alloys," "Approaches to Predicting the Long-Term Initiation and Growth of Pitting and Crevice Corrosion," "Diffusional Effects in Crevice Corrosion Development," Review of Crevice Corrosion of NiCrMo Alloys," "Developments in Crevice Corrosion Testing and Modeling," "Probing the Corrosion Conditions Inside Crevices and Occluded Regions," " Status of the IR Mechanism for Describing Crevice Corrosion," "Microcell Studies of the Initiation Mechanisms of Localized Corrosion on Different Systems," " Localized Corrosion of Beryllium and the Criteria for Stable Pitting," "Techniques for Assessment of Localized Corrosion Kinetics," "Evolution of Localized Corrosion in AA2024," "Intermetallic Electrochemistry and Localized Corrosion Phenomena in Microstructurally Complex Aluminum Alloys," and "Pitting Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steels." 2001 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 12 papers, ISBN 1-57590-112-9. $45 List, $34 NACE Member -- Item #37407
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion and Environmental Degradation, Vol. 1 and II Edited by M. Sch??, R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, and E. J. Kramer This 2-volume set of the Materials Science and Technology series provides the reader with a broad survey on corrosion and environmental degradation -- from the fundamentals to the latest research results. Contents cover phenomenological and electrochemical fundamentals of corrosion, fundamentals of high temperature corrosion, passivity of metals and alloys, microbial corrosion, environment sensitive fracture, corrosive wear and erosion, advanced investigation techniques, cathodic and anodic protection, environmentally friendly inhibitors, and the effect of coatings and surface modification. This set of books was written for materials scientists, physicists, or chemists involved in corrosion science. 2000 by Wiley-VCH, 7" x 9-1/2", hardbound, 1,110 pages, figures, tables, references, index, ISBN 3-527-29971-8. $445 List and NACE Member -- Item #38321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fundamentals of Electrochemical Corrosion By E.E. Stansbury and R.A. Buchanan This book covers the essential aspects of the corrosion behavior of metals in aqueous environments, it is designed with the flexibility needed for use in courses for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, for concentrated courses in industry, for individual study, and as a reference book. Chapters cover an introduction and overview of electrochemical corrosion; electrochemical thermodynamics, including the Gibbs function, Pourbaix diagrams, electrochemical reactions, and equilibrium potentials; kinetics of single half-cell reactions; kinetics of coupled half-cell reactions; corrosion of activepassive type metals and alloys; electrochemical corrosion-rate measurements; localized corrosion; and corrosion properties of materials and corrosion testing. 2000 by ASM International, 7" x 10", hardbound, 350 pages, figures, tables, references, appendix, index, ISBN 0-87170676-8. $132 List and NACE Member -- Item #38317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handbook of Material Weathering, Second Edition By George Wypych This book covers topics such as photophysics -- energy absorption, dissipation, and conversion; photochemistry; environmental conditions; climatic conditions; artificial weathering equipment; measurements in assessment of weathering conditions; sample preparation for weathering studies; natural weathering conditions; typical weathering cycles; artificial weathering versus natural exposure; important variables of weathering; color fading in textile materials; methods of weathered specimen evaluation; data on specific polymers; effect of polymer morphology on photodegradation kinetics; effect of additives on weathering; weathering of compounded products; stabilization and stabilizers; and biodegradation. Includes list of international abbreviations for polymers. 1995 by ChemTec Publishing, 8-1/4" x 7", hardbound, 564 pages, figures, tables, references, index, ISBN 1-895198-12-7. $175 List and NACE Member -- Item #38315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Encyclopedia of Corrosion Technology
Edited by P.A. Schweitzer Alphabetically organized, this encyclopedia provides 360 entries, covering all types of materials effected by corrosion; key terminology associated with the corrosion process, including metallurgical terms and alternate nomenclature; types and forms of corrosion; commonly used construction materials and their corrosion resistance characteristics; methods for controlling and preventing corrosion; areas of application; condition for effective protection; and more. 1998 by Marcel Dekker, 6"x9", hardbound, 560 pages, tables, illustrations, and references, ISBN 0-8247-0137-2. $195 List and NACE Member -- Item #38304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, Second Edition Edited by R.W. Revie Provides coverage of the advances in corrosion science since the first edition was published in 1948, including development of corrosion-resistant nonmetallic materials, improvements in corrosion protection methodologies, new methods for collecting and analyzing corrosion data, and the establishment of standards in all areas of corrosion technology. The second edition features extensive referencing to national and international corrosion standards; up-to-date information on lifetime predications of materials risk analysis and the economics of corrosion science and technology; extensive indexing and glossary to help the reader find information quickly; cutting-edge advancements of new metallic materials (including weathering steel and stainless alloys) and non-metallic materials (including ceramics, polymers, and glass); and a full listing of contributors with their e-mail addresses. New topics include corrosion inspection and monitoring; evaluation and inspection standards and methodologies; repair and rehabilitation of corroded equipment; economics of corrosion science; computers, expert systems and neural networks for corrosion control; corrosion characteristics of advanced materials; corrosion control using non-metallics; and corrosion and its control in concrete. 2000 by John Wiley & Sons Inc., 6"x9", hardbound, 1,300 pages, figures, tables, reference, glossary, and index, ISBN 0471-15777-5. $225 List and NACE Member -- Item #38303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Edited by P.R. Roberge This handbook provides essential how-to information on corrosion detection, analysis, and prevention -- giving engineers a plain-English overview of corrosion fundamentals. Presents practical guidelines instead of complex physical theory. Addresses the enormous scale of corrosion problems within today's complex engineering systems. Includes more than 285 illustrations. 2000 by McGraw-Hill, 6"x9", hardbound, 1,072 pages, figures, tables, references, appendix, and index, ISBN 0-07076516-2. $99 List and NACE Member -- Item #38307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Resistance Guide for Plastics This guide to chemical resistance of plastics contains recommendations for 43,330 combinations of corrodents versus plastics materials. Covers more than 1,454 liquid or dry chemicals, gases, lubricants, household fluids, foods, atmospheres, and other environments; 80 chemical trade names; 846 synonyms of covered chemicals, gases, etc., indexed
to page numbers. Provides mechanical, physical, and electrical properties data for each plastic. Corrodents are listed in alphabetical order and the data is presented in symbolic format. 1999 by Compass Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 682 pages, flex thumb index, ISBN 1-889712-03-5. $170 List and NACE Member -- Item #38280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion: Understanding the Basics Edited by J.R. Davis This book presents a practical "how to" approach to understanding and solving the problems of corrosion of structural materials. Contents include the effects and economic impact of corrosion, basic concepts important to corrosion, principles of aqueous corrosion, forms of corrosion, types of corrosive environments, corrosion characteristics of structural materials, corrosion control by proper design, corrosion control by materials selection, corrosion control by protective coatings and inhibitors, corrosion control by cathodic and anodic protection, corrosion testing and monitoring, and techniques for diagnosis of corrosion failures. 2000 by ASM International, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 275 pages, glossary, index, ISBN 0-87170-641-5. $133 List and NACE Member -- Item #38273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Understanding How Components Fail, Second Edition By D.J. Wulpi This book explains the basic principles of failure analysis. It is intended for those who have little or no knowledge of the principles of metallurgical failures. The book covers techniques of failure analysis, distortion failure, basic single-load fracture modes, stress systems related to single-load fracture of ductile and brittle metals, mechanical properties, stress versus strength, residual stresses, brittle fracture, ductile fracture, fatigue fracture, wear, corrosion failure, hightemperature failure, and fracture mechanics. 1999 by ASM International, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 300 pages, ISBN 0-87170-631-8. $112 List and NACE Member -- Item #38274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the CORROSION/2000 Research Topical Symposium Sponsored by NACE Research Committee, John R. Scully, Chairman, Peter Andresen, Vice Chairman A collection of papers from the CORROSION/2000 research symposium, "Surface Conversion of Aluminum and Ferrous Alloys for Corrosion Resistance," Rudy Buchheit, Symposium Chairman. Papers include "Corrosion Inhibition of Al and Al Alloys by Hexavalent Cr Compounds - A Mechanistic Overview," "Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys by Conductive Polymers," "Chromate Replacement Survey: NCMS Project Status Report," "Active Corrosion Protection from Chromate-Free Coating Systems," "Corrosion Protection of Al Alloys and Mild Steel with Rare Earth Metal Salts," "Chromium-Free Coatings Applied to Magnesium, Titanium, and Aluminum," "Morphology and Composition of Thin Inorganic Surface Films," "A Non-Chrome Hybrid Conversion Coating for Aluminum Alloys," "Corrosion Protection of Steels and Aluminum Alloys by Functional and Non-Functional Silanes; Performance and Mechanisms," "Sol-Gel Surface Modifications for Aerospace Applications," and "Filiform Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys: Influence of Alloy Composition." 2000 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 11 papers, ISBN 1-57590-090-4.
