March 27, 2017 | Author: mier99 | Category: N/A
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The Known World Core Rules Supplement an Adaptation of Wizards of the Coast’s Known World setting for use with Green Ronin’s Adventure Game Engine Design: Byron D. Molix System Design and Development: Chris Pramas, et al This is a derivative fan production work based on the original work by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and developed by Aaron Allston, Brian Blume, Ann Dupuis, Anne C. Gray, Bruce Heard, Frank Mentzer, Tom Moldvay, Steve Perrin, Garry Spiegle, Stephen D. Sullivan, Ralph Wagner, Jim Ward and Jean Wells among others.
Truly a Labor of Love entered into on May 5th, 2010.
Names and concepts herein are copyrighted by their respective owners and this does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of said names and concepts. The unique text of this document is copyrighted (C)2010 and this document is produced for fans’ personal use and may not be bought or sold.
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Characters Character Creation Options Class Options Cleric Elven Mage Backgrounds Dwarf Elf Halfling Human New Focuses & Talents Specializations Chapter 2 - Gear Armor Weapons Adventuring Equipment Chapter 3 - Magic Magical Actions Spell List New Spells Ritual Magic Rituals Magic Items Durability of Magic Items Magical Services Chapter 4 - Setting Overview The Known World Splintered Alphatia Darokin Daro Burgher Master Trader Five Shires, The Knight Hero Glantri Belcadiz Elf Settled Ethengarian Ierendi Ierendi Pirate Hin Pirate Karameikos Minrothad Guilds, The Water Elf Merchant Prince The Northern Reaches Vestland Soderfjord Jarldoms Ostland
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Rockhome Thyatis Ylaruam Ylari Alasiyan The Extant Regions Aengmor Atruaghin Clans, The Broken Lands Ethengar Khanate Central Brun Northern Brun Heldannic Territories Wendar Savage Coast Chapter 5 - The Immortals Popular Immortals Local Immortals Dark Immortals Chapter 6 - Rewards Treasure Magic Items Temporary Items Permanent Items Armor Weapons Wands, Staves and Rings Wondrous Items Art Credits Appendices House Rules Bestiary - A Handful of Adversaries Ghoul Goblin Skirmisher Goblin Chief Goblin Skulker Hill Giant Kobold Ambusher Kobold Witch Ogre Orc Wolf Languages of the Known World Conversion Notes Character Sheet
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Introduction There’s always just been something beyond nostalgia that has drawn me back to the Mystara setting time after time. I went through phases of obsession, racking up a collection of box sets for Dark Sun, Planescape, Ravenloft, and even fan favorite Al-Qadim, but it is the Known World that I have eagerly wanted to play more times than not, whether as a game master or a player.
beyond an overview you have to provide yourself. At some point in the future, perhaps with help, a more complete Setting may be generated, or consolidated for the world. As such, this is my Mystara, not the setting of a particular rules edition, or a particular gazetteer series. Some things have been kept more or less verbatim, , others altered as holdovers from my 4E project, (such as the Five Shires), still others were replaced entirely with other fan works I admired, such as John Biles’ Ierendi. This is very much the Mystara I would produce if given the job today, not when the first module was penned.
I’ve constructed rules tweaks and background for running Mystara with TSR’s ill-fated Dragonlance SAGA system. I delved lightly into contributing fan-areas to the world in Original D&D statistics. I contributed lightly to the D&D 3E conversion of Mystara in the early days. I was excited by the premise of regional feats and using prestige classes to simulate the effect of becoming a Paladin after starting your career as some other class. When Fourth Edition came out I went further and not as far afield, re-envisioning the Known World as a 4th Edition campaign setting.
Some things will be somewhat different because I either forgot something, couldn’t make it fit, or didn’t care to include it in the first place (the Hollow World would be its own conversion effort). I may have even made some blatant mistakes.
Then I looked at the Dragon Age RPG. I got into it because of the console/computer role-playing game by BioWare, but when I looked at it closely, it appeared to be a modern invention directly inspired by the original rules. The Adventure Game Engine, the system that powers Dragon Age, is solid enough in my mind to proceed with a conversion effort.
I will explain my philosophy, and hopefully you won’t need a play by play of what’s not a verbatim conversion. I have converted with an eye to original spirit first, and rules second. I don’t intend to have a mathematical conversion of every character / monster / spell or magic item. Where possible, I’ve included some of my thought process in each chapter introduction.
And this is my version of that conversion. It is not a full game, nor a full setting. With the thousands of pages of material in print, plus more available on the web I feel that the actual setting of Mystara is already fairly well represented. I have provided everything you need to get started playing given a copy of the Dragon Age rules, but anything
As far as scope is concerned, this volume is concerned with the Known World and covers creating characters native to that region of Brun, (the continent) and campaigning in the Known World countries and environs. If a character background is
available only in a single nation, it is detailed with that nation. In some nations, such as Thyatis, further backgrounds have been held back to the companion volume Adventures Afar. Others will not be introduced until that volume simply because the country itself seems to be more genre specific and less core Mystaran. The Atruaghin Clans and Ethengar are specific examples of this latter group of backgrounds.
Chapter 1 - Characters Ethos
Character Creation Options
Dragon Age makes an assumption that the ethos of a character is buried underneath multiple levels of selfless or selfish characterizations. Even the most despicable traitor has his reasons for his deplorable actions and not every priest or leader is altruistic in their insistence that the wounded be healed. The Mystaran Known World setting however views these philosophical stances as important enough to categorize most of the world’s intelligent inhabitants accordingly. This is even more important when dealing with the Immortals and their extraplanar servants.
Character History Focus In the interest of improving 1st level play, player characters may select a focus for free before applying their class choices. However, if they go this route, they must create an anecdote or character history note about the character that highlights that focus. This may be a focus available to their background, but must be explained in a non-traditional way if it is. Example: Tim is creating a traladaran mage, and he wants the Dexterity (Legerdemain) focus. His background doesn’t even allow for this possibility. Rather than waiting until 3rd level, he takes the focus for free now, and writes up an account of how he spent more time learning from street performers than he did in learning the history and advanced theories of magic. When he writes up his background further, he fleshes this aspect out as well, coming up with the name of a mentor, and contact.
In reconciling the lack of alignment in Dragon Age with the highly typed alignment of the original game, I have created certain tags rather than utilizing the Law / Chaos axis. Characters may have multiple tags. Various characters who fall into the same categories will likely have completely different degrees of philosophical fervor for these characterizations. Together, these characterizations define a character’s ethos.
Example: Rory is creating a dwarven warrior, and he wants the Strength (Smithing) focus. Any dwarf may roll that result on their background table, but Rory rolled Weapon Group: Axes and +1 Willpower. He must come up with an anecdote of how he learned to smith that is more unique than “I was apprenticed to a smith”.
Altruistic: An altruistic individual is compassionate, and takes action because it is the kind or right thing to do. An altruist may respect laws but is not afraid to break them for a
good cause. Altruists rebel against corrupt government and tyrants alike. The reasons for these actions are known only to the altruistic. Cruel: A cruel individual enjoys seeing others in pain. This says nothing of their personal code or ability to empathize with others. Typically attempts to change such an individual with reason or appeals to a better nature are doomed to fail. The only constant with the cruel is that they enjoy the misfortune of others. Harmonious: A harmonious person desires parity, balance and fairness everywhere. They tend to act sparingly, choosing to impact others very little unless in an environment of extremes. Some are most concerned with societal harmony, and others with fairness. Some are motivated to raise the lot of the disadvantaged. Others don’t get involved until the disadvantaged rebel against the authorities. Honorable: An honorable individual acts according to a set of rules, often defined by his society. He acts loyally toward authority figures. He seeks order within his society. He may use the law to his advantage, or disregard the spirit of the law. However, he obeys the letter of it. Whether this is because of beliefs or to maintain legal superiority it is true regardless. Independent: An independent wants the freedom to run his life as he sees fit. He may bend a knee in respect to an authority figure, but will never show true deference to a dictator who is affecting his quality of life. Independents may depend on others or be loners, but tend to value freedom, especially their personal freedom, above all else. Mercenary: The Mercenary is out to improve his or her own lot in life. They will break agreements, cheat, lie, steal, intimidate or even kill to get what they feel they deserve. Ambition or greed can drive them from moral ambiguity to depravity. Even at the lowest levels, a mercenary can be enticed to betrayal far easier than most other characters. Unaligned: If a character is none of the above, he is unaligned and therefore believes in live and let live. If offered enough compensation, an unaligned individual might do anything. He may be moral or amoral. Unless being personally oppressed the unaligned will do very little about perceived injustice.
Clerics and Ethos While ethos is optional for other player character classes, clerics must choose ethos characteristics when they are created, and these characteristics remain important throughout their career. Even if their ethos is unaligned, they must choose because it affects their initial spell list, and how extraplanar entities interact with them. Altruistic, and Honorable characteristics are tied to the Light School. Cruel and Mercenary are tied to the Shadow School. Harmonious, Independent and Unaligned are neutral in ethos. When a class, specialization or talent refers to a neutral ethos this is what is meant.
Class Options
Regarding classes, Mystara needs a few class modifications or insertions to feel right to me. Clerics, holy warriors who channel power into spells, and Elven mages who can cast in melee while wearing armor. Furthermore, there needed to be a clear divide between divine magic and arcane magic. Magical healing has always been the province of divine magic in Mystara, and clerics also had the bulk of “buff” and “debuff” spells. After looking at clerics, I then looked at Rakes, Elves and a few other classes from the gazetteers. I decided that some of them didn’t need creation notes. After all, you can interpret a backstab as a precision strike, thus, Rakes are just rogues. Given new information about Dragon Age Set 2, I retooled elves as a Specialization, and did the same with Paladins, and several other class progressions. Then I turned my attention to Mystics and decided that I wasn’t going to detail them right now. Some of these classes will likely depend on information about AGE that is not yet released, and others just don’t fit a “basic set” feel. Then I looked at AD&D Barbarians, Bards and Rangers and decided that again they didn’t need creation
notes. Barbarians are Warriors, Bards are Rogues and Rangers can be either.
while casting spells in armor, but must brandish a holy symbol to cast spells. A mere image of the holy symbol is nonfunctional, but symbols sculpted in armor or shields work well and glow faintly when spells are cast. Mana Points: You use mana to power your spells. You start with a number of mana points equal to 10 + Magic + 1d6 and you gain Magic + 1d6 more whenever you gain a new level. You must keep track of your current mana points, this is a measure of how much magical power is at your command at any given time. You spend mana points when you cast spells. You can regain them through rest, meditation and prayer. Starting Talent: You become a novice in one of the following talents: Armor Training, Chirurgy, or Command.
If you don’t see enough options in the Dragon Age Player’s Guide or in this chapter to create the character you want, you’ll have to be patient for the e-release of Adventures Afar, the sourcebook covering niche backgrounds, more classes, and new magics.
Cleric The Cleric is a spellcasting champion of an Ethos or a particular Immortal. They use the power of the world itself to produce their miracles, and unlike mages are not affected by the strain of casting in armor. They also have access to spells of generally different effect.
LEVEL 2 Signature Weapon: You gain training in a weapon group associated with your Immortal’s favored weapon, or local ethical tradition. If your tradition uses a Bludgeon or Staff weapon you gain a Focus for that particular weapon group instead to reflect your devotionally motivated training. This signature weapon functions as a holy symbol when brandished.
PRIMARY ABILITIES Communication, Cunning, and Willpower SECONDARY ABILITIES Constitution, Dexterity, Magic, Perception, and Strength STARTING HEALTH 25 + Constitution + 1d6 WEAPON GROUPS Bludgeons, Brawling, Staves
LEVEL 3 New Talent: You become a novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.
Clerics gain the following powers at the specified level.
New Spell: You gain one new spell. Stunt Bonus: You can gather your faith to protect yourself while casting. You can perform the Mana Shield spell stunt for 2 stunt points instead of the usual 3.
LEVEL 1 Clerical Training: This is the most important of the Cleric's powers. It allows a cleric to cast clerical spells, that are the stand out feature of the class. Choose Light, Shadow or neither when you make your character. Light clerics receive Heal, Rebuke and 2 other spells from the clerical spells list. Shadow receive Control Undead, Drain Life and 2 other spells from the clerical spells list. An aspected cleric may not normally select a spell from the opposite list. Those who choose neither may choose any 3 spells from the clerical spells list. You can gain more spells through talents and class powers. Clerics figure spellpower based on their Willpower (Faith), but cast spells using Magic and the appropriate focus. Clerics ignore strain
LEVEL 5 New Talent: You become a novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.
LEVEL 6 New Specialization: You may choose one specialization for your class. You gain the novice degree of its specialization talent. New Spell: You gain one new spell.
become Shadow ethos clerics. Those who betray their faith and comrades often become clerics of a specific evil immortal.
LEVEL 7 New Ability Focus: You now gain one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Persuasion), Cunning (Religious Lore), or Willpower (Self-Discipline)
Often clerics are only tempted by immortals and their direct servants. Rarely does a cleric literally betray what he once whole-heartedly stood for in order to gain riches or political power, and those that do are often full of hubris.
New Talent: You become a novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.
LEVEL 8 New Specialization Talent: You gain the journeyman degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 6. Potent Channeler: You may use the Puissant Casting spell stunt for one less stunt point, with a minimum cost of 1.
When a cleric shifts ethos, he is given the opportunity to exchange spells that are tied to their old ethos or immortal for ones offered by their new ethos or immortal. This is a continual process over time. At the moment of their conversion, they may exchange 2 spells. After that, they are limited in opportunities to once every 3 months, or once at each level up opportunity. At these opportunities, clerics who have converted may exchange one spell each time, or two if their shift is from one polar extreme to the opposite side.
LEVEL 9 New Talent: You become a novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.
LEVEL 10 New Specialization Talent: You gain the master degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 6. New Spell: You gain one new spell.
This is deliberate, because it takes time for a cleric who faithfully served darkness to unlearn the cruelty that is required to cast a spell such as Weakness or Drain Life. His intentions may be honorable, but it isn't second nature to him, at least not yet. Likewise, a cleric who lost faith in a good power may be slow to unlearn the automatic compassion required to cast Heal, even if devoting himself to a chaotic immortal of war and destruction.
Cleric Talents
The following Talents are also Cleric talents. Armor Training Command Weapon and Shield Style Clerics may take all Universal talents, (that is ones that list “Mage, Rogue, Warrior” as a requirement).
This is encouraged because spells of an opposite ethos would be subject to the mana surcharge associated with casting spells of another character type. See Casting Barred Spells in the House Rules appendix.
Forsaking One's Ethos
Whether through hubris, loss of faith, or outright betrayal, clerics sometimes forsake their immortal or ethos. When this happens they do not suddenly stop being clerics, rather they become clerics of a new ethos. Those who go from a Light ethos and lose faith often become neutral ethos clerics. Those who give in to hubris
Elven Mages
There are many diverse Backgrounds in Mystara, as it is a setting fleshed out over the course of decades. Presented below will be the most common backgrounds with a nod to diversity. If a particular background would not be appropriate for adventurers, there may be notes about the people it represents, but not a full background.
Elven tradition warrior-mages are adept at casting spells while encumbered by armor, and are capable of moving around the battlefield from open war to guerilla tactics. Of all the elven adventurers discovered in the known world, Elven Mages are some of the most memorable. In Thyatis, the Vyalia Elves have forged an alliance with select humans, inducting them into the clan and teaching them their ways as warrior-mages.
Region specific backgrounds will be presented in the pages about the nation or region. In an effort not to muddy the waters, variant backgrounds will be avoided as much as possible. By this decision, the lot of Thyatian nobility and free men is not sufficiently different to warrant two different backgrounds.
Elven Mages either begin their careers as Mages or as Warriors. When selecting a Specialization, mages select the Forester Specialization, and Warriors select the Bladesinger Specialization. The player will have to decide which side appeals to their character more, as they are specific examples of the warrior-mage.
Only if the outlook and upbringing of a subpeople is significantly different, such as hinterlanders, or pearl islanders, would those be written up separately. These backgrounds will be listed with the region, rather than in this section.
Elven Mage Focuses
Elven Mages are encouraged to take the following focuses: Cunning (Arcane Lore), Cunning (Cultural Lore), Cunning (Natural Lore), Dexterity (Stealth), Magic (Primal), Magic (Spirit), Perception (Seeing), and Perception (Tracking).
Because characters have to have specific background hooks to even be eligible for these Specializations, the GM may offer some concessions before level 6. • Novice Foresters ignore 1 pt of Strain, and deal full damage when wielding a heavy blade or bow. • Novice Bladesingers have 5 mana, and can perform the Cantrip, Counterspell and Detect Magic actions. The warrior must choose his eventual Bladesinger Magic schools now to cast cantrips. When they become 6th Level, they gain an additional 5+ Magic + 1d6 mana points.
Backgrounds and Class Choice
Any background can become any class if the background story is well thought out. However, listed classes are those that are tolerated by the people of the predominant culture. If mage or cleric is not listed, then training in such a class may not be available locally, or it may lead to scorn. Such a character would be an outcast, or would have been forced to travel far afield to receive training.
The settled but industrious dwarves originate in Rockhome. There are perhaps three times as many dwarves throughout the world as could realistically live in Rockhome in comfort, not counting offshoot colonies such as the Mordriswerg, who were originally exiled as criminals. Still, the dwarven race sees Rockhome as it’s ancestral home, a culturally important location and homeland.
To emphasize this, characters who take a class outside those offered by their background apply all the standard modifiers, but instead of rolling on the table from the background must choose a single ability focus. This choice is possible from any focus in the game, as it represents the character dedicating his effort to mastering one field without help from mentors, comrades or local resources.
If you wish to play a Dwarf you have several options for origin. Dwarves of Rockhome often have to interact with other races to conduct trade of their fine crafted goods, and caravan guards are often needed for this. The Dwarven guard often travel throughout Rockhome’s territory as well. There are dwarven enclaves in most settled human lands, almost exclusively in the larger cities and capitals, but they exist as good neighbors conducting their business and keeping primarily to themselves. Lastly, there are offshoots of the Rockhome dwarves living in colonies rivaling Rockhome in terms of local history and sense of home. This included the Stoutfellow enclave in Alphatia before the sinking of the continent. The most infamous of these, Mordrigswerg, is located in the Northern Reaches under the mountain ranges.
Example: Fred wants to create a dwarven mage named Owlin. Dwarves are resistant to magic, and have a hard time shaping it because of this. Because of the cultural prominence of the iconic dwarven warrior, magic is seen as a cowardly combat skill. Owlin must eschew training with axes, and learning how to smith in order to find and memorize many long tracts on magic, which he undoubtedly had to steal or trade away precious resources for. Fred chooses Cunning (Arcane Lore) as his focus and makes his character a mage.
Rockhome Denwarf Dwarves, or denwarf as they call themselves, are from Rockhome but have spread slowly throughout the continent, such that there is a dwarven enclave or merchants delegation in every major city in the Known World. Denwarf clerics are subtle and disguise themselves as warriors among outsiders, making exceptions only to openly heal the sick and dying who are dwarfriends or have done a great service to the denwarf.
Playing a Rockhome Denwarf If you choose to play a denwarf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Constitution ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Stamina) or Cunning (Evalutation) • You have Dark Vision, which allows you to see up to 30 yards in darkness without a light source. • You are Magic Resistant. You must add +2 to any Constitution or Willpower resistance test versus arcane spells, magical diseases, magical breath weapons etc. Furthermore, you may not choose to fail such a test. Lastly, a dwarf mage must subtract 2 from all arcane spellcasting checks. • You can speak and read Dengar, (dwarven), and a local human tongue. • Your Speed is equal to 8 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Rockhome Emigres Dwarves who have emigrated to foreign lands, have slightly different upbringings and often wish to make a name for themselves among their own enclave or colony, as well as among the races around themselves. Playing a Rockhome Emigres If you choose to play a Rockhome Emigres, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Constitution ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Stamina) or Communication (Bargaining) • You have Dark Vision, which allows you to see up to 30 yards in darkness without a light source. • You are Magic Resistant. You must add +2 to any Constitution or Willpower resistance test versus arcane spells, magical diseases, magical breath weapons etc. Furthermore, you may not choose to fail such a test. Lastly, a dwarf mage must subtract 2 from all arcane spellcasting checks. • You can speak and read Dengar, (dwarven), and a local human tongue. • Your Speed is equal to 8 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Rockhome Denwarf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Willpower 3-4 Focus: Willpower (Courage) 5 Weapon Group: Axes* 6 Focus: Constitution (Drinking) 7-8 +1 Cunning 9 Focus: Cunning (Engineering) 10-11 Focus: Strength (Smithing) 12 +1 Strength * If the class you choose provides this already, you can take the focus: Strength (Axes) instead.
Rockhome Emigres 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Cunning 3-4 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline) 5 Focus: Strength (Smithing) 6 Focus: Strength (Axes) 7-8 +1 Willpower 9 Focus: Cunning (Evaluation) 10-11 Focus: Cunning (Engineering) 12 +1 Strength
nature on the outskirts of nearby human settlements. They prefer to live in the forest near several villages or small towns than in cities, but those who have no choice, such as the elves of Darokin, make do and serve as jovial neighbors interspersing themselves throughout the population. This strategy is to prevent them all being rounded up or dying in some catastrophe because they are forced to live in unusual surroundings. Instead of enclaves or ghettos, they live right alongside their neighbors and consider themselves citizens of the nations they live in, and members of some nebulous fey peoples nation with much less tenacity.
Elves are a fey mortal people, first ushered to civilization by the immortal Ordana, but who worship other immortals, typically those raised from the fey peoples themselves. They live deep in the wilds in harmony with nature, using their ancestral command of magic to improve the forest and keep it from dying out. The long history of the Elves begins in time immemorial when the Fey peoples of Evergrun were scattered by the great rain of fire. They fled the continent of their birth, Davania, to a place of relative safety in what is now northern Brun called the Sylvan Realm. The Sylvan Realms too died, forcing another migration. Amidst all this death, the Elves were the fey people who settled in various places in the known world and returned to what their histories refer to as “the Forest Way”. To this day it is uncertain to non-fey scholars if the Sylvan Realm was a terrestrial place, or simply a section of the outer planes that touched on Northern Brun millennia ago.
Some elves revere, rather than worship, Eiryndul the trickster. Some revere Calithia Starbrow as well, particularly in the Minrothad Guilds. In general, elves take a religious stance that fits somewhere between fear, love and admiration and ambition. It is not unusual for an elf to aspire to immortality at the end of their long lifespan, nor is it unusual for them to simply desire to leave their mark on the world in a less literal sense of immortality.
The largest collection of fey peoples in Mystara are the elves, and they are known by their clans. Despite this, recent events have forced the elves of Alfheim out of their longstanding home. Furthermore, the ShiyeLawr were the primary fey peoples of Alphatia before the continent sunk in the aftermath of the cataclysmic War of Immortals. Thus many elves are nomads or refugees, traveling Brun to find a new place to experience life for a decade or two before moving on once again. The elven nation of Wendar has accepted a large portion of these refugees and is the only fey nation that stands on its own in the modern world. Clans of Elves in Karameikos, Thyatis and most other nations live in a fashion similar to the old Alfheim lifestyle, complete with Trees of Life, but they are subservient to the overall demands of the nations they exist within. Elves outside of Wendar live in harmony with
7-8 +1 Communication 9 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) 10-11 Weapon Group: Bows** 12 +1 Perception * If your class already provides this, you gain Focus: Strength (Heavy Blades) instead. ** If your class already provides this, you gain Focus: Dexterity (Bows) instead.
Clan Elf Some Elves still live in the traditional style that is characteristic of lost Alfheim. Called alfund, or more commonly forest elves, they refer to themselves as Clan Elves because each group traces their community founding to an individual in ancient times. Clan Elves revere Trees of Life, and live a somewhat isolated existence. However, there are only a few remaining Trees of Life, and those who keep the traditions in the wilds are often more withdrawn and xenophobic to intruders. The elves of Clan Ellerovyn (Glantri), Clan Callarii (Karameikos), and the Alfheim refugees living in the wilds are prime examples of Clan Elves. These elves have fair hair and skin, but are not as pale as most sylvan elves.
City Elf City Elves are those who have lived among other races long enough to adapt. This background covers young Alfheim refugees growing to adulthood in Darokin, the sheltered remnants of the Shiye-Lawr who escaped the sinking continent of Alphatia, and Elves who have long consider themselves citizens of large human cities throughout the Known World. Physically city elves are indistinguishable from clan elves.
Note: Although they tend to be taller and have dark hair, Shiye-Lawr elves (from Alphatian territories) use the clan or city elf background.
Playing a City Elf If you choose to play a city elf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Communication ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Etiquette) or Willpower (SelfDiscipline). • You have Night Vision, which allows you to see clearly at night. Reduce low-light, and night time penalties by 1. • You are resistant to Charm, Sleep, and Paralysis effects. Add your Magic ability, if positive, to all resistance tests against these effects. • You can speak and read Elven and a local human tongue. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Playing a Clan Elf If you choose to play a clan elf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Magic ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Etiquette) or Perception (Seeing). • You have Night Vision, which allows you to see clearly at night. Reduce low-light, and night time penalties by 1. • You are resistant to Charm, Sleep, and Paralysis effects. Add your Magic ability, if positive, to all resistance tests against these effects. • You can speak and read Elven and a local human tongue. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
City Elf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Perception 3-4 Focus: Dexterity (Calligraphy) 5 Focus: Cunning (Cultural Lore) 6 Focus: Perception (Searching) 7-8 +1 Dexterity
Clan Elf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Dexterity 3-4 Weapon Group: Heavy Blades* 5 Focus: Cunning (Natural Lore) 6 Focus: Perception (Tracking)
9 Focus: Perception (Empathy) 10-11 Focus: Cunning (Historical Lore) 12 +1 Cunning
9 Focus: Communication (Etiquette) 10-11 Weapon Group: Spears* 12 +1 Strength If your class already provides this, you gain Focus: Strength (Spears) instead.
Sylvan Elf Sylvan elves are those who have retained the original elven culture once possessed by the legendary realm of grunland. They have a clan culture as well, but sylvan elves practice a life of harmony within nature, but not one tied to it. They settle where they please and protect their borders, but they do not plant Trees of Life, focusing their magics instead on more all inclusive endeavors. The elves of Wendar (Clan Geffronell), as well as Clan Verdier of Minrothad, Clan Trueflower of the Isle of Dawn, Clan Vyalia of Thyatis and Karameikos and Clan Graakhalia of Sind follow this tradition. Sylvan elves possess pale skin, and light colored hair with red being the darkest color normally seen.
Half-Elf Half-Elves are the somewhat rare offspring of a union between human and elf. The majority of half-elves in the Known World are born in Thyatis, where the elven population has long lived in harmony in the area. A new group is growing in Darokin after the fall of Alfeim and the resulting diaspora leading to Elves entrenching themselves as Darokinian refugees and close neighbors of the humans. The next most common concentration of halfelves exist in kingdoms like Karameikos that have established elven enclaves with friendly histories, and among the Shiye-Lawr, who have encouraged the inclusion of more children to their ranks from all sources, not just fey partners.
Playing a Sylvan Elf If you choose to play a sylvan elf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Dexterity (Stealth) or Perception (Seeing). • You have Night Vision, which allows you to see clearly at night. Reduce low-light, and night time penalties by 1. • You are resistant to Charm, Sleep, and Paralysis effects. Add your Magic ability, if positive, to all resistance tests against these effects. • You can speak and read Elven and a local human tongue. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Half-elves may look like elves with human features, but as far as background goes they are truly a mixture of both. Apply the standard modifiers of the Elf background with the rolled benefits of the human background.
Halfling The hin, termed “halflings” by other races at times, hail from all over, as they have no formal countries of their own. After arriving in Brun from Davania, they tried country building, only to have their homes invaded and their people enslaved. They would free themselves and some other conqueror would appear, until the last time, when they were conquered by orcs. They made a discovery in the mines they were condemned to, and rose up from slavery to remove their oppressors and many scattered to the winds.
Sylvan Elf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Cunning 3-4 Focus: Cunning (Natural Lore) 5 Focus: Cunning (Arcane Lore) 6 Focus: Perception (Tracking) 7-8 +1 Perception
Several clans eventually made something of the area known as Five Shires, where they wander, intermingle and help each other in a land of plenty with few economic resources worth
Playing a Settled Hin If you choose to play a settled hin, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Dexterity (Stealth) or Dexterity (Thrown) • You can speak and read Thyatian (Darokin dialect). • Your Speed is equal to 8 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
stealing. The hin recognize family ties out to three levels, their immediate family, their extended family, and their clan. When introducing themselves to non-hin they use their family names, but when introducing themselves to hin outside their clan they use their clan names. The hin of the Shires did not scatter, but instead decided that they would build a haven, not a country per se, but a sanctuary for their race. There are about 100 hin clans within the Five Shires, each one dedicated to the defense of their kind. Hin of the shires are more settled than traditional hin, but they also travel as merchants, adventurers and sailors.
Settled Hin 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Communication 3-4 Focus: Communication (Persuasion) 5 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative) 6 Focus: Willpower (Courage) 7-8 +1 Willpower 9 Focus: Perception (Hearing) 10-11 Focus: Strength (Climbing) 12 +1 Perception
The majority of hin actually come from just about everywhere humans live. If there are waterways in the nation, the hin travel them in small to medium sized numbers. Other hin travel in groups of wagons called caravans. The largest grouping of them exist in the Five Shires, but this is overall smaller than the number of hin living outside the Shires. Because of this, hin of the Shires have picked up a few characteristics and personality traits that to their eyes distinguish themselves from non-shires hin. To an outsider, there aren’t enough differences in dialect, manner or custom to tell them apart, but a Shires hin can actually tell you which family a neighbor hails from based on speech and behaviors.
