MyNoteTakingNerd Best of the Best Report

January 14, 2017 | Author: mynotetakingnerd | Category: N/A
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T h e B e st O f T h e B e st N o t e s Fr o m t h e W o r l d ’ s Best Seminars Notes from 81 Of The Best Internet Marketing, Copywriting, and Personal Development Seminars Of The Last Decade

Dexter Abraham (Chief Nerd) Lewis Lalanne (Nerd #2)

Contents The Top 3 Things I Learned From Gary Bencivenga’s “100” Copywriting Seminar ........2 The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Advanced & Comprehensive Copywriting Bootcamp .......................................................................................................5 The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Business Of Copywriting Seminar 9 The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Mastery Boot Camp12 The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Social Media Money Magnet Seminar ...........................................................................................................................................15 The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Marketing Plan Seminar ............18 The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Product Plan Seminar ................21 The Top 7 Things I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Renegade Millionaire Course ..........24 The Top 6 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Self Made Wealth Course ...................27 The Top 4 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Modern Marketing Mastery Seminar..30 The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Scott Gallagher’s Marketing Local Businesses Online Course................................................................................................................................33 What Are The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Advanced Coaching and Consulting Course? ...........................................................................................................39 What Are The Top 11 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s Copywriting Sweatshop Seminar? ............................................................................................................................41 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s $12,700 Influential Writing Course43 What Are The Top 6 Strategies I Learned From Frank Kern’s Mass Control Course? ....46 The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Jay Abraham’s Mastermind Marketing Seminar ..49 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Rich Schefren’s Business Growth System ............52 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s Simple Writing System.................55 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Eben Pagan’s “Wake Up Productive” Course ......58 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s & Sidney Biddle Barrow’s XXX Rated Sales Strategy Course ........................................................................................................61 The Top 3 Things I Learned At Anthony Robbins & Chet Holmes Ultimate Business Mastery Seminar..............................................................................................................................64 The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s “Connected: How To Get Access To Anyone And Build A Powerful Profitable Business Network” program .......................................67 The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Conversion Plan Seminar ..........70 The Top 7 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Get Altitude Seminar ..........................73 The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s License To Steal Seminar .............76 The Top 7 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Blueprint Course........................79 You Can Find This Report And Many More at



The Top 3 Things I Learned From Gary Bencivenga’s “100” Copywriting Seminar Gary’s “100” copywriting seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on what it takes to separate yourself from the 95% of business owners out there who waste their money on advertising that costs them way more money than it makes them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. When most fishermen go out to fish, they think like fishermen When a master goes out to fish, he thinks like a fish. Now obviously, for our example here, we’d substitute marketer and market for fishermen and fish, and you'll see that it's a very profound point. When you spend most of your time thinking like your market, you'll do much better. It's an easy trap to fall into to stop thinking like your market, to forget that there are real people at the other end of your letters or of your communications, and instead to focus on different ways to persuade or different ways to craft your offer. But one of the most powerful things that you can do is to spend your time thinking like your market, what would catch their attention or, what would catch your attention if you were in their position?

2. The biggest obstacle that we as marketers face is not bad offers, or weak headlines, but clutter standing out in the crowd People are actively avoiding sales messages now, and it’s little wonder why in our society. There's at least 3000 sales messages a day being broadcast at us and that number is only getting bigger. So the first key to success in marketing is to not look like an advertisement.

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Something that's very important about this increase in advertisements being broadcast to people and the change in salesmanship, is that the classic ads are no longer applicable. The classic formulas of the 1950's and 60s and 1970s and 80s no longer work. So it can be a very large waste of time and resources to be studying classic direct mail, because it's no longer an applicable model. So a better way to get a swipe file than going to the classics is to see what's currently working by buying something from Healthy Directions, or Boardroom, or Agora, and see what's appearing time and time again, how its sequenced, and take lessons from that. A five-word secret to break through the clutter is:

“Make your advertising itself valuable” One David Ogilvy’s most famous ads is on how to make your advertising more effective. He said (in the ad) . . . “We have brought in $3 billion for our clients. We've spent $40 million tracking results and testing and learning. Here are some of the things we've learned… ” and then what follows is a long list of proven ways to make your ads pull better. So not only was this is valuable information, but it also served as fantastic advertising for his advertising agency demonstrating that he knows how to get the job done.

3. The Bencivenga Persuasion Equation Gary Bencivenga has a copy writing formula it's four parts that you can use to create and to grade any ad that you’re getting ready to roll out. Urgent Problem: Grabs people’s attention and let’s them know this is for them. Unique Promise: You make a promise to solve that problem or fulfill that want or desire. Back in the day, Gary’s ad shop used to promise to beat your control by at least 10% and if they didn’t, you didn’t pay and they’d pay for the mailing of the client’s half of the test. So it ends up costing nothing if they lose. Unquestionable Proof: If at all possible you want to put on a demonstration of you solving that problem in a way that's believable. Gary discovered that if you put more of your attention on your proof element, that this will drive response higher than anything else. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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User-friendly Proposition: This gets people to act now. You'll get yourself into a lot of trouble if you think about products that you can produce first, and later think about how to sell them. Instead, start with the Bencivenga formula to save yourself the drama. Gary's formula makes it very easy to evaluate copy it doesn't make it easy to write but once it's written, you can see which areas need to be beefed up in order for piece to be complete. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Gary Bencivenga’s “100” seminar.

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The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Advanced & Comprehensive Copywriting Bo o t ca mp Dan’s Advanced & Comprehensive Copywriting Boot Camp is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to write outstanding salesletters so that you make sure all of your info-marketing sales material has all the key components in them that get your perfect prospect who’s reading them to open their wallets and give you money for the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from the course…

1. Before We Write A Word You Need: 1) Inside info about your business: • Your clients & prospects • Your product or service • What has worked up till now? • What hasn’t worked? • How they bought before 2) Competition • Everything about others who are successfully selling to the market over a sustained period of time • How did they evolve to get there? 3) Comparables • People who sell different stuff to the same market • People who sell using the same media - How do you pick the magazines to advertise in??? Besides the obvious ones you should find where successful competitors or comparables have been advertising for 4 or more months (past test phase) and advertise there • Sell using the same price point

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4) Industry or market information • What can you get from resource sources to get a complete picture about the prospect such as… - demographics - geography - Statistics - Psychological -Trade publications often carry out surveys 5) Sales Strategy • Payments or no payments • Start low and go high • Get competitions copy and look for commonalities • Then Build a strategy on how you will create and use your copy

2. Psychology of InfoMarketing Copy 1) Who Buys Info? • Slight Edge Buyers - Successful already, eager to do better - Looking for a new twist - They believe there is something else to be discovered and in search of the slight edge - Generally best customers of all & easy to satisfy - They’re the small percentage of customers who are the little hinges that swing big doors open for your bottom line • Junkies and Addicts - Passionate and deep interest in a subject or subjects - Hobbyist buyers such as gunsmithing, etc - Attachment to a particular author(s) - They will want everything you do • Reinforcement Buyers - The Limbaugh Syndrome - (this is why extreme and clear philosophical position matters) - They reinforce the opinions they already have i.e. they want to be told they are right and validate what they already believe - Have a clear philosophical position to voice in your copy You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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• Unplugged Joiners - Why 'recent expires' lists are so valuable in newsletter business - They need to belong – 30% of the population - If they get unplugged they are looking for the next thing immediately, they are not leaving the area of interest - Good for joint ventures - Chronically unsatisfied - Legitimately disappointed - Move-ups - The Lonely • Desperate ...Life Raft Grabbers & Magic Pill Buyers - Confronting new or unexpected adversity, sudden change, marketplace disruption - Good buyers - Another section in this are 

Perennial losers

- Never do anything with what they buy and always bad mouth what they buy - Do things in your copy to discourage them from buying • Life Event-Driven Buyers - Mid-Life Crisis - Why Boomer Demographics are so important - Divorced guy 45 to 50yrs old - Read Dan’s book about “Marketing to the Affluent” to hear more about this

3. We are trying to do two difficult things with copy selling information products: 1) Create a connection from a distance 2) Sell an intangible Copy is about Connection. Most people handicap themselves severely by insisting on crafting "one size fits all" messages and delivering them to too broad of an audience and try to overcome the handicap with extraordinary copy. • If your client list has different categories then each category should be spoken to differently You Can Find This Report And Many More at



• Difference in geography can affect your message as well • You need a precise match as close as you practically can • They all think that “my life/situation is different,” and you must overcome this in your copy. Your copy must talk to them. You need Empathy • The more you disclose, the more people with connect with you. Disclose things that most people would not reveal. The more you reveal the better the chance someone will connect with that topic. • DK used to reveal that he’d gone bankrupt in his Magnetic Marketing speech • He revealed that he stuttered • There are 11 disclosures like this in that speech. Current Events • What’s already going on in their minds is related to current events So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Dan’s Advanced & Comprehensive Copywriting Boot Camp.

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The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Business Of Copywriting Seminar Dan’s Business Of Copywriting Seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on non-traditional places to find clients and how to manage them in ways so that they’ll want to open their wallets and give you big league money for the value you offer them instead of just ignoring you. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from the course…

1. Compensation Money can represent respect, status, influence, power, and value but it doesn’t automatically show up in your bank account because of your excellence in core competencies, your amazing service, smoldering passion and desire, nor are you entitled to anything at any time, for any reason. Money flows to you in direct proportion to your preparedness, skill, value provided to clients AND your ability to position and present yourself and that value in its brightest, most persuasive light AND your ability to effectively manage the relationship you have with your clients. And all of this is governed by your beliefs and personal behaviors in regard to being compensated.

2. “Converting virgins is hard, difficult and expensive work.” Contrary to common sense, the overwhelming amount of business owners – small or big – are idiots and they don’t care. It’s highly unlikely that you’re gonna be the one person who enlightens and motivates them. Other people better than you have tried and failed.

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That’s why it’s deceiving to see crappy advertising or websites and think, “Oh boy, I can fix this even if I was in a coma.” These people aren’t your perfect prospects. They’re better than someone who’s doing no advertising, but barely. In any field, any population, including this one, or all the hotel all the restaurant owners, or all the football team owners in the the anything or take the whole population, doesn’t make any

owners, or NFL or all difference.

You take any population and here’s what you’re gonna find – 1% are kicking ass and taking names and they’ve got all the money. 4% have a little of it. 15% are doing OK. And 80% are clueless and broke. Doesn’t change. Nothing over centuries has changed this and nothing will. The place to get the money is from the 5%. Not from the 95%.