$45 List, $34 NACE Member -- Item #37406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the CORROSION/99 Research Topical Symposium Sponsored by NACE Research Committee, John Scully, Chairman; Peter Andresen, Vice Chairman A collection of papers from the CORROSION/99 research symposium, "Cathodic Protection: Models & Field Applications," Mark Orazem, Chairman. Papers include "An End-User’s Perspective on the Practical Application of Cathodic Protection Models," "Design of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Systems Using the Physical Scale Modeling (PSM) Technique," "Examination of Modeling Assumptions for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems," "Computer Modeling of Offshore CP Systems for 15 Years: What have we learned," "Boundary Element Modeling of Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection Using the Design Slope Method," "Application of Boundary Element Method to Cathodic Protection for Complicated Structures," "Models for Cathodic Protection of Multiple Pipelines with Coating Holidays," "Simulation and Evaluation of a Cathodic Protection System of Buried Pipelines under Stray Current Influences," "Computer simulation as an aid to corrosion control and reduction," and "Cathodic Protection of Steel Prestressed Concrete: Avoiding Hydrogen Embrittlement." 1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 10 papers, ISBN 1-57590-068-8. $35 List, $27 NACE Member -- Item #37405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cold Climate Corrosion: Special Topics Edited by L.D. Perrigo, H.G. Byars, J.R. Divine This book provides an overview of problems and issues affecting corrosion control in cold climates. Includes 12 papers from three NACE International conferences (the Northern Topics Session of the 1996 Canadian Region Western Conference, the Denver Cold Climate Corrosion Symposium, and the 1998 San Diego Cold Climate Corrosion Symposium). The papers provide basic as well as applied information about what is involved in addressing specific problems in these geographical areas. The book addresses ways to minimize problems and cope with monitoring and maintenance under chilling conditions. Maps are also provided to show areas where cold climate corrosion effects can be expected. Chapters address the nature and extent of cold climate corrosion, including comments on the geographic extent of cold regions, considerations involved in cold climate corrosion and control, and continuing efforts and needs of this field; basic considerations affecting corrosion in cold regions, including freeze point depression and thermodynamic considerations; and practical issues related to corrosion control in cold regions, including underwater maintenance and inspection, people and logistics, insulated roofs, concrete, safety, shipping and storage, chemical selection, and maintenance and servicing. 1998 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, approximately 150 pages, 64 figures, 10 tables, references, and bibliographies, ISBN 1-57590-047-5. $75 List, $57 NACE Member -- Item #37404 SALE PRICE! $64 List, $45 NACE Member Effective April 23 through June 30, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The World Wide Web for Scientists and Engineers By Brian J. Thomas For Internet and Web users in the scientific and engineering community, this book provides strategies and essential
information to help scientists, engineers, and researchers move beyond simply browsing the Web. Discover how to conduct online research and publishing activities by following the author’s clear guidelines. The material in this book includes the essential tools and applications for accessing and navigating the Web; Web authoring and publishing, including basic and advanced HTML; and searching and researching the Web – including more than 150 pages of hand-picked Web sites for 22 major technology areas. 1998 by The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 7" x 10", softbound, 357 pages, screen shots, appendix, glossary, bibliography, and index, ISBN 0-8194-2775-6. $34 List and NACE Member -- Item #38250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Practical Manual of Biocorrosion and Biofouling for the Industry – English Edition By Hector A. Videla This book offers updated information on the subject from delegates of the CYTED Research Network. Includes topics such as the fundamentals of biocorrosion and biofouling, identification and monitoring methods, prevention and control procedures, environmental impact assessment and remediation, and practical cases from different types of industries. Contains bibliographical information and a glossary of terms to facilitate the understanding of some concepts not familiar to engineers and plant technicians. Editions of this book are also available in Spanish and Portuguese. 1998 by CYTED Research Network XV.c (BIOCORR), 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 178 pages, figures, tables, photographs, references, appendix, and index, ISBN 0-9527115-9-1. English Edition: $65 List and NACE Member -- Item #38251 Spanish Edition: $65 List and NACE Member -- Item #38328 Portuguese Edition: $65 List and NACE Member -- Item #38329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Second International Conference on Corrosion-Deformation Interactions - CDI ‘96 (European Federation of Corrosion Report No. 21) This publication contains 48 papers and includes keynote lectures from CDI ‘96 which was held in Nice, France, in September 1996, as part of the annual EUROCORR conference. It represents the current state of knowledge and behavior of a wide range of engineering materials subjected to deformation in corrosive environments as well as presenting the prevailing views of the failure mechanics. The papers cover four main fields: CDI in aqueous solutions, hydrogen plasticity interactions, oxidation - plasticity interactions, and CDI in the nuclear industry. Experiments, qualitative models, and numerical models are presented in this publication with special emphasis given to the prediction of damage laws for engineering materials. 1997 by The Institute of Materials, 6-3/4" x 9-3/4", hardbound, 537 pages, figures, tables, references, and index, ISBN 186125-048-7. $170 List and NACE Member -- Item #38242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Guide to the Organization of Underground Corrosion-Control Coordinating Committees, TPC 11 This guide, newly revised in 1998, provides everything you need to know about forming a successful Underground Corrosion-Control Coordinating Committee. Provides a system for organizing meeting minutes and personnel directories.
