Myanmar Business Today - Vol 2, Issue 8

May 27, 2016 | Author: Myanmar Business Today | Category: N/A
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Myanmar Business Today is Myanmar’s first bilingual (English-Myanmar) business newspaper, distributed in both Myan...


Myanmar Business Today

February 20-26, 2014


February 20-26, 2014 | Vol 2, Issue 8

Myanma Airways Signs Nearly $1-b Aircraft Leasing Deal Kyaw Min


Contd. P 6...Ī0\DQPD$LUZD\Vī

Myanmar Summary

Edik if yH ikd f jrefrmhavaMumif;vdik ;f onf urÇmhtBuD;qHk; iSm;&rf;0ef aqmifrIrsm;udk jyKvkyfay;aom ukrP Ü BD u;D jzpfonfh GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS) rS bdk;tif; 737 *sufav,mOf

opf 10 pif;tm; iSm;&ef;oGm;&ef twGuf oabmwlnDcsuf&&SdcJhNyD M]SID0XPLI RG 1\' }LIRQI jrefrmEdkifiHtwGuf tBuD;rm;qHk; avaMumif;vkyfief;wdk;csJUaqmif &GufrIwpfckvnf;jzpfonf/ jrefrmh avaMumif; t a e jzif h bdk;tif; 737-800 *suaf v,mOf 6 pif;ESifh 737-8MAX *suf av,mOf 4 pif;udk iSm;&rf;oGm; rnf[k o&d onf/ tar&dueftajc pdkuf General Electric Co \ vkyif ef;cGjJ zpfaom GECAS rS ,ckoabmwlnDcsufukd tar&d uefa':vm oef; 960 jzifh oabmwlnDcJhjcif;jzpfNyD; yxr qHk;av,mOftm; 2015 Zlvikd v f wGif vTJajymif;ay;oGm;rnfjzpf aMumif;vnf; od&onf/ bdk;tif; 737 av,mOfwpfpif; \ wefzdk;rSm bdk;tif;av,mOf xkwfvkyfa&;ukrÜPDrS wdkuf½dkuf rSm,ly gu tar&d u ef a ':vm Contd. P 6...Ī0\DQPD$LUZD\Vī

Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters

tate-owned Myanma Airways has agreed to lease 10 new Boeing 737 jets from the world’s biggest leasing company GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS), marking the largest single ÀHHW H[SDQVLRQ LQ 0\DQ mar. Myanma Airways (MA), 0\DQPDU¶V ÀDJ FDUULHU ZLOOOHDVHVL[DQG IRXU 0$; VLQJOH aisle jets, according to a joint statement from the ¿UPV GECAS, the commercial aircraft-leasing arm of US-based General Electric Co, said the deal had a list price of $960 million and the aircraft will be delivered through 2020. 7KH¿UVWSODQHZLOOEHGH livered in June 2015 and LVSDUWRIDQH[LVWLQJRUGHU by GECAS. Leasing companies rent DLUFUDIW WR DLUOLQHV LQ H[ change for a monthly fee. Each 737 aircraft is worth about $90 million at list prices when ordered directly from planemaker Boeing.

MA will work with GECAS to develop and upJUDGH LWV DLUOLQH ÀHHW DQG H[SDQG URXWHV LQWR NH\ markets in the region, of¿FLDOV IURP 0\DQPD $LU ways told a news conference on the sidelines of 2014 Singapore Air Show. “Myanma Airways, which has suspended international operations since 1993, is now going to re-enter the international market with the support of our good friend and partner GECAS,” Minister for Transportation U Nyan Htun Aung said. “We hope that we could become well known again to international air travellers.” 7KH FDUULHU SODQV WR H[ pand its international routes to Japan and South Korea. Currently, its only H[WHUQDO ÀLJKW LV WR %XG dhist pilgrim destination Gaya in India. “We are delighted to work with GECAS to develop and upgrade our DLUOLQH ÀHHW DQG H[SDQG routes into key markets in the region,” said Captain

German President Joachim Gauck gives a speech at Yangon University.

Germany Waives Half a Billion Euro of Myanmar’s Debt Phyu Thit Lwin


ermany has signed an agreement to slash more than half a billion euro in debt owed by Myanmar, in line with a debt forgiveness agreement the Southeast Asian nation made a year ago with the Paris Club, a group of creditor countries. The agreement was signed on February 10 in Myanmar’s capital Nay Pyi Taw, during a state

visit by German President -RDFKLP *DXFN WKH ¿UVW by a German head of state in 26 years, state-run media reported. The remaining debt of €542 million ($741 milOLRQ RXWRI¼ELOOLRQ ELOOLRQ LVWREHUH paid with a three percent interest within a period of 15 years, according to the agreement. Myanmar negotiated the deal a year ago with Contd. P 6...Ī*HUPDQ\:DLYHVī

Myanmar Summary

jrefrmEdkifiHrS ay;qyf&efusef &Sdaeao;onfha
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