Wandering Hin The most commonly encountered hin are the nomadic family groups that travel everywhere by land, or by river boat throughout the Known World. The curious nature of these people, love for mischief and the cultural deemphasis of property sometimes leads to things disappearing in their wake. These hin actually consider it noteworthy if a target can be tricked into giving up value for dross, but aren’t above appropriating things they need or want in other ways. Wandering hin are seen as curiosities, hard working drifters who can help out for a time, and plagues to order. It all depends on what the last hin to visit got up to.
Note: Any member of this race can substitute the Thrown weapon group for the Bows group. Learning to use slings is a cultural pastime.
Settled Hin Settled hin, of which those of the Five Shires are the pre-eminent example, tend to be just as curious as their nomadic cousins, but they also more industrious and likely to fight for what belongs to them. Rather than seeing possessions as mere tools, or a measure of the owner’s cleverness in acquiring something from the big people, they consider them an indicator of hard work and accomplishment.
Playing a Wandering Hin If you choose to play a wandering hin, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Dexterity (Stealth) or Dexterity (Light Blades) • You can speak and read a local human tongue. • Your speed is equal to 8 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable). • Choose a class. You can play rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Humans are quite diverse in the Known World, but they ultimately descend from a limited number of stocks. Alphatians and Flaems are humans descended from otherworldly magical travelers. Flaemish have a ruddy complexion, while Alphatians appear more pale. Both of these cultures have origins on another world. Oltecs include the Atruaghin Clans, the Ethengarians, and the Nithians. They have a yellowish or ruddy skin color, and dark hair which tends to be straight rather than curly. Tangentially related to them are the Ochaleans, a variant alphatian race and culture.
Wandering Hin 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Perception 3-4 Focus: Communication (Deception) 5 Focus: Cunning (Evaluation) 6 Focus: Dexterity (Legerdemain) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Dexterity (Thrown) 10-11 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 12 +1 Communication
Tanagoro include the Tanagoro from Davania, Tangor Men, Nuari and Yavi. They have dark brown skin, dark eyes, and dark curly hair. Antalians include the peoples of Norwold and the Northern Reaches. They are pale and have a propensity for red and blond hair. Notably they trace their ancestry to a local hero named Heldann, and are also known by the name Heldanner. Neathar include the Thonians, Milenians (Traladarans and Thyatians), Makai and the Sindhi, as well as the Alasiyans. There are also the Klantyrian and Averoignian peoples, which superficially resemble the Milenian peoples or the Antalian peoples, but have radically different language and history due to origin on another world known as Laterre.
The common alphatian denizens of the world have an olive toned skin, normal hair colors, and almond shaped eyes of gold, green, hazel or amber. They are also defined by the lack of the magical spark that used to define every alphatian. While they can learn magic, it is not effortless for them, putting them behind pure alphatians in classrooms. This difficulty in competition discourages many of them from becoming mages.
The humans who settled and conquered much of the Known World have now suffered through the loss of their ancestral homeland on Mystara, but their traditions and practices remain. They are divided into two stocks, the pale skinned Pure Alphatians and the copper-skinned Cypri, or common alphatians.
Pure Alphatian These Alphatians have very pale skin, and often black hair. Their eye colors are often black, blue or violet. These Alphatians were born on the mainland and settled in the outskirts of the old empire, or simply fled there now that the continent is gone. Historically they have been uninterested in mingling with other races and their class-based society Is proof of this. All pure alphatians have an easy time learning magic, as it is literally within their blood.
Playing a Cypri Alphatian If you choose to play a cypri alphatian, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Communication ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Cunning (Cultural Lore) or Communication (Bargaining) • You can speak and read Alphatian. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Playing a Pure Alphatian If you choose to play a pure alphatian, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Magic ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Persuasion) or Cunning (Arcane Lore). • You can speak and read Alphatian. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Cypri Alphatian 2d6 Roll Benefit 2 +1 Perception 3-4 Focus: Dexterity (Light Blade) 5 Focus: Cunning (Navigation) 6 Focus: Cunning (Historical Lore) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Communication (Etiquette) 10-11 Focus: Communication (Persuasion) 12 +1 Cunning
Pure Alphatian 2d6 Roll Benefit 2 +1 Communication 3-4 Focus: Dexterity (Calligraphy) 5 Focus: Cunning (Historical Lore) 6 Focus: Dexterity (Light Blade) 7-8 +1 Cunning 9 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline) 10-11 Focus: Cunning (Research) 12 +1 Dexterity
Heldanner The people of the northern reaches and beyond are a strong, resilient race of humans. They have pale skin and bright colored hair, having more blondes and red-heads than dark haired people amongst them. They are a self-reliant people with a history of raiding others to supplement their meager survival. Because of this lifestyle, the study of magic has traditionally been deemed the craft of the cowardly and weak. Magic traditionally has done nothing to eek crops from the harsh land, and little to bring
more game, so the warriors of this people do not trust it in the one area in which it excels, battle.
together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Playing a Heldanner Clansman If you choose to play a heldanner, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Strength ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Stamina) or Willpower (Courage) • You can speak Heldannic. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Thyatian 2d6 Roll 2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9 10-11 12
Benefit +1 Cunning Focus: Communication (Deception) Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline) Focus: Dexterity (Light Blade) +1 Perception Focus: Perception (Empathy) Focus: Cunning (Historical Lore) +1 Strength
Traladaran The Traladarans, descendants of the native Traldar tribe of legend, tend to be fairly small (men average 5 feet, 9 inches, and women 5 feet, 3 inches) and light of build. Their complexions are pale, their eyes brown, and their hair dark (deep brown to black). They are a hardy people, and self-reliant.
Heldanner Clansman 2d6 Roll Benefit 2 +1 Willpower 3-4 Focus: Strength (Axes) 5 Focus: Cunning (Navigation) 6 Focus: Constitution (Rowing) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Strength (Bludgeons) 10-11 Focus: Constitution (Drinking) 12 +1 Cunning
Playing a Traladaran If you choose to play a traladaran, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Constitution ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Stamina) or Willpower (Courage) • You can speak and read a human tongue (Traladaran, Thyatian, or Alphatian). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Thyatian Thyatians are men with a light olive skin tone, hair ranging from light to dark brown and eyes usually brown in coloration, with blue not being uncommon. They tend be of average height and solid build. Wide brows and prominent noses are common. Thyatians are found all over the Known World, but originate from the Empire of Thyatis. Playing a Thyatian If you choose to play a thyatian, modify your character as follows: Add 1 to your Communication ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Etiquette) or Cunning (Military Lore) • You can speak and read Thyatian. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice
Traladaran 2d6 Roll 2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9 Handling) 10-11 12
Benefit +1 Cunning Focus: Communication (Bargaining) Focus: Cunning (Religious Lore) Focus: Willpower (Faith) +1 Willpower Focus: Communication (Animal Focus: Cunning (Engineering) +1 Communication
Journeyman: Your knowledge of Divination magic is profound. When you cast a Divination spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Divination spell. Master: Your magical prowess is so attuned that you can cast the Reveal spell without spending mana points. Whenever you must cast a Divination spell through a scrying barrier of any sort, you gain +1 to your roll to bypass the barrier. You also gain one new Divination spell.
New Focuses & Talents New Focuses Thrown (Dexterity): Using slings, bolas, chakrum, boomerangs and other thrown ranged weapons. It also covers improvised weapons such as rocks. The Thrown Weapon Style talent applies to this weapon group.
New Talents
Light Magic
Commune Magic
Classes: Cleric Requirement: You must have the Magic (Light) focus. Your command of the Light shines through you like a beacon. Novice: You are charismatically persuasive to people unswayed by dark emotions. If you speak for a minimum of 5 minutes, you gain a +1 bonus to all Communication (Persuasion) checks made against people who are not dedicated to darkness or evil. Journeyman: Your connection to the Light is strong. When you cast a Light spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Light spell. Master: You can project an aura of divine energies about your melee weapon with an Activate action. This does +2 damage to the next target hit by that weapon, dealing an additional d6 of damage to supernatural creatures vulnerable to radiant damage. This aura fades after the damage is dealt, but you may spend 1 mana point to deal extra damage to the second target of a Lightning Strike or Dual Strike stunt. You also gain one new Light spell.
Classes: Cleric Requirement: You must have the Magic (Commune) focus. You have learned to discern omens with ease. Novice: You can sense portents that others dismiss. When events of great significance to your character's deepest desires and primary goals occur, you get a feeling about it. The GM must describe this feeling by stating at least a one-word mood (unease, relief, or confusion), and the goal or desire so affected. Journeyman: Your knowledge of Commune magic is deep. When you cast a Commune spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Commune spell. Master: You gain knowledge of imminent danger, with a +2 to Perception tests to avoid surprise and backstab attempts targeted at you. You may also re-roll a failed Perception test linked to avoiding an armed trap, but you must accept the second roll. You also gain one new Commune spell.
Divination Magic
Miracle Magic
Classes: Mage Requirement: You must have the Magic (Divination) focus. You have mastered the keys to arcane information gathering. Novice: You can see things hidden to most with ease. You can sense the general presence of invisible creatures and objects, and see at night with eyes equivalent to a cat. You only take darkness penalties to actions in no light.
Classes: Cleric Requirement: You must have the Magic (Miracle) focus. Your strength in the performance of miracles is staggering. Novice: You can summon a glowing, incorporeal holy symbol which appears about your person at will. It glows gently, providing illumination like dim moonlight in a 10 yard radius. This symbol always manifests in the same location (in your
dominant hand, above your forehead, or floating above or about your person) and you are not in control of its movements. While you may summon the holy symbol at will, it does not remain for indefinite periods. Journeyman: Your piety knows few bounds. When you cast a Miracle spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Miracle spell. Master: The divine energy flows through you like a river. When you cast a Miracle spell on a target, they take a -1 penalty to their resistance test versus your Spellpower. You also gain one new Miracle spell.
Specializations The rules for specializations are introduced in Dragon Age Set 2. In preparation for that, and given the generous pre-release information, I have developed the following specializations that are appropriate for a high fantasy campaign such as Mystara. The following specializations from Set 2 are appropriate for this game. Assassin: Trained killers are common throughout the civilized regions of the Known World. Some commit murder, others are monster hunters. Bard: Throughout the world there are musicians with an adventurer’s traits.
Shadow Magic Classes: Cleric Requirement: You must have the Magic (Shadow) focus. Your power is steeped in the Dark forces of the divine. Novice: You have a condemning stare and a menacing aura about you at all times. When you use the Intimidation ability focus you can choose to use Willpower or Communication instead of your Strength. You also suffer less penalties in dim or dark conditions. Your penalties are 1 point less severe. Journeyman: You have attained a oneness with shadow that allows you to efficiently produce its effects. When you cast a Shadow spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Shadow spell. Master: Your presence brims with misfortune for others. Anyone or anything making an opposed roll against you suffers a -1 penalty. You also gain one new Shadow spell.
Berserker: Berserkers are common in the Northern Reaches, but they can be found in other cultures as well. Champion: As Knights are common, military commanders in the same mold are also common throughout the Known World. Duelist: Common in Darokin and Glantri (particularly in Belcadiz), rapier duelists are some of the flashiest combatants around.
New Specializations Bladesinger
Warrior Specialization
Elven swordsmen often learn combat magic early in their fighting careers. Some learn to magically aid themselves and their allies, while others learn damaging spells to harm the enemy. These warriors, known as Bladesingers, learn the ways of melee and magic to the point that the two become interchangeable options whenever they fight. In terms of style, bladesingers tend to favor light or heavy blades, singly or paired and rarely use a shield. Their sinuous movements both threaten opponents and avoid incoming blows as they fight.
Bladesinger Talent Class: Warrior Requirement: You must have Strength and Magic 3 or higher and be trained by Elves. You have learned the mystic warrior tradition of the Elves, gaining magic and the ability to weave magic and skill into a potent offensive mix.
Novice: You gain the ability to cast spells as a Mage with 10 + Magic + 1d6 Mana points to start. You gain Magic + 1d3 mana each level hereafter. You only have access to two schools of magic and must choose them now. You reduce the Strain of any armor you wear by 2. Learn two spells to start with. Journeyman: You can use the Fast Casting spell stunt to perform a mundane action instead of casting a spell. This action must require a major or minor action, and can include making an attack. If this second action rolls doubles it does not generate stunt points. You reduce the Strain of any armor you wear by 3, instead of 2. You also gain one new spell. Master: Reflexive Casting Stunt: You can cast a spell requiring a major or minor action after hitting a foe with a non-magical attack. This is a combat stunt that costs 4 stunt points, and the spell cast cannot have a mana point cost greater than 5. You also gain one new spell.
Journeyman: You are able to convince many people at once. When you use the Sway the Crowd stunt, it costs you 1 SP instead of 2. Master: As you work miracles in the name of your ethos, you convert others to your cause. You may use the Stunned Silence or Sway the Crowd stunts when casting a beneficial spell.
Cleric specialization
Some clerics do more than fight to defend the faithful, or heal the sick. Some clerics strive to gain converts to their philosophy from decisive action and charismatic words. These clerics are known as faithspeakers. They can be found in temples, and on street corners. They use their gifts to provide succor, and relief for the populations they minister to. The most powerful gift they can provide however is peace of mind.
Mage Specialization
Elven mages often master formal weapons training by joining the Foresters. Foresters are potent mages, but with little warning they can enter the fray and deal crippling damage to the enemy in melee or ranged combat. Foresters favor the traditional weapons of their people, often heavy blades, bows or spears.
Faithspeaker Talent
Forester Talent
Class: Cleric Requirement: You must have Communication and Willpower 3 or higher.
Class: Mage Requirement: You must have Dexterity and Magic 3 or higher and be trained by Elves.
You have learned how to express your faith openly, and infectiously.
You have learned the Elven tradition of mastering personal combat using your magic.
Novice: Your faith is infectious and mighty. You can add your Willpower to one Communication test per scene.
Novice: You learn a new weapon group of your choice (although Heavy Blade and Bow are
preferred) and you can use Magic to satisfy the minimum Strength requirement of any weapon. You reduce the Strain of any armor you wear by 3. Journeyman: You can enter Combat Magic mode by taking an activate action. While in this mode, you add Magic instead of Strength to your damage with melee weapons. However, any spell you cast has its mana point cost increased by 2. You can end usage of Combat Magic with another activate action. You ignore the penalty to Dexterity when wearing Leather or Mail armor. Master: You learn a new weapon group of your choice. When using a ranged weapon in Combat Magic mode, you now add damage equal to your Magic or 3, whichever is lower. While in Combat Magic mode, at the beginning of your turn as a free action you can expend up to 3 mana points to increase your Defense or next attack roll on a one for one basis. You are limited to a maximum of 3 mana, but can split it between offense and defense, and if you use a stunt to make 2 attacks you can expend an additional 1 mana to increase your hit chance of the second attack.
cannot attack you for half your Willpower in rounds (rounded down). Master: You may always substitute your Willpower for Magic except when casting spells or rituals. This includes when resting to reclaim mana, determining spell effects, and figuring the Imposing Spell TN.
Mage Specialization
Mages who indulge in scholarly pursuits often discover esoteric facts that aid them throughout their adventuring careers. These are the mages that can find the way past riddles written by long dead cultures, open doors locked with intricate puzzles, and discover the weaknesses of monsters long forgotten in common lore. If you have questions, a loremaster can find the answers for you.
Holy Beacon
Cleric specialization
Some clerics become exemplars of their faith rather than shepherds of it. These clerics always act with an aura of divine power and unshakeable faith. When they perform spells their allies and enemies take note, as the divine power flows through them in abundance.
Holy Beacon Talent Class: Cleric Requirement: You must have Constitution and Willpower 3 or higher.
You have learned how to channel the powers of the divine in potent ways
Novice: When you use the Fast Casting stunt with a Light or Shadow school spell, you can do so for 3 SP instead of the normal 4. Journeyman: Your inner devotion shines through in your hours of need. When you use the Imposing Spell stunt, supernatural creatures opposed to your Ethos which fail their test
Journeyman: You gain the Smite power and gain one new spell. Smite: Expend 3 Mana. As a free action, you can deal your Willpower as additional penetrating damage against one foe you strike in melee combat. Your smite is either Radiant or Necrotic, depending on your ethos. Master: You gain the Protect the Faithful power and gain one new spell. Protect the Faithful: You can expend 4 mana to interpose yourself between enemies and allies, drawing foes to you. Make a Strength (Intimidate) test as a Minor action. All enemies that you designate within 10 yards of you must succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your generated total or must target you instead of another target until the beginning of your next turn. This power takes the full attention of enemies and only area effect attacks have a danger of affecting your allies if it works.
Loremaster Talent Class: Mage Requirement: You must have Cunning and Magic 3 or higher.
You have learned to apply knowledge in unconventional ways, aiding in your spellcasting and problem solving.
Novice: A Loremaster may spend a minute observing his surroundings and then make a Cunning test utilizing a related Lore focus. If he succeeds he learns a minor secret about the environment, analyzes an enemy or otherwise gains knowledge that is readily available, but is not evident or obvious. Journeyman: Once per session the loremaster can cast a spell he does not have for which he has an appropriate Magic focus. He also has +1 bonus on all Cunning (Research) tests related to an appropriate Lore focus he already has. Master: Once per session the loremaster can generate stunt points equal to his Cunning or 4 whichever is lower. This is only applicable to a roll that generated no stunt points.
Warrior Specialization
Warriors dedicated to a holy, or unholy, cause. Paladins are men and women of unshakeable faith that give their lives in service to an ideal or priestly order. In exchange for this life of constant battle against his order's enemies, he learns certain powers fueled by divine energies and gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells.
Paladin Talent Class: Warrior Requirement: You must have Strength and Willpower 3 or higher.
You have dedicated yourself to a Clerical Order as a strong protector and learned many divine powers.
Novice: You gain the ability to cast spells as a Cleric with 10 + Magic + 1d6 Mana points to start. You gain Magic + 1d3 mana each level hereafter. You only have access to the Miracle school and either the Light or Shadow school (dependent upon ethos). You learn either the Heal and Rebuke spells or the Control Undead and Drain Life spells, depending on school access.
Ruin Raider
Rangers are woodsmen, self-reliant scouts, and warriors of the wilds. They learn to fight in heavier armor, while retaining their stealth and speed, and become supreme trackers. The most advanced also gain a friend from the animal kingdom, a trustworthy companion that aids them in all their endeavors.
A rogue who spends a lot of time in dungeons, ruins and other dangerous locales looking for treasure becomes a ruin raider. These souls are brave enough to bet their lives, but while they may seem cavalier, they are never truly reckless. Long training allows them to think on their feet, and manipulate their environments, whether six levels below ground or on the city streets.
Rogue Specialization
Rogue Specialization
Ranger Talent
Ruin Raider Talent
Class: Rogue Requirement: You must have Constitution and Dexterity 3 or higher.
Class: Rogue Requirement: You must have Cunning and Dexterity 3 or higher
You have learned the path of the fighting woodsman, gaining the abilities to fight in harmony with nature.
You have learned to be the essence of adaptability, gained a sixth sense about traps and become an expert dungeon delver.
Novice: You can move in mail without penalty. You may ignore armor penalty to Dexterity including Speed when wearing mail. You are especially liked by healthy natural animals, and they will not attack you unless they are hungry and eat meat, or you attack them. Journeyman: You are an extremely accomplished tracker and may re-roll all failed Perception (Tracking) tests, but must accept the second result. Master: If you have an animal companion it is loyal to you beyond simple training, and it knows your mind. You may issue commands to your companion without making noise (it can follow gestures), and will respond to cues based on your feelings and desires as well, such as silently waiting when you would rather keep them back as a secret or attacking when you wish someone harm.
Novice: If you fail a Dexterity (Lock Picking) or Dexterity (Traps) test, you may roll again but must keep the second result. Journeyman: You can use The Upper Hand stunt for 3 SP instead of 4. Master: You can attempt to find a criminal element contact with a successful Communication (Investigation) test. The GM will set the TN based on how fast you need to make contact, and the level of civilization where you are looking. The contact will be neutral towards you, and will even hear you out if he has reason to dislike you, but he has no loyalty towards you until you prove yourself useful to him. You are also able to improvise any necessary tool required to perform the Lock Picking, and Traps Dexterity focuses without penalties.
Mage Specialization
Many mages seek power, and the strongest of these often perform on the battlefield as warmages. A warmage summons incredible arcane energies every time he engages in a contest of life and death, crushing his foes with magical power, deflecting incoming damage and affecting foes in larger groups or further away. In short, he commands the shape of the battlefield.
Warmage Talent Class: Mage Requirement: You must have Dexterity and Magic 3 or higher.
The epitome of the battlefield mage, you can go toe to toe with other mages or skirmish groups and triumph.
Novice: You can use the Mighty Spell stunt for 1 SP instead of 2. Gain one spell that does damage. Journeyman: You can use the Mana Shield stunt for 2 SP instead of 3. Master: You can double the range of a single target spell or cone spell effect, or double the radius of a circular spell area.
Cleric Specialization
Every clerical order must defend its beliefs, but some clerics practice for war. Warpriests inspire their allies, and crush their enemies by singular uses of their divine power.
exceedingly hard to manipulate with fighting tricks, and they display competence at one-onone and group combat that few can match.
Warpriest Talent
Weapon Master Talent Class: Warrior Requirement: You must have Constitution and Strength 3 or higher.
Class: Cleric Requirements: You must have Strength and Willpower 3 or higher.
You have dedicated yourself to mastering one weapon and in doing so have mastered personal combat as well.
You have learned to focus your fervor on all battlefields, large or small.
Novice: When you cast area effect spells (whether on your allies or enemies), it inspires your allies. All allies within 10 yards of your position while you cast your spell gain +1 on all actions on their next turn. Journeyman: Your enemies fear you, and with good reason. Whenever your foes are forced to make a Willpower (Morale) check in your presence, they suffer a -2 to the roll. Master: When you cast area effect spells (whether on your allies or enemies), it terrifies your foes. All foes within 12 yards of the effect of your spell must make Willpower (Morale) checks. Those who fail hesitate and cannot attack until the beginning of your next turn.
Novice: Choose one of your weapon groups. You gain a +1 bonus to hit, and a +1 bonus to damage with all such weapons. Also, all of your weapons become unlikely to break or malfunction after a month in your care. Journeyman: If you would be disarmed, or knocked prone while wielding your chosen weapon type, you may make a Strength (Might) test versus the attack total. The stunt is canceled if you succeed. Master: You can take the measure of an opponent in a few passes during combat. With an Activate action you can designate a foe which you have engaged as Wide Open. A Wide Open enemy suffers a -1 penalty to hit you for the remainder of the encounter. You can only designate an enemy as Wide Open once per combat, and you may only have one opponent Wide Open at a time.
Weapon Master
Warrior Specialization
Some warriors master a weapon of choice rather than branching out into other areas. These men and women, known as Weapon Masters, are
Chapter 2 - Equipment Thrown Group Bola: A cord with two heavy weights on each end, designed to be swung overhead and released to wrap around and club the target. Bolas used in the normal way deal static damage of 1d6, but usually entangle targets. Targets hit by bolas must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus TN 10+the user’s Dexterity (Thrown) or become entangled. The Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Legerdemain) TN to free oneself from
Currency in D&D and thus Mystara has a different scale, all costs presented are tuned to the scale in the Dragon Age rules. Translate 1 gp from printed D&D texts into 100 coppers before using it with these costs. From coppers you can convert to silvers or gold on the 100 coppers = 1 silver and 100 silver equals 1 gold scale of Dragon Age.
New Armor Descriptions
Laminar Armor: Often referred to as splinted mail (splint mail) and banded mail armor. Laminar armor is composed of metal strips worn horizontally across the upper body.
Armor Penalty
Scale Mail
50 sp
60 sp
10 sp
Heavy Flail
18 sp
Bows Group (Dexterity)* Hand Crossbow 1d6+2 Thrown Group (Dexterity)* Bola 1d6# 0 Sling 1d6+1 -1 Spears Group (Strength) Great Lance 2d6+2 2 Halberd 2d6 1 Jousting Lance 1d6+3# 1 Poleaxe 2d6+1 1 Trident 1d6+3# 0 War Lance 2d6# 1 Unique Weapons Blowgun -# -
Armor Armor Rating
Min. Str
Bludgeons Group (Strength)
Scale Mail Armor: Scale Mail is a precursor to chain, as it is made of overlapping metal scales sewn onto a leather jerkin.
New Weapon Descriptions Bludgeons Group Flail: A club and a haft separated by a length of chain. The flail ignores 1 point of shield bonus. Heavy Flail: A spiked head and a haft separated by a length of chain. The heavy flail ignores 2 points of shield bonus.
16 sp 7 sp 80 cp 24 sp 18 sp 12 sp 17 sp 15 sp 26 sp 4 sp
* Weapons from these groups add Perception instead of Strength to damage. # See description for damage notes.
Bow Group Hand Crossbow: A small mechanized bow with a trigger in the grip. Some hand crossbows are collapsible, or capable of being assembled with a few rounds of action.
Missile Weapon Ranges Weapon
4 yards
8 yards
Minor Action
8 yards
16 yards Major Action
Hand Crossbow Sling
10 yards 20 yards Minor Action 18 yards 36 yards Minor Action
an entangling bola is 14, but each attempt takes the character’s entire turn. Sling: a strip of leather with a cup on the end, designed to be swung above the head until a rock or bullet can be released.
does no damage if it hits, but a drug or poison must then be overcome.
Optional Weapon Rules The special effect rules for weapons can be simplified as follows.
Spears Group Great Lance: An extremely long war lance, that must be used two handed on foot or with a mount on the barding of the charger. Halberd: A halberd is a long weapon with a broad axehead with a spike on the top, and a hook on the back used for both thrusting and chopping at opponents. The axe head and hook aid in disarming enemies, and the stout shaft keeps foes at a distance. Jousting Lance: A long wooden weapon meant to be used from horseback, with a built-in guard near the haft and a blunted end. It deals 1d6 damage if the guard end is used as a club. Poleaxe: A two-handed weapon consisting of an axehead on the end of a long pole, they are often used as chopping weapons but are also good at disarming opponents. Trident: A long piercing weapon with three barbed points instead of a single spearhead. They are hard to remove once thrust into an opponent. Any subject that takes damage from a trident strike is grappled. If the grappled opponent breaks free the trident is torn from the user’s grasp or the opponent is ripped free, taking damage. Anyone that removes a trident without making a TN 12 Cunning (Healing) check causes the skewered creature an additional 1d6 damage. War Lance: A lance that comes to a point, and sometimes made of iron rather than wood. These weapons are meant to pierce or buffet opponents on the field of war. It deals 1d6 damage if the guard end is used as a club.
Bola: Bolas always entangle when they hit, and bound targets may free themselves as per the text. Flails: Flails gain +1 to hit instead of ignoring shield bonuses. Trident: Tridents never skewer targets and grapple them, they do however deal 1d6+4 Damage instead of 1d6+3.
Adventuring Equipment Grappling Hook: A 3 or 4 pronged hook made to be attached to rope and swung up to catch on limbs, walls etc. Holy Water: A vial of water blessed by an experienced cleric as a weapon against Supernatural Creatures (deals 1d6 damage) Mirror: Made of polished brass or steel, a mirror can be used to look around corners, examine suspicious rooms, and fight creatures with gaze attacks. Ritual Ink: This ink is used to transcribe rituals, it is water proof once it dries, and has metallic flakes in it to allow it to readable in even poor lighting. Adventurer’s Gaar
Unique Weapons Blowgun: A Blowgun is a hollow pipe, often made from bamboo, which is used to blow a dart at a target. It is not a weapon in the traditional sense and requires a Perception (Blowgun) test to hit the target. Half the target’s Armor Rating (rounded down) adds to their Defense for the purpose of determining a hit. It
Grappling Hook
24 sp
Holy Water
35 sp
7 sp
Ritual Ink
20 sp
Chapter 3 - Magic increase the opponent’s Difficulty. They are limited in how much mana they can spend to their own Magic rating.
New Magical Actions These are new actions that are only possible for spellcasters to perform. If the action references a specific class, only a member of that class may perform the action.
If the opponent still succeeds but the die total is exact, the spell still works, but goes awry, or a different nearby target is chosen by the countering mage. If the countering mage’s roll is less than the Difficulty the spell occurs without modification. Lastly, if the spell was cast on the countering mage, he or she automatically forfeits any Dexterity (Acrobatics) resistance roll he might have had.
Cantrip Mages can expend a single Mana point as a minor action to produce a minor effect in line with spells they already know. This is much like starting a small fire in the hand after learning the Primal Magic talent. There is no Magic roll required, but the effect cannot be more useful than handling a simple chore for the mage, and the effect ends if the mage ceases concentration, is distracted, hurt, or casts a spell. It can be used to perform, so a mage could use a Cantrip action with a Communication (Perform) check.
Furthermore, the countering mage suffers a -1 to all actions on his or her next turn. This penalty is not cumulative, no matter how many spells he may counter in a single turn.
Detect Magic
Unknown or Uncommon Spells
All spellcasters can detect magic using their Magic ability as a minor action. The Target Number is determined by the GM, typically the higher the spellpower rating of the spell, the lower the difficulty. Characters who roll a 4-6 on the dragon die on this roll often learn what School of magic is in play as well. The GM may tell a player that their character can sense something when they are otherwise not busy, but is encouraged to wait for players to spend the action during combat, or other highly tense scenes.
The following spells don’t fit the D&D mold of High Fantasy and Mystara as generally known spells: Glyph of Paralysis, Mana Drain, Mind Blast, Spell Wisp, Walking Bomb as well as all spells introduced in Set 2 that are not listed on the following page. These may still appear as signature spells of individual mages, but they are not commonly known.
Modified Spell Schools Many of the spells in the Dragon Age game have had their magic school changed, and a significant number of spells appear in two schools. This is to reinforce the idea that healing is primarily the province of clerics and combat magics and transformative magics are primarily the province of mages. See the tables on the following page for the schools to which all spells belong in the Mystara game world.