Contains samples of eight important documents, including committee bylaws and installation reporting forms. Also included is a current directory of committees in North America and Australia, with names and phone numbers of contact people who are happy to provide advice. (approximately 40 pages) FREE! Provided free by NACE as a public service. Item #25011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Principles and Prevention of Corrosion By Denny A. Jones Explores the scientific principles and methods that underline the cause, detection, measurement, and prevention of metal corrosion problems in engineering practice. Considers the effects of corrosion on abrasions, erosions, weldings, and metallurgical structures. Discusses how to prevent corrosion by alloy selection, cathodic protection, inhibition, and protective coatings and linings. Describes experimental electrochemical procedures for defining corrosion mechanisms and measuring corrosion rates. Compares and contrasts the characteristics of stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue, and hydrogen-induced cracking. Also describes testing by both conventional and modern fracture mechanics methods. 1996 by Prentice Hall, hardbound, 572 pages, illustrations, and index, ISBN 0-13-359993-0. $105 List and NACE Member -- Item #38240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Seventh Edition Edited by Robert H. Perry and Don W. Green This new seventh edition provides coverage of all aspects of chemical engineering, from the fundamentals to details on computer applications and control. It reviews the latest information on condensers, reboilers, evaporators, and vessels; multicomponent and enhanced distillation, including azeotropic, extractive, and reactive methods; gas absorption processes, with data on plate performance, plate design, and packed towers; super-critical fluid and membrane separation processes; biochemical separation processes; materials of construction; and materials for process applications. Includes new material on thermal design procedures, gas and liquid diffusivity estimating, and industrial processes from aerobic fermentation to pyrometallurgy. Contains facts and data on procedures, equipment, performance, and principles, including new material on compact heat exchangers, design procedures for distillation columns, and methods for estimating discharge from ruptured lines and vessels. Provides calculation methods for problems at hand, including a completely new section on analysis of plant performance. 1997 by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, more than 2,200 pages, more than 1,700 illustrations, charts, figures, references, and index, ISBN 0-07-049841-5. $150 List and NACE Member -- Item #37784 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reference Electrodes Edited by David J.G. Ives and George J. Janz Reprint of the original 1961 text. Provides the necessary general background in relation to basic theory, conventions, and applications of reference electrodes. Devotes attention to experimental aspects of reference electrodes beyond the undergraduate student level. Includes critical and reasonably exhaustive accounts, with full bibliographies, of the experimental methods by which most reliable reference electrodes may be set up. Topics are examined from both a mechanistic and thermodynamic viewpoint. Deals with the hydrogen electrode and includes a comprehensive account of its mechanism of operation, as well as full details of all the useful forms of it that have been devised and used in practice. Discusses electrodes reversible to halide ions; pH-sensitive electrodes; glass electrodes; quin-hydrone electrodes and its
congeners; metal-metal oxide electrodes; sulfide-reversible electrodes; nonaqueous electrode systems; membrane electrodes; electrodes in fused salt systems; and more. Reprinted in 1996 by NACE with permission of Academic Press Inc., 6" x 9", softbound, 660 pages, figures, tables, references, bibliographies, author index, and subject index, LOC NO. 60-16910. $65 List, $49 NACE Member -- Item #37559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Manual of Biocorrosion By Hector A. Videla Explains the microbiology, electrochemistry, and surface phenomena involved in biocorrosion and biofouling processes. Written primarily for non-specialists, the information in this manual is practical and offers a comprehensive look at the three components of biocorrosion: the microorganisms, the metal, and the aqueous environment. It also addresses methods for the monitoring, prevention, and control of biocorrosion. The first half of the book covers the fundamental aspects of microbiology, electrochemistry, and biofouling of metal surfaces. The second half of the book describes biocorrosion assessment in the laboratory and the field, the main control and mitigation procedures used, practical case studies, and laboratory methods and formulations. The book also covers the latest industry trends and research trends associated with biocorrosion. 1996 by CRC Press Inc., 6-1/4" x 9-1/2", hardbound, 273 pages, 100 illustrations, 30 tables, bibliographical references, glossary, and index, ISBN 0-87371-726-0. $85 List and NACE Member -- Item #38214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Atlas, Third Edition By E.D. During A practical and instructive reference for those responsible for the design, fabrication, operation, and maintenance of systems and machinery. Details in-depth information about corrosion, its phenomena, appearance, time-to-failure, environment, causes, and remedies. Includes case histories on carbon steels; galvanized and stainless steels; nickel-based alloys; copper and its alloys; aluminum, magnesium, and their alloys; lead, tin, and zinc; noble and reactive metals; plastic and plastic linings; and more. This third edition is a collection of 679 case histories divided over 13 materials, 25 systems, and 44 different phenomena. Significant improvements include the addition of cross-references among the different case histories, a more detailed study of electrochemical corrosion, a chapter on corrosion topics, a chapter on corrosion in a number of different water-bearing systems, and a completely new second index on installations, systems, and parts. 1997 by Elsevier Science Publishers, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 810 pages, ISBN 0-444-82616-5. $997 List, $857 NACE Member -- Item #38216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Materials for Engineering By J.W. Martin This textbook presents a relatively brief overview of Materials Science, its anticipated readership being students of Structural Engineering. The book is divided into two sections—the first characterizing materials, the second considering structure/property relationships. Tabulated data in the body of the text and the appendices have been selected to increase the value of the book as a permanent source of reference to readers throughout their professional lives. Contents include the structure of engineering materials, the determination of mechanical properties, metals and alloys, glasses and
ceramics, organic polymeric materials, and composite materials. 1996 by The Institute of Materials, 9-1/2" x 6-3/4", softbound, 230 pages, figures, tables, appendices, and index, ISBN 186125-012-6. $29 List and NACE Member -- Item #38219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basic Corrosion Technology for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition By E. Mattsson The aim of this book is to give a survey of the corrosion of metals, its damage to the community, and possible countermeasures. A broad range of topics, including basic electrochemical concepts, basic corrosion concepts, types of corrosion, corrosion environments, corrosion protection, corrosion prevention by design, corrosion characteristics of the most common metals in use, the methodology of corrosion investigations, risk of bimetallic corrosion in different types of atmospheres, Hoover’s alignment chart, and more, are covered. 1996 by The Institute of Materials, 7" x 10", hardbound, 204 pages, figures, tables, photographs, references, appendices, and index, ISBN 1-86125-011-8. $40 List and NACE Member -- Item #38221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Standards II Edited by P. McIntyre and D. Mills Includes papers presented at the Second Conference on Corrosion Standards held by the Institute of Materials, which took place in London on December 5-6, 1995. Contributions by key experts review developments in CEN, ISO, ASTM, and NACE. In addition to the details of published standards, the volume provides information on work in progress and future plans. Several aspects, including protection by metallic and paint coatings; coatings for threaded fasteners; cathodic protection of reinforced concrete; and standards for both the automotive and oil industries, are examined in greater detail. Attention is also given to new areas, including high-temperature corrosion, electrochemical noise measurements, scanning reference electrode techniques, and prenormalization research. A summary of the points raised during discussion accompanies each paper. 1996 by The Institute of Materials, 7" x 10", softbound, 170 pages, figures, tables, and references, ISBN 1-86125-009-6. $70 List and NACE Member -- Item #38220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Engineering Handbook By Philip A. Schweitzer, P.E. Offers immediately applicable information on all types of corrosion, corrosion theory, and the major materials of construction used for reducing corrosion, including metals, plastics, linings, coatings, elastomers, and masonry products. Provides detailed analyses of corrosion testing techniques; materials handling and fabrication procedures; on-stream and off-stream corrosion monitoring; design methods that prevent and control corrosion; the mechanisms of corrosion; proper fabrication and installation techniques; and much more. 1996 by Mercel Dekker, Inc., 6-1/4" x 9-1/4", hardbound, 736 pages, figures, tables, drawings, photos, bibliographic citations, and index, ISBN 0-8247-9709-4.