You are FAR better off dealing with the 5%’er’s than the 95%’er’s. So yes, the far majority of potential clients you’ll ever encounter are stupid. They don’t wanna do anything aggressive to get business. They’d rather sit and wallow in their empty restaurant and complain about the economy until they’re forced out of business than do 20 smart things to fix their problem of having no customers. Your perfect client is someone who’s already doing 20 smart things and is looking to do 21 smart things if only someone like you would bring it to them. You’ll find yourself welcomed into this office with open arms. You want smart people who doing smart stuff already.

3. The Foundation For Client Attraction… RIGHT Thinking About Attraction RIGHT Positioning In The Mind Of Your Prospect Engineered Visibility To The RIGHT Audience This is what made David Ogilvy such a bad ass. Above all advertising people, Ogilvy advertised Ogilvy and he was not so much in the advertising business as he was in the Ogilvy business. You’ve gotta be in the business of promoting YOU – not just your services.

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What Dan has found is that most people who break into the million dollar territory and have vast personal incomes are as much in the business of being them as they are in the business of doing anything else. This is an X factor. And most people are unwilling to do it to the extreme needed to get the extreme income. Your preference might be that you work in isolation and get a ton of money handed to you through a slot. You may prefer to sell someone else instead of you. The problem with this though is that the client gets most of the money. What works is self-promoting, self-aggrandizement, self-advertising – making it all about you. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you’re gonna learn from Dan Kennedy’s Business of Copywriting Seminar.

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The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Mastery Boot Camp Dan’s Copywriting Mastery Boot Camp is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to write outstanding salesletters so that you make sure all of your sales material has all the key components in them that get your perfect prospect who’s reading them to open their wallets and give you money for the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from the course…

1. What To Do Before You Write: Do a lot of research into competitors - You wanna know what your competition is doing, even if they are doing it wrong - Answer all the ads you see to see what their letters are like, their premiums & bonuses, installment payments, etc. Do a lot of research into comparables - You also need to know about anyone who is selling to the same market, at the same price point as you to your market or using the same methodology as you. - Answer all the ads you see to spy on what their letters are like, what their premiums & bonuses are, if they’re using installment payments, etc Proof - You need as much validation as you can get As you are collecting information about your clients, you must separate opinion from fact. You must know how the prospects really behave, what they respond to, what they don’t respond to, etc. You need to talk specifically to your market in their language with your crafted message. One of DK’s clients found that 74% of his clients were long haul truck drivers so he created a parallel business where it was specifically tailored towards truck drivers and this runs in tandem with the generic. He now spends more on advertising to truck drivers and he You Can Find This Report And Many More at



advertises in trade journals, truck driver magazines, has literature put at truck stops and he advertises on country & western radio channels.

2. Establish Authority This is something that is missed when you are constantly marketing to a prospect universe that you assume knows your story. - We get tired of telling our own story and then stop using it - You should tell your story every single time Selling to your peers if often a tough situation. To some degree it takes a bit of arrogance to do this. - The only time DK hasn’t done well with his own professional speakers herd of customers was when he neglected to include his story, credentials, accomplishments, etc. - You may not like doing it but you must do it a lot. - You must answer the questions of “Why should I listen to you and why should I listen to you about how I should run my business?” - You may have to call them out on their bad behaviors such as procrastination - You must lord all over them and don’t be modest. - Don’t underestimate the power of talking about things like before/after story such as if you were broke in the past because you want people to resonate with it. - The tougher the market the heavier the hand you have to be with this • Don’t slack off here

3. Explaining What Something Is Not This should be used a lot - Often used in business opportunity ads • You should keep swipes on weight loss and money making opportunity ads because they often include the best copy of all. - Ads trying to sell things that are unbelievable requires excellent copy and this copy is extremely useful for things that are believable You Can Find This Report And Many More at



• The NOT list is the list of things that your prospects don’t want it to be - Example: weight loss would include… “No exercise, not a diet and not prepackaged food!” -

You need to get this list together

• Another way of doing this is the WITHOUT List - Example: Ways to lose weight without exercise, without going on a diet, Etc. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Mastery Boot Camp.

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The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Social Media Money Magnet Seminar The Glazer Kennedy Social Media Money Magnet seminar is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to use social media sites and tools in ways that get your perfect prospect who’s following you on them to open their wallets and give you money because they can see the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 5 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. The Fundamental Asset The relationship that you have with your list is your greatest asset. Having a list of followers means nothing if the people on it don’t care if you’re alive or not. With social media you don’t have to be salesy. You get to show up, be cool and make friends with your customers. On Jeff Walker’s latest opening of Product Launch formula they outsold every one in the competition because they built up the influence account with them by showing up an being cool and their list now trusts them to guide them correctly.

2. “Communicate with impact or don’t communicate at all” You want to stand out. We’re taught to sit up and shut up at home, going through school, and on a job. But in social media if you sit down and shut up, you’re invisible. It’s not important online how many people you know -- it’s all about how many people know you. This is known as Social Capital and in the 21 st century, it’s more important to build this, than your financial capital. It’s all about motivating your fans online so that they do your marketing for you. People buy from people they know like and trust so your job online is to get people to know, like and trust you.

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3. What’s the purpose of Social Networking? It’s all about generating leads. That’s the only purpose of business using social networking. It’s one more marketing system that you can put into action. Leads solve everything. It’s not realistic for a business owner to go onto Facebook and have a bunch of individual conversations. But there are ways that you can add value whether it’s through a status update, sharing a video, sharing an article, sending them and invite to an event, etc. You need at least three ways to add value daily. It’s going to be really hard to make this work if you just do status updates. You’ve got to mix it up. Share pictures, share videos, share valuable links. This keeps things fresh. James & Joey Bridges suggest you only spend 15 minutes a day on Facebook. This ends the argument of “I don’t have time.” And the reason this action needs to be consistent is because “Likes” on your Facebook page count as leads 10 “Likes” a day on your page equals 300 new leads for your business for the month. And some people using what they’re showing you here are getting 45% conversion rate on these leads that are dirt cheap or free.

4. You don’t have to get permission from radio, television, newspaper, or magazine industry. You don’t have to ask or wait for anybody. We’re all publishers now and this is huge. Making social media work for you has nothing to do with the technology. It has to do with your internal psychology. Google, Yahoo, Bing and YouTube are your publishing partners and you’re a broadcaster. Search engines are now on the hunt for communities. They want to see you have a following on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. Not just a bunch of spam out there on social bookmarking sites. Articles also have high value with Google too, so you want to take your videos and have them transcribed and put into articles. Blogs do too so you’re gonna want to take your YouTube videos and put them there. Same with podcasts.

5. Biggest Myth In Social Media: YOU personally have to do it all You Can Find This Report And Many More at



You won’t find Michael Dell of Dell computers taking care of Dell Support questions or Dell care’s Twitter account. Why should you do that stuff for your company? Hire the small stuff out. Don’t let the guru’s make you think you have to do everything. You can outsource 90% of the grunt work that it takes to be wildly successful online.

So there you have it, my top 5 strategies you could learn from Glazer Kennedy’s Social Media Money Magnet seminar.

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The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Marketing Plan Seminar Eben’s Guru Marketing Plan seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to make sure that when your perfect prospect see’s your marketing, they have to know more and are excited for what you’re going to show them that promises to help them get away from pain and move toward pleasure. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. Experts vs. Marketer Thinking EXPERTS…    

Experts have blind spots and ego attachments that prevent them from being able to do good marketing. Experts feel they've earned the right to tell people what to do. Experts feel other people should come find them and the world should beat a path to their door. Experts tend to think marketing and sales are second class jobs due to the dynamic ethics / adaptive nature / circumstantial changeability of marketing and sales.

MARKETERS… Marketers know nothing happens until another human being buys - until another human being out there makes the decision within themselves that 'this is right for me' and they take out their hard earned cash and they trade it for whatever it is you got. Nothing else matters without this. Them buying is the oxygen in your businesses body. Marketers know most of the things they create and test won't work. They don't take it personally. Persistence to find the things that do work and roll them out and scale them is the difference maker. Marketers knows the average human being is 25 pounds overweight, apathetic, moderately depressed, has low self esteem, has 0.75 best friends, leads a boring life, and everyone they know is boring - and to get them to take action requires something interesting going on. You as the marketer get to be that inspiring interesting person that pulls them out of their apathetic moderately depressed and dull life and makes things interesting.

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2. The Marketing Stage On the marketing stage, you can shine the spotlight on one thing. Meeting the customer where they are at, in their language, explaining in their terms...being key. To do this requires shining the spotlight on your customer holding a gem on a little tray...and the gem is called "their needs"! We don't even really want to put the spotlight on them. Communicating where they're at WITHOUT making them wrong is important, and yet we still need to push their emotional hot button. Focus on the needs is what we want on the marketing stage. Now, what are the needs that make a difference? Their pain and desires. We could call the pains… Fear, Anxiety, Frustration, Problems. We could call desires… Aspirations, Wants, Fantasies. These are all interchangeable. What they in common is that they are emotional. ALL of them are emotional.


Rationality is used as a tool to support the emotional. But this all starts with irrational, emotional needs of the customer. Shining the spotlight on those, communicate with them, use them, is when you get attention and create marketing that works.

3. Targeting High "Emotion Value" Words & Phrases: The difference in "emotional value" between two words or two phrases is typically VAST. Most people have no idea just how different these values can be. A $1 bill and a $100 bill are printed on the same paper with the same ink. It's the "message" on the bill that makes all the difference. By learning to differentiate the emotional values and "motivation" values of words and phrases, you can dramatically increase your response and conversion in the marketing world. If you were given a bill with a free hand at writing whatever denomination you wanted on it, you'd pick the highest denomination possible, but when it comes to using words we use variation, free expression, etc. and it doesn't occur to us that we can put the value on the bill, so you should put $100 out there, not $1 or $27 or $32.

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Find the $100 communication and hammer that home because that's what works and gets the response. Pay attention to the ones with high emotional value since those are the ones that get you the return and turn into $100 bills, not $1 bills. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Guru Marketing Plan seminar.

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The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Product Plan Seminar Eben’s Product Plan seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how test product ideas quickly online while investing little money so that you know that what you’re offering your perfect prospects something they feel is going to help them get away from pain and move toward pleasure. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. The Underlying Formula 

The customer doesn’t want products or techniques – they want an outcome!

People want value. The way we offer them value is in the form of results which is in the form of our info products

We are not selling info – we are selling results

Selling a tangible, measurable result that the person can expect to experience in the real world dramatically increases the price of your product.