Counterspell Mages can attempt to spoil a spell as it is cast by a fellow arcane caster. This is a free action, and must be declared before the final effects of the caster’s spell are known, including whether he or she succeeded in the casting. First, the mage makes a Magic test (with any applicable specialization) versus the opponent's Spell Difficulty + 3. If this roll succeeds, the mage can spend mana on a 1 for 1 basis to
• Light • Noxious Cloud • Plant Growth • Rock Armor* • Summon Creature • Summon Swarm
Divine Spells Commune School • Common Tongue • Find the Path • Query • Sense Ideology • Telepathy
Divination School • Arcane Eye • Hear Thoughts • Query • Reveal • Telepathy
Light School
• Divine Weapon • Fervor • Greater Rebuke • Heroic Aura • Heroic Offense • Immolate • Light • Rebuke
Entropy School • Daze • Drain Life • Horror • Illusion • Invisibility • Obscuring Darkness • Paralyze • Phantasm • Sleep • Weakness
Miracle School • Corruption • Dispel Magic • Earthquake • Group Heal • Heal • Invigorate • Paralyze • Purification • Rock Armor • Spell Shield
Primal School • Cone of Cold • Earthquake • Fireball • Flame Blast • Gust of Wind • Ice Storm • Lightning • Shards • Shock • Stonefist • Winter’s Grasp
Shadow School • Control Undead • Daze • Drain Life • Horror • Negative Burst • Negative Flow • Obscuring Darkness • Vulnerability Hex • Weakness
Spirit School
• Arcane Bolt • Arcane Shield • Charm Being • Control Undead • Dispel Magic • Fly • Levitate • Spell Shield
Arcane Spells Creation School • Beastform • Beastform Curse • Cat Eyes • Haste • Heroic Aura • Heroic Offense
* This spell from Dragon Age Set 1 has a new magical school for mages.
while this spell is affecting you. This includes its attacks, modes of travel, armor rating, and bonuses to ability tests. This also means that you do not appear to be a magical animal while transformed, unless under the influence of other spells. This spell lasts for an hour, although the caster may prematurely end the spell at any time. It also lapses if you lose consciousness or fall asleep via natural means. You can extend the spell for another hour by expending 2 Mana points. This process takes only a Minor action, but sparks as magical to those who can detect such things. The target number for this spell is equal to 10 plus the Constitution of the animal being mimicked.
New Spell Descriptions Arcane Eye Magic School: Divination Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3-6 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: None You create an invisible, intangible, magical sensor that you can maneuver at will. The sensor appears anywhere within 30 yards of your position and it can move at a rate equal to twice your Speed, ignoring physical barriers. You must use an Activate action to maneuver it, and you must use an Activate action to sense events at its location with better than blurry sight. You may look, hear or smell through the sensor replacing that sense for you at your present location, but you may only use one sense at a time. Perceptive individuals may notice they are being observed. It is a TN 18 Perception (Seeing) test to detect the sensor if it is not in motion, and a TN 16 test to detect it while it is moving. This spell lasts for 15 minutes and its duration can be extended by 5 minutes for an additional Mana Point, up to a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
Beastform Curse Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 6 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 15 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman) You select a target within 6 yards and transform it. The target must succeed at a Willpower (SelfDiscipline) test versus your Spellpower or be transformed into an animal form you are familiar with. You have no limitations in choice of form, but it does not alter the creature subtype. The target adopts the physical abilities, Speed, physical powers and attacks of the animal form, but keeps its Health total. If the creature possessed a natural armor rating they retain the best of half their Armor Rating (rounded normally) or the new form's Armor Rating. The target is incapable of speech while so transformed but may communicate in other ways, such as writing in the dust with a paw. This spell lasts indefinitely, and must be cast again to reverse the spell or it must be dispelled via ritual. Those under this spell’s effects radiate alteration magic.
Beastform Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 4-6 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: variable (10 + Constitution) Test: None Requirement: Creation Magic (Novice) You exchange your form for that of a natural creature. After a brief period of concentration and intonation of the correct words you shift immediately into the desired shape. You can become any animal species you have previously seen before, but you always assume the same appearance when in this form, including markings in fur, feathers or scales. When wearing the form of the animal your Constitution, Dexterity and Strength scores are replaced by those of the animal. You gain all powers the animal has and lose all of your own
Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 10 Test: None The caster becomes able to understand the speech of all those around him for the duration of one hour. In addition, when he speaks his words are understood by all those hearing him. This spell does not make the caster a native speaker, nor may he read any language he does not know. This spell is effective on sentient creatures and animals, but not both at the same time. The caster may use the Activate action to switch from speaking to animals to sentients and vice versa.
Cat Eyes Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 1 MP Casting Time: Minor Acton Target Number: 11 Test: None You grant a being you can touch the eyes of a cat, transforming their pupils and granting them night vision. The target character ignores 2 points of penalties due to lighting conditions. This spell lasts for half an hour.
Charm Being Magic School: Spirit Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower You may target a single creature within 6 yards. This target must succeed at a Willpower (SelfDsicipline) test versus your Spellpower or automatically comes to believe he or she owes you his or her loyalty. This spell does not overcome any language barriers that exist between you and the subject. An affected subject must honor all reasonable requests and will protect the caster according to their own personality. If you betray this trust the subject immediately breaks the spell. Attacking the subject, attacking something/someone they hold dear, or making a request against everything they stand for breaks trust. Targets that break free realize they have been ensorcelled, and may take appropriate actions.
Cone of Cold Magic School: Primal Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Winter's Grasp or Primal Magic (Novice) You project a cone of bone-chilling frost that is 8 yards long and 3 yards wide. Creatures caught in the chilling blast must succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus your Spellpower or take 2d6 + Magic penetrating damage. For a number of rounds equal to the Dragon Die, affected characters take 1d6 penetrating damage and suffer a -3 penalty to Speed. If the test succeeds the target takes penetrating damage equal to 1d6 + Magic, but is unaffected by the ongoing chill. Targets killed by Cone of Cold are frozen solid.
Control Undead
The spell lasts for one week per point of your Magic ability, but subjects may make a resistance test at the beginning of each week. You may choose to free your subjects, in which case they do not know that they were ensorcelled. This spell will not affect targets who are already charmed. This is not a flashy spell, and it can be subtly cast with a successful Communication (Deception) or Dexterity (Legerdemain) test.
Magic School: Shadow / Spirit Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower All undead creatures within 6 yards must succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus your Spellpower or be controlled. A maximum number of undead equal to your Will ability + the result of the Dragon Die become your minions, and the closest undead which fail this check must be selected first. You immediately know which undead are under your sway, and which are uncontrolled by you. Those
Common Tongue Magic School: Commune Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 3 MP
that fail their test must treat you favorably and follow orders loyally for the duration of the encounter. This does not mean that they are truly loyal, and intelligent undead may attempt indirect betrayal. Language is not a barrier, as the spell makes your will known to them. You need to use a Minor action to issue a single order, and you may only order a single group with one action. Thus, if you need to issue specific orders to one undead, while others are ordered to do something different that requires 2 minor actions. Undead creatures that succeed at this test are unaffected by further instances of this spell for the rest of the encounter. Undead creatures that fail this roll by 5 or more are tied to the caster's will indefinitely.
Divine Weapon Magic School: Light Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 2-3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: None Requirement: Light Magic (Novice) You create a version of your order’s signature weapon made of radiant energy. It has the same properties as a real weapon, but missile weapons load ammunition as soon they are fired, and thrown weapons automatically return to your hand after each attack. It deals the normal damage for a weapon of its type, but instead of adding your Strength, it adds your Willpower in penetrating Radiant damage. The weapon lasts for 1 minute (4 rounds), but you may extend it another minute by spending another mana point.
Corruption Magic School: Miracle Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14 Test: None Requirement: Miracle Magic (Journeyman) You can summon up the divine force to lace edible food, potable liquid or garments with a poison or disease that you are previously aware of through first hand observation. This change is permanent and can only be reversed through extensive testing and alchemy, or the Purification spell. The poison or disease manifests as a normal example of the type, and may not be a magical poison or disease. You are not immune to the conjured vitriol, and if the disease spreads through the air, or physical contact, you may become infected.
Fervor Magic School: Light Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: None Willing friendly targets within a 5 yard radius of the caster gain a fervor that propels them through battle. This spell provides +1 bonus to Defense, +1 bonus to attack rolls, and a +2 bonus to Willpower checks. These bonuses do not stack with other Miracle spells. This spell lasts for the total of 3 plus the value of the Dragon Die in rounds.
Find the Path Magic School: Commune Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 10 Test: None You may call out the name of a location or point to a destination within sight and you will know the direction to take and the rough distance involved to get there. The higher the Dragon Die result, the easier and or more direct the path is. This spell lasts for an hour, but cannot lead you to more than one location per casting of the
Dispel Magic Magic School: Miracle / Spirit Requirement: None
spell. Lastly, this spell only works with places. Mobile vehicles are not viable targets.
charge. If you do not use any actions to fly you begin to fall.
Group Heal
Magic School: Primal Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower You create a fiery missile that flies out at high speed only to burst into a large conflagration where it impacts. You propel the fiery core up to 20 yards away, where it bursts into a ball of red hot flame with a radius of 3 yards. Anything caught within that radius must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus your Spellpower or take 3d6 + Magic damage. Those that fail by 5 or more also catch on fire, and take 1d6 damage per round until they are put out. If a subject in the target area is successful at the resistance test, they take only 2d6 penetrating damage.
Magic School: Miracle Requirement: Heal
Gust of Wind Magic School: Primal Spell Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Strength (Might) vs. Spellpower You summon up a mighty blast of wind that bowls enemies over. Every other round, beginning on the round you cast the spell, a blast of wind surges forward. Enemies within 6 yards must make a successful Strength (Might) test versus your Spellpower or be pushed 2 yards away from you and knocked prone. You can maintain this spell by spending 1 MP at the beginning of each turn and using an Activate action. For twice the initial Mana Cost the wind is constant throughout the duration.
Greater Rebuke Magic School: Light Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 9 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 15 Test: Willpower (Morale) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Rebuke You summon the power of radiant energy and flare it at nearby supernatural creatures. All supernatural creatures within 6 yards radius of the caster must succeed at a Willpower (Morale) test versus your Spellpower or be affected by radiant energy. Targets that fail this test must break off combat and run. This is a magical compulsion that overrides Howling Madness or similar powers. All affected creatures take 2d6+Magic in radiant penetrating damage. Undead that fail the Willpower test by more than 5, take double damage. Target creatures that make their Willpower check take only 1d6+3 penetrating damage, and are unaffected by rebuke effects for the rest of the encounter.
Fly Magic School: Spirit Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 6+ MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14 Test: None Requirement: Spirit Magic (Novice) You, or a willing target you can touch, gains the ability to fly. When flying the character's movement Speed is equal to 10 + your Magic (Spirit) ability plus focus. This spell lasts for half an hour, and may be extended by another half hour of duration for an additional 2 mana points. You can take a minor action to move or hover, or a major action to move twice as far or
Ice Storm
Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3-6 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: None Requirement: Creation Magic (Novice) You attach a thread of magical energy to a number of beings equal to twice your Magic within 5 yards of you. You can designate yourself as one of the affected beings. Each of these individuals gains a +1 bonus to Speed and an action bonus. A character under the effects of Haste can either take one major and two minor actions per round, or two different major actions per round. This spell does not affect spellcasting. Haste lasts for one minute, but can be extended an additional minute for 3 MP on the round it would expire.
Magic School: Primal Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower You summon up an instant blizzard that freezes an area with radius equal to twice your Magic in yards anywhere within 25 yards of your position. Those caught within the area of effect must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer 2d6+1 penetrating damage and suffer a -2 penalty to Speed and all actions the next round. Each round after the first characters within the area must make another Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer 1d6+1 penetrating damage and continue to suffer the -2 penalty to Speed and all actions. Ice Storm lasts a number of rounds equal to your Magic ability, and targets killed by it are frozen solid.
Hear Thoughts Magic School: Divination Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 1+ MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 12 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower You can hear the thoughts of one creature within 20 yards of you. The targeted being must succeed at Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus your Spellpower or you hear everything they think about until the end of the next turn. Once initiated the spell may be maintained for 1 mana point per round. The spell does not translate words or sounds, but it does show images of anything the being imagines. Use of this spell on a subject you are bargaining with, persuading or otherwise interacting with may provide a significant bonus.
Illusion Magic School: Entropy Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3-9 MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 14 Test: Perception (Seeing) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Entropy Magic (Journeyman) You can cover a square area equal to your Magic in yards on each side with an illusion. This effect can also be centered on a being or object as long as the subject fits within your affected area. You and any allies you designate are immune to the illusion. Anyone immune to the illusion may choose to interact with the illusion by making a Communication (Deception) to fool onlookers. When subjects arrive within 40 yards of the area they must succeed at a Perception (Seeing) test versus your Spellpower or they fully believe the illusion. However, seeing the illusion for what it is does not dispel it to the same degree as those who were designated at casting time. Anything obscured by the illusion is still obscured to the point that it cannot be accurately determined how big it is, or what it truly is.
Heroic Aura Magic School: Creation / Light Requirement: None
Horror Magic School: Entropy / Shadow Requirement: Entropy Magic (Novice) or Shadow Magic (Novice)
The illusion itself need not be static, but it will only interact with those playing along or those who are fully affected by it. The illusion may not be of a creature or monster, but can effectively make whatever lies beneath invisible. Creatures who are unaffected by the illusion that are not playing along would then become invisible as well, as would any structures they might erect or alter. This spell's effects last for a day, although additional days of duration can be obtained for 1 additional mana point per day at the time of casting. Up to 6 additional days can be obtained in this fashion before the spell must be fully renewed. You can cancel the illusion at any time.
Invisibility Magic School: Entropy Spell Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14 Test: None Requirement: Entropy (Novice) You layer magic over yourself or a willing target, making them invisible as long as nothing pierces the aura. This invisibility is absolute, but it does nothing to affect hearing, smell or other senses. As this spell affects vision, the detect magic action will only reveal the presence of the invisible character, not their form or location. Enemies aware of your presence can attack you, and certain spells or supernatural abilities will reveal you. Any sudden movement (attacking, being successfully hit by an attack, running, etc. cancels the spell. This spell otherwise lasts for an hour.
fire damage each round at the end of its turn until the flames are put out. This spell will affect creatures and objects that do not burn, but in such a case the fire damage is resisted normally and the target does not catch fire. Particularly flammable objects such as plant matter or creatures vulnerable to fire may begin to blaze, gaining a die of ongoing fire damage each round after the initial 1d6 of ongoing damage. If augmented by Mighty Spell, the caster chooses whether the bonus die deals radiant or fire damage.
Immolate Magic School: Miracle Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Willpower (Faith) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Miracle Magic (Novice) You call on your connection to power to force a single target within 20 yards to spark into flame. The target must succeed at a Willpower (Faith) test versus your Spellpower or suffer 1d6 of radiant penetrating damage and 2d6 fire damage. The target also lights aflame, taking 1d6
Invigorate Magic School: Light Requirement: Light Magic (Novice)
Levitate Requirement: Spirit Magic (Novice)
Negative Flow
Magic School: Creation / Light Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 10 Test: None or Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower This spell allows you to create a glowing ball of light, in whatever color you desire, although the default color is white, which hovers over and moves with your hand, attaches to one end of an object, or hovers immobile anywhere within 10 yards of you. This ball gives off light equivalent to a lantern, but the glow is steady and does not flicker. You may attempt to attach the glowing light to a subject's eyes or an object not in the control of yourself or an ally. In this case, the target must succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus your Spellpower or be blinded while the spell is in effect. If the target succeeds the light hovers in place near the target, but is not attached. This spell lasts for an hour, but you may terminate it at any time.
Magic School: Shadow Spell Type: Enhancement/Attack; Mana Cost: 8 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower You create a font of necrotic energy in an area radiating out from you for a number of yards equal to twice your Magic. It has no effect on unliving, non-undead targets. Allies within this area gain a +1 bonus to all their actions, including attacks, and heal their Constitution in Health (minimum of 1) at the end of each round, if they are within the radius of effect. Undead gain Health inside the affected area regardless of ally status. Enemy targets must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer a -1 penalty to all actions, including attacks. This spell lasts for the duration of the encounter. After being affected by this spell, any living creature besides yourself is unable to heal by any means for 30 minutes. Longterm use can be detrimental to living creatures.
Negative Burst Magic School: Entropy / Shadow Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs Spellpower You create an arc of necrotic energy that sweeps forward to lance through a cone shaped space 5 yards long and 3 yards wide. All targets in the area must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer 1d6+Magic penetrating damage. All living creatures feel sickly after the attack and suffer a -1 penalty to all actions until the beginning of your next turn. Note, this spell heals undead by the same amount rather than harming them.
Noxious Cloud Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman) You create a cloud of noxious odors that fills an area with radius equal to your Magic ability in yards. This cloud ignores all but the strongest winds. You can move the cloud 2 yards with a Minor action each round. The cloud is heavy and will sink into any area of lower elevation. You may end the spell early as a free action, causing it to diminish in radius by 2 yards each round until gone. All air-breathing creatures caught in the cloud must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer 2d6 + Magic in penetrating damage each round, and a -2 penalty to all actions. Those who make the resistance test each round only suffer -1 penalty to all actions and take 2 penetrating damage. Noxious Cloud lasts for 1 minute (4 rounds).
phantasm may originate anywhere you can see within 8 yards. All of your allies are automatically immune to this effect, and see the phantasm as a transparent threat. All others in the area must succeed at a Willpower (SelfDiscipline) test versus your Spellpower or treat the creature or hazard as real. Characters damaged by the creature or hazard can die from this effect. You can decide exactly what the phantasm appears to be, but the Game Master controls its actions. Phantasm normally lasts as long as you continue to devote a Minor action to its maintenance, however you may spend an additional 2 Mana Points at the time of casting to give it a duration of 5 minutes. Those who see through the illusion may use interaction rolls to give comrades a second resistance test.
Obscuring Darkness Magic School: Entropy / Shadow Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 1 MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 10 Test: None You create a 10 yard radius globe of darkness that you can center anywhere within 15 yards of your present location. The darkness is considered total, but you can see as if it were merely dim lighting, suffering a -1 to your tests.
Paralyze Magic School: Entropy / Shadow Requirement: Entropy Magic (Journeyman) or Shadow Magic (Journeyman)
Petrify Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman) You can slowly but surely turn a single target within twice your Magic ability in yards to immobile stone. The target must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or gain a number of stone tokens dependent upon your Dragon Die result. On a result of 3 or less, the target is afflicted with one stone token. On a result of 4 or 5, the target is afflicted with two tokens. On a result of 6, the target is afflicted with three tokens. Each token serves as a -1 penalty to Dexterity for the creature. If the target ever has a number of tokens equal to or greater than its Constitution, it turns permanently into stone. Tokens disappear at a rate of one token per 10 minutes.
Plant Growth Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 2 Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: None (Strength (Might) vs. Spellpower) You cause an explosion of plant growth in the immediate area. You can cause brambles, vines, and bushes to grow four month’s worth in a few seconds inside a square area with sides equal to your Magic ability in yards. Anyone caught inside the zone must succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus TN 13 or be trapped. Anyone trapped must succeed at a Strength
Phantasm Magic School: Entropy Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs Spellpower You can create an illusionary beast or damaging hazard no bigger in size than a circle with a radius equal to your Magic ability in yards. The
(Might) test versus your Spellpower to free themselves, and is otherwise immobilized and unable to take Major or Minor actions. This spell can also be used to grow crops in the blink of an eye. If applied to tree seeds multiple times, a tree can be grown as well.
You summon the power of radiant energy and flare it at nearby supernatural creatures. Target creatures within 4 yards of the caster must succeed at a Willpower (Morale) test versus your Spellpower or be affected by radiant energy. Targets that fail this test must break off combat and run. This is a magical compulsion that overrides Howling Madness. Furthermore, affected creatures take 1d6+Magic in penetrating damage. Undead that fail the Willpower check by more than 5, take twice damage. Creatures that successfully make their Willpower check take no damage, and are unaffected by rebuke effects for the rest of the encounter.
Purification Magic School: Miracle Spell Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 14 Test: None Requirement: Miracle Magic (Novice) You can remove impurities from food, water, and environmental sources. This includes the effects of poison or disease if the source is not naturally poisonous or disease ridden. Each source must be purified individually, although an entire table full of food and drink can be purified at once. If a source is both poisoned and disease ridden, one casting of this spell removes the poison first, and a second casting will remove disease. In this case you know that further impurity remains.
Reveal Magic School: Divination Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 12 Test: None You can create a magically heightened awareness of your immediate surroundings that can show you the hidden. A willing target, yourself or someone you can touch, enters this state which lasts for 6 plus the value of the Dragon Die in rounds. While so affected, the subject gains a +2 bonus to Perception (Searching) checks, and +2 to all opposed checks made against Communication (Deception), and Communication (Disguise). You also gain a +2 to any roll to sense invisible targets or see through illusions. If you succeed you can see the target clearly.
Query Magic School: Commune / Divination Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 6 MP Casting Time: 1 minute Target Number: 13 Test: None You can ask greater powers a number of “yes or no” questions equal to half your Magic ability (rounded down). The powers will give you a truthful answer to each question, based on the current situation when asked. You can ask your questions any time during which the spell is active, you need not ask them all at once, but any unasked questions are lost when the spell ends. Query lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Magic ability.
Sense Ideology Magic School: Commune Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower You can sense whether people are generally supportive of, against or not interested in your moral stance and ideology. You can pick a single target within 5 yards. The target must succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus your Spellpower or you gain valuable insights about their moral stance. The game master must tell you whether they support, are indifferent to, or
Rebuke Magic School: Light Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Willpower (Morale) vs. Spellpower
oppose what you stand for. The source need not know who you are or what you stand for for this effect to occur, it is determined by the response they would take if they did know.
location. If the subject fails the test it arrives at its best speed, and although you cannot control the creature’s actions, you can implant a dislike of your enemies in its mind.
Summon Swarm
Magic School: Primal Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 2 MP Target Number: 11 Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower You create a spray of sharp rock that arcs out from your position to lacerate all targets within a cone 5 yards long by 3 yards wide that do not succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test versus your Spellpower. Targets who are hit take 1d6 + Magic in damage.
Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 4 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower You summon a swarm of flying vermin that assault a single target within sight.This target must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus your Spellpower or suffer a -1 penalty to all actions and take 1d6 damage at the end of each round. Those who succeed at this test only suffer a -1 penalty to all actions as the insects bite at him incessantly. If the target drops unconscious or dies the swarm will attack the nearest enemy within 6 yards on the following round, which will need to test versus Spellpower. The spell lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Magic ability, minimum of 1 round, and is ineffectual on nonliving targets, and those with natural Armor 6 or more.
Sleep Magic School: Entropy Spell Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 3 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower You overcome a group of subjects with lethargy and sleep. All enemy targets in an area 3 yards in radius within twice your Magic in yards distance must succeed at a Willpower (SelfDiscipline) test versus your Spellpower or become affected. Those who fail to resist immediately fall into a magical sleep, from which they can only be woken if they take 3 or more damage in a single blow. They remain asleep for your Magic ability in rounds, with a minimum of 1 round. Even those who succeed at resisting the spell are somewhat affected, as they suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity for the same time period.
Telepathy Magic School: Commune / Divination Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 4 MP Target Number: 10 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower You create a magical linkage between yourself and a familiar being. The other party can be anywhere, but the spell fails if they are on another world or plane. Targets that are unwilling to be contacted must fail at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus your Spellpower for the spell to work. While the spell is in effect you can communicate fluently, ignoring language barriers. Telepathy lasts for one minute (4 rounds) and may be extended an another minute by spending an additional mana point. Unwilling targets get a new resistance test with each extension.
Summon Creature Magic School: Creation Spell Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 4 Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs Spellpower Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman) You can name a creature of a broad type, and the GM tests Willpower (Self-Discipline) versus your Spellpower to determine if you bring a creature within half a mile’s distance to your
Ritual Magic
Divine Rituals
Rituals are complete manuals to casting a complex spell. They take dedication to unravel, understand and recreate and they often take a great amount of resources to purchase, have longer casting times, and aren’t learned so much as performed. While rituals belong to Magical Schools and cost mana, they are not learned as spells, but rather acquired. The instructions for a ritual may be copied, but the required inks or inlay materials are expensive, costing a third of the cost to buy the manual outright. If a character attempts to perform a ritual without their scroll, grimoire, or handbook, they suffer a -3 penalty on each roll.
Commune School • Dowsing • Forbiddance • Object History • Scrying • Spirit Tracking • Truth-Hearing • Vision
Light School
• Consecration • Endure • Summon Outsider
Miracle School • Boon • Control Weather • Cure Ailment • Gate Spell • Pass Obstacle • Raise Dead • Remove Magic • Shelter
The major difference between a spell and a ritual is that casting a ritual is an Advanced Test. Rituals have both a TN and a Threshold, and the casting time listed is the amount of time that passes per action. If a roll is necessary, a ritual must be performed uninterrupted. If the caster stops casting because of fatigue, interruptions or running out of mana then the ritual fizzles. The mana cost of a ritual is paid per casting action. All rituals fizzle if two tests are failed in a row, but most rituals may be reattempted.
Shadow School • Animate Dead • Desecration • Spirit Wrack • Summon Outsider
Even though all rituals are advanced actions, GMs do not need to call for rolls at all times. Only require rolls when the amount of time spent is important, there are consequences for failure or the character is under duress. There are rarely any consequences for failing to cast a ritual, so given unlimited time any caster should succeed. When there is no need for a roll, but mana expenditure is important, a ritual takes a number of actions to succeed equal to the Threshold divided by 3, (rounded normally). In situations where the characters are ambushed or the situation changes, the GM may say that a certain Threshold total has already been achieved as the clock begins ticking.
Arcane Rituals Creation School • Endure • Summon Outsider • Water Breathing
Divination School • Dowsing • Object History • Scrying • Spirit Tracking • Vision
Entropy School • Animate Dead • Gate Spell • Pass Obstacle
Example: the Knock Ritual has a Casting Time of 1 Major Action, a variable TN, and a Threshold of 5. It is an easy ritual meant to replace a mundane task, but the TN is based on the difficulty of the lock. The caster could get lucky and achieve the required threshold on one roll, or require 5 attempts.
Primal School • Control Weather • Element Sculpting • Shelter
Spirit School
• Arcane Lock • Forbiddance • Knock • Magic Circle • Remove Magic • Spirit Wrack • Ward of Warning
Mana Cost (Total) 2 (6)
3 (9)
4 (12)
5 (15)
6 (18)
Arcane Lock Magic School: Spirit Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (10 total) Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 10; Threshold: 15 Test: None Value: 150 sp The Arcane Lock is a ritual designed to create a phantom force that holds a portal, door, window, or other opening that has a covering closed. It does not significantly improve the durability of the door, or the frame, but it does provide a slight bonus in the form of 2 Armor Rating for the affected object. When the ritual is cast, a number of individuals may be named equal to the Mage’s Magic times 2. These individuals can open the door without additional effort. Anybody not initially designated must overcome a Strength (Might) test versus the Mage’s Spellpower. By default this ritual’s effects last for a month. If a valuable gemstone is sacrificed when casting the spell, the lock is permanent.
Ritual Descriptions Animate Dead Magic School: Entropy / Shadow Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: Varies Casting Time: Ten Minutes Target Number: Varies; Threshold: 10 Test: none Value: 15 gp Casters use this ritual to create undead soldiers. When successful the undead created are permanently created and permanently predisposed to follow all orders the caster presents to them. Just as with the Control Undead spell, the caster’s orders are interpreted flawlessly and without regard to language barrier requiring instead a minor action per order (without concern for how many undead are ordered at once). The caster may attempt to animate multiple undead at once, each body beyond the first raises the Mana Cost by 1 on each roll. This ritual may only be used once per caster on any given corpse. If it refuses to animate, that caster may never attempt it again.
Boon Magic School: Miracle Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (10 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13; Threshold: 15 Test: None Value: 75 sp You make an appeal to the higher powers and they bring forth a gift for you if successful. You can ask for sustenance, drinking water, or a miraculous healing beyond the capacity of spells such as curing deformity or a crippling injury. You
can also ask for the fertility of a crop, or a person seeking an heir. Whatever the need, the request will be answered in some way if successful. You may only use this ritual once per day, no matter what is asked for. Note: It is recommended that this ritual be tested each time it is invoked, because of its high difficulty, and retry limitations.
as locusts are repelled from them instead of attracted by the bountiful harvest.
Control Weather Magic School: Primal Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (10 total) Casting Time: Ten Minutes Target Number: 13; Threshold: 15 Test: None Value: 3 gp You can use this ritual to shape and direct the weather in an area with radius equal to your Magic in miles. The effects of this ritual are always centered on the location you perform it at. You can choose any natural weather conditional normally possible in the area for the given time of year. The weather forms within 8 hours of your casting, so generally only limited changes are possible. You can alter prevailing temperature by about 20 degrees, and cause it to begin or cease to precipitate. You can cause an overcast sky to clear, or darken to storm conditions, or similarly make a clear day into a cloudy one, or a dark sky more calm.
Consecration Magic School: Light Ritual Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 2 MP (10 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 10; Threshold: 10 Test: None* Value: 2 gp Consecration applies a holy aura to an area, with various effects. If consecrating previously unconsecrated ground, then the area becomes holy. If consecrating a desecrated area, it simply becomes normal, effectively defeating that previous ritual. Consecration affects a radius equal to 20 times the cleric’s Magic ability + 1 in yards, e.g. a Cleric with Magic 2 can consecrate an area 60 yards in radius. Consecration is permanent until desecrated via the ritual or major instances of profane activity.
Multiple ritual invocations over multiple days can extend the effect, creating dramatic shifts in the weather in time. Regardless you do not control the weather’s effects, such as directing lightning strikes or razing settlements with high winds. Once you have set it in motion, it follows its natural course.
1) Consecration provides the following bonuses to any creature allied with the beliefs of the casting cleric: • +1 to all non-combat, non-spellcasting Ability tests. • +2 to Willpower (Morale) tests.