$165 List and NACE Member -- Item #38207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASM Ready Reference: Properties and Units for Engineering Alloys This convenient source has definitions, synonyms, abbreviations, and conversion factors for both mechanical and physical properties of more than 200 alloys. For ease of use, all pertinent information, including foreign names and parameters, is grouped onto one single page. You will find indexes for foreign abbreviations, names of properties, and complete conversion factors. Ideal for quick, everyday reference, this book was compiled and reviewed by the Materials Properties Database Committee of ASM International. Contents include mechanical properties (bearing, bending, compressive, creep, damping, deformation, elastic, fatigue, forming/pressing, fracture, hardness, shear, tensile), and physical properties (atomic, corrosion, electrical, magnetic, mass, microstructure, surface, thermal). 1996 by ASM International, 6-1/4" x 9-1/4", hardbound, 225 pages, ISBN 0-87170-585-0. $81 List and NACE Member -- Item #38210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the CORROSION/98 Research Topical Symposia Sponsored by NACE Research Committee, John Scully, Chairman; Peter Andresen, Vice Chairman A collection of papers from the CORROSION/98 research symposium, "Corrosion Mitigation of Advanced Materials and Structures," Ron Latanision, Chairman. Papers include "Electrochemistry and Corrosion Engineering of Global CO2 Recycling," "The Electrochemistry of all Plastics Batteries," "Factors Influencing the Environmental Degradation of Advanced Aerospace Alloys and Graphite Fiber Reinforced Composites," "Corrosion Engineering of Electronic and Photonic Devices," "Neutron Tomography as a Tool for Non-Destructive Corrosion Detection," "Control of Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: The Infrastructure Issue," "A Double Strand Conductive Polymer for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys," "Surface Modification of Aluminum Alloys: Non-Toxic Processes for Improved Corrosion Resistance," "The Evolution of Noble Metals and other Protective Chemistries for BWRs," "Corrosion Engineering of Supercritical Water Oxidation Systems for Chemical Waste Destruction." 1998 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 146 pages, ISBN 1-57590-046-7. $36 List, $27 NACE Member -- Item #37403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the CORROSION/97 Research Topical Symposia Sponsored by the NACE Research Committee, F.P. Ford, Chairman; J. Scully, Vice Chairman These proceedings feature a collection of 19 papers from two research symposia held at CORROSION/97 in New Orleans, Louisiana: Part I—Advanced Monitoring and Analytical Techniques and Part II—Corrosion-Related Coatings. These proceedings address topics specific to the above subjects, including applications of the Scanning-Kelvinprobe; noise measurements in corrosion research; new experimental techniques in the study of MIC; crevice monitoring for nuclear steam generators; electrodeposition of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy coatings; ion-beam surface modification techniques; wants for pipeline coatings; analysis of EIS and ENA data for polymer-coated steel exposed at remote test sites; and more. 1997 by NACE, 8-1/2"x 11", softbound, 356 pages, figures, tables, and references, ISBN 1-57590-028-9. $50 List, $38 NACE Member -- Item #37402 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proceedings of the CORROSION/96 Research Topical Symposia Sponsored by the NACE Research Committee, F.P. Ford, Chairman; R. Baboian, Vice Chairman These proceedings feature a collection of 16 papers from two research symposia held at CORROSION/96 in Denver, Colorado: Part I -- Life Prediction of Structures Subject to Environmental Degradation and Part II -- Crevice Corrosion: The State of the Science and Its Control in Engineering Practice. These proceedings address topics specific to the above subjects, including conceptual understanding and life prediction of pipeline steels; coupled environment fracture model of cracking; design and testing in relation to life prediction; crevice corrosion, past, present, and future; electrochemical considerations; and surface treatment for crevice corrosion control. 1996 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 427 pages, figures, tables, and references, ISBN 1-57590-004-1. $67 List, $51 NACE Member -- Item #37396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plant Aging and Life Prediction of Corrodible Structures Edited by T. Shoji and T. Shibata Features more than 100 papers presented at the May 1995, Sapporo, Japan, symposium sponsored by the Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering and NACE. Papers include "Laboratory Measurements and Life Prediction for Structures Suffering Stress Corrosion Cracking," "Aircraft Structural Airworthiness Initiatives," "Effects of Performance Factor on Damage of NPP Main Equipment Structural Materials," "Corrosion Monitoring of Chemical and Power Plants Based on Electrochemistry," and others. 1997 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, approximately 1,000 pages, subject and author indexes, ISBN 1-57590-006-8. $130 List, $98 NACE Member -- Item #37401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forms of Corrosion — Recognition and Prevention: NACE Handbook 1, Volume 2 Edited by D. McIntyre This second volume features 180 new case histories of corrosion failures from a broad variety of industries and equipment beyond the utilities and chemical processing plants which provided the bulk of the cases in the first volume. Included are case histories from oil and gas production, petroleum refining, cross-country pipelines, marine and land transport, aircraft, electronics, and preservation of historical structures and artifacts. This second volume expands on some of the "classic" corrosion and cracking problems endemic to certain industrial equipment. This new volume also includes cases using a wide variety of analytical tools. The results of optical metallography, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive xray spectrometry, A?? spectroscopy, and electrochemical techniques are all presented to illustrate their utility in certain aspects of corrosion failure investigations. 1997 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 146 pages, figures, and index, ISBN 1-57590-026-2. $100 List, $75 NACE Member -- Item #37558 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forms of Corrosion—Recognition and Prevention, NACE Handbook 1, Volume 1 Edited by C.P. Dillon NACE COURSE BOOK!
Contains information on general, localized, and galvanic corrosion; environmental cracking, erosion-corrosion, cavitation, and fretting; intergranular corrosion; dealloying; and high-temperature corrosion performance. Presents detailed case histories and illustrations of specific forms of corrosion. Each chapter, written by an expert, begins with an illustrated introduction explaining the specific form of corrosion and its prevention, followed by illustrated case histories of the phenomenon. 1982 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 116 pages, 5 tables, 188 figures, ISBN 0-915567-87-3. $55 List, $42 NACE Member -- Item #37531 Purchase the Set and SAVE! Includes Volume 1 and Volume 2 $115 List, $87 NACE Member -- Item #37560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Resistance Guide for Metals & Alloys By Kenneth M. Pruett This guide to chemical resistance of metals and alloys contains recommendations for 29,000 combinations of metals and alloys in contact with various corrodents. Covers 963 liquid or dry chemicals, gases, lubricants, household fluids, foods, atmospheres, and other environments; 70 chemical trade names; and 500 synonyms of covered chemicals, gases, etc., indexed to page numbers. Provides mechanical, physical, and electrical properties data for each metal. Includes an electromotive or galvanic series list covering 120 metal alloys and carbon steel. Machinability ratings and creep or stress relaxation rates at various levels of stress, temperature, and time are also included. Corrodents are listed in alphabetical order and the data are presented in symbolic format. 1995 by Compass Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 436 pages, flex thumb index. $130 List and NACE Member -- Item #37799 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compass Corrosion Guide II, Second Edition By Kenneth M. Pruett This guide to chemical resistance of metals and engineering plastics contains recommendations for 18,800 combinations of engineering materials in contact with various corrodents. Covers more than 500 organic and mineral chemicals, commercial compounds, foods, gases, and atmospheric conditions. Includes synonyms for 239 of the chemical media. Provides mechanical and physical properties for the metals and plastics. Includes an electrochemical or galvanic series list covering 78 metals and alloys. Machinability ratings for most metals and plastics are also included. Corrodents are listed in alphabetical order. 1983 by Compass Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 236 pages, flex thumb index. $59 List and NACE Member -- Item #37797 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Resistance Guide for Elastomers II By Kenneth M. Pruett This guide to chemical resistance of rubber and elastomer components contains recommendations for 48,800 combinations of elastometric materials in contact with various corrodents and other environmental conditions. Covers more than 3,000 liquid or dry chemicals, gases, lubricants, household fluids, foods, atmospheres, and other environments; more than 500