2. What is value?     

Value is something that a person receives from someone else that they perceive will make their life better, solve a problem or give them a result they want Utility & incentive Utility – the actual satisfaction value someone gets when they consume something Incentive – the expectation of some utility or satisfaction from something Value is an ideal

What is it to value something? Take the time to ask how are the valuing the problem they are having and how would they value the solution? We need to understand how they think, what emotions they are having and drilling down to that one highest value leverage point that you can out into a product so it will sell itself. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



We want high value products that are tailored to their needs so that your customers say to themselves – I never knew someone could understand this at this level The highest form of value to the customer is the result that they want – this is your incentive What kind of result do they want?   

Mental/logical result Emotional result Physical tangible result

We like to assume that they want to feel better and know that their problem is solved. In a way that is true but what they really want is something tangible because they can see, feel, or hear it. If you’re not selling a tangible result, you are selling magic beans  

They want Specific, Tangible, Measurable, Observable & Physical results If you overcome this in your mind you just start thinking in terms of:

Becoming more specific and drilling down what they want and forcing yourself to think external and tangible. The person who wants to find romantic relationship wants to be holding hands with another human being. The person who wants to lose weight wants to see 20lbs less on the scales.

3. The Wrong Process Most people going into the info marketing business think that they should take everything they know and spew it into a book or video and sell it. The problem here is that this approach is focused on the author - not the customer. Instead we should find the need the customer has, the result they want and use all of our knowledge to give them that result. We want to come up with all the things they want, one at a time, take everything we know and help them get that result. You only need 5 or 10 of them. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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When you do this, you communicate to your prospects in way where they can say, “Wow, you really get this and you can help me!” If you can describe another person’s problems better than they can, they unconsciously automatically assume you have the solution. Most people who create info products or services promote the general things rather than drilling down on the nitty gritty things that are important to them. Don’t follow the herd! So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Guru Marketing Plan seminar.

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The Top 7 Things I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Renegade Millionaire Course Dan’s 12 CD program is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to create a thriving business that allows you to turn yours or other people’s expertise into money you can spend on shiny objects. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from Renegade Millionaire…

1. Too often, people fall into the trap of doing what they want to do, regardless of whether or not there are hundreds of other competitors doing exactly the same thing Instead, the smart way to do it is to be able to carve out a unique positioning for yourself, and then build everything else around that. It's okay to be in a crowded market, so long as you have a place of your own in that crowded market. If you're just like all of your competitors, then you're screwed.

2. Dan contends that you very quickly want to get to a place in your business where you're looking for ways to be able to spend MORE to get a lead, NOT less The more you can spend to get a lead, the less you have to worry about competition. The key to making this work, of course, is to have fantastic back ends.

3. Look at your business processes and ask yourself “How many points of contact there are with your clients, patients, and prospects? How many opportunities are there to sell them?” You Can Find This Report And Many More at



Are you taking advantage of each one? In other words, are you making the most of each step in your business process. Also, of course, ask yourself if there's anything that you can add to your process to make your total value added even greater. Example: Kennedy sells through teleseminars. In the past, he made his pitch at the end of the teleseminar. So with this method, he could only present to people who actually were on the call. What about the people who wanted to make it, but couldn’t? He changed his model, and now he makes an offer once they register to attend the call, makes an offer in the email reminder for the teleseminars, makes an offer during the teleseminars, at the end of the teleseminars and in the post seminar follow ups. Of all the people who registered to attend the call, 70% responded before they got on the call. This is very important: The presentation, nor what he what he was selling didn’t change, and yet the response rate was 200% higher than it would’ve been otherwise. So ask… “What happens if I change the steps, what happens if I mix it up, reverse the order, add in steps, etc.?” You don't change the thing, you don't change what you're giving them. What you change is the process of them getting it, and see what that does to your profitability.

4. A great way to turn an ordinary business into an extraordinary business is to get into the information marketing business This means that the first thing that you market is educational material. He talks about a plastic surgeon that stopped advertising his practice, and started advertising his information product. “Call in and get my book about plastic surgery” There’s also a lawyer who markets so that people request his book on “Do You Really Need a Lawyer After An Accident? What you should know about accident law.” Position yourself as the most knowledgeable person within your field and this will drive business to you

5. The most commonly missed opportunity to expand or grow your business is to include a premium offer for the 20% of your clients who will

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accept and pay for the premium service just because it's offered to them 6. Ask yourself if there are any underexploited assets in your business, or in a business that you're looking to acquire? The dream acquisition candidate has good customers who are buying things from bad marketing. If they're already buying from this horrible marketing, you can buy the business and then double the profits on it by using great direct response marketing.

7. Food is the most underrated gift you can send your customers If you want to lower refunds, if you want to get higher satisfaction ratings, then you can't top food as a gift because people feel guilty after they eat your food. As far as a retention gift, food, cookies, brownies, sweets like this can't be beat. Want to keep your patients or newsletter subscribers longer? Send them food the month before the average dropout point. Send them some fine chocolates, just to say thanks. By doing this, you help this person create even more intense warm & fuzzy feelings about you which makes it easier for the person to decide that if they stick with you, they can anticipate more of these feelings. So there you have it, my top 7 things you could learn from Dan Kenney’s Renegade Millionaire Course.

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The Top 6 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Self Made Wealth Course Eben’s Self Made Wealth course was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on what it takes to separate yourself from the 95% of people who end up dead broke or dependent on someone else at the age of 65. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 6 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. We are wired for a time that doesn’t exist anymore    

This leads us to consume money immediately and with credit cards we consume things we don’t even have Money is a recent invention The concept of wealth is a brand new invention evolutionary speaking Planning for the long term is a recent invention too

When we moved from hunter gathers to using agriculture to feed ourselves we were more in touch with wealth such as an accumulation of a harvest but nowadays we are disconnected. Now we work for a big company and money is in banks/credit cards so we don’t get a feel for how much things are worth. We have stepped back from reality.

We are not naturally designed very well to deal with money

2. We have unhealthy emotional relationship with money      

Most people who have not amassed wealth have two competing relationships inside of them when it comes to money- Love/hate They love money as it will give them what they want They hate money because they feel they are slaves to it They look at successful people and see faults with them and they are bad people Until we deal with internal conflict we cannot be wealthy. Most of us spend money the same way we eat food – emotionally

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We don’t do it intelligently with long term in mind. In the book “Paradox of Choice”, 93% of high school aged girls said their most pleasurable experience is shopping.

3. We have bad cultural and societal programming for money 

Money allows a quick transfer of commodities

The problem is that it has become the main aspect of transferring value and we now confuse money with value. 

We believe that money is valuable on a 1 to 1 basis

This isn’t true. A $100 bill costs a couple of cents to print 

Money doesn’t have any intrinsic value

Because that’s where we think the value is, that’s the thing we go after. We don’t say we are going to trade equity for a vacation. We have become convinced that money is the value. 

The value is in the asset

If you focus on chasing money you will never build wealth.

Wealthy people don’t have their wealth in money. They go out to acquire assets they can convert to money anytime they want. Bankers understand this. The experts keep their money in assets which grow in value. They know you don’t get wealthy by focusing on money.

4. Money isn’t real so we screw up when we get it and screw up when we spend it In life what you focus on expands. If you focus on your health and relationships they expand. This doesn’t apply to money. This is because money isn’t the real thing. Money grows when we focus on creating value. By learning how to create value for someone, they will give you money all day long. Most people who come into money lose it all. They don’t learn the lesson of creating value and building assets. And credit cards multiply this problem one hundred fold.

5. We have bad financial and wealth role models You Can Find This Report And Many More at



Can you remember conflicts in your home when growing up that were about money? What did you hear about money when you were growing up? More likely than not our programming doesn’t help us at all and our models of the world keep us poor. We need new programming and models.

6. We have poor habits with money     

We deplete our assets We use cash unconsciously We don’t translate it to how much it will cost us in bigger picture We spend it like it goes out of fashion We make spending decisions in the moment


Waiting until you are in the shopping mall to spend your money rather than make them in advance and dwelling on the decision will keep you in the poor house and rob you from your future. 

We spend credit like we spend cash - even more dangerous as it doesn’t feel like it’s even money

We need to make rules in advance and dwell on the implications of that purchase So there you have it, my top 6 lessons you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Self Made Wealth course.

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The Top 4 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Modern Marketing Mastery Seminar Eben’s Modern Marketing Mastery seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to make sure that when your perfect prospect see’s your marketing, they have to know more and are excited for what you’re going to show them that promises to help them get away from pain and move toward pleasure. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 4 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU OR YOUR PRODUCT It's about them and the outcome that they're seeking. You must stop talking about how great you and your product are/is. You must start talking about them and their needs and the results or outcome they want or benefit they're seeking, or else you'll be banging your head against a wall.

2. MARKETING AND INNOVATION ARE ALL THAT MATTER - you can hire people for the rest of the stuff Innovation is showing up with something that's new, better, and different BUT ALSO something that solves a problem/delivers a result/gets a customer the outcome they want that wasn't available previously. Marketing is connecting with those people and showing them you have stuff that solves their problems, explaining it, and helping them to buy it. Becoming a powerful marketer takes what you've learned about marketing, psychology, understanding the customer and uses these elements to fuel innovation.

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3. IT'S NOT ABOUT GETTING YOUR NAME OUT THERE, IT'S ABOUT GETTING THEIR NAME IN HERE Yelling your name from a mountaintop is not a useful startup strategy. Getting their name in here is about: finding your audience, finding your market, getting in front of them, understanding their needs, and then communicating clearly that your product/service/the thing that you offer will deliver them to the promised land by helping them get the result/the outcome/the delivery from the fear the anxiety or the pain they seek… at a fair price… and then making an offer – asking for the sale.

4. MARKETING IS ABOUT CONVERSION… NOT ABOUT COMMUNICATION You're not trying to communicate with people, you're trying to get them to come in and convert and give you money in exchange for what it is you're trying to sell. Your Market, Your Model, Your Strategy...these are more important than things like the words written at the top of your ad What Is Your Market? The people you sell stuff to i.e. the target market + Products/services you sell. Put those together you’ve got people that need stuff and the stuff they need and they're buying it -- this creates a market. What Is Your Strategy? This is your psychological approach. It's not what you're doing but how you're doing it. The methodology, the philosophy you're using to get there. Are you the best in your market? The cheapest? The unique new solution that wasn't available before? Being all things to all people is a fundamental mistake. You want to exclude everyone except the person that needs or wants your product the most and only talk to them. What Is Your Model? It’s how all the puzzle pieces fit together.

