all my best games of chess explained step by step for you to improve your play....
My Stunning Chess Games!! ….Explained Step by Step. VOL- 1 “A Book for all Beginners, Amateurs & Intermediate Chess players” “Chess makes man wiser and clear-sighted”
(Vladimir Putin)
“You don’t have to be a Grandmaster, to create Beautiful combinations in chess.”
Nitin Chatur
My Stunning Chess Games
My Stunning Chess Games!! ….Explained Step by Step. VOL- 1
Nitin Chatur
My Stunning Chess Games
The right of Nitin Chatur to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1957. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval systems, without the written permission of the author. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Request for permission should be sent to
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First edition:2010
My Stunning Chess Games
If you need a reason to play Chess, then here are some that will motivate you to play Chess. Why play Chess? Here are thoughts of few great pupils about chess, “Chess opens and enriches your mind”… (Saudin Robovic) “Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make people happy”… (Siegbert Tarrasch) "Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for." … (Hans Ree) "Chess is a cure for headaches." … (John Maynard Keynes) “Chess is everything - art, science, and sport.” … (Karpov) “The laws of chess are as beautiful as those governing the universe -and as deadly”.. (Katherine Nevill) “Life is a kind of Chess, with struggle, competition, good and ill events”…(Benjamin Franklin) “Chess is like war on a board”…(Bobby Fischer) “Chess is above all, a fight!”…(Emanuel Lasker) “Chess makes man wiser and clear-sighted” … (Vladimir Putin)
My Stunning Chess Games
Game No. 1
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Koltyfan
Game No. 2
(Nitin) v/s Kasparov chess deluxe (Expert mode)
Game No. 3
Bret heart (Nitin) v/s ARAG
Game No. 4
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Groveer
Game No. 5
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Gsiberger
Game No. 6
Divineboy (Nitin) v/s Ramon_ferar8888
Game No. 7
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Kindvall
Game No. 8
(Nitin) v/s Chess Mafia
Game No. 9
Diiviineboy (Nitin) v/s Papanaldo
Game No. 10
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Pitten
Game No. 11
Diehard (Nitin) v/s Aco71
Game No. 12
Diiviineboy (Nitin) v/s Slip
Game No. 13
Diwineboy (Nitin) v/s Spartakus V
Game No. 14
Luwsk v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 15
Diiviineboy (Nitin) v/s Mosaferk
Game No. 16
Odysseus v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 17
Likche v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 18
xyz.i v/s Divineboy (Nitin)
Game No. 19
Monitores 0309 v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 20
SuperGrandpatzer v/s Diwineboy (Nitin)
Game No. 21
Divineboy (Nitin) v/s Pippo 613
Game No. 22
(Nitin) v/s Chess genius
Game No. 23
(Nitin) v/s Chess genius
Game No. 24
(Nitin) v/s Chess Mafia
Game No. 25
Kasyrga v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 26
L Nogueira v/s Diehard (Nitin)
Game No. 27
Philom v/s Diiviineboy (Nitin)
My Stunning Chess Games
Symbols +
Double check
Brilliant move
Good move
Bad move
O-O King side castle O-O-O Queenside castle 1-0 The game ends in a win for white 1/2-1/2 The game ends in a draw 0-1 the game ends in a win for black
How to Read this Book:
Instructions are for beginners to understand how to read this book.
1) Setting up chess board: “White on Right” & White king on black square & Black king on White Square.
White square on right
A chessboard is of 64 squares, having 32 white squares & 32 black squares that are alternately placed on a chess board. Now every square on a chess board has a unique identity so that it can be easily denoted, hence the chessboard is horizontally divided into 8 rows from row 1 to row 8 & vertically divided into 8 columns, from column a to column h. (Row=Rank & Column=file) Hence the extreme square on right hand side on which Rook is standing is h1 square, h-column & 1st row. K=King. Q=Queen. B=Bishop. N=Knight. R=Rook. p = pawn. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays, pawn in front of king to e4 square, e column & 4th row. Whenever pawn moves or captures, it is denoted by square on which it stands. Black plays c6, c column & 6th row.