Cure Ailment Magic School: Miracle Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (6 total) Casting Time: One Minute Target Number: Varies; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 175 sp Cure Ailment allows the cleric to remove poison, a disease, or detrimental condition from a single person. The effects are immediate, but only one ailment is removed per casting. Also, if the ritual fails, it cannot be tried again for a day. The TN for the ritual is equal to the Poison’s resistance TN minus 2, the Disease’s resistance TN, or 16 if removing lameness, blindness, deafness etc.
2) All creatures allied against the casting cleric’s beliefs have the following penalties: • -2 applied to any test result when there is a 1 on the Dragon Die. • -2 to Willpower (Morale) tests. 3) Supernatural creatures that are not allied with the cleric’s beliefs may not even enter the area, although they may launch ranged attacks into it. 4) Plants in a consecrated area dedicated to nature, agriculture or growth (from the casting cleric’s beliefs) grow better, are hardy enough to resist drought, pestilence etc., and vermin such
Magic School: Shadow Ritual Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 2 MP (10 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 10; Threshold: 10 Test: None* Value: 2 gp Desecration suffuses an area with necrotic energy, a feeling of unholiness or dread. If desecrating previously consecrated ground, then the area becomes normal, effectively defeating the previous ritual. If desecrating unconsecrated ground, the area becomes unholy in minutes. Desecration affects a radius equal to 20 times the cleric’s Magic ability + 1 in yards, e.g. a Cleric with Magic 3 can desecrate an area 80 yards in radius. Desecration is semi-permanent, dissipating over decades unless consecrated via the ritual, although ongoing profane activity will keep the desecrated status alive.
Magic School: Commune / Divination Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (4 total) Casting Time: 1 Minute Target Number: 12; Threshold: 5 Test: None Value: 75 sp This ritual finds the nearest example or specimen of a broad type, such as the nearest predatory mammal, or nearest specimen of a specific animal type such as brown bear, nearest humanoid of a certain race, nearest source of water, etc. Any outwardly observable trait, regardless of whether a normal human can determine the trait, is a valid search criteria. Traits that can only be determined by knowledge of a subject or its actions are invalid criteria. This includes training, whether something is poisonous, etc. The ritual forms a map in the caster’s head, and he is kept abreast of the subject’s location even as it moves. It may also be used to briefly locate all targets that match a similar broad type within half a mile of the caster.
1) Desecration provides the following bonuses to any creature allied with the beliefs of the casting cleric: • Gain an additional +1 Health whenever they heal. • +2 to Willpower (Courage) tests.
Element Sculpting Magic School: Primal Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 1 MP (2 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 13; Threshold: 5 Test: None Value: 45 sp This ritual allows you to alter, shape and move liquid or solid natural elements in your immediate vicinity. The ritual allows you to move material with an effective Strength equal to twice your Magic. Material moved at your whim does so over the ground, it will not levitate unless turned into a mist. You can mold solids as if they were soft clay, shaping them as you direct. The GM may require a Magic (Primal) test to create a particular result, especially if fine or artistic details are involved. You can alter the temperature of the manipulated material, and the moisture content as well. The change occurs too slowly to be used as an attack, and the alterations are permanent, although water turned into ice will still melt.
2) All creatures allied against the casting cleric’s beliefs have the following penalties: • -1 applied to any non-combat, nonspellcasting Abiilty tests. • -1 to Defense. 3) Supernatural creatures that are not allied with the cleric’s beliefs may not even enter the area, although they may launch ranged attacks into it. 4) Plant life within a desecrated area begins to die, or become twisted. The casting cleric can choose to mask this particular effect when performing the ritual, but plants merely appear to be healthy. They offer no sustenance or medicinal properties.
Forbiddance wards a structure, or area no larger than 20 yards by 20 yards against magical spying. Any attempt beyond mundane means to spy on the warded area automatically fail. The inside of the ward appears to be completely black, no sound or imagery is available to displaced or telescopic senses, and scrying fails outright. Forbiddance is a permanent effect.
Endure Magic School: Creation / Light Ritual Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 3 MP (9 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 11; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 1 gp You can perform Endure to make a group of willing subjects within your Magic in yards resistant to a single form of unusual harm. Choose cold, heat, electricity, acid, or poison. For the one hour duration of the ritual, each character is immune to normal damage and discomfort caused by the chosen source. Each affected character also takes half damage from magical or exceptional examples of that source.
Gate Spell Magic School: Entropy / Miracle Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 5 MP Casting Time: 1 Minute Target Number: 14; Threshold: Varies Test: None Value: 50 gp You use the ritual to magically link a prepared gate to another location far away. This location may be a prepared gate on the same world, another world, another plane. For additional time and expenditure of mana, the destination can be an unprepared landing location, as long as it Is known in detail to the caster. The gate opens a vertical hole in space through which people can pass if the prepared gateway is vertically oriented, or simply transports everyone standing upon it if horizontal. A vertical gate, or open doorway can remain open for up to one minute per point of the caster’s Magic ability, but it closes as soon as the caster wills it. Destination Same Continent
Threshol d 5
Same World
Another World
Other Plane
No Prepared Exit Gate
Magic School: Spirit Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (4 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: Varies; Threshold: 5 Test: None Value: 45 sp You use the ritual to force open a locked door, window or container. It does not matter whether
Magic School: Commune / Spirit Ritual Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 3 MP (9 total) Casting Time: Ten Minutes Target Number: 13; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 4 gp
the barrier is held by a puzzle lock, a key lock, magical power or is barred on the other side, at the successful completion of the ritual the locked barrier is overcome. If it is a mundane lock, the Target Number is equal to that required for Dexterity (Lock Picking) to overcome. If it is a puzzle lock the Target Number is equal to the Cunning (Research) Target Number + 2 or 14 if no Target Number was assigned. If it is barred the spell Target Number is equal to the Strength (Might) Target Number required to break it down. If it is held by magic power, the Target Number is equal to the effect set by the opposing caster. In the case of defeating a magical lock, a permanently enchanted lock is only bypassed the one time; and the barrier locks itself immediately the next time it closes.
object you pick up, if it has any significantly emotional events in its past will cause you to have a vivid daydream recounting the events as the one who used the object. There is some leeway in what should be considered emotionally significant enough to leave impressions behind, but generally historical events of great pomp and circumstance, events of pathos or national pride, rage or regret fueled actions, and so forth.
Pass Obstacle Magic School: Entropy / Miracle Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3 MP (6 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 14; Threshold: 5 Test: none Value: 3 gp This ritual allows you to pass immaterially through any barrier. You can bring a number of beings and their possessions with you equal to twice your Magic ability, but they must all be in physical contact with one another and with you. This effect lasts until you have all passed the wall or obstruction and then immediately ceases. If you would end up in a dangerous environment, you can turn back as long as your entire body has not entered the open space. You can attempt a Perception (Seeing) test in order to avoid materializing in a closed water, or an acid filled space for example.
Magic Circle Magic School: Spirit Ritual Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 3 MP (9 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 11; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 80 sp When you perform this ritual you name a type of creature, and upon the conclusion of the casting, that creature type is barred from approaching the warded area. Magic Circle affects a circular area 4 yards in radius. Creatures of the chosen type, either undead, dragons, beasts or other supernatural creatures (outsiders), are unable to cross the line represented by the circle. Those inside the circle are also given a +3 Defense bonus versus any direct attack of such a creature, with area attacks being deflected around the perimeter. The magic circle unfortunately does nothing to thwart indirect attacks, or gaze based powers.
Raise Dead Magic School: Miracle Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 7 MP (35 total) Casting Time: 1 Minute Target Number: 15; Threshold: 15 Test: None Value: 75 gp This ritual reaches across the void and pulls the spirit of a being back into his or her body, heals their most grievous wounds and breathes life back into him or her. This is not only a difficult ritual to perform, but it is costly to the caster in terms of mana. The caster is required to have the body of the being being raised, for the being to have died before his or her time, and to at least know their common name. When successful the ritual leaves the being alive, with a single health point, and a -1 penalty to all actions that lasts for a month of game time.
Object History Magic School: Commune / Divination Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (4 total) Casting Time: One Minute Target Number: 14; Threshold: 5 Test: none Value: 65 sp For a number of minutes equal to twice your Magic ability, you can handle objects and experience past events central to them. Each
While it does mend rends, gouges and reattaches flesh, this ritual will not replace completely missing tissue, so limbs that are not present at the time the ritual is cast are not recreated. Obviously the corpse of the being must be reasonably intact, and include the head and torso to have any success with this ritual. Lastly, this ritual may only be attempted a number of times on the same corpse equal to the being’s Willpower score, although it can always be attempted once. If successful the body is no longer considered a corpse, which resets the count on this limitation.
noticeable, requiring only a TN 17 Perception (Seeing) test to notice. The scrying sensor is incorporeal to most damage, but magic will destroy it upon contact.
Remove Magic Magic School: Miracle / Spirit Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 12; Threshold: Effect TN + 5 Test: None Value: 5 gp With this ritual it is possible to dispel an indefinite duration magical effect or curse. The Threshold is equal to the Spellpower or Effect's TN plus 5. If the caster fails two ritual tests in a row the ritual is ruined, and must be begun anew. However, you may only attempt the ritual once per day per target spell/ritual.
Shelter Magic School: Miracle / Primal Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 1 MP (2 total) Casting Time: One Minute Target Number: 12; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 250 sp You create a shimmering dome of force, up to 6 yards across and up to 3 yards high at the center. The atmosphere within the dome is cool, dry, and comfortable, regardless of the weather and conditions outside. Precipitation and debris are kept outside the dome, and you can control the light level inside from shade to as bright as a lantern. The shelter lasts for up to 12 hours, or until you dismiss it. You can maintain a number of shelters equal to your Willpower ability at once, but each additional shelter raises the Target Number by 2.
Scrying Magic School: Commune / Divination Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 3 MP (9 total) Casting Time: 10 Minutes Target Number: 11; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 9 gp You can spy upon any locale you are familiar with, or can name. In the case of sub-locations, you need to be aware that they exist in order to scry those locations. When you are forced to name a location, the ritual will only observe one location per casting. You and anyone in your immediate vicinity may observe all events currently transpiring at the target location, and you can clearly hear and see as if you were watching from a vantage point. This effect is fairly unnoticeable, although creatures and beings that can detect magic can detect this ritual. However, when scrying upon locations in other planes, the sensor is much more
Spirit Tracking Magic School: Commune / Divination Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (6 total) Casting Time: 1 Minute Target Number: 12; Threshold: 5 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower Value: 3 gp You extend a multitude of strands of power and awareness in order to find a specific person, creature, or item which must succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test or be discovered. If this test fails the strand has
attached itself to that being or thing, providing you a straight line direction and a general sense of distance. The target realizes something magical is happening, and if familiar with the caster knows who is casting the spell. If the target succeeds at the resistance test, the caster still gets an immediate bearing to the target, but that is all as the linkage fades. The effects last until you sleep for an hour or more. While the link exists, you can use an Activate action to gain a bearing once again, including direction and approximate distance. This ritual may not be cast on the same subject more than once in a day’s time.
Spirit Wrack Magic School: Shadow / Spirit Ritual Type: Attack; Mana Cost: 3 MP (6 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 15; Threshold: 5 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower Value: 10 gp This ritual constricts the motion of a known target and inflicts terrible pain when performed in the being’s presence. Spirit Wrack is effective on intelligent undead, supernatural creatures such as outsiders, dragons, and even people, but to function on a physical entity native to the plane of origin, you need a portion of the target’s body on hand as a component. The target must succeed on a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower or it is held fast. Then whenever you ask a question or make a demand, it must succeed at another test or answer your question, or capitulate to your demand. While affected, the target cannot move of its own accord, and feels like it is wrapped in incredibly tight chains that burn its very core each time you choose pain. Physical beings that are released after an hour or more of being tortured by this ritual are treated as being 2d6 Health away from 0, although it is all from pain and exhaustion, not physical damage. Spirit Wrack holds the victim trapped for up to 8 hours, although the caster must concentrate to cause pain.
Summon Outsider Magic School: Creation / Light / Shadow Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 4 MP (12 total) Casting Time: Ten Minutes Target Number: 13; Threshold: 10 Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower Value: 45 sp You use this ritual to summon a being from another Plane. Each guidebook for this ritual covers a specific type of entity, such as an Elemental, versus an Aerial Servant or a Djinni (all of which hail from the Plane of Air), or an Archon or Malfera (which hail from outer planes). The target specimen of the ritual must make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus your Spellpower or immediately appear before you. The summoned outsider must obey your commands until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever is furthest away, at which point it returns automatically to its home plane. If it is killed before the duration elapses, it returns alive to its home plane. Intelligent outsiders can attempt to bargain with you for longer periods of
service, and while the letter of the bargain is enforced by the ritual’s effects, twisting of the intent of the agreement is allowed. Creatures can understand the caster because of the ritual, but not all outsiders can speak the caster’s language.
Ward of Warning Magic School: Spirit Ritual Type: Defense; Mana Cost: 2 MP (x total) Casting Time: One Minute Target Number: 10; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 40 sp This ritual once performed correctly sets up a perimeter of either a circle 15 yards in radius, or encompass a single structure and 2 yards beyond its walls. Any threatening creature that approaches the warded area immediately sets off a warning that all beings who were safely inside the ward can hear. The warning sound can be of any type as long as it is not speech. Bells are the most common, while wild animals, or trumpets are equally known. This ritual detects murderous intent, supernatural creatures, and rabid animals. It won’t detect a curious beast that isn’t planning to make the inhabitants into a meal, and it won’t detect a peaceful visitor who turns violent given a reason once inside. Mindless creatures that harm people by their very existence however are detected, despite their lack of harmful intent.
Truth-Hearing Magic School: Commune Ritual Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 1 MP (3 total) Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: varies; Threshold: 5 Test: None Value: 50 sp You can perform this ritual on a target in your immediate presence, but it affects yourself, and for the duration of the effect you gain a subtle signal whenever the target speaks the truth, and a stronger signal whenever they tell the complete truth as they know it. The Target Number is equal to 10 plus the subject’s Willpower plus Self-Discipline focus. If you fail two rolls in a row, the ritual fails. This ritual may only be attempted once per week on the same subject, and it lasts for half an hour.
Water Breathing
Magic School: Creation Ritual Type: Enhancement; Mana Cost: 2 MP (6 total) Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 11; Threshold: 10 Test: None Value: 50 sp You can perform this ritual to alter a group of willing subjects present to be able to breathe underwater. The number of beings affected is equal in number to twice your Magic ability. The effects of the ritual last for an hour.
Magic School: Commune / Divination Ritual Type: Utility; Mana Cost: 2 MP (6 total) Casting Time: One Minute Target Number: 11; Threshold: 15 Test: None Value: 2 gp You use the ritual formula to enter a trancelike state and experience a daydream. You may let the higher powers or fate determine what you see, or you may ask a single question. The answer to this question will play out in the daydream, whether the events unfolding take place in the past, present or future. The daydream may even be a chain of related but separate events. A non-specific vision may be more chaotic and disjointed, but may cover multiple events which could lead to information the caster did not even know he or she should learn.
Magic Items There are many common and several iconic magic items in the Known World. There are magic weapons which aid in the slaying of enemies, armors that have unusual properties in addition to providing protection for the wearer, rings that provide specific benefits, wands that enhance a mage’s basic abilities of arcane lance and spellcasting, and staves which enhance
those same abilities but in different ways. There are also a host of known wondrous items, which careful research can lead to the proper manner of use, as well as the secrets of their construction. Plus a veritable slew of magic potions, ointments, and one-time use scrolls.
silver per mana spent. For example, the Vision ritual costs an average of 32 silver as a service, while Raise Dead costs 820 silver on average.
Hiring a caster (hourly) Hiring a spellcaster to perform to the best of his ability for an hour costs 45 silver pieces, although some will charge twice this depending on the effort you intend to have them expend.
Durability of Magic Items Some magic items, or the containers of such items, by their very nature, are not very durable. For example, if the vial holding a potion breaks, the potion is useless even though it hasn’t been damaged itself. Likewise, the vellum a portable spell is imbued into can easily burn. However, when an item is enchanted and it is already a somewhat durable item, such as a chair, a weapon, armor or shield, it becomes more so. The difficulty to permanently damage any durable magic item is 4 higher than for a normal item of its type. So if it is a TN 12 Strength (Might) test to destroy a normal staff, it is a TN 16 Strength (Might) test to destroy a magic staff. Part of this enchantment relates to maintenance as well. A magic blade will not get rusty unless immersed in water (likely sea water) for months or even years. However, in normal conditions It can be easily hung on a wall, never oiled and not suffer that fate.
Hiring a caster (retainer) Hiring a spellcaster as a contract employee for a month costs 30 gold, although highly experienced casters cost more. Hiring a caster for outright dangerous duties, such as fighting on a war front, or any other task that risks their life immediately costs 45 gold or more per month.
Magical Services
Just like other skilled workers, you can pay a spellcaster money to obtain magical services and advice. The least expensive proposition is buying a spell, while the most expensive is keeping the caster on retainer. In the case of guild mages or clerical orders, often the fee is paid or donated to the governing organization rather than to the caster directly.
Buying a spell Paying for someone to cast a single spell costs 5 silver pieces per mana point spent.
Buying a ritual Hiring a spellcaster to perform a ritual for you as a service costs 1/10th of the cost to purchase the ritual manual outright, plus 2
Chapter 4 - Setting Overview The Known World
Alphatia by detractors, is the remaining portion of the Alphatian Empire, once a sprawling nation that spread its influence across two continents. Recently a cataclysm sunk the continent of Alphatia, on which the empire was based. With citizens desperately trying to escape to communities on the Isle of Dawn and throughout eastern Brun, the formerly satellite states of the Empire were suddenly all that was left of their civilization.
The Known World region is the southeastern portion of the continent of Brun. In terms of coverage, it doesn’t cover even a third of that continent, but it is peopled with races and nations that have had the most influence on the events that have swept over this part of the world. Note: If a section on Iconic Armor or Weapons is absent from a nation entry, it means there is no cultural or economic bias towards any particular equipment.
Alone among greater powers, the Emperor Zandor immediately banded the former client states together, in an attempt to pool their resources and cement his sovereignty. The leaders of the client states placed their hope that Thyatis in particular among global powers would retreat to rebuild and afford them time to do the same. Aside from a push by Thyatis to conquer the Isle of Dawn, this is what occurred.
The New Alphatian Confederate Empire
Ruler: Loose alliance of former Alphatian colonies and territories Government: Various monarchies and republics Capital: No formal capital, formal meetings occur in each country in a set pattern Languages: Alphatian (official), Elven (Shiye-Lawr dialect)
Thothia fought back and after bitter fighting reclaimed several formerly Alphatian client states on the Isle of Dawn. In the years since, the Alphatian Empire, and Zandor, were deposed, and the NACE, or Splintered Alphatia as some nations refer to them, have managed to stabilize and begin the difficult task of building a workable society. Given their vast differences in outlook, itself a holdover for how the Empire allowed its client states to govern themselves, this has proven to be a difficult task.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • It is believed that the city of Sea Shield still exists under the waves in the wake of the sinking of the alphatian continent, but they have not been heard from in a decade. • The Kingdom of Floating Ar is composed of flying cities and mountains. • The various kingdoms maintain the remnants of Alphatia’s flying ship navy and jealously guard them as a resource.
Common Races: The common races of Alphatia are numerous, including Alphatian humans, Nithian humans, city elves, dwarves, halflings and other human ethnicities.
History: The New Alphatian Confederate Empire, also known as the Alphatian League, or Splintered
Again the elves of Alfheim aided the humans by backing one of the three candidates for rulership of Darokin, and offering aid if the humans would acknowledge their choice. Corwyn Attleson was able to quickly unite the bickering factions under his banner with the help of his elvish backers, and succeeded in driving the orcs back. Over the next few centuries, the Attleson dynasty purged Darokin of all orc threats.
Common Classes: As overt magic users were afforded nobility status in the Alphatian Empire, the most prominent of adventurers were mages, followed by clerics. With the current emphasis on survival, and the loss of several academies in every craft and guild, adventurers of more mundane classes are now just as common, if not more so, than their inherently magical counterparts. The most prominent members of society in the league are still mages and clerics, but the rise of knights of the crown, as well as well known sneak thieves has placed several potent members of nearly every class in high positions in society.
Eventually, the era of Darokin kings came to an end when Santhral II died without an heir. For the next two centuries, most towns and villages governed themselves. The people began to look to wealthy landowners for leadership, as it was they who maintained roads and such, even if only in their own best interests. Thus, wealthy businessmen began to gain much power. In 927 AC, merchants and businessmen founded the Republic of Darokin for mutual economic gain.
The Republic of Darokin
Ruler: Chancellor Corwyn Mauntea Government: Plutocracy Capital: Darokin City Languages: Thyatian (Darokin dialect)
Common Races:
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest
Darokin humans, clan and city elves, dwarves, halflings, and orcs hail from Darokin in great numbers.
• The nation of Aengmor (formerly Alfheim) lies completely within the borders of the Republic of Darokin. It is currently a wasteland that few enter, and is not under Darokin rule. • The citizens choose their officials in elections. Eligibility for office is determined by the candidate’s wealth. • Itheldown Island, in Lake Amsorak, is the site of Itheldown Castle. The ruins of the castle are rumored to be the source of a curse that plagues shipping from time to time.
Common Classes: There are members of every class from Darokin. The primary darokin adventurer is one who guards caravans, making warriors fairly common. However, the occasional rogue or mage is found wandering for Darokin’s interests.
Iconic Weapons: Rapiers and other dueling weapons are extremely popular in Darokin. Adventurers favor a wide variety of weapons however because their primary opponents are monsters and raiding humanoids.
History: Early on, this region was settled primarily by orcs and human tribes. Not surprising, the orcs were a constant nuisance. With the help of the Alfheim elves, a human clan called Eastwind came to begin uniting the humans while claiming territory from the orcs. In the first century AC, Ansel Darokin became the first of the Eastwind kings. His dynasty was to end with the death of his grandson in 87 AC. With no heir to the throne, the humans were too disorganized to fend off the vengeful orc hordes.
The Daro, descendants of traldar clans that colonized the area millennia ago, tend to be small and slight or stocky. Average height for men is 5 feet, 9 inches and women is 5 feet, 4 inches. They have pale complexions, brown or green eyes being the most common, and dark hair is most common as well.
normally. You begin with a bank of Mana Points equal to 10 + Magic + 1d6. Whenever you gain a level you also gain 1d3 + Magic in Mana Points. Journeyman: You can employ a craft focus to forge a substitution for any item or artifact you have time to analyze. This is a Cunning (Evaluation) advanced test with a Threshold of 10, 15, or 25 (depending on the quality of the item) with each roll taking 15 minutes. Once the item has been analyzed, you produce an exact physical copy of the item if your crafting test results in an item of the same quality. Master: You can make progress in your endeavors with low resources and always glean every ounce of lore out of your research. You can use the Object of your Attention stunt for 2 SP instead of 3, and the Resources at Hand stunt for 3 SP instead of 4.
Playing a Daro Burgher If you choose to play a daro burgher, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Communication ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Bargaining) or Dexterity (Light Blades) • You can speak and read Thyatian (Darokin dialect). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. Daro Burgher 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Cunning 3-4 Focus: Cunning (Evaluation) 5 Focus: Cunning (Navigation) 6 Focus: Perception (Searching) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 10-11 Focus: Communication (Persuasion) 12 +1 Perception
The Five Shires
Ruler: A council of Sheriffs Government: The Sheriffs are the leaders of each clan, elected for their skill in administration or leadership. It is not necessarily a hereditary position. Capital: There is no formal capital, but the largest community is Shireton. Languages: Thyatian, some scholars speak and read Lalor (ancient halfling tongue)
Master Trader of Darokin Universal Specialization
Darokin has cultivated bargaining, trading and diplomacy to a high art form, leading to a class of adventurers, merchants and craftsmen that can handle negotiations with any intelligent being, and wheedle down the cost of doing business as far as is possible. Often called master traders, these individuals have a head for business deals, and they can apply this skill to any endeavor he finds himself involved with.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The Black Spire Mountains are rumored to be rich with precious metals and gems. • The hin have harnessed a power known as Blackflame, and can draw on that power to create magical items. • The hin, despite their small stature and good nature, are very capable of defending themselves from invaders.
Master Trader Talent
Class: Any Requirement: Cunning and Perception 3 or more, must be from or trained in Darokin.
The history of the hin, called "halflings" by humans, has been one of bitter hardship and strife. Since their arrival in the area now called the Five Shires, the hin have been invaded and enslaved several times by orcs, and even by greedy dwarves on one occasion. Each time, the hin would rise against their oppressors stronger
The sharp eyed master trader keeps his mind open to opportunities everywhere.
Novice: You know how to drive a hard bargain. You can use the Tower of Will stunt for 3 SP instead of 4. You gain the power to perform arcane rituals, although you must acquire them
than before, until they could hold their ground against any would-be invader.
Many attempts at invasion have been made by man and orc alike since then, but the longoppressed hin have turned them all back, including the last one in AC 989 by Baron Ludwig von Hendriks of Karameikos. In particular, the actions of the Black Eagle Baron serve to drive public opinion of Karameikos to the lowest levels. Only Glantri, and Thyatis are held in lower regard, and thus the hin have the best relations with nations of the Known World that do not share borders with them with one exception, Darokin.
After the Third Rising, when the hin finally defeated the orcs, began a time of rebuilding known as The Time of Heroes. During this period many hin rose to hero status by reclaiming fringe territories from orcs, human raiders, and dwarven colonists. Once the invaders were repulsed, the clans began to squabble over the sudden plenty at their disposal. To prevent the clans from squabbling over travel rights or other petty issues, the Elders chose a leader to handle defense and rule of the people. This leader was Gunzath the Clanless, who served until his death in BC 572.
The Five Shires are not a nation as most others consider it, they are a collection of roving communities with large scattered settlements near the rivers. There are roads crisscrossing the interior, but few that cross the border. Along these land and river ways are hin families traveling and living off the land. The hin of the settlements seem rustic, until someone threatens a roving hin family or scouts see trouble coming over the borders. Then they all rise to the common defense. Hin sailors generally travel the seas from wanderlust and a desire to see new sites, but the hin ships near the Shires patrol the waters and keep invaders out as well.
While impartial because he had no clan of his own, Gunzath's dying wish was that the smallest clans absorb scattered families without clans and care for themselves equally. These clans were able to find a balance, with the least populated clans absorbing the most families. The clans made alliances and became tied together, and each group of clans were given the duty to protect an area of land called a shire from invasion. There are five of these regions in all, thus they began referring to themselves as the Hin of the Five Shires.
You have been brought into the fold of the resourceful heroes of the Shires.
It is much easier for a merchant to encounter a wandering family to trade with than to find a specific settlement deep in the interior. The rolling hills, general lack of roads, and numerous rivers of the Shires make this the case.
Novice: You can manipulate enemies, taking advantage of your size and harmless appearance. You can use the Taunt stunt for 1 SP instead of 2. You gain the power to move in Leather armor without penalty to Speed. Journeyman: Knight Heroes cultivate a watchful eye, and you can use the Advantageous Positioning stunt for one less SP, minimum of 1, and The Upper Hand stunt for 2 SP instead of 3. You gain the power to move in Mail armor without penalty to Speed. Master: While many dismiss the hin as harmless children, but you have learned how to be taken seriously by all. Once per session you can generate a number of Stunt points equal to your Willpower (maximum of 5), for a roll that generated no stunt points.
Common Races: The only people native to this area are settled hin, clan elves and traladaran humans. Other races visit but rarely settle in.
Common Classes: The majority of the hin adventurers are rogues and warriors. There are also numerous clerics and druids, and a handful of mages from the Five Shires, but these are not nearly as common. Heroes are often referred to as Knight Heroes or Guardians. There are also many Hin Masters (druids and their mentees) protecting the land and the people from the wilderness.
The Principalities of Glantri
Ruler: A council of Wizard-Princes Government: Magocracy Capital: Glantri City Languages: Thyatian (Glantri dialect, official language), Alphatian (Fleamish dialect), Elvish (Belcadiz and Erewan dialects), Traladaran (in Boldavia), Averoignian, Ethengarian
Iconic Armor: Chain, Scale and Leather armors are very common.
Iconic Weapons: Sling and short sword are the weapons most closely associated with halfling adventurers.
Knight Hero of the Five Shires Warrior Specialization
Knight Hero status is awarded to adventurers who put the interests of their people first and foremost. Unlike the sheriffs who think first of their clans, the masters who patrol the wilds, and the mysterious Keepers who maintain the history and faith of the hin, the Knight Hero is an exemplar of Shire hin values, a resourceful protector in times of trouble, and a strong weapon in times of war. As a group they learn enhanced mobility, and to make the best use of their environment, and the temperaments of their foes.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The Great School of Magic is heralded as the finest wizard college on the continent (although some other schools would disagree). • Glantri City has few streets; traveling across town is usually done via gondolas on the city's network of canals.
Knight Hero Talent Class: Warrior Requirement: You must have Perception and Willpower of 3 or higher and be a Five Shires halfling, by birth or settlement.
• Numerous wizards have towers and lairs throughout the countryside.
accurately cover in this overview.
Flaemish humans (use the Pure Alphatian background), alphatian humans, ethengarian humans, laterren humans (again use the Pure Alphatian background), traladaran humans, Belcadiz elves, and clan elves (the Erewan) all make up the melting pot of Glantri. Dwarves were persecuted here in the past, and a fair amount of overt racism still exists. Thus, the stout people rarely set foot inside the borders of Glantri. Likewise, Halflings have been discriminated against and kidnapped for experimentation and will not often set foot inside the country’s borders. Humans with rare ancestries are also evidenced here, known as Progeny.
Common Races:
Several centuries ago, humans calling themselves Flaemish settled the region now known as Glantri, and built the city of Braejr. About 300 years ago, as foreign settlers began coming to the area in large numbers, frictions between the Flaemish and the settlers escalated gradually. Finally, the frictions exploded into war. During this time, an Alphatian wizard and warlord named Halzunthram arrived and sided with the coalition of settlers, preventing the fragile coalition from being destroyed. The region was divided into three provinces, ruled over by a council. Halzunthram executed a coup and took control of that council.