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It's the marketing channel you market through (i.e. print, TV, radio, direct mail, banner ads, PPC) how you generate a lead or a prospect, how you convert it to a sale, how you follow up, and how you upsell someone to the next product/service while they're purchasing. You want all these steps in a spreadsheet in a real model with metrics so you can see how they affect and influence each other, and how if you grow, it will scale and how the numbers will change. And as you grow you’ll be putting these together in a model you can see a diagram of and show how they all affect each other and how you pour all the leads in the top and how the money comes out the bottom and how the ROI looks so you have a sustainable business. The best models typically have one thing in common: They're not trying to sell one thing in one shot. There's upsells, there's backend, there's continuity, there are other products, there's a long term life time value model. Marketing is not . . . "I'm going to create a great ad and it'll make all the money for me." Marketing is . . . Building a long term relationship with a prospect and selling them one thing after another after another after another to help them get the results they're looking for. So there you have it, my top 4 strategies you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Modern Marketing Mastery seminar.

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The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Scott Gallagher’s Marketing Local Businesses Online Course Scott Gallagher’s Marketing Local Businesses Online course is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to use the internet in a way that allows a business to be found easily so that their perfect prospects can open their wallets and give you money because they can see the value the business offers them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 5 things you could learn from this course…

1. What doesn’t work     

Spam Studying the algorithm Engagement Transparency Exposure

What Does Work: Adding Value 

Post comments - Blog Comments - Forum Content Post quality info - Invaluable info is useless - Post something people want to read

Any online marketing techniques that cannot be deployed offline should not be used.

2. Website Provisions   

Measurable Goals Sustainable Goals Offer valuable information

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 

Evolve with time Maximize Conversion - Call to action

There’s 5 Stages of a Website 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Project Co-ordinator Designer Developer Quality Control Marketer

Online Local Business - 90% of local business online campaigns fail - Local business is different from ecommerce sites Education 1) Driving Traffic 2) Converting Traffic 3) Measuring Results Managing 1) Multiple Clients 2) On-going Sales 3) Multiple Resources Don’t try and fool the search engines. Quality of inbound links, social sites & web pages determines the success of your website.

3. Use Direct Marketing Position yourself in front of a targeted audience and you must tailor your message to suit. You need to get peoples information when they come to your website. You must be constantly monitoring your results.

4. Traffic & Conversion Search Engine Optimization You Can Find This Report And Many More at



Is dependent on how many quality websites link to yours

Best Strategies 

SEO - Local Listings - Organic Listings Targeted Email Marketing - Not Spam

Strategic Efficiency  

Strategies that work in one method may work in another Example: Article Marketing - Drives Traffic - Improve SEO

Create Conversion   

Budget 2 to 3 times the cost of a website to market it per year Example: $3K website costs $10K to market per year Mobile marketing is the next thing

Web 2.0  

Interactive Leads to Call To Action - Capture leads - Get prospects - Join Mailing lists - Fill out a form - Post on a forum - Join your own social network - Make a phone call

Methods To Drive Traffic  SEM  Online advertising  Email marketing  Social sites  Niche social marketing You Can Find This Report And Many More at



     

Webinars Video sites Forums Online classifieds Online yellow pages Local websites

SEO is the best way to drive traffic. SEO   

Provides re-occurring revenue Long term contract Substantial profit margins

Targeted Email Marketing       

Build relationship Enhance/improve relationship with existing or past clients Promote loyalty Cross promotions Acquire new customers Provide advertising space for other businesses This is highly scalable

Social Media Marketing   

Number #1 internet activity Fastest growing segment of Facebook is 55-65 year old females Will eventually join with SEO

5. How And What To Measure 

SEO - Measure Number of searches - Conversion Rate - Fluctuation - Rankings - Activity

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Call To Actions 

Beware to call to action failures

Bench Marking    

Measurement & Analyze Cost Analysis - Justify how much you are spending Return Of Investment Budgeting - Get more money for next year

Metrics – Financial Ratios  

Gross Margin - Gross Profit/Net Sales ROI

Metrics – Web Page Analysis        

   

CTA Conversion - How many people who come to the site and take the required action Competitive Analysis Ranking Analysis CPC – Cost Per Click - Pay Per Click CPL – Cost per Lead CPM – Cost Per Thousand - Cost per 1000 ad impression ran on a network CPS – Cost Per Sale CTR – Click Through Rate - When doing an Email Campaign how many people clicked on the link embedded in the email KEI – Keyword Effectiveness Index - Keyword analysis Link Analysis PR – Page Rank - How strong is the page SERP – Search Engine Results Page - The first page change in order – Top 10

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Track your clients position beyond the first page The higher the better

Measuring Traffic         

Install Google Analytics Total Visitors Unique Visitors Page Views Entry or Landing Pages Exit Pages Referring Domains Referring URLs Top Referring Search Engines - 80% from Google - Optimise for Bing Top referring keywords

So there you have it, my top 5 strategies you could learn from Scott Gallagher’s Marketing Local Businesses Online course.

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What Are The Top 3 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Advanced Coaching and Consulting Course? This is a tough question. Dan’s advanced coaching and consulting seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to get clients, keep clients, and getting the maximum amount of money from each client. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from course…

1. Ignore traditional norms about coaching & consulting The norms are rooted in: Hours for dollars culture: There’s no leverage in this because no matter how much value you give, your earnings are capped. The client ultimately will view it as overpaying as they will compare hours for dollars. Eventually everyone is unhappy so instead sell them the money at a discount. Academic orientation: People get hung up on certifications and letters after the name Nobody cares about it other than the people signing the certificates. Ladder thinking - Always be sticking a ladder in front of your clients because people will always climb them but NEVER stand in front of one yourself. Ladders are for controlling people e.g. boy scouts of America has a ladder purely for controlling kids & parents. The norms are mired in poverty thinking: You should be only able to make so much an hour Our clients make X then we should earn Y - Your monetary compensation is based on the actual value provided as defined by the recipient ( not you ) and what you can get Coaching has to do with your attitudes about yourself & money, how big your balls are and your ability can keep a straight face when you ask for the cash. This is all self-image related.

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Every other business runs itself in relation to price i.e. a multiple of cost. This doesn’t exist in coaching and the info business.

2. What do clients believe ( "know" ) about you The best people at anything are generally the poorest. It’s about being known or perceived as being the best. 1. What they surmise or assume about you. Anyone who publishes a book gets instant credit for being smart and are given expert status. 2. What they are told by others about you. If you can engineer stories being told about you, that creates reputation. 4% of people check references for jobs applications. The assumption is that if they have put a person on their application as a reference then they’ll say good things about you. 3. What they read / hear about you. Get an article written about you. People believe what they read regardless of true or false media. Example: Pharmaceutical companies using false reviews of product. It looks real so doctors prescribe them. 4. What "legends" they hear repeated about you. It’s important to create and tell repeatedly the defining stories about your life because they are likely to be repeated to other people. 5. Who you are associated with, who do they associate you with in their minds. This is important for newbies trying to create reputation. An aura borrowed is as good as an aura earned. Example: the comedian whose career was based on opening for Frank Sinatra. This can come via who you reference in your stories and language, who you interview, who you co-author with, who you tell stories about, who you shared a seminar with.

3. Best attractor for money – immunity from criticism – High achievers live independent of the good opinion of others You’re in the Gold Stars business for people who need them but it’s essential that we don’t need them from those people or damn near anyone else. We are in the business of showing people ladders but it is essential that you don’t climb them yourself. If none of your decisions have anything to do with this, then all your decisions are profit related. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Dan Kennedy’s Advanced Coaching & Consulting course.

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What Are The Top 11 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s Copywriting Sweatshop S em i n a r ? John Carlton’s 2nd Copywriting Sweatshop seminar is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to write outstanding salesletters and learning via John tearing the participants pieces apart and then rebuilding them, so that you see how to make sure all of your sales material has all the key components in them that get your perfect prospect who’s reading them to open their wallets and give you money for the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 11 things you could learn from the course…

1. If you can strip out all your adjectives, it will almost always make your copy better 2. Anything that can be interpreted in more than one way, don’t do it 3. Think of your prospect as a 3 year old baby who is not going to focus on your story unless you get him engaged and curious/excited 4. Start with the markets awareness, not yours 5. Exclamation points are almost always like a bluff (it’s like your point was not good enough)

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6. Don’t be worried about boring people you’re not going after 7. Think in terms of 3 when telling a story: bring it down to the basics. People can handle batches in 3’s. 3 elements, 3 characters, 3 mini acts, 3 benefits. It will help you get started 8. Stories told in copy need to come with some twist. If everything is obvious and comes to a logical conclusion, it’s not a good story 9. Unless your product was created to be a headline, do NOT use your product name in the headline 10. No pictures without a caption (complete sentence with a benefit) 11. You can’t have a weak close and feel bad about selling your product. You provide something of value and people PAY YOU FOR IT. If you have a product that solves a problem, then shame on you if you don’t make the case for him/her to buy and shame on you for not making him feel like there is no risk and that it’s the next most effective step So there you have it, my top 11 strategies you could learn from John Carlton’s Copywriting Sweatshop 2.

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The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s $12,700 Influential Writing Course Dan’s Influential Writing Seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to talk to your customers in a way that encourages them to bring you their money year after year after year so that you can keep spending it on shiny objects. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from Influential Writing…

1. Four Essential Ingredients To Influence 

They must be fascinated with you (or the people you write about). This goes far beyond interest

They must feel they share common values with you. It’s very difficult to influence people without this

People must believe you care about them. Whether you do or not they must believe you do. They must feel you have personal concern for them.

You must care about the small percentage that does do well. They must get value from the relationship they perceive they have with you. Value as they define it.

2. People want simplistic ideas, not complex ones They also don’t want to hear specifics. Master the Art of Over-simplification. Influential writing is not about writing about things better, it’s about simplifying things in a better way. Make people feel good with what you serve up.

3. What You Stand For: People want to find out value connections not resume connections. An influential writer has, and advances their personal philosophy. This is only a partial list - it might expand for you, and for what you are trying to accomplish, to two to ten times this many subjects . . . 


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          

Money Family Business Work ethic Play by the rules/break the rules Success Sales Time Religion/Spirituality Politics Health / Fitness

4. Principle of MENTAL IMPRINT The mental imprint is the idea that sticks the most. Such an imprint gives permanent, solid foundation to keep building on, so you never have to start over from scratch to persuade someone. The story sticks most, not the core content, principles, or anything else. The story is the way you can imprint about you. You can sit and spend time and try to convince people but tell them the right story and you don’t have to do anything. Everybody knows the Napolean Hill story of how “Think and Grow Rich” came to be but almost no one remembers all 17 Principles he talks about in the book. Story sticks.