chemical trade names; and more than 1,000 synonyms of covered chemicals, gases, etc., indexed to page numbers. Provides mechanical, physical, and electrical properties data for each elastomer, as well as a quick reference summary of chemical resistance for each elastomer compound. Corrodents are listed in alphabetical order and the data are presented in symbolic format. 1994 by Compass Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 444 pages. $110 List and NACE Member -- Item #37798 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion and Its Control: An Introduction to the Subject, Second Edition By J.T.N. Atkinson and H. Van Droffelaar BESTSELLER! NACE COURSE BOOK! The revised edition of this classic text is based on notes used by the authors for more than a decade in their course, The Corrosion and Protection of Metals, taught to junior and senior level students in various branches of engineering at Queens University. The authors emphasize the engineering aspects of corrosion and its control in ways that will be helpful to the practicing engineer. Topics covered include corrosion economics, detecting and monitoring corrosion, regulations, specifications, safety, and a major section on the selection and use of materials with special emphasis on stainless steels. Now used by thousands of students each year in the NACE Basic Corrosion course. 1995 by NACE, 6" x 9", hardbound, 300 pages, 25 tables, and 100 figures, ISBN 1-877914-71-1. $157 List, $118 NACE Member -- Item #37552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Innovative Ideas for Controlling the Decaying Infrastructure Edited by V. Chaker Proceedings from CORROSION/95, NACE's annual conference, covering the state-of-the-art technical knowledge associated with the preservation of the decaying infrastructure. Topics include modes of corrosion, life prediction tools, innovative testing methods to predict and determine the rate of corrosion, and sensors for monitoring corrosion. 1995 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, approximately 300 pages, 19 papers, ISBN 1-877914-87-8. $74 List, $56 NACE Member -- Item #37387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 Conference on Corrosion and Infrastructure—Extended Abstracts November 28-30, 1995, Baltimore, Maryland Contains 37 extended abstracts from the 1995 Conference on Corrosion and Infrastructure. The abstracts included in this publication cover bridges and highways, industrial facilities and refineries, marine structures, and water and wastewater. The three-day conference was sponsored by NACE International and cosponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and American Public Works Association. 1995 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", spiral-bound, 164 pages. $32 List, $24 NACE Member -- Item #37399
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrochemical Impedance and Noise By Bob Cottis, Dr. S. Turgoose, and R. Newman Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Electrochemical Impedance and Noise is the seventh volume in the series. The book addresses electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrochemical noise measurements that have been developed for the examination of the electrochemistry of corroding metal samples. An appendix is included covering the mathematical aspects of the two subjects, along with other supporting material. Topics include: principles of the subjects, measurement of impedance spectra, analysis of EIS data, description of noise signals, measurement of electrochemical noise, analysis of electrochemical noise, electrical circuits, electrochemical kinetics, walk-through of a noise measurement and analysis, spectral estimation techniques and signal processing, theoretical basis of noise processes, and transient effects of EIS. Also includes a number of resources to assist the reader in following the text and obtaining further information about impedance and noise methods applied to corrosion. Includes companion software. 1999 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, approximately 200 pages, figures, tables, references, and index, ISBN 1-57590093-9. $127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: DC Electrochemical Test Methods By N.G. Thompson, J.H. Payer An introduction to electrochemical test methods for corrosion. Designed to provide hands-on instructions and examples to those conducting the tests. Covers all key elements of electrochemical tests: instruments, wiring, sample and solution preparation, test setup and test procedures. Procedures provide step-by-step instructions for each test method. Data presented in the applications and examples provide a comparison for validation of procedures. Presentation of corrosion theory and interpretation of test results are included to provide context for the electrochemical tests. Also includes a troubleshooting chapter. 1998 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 120 pages, 60 figures, 7 tables, glossary, and index, ISBN 1-877914-63-0. $127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37562 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion By Brenda J. Little, Patricia A. Wagner, and Florian Mansfeld. Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion addresses microbiologically influenced corrosion in various operating systems. The book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of biofilm formation, cellular constituents of biofilms, mechanisms for MIC, and most importantly, tests that can be used in the laboratory and/or the field to determine the likelihood and extent of MIC. The book can be used as a step-by-step guide to performing specific types of MIC tests. It also describes the possible difficulties in performing an experiment and indicates how to correct mistakes if they were made. The book contains an unusually large number of illustrations—of which 30 are illustrated in full color. Chapters cover MIC mechanisms and case histories; sample identification and collection; metallurgical, microbiological, chemical, and electrochemical testing; monitors; recent laboratory developments; and conclusions. CTME: MIC is written with entry-level technicians in mind, although many experienced scientists and engineers will also find the book useful. 1997 by NACE, 81/2" x 11", hardbound, 120 pages, 107 figures, 9 tables, 30 color photos, bibliography, glossary, and index, ISBN 1-57590-035-1.
$127 List, $96 NACE Member -- Item #37546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Atmospheric Corrosion Test Methods By H.H. Lawson The fourth volume in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series of books provides an introduction to atmospheric corrosion testing techniques. It is an invaluable source for technicians and engineers who are faced with the tasks of setting up exposure facilities and preparing and testing materials. Sections covered include test sites and facility hardware, test samples (removal and storage, cleaning, pit and destructive evaluation, etc.), measuring atmospheric corrosiveness, ISO atmospheric classifications, and atmospheric simulation testing. 1994 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, approximately 80 pages, 11 tables, 61 figures, references, and index, ISBN 1877914-82-7. $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics By E.D. Verink Corrosion Testing Made Easy: The Basics is the third volume in the series and outlines the scientific and mathematical principles essential to the technician/engineer in performing corrosion testing. The book provides an introduction to laboratory procedures and equipment, including preparation of specimens and chemical handling, corrosion theory and technology, types of corrosion and corrosion testing, and test result interpretation. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 310 pages, more than 300 figures, tables, references, appendices, index, glossary, ISBN 1-877914-62-2. $115 List, $87 NACE Member -- Item #37538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Galvanic Corrosion Test Methods By H.P. Hack Volume 2 in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series, this book addresses the complexities of galvanic corrosion and provides the technician and engineer with clear, specific guidelines for both designing and conducting laboratory and field tests for prediction purposes. An excellent reference source for galvanic corrosion and testing methodology, this book can easily serve as an introduction to the subject for those who are unfamiliar with or new to the field. Details the nature of galvanic corrosion testing and theory, outlines relevant testing considerations, provides an in-depth description of the tests currently being practiced, and provides step-by-step procedures to follow for each testing method selected. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 80 pages, 6 tables, 63 figures, bibliography, and index, ISBN 1-877914-55-X. $84 List, $63 NACE Member -- Item #37537 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Testing Made Easy: Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Methods By A.J. Sedriks
Single-source, easy-to-read guidebook for conducting stress corrosion tests in laboratory, industrial, and natural environments. Provides step-by-step testing methods and procedures relating to mechanics, metallurgy, and corrosion. Discusses procedures for using the following specimens: uniaxially loaded tensile, bent beam, U-bend, C-ring, precracked cantilever beam, precracked wedge open loaded, and blunt notched. Examines measurement of crack velocities using precracked specimens. Volume 1 in the Corrosion Testing Made Easy series of books for students and entry-level technicians as well as experienced scientists and engineers new to this area. 1990 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 87 pages, 2 tables, 73 figures, references, index, ISBN 0-915567-40-7. $47 List, $36 NACE Member -- Item #37512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Purchase the CTME: 7-Book Set and Save 25% $569 List, $427 NACE Member -- Item #37541-7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 International Conference on Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Proceedings May 8-10, 1995, New Orleans, Louisiana This new proceedings publication presents the significance of long-term materials performance in most industrial settings, as well as the methods needed to control microbially influenced corrosion (MIC). The papers in this volume cover MIC mechanisms and evaluations of carbon steels, stainless steels, copper-base alloys, aluminum-base alloys, zinc-base alloys, polymers, composites, and weldments involving many of the metallic materials. Also addressed are detection and monitoring of MIC, biocides and treatments, and case studies. Environments discussed range from fresh water to seawater at locations worldwide. 1995 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 44 papers, tables, figures, and references. $75 List, $57 NACE Member -- Item #37393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lectures on Electrochemical Corrosion, Third English Edition By M. Pourbaix In print again after almost a decade, this expanded edition of the classic text includes an addendum with an updated resource list and a proposal for further international teamwork in applied thermodynamics and corrosion. Features translations of lectures by one of the giants in the field. Designed for students, the book focuses on the fundamentals of electrochemical aspects of corrosion. Emphasizes the potential-pH equilibrium diagrams known the world over as Pourbaix diagrams. 1995 by NACE, 6" x 9", softbound, 342 pages, 24 tables, 121 figures, bibliography, subject and author indexes, ISBN 1877914-91-6. $97 List, $73 NACE Member -- Item #37555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion, Third Edition, Volume 1, Metal Environmental Reactions; Volume 2, Corrosion Control Edited by L.L. Shreir, R.A. Jarman, and G.T. Burstein