Common Classes: Mages, warriors and rogues are extremely common, with mages being the most prominent of the three classes even if not the most numerous. Clerics are disliked, and were originally outlawed. Rogues are more common among the elves, specializing in wielding rapiers.
Infuriated, the elven and human settlers sided with the Flaems in revolt against the Alphatian wizard. This went on to become the Forty Years War. During this time a plague struck the region, afflicting almost half the population. The pestilence was blamed on newly-arrived dwarven settlers, who were systematically hunted down and expelled from the area.
Belcadiz Elf
During one of the dwarf-hunts, Lord Alexander Glantri ambushed Halzunthram, and the Forty Years War was over. The city of Braejr was renamed Glantri City in Lord Alexander's honor. The Republic of Glantri was formed. In the year 858 AC, a parliamentary session called the Light of Rad reserved the right to rule for wizards only, and granted the rulers the hereditary title of Prince. Outraged, the established nobility revolted but were crushed within a year. The Wizard-Princes have ruled unchallenged to this day. Note: For those interested in making Glantrian characters, I direct you to the original gazetteer or the 2E box set. Glantri is a rich milieu of European and fantasy cultures I can’t
The Belcadiz elves, being the first non-humans to settle in the Glantri region, and the first elves to live there for a long period of time. Over the long centuries since that time, the Elves witnessed the founding of the Principalities and have been part of the country ever since. Their culture is freeflowing and encapsulates a fiery passion, both in love and life and in their personal honor. Their self-confidence is often mistaken for arrogance, and their lust for life is mistaken for shortsightedness. Most elves, including the Erewan, consider the Belcadiz to be humanized offshoots that are not true-elves, the majority of the Belcadiz
ignore other elves in favor of their human neighbors. Belcadiz elves are swarthy in skin tone, and have dark hair and vibrant eyes. They can easily grow facial hair, but this is assumed to be due to long time pairings with humans.
themselves right behind Glantri itself in importance, although it is believed they share sentiments with the Khanate. Many cultural practices are kept alive by the ethengarians when they can get away with them, such as concubines and multiple wives for the Prince of Krondahar, beast hunts to celebrate great days, and traditional ethengarian clothing.
Playing a Belcadiz Elf If you choose to play a belcadiz elf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Seduction) or Dexterity (Dueling). • You have Night Vision, which allows you to see clearly at night. Reduce low-light, and night time penalties by 1. • You are resistant to Charm, Sleep, and Paralysis effects. Add your Magic ability, if positive, to all resistance tests against these effects. • You can speak and read Elven and Thyatian (Glantri dialect). • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Playing a Settled Ethengarian If you choose to play a settled ethengarian, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Constitution ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Cunning (Cultural Lore) or Perception (Searching) • You can speak and read Thyatian (glantri dialect) and speak Ethengarian. • Choose a class. You can play mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. Settled Ethengarian 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Willpower 3-4 Focus: Communication (Animal Handling) 5 Focus: Cunning (Arcane Lore) 6 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 7-8 +1 Magic 9 Focus: Dexterity (Crafting) 10-11 Focus: Cunning (Research) 12 +1 Cunning
Belcadiz Elf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Cunning 3-4 Weapon Group: Dueling* 5 Focus: Strength (Jumping) 6 Focus: Perception (Empathy) 7-8 +1 Communication 9 Focus: Strength (Intimidation) 10-11 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 12 +1 Perception * If your class already provides this, you gain Focus: Dexterity (Dueling) or Dexterity (Initiative) instead.
The Kingdom of Ierendi
Ruler: King Palfrit and Queen Marianne Government: Non-Hereditary Monarchy Capital: Ierendi Languages: Thyatian (common), Makai
Settled Ethengarian
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest:
The ethengarians native to Glantri are refugees and expatriates who chose to leave their homeland behind for the right to learn and practice magic as they chose. They fit most closely to the glantrian mold of placing
• The Castle of Ierendi, home of the King and Queen, is constructed of many ramshackle structures built around a fort. • Ierendi has many islands, each with its own flavor and vices, although few of them are safe
for the unwary. Numerous diversions are available for the visiting mainlander. • Ierendi is said to have one of the finest navies in the world, though not the largest. They have been reported to have defeated the Thyatian Navy in the past.
The station of King and Queen has never been hereditary. Instead, a tournament is held every 5 years to crown the Pirate King. The Conclave of Pirates oversees the games. Despite there being few rules, it is often the only time all the pirate captains choose to be honorable.
Common Races:
Reportedly, Ierendi was founded by Thyatis creating a penal colony in 571 AC, although the local makai and hin people will regard this legend with good-natured contempt. For the makai Ierendi began in slavery to a now dead empire, war with hin colonists, war with Thyatian conquerors, and then slavery under pirate rule. The local hin tell a similar story but are unaware of the initial slavery of the makai.
Makai and Thyatian humans, hin, city elves and dwarves.
Common Classes: Rogues and warriors, particularly pirates are prominent in Ierendi, although all are in evidence. Particularly because the contest for the kingship draws pirates of all stripe, and mages and clerics can make excellent pirates too.
In 586 AC, the Thyatian Empire cemented its hold on the island group. However, the local hin engage them in guerilla war for 30 years and the prisoners revolted and drove the Thyatians out in 600 AC. The leader, known as Mad Creeg, named himself King of Ierendi.
Iconic Armor: Light armor tends to be worn here due to the climate, but stubborn warriors walk about in mail armor, usually stolen and in poor condition.
Ierendi Pirates
The Thyatian prisoners who settled in Ierendi developed into a background of their own. They have the same appearance and complexion of Thyatians, but the lifestyle of the isles, and the rough and tumble nature of the dominant culture has led them to be very different in capabilties.
Playing an Ierendi Pirate If you choose to play an Ierendi pirate, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Strength ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Drinking) or Strength (Might). • You can speak Ierendi and speak and read Thyatian. • Choose a class. You can play mage, rogue, or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Ierendi Pirate 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Constitution 3-4 Focus: Perception (Seeing) 5 Focus: Strength (Climbing) 6 Focus: Constitution (Swimming) 7-8 +1 Dexterity 9 Weapon Group: Light Blades* 10-11 Focus: Cunning (Navigation) 12 +1 Perception * If the class you choose provides this already, you can take the focus Dexterity (Light Blades) instead.
Hin Pirates
After hundreds of years facing starvation, and subjugation at the hands of others, the hin of Ierendi are of a markedly different stripe than those on the mainland.
Playing a Hin Pirate
The Kingdom of Karameikos
If you choose to play a hin pirate, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Drinking) or Dexterity (Light Blades) • You can speak and read Thyatian (Darokin dialect). • Your speed is equal to 8 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable). • Choose a class: You can play rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Ruler: King Stephan Karameikos III Government: Monarchy Capital: Specularum Languages: Thyatian (official), Traladaran, Elvish (Callari and Vyalia dialects)
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • Specularum is named for the mirror-like reflective quality of its harbor. • The Black Eagle Barony is reported to be a dismal and evil place, ruled by the Duke's allegedly mad cousin, Baron Ludwig von Hendriks. Rumors have it that orcs, goblins and other foul creatures roam freely about the place. • The forests of the nation are still largely unsettled, and hence, unexplored. Most villages have legends of ancient ruins haunted by spirits of the past, or tales of werewolves or other creatures roaming the woods.
Hin Pirate 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Strength 3-4 Focus: Strength (Climbing) 5 Focus: Cunning (Evaluation) 6 Focus: Constitution (Swimming) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative) 10-11 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) 12 +1 Perception
History: According to local lore, centuries ago the region was inhabited by a people known as the Traldar. Living in city-states, they had no centralized government. At some point, an invasion of "beast-men" descended upon the region, threatening to wipe out the human population.
From one of the Traldar villages rose a King by the name of Halav Red Hair. King Halav was able to unite the various Traldar tribes under his rulership to repel the beast-man invaders. He had help from a Traldar Queen named Petra, and a huntsman named Zirchev.
humans. There is also a contingent of dwarves and rock gnomes in Highforge, and a community of clan elves (the Callarii) and a community of sylvan elves (the Vyalia).
Common Classes: Clerics, mages, rogues, and warriors are widely represented in Karameikos.
During the final battle of the war, King Halav and the King of the beast-men killed each other in a duel. The beast-men, without their leader, fled the area. It is said during Halav's funeral, the Immortals took up Halav, Zirchev and Petra into their ranks, and the Traldar looked to rebuilding their lives.
The Minrothad Guilds
Ruler: Guild Master Oran Meditor Government: Syndicicracy Capital: Minrothad Languages: Minrothad Patois, Elvish (Meditor/ Verdier dialect)
In A.C. 900 the Empire of Thyatis claimed all of the area, now populated by the Traldar descendants who called themselves Traladara, by sending troops to the trading port of Marilinev. The Thyatian conquerors re-named the city Specularum.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The Merchant-Princes of Minrothad practice a unique craft of sea magic. • The Guilds hold power over all aspects of life and business in Minrothad. • Minrothad merchant-ships are a familiar sight in ports throughout the world. • A fair amount of piracy is conducted in the waters of this region.
In A.C. 970, in the Duchy of Machetos within the Thyatian Empire, Stephan Karameikos III made a proposition to the Emperor. He offered the Emperor his ancestral lands in Machetos in trade for the lands of the Traladara and a decree of autonomy. The Emperor accepted, and Duke Stephan Karameikos III arrived in Specularum to rule his new subjects. He has sat on the throne ever since.
History: The Alfasser, or Water Elves, claim to be the original settlers of the Minrothad Isles. They say they migrated to the area around the same time as the cataclysm known as the Great Rain of Fire, thousands of years ago. Humans later came to the islands, bringing the concepts of slavery, and the plague of lycanthropy along with them. Over the years, halfling slaves were introduced to the islands, and were later freed with the help of the elves. Dwarves, seeking refuge from the Years of Infamy in Glantri, were lured to settle in Minrothad by the trade guilds to provide fine metalworking and similar crafts not found previously. Now, all races are welcome in Minrothad.
Common Races: Traladaran humans make up the bulk of the population, followed by hybrid TraladaranThyatian humans and thyatian
The Minrothad Guilds have grown to become a major economic power in this region of the known world. In fact, during a confrontation between the Empire of Thyatis and the Empire of Alphatia, Minrothad traders carried troops, supplies and plunder for both sides in the
conflict with carefully negotiated contracts to maintain their neutrality.
• You are resistant to Charm, Sleep, and Paralysis effects. Add your Magic ability, if positive, to all resistance tests against these effects. • You can speak and read Elven and Minrothad Patois. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Common Races: The most common groups are sylvan elves (the Verdier) and water elves (the Meditor). There are also groups of halflings, dwarves and various human races present.
Common Classes: The most common classes are rogue and warrior, but all are in evidence.
Water Elf 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Strength 3-4 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 5 Focus: Perception (Hearing) 6 Weapon Group: Heavy Blades* 7-8 +1 Perception 9 Focus: Strength (Climbing) 10-11 Focus: Constitution (Swimming) 12 +1 Communication * If your class already provides this, you gain Focus: Strength (Heavy Blades) instead.
Iconic Armor: Leather armor is commonly worn by those who wear armor, as metal armor is a detriment to those needing to swim, and the captains and merchant-princes set fashion trends in the Guilds.
Iconic Weapons: Swords are quite common, with nearly every captain owning a long sword or a short sword, even if they are not formally trained in its usage.
Water Elf
Merchant Prince of the Minrothad Guilds
The Meditor Clan elves, also known as alfasser, or more commonly water elves, were the first to settle the Minrothad Isles. They have been called to the sea as sailors for so long that they have applied the normal elven magical bent to life at sea, creating Sea Magic. When other peoples came to the area, they shared this knowledge with them after forming a bond of brotherhood and nationhood. Water elves have the same pale skin and light colored hair (silver is fairly representative) common to many clan elves.
Rogue or Warrior Specialization
The leaders of the guilds of Minrothad are known as the Merchant Princes. These individuals have become captains of industry through business savvy, mental acumen, outstanding bravery, inspired leadership, or dazzling talent. The men and women who have been welcomed into this fold are taught many secrets, including the school of Sea Magic pioneered by the Water Elves.
Playing a Water Elf
Merchant Prince Talent
If you choose to play a water elf, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Dexterity. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Bargaining) or Cunning (Navigation). • You have Night Vision, which allows you to see clearly at night. Reduce low-light, and night time penalties by 1.
Class: Rogue, Warrior Requirement: You must have Cunning and Magic of 3 or higher and have earned high status within a guild of Minrothad. You have learned the secret sea magics of the Merchant Princes of Minrothad.
Novice: You gain the power to cast Arcane spells with access to spells of the Sea Magic discipline. You can cast spells and gain the ability to apply
focuses in Magic to non-academic tests. You begin with a bank of Mana Points equal to 10 + Magic + 1d6. Whenever you gain a level you also gain 1d3 + Magic in Mana Points. Lastly, you learn 2 Sea Magic spells. Journeyman: You have learned to enter Sea Casting Mode. You must be on a vessel at sea or inside the effects of a severe seaborne storm to enter this mode. Sea Casting mode lowers the strain for Sea Magic spells by 2, but suppresses all non-Magic focuses while it is in effect. You learn 2 additional Sea Magic spells. Master: You have mastered the sea, and cannot drown. Some twist of fate will bring you to flotsam or shore before death may take you. When you wash up you have lost all but 3d6 Health. You learn an additional 2 Sea Magic spells.
The Northern Reaches
The region known as the Northern Reaches is actually three distinct groupings of heldanner peoples, the Kingdom of Vestland, the Soderfjord Jarldoms and the Kingdom of Ostland. They are in terms of character a coastal modern nation, a coastal feudal society, and an island based feudal raiding culture.
The Kingdom of Vestland Ruler: King Harald Gudmundson Government: Monarchy Capital: Norrvik Languages: Heldannic
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • Vestland is by far the most "modern" of the Northman nations, with a growing middleclass and a successful economy. • Trollheim is a wild and unsettled area occupied by trolls for centuries, recent attempts at colonizing this region have met with disaster. • The city of Norrvik has a great secular and magical college.
Sea Magic spells: Find the Path, Gust of Wind, Lightning, Purification, Summon Creature., Wind Weaving. Sea Magic rituals: Control Weather, Dowsing, Element Sculpting, Scrying, Shelter, Ward of Warning
History: This area was largely unsettled when Ostland colonists arrived in the sixth century AC. They found a harsh country threatened by trolls and giants. The Ostlanders joined with the local tribes to secure their frontiers from monstrous attacks. For over a century the Vestland colonies remained under rule of Ostland kings. But greedy demands for tribute and indifference to requests for military aid against the trolls and giants caused the jarls and freemen of Vestland to declare independence from Ostland. Ottar the Just, a descendant of Eirik Cnute, led the Vestlanders in rebellion. Frustrated by the formidable resistance of the rebels, King Finnbogi of Ostland launched an ill-conceived invasion. Denied supplies by Vestland raiders, Finnbogi's campaign turned into a disaster at the Battle of Bridleford, where the king and many of his jarls were captured. The descendants of King
Ottar continue to rely on a strong yeomanry to defend Vestland's security.
• The Sodervirk is a defensive wall currently being constructed in cooperation of the local jarls and dominions. • The Ostfold Scarp is a spectacular series of 300 to 500 foot cliffs overlooking the ocean where the Gnollheim Hills and the Hardanger Mountain Range meet the open sea.
Common Races: Heldanner humans, denwarf dwarves
Common Classes: While warriors are romanticized, especially in the homes of the jarls, all classes are present. Furthermore, there is a formal school of magical arts named Uppsala College, training the uncommon mages who hail from this land.
History: For the past three centuries this region has been divided into a number of minor nations, each ruled by a powerful clan. From time to time, one jarl would overrun several neighboring territories and proclaim himself king. The other jarls would then get together and thoroughly trounce the upstart.
Iconic Armor: Chain mail is the height of status and protection readily available in Vestland.
At the Council of Soderfjord in 950 AC, representatives of the most powerful clans signed the Treaty of Allied Dominions, forming the Nordharter Defense League. This action was seen as necessary to prevent the region from eventually being overtaken by Ostland or Thyatis. All who signed, and their descendants, are sworn to answer the summons of the "war leader," who is chosen by a Council of the Great Jarls. This treaty provides for the mutual defense of all the dominions held by those who signed the treaty.
Iconic Weapons: The sword is the iconic weapon of Vestland,
Common Races: Heldanner humans, although Castellan has many foreigners, especially dwarves.
Common Classes: Warriors are paramount in the Jarldoms, clerics are respected, and as a people they are tolerant, although barely, of rogues and mages.
The Soderfjord Jarldoms
Ruler: The Nordharter Defense League Government: Alliance of petty monarchs Capital: Soderfjord Languages: Heldannic
Iconic Armor: Chain mail and leather armor are ubiquitous in Soderfjord, with chain being the choice of a true warrior.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The Nordharter Defense League meets twice a year in Soderfjord to appoint or confirm a war leader, who is in charge of defense of Soderfjord from outside threats.
Iconic Weapons: Axes, long swords, mauls, short swords, daggers, and spears are common, with the sword being
the most iconic. Bows are in ready use as ranged weapons.
Common Races:
The Kingdom of Ostland
Common Classes:
Heldanner humans
Ruler: King Hord Dark-Eye Government: Monarchy Capital: Zeaburg Languages: Heldannic
The only common class is warrior. Rogues exist but style themselves warriors, finding the enemy, sending up signals and charging when the main force arrives. Mages are disdained for being powerful but dishonorable, on a lower level than the thief who steals things via guile and trickery, and clerics, while revered, are uncommon.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The longships of Hord Dark-Eye make up one of the most powerful navies in the north. • The King of Ostland is allied with Thyatis, and often campaigns in the Emperor's name in Norwold and the Isle of Dawn. • Worship of Odin and Thor is established law.
Iconic Armor: Heavy leather hide and chain mail are the traditional armors of this land, shields are also common.
Iconic Weapons:
For centuries, this collection of islands was home to various clans of barbarians. Each clan of Northmen fought with every other clan for sport or loot, until the late 5th century AC. At this time, a powerful Zealand clan consolidated power through strength in war and shrewdness in diplomacy.
Axes, long swords, mauls, short swords, daggers, and spears are all common weapons. Bows are not frowned upon, but rarely a specialty, primarily because of the effect saltwater has on bow strings and bodies.
This clan established the first king of Ostland, Cnute Bearchest. King Cnute was a powerful warrior and competent general, with a sure grasp of both land and sea tactics. The descendants of Cnute remain in power to this day. However, within a century the cousins of the ruling king in Vestland rebelled and gained independence. Rather than reclaim that holding, the kings turned their attentions to the southern lands raiding the coastal jarldoms and the alphatian colonies. Motivated by their neighbors in Soderfjord allying with Ylaruam and Vestland, the Ostlanders allied with Thyatis. Because of this relationship, not only do the Ostlanders regularly campaign in Norwold in the name of Thyatis, but they have established a handful of colonies in the north of the Isle of Dawn.
most important conflict was the Battle of Sardal Pass in 492 BC. This marked the defeat of an army of orcs, and the securing of Rockhome's borders. This is year 0 on the dwarven calendar. 400 years into his reign, Denwarf discovered a vast cavern and commanded a city be built. He called it Dengar, which means "Rockhome". He then set off to explore the vast caverns below the mountain and was never seen again by dwarven eyes. Over the centuries, later kings sent out dwarves into the surrounding nations to colonize, and today dwarven communities can be found in most of the nations of Mystara, with the exception of Glantri. In Glantri, they were blamed for spreading a plague and were ruthlessly persecuted by the humans. The dwarves know this time as the Years of Infamy.
The Kingdom of Rockhome
Ruler: King Everast XV Government: Monarchy Capital: Dengar Languages: Dwarvish (Rockhome dialect), Thyatian
Common Races:
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest:
Warriors are most common, followed by clerics and rogues. The former being respected but fairly uncommon, and the latter being mostly tolerated if they operate as anything but courtiers or military scouts. Mages are highly disdained amongst the culture, primarily because of their inherent magic resistance making it difficult for them to practice magic.
Rockhome Denwarf and rock gnomes are the only races who have settled here in great numbers
Common Classes:
• The city of Dengar is partly constructed in a vast cavern complex at the foot of Point Everast. • Dwarves are highly sought after as craftsmen for their work in stone architecture, sculpture, and metallurgy. In fact, the Imperial Palace in Thyatis was designed by a dwarven architect from Rockhome.
Iconic Armor: Chain mail and plate are common, with magical mail being the most iconic.
History: Long ago atop Point Everast, the Immortal Kagyar took a boulder and fashioned it into the first dwarf. He called his creation Denwarf, which means "Rockborn". Denwarf was the first dwarf, and their first king as well.
Iconic Weapons: Axes, mauls, and swords are common, with the axe being the most iconic.
As Denwarf and his dwarven followers explored their mountain home, they encountered other races; goblins, hill giants, orcs and others. These were eventually pushed out of the mountains as Denwarf led his people to build a nation. The
Common Races:
The Empire of Thyatis
Thyatian humans, rockhome emigres dwarves, sylvan elves (Vyalia in Thyatis proper, and Trueflower on the Isle of Dawn), clan elves (Shiye-lawr on the Isle of Dawn), and halflings (mostly wandering hin or shire hin tradesmen). There are also numerous human backgrounds not yet detailed in this empire, including hattians, alasiyans, hinterlanders, nithians, ochalean and nuari. For now use the thyatian, ylari alasiyan, heldanner clansman, cypri alphatian, cypri alphatian and traladaran backgrounds for each respectively.
Ruler: Emperor Thincol Torion I Government: Monarchy Capital: Thyatis City Languages: Thyatian (official), Elvish (Vyalia dialect), various local tongues spoken in subject territories
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • Bloodsport is common in Thyatis, and the Gladiatorial Games are a popular spectator event. The Emperor himself is a former gladiator. • The Duchy of Retebius is the headquarters of the Retebius Air Fleet, a branch of the Imperial military that is trained in air combat and equipped with flying mounts.
Common Classes: Warriors, clerics, mages and rogues are all in equal prominence in Thyatis. The emperors have always been pragmatic, and although warriors are romanticized as are the legions themselves, those who serve the Empire or simply make a name for themselves within it come from all stripes. Druids are somewhat common in the wilderness and spies are valued as well by all levels of society.
History: Long ago, three brother-kings led their tribes from the southern continent, to the continent of Brun. The kings were Thyatis, Kerendas and Hattias, and the cities they built still bear their names.
Iconic Armor:
But in BC 192, the Alphatians came to conquer the Thyatian tribes. The Thyatians fought back admirably, but were worn down eventually by the Alphatian wizards. During that time, the Alphatians taught the tribesmen letters, art, music and even magic. But the Thyatians were seething in their restraints.
Light plate and laminar armor are perhaps the most iconic battledress in the Empire. Armor of every kind and description is available, but the legions wear laminar armor.
Iconic Weapons: The weapons of a legionnaire are the short sword, the long sword, the throwing spear and the spear. These are of iconic status, although adventurers use every weapon known.
In BC 2, an Alphatian-trained Thyatian wizard named Lucinius Trenzantenbium and Thyatian general Zendrolion Tatriokanitas managed to lead a successful revolt against the Alphatian wizards and their armies. Afterward, Zendrolion killed Lucinius, claiming Alphatian magics had driven the wizard mad, and crowned himself Emperor. This is year 0 on the Thyatian calendar. Throughout the years, Thyatis has sought to expand. This has brought them into conflict with Ylaruam to the north, Ierendi to the west, and Alphatia on the Isle of Dawn, just to name a few. Currently, the Empire is actively campaigning on the southern continent, slowly conquering the tribes of the Hinterlands.
(descended from ethengarians), cypri alphatians and thyatians also live here in great number, typically hailing from ancestral homes of a particular city or region. The nithians and makistani tend to live the traditional tribal life, and should be created like alasiyani in all regards except physical appearance and personality tendencies.
The Emirates of Ylaruam Ruler: Sultan Ali Ben Faisal Government: Monarchy Capital: Ylaruam Languages: Ylari
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The vast majority of the Emirates of Ylaruam is covered by the Alasiyan Desert. This desert stretches from the east near the coast, all the way to the western-most border and is occasionally broken by oasis. • Everyone here follows the Nahmeh, a book written by the immortal Al-Kalim, wether a cleric, a rogue, warrior or mage, everyone is expected to progress according to its teachings.
Common Classes: Warriors, and rogues are most common but clerics and mages are popular adventurers as well. Mages who study fire magics and necromancy are looked upon as evil, and not tolerated. There is a group of desert hermits known as dervishes, but they are somewhat rare. All adventurers following the Way of the Warrior are expected to know how to ride, and fight effectively from horseback regardless of their class.
History: For centuries this area has been home to various tribes of nomadic desert dwellers, and the hazar, or "house-dwellers". These two factions often fought for resources in the harsh environment. This went on for many years. The arrival of both Alphatian and Thyatian forces interrupted the way of life for these nomadic people, as both empires established colonies and built cities in the area. The two great empires also fought each other for control of the region, sweeping aside the people of the Alasiyan Desert. For centuries the scattered tribes of nomads tried in vain to rid their lands of the hated foreigners. Then, about 200 years ago, came a prophet by the name of Suleiman Al-Kalim. Al-Kalim was able to unite the emirs of the various tribes into a force to be reckoned with. Over the next few decades, both the Thyatians and Alphatians were driven out. The Confederated Tribes of the Emirates of Ylaruam was founded. Al-Kalim guided his people until his death 100 years ago. He left behind a text called the Nahmeh, which is the foundation of Ylari society.
Common Races: Alasiyani are the most common and have set the cultural norm for this nation. Nithians, makistani
Iconic Armor:
The Extant Regions
Padded armor and chain mail are the most common protection encountered in the Emirates, with heavier armor eschewed primarily because of the desert heat. Shields are also very common among warriors.
The Colony of Aengmor
Ruler: Unknown governor Government: Semi-Autonomous Puppet State Capital: Rafielton (the only settlement) Languages: Elvish (shadow elf dialect)
Iconic Weapons: The scimitar (curved short sword), or the falchion (a curved bastard sword), is the most iconic weapon, but warriors are generally expected to know how to use a spear, lance, and a bow.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest:
Ylari Alasiyan
Alasiyans are dark complected men with sharp facial features. They tend to be tall and have dark hair which is often worn shoulder length, and sport neatly trimmed and closely shorn facial hair. Many men pull their hair back and cover their heads with a traditional headwrap known as a keffiah.
Playing a Ylari Alasiyan If you choose to play a Ylari Alasiyan, modify your character as follows: • Add 1 to your Willpower ability. • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Etiquette) or Cunning (Religious Lore) • You can speak and read Alasiyan. • Choose a class. You can play cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. Roll twice on the following table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
• Canolbarth forest is now home to strange monsters unseen on the surface anywhere in recorded history. • The Shadow Elves don’t live in Aengmor so much as keep it as a staging area. Apparently the entire population lives in caves or underground, despite holding the entire forest. • Shadow Elves are extremely xenophobic and isolationist, but at the same time hate other races and nations for the prosperity they enjoy. Through all this they are extremely religious people, more so than most “real” elves.
Ylari Alasiyan 2d6 Benefit 2 +1 Communication 3-4 Focus: Willpower (Faith) 5 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 6 Focus: Dexterity (Riding) 7-8 +1 Constitution 9 Focus: Cunning (Historical Lore) 10-11Focus: Strength (Heavy Blades) 12 +1 Perception
History: Aengmor is the name given the fallen kingdom of Alfheim by the Shadow Elves who invaded from below in AC 1007. Canolbarth forest has been mutated by the Shadow Elves’ lack of care and errant magic, which may or may not be attributable to the Shadow Elves, into a dreary and even more dangerous place. The Shadow Elves have pushed Darokin almost continually since securing Aengmor’s borders.
They have made demands, kidnapped dear personages, and made mock invasions of the lands surrounding their forest. There are rumors that Aengmor is the home of multiple clans of Shadow Elves, clans that normally do not live near each other and have different culture, although they share the worship of Rafiel.
Common Races: The only race common to Aengmor is the Shadow Elf race.
Common Classes: Shadow Elves are warriors, mages, rogues and clerics (who are called shamans of rafiel) with warriors being the most common. Almost all shadow elf warriors become bladesingers when they advance far enough.
Iconic Armor: Shadow Elves tend to wear chain mail or leather armor.
Iconic Weapons: Swords, both long and short are favored among the Shadow Elves. Crossbows and javelins are favored over long bows, primarily as a hold-over from underground life.
The Atruaghin Clans
Ruler: Each Clan has its own Chief Government: No centralized government Capital: There is no formal capital Languages: Atruaghin (by clan)
Outsiders usually know very little about the lands of Atruaghin. Mostly because of the tremendous physical obstacle the Plateau makes. What is known comes from the oral history of tribal elders.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The Atruaghin Plateau is rumored to have been raised by Atruaghin himself, to isolate and protect his people from invasion. • The Plateau can be accessed from Darokin via an "elevator" constructed by the Mercantile Engineering League of Darokin, with the permission of the nearby tribes. • The Children of Atruaghin have little contact with the outside world, so their culture and technology have remained unchanged for centuries.
Legend has it that long ago the tribes were very disorganized and warlike, often fighting each other for land. But at some point, a man known as Atruaghin came to them and managed to unite the various tribes, bringing peace and prosperity to the land. His followers began to call themselves Atruaghin’s Children. Eventually, Atruaghin left to embark on some personal quest and did not return for several generations. In his absence, his Children were conquered and enslaved by orcs. On his return, he led the Children in revolt against their orcish
History: 65
masters, and used powerful magics to raise the Plateau, so that the tribes may never know the yoke of slavery again.
The Broken Lands
Ruler: King Thar Government: Feudal monarchy Capital: Unknown Languages: Orcish (common), most humanoid tongues
After that, Atruaghin is said to have joined the ranks of the Immortals, and to this day he still visits his Children to inform them of his wishes.
Common Races:
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest:
The only races common to the Atruaghin Plateau are the Children of Atruahgin, a human people.