5. Principle of SPECIFIC DESIRES MET It is extremely useful to know who it is you are attempting to influence with your writing. Too much energy is devoted to influencing, not enough to understanding. Without a detailed profile of who you are writing to/for, and what makes them tick, you are "playing blind archery." Most people don’t have a good emotional, experiential (day to day existence) or psychological profile of the people they want to influence. The building of the profile will work backwards and help with the principles before this. It needs to be a living and breathing profile.

6. Principle of TRANSPARENCY Never have skeletons in the closet. Everyone has flaws in their propositions, products and themselves and when they drip out to a group of people you are trying to influence over time it does irreparable damage. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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Call out the elephant in the room.

7. Principle of SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT To influence others, tell them they should be influenced. It isn’t useful to be subtle. You have to do this constantly to remind them of your status. It goes on everything. Testimonials are a great way, having other people telling your prospect that you are a God in your niche. You can do it humorously – “That’s why I get the Big Bucks!!!” It should be a key element in your newsletter – remind them of your affluence. If you have fancy cars show them off, or if you live in the Taj Mahal then flaunt it. Don’t not use what you are pissing away money on in your communication. A lot of people are uncomfortable about this due to childhood or religious conditioning but it is a mistake not to do it.

Be the King of all Beings. It’s a huge mistake not to do this a lot. Also tell them you possess secrets they don’t have, experiences they don’t have, and about the people standing in line waiting to give you loads of money. So there you have it, my top 7 strategies from Dan Kenney’s Influential Writing Course.

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What Are The Top 6 Strategies I Learned From Frank Kern’s Mass Control Course? Frank’s Mass Control course was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to talk to your customers in a way that encourages them to bring you their money anytime you want to launch a product so that you get to keep spending it on shiny objects. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from Mass Control…

1.You need what Frank calls “Money Magnets” (free awesomeness that you’re giving away) and here’s how to do it… You must first create interest and desire. Frank did this before by giving away PDF’s of his Underachiever Newsletters. Now, you must bond and create trust. Your customers want to know that you are real and you can do this by creating a report or tele-seminar about you. Frank did this by telling the story of how he got busted by the FTC and what he learned. Next, you need to show proof that it works. You should get tons of testimonials and give those out in many forms. Finally, you should give them a sample of what they’ll get. This could be sample PDF’s and/or Videos. This can just be sample techniques or strategies that they will learn.

2.Prepare the market for the massive amount of FREE content you are going to give them. You need to engineer your markets belief system. First … “if you say it then MAYBE it’s true” Next… “Testimonials take it to an entirely new level” Next… “If LOTS of people say it then it’s on an entirely next level” Then... “If it’s in PRINT then it for sure is true” so you want to be mentioned or endorsed by powerful third parties. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



3.The simple fact is that people come into your herd to get content and they stay with you because they become attached to the character you portray. There are five basic building blocks for creating a character your herd will bond with. They are… • Your Back Story • What You Stand For (Your Beliefs And Values) • Your Magic Powers • Your Fables • Your Secret Language And each building block must be carefully crafted to match the desired outcome of your market. For example, when I'm selling to the "Make Money" crowd ...especially to the beginners, I know that my market's desired outcome is to make money by doing nothing. Therefore, my "character" is a lazy slacker who came from nothing, stands for easy money and stands against conventional "work," has a near magical ability to make money on the Internet, tells stories of stumbling over incredible money making systems, and speaks the "mysterious" language of PPC, Niches, Google Slap, Reverse Squeezes, and more.

4. Developing your Mass Control Story Line Why is this important? Because this is how we relate to people. This is how we pass down history. Ask yourself: What did you do today? What is the funniest thing you ever seen? What was your first date like? What was your first kiss like? You will have a story for all of these. Stories allow you to relay multiple messages through the use of metaphors. A persuasive metaphor is your ability to convey a message that develops a desire to comply with what you want by telling them a story that doesn’t have anything to do with what you are selling.

5. Everybody wants to be part of a group: Be A Secret Teller!!! The engine that drives us in our plight against "them"… “them” being whoever is oppressing us, is secrets. The secrets that "they" don't want "us" to know. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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When you let someone in on a big secret, they become a member of the exclusive group. There are many different types of secrets-there are the long-lost secrets, such as the long-lost fighting secrets of the Shaolin Monks. Of course, these are the secrets that the professional martial arts trainers of today hope you never discover. There are insider secrets, such as the insider secrets of the world's greatest seduction artists. And, of course, the lesser seduction artists pray that you never discover the insider secrets, otherwise you won't need to buy their material. And then you have the classic shocking secrets, like those Kevin Trudeau writes about in his book “Natural Health Cures They Don't Want You To Know”.

6. The Magic Formula: MB + P + L SESC =’S $ Translation – Magic Bullet + Proof = Low Self Esteem Success Chance = Money Magic Bullet is the premise that you can get them what they want quickly and easily. The Low Self Esteem Success Chance is the thing that conveys that even if I only did just a fraction of what this Guru has done, I could accomplish my dreams. So there you have it, my top 6 strategies from Frank Kern’s Mass Control Course.

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The Top 5 Strategies I Learned From Jay Abraham’s Mastermind Marketing Seminar Jay’s Mastermind Marketing seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to get clients, keep clients, and getting the maximum amount of money from each client. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 5 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. Abraham says that the great breakthroughs in business and other areas don't come from within; they come from without They come from other industries, other people, other sources. Go outside your comfort zone, and you'll discover something new. What's commonplace in one field may be highly uncommon in other fields so by transplanting things from one area to another, you'll have more breakthroughs. It's always good to keep a conscious eye open for those things that'll work in different fields; find the cross functionalities.

2. It's all about leverage There is good leverage and bad leverage. The bad kind can work against you when things go poorly (kinda like leverage in trading; it's great when things go your way, it hurts a LOT when things go poorly). Marketing is almost an infinite upside with almost no downside; it costs you the same to send out a flier whether it gets a 1% response or a 10% response; it costs the same to make 100 sales calls whether you get 5% or 20% response. By working on your marketing, you greatly increase your leverage and can do much better things with your business.

3. There are only 3 ways to grow a business 1. Increase the amount of clients 2. Increase the average transaction value (i.e. the size of the sale) You Can Find This Report And Many More at



3. Increase the frequency of purchase or repurchase Sometimes you can't increase the frequency of sale, but you can increase the amount of things you get from 3 rd parties to sell to them markup, or get the “soft dollar” benefits like referrals or testimonials. If somebody's paying you a monthly fee, you can't get pay two, BUT you can get them to buy products, additional services, their friends.

at a them to or refer

Most businesses try just to increase their client base as the way to grow their business; it's ludicrous, because that's the hardest way. It'll cost you 6 times more to attract a new customer, than to try to get one of your existing customers to buy something new from you, or more frequently. Once you’ve already made a sale to somebody, getting them to buy more, or buy more frequently, it takes almost no effort or capital; it's just leveraging that relationship. That's where most businesses can focus to really increase their revenue streams.

4. The Power Parthenon Principle You want your marketing and business to consist of multiple pillars, multiple strengths, multiple areas that generate revenue for you so that you've got one pillar for referrals, one for lead generation, one for telemarketing; underneath each pillar, they're supported by their own pillars (the systems that allow them to work). For example, under telemarketing, you've got pillars (systems) for lead generation, cutting down attrition, etc. etc. It's all a matter of systems you use in your business, and the number of systems & subsystems you have to strengthen your business. The more of these you have, the more ways you have to generate potential revenue, and the less prone you are to any changes that may affect any one of these areas (one pillar may be affected, but your others can carry the load).

5. Huge Mistake: Not testing all your marketing ideas or strategies Make sure you test your message AND your medium; make sure you fit your message to the group you're sending it to. Don't just test the message. Abraham is ADAMENT that headlines area HUGE part of marketing; some people say “well I don't send letters though direct mail”, or whatnot, “so headlines don't apply to me.” Headlines apply to EVERY area of marketing. It's the opening line of your advertisement, the opening words from your salesperson, it's the way that you get people to think about YOU. It's the way that you grab people’s attention; test your headlines. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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Make sure you have ones that will grab attention better than others. Get a few different ones out there. It's the headlines that will make people decide whether or not to continue reading your ad, or in person, to continue seeking to do business with you. Some final notes about testing . . . TEST EVERYTHING. The things you’re sure about? Test them. Things you think are stupid? Test them. It's polarity management, and you have to figure out how to manage the two, but you have to test wacky stuff in one mind frame, and then you have to optimize the stuff that comes back as successful after the testing (and be in a very different mindset when you're doing that). So there you have it, my top 5 strategies you could learn from Jay Abraham’s Marketing Mastermind Seminar.

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The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Rich Schefren’s Business G r o w t h S y s t em Rich’s Business Growth System was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how a small to medium sized business owner could double their work output (not hours spent working) AND grow their company with a whole lot less stress in their body and have a whole lot more money rolling in. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from BGS…

1. The cash you need to grow your business and team comes from Momentum (and requires you stop holding yourself back)... Momentum is You Finding Opportunity + Having a Compelling Offer + Having Marketing Systems To Bring In Cash...which come as a result of you focusing on Right Target + Right Offer + Right Media.

2. Asset Mindset: You don't have to sell your business, because whether you sell your business or not, YOU’VE BOUGHT IT, and you’re paying for it with the most precious resource you have - YOUR LIFE… If you approach your business the right way, you’re building an asset that is sellable. If you approach your business the wrong way, it’s just something that you derive income from. The goal is to have a business that works so the owner doesn't have to.

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3. Rapid Growth Stage: Team Builder, Coach, Planner, Communicator ... Focus your time and energy on: building your management team, building a shared plan, building a strong infrastructure... You must hire and develop a management team of functional experts that is strong enough to keep the company together and develop it’s full potential for growth. At this stage: You really need people who can be better at their function then you could ever hope to be. You need to build the cohesiveness of the group so the team operates at peak efficiency and effectiveness. The first step is to be ruthlessly honest in determining the personal strengths and weaknesses for yourself and your team. This can help you see more clearly so that you can redefine your own role to capitalize on your personal strengths. Hire others to complement your weaknesses and can then you can direct your efforts in ways that will have the biggest payoff.

4. Strengths underlie the whole of your success… Strengths are inborn talents plus experience plus skills. You want to focus on your strengths where you have an advantage over competitors. It’s much easier to move from competence to excellence than it is to move from mediocrity to competence. There is a business out there when properly designed for you that you can excel at.

5. Opportunity… It’s a need to be fulfilled...a want to be addressed... a fear to be relieved... a problem that needs to be solved. For opportunity to flourish there needs to be an identifiable group that will buy it and a profitable way to contact and engage the prospective market.

