My Tools: School Facilities Checklist

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MY TOOLS   As you move around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your observation. It is advised that you read the before proceeding entire worksheet to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


  Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. check the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available on the last column. Facilities Office of the Principal




Counseling room Canteen/cafeteria


lighted It has table and chairs where the students can eat comfortably



 



  



Industrial Workshop Area

Stage Multi-purpose building

Description Well-lighted and wellventilated Spacious and well-

 

Medical Clinic  Audio Visual/Medi Visual/Media a Center  Reading Center  Speech Laboratory Science Laboratory Gymnasium  Auditorium  Auditori um Home Economics Room

PTA Office Comfort Room for boys Comfort room for girls Others (please specify) Computer Laboratory

Not available

Clean and has facilities that are needed Spacious and tools are well organized


 

Clean Clean



 Air-conditioned,, clean  Air-conditioned and has enough space for the students to move comfortably

 

Clean Huge and consists of four rooms that are use during classes but it becomes single


Basketball/volleyball court


room during school events. Use during school events and also use for physical education class

An Obsevaton Guide for he CLASSROOM VISIT Read he following saemens carefully. carefully. Then wrie your observaton repor on he provided space. 1. Describe he communiy or neighborhood where he school is found. 2. Describe he school campus. Wha colors do you see? 3. Pass he oces. Wha impression do you have of hese oces? 4. Walk hrough he school halls, he library, library, he cafeeria.


Look around and nd ou he oher facilites ha he school has.

Name of he school observed: Linayasan Linayasan Natonal High school School Address: Linayasan, Alavas, Aklan Dae Visi: July O3, 2015   Ouside he school campus are houses. People living near he school are avoiding making o much noise ha can disrup disrup he concenraton of he sudens.   Inside he school campus, you can see many owering plans. You can also observe ha he whole campus is clean.   The rs building ha you can see as you ener he gae is he principal oce. I is no ha big, ye, since he pieces of furniure are well-arranged, well-arranged, he oce looks spacious.   The school has a sage which is under consructon, a compuer laboraory, laboraory, a sudy shed where he sudens can sudy heir lesson during vacan tme and a volleyball/baskeball volleyball/baskeball cour ha is also use during heir Physical Educaton Educaton Class.

An observaton Guide for he Classroom Visi  

accomplish he marix o record your Be guided by hese asks as you do your observaton. The accomplish

daa. 1. look a he walls of he classroom, wha are you posed on he he walls? Wha heroes, religious gures, lessons, visual aids, announcemens, do see posed? 2. Examine how he pieces of furniure are arranged. Where is he eacher’s able locaed? How are he ables and chairs/desks arranged?


3. Wha learning maerials/equipmen maerials/equipmen are presen? 4. Observe he sudens. How many occupying one room? 5. Is he room well-lighed and well-ventlaed? CLASSROOM FACILITIES MATRIX CLASSROOM FACILITIES 1. Wall Displays 2. Teacher ’s Table

3. Learner ’s Desks 4.Blackboard 5. Learning maerials/Visual aids 6. sorage of cleaning ools

Descripton (locaton, number, arrangemen, conditon) Analysis There are aleas ve quoqt ons posed on he wall. There are wo eache r ’s able, one on he fron and one on he back. The hings above he able The breaking down of are well-organized. ino Arranged I n ve rows wih 5-informatonal 6 on rro ow. Themaerials re is heir componens pars, aleas 50 desks/chairs. There is only one blackboard lexamining ocaed a (hand e frrying on o Each suden has book. undersand he org organizatonal anizatonal Locaed a he back. The oolssrucure are well-of) orgsuch anizeinformaton d. o develop divergen conclusions by identfying motves or causes, making inferences, and/or nding evidence o suppor generalizatons. generalizato ns. I involves: involves:

Seeing paerns Organizaton Organiz aton of pars Recogniton of hidden

meaning Identcaton of

 

componens Wrie your observaton repor here. 

Name of he School S chool Observaton: Linayasan Natonal High School Locaton of he School: Linayasan, Alavas, Aklan Dae of Visi: July 03, 2015

Questons Cues: analyze, separae, order, explain, connec, classify ,arrange, divide, compare, selec

As ener he classroom, you can observe righ away is cleanliness. The room is well-ventlaed. well-ventlaed. The walls are posed wih dieren quoatons.   There are aleas 50 chairs inside he classroom. I is arranged in 5 rows wih 5-6 in a row row.. There is enough space alloed in he aisles for easy movemen.   There are aleas 40 sudens occupying one room. This help he sudens o move comforably.   The classroom has is own comfor room. I is clean and welllighed.   There is also a sorage of cleaning ools. Which is locaed a he back of he room. The ools are arranged properly.

,explain, infer (Bloom’s Taxonomy)


My Analysis How do he school campus and he classroom in partcular impac on he learning of he sudens going o school? wha are your conclusions? "To learn and no o


hink over wha you have

motvaton. If he school campus and classroom is very noisy noisy,, diry, no lighed and no properly

learned is perfecly

ventlaed, sudens sudens canno focus on he lesson. They will no be motvaed o go o school and o

useless. To hink wihou


The kind of he school campus and classroom aec he sudens concenraton and

having learned is dangerous.”

  I is he responsibiliy of eachers, school adminisraton adminisraton or facultes o make he school campus and classroom conducive o learning.

~Gore Vidal How does his relae o your knowledge of child and adolescen developmen developmen/How /How does his relae o your knowledge of faciliat faciliatng ng learning?  

I learned from my lesson of child and adolescen ha wihou environm environmen, en, here is no

person. Therefore, environmen environmen molds every person.  

In my lesson of faciliatng learning, I learned ha environmen environmen aecs he sudens

motvaton. Thus, school environmen environmen has grea impac o every sudens going o school.  