• Two important trade routes run through the area. One runs between the Republic of Darokin and Glantri, the other runs between Darokin and Ethengar.
Common Classes: The most common classes among the tribes are rogues and warriors. Druids and mages exist, but are not nearly as common. None of these classes tends to wear metal armor if they originate in the Clans.
History: For centuries, this region has been a haven for orcs, goblins, trolls and other humanoid tribes. There have been numerous conflicts between the tribes and the surrounding human populations, and among the tribes themselves. In fact, orc armies are believed to have held territory in the Five Shires, Ethengar, and the Atruaghin lands in centuries past.
Iconic Armor: Leather and hide armor and light shields are all the natives have ready access to.
Iconic Weapons: Two-handed Spear (horse clan), maul (bear clan), Throwing Spear (turtle clan), short sword (tiger clan, poison is common), short bow, battle axe, and daggers.
About 25 years ago, an orc calling himself King Thar united the various tribes under his rulership. Many of the nations bordering the Broken Lands are concerned about this threat, especially Darokin. The Republic of Darokin relies heavily on trade with Glantri, which is frequently disrupted by attacks against merchant caravans, which must pass through the Broken Lands to reach their destinations.
Common Races: Orcs, kobolds, gnolls, ogres and goblinoids of all stripe dominate this land of bitter survival.
Common Classes: The majority of humanoids here are warriors or druids, termed shamans, with a smattering of mages. The occasional rogue is birthed here as well, but they are not valued.
Iconic Armor: Leather and chain armors are the most common, often being created by patching suits together from fallen foes or skinning animals and sewing hides.
In 984 AC, however, Moglai Khan united the Murkit tribes under his banner, thus beginning his rise to Golden Khan. He soon wiped out the Maghur and Hajik clans. Then he lent his warriors to other clans in their battles in exchange for swearing loyalty to him. In this manner he was able to quickly unite all of the clans under his rule. Now, with the clans no longer permitted to make war on one another, Moglai the Golden Khan has begun the slow process of modernizing this nomadic nation.
The Ethengar Khanates
Ruler: Moglai the Golden Khan Government: Monarchy Capital: The Golden Court (location varies) Languages: Ethengar
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The people of Ethengar are nomads and do not build cities. Instead, they roam about the plains and make temporary camps. • Warriors of Ethengar fight almost entirely from horseback, and are superb horsemen who can fire a bow at full gallop with deadly accuracy.
Some are concerned about Moglai's consolidation of power, as the Ethengarians have attempted invasion of Glantri in the past. They are also reported to have completely leveled a city just over the border in the Heldann Freeholds in response to Antalian settlers encroaching on their territory.
History: For centuries, these wind-swept steppe lands have been home to nomadic horsemen. They would follow their herds across the landscape in search of grazing land. Often, this would lead to fighting amongst the clans as each vied for rights to the best of the grasslands.
Common Races: Ethengar humans are the only people common in this region.
Each of the clans in Ethengar is ruled by a Khan. Historically, there have been several attempts by some to claim the title of Khan of all Ethengar. These reigns were usually short-lived, as someone would assassinate the ruler, and then the clans would fight amongst themselves for succession until they exhausted themselves. The clans would then return to their previous wandering existence.
Common Classes: The majority of the horse warriors are warriors or rogues, but there are druids, and mages as well. Clerics are rare. The emphasis on riding, and shooting from horseback leave most of the fighting classes looking for that specialization in armament and training.
currently stand independently or as part of the Alphatian League, while others fight regional battles or have been so isolated that they have no concept of the nations of the Known World region and less interest in international politics.
Iconic Armors: Lamellar armor (scale armor) is quite popular here.
Iconic Weapons: Hand axe, longspear, scimitar (a curved short sword), short bow, and spear are all weapons of the horse nomads.
Two of these nations, the Heldannic Territories and the Kingdom of Wendar are of particular note because they are highly involved in trade and diplomacy with the nations of the eastern Brun.
Central Brun
To the west of Darokin, over the mountains, lies a vast wasteland known as the Great Waste which encompasses the Sind Desert. The Rajahstan of Sind exists on the southeast edge of the desert, southwest of Glantri and west of the Atruaghin Clans along a great river, and has at turns been a trading partner and foe to the Known World nations.
The Heldannic Territories Ruler: Herr Wulf von Klagendorf Government: Theocracy Capital: Freiburg Languages: Thyatian, Heldannic
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • The people of the Heldannic Territories await a modern day Heldan to unify them and take back their country. • The Heldannic Knights have a means of transportation which accounts for their appearances all over the continent. • The Order of Vanya has multiple branches, some dedicated to what others consider righteousness, some dedicated to expurgating supernatural evil.
The most mysterious country known about in this region is the Empire of Hule which appears to be xenophobic. Hule lies across the waste in a somewhat fertile land far to the west. Despite this reputation, the merchants of Darokin maintain trade routes to Hule. Even further southwest lies the Serpent Peninsula which is the home of unusual nations including Yavldom, an oligarchy rumored to be ruled by prophetic seers.
History: Up until 950 AC, the Heldann Freeholds were a region more than a country, peopled by primitive antalians organized in family units rather than as feudal groupings or as a kingdom. Nearly sixty years ago, knights from the island of Hattias took the area by force. These men and women, too intolerant to remain in Thyatis, sought out a promised land of their own as reward for serving the immortal Vanya.
Northern Brun
To the north of even the Northern Reaches along the coast and inland are many lands mostly peopled by antalians. Some of these nations are involved with the world stage, having been part of the Alphatian Empire, and
After establishing a foothold and solidifying their grasp, the Knights turned their attentions to other nations. They have begun a pogrom of world exploration and conquest, avoiding some powers, influencing others and attacking still others. The conflict with the Ethengarians to the south is particularly regular, as the Heldannic Knights seek to subjugate the fierce nomads that for
centuries before had raided into the Freeholds.
The Kingdom of Wendar
Ruler: King Gylharen the Wizard-King Government: Monarchy Capital: Wendar City Languages: Elven
Common Races: Hattians (Thyatian humans) make up the ruling class, the common people are antalians (heldanner humans) but they are so oppressed they barely resemble their brethren in the Northern Reaches and throughout the North. There are a few enclaves of dwarves, established long ago as a colony by Rockhome, gnomes, and halflings. None but the dwarves are treated with respect and it is but grudging respect for the dwarves.
Rumors, Lore and Places of Interest: • It is rumored that through the worship of the Church of the Elvenstar that the land itself hampers invaders. • The Forest of Bounty is an exceptional hunting ground, but also a dangerous place. • Adventurers destroyed the Lich Anorion, but his tower still stands and is a blight of undead evil haunting the land.
Common Classes: The knights are commonly Warriors or Clerics, with an emphasis on warriors becoming Paladins, but there are rogues and mages as well. The native people may be of any class except mage, and clerics must either worship Vanya or hide their faith.
History: Elves settled in these lands in the distant past, struggling with the inhabitants of nearby Denagoth, and more peaceful antalian immigrants. Their history was a cycle of clashes until the 2nd Century AC when the hero Wendar, an elf with human ancestry, brought forth the Elvenstar, a magical jewel. He founded the Wendar League, an alliance of elves and humans, around a city named after him. Over time the kingdom grew up around the city. Next the people allied with the Korrigans, Chevals and Pegataurs, all fey peoples, which led to a stronger nation.
Iconic Armor: The Knights wear plate armor, while the commoners tend to have hide or scale mail. Iconic Weapons: The Knights prefer standard weapons of war: swords, axes, spears etc.
In the 7th Century AC, the Wendarians became overconfident and started campaigns against the Flaems of Glantri, the Denagothian and the nearby humanoids tribes, eventually losing the Elvenstar and descending into darkness. One of Wendar’s descendants, Gillforon recovered the Elvenstar in the early 9th Century AC, and re-founded the kingdom. By the 940 AC he and his descendants reunited the peoples of Wendar and fended off another assault from Denagoth. In recent years the people of Wendar have responded with compassion to the losses of their cousins in Alfheim, and the leader of that nation in exile has joined the court of King Gylharen as
The Savage Coast
a friend and ally with a large population of his people.
The Savage Coast is a coastal region along the southwestern area of Brun, far to the west of even Sind. Little is known of the area, except rumors brought back by Alphatian Skyship captains before the sinking of the Empire. It is presumed that Hule has some influence in this region based on proximity.
Common Races: The people of this land are the Wendar elves, and Antalian (heldanner) humans. There are also many Alfheim elves in exile living here as immigrants. Common Classes: Warriors, Rogues, Mages and Clerics are all found in Wendar. Iconic Armor: Wendarians wear scale mail unless girding for true war, as they have access to plate armor as well. Iconic Weapons: The people of Wendar favor the spear and the sword.
Chapter 5 - The Immortals Immortals are similar to, but unlike gods in other settings. The Immortals of Mystara are unaging, extremely powerful and entirely fallible. They can be killed in the right circumstances, their works can be just as temporary as those of mortals, and they are as ambitious, capricious, vain and vengeful as mortals. This is due to the vast majority of immortals being exceptional individuals who ascended from mortal stock and brought their hopes, fears and desires with them.
existence simply by manifesting on Mystara bodily. So most lesser immortals spy on events either invisibly and incorporeally, or scry down on the mortal realms. They then send visions or answer spells and rituals to guide mortals loyal to their goals in the directions they would have them go. Even a high immortal tends to choose these techniques for dealing with the mortal realm because the days when one of them could walk about bodily shaping creatures or entire races is over. Most times the high immortals get together for just one reason, and that is to obliterate an entire people who have grown to reach too high and too far from the face of Mystara.
To put them more at arms length in my game, I have given them incentive not to interfere so constantly on the world. In the original property, there are hundreds of Immortals. I have pared this down to a small group of well known immortals and several less influential immortals. So there may be one immortal of beast men races, but he is served by lesser immortals who were orcs, trolls, goblins, etc.
While the immortals have created a pact to let mortals rule their own lives and guide them rather than control them utterly, the Evil immortals seek every way possible to undermine the spirit of that pact. Other immortals who managed to ascend without a patron, have been rogue in this respect as well.
These beings are still fantastically powerful compared to mortals, but unless they are willing to act through mortals, they risk their own
For the purposes of this campaign immortals are classified as Greater Patrons, Lesser Patrons, and Immortals, the last group being somewhat akin to unaging, hard to kill, masters of several disciplines including magic.
That said, if an immortal uses his full powers on Mystara and is caught directly interfering by other immortals, they are sanctioned or diminished because the immortals follow a code of general noninterference. That said, almost all immortals interfere in at least indirect ways, they simply strive not to be caught doing so in a disruptive way. Even the evil immortals tend to act through visions, dreamsendings, and outsider or mortal agents because it leads to a civil existence.
Immortal Traits
Immortals exist as disembodied energy that is tied to an outer planar estate. When in this condition they can scry without error bypassing all interference any place on Mystara. Immortals also obtain a vague sense of the general wellbeing of people they choose to watch. Lesser and Greater Patrons have a link to their empowered priests, enabling them to judge actions and the need for action. Immortals may choose to influence mortals in multiple ways, most notably by sending a vision, causing an omen, or sending an agent.
Popular Immortals Some immortals are well known everywhere, whether by their preferred name or not. These immortals have wide-spread churches and influence in numerous places throughout the Known World.
Immortals can choose to manifest on Mystara in the form of a mortal with any appearance they desire. However, if they use their immortal godlike powers on any mortal, or reveal themselves to be immortal it can have repercussions. The most basic limitations of direct interference are that all of their attention is trapped in their mortal body, and certain attacks can not only destroy the mortal guise, but also the immortal’s essence. Only the most powerful immortals can recover from such an attack. A Lesser Patron might be insensate and discorporated for up to three centuries while a lesser immortal would certainly be completely destroyed.
Greater Patron of Thought Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Dagger Symbol: The Moon
Asterius is the patron of thieves, travelers, merchants, gamblers and elegant speakers. He is concerned with proper trade as well as the unlawful movement of goods and money. He is worshipped primarily in Darokin, but also in Thyatis and by a majority of the Hin people, although not within the Five Shires. His priests advocate fair play, as their immortal admires the wit and daring required to accomplish difficult thefts, but abhors the actions of those who steal from the poor. His priests rarely stay in one place and often serve as arbiters, translators, moneychangers, diplomats and explorers.
As far as immortal capabilities go: all immortals can support divine casters, and reproduce the effects of spells and rituals immediately and without error. They can also manipulate the weather, cause natural disasters and so forth. The only thing they cannot do is directly control the minds of mortals. Lesser Patrons can alter reality and change the descendants of existing creatures with general facility. As previously stated they have a link to their casters. Greater Patrons can create new creatures wholesale. Immortals that work together can mimic or stymie the works of more powerful immortals.
Djaea, Mother Preserver
Ixion the Sun-Prince
Altruistic Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Maul Symbol: A large white stone encircled by a serpent
Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Greatsword Symbol: a flaming wheel
Halav Red Hair
Ka the Preserver, the Amber Serpent
Greater Patron of Matter
Greater Patron of Energy
Ixion is associated with the Sun and life giving fire and has worshippers in every corner of the world. He proposes a desire for piece but harshness in war. His light also brings strength to the weak and health to the injured, while rooting out and destroying darkness and evil. He is known as Tubak in Ethengar. Known as the father of centaurs, many fey revere him as well.
Djaea is interested in the survival of worlds, and sometimes that means life is championed and sometimes that means entire empires are wiped from the face of the world. Her primary worshippers are researchers, usually mages, who seek to understand why disasters occur and how to minimize or avoid them altogether.
Immortal of Thought Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Long Sword Symbol: a sword laid upon an anvil
Greater Patron of Matter
Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: None Symbol: an amber colored cuoatl.
Halav is the patron of valor and the need to overcome evil. He is worshipped by the Traladaran people as an ascended hero, but he is known and revered by many throughout Darokin and portions of Thyatis. His clerics are always championing a cause or a crusade against evil or injustice and the church is dedicated to keeping monstrous humanoids from overrunning civilization. The majority of his followers are warriors, and every one of his temples has practice space for aspiring fighters to hone their craft. In remote areas they are built as fortresses.
Ka is the patron of the lizard humanoids but also the pursuit of knowledge and self-enlightenment. He is widely worshipped by scribes and librarians.
Kagyar Flasheyes, the Artisan Greater Patron of Matter
Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Maul Symbol: a crossed hammer and chisel
Kagyar is the patron of the denwarf dwarves. He is a champion of law and proper action and his clerics turn against those that seek to corrupt society into evil. He also is the patron of the forge and artisans and many craftsmen worship him.
Greater Patron of Energy Altruistic Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Longbow Symbol: Silhouette of the Tree of Life
Khoronus, Father Time
Ilsundal is the patron of the Clan Elves, their savior in distant history. His worshippers include most foresters, and others dedicated to the wilderness. He is revered by most high minded elves.
Greater Patron of Time
Harmonious Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Scythe (polearm) Symbol: an hourglass
Khoronus is the immortal patron of planning for the future and the force of fate. His worshippers involve themselves in teaching lessons to the rulers of
empires, the primary one being that in Time, their ambitions are meaningless. They also advocate considering all options before committing to a path.
stand on one’s own. He was quite popular throughout the Alphatian Empire, and enjoys worship throughout the remnants of that vast group of nations.
Korotiku the Spider, the Trickster Greater Patron of Thought
Independent Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Dagger Symbol: A black spider silhouette
Honorable Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Battle Axe Symbol: a Black headsman's axe
Greater Patron of Energy
Tarastia is a Thyatian immortal and she concerns herself with justice, revenge, and punishment. She is the patroness of law and her followers advocate a strict code of laws which emphasizes punishment according to the severity of the crime. She is also worshipped by those who have been wronged in the pursuit of just revenge, rather than vengeful action.
Korotiku is a trickster immortal that promotes quick and efficient thinking, primarily through trickery or overcoming obstacles without physical violence. He is the patron of rogues, especially in the Pearl Islands, but not thieves. Clever warriors also revere The Spider in the Pearl Islands and Tangor. His popularity from the priests utilizing pranks to force people to think about things fully has garnered him worship throughout the corners of the Thyatian Empire, even though Thyatis itself does not concern itself with his worship. Korotiku’s followers often ally themselves to the interests of Asterius’ and Eiryndul’s churches when they cross paths.
Valerias, Patroness of Love Greater Patron of Matter
Altruistic Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Short sword Symbol: A delicate rose with extra long and sharp thorns
Ordana, Forest Mother Greater Patron of Time
Valerias is worshipped everywhere as the patroness of passionate love, but holds primary importance in Thyatis. Her worshippers are often romantics and those in the midst of new love.
Harmonious Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: oaken club Symbol: an oak leaf
Ordana is worshipped by those concerned about nature, and by certain groups of fey peoples, primarily the Minrothad clans. Among the fey peoples, she is known as Thendara. She is often revered by druids of all stripes, for her role as the forest mother. Her role in the history of the fey peoples says that she created them. Her followers include hunters, farmers some gnomes and hin.
Local Immortals These immortals have limited followings in the Known World and may not even be known about outside the place the faith originated. Alternatively they are ancient and ubiquitous, but have no influence across the greater part of the Known World. There are many more immortals of this class of notoriety.
Razud the Uncaring
Greater Patron of Energy Harmonius Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Quarterstaff Symbol: The Granite Tree - a tree made entirely of stone
Razud is the patron of magic itself. Most of his worshippers maintain a neutral stance on the use of force and believe in self-sufficiency and the bravery to
Al-Kalim, Patron of the Eternal Truth
Immortal of Time Altruistic Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Quarterstaff Symbol: a bell
Immortal of Time
Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Scimitar (short sword) Symbol: A palm in the desert with a moon rising behind it.
Chardastes is an immortal honored especially by the Traladaran peoples of Karameikos, but with small followings in Darokin and other areas. He is the patron of doctors and healers and is concerned with knowledge and medicine. Chardastes is revered by the infirm, their caretakers and healers.
Al-Kalim is the immortal of truth and civilization to the peoples of Ylaruam. Some wizards and fighters revere him outside Ylaruam, where worship of the Eternal Truth and him as its prophet is considered the orthodox religion.
Diulanna, Patroness of Will Immortal of Thought
Altruistic Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Spear Symbol: A spear thrust clean through a boulder
Immortal of Energy Altruistic Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Quarterstaff Symbol: A glowing shield with paints dabbed on it like an artist’s palette.
Diulanna is a patroness of heroes, particularly the strong willed, so while she is worshipped and respected by many, few serve her directly or live up to her ideals. Her faith originated in Thyatis and because of their campaigns of conquest her worship has bloomed in the Hinterlands. All clerics of Diulanna are female, and must remain pure. They are often said to be wed to their devotions. Scouts, and hunters often revere Diulanna.
Alphatia is the immortal who was the patroness of the Alphatian empire. While the empire sunk beneath the ocean waves in a cataclysm, she is still revered by pacifists, performers and the Alphatian peoples who survived the destruction of their homeland. She represents magical knowledge and artistry with an emphasis on peaceful study. Her followers oppose imperialistic war policies as counterproductive.
Lesser Patron of Energy Independent Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Short Sword Symbol: A white, smiling set of teeth against a black background
Calitha Starbrow Immortal of Time
Unaligned Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Trident Symbol: A giant pearl lying in nacre
Eiryndul is the patron of the Fey peoples, including the Elves. He also is the patron of mischief and is revered by unrepentant tricksters and pranksters everywhere. The philosophy he teaches is that life is meant to be happy and entertaining. The majority of his elven worshippers were within the Alphatian empire and thus are now throughout Splintered Alphatia. Many rogues pay him tribute as Olidammara.
Calitha Starbrow is the patroness of the sea-elves of Minrothad and is worshipped by them along with sailors and fishermen of all races in the region seeking protection on the open seas. Calitha’s clerics present a caring demeanor to ocean travelers and fishermen, not one of elemental indifference.
Mealiden Starwatcher, the Red Arrow
Immortal of Thought Altruistic Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Greatsword Symbol: An ice blue greatsword
Lesser Patron of Energy
Altruistic Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Longbow Symbol: A rainbow with a star above and below its arch.
Frey is often paired with the Immortal Freyja. He is the patron of the common antalians. His clerics advocate that the people avoid war when possible and fight intelligently when it is unavoidable. Frey is also the patron of love and friendship. Weapons are banned inside his temples and bloodshed inside is considered a strong offense.
Mealiden is the patron of martial prowess, restrained with wisdom. He is also a patron of music. An immortal of the elven peoples, he is known as Ilsundal’s right hand man. Archers who know of him often venerate Mealiden, as well as scouts and rangers among the elven people.
Immortal of Thouht
Greater Patron of Thought
Altruistic Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Long Sword Symbol: A Falcon
Harmonious Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Short Sword Symbol: A Game Board
Freyja is often paired with the Immortal Frey. She is the patroness of sensual love and magic among the antalian peoples. Her most ardent worshippers are exuberant, passionate and accepting of diversity. Many northern mages worship Freyja, some going so far as to become faith leaders. Her followers also study the arts of war, and are ready for when battle finds them.
Noumena is the patron of puzzles, and knowledge inherited by the Thotians from their Nithian ancestors. His priests are kings, nobility and the advisors to kings. Almost all of his male clerics shave their heads. Along with worship of Osiris and Isis, Noumena serves as the leader of the Thotian people.
Odin, the All-Father a.k.a.Viuden
Greater Patron of Thought
Immortal of Thought
Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Longspear Symbol: Silhouette of two ravens facing with a man’s head between them as they whisper in his ears
Honorable Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: mace Symbol: a hand held palm outward in a sign of peace.
Koryis is the patron of peace and prosperity. He sponsors trade and the rule of law in the interests of coexistence and progress. He is primarily worshipped by surviving Alphatians, especially in Norwold and Ochalea but has a strong following in Darokin as well. Weapons and fighting are considered heinous insults inside his holy places, and peaceful negotiation is the preferred solution for all conflicts.
Odin is the most powerful immortal worshipped by the peoples of the Northern Reaches. He is also worshipped in the Hinterlands, where he is known as Viuden, and in Antalia. His priests are advocates of wisdom, using intelligence to appreciate life, and try to teach kings to rule wisely. They also preach selfreliance because the divine favor of Odin is known to turn from kings in the midst of battle. His followers include warriors and leaders. Odin’s priests are gifted with rune magic in the Northern Reaches. Because of his position as father of all, Odin’s temples are often
filled with the rambunctious sounds of banqueting and carousing.
Greater Patron of Energy Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Great Club Symbol: A burning sword
Immortal of Time Honorable Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Throwing Spear Symbol: An owl embossed on a circular shield
Rathanos is worshipped primarily in Thonia, with small followings everywhere. He is concerned primarily with fire magic, the beauty of chaos and has a surprisingly large segment of wizard followers. What philosophers and sages worship him are often sought for their knowledge and insight, but they are often unpredictable as well and given a wide birth.
Petra is highly revered by the Traladarans in Karameikos as an ascended hero. She concerns herself with wisdom, crafts, civilization and war so her followers look to her for defense and civil justice. Many fighters, judges and constables in Karameikos worship Petra.
Thor the Thunderer
Greater Patron of Energy
Protius, the Old Man of the Sea
Altruistic Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Maul Symbol: a Maul
Greater Patron of Time Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Trident Symbol: A Trident
Thor is the patron of war to the people of the Northern Reaches and warriors in other Antalian countries as well. His clerics preach that violent storms are necessary because they tear down weak structures and wash away detritus. Thor’s followers are ever ready to defend their homes or take up the call for conquest, but they carouse to relax, making the interior of his temples raucous places. This attitude of lax battlereadiness but berserker fury when engaged characterizes the followers of Thor.
Protius is worshipped along coasts of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers especially in Ierendi, the Northern Reaches, Thyatis, and Ylaruam. Despite this he shows little interest in the lives of his landborn worshippers. Sea captains, sailors and fishermen call for his aid. He is referred to as the Spuming Nooga in the Northern Reaches.
Lesser Patron of Energy
Lesser Patron of Time
Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Mace Symbol: 3 connected hemispheres which form a triangle
Unaligned Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Long Sword Symbol: A vertical spear with two short swords placed over it parallel to each other.
Rad is the immortal of the radiance, and serves as a guidepost for the common people of Glantri. He is not worshipped and his clerics do not proselytize, in fact they are called Shepherds of Rad, not clerics. He is also concerned with self-reliance, inquisitive study and magic in general. Little enough is known about Rad as his activities are very secretive.
Vanya is the patron of unbridled war and conquest and the personification of victory. She was widely worshipped in the Thyatian Empire as the driving force of their military victories, but the majority of her most fervent worshippers, the Heldannic Knights, left to conquer their own country.
Unaligned Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Long bow Symbol: A hawk riding on the shoulders of a wolf
Mercenary Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Short sword Symbol: Silhouette of a black, winged viper
Immortal of Energy
Greater Patron of Entropy
Zirchev, is a traldar immortal, worshipped primarily in Karameikos, and on the fringes of forest settlements. He is primarily concerned with the welfare of the fey peoples and the sylvan creatures. He also concerns himself with social outcasts.
Atzanteotl is best known in the Known World in the Broken Lands. He is the patron of the humanoid tribes living in Oenkmar, but he likes nothing better than when civil war and infighting occurs. His followers often fight amongst each other for supremacy, and betrayal is a skill cultivated to high art by them. The ones who can be patient enough to deceive an innocent and turn them down the dark paths are most respected by Atzanteotl, but as he views all of his worshippers as toys, that is not saying much.
Dark Immortals Dark Immortals, often called Evil Immortals, are those that belong to the Sphere of Entropy, or champion cultures or ideas at odds with the prevailing civilizations in the Known World. Some of them are alien, others indifferent to the human-centric worldview, and others oppose all life and would see chaos and destruction reign. Just as there are many more local immortals, there are many more dark immortals than those listed here.
Demogorgon, the Bane of Souls Greater Patron of Entropy Cruel Gender: Both Sacred Weapon: Heavy flail Symbol: A black pentacle on a red field
Demogorgon is a dual-natured being, with both a male and a female personality. It is known as the Dark Lady and The Lizard King being the patroness of corruption, deceit and witchery and the patron of necromancy and destruction in each aspect respectively. Demogorgon’s priests hide their doings from sight and only come out from hiding once it is too late. They offer rewards to others to corrupt them to service, or simply to manipulate them into starting a domino effect. They specialize in demoralizing or torturing the minds of innocents before killing them, and work towards total destruction, rather than massacre.
Alphaks, the Roaring Fiend Lesser Patron of Entropy
Cruel Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Long Sword (also Whip or Scourge) Symbol: A horned skull on a flaming background shaped like a phoenix.
Alphaks is an immortal of chaos and destruction dedicated to the total destruction of Alphatia. Since the sinking of the continent his worshippers have been sowing strife and discord in general. He is typically worshipped by twisted warriors and wizards out for the end of civilization. His cult grew to some prominence in Thyatis when the cold war was still fully alive between the two empires. Now that there is no outside threat for the cultists to assail and their activities have become damaging to the mother country, the Thyatians have begun rooting them out in earnest.
Mercenary Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Mace Symbol: A black throne with human skulls atop the back
Mercenary Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Short Sword Symbol: a Y-shaped junction or fork
Greater Patron of Entropy
Greater Patron of Entropy
Masauwu is a corruptor, a tempter, a diplomat out to obfuscate the actions of his compatriots or have his enemies hand him exactly what he desires. The clerics of Masauwu often pretend to be clerics of other powers, or simple diplomats. They offer to arbitrate matters or smooth over relations, but they always end up using subterfuge to create a bigger problem for at least one side in the future.
Hel is the patroness of death, evil, secret knowledge, and Entropy itself. She is worshipped positively by evil warriors, and worshipped negatively by most of the peoples of the Northern Reaches. She is a patron of the Frost Giants and evil shapeshifters, and is thus worshipped in Norwold, the Northern Reaches, and Sind (where her followers have secretly conquered much of the nation). Everything her followers do is working towards the end of Days, when she says the world will give rise to a new one based around Entropy.
Nyx, Our Lady of Darkness Greater Patron of Entropy Independent Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Mace Symbol: a solar eclipse
Loki, the Prince of Deceit Greater Patron of Entropy
Mercenary Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Dagger Symbol: a beautiful goblet filled with a noisome, vile liquid
Nyx is worshipped throughout the known world in secret, in the underground of Thyatis, Darokin, Splintered Alphatia. She is the patron of undeath, night, darkness, shadow, necromancy, magic and secrets. Her followers are often necromancers or undeath fetishists, as they work towards making undeath the natural state of all beings on Mystara. They also revel in the night and the absence of light. Clerics of Nyx will control undead, but do not use them as slaves.
Loki is the patron of mischief and betrayal to the peoples of the Northern Reaches, he is also consumed with finding out secrets and wholesale destruction. He is known as Bozdogan to the Huleans, and Farbautides to wicked Thyatians, and is worshipped by assassins and robbers. Loki’s clerics are out for their own gain, and do not actively recruit worshippers for their immortal. It is believed that every lie or deceit that leads to real harm to a group of people fuels Loki more than reverent prayer ever could.
Orcus the Black Prince, Master of the Dead Greater Patron of Entropy
Cruel Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Whip Symbol: A goat’s head with ram’s horns
Orcus’ name is most often heard in attempts to frighten children. His followers are not as evident as parents pretend they are, but they are always working towards destruction on a grand scale. There are underground cults dedicated to Orcus in Thyatis, the Isle of Dawn, and Karameikos. Orcus promotes war, especially those sparked by hatred and rash vengeance, because war damages both sides and unwarranted responses lead to further wars later.
Orcus isn’t extremely subtle, and neither are the clerics or warriors who follow him. As Orcus is a patron of undead and lycanthropes, his followers include members from both creature types plus necromancers around the world.
Greater Patron of Entropy Cruel Gender: Female Sacred Weapon: Dagger Symbol: A crying child
Talitha is worshipped through the remnants of Alphatia as the patron of greed, malice and theft. She has no strictures for her clerics, but prefers self-gratification, satisfying envy, theft and murder to wholesale slaughter or simple deceit. In the end, her followers strive to do things themselves, rather than to trick others into doing them at their command, and hear their names cursed if they happen to be seen about their exploits.