6. The ability to turn floods of information into real knowledge has become today’s scarcest and most valuable resource and the key leverage point for value creation… Consumers struggle with the question: "Whom Do I Trust?”

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They have no idea how to decide. It’s happening in every product category from computers to internet marketing information, From mp3 players to television stations, investment strategies to the 8,000 mutual funds...Consumers Rely on Experts/Specialists = Mind-space. A product’s position is the place the position occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competing products. Positioning is the first body of thought to come to grips with the problems of communicating in an over-communicated society.

7. Business Metrics you need to know and the formulas to calculate them: o Number of Active Clients (Add Up All Paying Clients) o Client Value (Segment Clients By Month Started – Then Follow that group through the program, there is no shortcut to get the value for the whole company) o Average Client Age ((Total Active Clients In Group 1 X Of Program) + (Total Active Clients In Group 2 X Of Program) + (Total Active Clients In Group 3 X Of Program) / (divided by) Total # of Clients)

Month Month Month

o Average Client Length (At the end of each groups program add up the number of clients for each month and divide that by the number of clients started) o Past Client List Size (# of subscribers who bought before) o Past Client Value (Total Amount Of Purchases Made By segmented Past Client List (By When They Started) (so we have a long enough period to consider) divided by total number of past clients who are in the segment) Other Important #'s to know: o Value of a Customer Acquired o Value of a Client Acquired o Value of a Past Client So there you have it, my top 7 strategies you could learn from Rich Schefren’s Business Growth System.

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The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s Simple Writing System John Carlton’s Simple Writing System is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to write outstanding salesletters using a checklist that makes sure all of your sales material has all the key components in them that get your perfect prospect who’s reading them to open their wallets and give you money for the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from the course…

1. Your Prospect's Attitude • No matter who you're writing for: he's skeptical, he doesn't want to hear it, you're probably an interruption in his life. • He's looking for an out. First thing he looks for is a reason not to read what you have.

2. It's Not About You At All • It's about how your USP/personality is a conduit for the person to reach their goal / satisfy their desire. • It's not what you sell...but what "what" you sell DOES for your customer. • Aim for: Faster, easier, simpler, a better bargain, an unfair advantage, inside info, privilege and luxury, bragging rights. • Remember: You will need to PROVE everything immediately. To a VERY skeptical reader.

3. Master List Of Features and Benefits You need to know exactly what benefit your prospects are You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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after. What feature of your product delivers this benefit? Features: The physicality of what you're selling or the statistics. Benefit: What the thing (or one of it's features) does for someone. Feature and Corresponding Benefit Example • The pencil having a hunk of rubber on one end is a feature. The fact that you can make a mistake and the mistake will vanish thanks to this is a benefit. Exercise: Make A Master List Of Features -> Benefits • Write 3-12 features of what it is you're selling and the benefits that go with them. • After you write a feature, think of "...that means..." and follow with the benefit. Benefit Writing Tips • Ask yourself: What is the problem? How do you solve it? How do you make his life better? • When you're stuck, use the 4 horsemen benefits: fast, easy, simple, cheap. • You want to attach benefits that describe what it is that will make the user's life better.

4. Sales Resistance • There is a natural resistance to doing what somebody else tells you to do, even somebody you like. • In selling something, don't tell someone: "Buy this". Instead, as Claude Hopkins said: offer service. Give your prospects something of value, and the law of reciprocity kicks in.

5. People's Inherent Greed • We like to think we are different than the animals in the zoo. Some people say we're only a few steps away from the jungle - in reality, we've still got one foot in it. • We'd like to think it's an exalted sense of civilized behavior, but the only difference is we're better at deceiving other people that we're not a base animal wanting things. • Good salesmen know that what you want to tap into is the inherent greed of the other person. They want more/now/better/better than the neighbor.

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6. Write In Your Own Voice • Don't try to copy the writing style of an accomplished copywriter. If you're a beginner, you're just setting up an extra hill to climb. • Writing in your own style makes the copy come across better in every way. • If you're having trouble, drop all adjectives. (Something Hemingway did.)

7. Be The One Thing He Encounters Today That Shocks Him Out of His Zombie State • Your attitude should show through your copy. • Use hooks and stories. • The incongruent juxtaposition of common sales elements. (Ex: Poor guy accidentally learns to make millions.) • "Before-and-after" shockers. • Inside info, top secret. So there you have it, my top 7 strategies you could learn from John Carlton’s Simple Writing System.

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The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Eben Pagan’s “Wake Up P r o d u c t i v e” C o u r s e Eben’s “Wake Up Productive” course was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how a small to medium sized business owner could double their work output (not hours spent working) which when you do so, leads to a whole lot of stress leaving your body and a whole lot more money rolling in. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from Wake Up Productive…

1. Short term results of an action & long term results of an action are typically different and opposite of each other (e.g. raw broccoli - good for long term but sucks on short term) Life is hard if you live it the easy way and easy if you live it the hard way - if you get momentum and then tipping point your life will change. (30 days of doing something will typically do that) If you just treat the symptom, then you’re going to be “repressing” things. If you go to work on the “Structure” of your life…then you won’t even need to worry about the symptoms [of the old structure], because those things will just take care of themselves automatically. And if you start a new habit, and continue to perform it every day for 30 days…you’ll be able to re-train yourself.

2. Managing time is actually managing yourself Time management is the challenge is to manage yourself because you can't really manage time because time just flows by - you can't control time. Managing yourself is taking control of you. (you'll realize how little control you have of yourself, we're really like robots - we wake up we think the same thing, do the same routine and we deceive yourself into thinking we can change if we want to.

3. Habit is destiny You Can Find This Report And Many More at



First you shape your habits then they shape you. We build freeways in our three brains (physical, emotional, and logical) so it gets easier to do something or think something. You’re actually building neuron connections so that the more you do or think it the more you do or think it still. E.g. emotions are the most addictive and powerful chemical - when you experience an emotion when doing something it'll get faster and easier. Same thing with movements - muscle memory - becomes natural.

4. Focus your talents and strengths on your biggest opportunity In life there are only a few things that matter. If you were to work on your biggest opportunity everyday you will find yourself meeting with huge long term success.

5. Your future can be either an extension of your past or a new future that you create We don’t know what to do with something new because we don't have a frame of reference for it. But if you change your paradigm and choose to live a future that you create - this instantly changes your life. Tomorrow can be how it is yesterday or today can be the last day this happens! Many people like to hold on to all those stuff (story, excuses - e.g. oh I cant do this because I have a bad past etc) instead of becoming their best selves. In order to do this you’ve got to let go of your past. Focus on what you want to create not on what you want to avoid - and you'll be more likely to create it.

6. Choose, don't decide What’s the difference between choose and decide? To ‘decide’ means to cut off possibilities. ‘Choose’ implies having multiple options and choosing what you want. So those that in "need to decide camp” live in the world that has few choices and possibilities but those in the ‘choose’ camp live in the world full of choices and abundance and they choose the best ones. Having the paradigm that you're making a choice is very, very important

7. If you want to wake up productive you must go up to the next level You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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You must become the next version of you, next paradigm. We can't solve significant problems at the same level of thinking we create them at. The best way to go to the next level is to find someone further down the road than you, who’s got 5 to 10 years of experience and the solution to your problem will be obvious to them. So there you have it, my top 7 strategies you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Wake Up Productive Course.

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The Top 7 Strategies I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s & Sidney Biddle Barrow’s XXX Rated Sales Strategy Course The XXX Rated Sales Strategy course was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how a small to medium sized business owner can sell services at premium prices even in the worst economy AND grow their company with a whole lot less stress in their body and have a whole lot more money rolling in. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from course…

1. The first and foremost question that you have to ask yourself is “What business am I really in?" Never think about the commodities of what you're selling; always think about the end result, the benefits to the other person. For example, a high priced escort service is not in the business of selling women or sex. They're in the business of selling fantasy.

2. A very powerful sales principle: As quickly as possible, disqualify a prospect and move onto someone appropriate for you Most salespeople will try to do the exact opposite, and string along any prospect for as long as they can.

3. One of the big differentiating points about businesses that most people don't think about is to have different business behavior than your competition

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If you advertise the same way, and act the same way, and do the same things as your competition, then you're no different. The further you get away from the prevailing model, the more you can justify charging higher prices for what you do, and making a lot more money.

4. Most business owners erroneously think that the core product or service is the most important thing. More often than not, it is far from the top of the list. The relationship with the business owner and client is much more important in many cases. Certainly the benefit to the end user is far more important to them than whatever your product or service is. They don't care how you do it; they care what they get out of it. For a very graphic example of this, consider that an escort service would have young ladies out for many hours of an evening, but only having about seven minutes of sex. Everything else was just as important or more than the sex itself. Otherwise, people would be paying for the escorts by the minute.

5. A very powerful distinction: never tell people outright that they will get the best possible outcome of your product or service. Say to them, instead, “In the best case scenario, you will be feeling great in one week. However, there are a lot of people that it takes 2 or 3 weeks for them to feel better." When you do this, they can say to them, “Well, I'll be in the best case scenario." Because most people think that they're above average, that they're somehow favored. When it doesn't end up happening, then they’ll remember that you warned them of that, and so you won't violate their trust.

6. Everybody on your team has to really understand what your customers or clients or patients are really paying for. Sydney gives an example. You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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Sometimes, the girls would say, “Yeah, but this guy's been with us for over two years. He uses us once a week. Why do I have to get all dressed up?" And the answer is, because that's what he's paying for. If you go to a restaurant on a regular basis, you don't expect them to give you smaller portions, or to all of sudden start serving you on paper plates. Everybody should get 100% fabulous treatment, no matter who they are, no matter how many times they've used you, and it should be consistent.

7. Price As usual Dan advocates putting yourself a top of the price ladder in your market. Sidney says that one of the easiest ways to make this a nonissue is to set up your presentation so that you’re screening out anybody who has price as their number one criteria If you go out of your way to convey a price expectation from the very beginning, it's much easier to get the price that you want. You want to desensitize people about price expectation before they're sitting across from you, being asked for significantly more money than they would by a competitor. So everything they've seen from you should be consistent with this positioning of you as the highest priced alternative. When Sydney actually discussed price, she started out with the most expensive option, and then worked her way down. She started out talking about a$750 dinner, and then move down to a $500, and then $175 per hour. But if she'd started out with the $175 per hour option, people would think that it was too high. So the order of presentation was very important. So there you have it, my top 7 strategies you could learn from Dan Kennedy’s & Sidney Biddle Barrow’s XXX Rated Sales Strategy course.