White’s pawn on e4 square captures black’s pawn on d5 square; this is written as e4xd5 or exd.
White moves his king from f1 square to g1 square, this is written as Kg1. Black king captures white pawn, this is written as Kxd6.
White plays his knight from f2 square to h3 square, this is written as Nh3. N=Knight. Going on h3 square hence Nh3. Black plays Qc5+ giving check to white king.
My Stunning Chess Games
Black’s bishop on g4 square pins white knight on f3 square, now if white knight moves then white queen on d1 square is gone which is a more valuable piece than a knight, bishop or rook.
White’s knight moves from f4 square to e6 square in order to fork black’s queen & rook. Fork means knight is attacking two pieces at a time & both of them are move valuable than knight. One piece is going to fall for sure, either queen or rook. (NxQd8 or NxRf8)
Value of pieces in the game. Pieces
Standing Position on chess board White Black d1 square d8 square
Value Points 9.5
a1 & h1 squares
a8 & h8 squares
c1 & f1 squares
c8 & f8 squares
b1 & g1 squares
b8 & g8 squares
Pawn King
e1 square
e8 square
1 Most valuable
For beginners who want to learn more basics on chess, these are helpful websites: NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
“ f u think Chess is a boring, tiresome & dull game then this book will prove u
As the name suggest, this book contains my best chess games explained step by step & basic principles, tips that will help u to develop your playing skills. “Every Chess master was once a beginner.”... (Chernev)
This book is written for Beginners, Amateurs & Intermediate players of chess. I have read many books regarding every phase of the game, written by top grandmasters, but truly telling I haven’t been able to understand most of their analysis, the root cause is that it was out of my range, as an intermediate player, calculating to the depth of a move & doing the same for every possible variation & that to after every single move, is to difficult for me, & I am to impatient to do that.
Moreover if you are stuck in between games thinking, “What move should I make next?” then this book will help, to improve your thinking ahead ability in every phase of game in terms of, “Tactics & Strategy”.
I have tried to explain my exact thoughts and further thinking, while playing through these games. Believe me, Beginners; Amateurs & Intermediate players of chess can understand me easily because me as an intermediate player, we both have same strength & same wavelength to synchronize.
My aim is to make u a better chess player, after going through this Book. This book presents analysis of my own played chess games explaining openings, middle games using tactics & strategies that helped me to win those games against computer chess programs like Chess genius, Chess partner 5.3, Chess mafia; Chess master challenge, & also human beings while playing online on internet and some games from tournaments that I played.
Some of my games presented in this book are classy enough to catch an eye of few grandmasters. In short, some of my games are of grandmaster class & elegance.
You will certainly face similar situations in many games ahead that u will be playing from now on, which I did in these games, and the next time, I m sure u will find the right approach & right solution, that will help you to win many of those games.