Corrosion is a two-volume reference work embracing a vast range of topics including high-temperature and aqueous corrosion, as well as methods for their control. Volume 1, Metal Environmental Reactions, covers the following topics: principles of corrosion and oxidation, environments, ferrous metals and alloys, nonferrous metals and alloys, rarer metals, the noble metals, high-temperature corrosion, and the effect of mechanical factors on corrosion. Volume 2, Corrosion Control, addresses design and economic aspects of corrosion, cathodic and anodic protection, pretreatment and design for metal finishing, methods of applying metallic coatings, protection by metallic coatings, protection by paint coatings, chemical conversion coatings, miscellaneous coatings, conditioning the environment, nonmetallic materials, corrosion testing, monitoring, and inspection, electrochemistry and metallurgy relevant to corrosion, and useful information (tables, glossary, symbols & abbreviations, and calculations). 1994 by Butterworth Heinemann, 6-1/4" x 9-1/2", hardbound, over 2,700 pages, ISBN 0-7506-1077-8. $305 List and NACE Member -- Item #37774 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------What Every Engineer Should Know About Corrosion By P.A. Schweitzer This book is intended to provide engineers, designers, architects, and all those involved with the selection of construction materials some basic information concerning the causes, prevention, and control of corrosion. Factors that must be evaluated before beginning the actual design are explained. Both general and specific types of corrosion and the conditions that enhance corrosion are described, as are methods for conducting corrosion test programs when it is necessary to gather such data. The aim is to provide practical assistance in understanding what corrosion is, what causes it, and what can be done to prevent and/or control it. Since most designs incorporate materials other than strictly metallic materials, information is included on plastic materials, coatings, and linings. 1987 by Marcel Dekker, 6" x 9-1/4", hardbound, 124 pages, figures, tables, and appendices, ISBN 0-8247-7755-7. $60 List and NACE Member -- Item #37761 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Resistance Tables, Fourth Edition, 3-Volume Set Edited by P.A. Schweitzer This new fourth edition is the indispensable guide for materials, corrosion, chemical, industrial, plant, construction, mechanical, maintenance, civil, environmental, metallurgical, plastics, product development, and packaging engineers, as well as upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines. Illustrating corrosion as a function of temperature as well as concentration, this fourth edition arranges the nearly 800 tables alphabetically, lists chemical synonyms and trademarks, and furnishes cross references for generic and trade names. 1995 by Marcel Dekker, 7-1/4" x 10-1/4", hardbound, 3,256 pages, tables, and appendices, ISBN 0-8247-9590-3 (Part A), ISBN 0-8247-9591-1 (Part B), ISBN 0-8247-9641-1 (Part C). $495 List and NACE Member -- Item #37755 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion and Corrosion Protection Handbook, Second Edition Edited by P.A. Schweitzer This second edition includes expanded and updated chapters from the first edition to include new developments in the
field. New subjects have also been added and include atmospheric corrosion, corrosion inhibitors, sheet linings, and designing to prevent corrosion. This handbook is designed as a guide to be used to solve existing corrosion problems; to help with materials selection, considering cost and service life; to help with proper initial design; and to establish practices for monitoring corrosion. 1989 by Marcel Dekker, 6" x 9", hardbound, 660 pages, tables, figures, photographs, and references, ISBN 0-8247-7998-3. $225 List and NACE Member -- Item #37754 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Materials Selection for Corrosion Control By S.L. Chawla, R.K. Gupta Provides a methodology for integrating materials selection with the design process, including simultaneous technical and economic evaluation along with answers about the best material for a particular application. An exhaustive source on the different corrosion-resistant materials, types of corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, passivation, corrosion monitoring, corrosion control measures, methodology of materials selection, and much more. This book is designed for the practicing design and maintenance engineer concerned with corrosion; it is also an excellent reference guide for graduates and students. 1993 by ASM, 7-1/4" x 10-1/4", hardbound, 350 pages, 187 figures, 184 tables, references, and index, ISBN 0-87170-4749. $163 List and NACE Member -- Item #37765 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic Materials Edited by P.J. Peterson Ten papers published in this proceedings from an ASTM meeting held May 22, 1990, in San Francisco, California, cover corrosion of electronic and magnetic materials and devices. Subjects of papers include outdoor electronics, corrosion rate monitors, cobalt alloy magnetic disks, magnetic recording disks, Nd-Fe-B magnets, permalloy, and much more. 1992 by ASTM, 6" x 9", 114 pages, softbound, figures, tables, photographs, and references, ISBN 0-8031-1470-2. $49 List and NACE Member -- Item #37746 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Basics—An Introduction Edited by L.S. Van Delinder BESTSELLER! Presents concepts and procedures of corrosion prevention and control in basic terms. Describes current fundamentals of corrosion science and factors that influence the advancement of corrosion. Discusses metallurgy, materials, localized corrosion, environmental cracking, inhibitors, corrosion by water and steam, cathodic protection, underground and atmospheric corrosion, coatings, high-temperature corrosion, testing and inspection, and design failure and analysis. Examines control procedures that allow safe, economic use of a material in a specific environment. 1984 by NACE, 8-1/2'' x 11'', hardbound, 364 pages, 77 tables, 292 figures, ISBN 0-915567-02-4. $50 List, $38 NACE Member -- Item #37518
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Engineering, Third Edition By M.G. Fontana Expanded edition of a classic work by the late Mars G. Fontana. Uniquely presents corrosion data in terms of corrosives or environments rather than in terms of materials. Isocorrosion charts, created by Fontana, provide a quick look at candidates for a particular corrosive. Includes case histories on eight forms of corrosion and new sections on nuclear waste, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Discusses corrosion principles and applications, forms of corrosion, corrosion testing, materials selection, corrosion prevention, mineral acids, environments, and high-temperature corrosion. 1986 by McGraw-Hill, 6" x 9", hardbound, 544 pages, 92 tables, 284 figures, references, index, ISBN 0-07-021463-8. $113 List and NACE Member -- Item #37711 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion and Corrosion Control—An Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering, Third Edition By H.H. Uhlig, Ph.D. Based on a course taught by Dr. Uhlig at M.I.T., this book introduces the underlying science of corrosion and the fundamentals of corrosion engineering. It includes basic corrosion fundamentals such as corrosion processes, rates of corrosion, passivity, iron and steel, effects of stress, atmospheric corrosion, corrosion of metals in soils, oxidation and tarnish, stray-current corrosion, cathodic protection, coatings, inhibitors, and use of alloys. 1985 by John Wiley & Sons Inc., 5" x 9", hardbound, 409 pages, 45 tables, 146 figures, references, index, ISBN 0-47107818-2. $95 List and NACE Member -- Item #37707 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Practical Manual on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Edited by G. Kobrin Containing more than 100 color photographs, this manual identifies and describes microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) like no other publication available. It illustrates and identifies for the reader the types of corrosion and deposits that occur as a result of MIC. Comprised of 12 sections, the manual opens with a comprehensive glossary of terms, followed by an introductory section summarizing corrosion basics and describing common bacteria. Internationally acclaimed field experts then discuss the occurrence of MIC in industry—chemical, power, pulp and paper, metalworking processes and hydraulic systems, oilfield, and marine. Sections on MIC identification, treatment, and prevention are also included. This is THE DEFINITIVE BOOK on MIC. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardcover, 233 pages, 35 tables, over 50 black & white photos, glossary, index, case histories, references, and full-color photo catalog, ISBN 1-877914-56-8. $89 List, $67 NACE Member -- Item #37536 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book, Second Edition Edited by R.S. Treseder, R. Baboian, and C.G. Munger