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The Top 3 Things I Learned At A n t h o n y R o b b in s & C h e t Holmes Ultimate Business Mastery Seminar This 5 day event was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to transform your business by developing invincible leadership, becoming a marketing master and increasing your sales. So after hours of sifting and sorting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from the Ultimate Business Mastery Seminar…

1.Individuals Are How Companies Change Companies only change when individuals find more ways to add value. Breakthroughs only come with a change in psychology, i.e. a change in your beliefs and emotions. Almost 50% of businesses die within their first year of existence. After 5 years it’s 80%. In 10 years it’s 96%. 500,000 businesses are started every year. At the end of 10 years there’s only 20,000 of them left. And these are the numbers from the good times. Your ability to master yourself is the first level of you being to impact your business. Then, what influences you tends to influence whoever you’re leading which then tends to influence the business. People don’t execute because of state. If fear takes over, ALL your decisions change. If greed takes over and you think you can do no wrong and you just start coasting and this will lead to challenges too.

2.What Creates a Business Breakthrough? Decision making is the force that shifts destiny, personal or professional. Most people don’t have the guts to make the tough decisions because they want to make the right decision. There’s 3 decisions that making in your life and in your business moment to moment… First Decision: What should you focus on? You Can Find This Report And Many More at



Whatever you focus on, you’re gonna feel. If someone focuses on their needs over the needs of their customer is that gonna affect the business? Yes. Leaders make decisions. That what makes a leader; they have the guts to make the difficult decisions no one else has the guts to make. And they know they’re gonna make wrong decisions. Then what? They know what they want, they see it’s not working and they make another decision to change what they’re doing and keep cycling through this process UNTIL they get their desired result. Second Decision: What Does This Mean? When the market hits bottom, is this the end… or the beginning? If you think this is the end of your business, the end of opportunity, the end of our economy, are you gonna feel differently and act differently than if you thought it was the beginning? The difference between Joe Kennedy with $4 million bucks in 1929, and Joe Kennedy with $180+ millions of dollars in 1932… that big of jump… different focus, different meaning. When everyone else was throwing in the towel, he was focused on the opportunity and taking market share and the meaning for him was that this was the greatest opportunity of a lifetime and there’d never be another like this for him. In just those 3 years, he made enough to take care of all his heirs for decades to come. Different focus, different meaning. Third Decision: What Are You Gonna Do? The whole economy is driven by this, “Oh no, this depression is gonna go on forever, I better not spend my money, better not take chances. Decision making is your power. If you want to change your business, think about what’s changed your business in the past. I guarantee you what changed it was some decisions you’ve made. Decisions about people, product, marketing, location, etc. Your mission as a leader to extract value out of every problem so that every problem truly becomes a gift. If you don’t do this, you start wishing for less problems.

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3. Leaders Are Masters of Influence What’s the single most powerful constraint in relation to whether your business is going to grow or not. You, the business owner. If you’re gonna shift a company, your job is to take leaders to a new level or bring in new leaders with different voices/perspectives/skill sets. Leaders solve problems and maximize resources. If you’re gonna solve problems you can’t do it yourself or it would’ve already been solved. You have to get others to help you do it. This requires influence. If you’re gonna get people to maximize resources, that’s gonna require influence. If you’re gonna get people to partner with you, that’s gonna require influence. Capital, suppliers, anything, requires influence. There is no more important skill in leadership than influence. So there you have it, my top 3 things you could learn from the Ultimate Business Mastery Seminar. And as you can imagine, with what I’ve covered here only being based on my notes for the first day of the course, there’s sooo much more to be shared. I didn’t even give you any of the marketing and sales stuff. Why? Because if you don’t get these three foundational principles right, nothing else matters. It won’t make a difference how many shiny sales tools and marvelous marketing techniques you have in your tool box if leadership isn’t driving these strategies and tactics to be implemented all the way to completion. But when you whip your leadership into shape, even applying basic business fundamentals leads to massive success.

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The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s “Connected: H o w T o G et A c c e s s T o A n y o n e And Build A Powerful Profitable Business Network” program Eben’s course was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to get access to anyone and build a powerful profitable business network that allows you to turn yours or other people’s expertise into money you can spend on shiny bright objects. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from the Connected course…

1. The highest leverage to make change or achieve anything significant is building community around you You ideally want to build a community where you’re the organizer and catalyst for. And the fundamental skill for community building is "FRIENDSHIP"…

2. The 5-Part Friendship Formula: Connection + Disclosure + Dialogue + Collective Individual + Shared Space 1. Connection Of Something In Common: common interest, common cause, hobby, something you both don’t like.

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2. Self-Disclosure: Taking the risk to tell another person something about yourself that’s a little bit edgy, a little risky, that you wouldn't normally say to just anyone or say in public. 3. Dialogue Of Giving And Getting: The Dialectical Process A conversation, a back and forth of putting energy into the friendship bank and taking energy out of the friendship bank. Contributing to the friendship and taking from the friendship. Eventually this gets to the point where the bank account disappears and both you and the other person just contribute to the relationship because that's what humans do when they've built a friendship. 4. The Polarity Of Both Being An Individual AND Of Being Part Of The Group (1 Other Person Or More) That Drives The Deepening Of The Friendship: As an individual we like thinking for ourselves, making our own decision, choosing our own path in life, but when we get into a friendship we have this whole other set of interests and drives and fears that are now part of the mix. And these need to be considered if you and the other person are going to have experiences together, have conversations, work on projects, or create success in business. When you get into a group of 'more than one', there is a merging force with others and you feel compelled to contribute to that and serve the other person and serve that bigger relationship. So this polarity, or tug, in two different directions, of being an individual and also being a part of a group and a supporter of the group, this polarity or pull back and forth actually drives the deepening of a friendship. When we go one direction, the friendship and the bigger relationship starts to suffer. 5. The Creation Of A Unique Shared Space Within A Group, And Ultimately Actually Creating That Group: When you master "friendship" and "fusion", the group start using the same words, becomes interested in the same things, starts sharing various hobbies and perspectives and tastes, and you actually create a subculture. When this happens it triggers a set of feelings and behaviors that at a macro level is a complex version of what a million ants are doing in an ant colony. They may have 7 or 8 communication signals they send and receive, and your group may have 70 or 700 of them, but once they all link up and you have a common shared language, common shared set of values, common way of looking at the world, then it all locks together and all turns on and becomes a group intelligence. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



3. Fears That Must Be Overcome At Each Step Of The Friendship Formula: 1. Connection Fear: "What do I have to offer?" 2. Self Disclosure Fear: Rejection or Judgment 3. Dialogue of Giving-Getting Fear: This is the fear of getting ripped off and unfairness (of giving networks, knowledge, connections, information and not getting commensurate return) 4. Polarity Between Individual and Group Fear: Losing sense of self instead of seeing the more you give in a relationship the more you find yourself 5. Creating The Group/Creating The Unique Space Fear: Who am I to do that? When you connect with another human being on something common; When you learn the art of self-disclosure to deepen the relationship and build trust and build connection; When you get into the dialogue of give-get; When you become aware and conscious of the polarity of the pull of being an individual and the pull of being part of a group and you play with this to drive the deepening of friendship and relationship; And ultimately when you create a unique shared space with a group and create the group itself…when all this occurs, that is when the process of getting Connected really comes alive. MAGIC PILL FORMULA: Learn How To Make "Friends" + Help Others Make Friends With Each Other + Help Groups Make Friends With Each Other So there you have it, my top 3 things you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Connected course.

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The Top 3 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Conversion Plan Seminar Eben’s Guru Conversion Plan seminar was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to make sure that when people show up at your site or to your business, you’re saying exactly what they need to hear in order to feel like you can solve their problem and comfortable handing you their money you can spend on anything your heart desires whether that’s buying toys, paying bills, saving for a rainy day. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 3 things you could learn from this seminar…

1. It’s important to look at chimps to see some deep corollaries that will become part of the conversion process: 1. Chimps have very poor impulse control. When an impulse comes up, it takes over, and they have to go just do something to get it out their system. This is especially true in areas of procreation and survival. 2. They’re instant gratification oriented and not very good at thinking about the future. They want the most immediate bang for the buck. 3. They’re highly emotional. If a highly positive loving emotion comes up, they immediately want to go love on some human apes. Or they become angry and then everyone becomes the enemy. WE have poor impulse control. WE are instant gratification oriented. WE are highly emotional. And yet, WE are highly intelligent. But with the intelligence – the parts of us that are impulse oriented, instant gratification oriented, and emotionally oriented usually take over the brilliant intelligence and use it for their own ends. So essentially all of our waking time, for all of us, we are using our vast intelligence to satiate and satisfy our little impulses, to get instant gratification in the moment, and to satisfy our emotions. That’s what we typically use our intelligence for. All the time. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



We get the emotion, run over somewhere, and behave like a chimp. We get three quarters of the way done with a family-size bag of chips and we wonder how we got there. The power of the human mind to deceive itself is beyond estimation. When you see this in yourself, you’ll see it in others, and then really start to be able to communicate with others.

2. Humans Are Irrational If you think of people as highly rational, you’ll probably miss the mark in trying to get them to buy your stuff. If you remember they’re irrational creatures, taken over, drugged and intoxicated in an emotional moment that’s driving them through impulse to get an instant gratification need met just so they can stop obsessing about it and get onto the next thing in their life, then you’ll be better with communicating with them, and a little closer to reality. So look for the irrational motivators. Look for the things motivating them that are irrational, and focus there.

3. We All Have An “Emotional Comfort Zone” (ECZ) We Like To Live In When a human being is outside their ECZ, they will do ANYTHING to get back in. Remember, they don’t know this going on. Remember what we said above with emotion. When you ask questions like… Is the prospect is experiencing pain and urgency or irrational passion? Is the prospect proactively looking for a solution? Is the prospect, from their perspective, in a situation where they have few or no perceived options? You’re looking for prospects who are outside their emotional comfort zone! We’re not targeting people with a life where everything is okay, else we have to talk people into stuff. Seek prospects outside their emotional comfort zone and offer them a solution to get back in. Often you don’t have to do much except point out that, ‘Hey, you’re outside your comfort zone, I get that, Here’s the thing that will help you get back in’ and they do the math and that rationalization mechanism comes back online and it starts working for you instead of against you. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



So what do we do about all this? 1. Only sell products and services that are worth a lot more than the money you’re charging for them. Preferably, at least 10x more. 2. If you’re really offering that much value and you can really help prospects that much, then you owe it to them and yourself to use every tool at your disposal to persuade them to invest in what you’re selling with a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee attached to everything you sell. Now you can say ‘This thing is worth at least 10x what I’m charging for it, and if you’re not convinced I’ll give you your money back’ Getting the human animal to pull out the wallet and give us money is the hardest skill to learn. So it’s a skill and challenge that needs to be learned and mastered. So there you have it, my top 3 strategies you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Guru Conversion Plan seminar.