Thanatos the Eternal One Greater Patron of Entropy
Cruel Gender: Male Sacred Weapon: Scythe Symbol: A black scythe
Thanatos is interested in the absolute obliteration of all life in the multiverse. He has had a hand in nearly every major disaster known in history, and is always fomenting destruction, death and corruption. Fast or slow, all things tend towards death, and Thanatos will push them along, whether by inches or miles. His worshippers, nihilists, do their part like cogs in a clock tower mechanism.
Chapter 6 - Rewards art pieces because they are more portable and again, provide an aesthetic.
Treasure Mystaran creatures that horde treasure tend to do so with an eye to magic items, items of exceptional quality, art pieces, gems and coinage. Non-sentient creatures will only have meager treasure unless they are attracted to shiny things, as only the treasure on their victims bodies will make it back to their lairs for consumption. For this reason, unintelligent undead never have any treasure because they are too brainless to drag a corpse anywhere or pick anything off of it, the same can be said of brainless creatures like worms or oozes, although the chance of finding treasure in giant worm droppings is higher than nil.
In general, don’t skimp on giving adventurers gold pieces, just don’t give them the amount listed in D&D adventures. In math terms, you can convert 100 gold into 1 Dragon Age gold, and one D&D gold coin into one Dragon Age silver coin. Convert 1 D&D silver coin into 10 Dragon Age coppers. 1 electrum piece converts into 50 Dragon Age copper and 1 platinum piece converts into 5 Dragon Age silver. So if an adventure written for D&D says that a creature has 25,000 gold you should give your party 250 gold instead. It is still a fortune, but the party’s pack animals and the game’s economy will thank you.
Some creatures covet coinage, and while the GM is encouraged to only give out treasure in amounts according to the Dragon Age scale. One gold piece equals 100 silver pieces and 1 silver piece equals 100 copper pieces, with silver pieces being the rank and file currency of the realm in Dragon Age. Dragons and giants have the power to acquire hordes of gold, the means to collect it because of their strength, and the greed to desire it for its luster and value. A giant may have a small chest (small for it) full of gold coins, and a dragon may have a veritable horde of gold coinage on which to lay. When adventurers slay a dragon, they often don’t cart the gold coins anywhere because it’s too impractical. Unless the dragon lives somewhere completely inhospitable, it’s more practical to build a fortress right no the site, and use the horde as a treasury.
Magic Items Mages, Clerics, and artificers craft magic items on an ongoing basis. The best craft the best items, while the common practitioners craft the common run of the mill variety. The value of each item is listed, not because magic items are only available for sale, but because it represents a resale cost higher than the cost of creating the item oneself in terms of materials. Often to create a powerful magical item, extremely rare materials are necessary. The variety present in the average economic bazaar meant for the nobility means that these values should be considered averages.
Temporary Items Imbibing a potion or putting on an ointment is an Activate action. Utilizing two potions with ongoing effects causes the character to become sick for half an hour and both effects to cease. The standard duration for a potion, unless specifically listed, is between 1 and 2 hours. Roll a d6, and multiply the result by 10 minutes. That added to the base of one hour gives you the duration. When sipping an unknown potion, the feeling of the effect comes over the character for
Creatures that should appear fabulously wealthy, but are not as strong as the aforementioned giants and dragons, often covet gems and works of art instead. This is particularly true if they do not have a lair but rather a base of operations. Intelligent undead are more likely to collect art because it has just as much value, but provides an aesthetic in the environment they spend centuries or millennia in. Likewise, humanoid enemies are likely to convert gold into gems and
at most 2 rounds, but he or she gains no further benefits.
can control the spell immediately upon release, but not any further. Attempting this is a full round action. Portable spells cost varying amounts, a fair rate is the cost to hire the caster for one hour on retainer or the going rate of the ritual casting. Once a portable spell is successfully activated it ceases to be a magical item. Value: Half the cost of the service.
Egg of Wonder An Egg of Wonder is a potent magical item that when thrown to the ground or otherwise cracked by deliberate action births a beast that obeys the every whim of the user. The magical beast cannot speak, but will obey every verbal command. The creature will exist for one hour. Eggs of wonder will not break by accident and are nigh invulnerable in that context. It is unknown what is inside the Egg until it breaks open. If a magical beast emerges from the egg it has all the powers of a real beast of its type except that gaze attacks become touch based. Value: 1 gp per egg
Potion of Agility
This potion gives the character that imbibes it a +1 bonus to Dexterity for the rest of the encounter. When first imbibed the character will feel light on their feet and capable when moving about. Value: 50 sp
Choose a magical beast
Potion of Animal Control
Panther (Big Cat)
Giant Ferret
Black Bear
Draco Lizard
Giant Eagle
Choose a magical beast
This potion gives the character that imbibes it the ability to interact with animals without penalty, and provides a +1 bonus to Communication (Animal Handling) tests. When first imbibed the character will understand animal sounds intuitively. Value: 12 sp
Potion of Delusion
This ointment when rubbed on the eyelids allows the character to see Invisible objects plainly. Value: 20 sp
This potion forces the imbiber to believe he is under the effect of another potion, but has no actual benefits. There is no test to break the illusion, but each person may be deluded into believing they have a different potion, so the GM should randomly decide for each sipper what the potion pretends to be. When first imbibed the character feels whatever effect he would expect from whatever potion this one is pretending to be in his mind. Value: 50 sp (apparent)
Portable Spell
Potion of Elemental Resistance
Ointment of Seeing
A portable spell is a scroll, runestone or other piece of writing with the effects of a spell or ritual embedded in it. Any spell that does not require continued direction can be prepared in this manner, and the user need only succeed at a Magic test versus TN 12 to invoke it. The user
This potion gives the imbiber the power to ignore 5 points of damage from a specific source. When discovered the GM will determine whether it resists Fire, Cold or Electricity. When first imbibed the character feels the barest hint of the element he is resistant to.
Value: 40 sp
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Ethereality
The person who drinks this potion becomes invisible for the duration. If the imbiber casts a spell or makes an attack she becomes visible. When first imbibed the character turns invisible, if this is a tasting and not a full drinking of the potion the character becomes visible again almost immediately. Value: 50 sp
This potion allows the imbiber to become ethereal. He can use an Activate action to return to normal and back to an ethereal state throughout the duration of the potion. When first imbibed the character becomes ethereal and will pass through objects he is not holding or carrying at the time the potion is imbibed. Value: 2 gp
Potion of Speech
Potion of Fortitude
The imbiber may understand all languages heard, and may communicate in the tongue heard to any listener. This provides a full working knowledge of the language so that there are no misunderstandings. This knowledge fades when the potion does. When first imbibed the character can understand all language heard, if there is any to be heard. Value: 10 sp
The imbiber of this potion gains a +2 bonus to Constitution for the rest of the encounter. When first imbibed the character feels well rested and healthy. Value: 40 sp
Potion of Freedom The person who imbibes this potion cannot be affected by paralysis affects, whether by the spell Paralyze, or supernatural powers. Furthermore, he gains +2 to any test to escape a grapple or entanglement. When first imbibed the character feels limber, but restless. Value: 65 sp
Potion of Water Breathing The one who imbibes this potion gains the ability to breath water. When first imbibed the character feels a calming chill over their body and their body glistens with a mist-worth of water all over. Value: 30 sp
Potion of Giant Strength
Spider-Climbing Ointment
The one who imbibes this potion gains +2 Damage in melee combat and increases the range of all thrown weapons by 2 for short range and 4 yards for long range. She also gains a +4 bonus on Strength (Might) tests. When first imbibed the character feels physically mighty. Value: 80 sp
This ointment when applied to the palms allows the character to move along walls and ceilings as If he were a spider. He temporarily gains the Wall-crawling ability. Value: 10 sp
Permanent Items
Potion of Healing
Mages, and to a lesser extent clerics often create magic items. Alchemists, that is people with the Cunning (Brewing) and Cunning (Arcane Lore) focuses can also make temporary items. When a mage or cleric crafts a magic item they are devoting a significant investment of time and mana to a task that requires a superior quality item to begin with.
This potion heals the person who drinks it by either curing poison, removing paralysis, or gaining 1d6+3 Health. It cures the most life threatening issue, it does not perform all three functions. When first imbibed the character feels a warmth in their stomach that spreads to their entire body. Value: 8 sp
It is not the province of pcs who are currently on adventures. If your PCs wish to craft magic items, it takes 25 days devoted to create anything basic (your standard magic weapon), or six times that for anything amazing (Staff of Wizardry). A character who is crafting a magic item may not go on adventures, do research, or manage a domain. Anything of this nature that occurs interrupts the process, which the character must resume to finish the item.
rest of the day, that means it is unusable until the user next rises. If the user was using it first thing in the morning, it becomes usable upon waking the next day. If the user was using it shortly before dusk, but stays up through the night before going to sleep in the morning, the item is useless until they awaken in the afternoon.
Cursed Items
There are many cursed items in the world. Some are meant as red herrings to distract or punish would-be thieves from making off with the prized possessions of the crafters. Others are designed expressly to sow chaos in the world by cruel wizards and clerics. In some cases, items acquire a curse. In much the same way that an item can acquire power via the significance of the events it was used in, sometimes an item can become cursed if put to particularly nefarious use or a powerful curse is laid upon it.
Simultaneous Magic Item limits
Each character may own several magic items and may use many simultaneously. Some thinking may be required to determine what can be used simultaneously at the same time. It helps if you think of magic items as being jealous of one another. If you wear two or more magic rings on the same hand, neither works. If you wear two magical amulets, neither works. If you wear a magical helm and a magical circlet, neither of them will work. If you wear a magical wrist charm with a magical gauntlet and a magical bracer, then none of them will work.
Aside from potions of delusion and other temporary items with an undesirable effect, cursed items all have the same flaw. Whether their magical nature is otherwise beneficial or not, they cannot be removed or discarded. That is the owner is compelled to keep the item on their person, and in the case of jewelry, outside force cannot remove the cursed item without damaging the wearer.
This is especially true if you have an intelligent magical weapon, as they are jealous of anything else that is classified as a weapon in the same category of melee or ranged weapon.
The compulsion is so strong that a character with a cursed magic weapon will not choose to use any other weapon of the same class, even if another weapon is more logical or more powerful in the given situation. Furthermore, attempts to steal the item are met with fearsome resistance unless the owner is completely unaware. Even if the owner of a cursed dagger would rather cast it away, he cannot let it be stolen from him if he sees the thief in action.
You can really only ignore this rule with armor. Magical armor often comes with a magical helm as part of a matching set, but if you find a wondrous helm you can wear both at the same time. Likewise with magical armor and cloaks, magical armor and a shield, or magical armor and bracers or gauntlets.
Temporary Power Loss
Some items have a pool of magical energy that can deplete through constant use. These items always ask the user to roll 1d6 to determine if this happens or not. You may substitute the Dragon Die of the action using the item, or roll a die separately. Either way, if it comes up a 1, the item temporarily loses power. When an item is rendered inert or its power is expended for the
GMs should never randomly roll up a cursed item, as the side effects on the campaign’s story or as a derailment can be large. Just like every dragon should be placed for a reason, each cursed item should likewise be placed for a reason to prevent it taking over the limelight for an inordinate time.
Magical Armor
Magic Armor is a common adventuring tool and comes in all types, including cloth robes or padded armor (both of which are suitable for mages to wear) and varies between Lesser Magic Armor and Greater Magic Armor. Shields are treated as armor and follow these guidelines, except that bonuses to Armor Penalty are bonuses to Armor Rating instead.
Lesser Armor
+1 Defense bonus
+1 Defense, -1 Armor Penalty
+2 Defense, -1 Armor Penalty
+2 Defense, -2 Armor Penalty
+3 Defense, -2 Armor Penalty
+3 Defense, -3 Armor Penalty
resist the effects of any curse. If he makes the test with a total of 5 or more than the TN, he is immune to the curse for the rest of the encounter. This power is always on. Healing: The wearer heals an additional amount of Health equal to his Constitution ability whenever he recovers health, whether from taking a breather, drinking a potion or the ministrations of others. If he were to wear the armor while sleeping he heals to full in one night, no matter how much Health he is missing, however this suit is no more comfortable than any other armor. This power is always available. Quickness: The wearer gains the ability to use two different Major actions per turn, or an additional Minor action each turn. This effect lasts for 10 minutes. Shock: This armor may be charged or neutralized with an Activate action. When charged, any creature that hits the wearer takes their Dragon Die in penetrating damage from electricity. This power is always available.
Lesser Armor has the following traits, the ranking of which is determined by the GM. Typically if armor penalty would be reduced below 0 by the modifier, such as Rank 4 or higher Heavy Leather, that armor is very rare. Value: Lesser Armor increases the armor’s value by a factor depending on Rank. Example: Rank 1 Heavy Leather Armor has a value of 9 gp.
Greater Armor Greater Armor has a Rank and also a special power which may be used with an Activate action. Each time it is used roll 1d6, and if the result is a 1, then the armor’s power is expended for the rest of the day. It still functions as a Lesser Armor. This does not apply to powers that specify they are always on. Value: Greater Armor costs six (6) times as much as the corresponding ranked Lesser Armor Absorption: When affected by a Life Draining attack, such as the Drain Life spell or the Draining Touch or Draining Aura power, the wearer only take half the normal damage. This power is always on. Ethereality: The wearer becomes ethereal and remains so for up to one hour. The wearer may use an Activate action to become normal or ethereal throughout the duration. After this duration expires the armor loses this power for the rest of the day. Flight: The wearer who activates this power gains a Fly 12 movement rating. Blessed Grace: The wearer of this armor gains a +2 bonus to
Magical Weapons
Magical Weapons are some of the most common items found or commissioned and come in every type. They vary between Lesser, Greater, and Intelligent. Intelligent weapons are not covered in this volume, please reference Adventures Afar.
Lesser Weapons Lesser Weapons have the following traits, the ranking of which is determined by the GM. Value: Lesser Weapons increase the weapon’s value by a factor depending on Rank.
Example: Rank 1 Long Sword has a value of 4.5 gp.
Finding: This weapon reproduces the effect of the Dowsing ritual, pointing towards the nearest object or creature type. Quickness: The weapon can reproduce the effect of Haste on the wearer, giving them a second Major action (that must be different from their first) or an additional Minor action each turn. This lasts for 3 minutes. After the duration ends roll 1d6, and if the result is a 1 the weapon functions as a Lesser Weapon for the rest of the day. Shadowed: This weapon can be commanded to dim the area. It lowers lighting conditions by 1 step (daylight to dusk, dusk to moonlight, moonlight to darkness) within 10 yards. This effect is subtle. Watchers do not immediately notice something is wrong. Furthermore at all times it deals an additional 2 penetrating damage to all targets it hits from necrotic energy. Shadowed lasts for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes roll 1d6, and if the result is a 1 the weapon cannot dim for the rest of the day. Sunbright: This weapon can be commanded to shine with the radiance of daylight. It lights the area as a large lantern, and deals an additional 2 penetrating damage from radiant energy to all targets it hits. Many supernatural creatures that are vulnerable to radiant damage will take an extra 1d6 penetrating damage. Sunbright lasts for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes roll 1d6, and if the result is a 1 the weapon functions as a Lesser Weapon for the rest of the day. When Sunbright is active, the wielder may inflict Blindness on a target instead of Knocking them prone. This gives the affected target a -1 penalty to all actions until the end of your next turn. Warning: This weapon is constructed to alert the user to the approaching presence of specific types of creatures. It vibrates until readied, at which point it will dimly glow increasing in brightness until the creatures arrives. The glow when in close quarters with the creatures is as bright as a torch. The bearer can change the creature type by spending a minute in meditation with the weapon in the morning, otherwise it continues to sense for the same type as yesterday. The GM will determine what
Greater Weapons Greater Weapons have a Rank and also a special power which may be used with an Activate action unless specified as always on. Value: Greater Weapons cost five (5) times as much as Lesser Weapons of corresponding rank. Bane: A bane weapon earns an extra 2 stunt points when its wearer rolls doubles against a particular class of foe from this list: Beasts, Dragons, Dwarves, Feyfolk (Elves and Fey creatures), Giants, Goblinoids, Humans, Orcs, Outsiders, Undead, Vermin (insects, arachnids, centipedes, etc.) When the wielder uses this weapon to perform the Lethal Blow or Mighty Blow stunts against the appropriate foe, the extra damage it deals is penetrating. These powers are always in effect. The GM will determine what foe the weapon is bane against when the weapon is discovered. Defender: A defender weapon can use its Attack bonus normally, or give it to the wielder as a Defense bonus as a free action. The weapon can Rank
+1 Attack bonus
+1 Attack, +1 Damage
+2 Attack, +1 Damage
+2 Attack, +3 Damage
+3 Attack, +3 Damage
+3 Attack, +5 Damage
only switch from offense to defense or vice versa once per round. Elemental: An elemental weapon inflicts an additional amount of damage based on its element: Cold and Shock weapons deal 2 penetrating damage, while Corrosive and Fire weapons deal +1d6 damage. When the Lethal Blow, Might Blow, or Pierce Armor stunts are used with this weapon, it flares dealing 2 extra penetrating damage to the target. These powers are always in effect. The GM will determine what element the weapon has when it is discovered.
Value: 110 gp
creature type it is currently sensing when it is discovered.
Wand of Negation
Wands, Staves and Rings
This wand fuels Counterspell attempts. Arcane Lances made with this wand are dangerous to fellow casters. Enemy casters hit with the arcane lance suffer a -1 to all Magic actions until the end of your next turn. Value: 150 gp
A magic wand is an implement that provides mana points for the purpose of casting certain spells. When used with an Arcane Lance, it also provides a secondary effect. When found roll 2d6+3, this is the amount of mana that is embedded in the wand. This amount replenishes itself once daily after 8 hours of disuse.
Staff of Air
A magic staff aids in the use of certain spells, and if intended for mages bolsters an arcane lance. They also serve as magical weapons. All staves are usable by all casters unless otherwise noted.
This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Air or Electricity based Primal spells. Any arcane lance made with this staff carries an electrical charge and deals +2 penetrating damage and can hit targets at up to 20 yards away. The bearer ignores 4 damage from electricity while holding the staff and the staff shocks enemies on contract for an additional +2 penetrating electricity damage. Value: 800 gp
Rings are a common class of wondrous item. They are often potent, and are prevalent enough in variations that they are detailed here. Rings are usable by anyone, but are often of particular use to mages or clerics.
Staff of Earth
Wand of Cold
This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Earth based Primal spells. Any arcane lance or attack made with this staff can easily fragment, so the uses can use the Dual Strike stunt for 3 SP instead of 4. The bearer ignores 6 damage from rocks and earth based strikes while holding the staff and the staff deals +2 damage to targets it hits, and is considered to be made of rock for the purpose of bypassing enemy defenses. Value: 800 gp
This wand fuels castings of Winter’s Grasp, and Cone of Cold. Arcane Lances made with this wand become freezing, dealing +2 penetrating damage to any targets hit. Value: 110 gp
Wand of Fire This wand fuels castings of Flame Blast and Fireball. Arcane Lances made with this wand become fiery, dealing +4 damage to any targets hit. Value: 110 gp
Staff of Fire This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Fire-based Primal spells. Any arcane lance made with this staff deals +3 damage and sets the target on fire if the Dragon Die is 5 or better. The bearer ignores 6 damage from fire while holding the staff and the staff flares into flame when striking targets for an additional +3 fire damage. Value: 800 gp
Wand of Illusion This wand fuels castings of Daze and Phantasm. Arcane Lances made with this wand become elusive and hard to avoid, gaining a +2 to hit. Value: 70 gp
Wand of Lightning Bolts This wand fuels castings of Shock and Lightning. Arcane Lances made with this wand become extremely long range, able to hit targets up to 25 yards away.
staff is insidious, and the user can use the Pierce Armor stunt for 1 SP instead of 2. The bearer deals +3 damage to enemies hit with the staff. Value: 800 gp
Staff of Light This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of all Light spells. It can also create a Light spell effect at will. The bearer ignores 2 damage from all magic while holding the staff and the staff does an additional +2 penetrating damage on a successful strike. This is a normal staff to all but divine casters. Value: 1800 gp
Staff of Wizardry This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of all Entropy and Spirit spells. Any arcane lance made with this staff deals +2 penetrating damage and is highly flexible. The bearer can use the Disarm stunt for 1 SP instead of 2, or the Lightning Attack stunt for 2 SP instead of 3 when making an arcane lance attack. The bearer ignores 2 damage from all magic while holding the staff and the staff deals the bearer’s Magic ability in additional damage on a successful strike. This is a normal staff to all but arcane casters. Value: 2000 gp
Staff of Miracles This staff gives a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of all Miracle spells. The bearer gains +1 Defense and deals +2 penetrating damage when striking with this staff. Value: 500 gp
Staff of Power This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Fireball, Lightning and Ice Storm spells. It can also create a Light or Levitate spell effect at will. Lastly, the bearer deals +2 penetrating damage when striking targets. This is a normal staff to all but arcane casters. Value: 1200 gp
Ring of Energy Resistance The ring wearer ignores 5 damage from a specific source. When discovered the GM will determine whether it resists Fire, Cold or Electricity. Value: 120 gp
Staff of Shadows
Ring of Holiness
This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of all Shadow spells. The bearer gains +1 to hit and deals +2 penetrating damage when striking with this staff. Value: 1200 gp
This ring provides 1 extra mana per character Level to a divine caster who wears it. The wearer uses the ring’s mana points first when casting spells each day, and once per day after an 8 hour period of inactivity the ring regains its mana points. Value: 700 gp
Staff of Water This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Water or Cold based Primal spells. Any arcane lance made with this staff is forceful like a wave, and the user can use the Knock Prone stunt for 1 SP instead of 2 when making an arcane lance attack. The bearer ignores 8 damage from cold/ice while holding the staff and the staff freezes enemies it hits for an additional +2 penetrating cold damage. Value: 800 gp
Ring of Invisibility The ring wearer can use an Activate action to become invisible as per the spell Invisibility, including the conditions for becoming visible prematurely. After each invocation of the ring, roll a d6. If the result is 1, the ring becomes inert for the rest of the day. Value: 200 gp
Ring of Protection
Staff of Withering
The owner of this ring gains Defense while the ring is worn. When discovered the GM will determine the level of protection: +2, +3 or +4.
This staff provides a +1 bonus to the casting and Spellpower of Daze, Mass Paralyze, Paralyze, and Weakness spells. Any attack made with this
Value: 20 gp, 80 gp or 180 gp
Wondrous Items
With the exception of rods, most wondrous items are items of clothing, jewelry besides rings or trinkets. All wondrous items are considered durable, no matter their material construction.
Ring of Spells This ring provides 1 extra mana per character Level to an arcane caster who wears it. The wearer uses the ring’s mana points first when casting spells each day, and once per day after an 8 hour period of inactivity the ring regains its mana points. Value: 700 gp
A rod is a wondrous magical item that must be carried or brandished to have effect. They can also be used as weapons of the Bludgeons or Staves group.
Ring of Seeing Once per day the wearer of the ring can use an Activate action to automatically cast the spell Reveal upon him or herself. Value: 220 gp
Amulet of Privacy The wearer of this amulet may not be magically observed. No magical effect of the Divination or Commune schools that must directly affect a target to glean information works on the wearer when the wearer is the target. This extends to magics such as Common Tongue which affects the minds of the cleric and all listeners. This does not stop the effect from occurring, but any image or sound coming from the person of the wearer is obfuscated. Value: 350 gp
Ring of Spell Storing The ring can store spells and release them later at the wearer’s command. Each ring has a limited capacity of 3+1d3 spells, and a caster can choose to cast a spell into the ring to fill one storage slot. When worn the wearer instinctively knows what each spell is, and how the spell works when released. The user need only use an Activate action, and any targets must test against the original caster’s Spellpower if a resistance test is allowed. Value: 1000 gp
Bag of Devouring A bag of devouring is a cursed bag of holding. It functions like a bag of holding but has a serious flaw. Anything held inside the bag for more than a week has a chance of being disintegrated by the bag itself. Roll 1d6 for each stored item once per week, on a 1 the bag consumes the item. Value: 74 gp (apparent)
Ring of Spell Turning The ring wearer can reflect any spell targeted upon his person back at the original caster. If it is an area effect spell, the wearer and anything behind him is unaffected, and a line of spell effect hits the caster. After each invocation of the ring, roll a d6. If the result is 1, the ring becomes inert for the rest of the day. Value: 500 gp
Bag of Holding A bag of holding is a special transportation device that can hold in other-dimensional space any object small enough to pass through the opening. Once it is holding 1000 lbs. worth of goods it will not accept any more. Only inanimate objects may be stored inside the bag of holding, and things stored inside such a bag are not affected by time. Food and drink do not spoil, books do not decay, etc. The user can see a mental picture of everything stored inside when he inserts his hand inside the opening. Value: 74 gp
Ring of Telekinesis The ring wearer can use an Activate action to move objects as if they were under the influence of a Levitate spell. After each invocation of the ring, roll a d6. If the result is 1, the ring becomes inert for the rest of the day. Value: 375 gp
overcome the Spellpower of attacks affecting an area he is inside. Value: 75 gp
Boots of Elvenkind The wearer becomes as silent as the gentle wind through the leaves as long as he keeps his tongue and leaves little trace. Anyone making Perception (Hearing) and Perception (Tracking) tests versus the wearer suffers a -2 penalty. Value: 25 gp
Broom of Flying This broom can be invoked with an Activate action. Once active it bears one individual and one passenger aloft at a Speed of 20, (or Speed 15 with 2 persons onboard). It has excellent maneuverability and the user is treated as a flying creature with the ability to hover. Value: 170 gp
Boots of Speed The wearer of these boots adds +3 to his Speed. If the wearer makes an Activate action, he gains +5 to Constitution (Stamina) tests related to running for a period of 12 hours, but he must rest for an entire day afterwards to recover from exhaustion. Value: 60 gp
Circlet of Persuasion This silver headband makes the wearer more personable and charismatic. It gives the wearer a +1 bonus on Communication (Persuasion) and Communication (Seduction) tests. Value: 45 gp
Boots of Traveling and Leaping The wearer of these boots is never tired from walking anywhere, and can make prodigious leaps. They always provide a +1 bonus to Strength (Jumping) tests, and +3 bonus to Constitution (Stamina) tests due to walking, and he may use an Activate action to leap 5 yards straight up or 10 yards in distance. Value: 55 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind The wearer becomes expertly camouflaged when he or she puts the hood over their head and limits their movement. Opponents making Perception (Seeing) tests versus the wearer take a -3 penalty. This penalty is rendered void until the end of the encounter if the wearer uses a Major action. Value: 25 gp
Boots of the Winterlands The wearer of these boots is able to move upon the surface of snow without disturbing it as if it were dry flat ground. Furthermore the cold does not bother him. Value: 25 gp
Crystal Ball A crystal ball is a scrying implement. It subtracts 1 from the mana cost of any Commune or Divination spell or ritual cast using it. Furthermore, it allows the user to surpass a single requirement, such as needing a piece of the target to cast a ritual or spell, or provides a +2 bonus to Spellpower. Value: 200 gp
Bracers of Defense The wearer of this item gains a Defense bonus while they are worn. When discovered the GM will determine the level of protection: +1, +2 or +3. Value: 40 gp, 160 gp or 360 gp
Brooch of Protection The wearer of this brooch gains Defense against magic attack while it is worn. The wearer gains a +1 bonus to overcome the Spellpower of attacks directed solely at his person, and a +2 bonus to
Displacer Cloak The wearer of a displacer cloak appears to be standing slightly off to the side from where they truly are. This works out to +2 Defense versus ranged fire and a 1 in 6 chance that a melee
attack will miss. (If the Dragon Die of the attack is 1, it misses regardless of the roll). Value: 240 gp
significantly. This occurs the first time he dons the helm each day if he is not yet cursed, and once cursed the effect persists even when the helm is not worn, and only ceases if a Dispel Magic ritual is cast upon the cursed individual. Cured individuals remember their actions while cursed.