My Reecton

1. Would you like like o each in he school envi environmen ronmen you jus jus observed? Why? Wh Why y no? Yes, because alhough his school don’ have enough facilites o provide for he sudens need, stll his school ry is bes o give i. LNHS is stll progressing and so, I believe ha someda someday y his school can provide everyhing ha he sudens need in heir sudies. 2. Wha kind of school campus is conducive o learning?   A school campus ha is con conducive ducive o learning is he one ha ha is peaceful or has a noise free neighborhood, clean and has facilites ha he sudens can use in order for hem o learn eectvely. eectvely. 3. Wha kind of classroom is conducive o learning? A classroom ha is conducive o learning is he one ha is ha clean, well-lighed and wellventlaed, no crowded, he pieces of furniure are arranged in a way ha sudens cab move comforably comforabl y and has facilites ha eacher and sudens need o make he eaching-learning process easy. 4. In he fuure, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?  

In he fuure, I can make my classroom conducive o learning by always making sure ha i is

clean andb everyhing is arranged properly. I will no allow a very large number of sudens o occupy my room so ha i will no be oo crowded.  

I will do my bes o provide facilites ha my sudens need because I know ha i is

imporan for heir learning progress. 5. Wrie your additonal learnings and insighs here.



I learned ha school campus as well as he classeoom play a signican role in eaching-learning process. I aecs he

sudens concenraton and motvaton o learn.


My Portfolio

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

 Le your Creatviy Shine!

On he opposie box, presen

  The kind of school environment has a great impact to the students learning.   An effective school environment has many characteristics. characteris tics. First is the neighborhood of the school . People living near the school

an illusraton showing your

campus must avoid making too much noise that can affect the concentration of the students. Then, the school campus must be clean, has many flowering plants and has facilities that contribute to the students learning. Next, classroom must always be clean, welllighted, well-ventilated, pieces of furniture are arranged properly, tools or instruments are put in their designated area for easy retrieval , and the classroom should also have facilities that students can use for their needs.   An effective school environment helps motivate the learners in going to school and learn.


idea of an eectve school environmen hrough any of

 A Descriptve

Paragraph  A Phoo Essay  A Skech or Drawing.

A Poem, song or rap


  My Map


A general general observaton observaton of he campus campus and he classr classroom oom is an excitng excitng way o sar sar my my observaton. observaton.


My Mission is o do he following following asks:

My Map


To reach your arge, do he following asks:

My Tools   Use he actviy form form provided for you o o documen your your observatons.

An Observation Guide for the learners’ Characteristics  



Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observaon report on the

provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observaon checklist if a more detailed observaon is preferred. Physical  

1. Observe heir gross moor skills. How hey carry hemselves. How hey move, walk, run, go up

he sairs, ec.  

2. Are gross movemens clumsy or deliberae/sm deliberae/smooh? ooh?


3. How abou heir ne moors skills? Writng, drawing, ec.

Social 1. Describe how hey inerac wih eachers and oher aduls.  

2. Noe how hey also inerac wih peers. Wha do hey alk abou? Wha are heir concerns?

Emotonal 1. Describe he emotonal e motonal dispositon or emperamen or he learners. (happy, (happy, sad, easily, cries, mood-shis)  

2. How do hey express heir wans/needs? Can hey wai?


3. How do hey handle frusratons? frusratons?


4. Describe heir level of condence condence as shown shown in heir behavior behavior.. Are Are hey self-consciou self-conscious? s?

Cognitve 1. Describe heir abiliy o use words o communicae heir ideas. Noe heir language prociency.  

2. Describe how how hey gure ou ou hings. hings. Do hey hey comprehend comprehend easily? Look for for evidence evidence of of heir

hinking skills.  

3. Were here opporunites for problem solving? Describe how hey show problem solving abilites.

Learners’ Developmen Marix

Record he daa you gahered abou he learners’ characeristcs and needs in his marix. This will allow you o compare he characeristcs and needs of learners a dieren levels. The iems under each domain are by no means exhaustve. These are jus sample indicaors. indicaors. You You may add oher aspecs which which you may have have observed. Preschooler Indicae age range of he children observed: 4-6

Elemenary Indicae age range of he children observed: 8-10

High School Indicae age range of  children Observed: 16-19

Physical Gross-moor skills

Always running, clumsy

Gross movemen are deliberae

Move smoohly

Fine-moor skills

Unable o conrol he

Wrie or draw

Procien in writng,

Developmen Domain


muscles in heir hands and ngers, need help from ohers.


drawing or oher actvites

Feed hemselves

Can te heir shoelaces

Can work independenly

Doing hing ha can ge he aenton of he eacher

View eacher as he only person who gives correc informaton.

Do hings ha can impress heir eacher

Ineractons wih classmaes/friends

Share heir experiences bu wih exaggeraton

Talk abou unrealistc hings

Talk abou heir lives and experiences and also heir opinions.


Running, coloring a coloring book

Role playing reading a sory book


Easily cries, always wan o have wha ohers have

Mood swings

Excied o do new hings

Self-cenered They are no selfconscious

Show self-cond self-condence ence


Cognitve Communicaton skills

Uses words ha are no appropriae o wha hey really mean

Uses only very simple words

Uses some complex words.

Thinking skills

Can no undersand easily unless demonsraed demonsra ed o hem

Need furher explanaton before hey can comprehend .

Can comprehend wih few explanaton


Preschoolers did no show skills in problem solving

They are able o solve a very simple problem

Can solve complex problem

Self-help skills Ohers Social Ineracton wih Teachers

Ohers Emotonal Moods and emperamen expression of feelings Emotonal independence



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