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The Top 7 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Get Altitude S em i n a r Eben’s event was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to create a thriving information marketing business that allows you to turn yours or other people’s expertise into money you can spend on shiny bright objects. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from the Get Altitude…

1. Get the Market and People right, test the hell out of everything and then scale what works If you get the target market right and products/services you sell to them right, the marketing almost takes care of itself. If you get the right people - they will drive the systems, which leaves YOU to drive the Marketing and People.

2. You have to feel what your customer is feeling to communicate with them so they actually feel “Wow, someone gets where I'm coming from,” And the first place you should go do to access this is 'use case thinking' ("if I was this person, this is how I would feel?") Something magic happens when a person feels UNDERSTOOD when a person really feels understood they have the emotional suspension of disbelief (i.e. using SPIN selling - situation, problem, implications, payoff).

3. Value IS The emotional drive that you feel when you want deliverance from pain into pleasure. This a form of currency. You need to translate this 'result/benefit' that the customer wants into a currency you can use. The common denominator form of currency is 'money' how much 'money' would it be worth to have the deliverance from pain? Whatever it ends up being? (i.e. freedom from hip pain). You're looking for where the lines cross and it becomes a no brainer. You Can Find This Report And Many More at



Then ask how can you translate that currency into real world terms? How do you describe their pain in a way that lets them know you understand it and it’s something you can trade them money for relief for? You need to create a bridge between these 2 different worlds.

4. The ultimate form of marketing is often allowing your prospective customers to experience your product/service What can you give away to your prospects as a sample/starter that is easy to distribute is mass quantities but carries massive value? What are the most valuable silver bullet techniques you're ever discovered? That if you try it, it works every time and you ought to charge a million dollars for it? Write down your magic bullet ideas and techniques. Now, how could you offer a sample, consultation, free analysis and how could you deliver these at a low cost to masses of quality prospects? Take the best idea/technique and put it in something educational on your website (report, audio, video etc.)

5. You need 4 people in business:  Star customers  Star team members  Star partners / other star business people you work with and have a relationship with / vendors  Star mentors / advisors Instead of wanting to screw you, star customers, team members, partners and mentors make your life easy since you both want to help each other. Star customers, team members, partners, and mentors have a totally different outlook on life. It's the difference between Cause and Effect. C is greater than E. Stars are separated from the rest of the world in one way because they see themselves at CAUSE, they see themselves as CAUSES happening, “I effect the world” vs. non stars see themselves at the EFFECT of the world which leads to them feeling like powerless victims that can't make things happen...and you can hear and see it in the way they communicate

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6. Track all the important numbers in your business on a visual chart everyday Chart at LEAST these 5 numbers everyday…  Incoming leads  Conversion rates  Average sale price  Total sales…  Deposits, expenses, etc. You ought to be able to go into a spreadsheet and see all these numbers. This visual display of quantitative information is key.

7. DAILY MEETINGS to keep important projects on track To manage, get the team members sending you daily updates. Tell them: Take 5 minutes to send me a daily update everyday with 3 things…” 1. What you did that day and results you got 2. Problems or challenges you ran into 3. Questions you have for me Keep your pulse on things by reading these each day and you quickly start to learn who someone is when you see consistent information coming in by them.Go over on the phone quickly everyday what you're all trying to do. Every day at assigned time get on the phone and ask, What are we trying to do? What are we up to… quickly - where's everyone at, connect (what are we all trying to do), and boom we're off. So there you have it, my top 7 things you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Get Altitude Seminar.

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The Top 10 Strategies I Learned From John Carlton’s License To Steal Seminar John’s License To Steal seminar is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to write outstanding salesletters. And you’re learning how to do this via John dissecting his most successful ads, so that you see how to make sure all of your sales material has all the key components in them that get your perfect prospect who’s reading them to open their wallets and give you money for the value you offer them. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from the course…

1.When thinking about your USP (what Carlton would call that Unique Sales Position) remember that you don't have to be the best There is plenty of room in the market for products that are not the best. The best car on the market is arguably a Lexus or a BMW or a Rolls-Royce. But most people don't own those. They own a Chevy or a Ford. There are a lot more of those on the market, than there are the best. A very valuable lesson to keep in mind

2.Generally, the more broad your market, the more you want to make the copy breezily readable Perhaps whitespace, shorter paragraphs, more spaces in between paragraphs. The tighter your niche is, the more likely it is that you're able to get away with very densely packed copy

3.Almost all of the letters that Carlton writes take a contrarian tone It’s a tactic that he uses a lot and it is fantastic for just about any copywriting you’ll ever do.

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4.Never use the same word in a paragraph, and if possible try to avoid using it twice on the same page What that does is it makes you dig a little deeper. “Do I want to use the word “secret” here at the top, or later on in the middle?”

5.One of the biggest rules in copywriting is, “No bragging without backing it up” If you make a giant claim and you can't back it up, then people are going to discount everything you say. And of course the best way to back it up is with testimonials. Third-party endorsements will do more for you than any thing that you could possibly say

6.As far as highlighting certain pieces of text goes, Carlton says write it all with no highlighting or bolding or underlining Then go back and decide if you want to emphasize certain words. The hierarchy is normal, normal underlined, then italics, underlined italics, bold, underlined bold, and Carlton says to stay away from bold underlined italics

7.It's very important that the name that you give your product or service or process, contains headline value This means try to convey benefits within the name. This is true for a product, but it’s also true for seminars, or reports. Anything that you're going to be talking about should have a name, and it should have a headline quality name, because you can name it early in the report and then refer to it by that name over and over again

8.Carlton says that for the most part he likes coming up with a lot of bullets and then ranking them and putting them in the letter in the order that they were ranked in

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So the most powerful were on the front page, the next most powerful were on the next page and so on. The same holds for anything that you're doing, your most powerful offer should be the first thing you lead with in the offer section, your most powerful testimonial should be the first when you decide to put in a testimonial, your most powerful sales point should be as close to the top as possible. Don't make the mistake of thinking that people are going to read the whole letter - the order that you put things in counts.

9.There may be 20 or 30 things you do in your business, but you may only want to talk about two or three of them in a sales letter Even if you feel it's extremely important that your market gets all 20 or 30 things, keep in mind that you have to give them what they want first, and then you can give them what they need. The pithiest way to say that is “sell them what they want, and, then give them what they need”

10. One of the most important things to swipe from great letters is formatting and positioning Carlton says that when you look at his letters, he tries to put the subheads in the middle of the page. He doesn't like to have them at the top, he likes the pages of his letters to take on the shape of an hourglass. So there you have it, my top 10 strategies you could learn from John Carlton’s License To Steal seminar.

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The Top 7 Things I Learned From Eben Pagan’s Guru Blueprint Course Eben’s 12 week event was a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to create a thriving information marketing business that allows you to turn yours or other people’s expertise into money you can spend. So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from the Guru Blueprint…

1. Most “experts” try to sell THEMSELVES and their EXPERTISE They believe that people want to buy them and what they know but they don’t. People want to buy a SOLUTION to their problem or desire!!! They don’t want to you or your credentials and your expertise is not that relevant. They want results. They wanna fix the thing that’s wrong or they wanna get the thing they’re going after. They’re really not concerned about you!

2. There’s two types of information: Suggestions and Solutions SUGGESTIONS are what “experts” create SOLUTIONS are what Money Makers create What’s the difference? One is being SEARCHED for because there’s a motivation… And the other is NOT. People pay attention and money to SOLUTIONS, not “suggestions”.

3. Most business failure comes from getting the market wrong You Can Find This Report And Many More at

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Your market is a combination of your targeted customers and the products and services that you’re going to sell to them. You can control who you market to and attract. And you can choose what you market and offer to them. Your niche is critical because it’s the critical element to this equation. If you get the niche wrong, nothing can help you. If you get it right, it makes everything else easy! When you target the right niche, you set yourself up to win beforehand.

4. Niche Psychology is about finding out where people are being triggered emotionally Niches are actually NEEDS. So stop thinking in niches and start thinking in terms of NEEDS. Needs that drive people to take action. When all of your action that goes into product creation and marketing is focused on needs you dramatically increase your chances of success. Before a person has mobilized themselves inside to get off their ass and go seek out an answer to their problem, it’s very hard to convince them to trade their money for what you sell to prevent a problem they aren’t juiced about solving. This ends up being a customer who needs to be “persuaded” and “sold”. You want people ALREADY sold and persuaded before they even get to you.

5. The 3 Big Mega Niches These are health/fitness, dating/relationships and money/business. Eben estimates that this is probably where 80-90% of the money is made selling info products. Why is this so? When we have a deficiency based on a need that’s unmet, we are literally haunted by it. It just keeps coming stirring up our emotions until we get it fulfilled. Maslow’s First 3 Levels of Needs Survival = Health Security = Money Love = Relationships

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Now can you see why those niches haul in the most cash? If at any time in your life, you’ve been without health, money or love, nothing else much matters and life is off kilter until we solve our problem.

6. Everything is a test Great marketers KNOW that they don’t know for sure and that testing is the key to learning. Learning is NOT hearing an idea and remembering it. Learning is when we get an idea or a concept then we go try it out in the real world and we see how it works. Then we take the feedback we got from our test we change our assumptions. And then, we change our behavior. Learning is about behavioral change. If I tell you something you may remember it but you don’t know how it works. If I tell it to you and you go out and try it, and you see the results and you modify and tweak what you do, testing your ideas, eventually you will learn. You will then understand. We often forget things that we hear but we always remember things that we understand. When you’re convinced something is going to work, THAT’S when you’re in danger. When everything is a test, you get it done fast and get feedback to see if the idea is gonna work or not.

7. Talk to people who are your target audience and ask them what their biggest fears, frustrations and desires are The longer you go between customer research and tests with real, live people… the easier it to catch I-know-this-is-going-to-work-itis. If you wait forever to talk to people you end up rationalizing that this HAS to work because you have to explain all the research you’ve been doing. As soon as you’ve narrowed down your niche, start talking to people immediately. This is important because by talking to real people back and forth, it allows you to drill deeply and ask for specificity that you can’t get when people just fill out a survey. So there you have it, my top 7 things you could learn from Eben Pagan’s Guru Blueprint Course.

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