Drums of Panic These kettle drums have no effect on those within 7 yards when played, but anyone beyond that but within earshot (about 40 yards) must succeed at a Willpower (Morale) check versus TN 13 or run away unable to return to the location for 30 minutes. Value: 300 gp
If the wearer is primarily Altruistic they become Cruel, or vice versa. If they are primarily Honorable they become Mercenary, or vice versa. If they are primarily Harmonious they become Independent and vice versa. Even those who are unaligned are affected, as they must choose to become either Independent or Harmonious. Value: 300 gp (apparent)
Flying Carpet This device can be invoked using an Activate action. Once active it will carry up to 600 lbs of weight that is laid upon its surface through the air with a Speed of 25. It may hover, but is not any more maneuverable than a cart or carriage. Value: 600 gp
Helm of Reading The helm of reading enables the wearer to comprehend any written word or symbol. This occurs at all times, and although he cannot necessarily identify the script, or reproduce the letters elsewhere he comprehends the meaning exactly and instantly. Value: 135 gp
Gauntlets of Ogre Power The wearer of these gauntlets deals +1 Damage in melee combat, increases the range of all thrown weapons by 1 for short range and 2 for long range, and gains a +2 bonus on Strength (Might) tests. Value: 40 gp
Helm of Telepathy
The wearer of this large belt gains +2 Damage in melee combat, increases the range of all thrown weapons by 2 for short range and 4 for long range, and gains a +4 bonus on Strength (Might) tests. Value: 80 gp
The Helm of Telepathy has two functions it can send messages the wearer designates to any one creature within 30 yards. That creature may also respond if desired. It can also cast Hear Thoughts on the wearer. After Hear Thoughts has been used roll 1d6. On a 1, the Helm is rendered inert for the rest of the day. Value: 270 gp
Headband of Intellect
Horn of Blasting
Girdle of Giant Strength
This item appears to be a normal horn or trumpet. However when blown a cone of amazing sonic power erupts from the end. Anything within the area 15 yard long and 3 yard wide at the end takes 3d6 damage and must succeed at a Constitution (Stamina) test versus TN 13 or be deafened for 10 minutes. Blowing the horn renders it inert for 10 minutes. Value: 200 gp
The wearer of this gem studded headband gains broad intelligence. It provides a bonus to all Cunning tests. The GM must determine the level of the bonus when it is discovered: +1, +2 or +3. Value: 40 gp, 160 gp or 360 gp
Helm of Personality Changing The wearer of the helm of personality changing must succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test versus TN 16 or be cursed to alter their ethos
Lamp of Long Burning
Rod of Cancellation
This appears to be a normal hooded lantern, including a metal body, a reservoir for oil, and shutters. When filled with oil and lit normally it will shed light without consuming the oil. However, if the flame is ever doused by water the lamp becomes completely non-magical. Value: 10 gp (3 gp to re-enchant it)
A rod of cancellation can render any normal magical object touched by it completely nonmagical. To use it the holder must make an Activate action for this purpose, after which it becomes nonmagical itself. Any special magical objects such as Artifacts are exempt from this effect, but they cease to be magical for a day. It otherwise can be used as a mace, but has no other special properties. Value: 110 gp
Medallion of ESP When the wearer uses an Activate action to use the Medallion, it casts Hear Thoughts upon the wearer. The Spellpower of the device equals the crafter’s at the time of item creation. After the Medallion is used roll 1d6. On a 1, the item is rendered inert for the rest of the day. Value: 120 gp
Rod of Parrying A rod of parrying can be used as a mace that provides a +2 bonus to Hit and deals 2d6+3 damage. However, when the user makes an Activate action to use the rod’s power it provides a +4 bonus to Defense against melee attacks when using the Defend action but a -3 penalty to any other Major action. Deactivating the rod’s power is a free action. Value: 70 gp
Pouch of Security A pouch of security that is activated when put on ones person will make a loud plea in the voice of its creator when it is stolen. It will persist in this alarm for an hour, but it may be silenced by the owner via a command word. The only way to steal an activated pouch is to temporarily or permanently remove its magical enchantment. Note, if the pouch is given to someone else freely or left lying out it deactivates. Value: 17 gp
Rope of Climbing The rope of climbing is to all appearances a normal 33 yard rope, but if someone holding it uses an Activate action, it comes alive and will scale up walls and secure itself to a handhold, or tie area at the height of its full length. It does not matter how sheer the surface is as long as there is something for it to tie itself to. With a second Activate action it will release itself. Value: 40 gp
Quill of Copying A quill of copying when activated will make an exact copy of a document. It will work until the length of the document is fully copied, or it runs out of ink or paper. The two copies are indistinguishable from one another, including any blemishes the original has or any quirks or tells in the handwriting or drawings, as long as only one color of ink is used throughout. The quill will wait for ten minutes if it runs out of ink or paper, and if more supplies are not forthcoming deactivates at that time. It can resume with another activation. Value: 20 gp
Scarab of Protection This item has 2d6 charges when found, or 12 if crafted. When the wearer of this scarab brooch is the target of a curse, the scarab automatically prevents them from being affected by the curse for an entire encounter, and loses one charge. When it is out of charges it becomes simply a pleasant decorative item. It cannot be recharged by any means short of a Wish. Value: 180 gp
classic illustrators who have defined the art of products such as these, and others are extremely talented artists on their way to greatness.
Art Credits I must acknowledge and call attention to the wonderful artists I have appropriated the work of for this netbook. I did not ask permission to use the art found herein, but could not fathom laying out this entire document without art sprinkled throughout. In some cases I do not know the name of the original artist, but as far as I know the work of the following is laid out amongst these many pages.
• Miguel Coimbra • Thomas L. Denmark • Dany Frolich • Randy Gallegos • Brian Hagan • Tim Hildebrandt • Jon Hodgson • Benjamin S. Hunter • Igor Kieryluk • Doug Kovacs • Dal Lago • Todd Lockwood • Howard Lyon • Angus McBride • Barry J Northern • William O'Connor • T. Jordan Peacock • Steve Prescott • Dave Stokes • Francis Tsai • Jun Wen • Sam Wood • Kieran Yanner and of course
• Larry Elmore I am not making any attempt to obtain material compensation for this work, and although I have manipulated imagery to suit the project style I have attempted to use each work in a way that highlights its artistic strong points. If you are impressed by any of the art in this book, please search for these artist’s names yourself. Some are
Appendices House Rules
original effect, the mage must learn it as a separate spell.
Elevated Defense
Casting Barred Spells
Whenever a character learns a spell outside their list, or continues casting a spell after a fundamental change that makes it a barred spell, they must pay an extra 2 mana points on top of the normal cost. Unless they are developing the spell on their own, there should be a minor quest involved as well.
Defense is figured with a base of 11. All of the adversary statistics in this book are figured in this fashion because this book is meant for my own campaign.
Mage Spell Descriptors
Mages can be quite diverse, so without writing twelve more spells to encompass that diversity, the following rule applies in my campaigns. It encompasses some advice written in an article by Bruce Heard.
New Stunts Spell Stunts
5 Maximized Spell: You replace 1d6 in the spell description with a result of 6. This may not replace the Dragon Die in a casting roll if there is anything else that can be replaced.
Corrosive Damage When a mage learns a spell that deals Fire damage, he can instead designate that it deals Corrosive damage. The element for Corrosive spells is Water, so only items that enhance Primal (Water) magic enhance these spells after the change in designation. Whenever the mage casts this spell it uses the new Elemental effect and to use the spell with the original effect, the mage must learn it as a separate spell.
Overland Movement
When not worrying about combat positioning and maneuvering, all creatures can move at 3 times their listed speed (5 times if flying). Multiply land Speed by 0.4 to get mph, multiplying that base by 2 or 3 if the character is jogging or running full-tilt.
Sonic Damage When a mage learns the spells Gust of Wind, Cone of Cold, Ice Storm, Daze, Paralyze or Mass Paralyze, he can instead designate them as Sonic effects instead of Air, Cold, or Mental. The element for Sonic spells is Force, so only items that enhance Spirit magic enhance these spells after the change in designation. Whenever the mage casts this spell it uses the new Elemental effect and to use the spell with the original effect, the mage must learn it as a separate spell.
Flying Speed is multiplied by 0.68 instead.
Arcane Bolt
When a power, spell, ritual, or magic item refers to affecting supernatural creatures it affects all of the above types equally. When a power, spell, ritual, or magic item deals extra damage to supernatural creatures vulnerable to radiant energy or necrotic energy, the origin of the
Supernatural Creatures
Throughout the book the term supernatural creature is used. This is specifically different from a classification of monster, which is a catchall, and dragon or giant, which are tight descriptors. A supernatural creature has the planar, or undead descriptors, although select Fey also count as supernatural creatures.
The arcane bolt spell can be learned as a Primal spell of any effect descriptor. This does not change the spell effect in any way. Whenever the mage casts this spell it uses the new Elemental effect and to use the spell with the
creature must be considered. All fiends and undead are vulnerable to radiant damage. Weak celestials are vulnerable to necrotic damage, while most devas are resilient against it. Elemental creatures treat both damage sources as normal.
sometimes understand language but usually do not have the ability to speak. Humanoid: The creature is a sentient being akin to a human. It can process language, and often is a social creature. It also needs the basics of life, sustenance, air and sleep. Monster: The creature is some other form of living or spiritual monster, and is separated from beasts by its utter alien strangeness, or its capacity for language. Rarely can a monster be tamed and trained, and Animal Handling is not enough to break one. Plant: The creature is a supernatural or monstrous plant and if immobile is not optimized to live outside the environment it normally grows in.
If a cleric thinks to brandish their holy symbol versus any supernatural creature that creature may be intimidated by it. Likewise, any ward or spell effective against one type of supernatural creatures such as fiends can be effective on other types of supernatural creatures, but because it is less certain the GM should give the non-target creatures up to a +2 bonus on their resistance tests. If they fail the test then they are affected fully.
Subtype Descriptors
Aberrant: The creature is an alien creature that can only have originated on some other plane, through raw magic, or immortal influence. This category includes things without organs, or organs that don't make sense to scholars present in the world. Aberrant can also refer to a creature that was natural and has since been mutated by magical means. Draconic: The creature is a dragon or is related closely to them. These are reptilian beasts with a magical nature, and often with a breath weapon or supernatural attack. Thinking creatures of this type always speak Dragon as their common language, but can learn others, even if they cannot vocalize them. Elemental: The creature is an outsider native to one of the districts of the Elemental Plane. It is inherently strong versus its native element and weak to its polar opposite. Thinking creatures of this type always speak Elemental Common as their language, but can learn others, even if they cannot vocalize them. Fey: The creature is an outsider native to the Dreamlands or a Prime Plane descendent of such creatures, and is considered a fairy being. Many fey have supernatural powers, but not all particularly the prime plane natives. Giant: The creature has abnormal size for its type. True Giants, speak giantish, but have dialects as well. Most true giants favor throwing objects and weapons at targets, although some
A Handful of Adversaries The Black Bear, Giant Rat, and the Giant Spider from the Dragon Age Gamemaster’s Guide are perfectly suitable without modification in a Mystaran setting. The Hurlock makes a fine Bugbear, and the Shade fits the Shadow well. Below you will find statistics for Ghouls, Goblins, Hill Giants, Kobolds, Ogres, Orcs, and Wolves.
New Information Origin
Adversaries have an origin which is meant to give the GM hints about the type of creature and it’s basic existence without denoting everything in powers. It also serves as information regarding spell or ritual susceptibility. Beast: The creature is an animal, whether it has magical origins, magical powers etc. it's still an animal. It has no concept of language, and can be trained via Animal Handling. Construct: The creature is a created being. Usually created by a spell or higher power, these creatures are tireless, do not require sustenance or air and generally loyal to their creators. They
have magical prowess and prefer throwing magical missiles instead. Planar: The creature is an outsider native to one or more outer planes. Encountered because they were summoned, or because they were sent by higher powers, all Planar beings have supernatural capabilities. All Planar beings speak a native tongue unique to their plane of origin, but most thinking Planar beings possess the ability to comprehend tongues or cast the Common Tongue spell upon themselves. Few planar creatures need to eat, drink or sleep. Undead: The creature was once living, and is now a monster of undeath. Unthinking undead understand language but do not speak meaningfully. Thinking undead are just like the living, although most undead are consumed with a hatred for the living, or an obsession with something from their life. As they are dead, they have no need for traditional food, water, air or other sustenance. Their animus also allows them to see in the dark. Some undead need rest, and others wander in search of the living at all times.
The threat class of opponents is not meant to be a system in and of itself. GMs still need to judge their own encounter, and mixing enemies from different threat classes may or may not make the entire encounter much more difficult. As with everything in a role-playing game this is just a guideline.
Threat Class
Night Vision: The creature lowers penalties by 1 in low light and night conditions.
Stat Block Format
The stat block includes some shorthand designed to move especially common sentences out of the powers sections. Sense Keywords Dark Vision ∞: The creature can see perfectly
in total darkness. Dark Vision ∞ (-1 in light): The creature can see perfectly in total darkness but suffers a penalty to most actions in bright light. Dark Vision X yards: The creature can see perfectly out to a certain distance in total darkness. Their vision dims within 10 yards beyond the listed distance.
Threat Class is an indicator used to determine a rough party level danger. A group of 4 characters of the appropriate level should have little trouble facing down one or two threats in the corresponding class. An equal group number increases the class by one, being outnumbered 2 to 1 increases the threat by 2 grades. Thus, four class E threats are a class D threat while eight are a class C threat.
Descriptions In most cases, thinking individuals will have their ethos worded in their description. If such is the case, the word will be italicized. Text that applies to choices such as spells and post combat effects are listed here as well. As much as possible, each creature’s natural habitat and motivations will be included in the description.
Threat class is rated with ascending letter grades that correspond to character levels thusly. E = Levels 1-2 D = Levels 3-5 C = Levels 6-9 B = Levels 10-14 A = Levels 15+ The Grade A is somewhat of an exception as it encompasses the widest grouping of levels and play type. Thus a single Grade A threat may overwhelm a party of 15th level characters.
Grade D
Undead Humanoid Defense 13, AR 0 Health 30, Speed 10 Senses Dark Vision ∞ (-1 penalty) -2 Communication +4 Constitution (Stamina) +1 Cunning +2 Dexterity +2 Magic +0 Perception (Smelling) +3 Strength (Claws, Intimidation) +2 Willpower Melee Bite +2 (1d3+3), Claws +5 (1d6+5) Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Mighty Blow. Weapon Groups: Brawling Powers Flesh Knitting: Ghouls gain Health equal to damage dealt when they bite an incapacitated foe or corpse. This will kill an unconscious enemy. Howling Madness: Ghouls automatically pass any Willpower (Morale) tests. Touch Attack [Paralyze]: Any living non-fey creature (includes Elves) must test Willpower (SelfDiscipline) : TN 12 or be paralyzed for 1d3 rounds.
Goblin Skirmisher
Ghouls are horrible undead monstrosities, that appear to be slightly desiccated corpses that view everything around them with an ardent hunger. The hint of animal cunning in their eyes shows all that they are far from mindless, which makes them scarier still.
Grade E
Humanoid Defense 12, AR 3 Health 17, Speed 9 Senses Dark Vision 30 yards +0 Communication +0 Constitution +1 Cunning (Evaluation) +1 Dexterity (Light Blades, Stealth) +0 Magic +2 Perception (Searching) +1 Strength (Climbing) +0 Willpower Melee Dagger +3 (1d6+2) Ranged Short Bow +1 (1d6+3, 16/32 yards) Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor and Skirmish. Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling and Light Blades Equipment: Dagger, Light Leather
Those with advanced knowledge of ghouls have good reason to be afraid. The merest touch of a ghoul can cause the subject to be paralyzed, frozen in place for a nearly a minute. A pack of ghouls will often descend on a party of adventurers or normal people and paralyze all of them. Once every target is incapacitated they will each choose a target and begin to feed. When they are far from living prey, ghouls will dig up corpses and indulge in the dead flesh. The only flesh they will avoid is plant matter and undead flesh.
Goblins are forest or cave dwelling diminutive humanoids with green or dark grey skin. They are the size of halflings or gnomes, but their ferocious nature makes them a threat to larger creatures.. They tend to be manic in combat, harassing larger creatures if they think there is something to gain. They are most deadly in large numbers, and small hordes of goblins will raid towns, torch buildings and murder townspeople for no reason other than they can make
off with a small supply of food or gold. Goblins make mercenary choices however, and for the promise of riches or power will tie their fortunes to others. They are also somewhat cowardly and will run if the tide turns against them. Goblins speak Goblin, but may also know orc, or any human tongue.
Goblin Chief
Goblin Skulker
Grade E
Humanoid Defense 13, AR 3 Health 17, Speed 10 Senses Dark Vision 30 yards +0 Communication +0 Constitution +1 Cunning (Evaluation) +2 Dexterity (Bows, Stealth) +0 Magic +2 Perception (Searching, Tracking) +0 Strength (Climbing) +1 Willpower Melee Dagger +2 (1d6+1) Ranged Short Bow +4 (1d6+3, 16/32 yards) Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor and Seize the Initiative. Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling and Light Blades Talents: Archery Style (N), Scouting (N) Equipment: Dagger, Light Leather, Short Bow
Grade D
Humanoid Defense 14, AR 4 (-1 penalty) Health 25, Speed 9 Senses Dark Vision 30 yards +2 Communication +1 Constitution +1 Cunning (Evaluation) +2 Dexterity (Brawling, Stealth) +0 Magic +2 Perception (Searching) +2 Strength (Climbing, Spears) +2 Willpower (Morale) Melee Dagger +2 (1d6+3) Ranged Throwing Spear +4 (1d6+5, 8/16 yards) Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor and Skirmish. Weapon Groups: Brawling, Light Blades and Spears Talents: Armor Training (N), Command (J) Equipment: Throwing Spear, Dagger, Light Shield, Heavy Leather
Goblins skirmishers are often suicidally bold and rarely concerned with stealth after they’ve encountered their unsuspecting targets until they’ve encountered the enemy. Goblin scouts however are more reserved. The most skilled of these scouts are warriors who have learned to be quiet and strike from the shadows. They are known as skulkers and primarily serve the orders of the chieftains.
The most cunning and tenacious goblins advance to lead the tribes of small humanoids. These warriors have the best gear present, and often use javelins or spears as their weapon of choice, standing out in the open on the battlefield. Their courage allows their fellows to be driven into a great frenzy and attack without fear. Most chieftains are concerned with the wellbeing of the entire tribe, so they often will try to negotiate from a position of strength. They are also smart enough to know how much power their group of goblins really has and will drive hard bargains or lie as necessary to get their goals to come to fruition.
Hill Giant
limbs are thick and they cover their bodies with the furs of bears and other large animals.
Grade C
Giant Humanoid Defense 11, AR 7 Health 70, Speed 12 Senses Night Vision +0 Communication +5 Constitution (Stamina) -1 Cunning +1 Dexterity (Thrown) +0 Magic +2 Perception (Smelling) +8 Strength (Intimidation, Might) +3 Willpower Melee Club +8 (3d6+8) Ranged Rock +3 (2d6+8, 30/60 yards) Favored Stunts: Dual Strike and Mighty Blow. Weapon Groups: Brawling, Bludgeons and Thrown weapons Talents: Armor Training (N) Equipment: Light Leather, Massive Club
Although they have a reputation for being dense, hill giants are very perceptive and have long memories. If left alive they remember how they were tricked before. In terms of personalty, most hill giants are cruel, and adopt the mentality of bullies. Few hill giants are industrious enough to farm for themselves or conduct true animal husbandry. They might raise a lone bear cub or wolf as a pet, but they won’t raise livestock. All hill giants speak Giantish, but many also master a pidgin or full command of the prevailing human language. This is primarily so that they can make demands of humans in the area, but occasionally you will find giants living peaceful but isolated lives. Giantish has its own runic alphabet, but few hill giants can read.
Hill Giants are the least threatening of the true giants, but that does not make them easy opponents. Rather they are the dangerous creatures that are the tip of the iceberg of giant strength and power. Hill giants look like stocky primitive humans that stand twelve feet tall and have shoulders seven feet wide. Their
Kobold Ambusher
Kobold witches tend to learn one spell that mimics dragon breath such as flame burst, shock, cone of acid (flame burst), Winter’s Grasp, and later on Cone of Cold, Noxious Cloud, Lightning, Fireball, etc. Then they concentrate on utility magic or more subtle spells, such as Obscuring Darkness. Most of the Kobold’s priests are actually witches rather than shamans. They learn the lore of Kurtulmak, the entropic immortal patron of Kobolds, and wreak havoc in that name.
Grade E
Humanoid Defense 13, AR 2 Health 16, Speed 10 Senses Dark Vision 30 yards +0 Communication -1 Constitution +1 Cunning +2 Dexterity (Initiative, Traps) +1 Magic +1 Perception (Searching, Smelling) +0 Strength (Spears) -1 Willpower Melee Bite +2 (1d6), Dagger +0 (1d6+1 (halved)) Ranged Throwing Spear +2 (1d6+3, 8/16 yards) Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance and Seize the Initiative. Weapon Groups: Brawling and Spears Equipment: Dagger, Throwing Spear
Kobolds are burrowing, reptilian humanoids of small, lean stature. They are cowardly when factors are against them, (especially numbers or size and apparent power of opponents). They set traps in their tunnels and use guerilla tactics extensively. Because of their natural assets they are never truly disarmed, but kobolds without an advantage run at the earliest opportunity. Kobolds speak draconic, although they can learn other languages.
Kobold Witch
Grade D
Humanoid Defense 13, AR 2 Health 16, Mana 9, Speed 10 Senses Dark Vision 30 yards +0 Communication -1 Constitution +1 Cunning +2 Dexterity (Initiative) +2 Magic (Arcane Lance) +1 Perception (Smelling) +0 Strength (Intimidation) -1 Willpower Melee Bite +2 (1d6), Dagger +2 (1d6+1 (halved)) Ranged Arcane Lance +4 (1d6+2, 16 yards) Favored Stunts: Mana Shield and Skillful Casting. Weapon Groups: Brawling and Light Blades Powers Spells (1): Arcane, Spellpower 12, 3 spells Equipment: Dagger
and big tusks that protrude from their bottom lips. Most orcs have profound bellies, but to assume they are in poor condition is often the death of many would-be adventurers. They are prolific breeders and squabble amongst themselves for status and territory, until their numbers grow so large they must raid nearby civilized areas in an attempt to sate their lust for food and baser desires. The raiding culture is ingrained in the cruel orcs and they view a death in battle as a desirable one, although like most bullies they’d rather not die if possible.
Grade D
Giant Humanoid Defense 10, AR 6 Health 40, Speed 11 Senses Night Vision +0 Communication +4 Constitution -1 Cunning +0 Dexterity +0 Magic +0 Perception +6 Strength +1 Willpower Melee Club +6 (1d6+9) Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Dual Strike. Weapon Groups: Brawling and Bludgeons Equipment: Light Leather, Two-Handed Club
Orcs always gather in hunting groups and are never encountered alone unless gathering food in the wilderness or as the result of a poorly executed raid. They make their homes in all climes and environs, from marshes and swamps, to arid wastelands. If they move into cold climes they slay animals and make thick clothing, if they move to a hot climate they wear the minimal for survival. Orcs are not very modest, although they aren’t as dumb as most people believe them to be either. There are orc shamans, who have mastered divine magic and orc witches, who use arcane magic. As orc culture is based on the right of the leaders to rule by personal might, orc war chieftains and kings are often brutally powerful.
Ogres are giantish oafs that appear to be nine foot tall humanoids with distorted faces. They often resemble goblinoids, or have the hint of bestial ancestry, but a small number are bald and resemble giants. Like most giants or bigger goblinoids, ogres are cruel, killing to cause suffering or from perceived hatred, not because they have to. Unlike their true giant cousins, most Ogres speak orc, goblin, or a human language depending on where they live, and who lives with them. Ogres often congregate with goblinoids or orcs because their strength is respected.
Orc Warrior
Orcs speak their own language, but also have dialects between tribes and regions. Most orcs don’t care about learning human languages, but some care enough to learn what their potential enemies converse about. Such an orc may know any humanoid tongue.
Grade E
Humanoid Defense 12, AR 4 (-1 penalty) Health 22, Speed 10 Senses Night Vision -1 Communication +2 Constitution (Running) +0 Cunning +1 Dexterity (Brawling) +0 Magic +1 Perception (Searching) +3 Strength (Axes) +2 Willpower Melee Battle Axe +5 (2d6+3), Dagger -1 (1d6+4 (halved)) Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Mighty Blow. Weapon Groups: Axes, Brawling and Bludgeons Talents: Armor Training (N), Weapon and Shield Style (N) Equipment: Battle Axe, Heavy Leather Orcs are savage humanoids that have greyish green skin, big ears, large porcine noses, a lack of body hair
Grade E
Languages of the Known World
Beast Defense 14, AR 0 Health 25, Speed 15 Senses Night Vision +0 Communication +2 Constitution (Running) -1 Cunning +3 Dexterity (Bite, Stealth) +0 Magic +2 Perception (Smelling, Tracking) +2 Strength (Jumping) +0 Willpower Melee Bite +5 (1d6+2) Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Pack Tactics. Pack Tactics: 2 SP, As part of a group, a wolf can allow another wolf to attack the same target as a free action if it is close enough to do so.
The languages of the campaign setting are presented below. Each language that has an alphabet will have that alphabet written in parentheses behind the name of the tongue itself. Languages of creatures that are highly isolated, such as Kna and Rakasta, are not included. Alasiyan (Alasiyan Script) Alphatian (Draconic Script) Anglaise (Laterran Script) Antalian “Heldanner” (Antalian Runes) Atruaghin Draconic (Draconic Script) Dengar (Dwarven Runes) Elemental (Elemental Script) Elven (Elven Script) Ethengarian Giantish (Giantish Runes) Goblin Gnollish Kaelic (Laterran Script) Lalor (Lalor Script) Makai (Neathar Runes) Lizardfolk “Shazak” Ochalean (Ochalean Script) Orcish Shadowspeak Sindhi (Oltec Script) Sylaire (Laterran Script) Thar Speech (Dwarven Runes) Thothian (Nithian Script) Thyatian (Thyatian Script) Traladaran (Thyatian Script) Urduk (Neathar Runes)
Wolves are canine predators with excellent senses of smell. Alone, a wolf is rarely a threat to an adventurer unless it has a disease, such as rabies, which it can spread. An entire pack of wolves however is a threat to much larger creatures such as bears, or a group of adventurers. Packs are often led by an Alpha wolf which is often tougher than the others. Wolves live in hills, forests and mountainous regions, even living in extremely cold climes.
Some of the above are rare but encountered enough within the Known World that they are included above. These include the Laterran tongues, and the Sindhi ones (Sindhi and Urduk). Thar Speech is a particular variant of Orcish that has been codified and set to letters, primarily so that Thar can rule his people with greater efficiency. Others while uncommon throughout the known world are wide spread, such as Shadowspeak, the common language of the Shadowdeep. For those wishing to use their knowledge of a language’s alphabet to suss out writing penned in another tongue, there is a penalty dependent upon how different the tongue is from languages they already know. For example, Traladaran and Thyatian are linked by Milenian heritage so it isn’t too difficult.
Thar Speech and Dengar are widely different, despite their common alphabet.
Attack Ranks as levels, and convert all of their levels one to one. Thus a 14th level fighter is a 12th level warrior, but an 8th Level Halfling with Attack Rank D is an 11th level rogue, and a 10th Level Elf with Attack Rank D is an 11th level mage.
Many languages of the rest of Brun are not included above, including the languages of Hule, Yavldom, and the Savage Coast. Likewise, the undersea tongues are ignored for the purposes of the chart, as it primarily covers languages a citizen of the Known World may have at least heard of with some regularity.
Advance the character as normal, choosing focuses, talents and ability increases. Only convert characters who are involved in combat in adventures. Gazetteers have a habit of giving every character statistics, even characters you would normally never engage in combat like the King of a country. In a situation where someone might engage in combat, but not very often, such as King Stefan Karameikos, the story should rule, not the dice. However, nobody is stopping you from doing the work.
Conversion Notes Original Dungeons & Dragons Attributes into Abilities 3 4-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
I have done a great deal of work converting many items and item powers over to this game already, but in general for the vast variety of weapons and armor that appear in OD&D product, convert weapon pluses into Ranks one to one. Convert armor pluses into Ranks at the next highest rank, thus a +3 Armor is a Rank 4 Armor.
Convert Charisma to Communication, Intelligence into Cunning and Magic (favoring one over the other depending on the character’s background or class), and Wisdom into Perception and Willpower (again favoring one of the two). The other attributes match up exactly.
3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Many of the concepts in the conversion process have been explained for the purposes of the Original game, and have not been repeated.
Skills to Focuses
If a character has a D&D Skill, give them the corresponding focus, otherwise give them any Focus that makes sense.
Attributes into Abilities 3-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21
There are only four class choices available, so convert any divine caster as a cleric, any arcane caster as a mage, and any nimble fighter or character with thief abilities as a rogue. All others are warriors. Again this may vary; some halflings will be rogues and some warriors, depending on how they fight. Others vary simply because my world is different. For example, Hin Masters and Treekeepers begin as druids in my version of the setting.
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 and so on.
Convert the attributes to the corresponding abilities as above.
Skills to Focuses
Give the character a focus for any skill he would succeed at with an average or poor roll. Mostly skew towards background and believability.
Convert the OD&D character level up to 12 one to one, then advance by 1/3, rounding down. So from levels 13 to 36, divide the number above 12 by 3, round down and add to 12. Treat Demi-Human
The 3rd edition game follows the same advice here with a few notes required. Rangers convert as rogues if they are not front-line fighters, otherwise as warriors. Bards convert as Rogues, and Monks convert as Rogues or Fighters based on their fighting style. This will be solved with the addition of the Mystic class in a later volume. Ignore the spellcasting abilities of part-time casters such as Paladins. Look at the multi-classing breakdown to help determine any specialization powers the character might have, but ignore it for choosing the character’s class.
Level Convert the character level over directly. If an NPC ally is a 14th level Fighter in D&D, they are a 14th level Warrior in AGE. Again, characters who should not be involved in fights shouldn’t have statistics. Give characters with levels above 20 extra focuses, Health, Mana points etc. Follow the same process of choosing level up benefits corresponding to the character’s level.
Items Because of the greater breadth of items available in 3rd Edition, convert what you can by purpose and ignore the rest. The rules for item pluses to Ranks is the same here.
- Fin -
Name Background Age Level
Class Homeland Experience Points
Gender Speed
Armor Rating
Worn armor: Armor Penalty:
Attack Roll
Class Powers & Talents
Equipment and Money
Concept, Goals & Ties Name
Spells Name
Spell Stunts
Puissant Casting
Skillful Casting
Mighty Spell
Mana Shield
Fast Casting
Imposing Spell
Maximized Spell
Spellpower School
Cast Time
SP Cost
Concept, Goals & Ties
Stunts Name
SP cost
SP cost
Efficient Search
Stay Aware
Speedy Search
Rapid Reload
That Makes Me Wonder
Knock Prone
The Object of your Attention
Defensive Stance
The Upper Hand
Resources at Hand
Mighty Blow
With a Flourish
Pierce Armor
Bon Mot
And Another Thing
Sway the Crowd
Lightning Attack
Stunned Silence
Dual Strike
Seize the Initiative
Lethal Blow
Tower of Will
Advantageous Positioning
Series The Known World Mystara, the Dungeons & Dragons game world first defined in the box set era, returns for use with the Adventure Game Engine in this core supplement covering the Known World and its environs. Explore Karameikos’ frontier! Ferret out intrigue in Glantri! Fight for Thyatis! Travel the world! Everything you need to make characters for the most common Mystaran archetypes is included, including a new class, backgrounds, new talents, specializations, new magic spells & magic items, an overview of the setting and a small bestiary of beginning tier to advanced foes.
Requires the Dragon Age Roleplaying Game Box Set, and original D&D Gazetteers or Mystara Second Edition Box Sets.
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