BESTSELLER! Second edition of this authoritative handbook containing more than 100 additional pages. Includes many new items and updates others. Adds new information on protective coatings, electrochemistry, and cathodic protection. Also addresses corrosion testing, process and oil industries corrosion, and metallic materials. Offers 215 detailed conversion tables, graphs, lists, and charts that give physical, chemical, mechanical, and performance properties of materials. Provides conversion tables for mass, length, area, corrosion rate calculations, and construction materials criteria. Includes comparative identifications of U.S. and international standards, and an extended list of NACE and ASTM corrosion standards. Contains corrosion and engineering data on the analysis of metals, procedures for tests, metal heat treating and tempering data, and stress allowances. Gives test method identifications and procedures along with welding and joining processes. 1991 by NACE, 4-3/4" x 7-3/4", hardbound, 318 pages, index, ISBN 0-915567-82-2. $69 List, $52 NACE Member -- Item #37523 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Data Survey—Metals Section, Sixth Edition Edited by D.L. Graver BESTSELLER! Sixth edition of this classic reference book, written for corrosion and materials engineers, research institutions, equipment manufacturers, universities, and libraries throughout the world. Identifies materials manifestly unsuitable for use in corrosive environments. Locates materials that have satisfactory performance and are candidates for consideration. Charts performance of 25 metals in 859 corrosive environments in temperatures from -18 to 260°C. Adds a new section of hightemperature tables containing data representing exposure of materials to corrosives in the 350 to 850°C temperature range. Includes tables that determine suitability of materials and correlate with actual plant conditions. Also available in software format! See COR•SUR for Windows™ . 1985 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 192 pages, 10 figures, references, index, ISBN 0-915567-07-5. $200 List, $150 NACE Member -- Item #37519 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Data Survey—Nonmetals Section, Fifth Edition Edited by N.E. Hamner BESTSELLER! Valuable publication containing information on performance of nonmetallic materials in corrosive environments. Presents data that depict performance of 36 nonmetallic materials exposed to 803 chemical environments at varying temperatures and concentrations. Gives data in a "recommended," "questionable," or "not recommended" format. Provides 7,258 charts and additional material on time designations, weight loss or gain, and tensile-strength retention. Also available in software format! See COR•SUR 2 for Windows™. 1975 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 494 pages, 7,258 charts, references, index, ISBN 0-915567-91-1. $115 List, $87 NACE Member -- Item #37517 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Handbook By S.W. Borenstein BESTSELLER! This resourceful new handbook provides a basis for understanding the interdisciplinary roles of microbiology, metallurgy, and electrochemistry as they relate to a complex and increasingly important subject—microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). The effects of MIC on materials such as carbon steels, copper alloys, nickel-based alloys, stainless steel, and others are addressed in detail. The author presents the importance of diagnosis, detection, prevention, monitoring, inspection, water sampling, and analysis. Strategies for prevention and mitigation of MIC, as well as replacement with more MIC-resistant systems, are described to assist in avoiding and/or resolving the occurrence of MIC. Case histories are also provided along with extensive references. 1994 by Industrial Press, 6" x 9", hardbound, 288 pages, figures, tables, references, and index, ISBN 0-8311-3066-3. $80 List and NACE Member -- Item #37740 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flow-Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience Edited by K.J. Kennelley, R.H. Hausler, and D.C. Silverman Details papers presented at the CORROSION/90 symposium, "Flow-Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience." From the 27 papers that are included in this volume, the corrosion scientist or engineer can develop an understanding of the technology that either has been used or is under development to predict the effects of fluid flow on corrosion routinely encountered in many environments. 1992 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 27 papers, 460 pages, tables, figures, references, index, ISBN 1-877914-27-4. $20 List, $15 NACE Member -- Item #37355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CORROSION/93 Plenary and Keynote Lectures—A 50-Year History of Corrosion Prevention and Control Edited by R.D. Gundry In celebration of NACE’s 50th Anniversary, keynote lectures from CORROSION/93 present the history of the advances made in the corrosion control industry and corrosion engineering from 1943 until 1993. Each lecture presents a different subject area as represented by NACE’s broad-based technical committees. The 30 presentations included in this book cover the history of many corrosion topics such as metallurgy in the oilfield, materials for fossil energy systems, corrosion engineering in the CPI, coatings, underground corrosion control, and the rail industry. 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, approx. 300 pages, tables, figures, references, ISBN 1-877914-49-5. $37 List, $28 NACE Member -- Item #37362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12th International Corrosion Congress Preceedings September 1993, Houston, Texas The technical program of the 12th International Corrosion Congress consisted of over 400 papers presented in more than 30 technical sessions. These papers have been compiled into 6 volumes organized by subject area. Each volume provides a
comprehensive examination of the history, recent advancements, and future trends of each technology. Volume 1 - COATINGS 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 493 pages $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37374 Volumes 3A and 3B - CORROSION: SPECIFIC ISSUES 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 1,168 pages $142 List, $107 NACE Member -- Item #37376 Volume 4 - OIL/GAS/PIPELINE 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 738 pages $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37377 Volumes 5A and 5B - CORROSION: GENERAL ISSUES 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 1,086 pages ONLY SOLD AS PART OF 6-VOLUME SET Volume 6 - ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY WORKSHOP 1993 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 243 pages $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37379 Entire Set $400 List, $300 NACE Member -- Item #37380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASM Handbook, Volume 13—Corrosion Largest single volume available on corrosion. Takes an interdisciplinary approach bringing together a wealth of information for the designer, metallurgist, and chemist. Provides corrosion data, photographs, drawings, and case histories to aid in recognizing forms of corrosion. Presents parameters for avoiding or mitigating materials degradation. A glossary of nearly 600 metallurgical and corrosion terms is followed by sections on fundamentals of corrosion theory from thermodynamic and kinetic viewpoints, corrosion testing and evaluation, designing to minimize corrosion, metals and alloys, effects of alloying additions and heat treatments on corrosion resistance, protective coatings, anodic and cathodic protection, corrosion problems encountered in more than 20 major industries, and corrosion prevention and protection methods. More than 500 corrosion experts have contributed to or reviewed the material in this volume. 1987 by ASM International, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 600 tables, 1,432 pages, and 2,400 illustrations, ISBN 0-87170-0190. $198 List and NACE Member -- Item #37714 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handbook of Corrosion Data, 2nd Edition Edited by B. Craig and D. Anderson Revised edition brings you one convenient volume, making it easy for you to quickly find what effect environment has on
the corrosion of metals and alloys. This volume offers information on additional environments including concrete, soil, groundwater, distilled water, sodium acetate, and more. There is also updated and expanded coverage of previously reported environments, as well as the dairy food, brewing, aerospace, petrochemical, and building industries. Each environment is listed alphabetically and includes a general description of the conditions, a comment on the corrosion characteristics of various alloys in such situations, a bibliography of recent articles, tables consolidating and comparing corrosion rates at various temperatures and concentrations for various alloys, and graphical information. Also included as a separate section of the book are summaries on the general corrosion characteristics of major metals and alloys. 1994 by ASM International, hardbound, ISBN 087170-518-4. $227 List and NACE Member -- Item #37730 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Engineer-in-Training Reference Manual, Eighth Edition By M.R. Lindeburg, P.E. This book is used by the majority of examinees preparing for the E.I.T. exam and is also the book used in hundreds of university review courses. For 17 years this review book and reference guide has been the #1 choice for aspiring engineers as a means to prepare for and pass the E.I.T. exam. Written by the director of the Professional Engineering Institute (PEI), one of the country’s largest and most successful review programs for the engineering licensing exams, this manual is part of the only review series endorsed by the National Society of Professional Engineers. Presented in English and SI Units, it includes comprehensive and fully explained coverage of all exam topics, convenient modular review of each subject, dualdimensioned equations and explanations, 422 example problems, 930 practice problems, a consolidated table of conversion factors, and a table of 1,000 common engineering abbreviations. More than just the best study guide around for the E.I.T. exam, this easy-to-use, hardbound edition will prove an invaluable desk reference throughout your engineering career. 1992 by Professional Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 1,048 pages, 594 figures, 205 data tables, and index, ISBN 0912045-38-8. $86 List and NACE Member -- Item #37732 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Engineer-in-Training Review Manual: Rapid Preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam By M.R. Lindeburg, P.E. Contains a concise review of all 10 exam topics, 448 practice problems with solutions, and a full 8-hour practice exam, also with solutions. This manual is a good choice for those still in or recently graduated from a four or five-year engineering program, those with limited study time, or those who need only a quick refresher for the exam. 1997 by Professional Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 816 pages, figures, tables, practice problems and questions with answers, appendices, and index. ISBN 1-888-577-07-X. $66 List and NACE Member -- Item #37777 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solutions Manual for the Engineer-In-Training Reference Manual, Eighth Edition, English Units By M.R. Lindeburg, P.E. Contains solutions to 930 practice problems listing assumptions used and explanations validating techniques. 1992 by Professional Publications, 8-1/2" x 11", 256 pages, ISBN 0-912045-39-6.