Hope u will definitely learn something from this book. So take out your chess board, set pieces & get ready for a Rollercoaster Ride!!! Enjoy this book!!! Nitin Chatur October 2010
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 1 [Event "Rated game, 3m + 3s"] [White “Diehard” "(Nitin)] [Black “Koltyfan”] [Opening "Pirc Defense: Miscellaneous Systems"] [ECO "B07"]
1) e4…“Best by Test” according to Sir Bobby Fischer, Former World champion!! First of all after playing e4!, White’s pawn immediately strikes in the centre , controlling d5, f5 squares, which are important squares in the centre as it is important to control centre on a chess battlefield, moreover, White’s Queen & Bishop diagonal are opened, which means they can move whenever they want to. Also e4 gains some more breathing space for white gaining half territory of the board, where white can develop pieces. d6...This is initial move which indicates Pirc defense. Basic idea behind Pirc defense is, initially allowing white to take centre control, but black strikes The center later on as he develops his pieces, to form Sicilian Dragon like structure, where black’s f8 bishop goes to g7 square, attacking centre from a safe corner as well as doing a defensive job of guarding black king. 2) d4…going for ideal pawn centre, now d4 & e4 are controlling c5, d5, e5, f5 important squares. Hence This makes difficult for Black to land up any pieces on those squares. e5… strikes the centre. Fights back for equal share in centre but in this case it is a bad move, as we will see as the game progress. 3) dxe5! This is a good move because, this pawn exchange, removes the only centre pawn that black has. Moreover if black takes pawn on e5 with d6 pawn then queen exchange will take away the right to King castle for black. Let’s see! dxe5 4) Qxd8+! Exchanging queens thus stopping Black’s king from castling as he has to move in order to recapture white’s queen. Kxd8 … forced move. 5) Nf3... Attacking e5 pawn & centre control with piece development. f6 ..Supports e5 pawn 6) Bc4 ..Developing bishop & getting ready to castle O-O. Bc5 ..Attacking the f2 pawn 7) O-O.. King castle’s to safety. c6 ..This is again a bad pawn move. 8) Rd1+ Developing rook on open file. Kc7 again bad move, placing king in centre, helping white to catch black’s king defenseless in the centre. In such situations black should try to take king away from centre to a safe place & should develop pieces rapidly to neutralize white’s attack.
Note: Beginners & Newbie’s please check the glossary given at the last page of this book to understand some basic chess terms.
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays Rd1+ Rook controls an open d-file. 9) a3 ..Idea is to attack black’s only active piece bishop, in centre, with a pawn move b4 on next white’s move. Ne7 ..Developing piece & clearing way to activate Rook. 10) b4! Attacking bishop with pawn, & strengthening mating net around black’s king. Bb6 11) a4 ..Pressurizing black’s bishop again, forcing it to move, yet again. Bd4 12) Nxd4! Exchanging Knight for Bishop & also freeing up a square for c1 bishop. exd4 13) Rxd4 ..Keeps king in mating net by controlling open file, now black is also a pawn down. Rd8 ..Idea to exchange rook’s, thus giving black king space to move freely after the exchange, thus Idea is to neutralize the threat. But I had a surprise for him, waiting!
Black plays Rd8
14) Bf4+! And it’s all over for black. Now, the only square for king to go is b6, his own pieces & pawns block his way to safety. If black king goes to b6, then white’s pawn move a5+! Would give checkmate to black king & that would be so shameful for black king to be defeated by a mere pawn!!! However Black can block check by interference of black’s d8 rook, but this also loses as black goes a piece down after white’s Rxd6! Stopping black king from escape & going up in material. So Black resigned. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
12 And White wins, 1-0
After Black’s Kb6, White has a5+! Checkmating black king Black resigns after being stunned!