$34 List and NACE Member -- Item #37724 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1001 Solved Engineering Fundamentals Problems, Second Edition By M.R. Lindeburg, P.E. This is the most complete collection of typical E.I.T. exam problems ever published, with no duplication of the problems presented in the Engineer-In-Training Reference Manual. There is a chapter devoted to each exam subject, and similar problems are grouped together for maximum reinforcement of key concepts. Each problem is immediately followed by an explanation and its worked-out solution. 1997 by Professional Publications, 6" x 9", softbound, 743 pages, ISBN 1-888577-09-6. $46 List and NACE Member -- Item #37719 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Engineering Unit Conversions, Fourth Edition By M.R. Lindeburg, P.E. This is the most complete reference of its kind, with more than 4,500 conversions. By covering traditional English, conventional metric, and SI units in the fields of civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering, this book puts virtually every engineering conversion at your fingertips. This book is a great time-saver and a perfect addition to any engineer’s library. 1998 by Professional Publications, 6" x 9", hardbound, 160 pages, ISBN 1-888577-33-9. $38 List and NACE Member -- Item #37720 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corrosion Fatigue, NACE Reference 2 Edited by O.F. Devereux, A.J. McEvily, and R.W. Staehle Focuses on the environmental, mechanical, and metallurgical factors influencing in-service failure. Contains proceedings from a NACE symposium co-sponsored by the American Institute of Metallurgical Engineers. Presents studies of corrosion fatigue in naval structures, power generation, and boiler components, as well as in the chemical and aerospace industries. 1972 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, 75 papers, 762 pages, 90 tables, 1,122 figures, and index, ISBN 0-915567-58-X. $92 List, $69 NACE Member -- Item #37302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Electrochemistry of Corrosion By D.L. Piron Introduces modern basic electrochemistry in a practical, descriptive manner. Addresses general electrochemical principles of corrosion mitigation and other applied electrochemical fields. Teaches electrochemical fundamentals by observation of facts and phenomena important in the daily work of corrosion engineers and experimental research. Presents electrochemical concepts and their uses, prediction of corrosion tendencies, electrolyte conductivity and Faraday's law, electrode rate processes and overpotential, and mixed-potential theory and corrosion rates. Deals with practical
applications, reference electrodes and their use, corrosion failures of metals, water as a corrosive environment, passivation and protection, cathodic protection, and computations useful in corrosion. Includes appendices on basic chemistry and metallurgy of electrochemical processes and a glossary with chemical and corrosion terms. 1991 by NACE, 6" x 9", hardbound, 304 pages, 10 tables, 165 figures, references, glossary, and index, ISBN 1-87791423-1. $85 List, $64 NACE Member -- Item #37513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Localized Corrosion, NACE Reference 3 Edited by R.W. Staehle, B.F. Brown, J. Kruger, and A. Agrawal A review of basic phenomena fundamental to understanding localized corrosion. Proceedings from a NACE symposium in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1971. Detailed research papers, reviews, and in-depth discussions are presented in seven sections: basic aspects, mathematics, and technology; iron and steels; iron-chromium-nickel alloys; second phase and intergranular attack in iron-chromium-nickel alloys; and aluminum, copper, and titanium alloys. Includes specific topics such as pitting and crevice corrosion, passivity, breakdown of films, intergranular corrosion, exfoliation corrosion, aqueous corrosion, and oxidation, stress corrosion cracking, and slag inclusions. 1974 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 67 papers, 746 pages, 115 tables, 949 figures, and index, ISBN 0-915567-83-0. $46 List, $35 NACE Member -- Item #37303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fundamentals of Designing for Corrosion Control: A Corrosion Aid for the Designer By R.J. Landrum NACE COURSE BOOK! A straightforward guidebook. Examines factors weighed in the design phase of a project for preventing equipment repair or replacement due to corrosion. Written for industrial plant designers and corrosion or materials engineers who work with designers. Contains examples of good and poor designs based on the author’s extensive experience. Goes beyond actual design of equipment to present corrosion resistance as an entire system. Covers materials selection; testing for quality control; corrosion rate determinations, classifications, and allowances; design solutions to corrosion problems based on types of corrosion, fabrication methods, and environmental factors; corrosion control techniques; and specifications and guides. 1989 by NACE, 6-1/2" x 9-1/2", hardbound, 350 pages, 31 tables, 161 figures, references, and index, ISBN 0-915567-342. $55 List, $42 NACE Member -- Item #37510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIALOGUE/89—The Conservation of Bronze Sculpture in the Outdoor Environment: A Dialogue Among Conservators, Curators, Environmental Scientists, and Corrosion Engineers Edited by T. Drayman-Weisser Presents a compilation of papers from the symposium DIALOGUE/89, July 11-13, 1989, at the John Hopkins University, cosponsored by NACE, the Getty Conservation Institute, the American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, and the U.S. Committee–International Council on Monuments and Sites. The symposium addressed vulnerability and deterioration of our most visible cultural heritage–our outdoor monuments and sculptures. This includes
the problem of acid rain, specific processes of deterioration, and the long-term effects of treatments and maintenance procedures. Specific topics include environment and corrosion; conservation practice, including aesthetic considerations; present assessments; and future plans for outdoor bronzes. 1992 by NACE, 8-1/2" x 11", softbound, 398 pages, tables, figures including 32 color photographs, and references, ISBN 1-877914-38-X. $24 List, $18 NACE Member -- Item #37364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NACE Professional Recognition Core-Book Set This set of 7 reference books is recommended by the NACE Quality Subcommittee as the core reference books for all NACE certification open-book exams. Forms of Corrosion -- Recognition and Prevention, NACE Handbook 1 C.P. Dillon, NACE, 1982 $55 List, $42 NACE Member Item #37531 Corrosion Basics -- An Introduction L.S. Van Delinder, NACE, 1984 $50 List, $38 NACE Member Item #37518 Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings, Second Edition C.G. Munger, NACE, 1999 $97 List, $73 NACE Member Item #37507 Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion, Second Edition A.W. Peabody / R. Bianchetti, NACE, 2000 ? softbound edition $97 List, $73 NACE Member Item #37566 NACE Corrosion Engineers Reference Book, Second Edition R.S. Treseder, R. Baboian, C.G. Munger, NACE, 1991 $69 List, $52 NACE Member Item #37523 ASM Handbook, Volume 13 - Corrosion H.E. Boyer and T.L. Gall, ASM International, 1987 $198 List and NACE Member Item #37714 Corrosion Inhibitors C.C. Nathan, NACE, 1973 $99 List, $75 NACE Member Item #37516 Special Core-Book Set Price: $565 List and $470 NACE Member -- Item #37561 (If you purchased all seven books individually, you would pay $665 List or $551 NACE Member.) * Special price is not valid toward past purchases. *Please note that the prices and titles listed in this set is subject to change with out notice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NACE Book of Standards -- Hard Copy The NACE Book of Standards is the complete two-volume collection of NACE internationally recognized, consensusapproved industry standards. At the time of this printing, the Book includes 65 standard recommended practices; 32 standard test methods; 4 standard materials requirements; 1 emergency guideline; and 6 NACE/SSPC joint standards. The standards cover a wide range of environments and industries, including petroleum, concrete, coatings, process/chemical, refining, and pipeline. To accommodate the growing number of standards, the Book is now available in two volumes; the first includes all recommended practices, emergency guidelines, and NACE/SSPC standards; the second includes all test methods and materials requirements. Each volume is an attractive, yet sturdy, three-ring binder that can easily be updated with the NACE Standards Updating Service.
Subscribers to the NACE Standards Updating Service are sent all new and updated standards on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, and October). This automatic service saves subscribers time and energy in determining the latest available NACE standards. In addition, subscribers save more than 33% off the cover price of individual standards -- and in some cases, 50%. The complete NACE Book of Standards is also available on CD-ROM. CD-ROM prices start at $212 for NACE Members. Please go to the software products section for details. Hard Copy Complete Set: $200 List, $150 NACE Member -- Item #21803 Hard Copy Updating Service: $200 (per year) List and NACE Member -- Item #21805 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ⓒ Copyright 2000 NACE International, All rights reserved. WebMaster | Contact Info | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
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