KEY POINTS: 1) Quick Development of pieces. 2) Kingside castling, taking king to safety. (O-O) 3) Opening up file for an attack.( d-file) 4) Catching opponent king in center. (Kc7) 5) Gaining tempo by attacking opponents pieces with pawns. (a3, b4) 6) Controlling opened up files with rooks. (Rd1) 7) Creating mating net around opponent’s king. (a5, b4, Rd4, Bf4, Bc4)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 2 [White "Nitin"] [Black "Kasparov chess deluxe (Expert mode)"] [Opening "Smith-Morra Gambit"] [ECO "B21"]
1) e4 …Games with e4 leads to open games, where later on in the game, open files, open ranks, open diagonals are created leading to quick attacks & plenty of action packed games as compared to close games starting with d4. c5…This is the initial move of so called Sicilian Defense of Black, this defense is considered one of Black’s most dynamic defense against e4. 2) d4…attacking center in order to open up d-file, white wants of take initiative from the very start. cxd4..Black takes a center pawn of white. 3) c3! This is Smith-Morra gambit, White offers one more pawn here, the idea is to Open up d-file & sideline blacks c-pawn, & to go ahead in development of pieces, & asking black to waste his time by grabbing pawns while in that time white develops his pieces on active squares leading to attacking opportunities for white in compensation for pawns! dxc3..Black grabs material. 4) Bc4…White ignores c3 pawn & develops his bishop on an attacking square c4, aiming at f7 square of black. Here White can also play Nxc3! which develops piece & capture blacks c3 pawn. Qc7…develops queen & attacks bishop. 5) Qb3! Develops white Queen, supports bishop while creates Queen+Bishop Battery & creates threat on f7 pawn. cxb2..Black ignores threat as black king can move to d8 square, grabs more material & goes ahead by 2 pawns. 6) Bxb2…develops bishop on a1-h8 diagonal. Qf4…attacks e4 pawn, a center pawn. 7) Nd2!...Develops knight & defends e4 pawn Nc6…develops knight. 8) Nh3! Develops knight & attacks black queen also clears back rank for kingside castle. Qd6…retreats queen. 9) Bxf7+…white gets back a pawn. Kd8…Forced move. 10) Nc4! Attacks black queen, & clears d1 square for rook. Qc5 11) O-O …king safety Nf6…develops other knight. Look at the position now, White has completely developed position with all pieces active & king safely castled, all this at cost of only 1 pawn. Moreover white went ahead in development by gambiting pawn & also won tempo by attacking black queen several times meanwhile developing pieces, while black has just 3 pieces developed while his king is hanging in center. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
White completes development with attacking & game winning prospects. 12) Rad1! Controls open file, d-file on which black king stands, whites all pieces are deadly & on aggressive post. Nxe4…grabs pawn goes ahead by 2 pawns, but now center is open only for white to take advantage of it. 13) Nf4! Bringing knight in center to contribute to attack, as knight gets a dangerous piece when it is close to enemy post. a5..Idea is to attack white queen & push it away. But White has a stunning move which black overlooked. 14) Ne6+!! Uses the advantage of black’s d7 pawn pinned by white’s d1 rook, so it cant move & white knight fork’s King & Queen & delivers a stunning Checkmate to black.
White plays Ne6# Black loses after being stunned! White wins, 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Be prepared to sacrifice some material for an active attacking game. ( d4, c3, e4) 2) Speedy development of pieces. 3) Attacking opponent’s major pieces with minor pieces & gaining momentum & tempo. ( Nc4) 4) Kings safety. (O-O) 5) Activating all pieces on attacking squares before starting an attack. 6) Looking for deadly tactics like pin, fork, and decoy etc.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 3 [Event "Rated game, 3m + 3s"] [White "Bret heart"] [Black "ARAG"] [Opening:"Danish Gambit"] [ECO "C21"]
1. e4 …play in center, opens up diagonal for white Queen & Bishop. e5 …equalizing move, same reasons. 2. d4…Attacking e5 pawn, asking it to move or capture immediately, thus opening e-file. Nf6…Attacks white e4 pawn & develops a piece in centre. Disadvantage of this move is that black loses a tempo, as white pawn attacks it after capturing e5 pawn. 3. dxe5…attacks knight, opens d-file, gains space advantage in center. Nxe4…equalizing with piece develops in center. 4. Bd3…develops piece in center, attacks black knight & makes it to move again. Nxf2…Knight sacrifice by black in order to trap white king in center for checkmate. Black sacrifices the only active piece he had in the centre of the board, with an idea of trapping white king in center, but he can’t checkmate white king unless he develops his pieces, in the centre. Also he thought that moving knight back would waste a tempo, so why not to sacrifice the knight so if then white king captures knight, he loses the right to castle to safety & thus white king will be open to attack in the center. 5. Kxf2…White king captures knight, thus loses right to castle. Now white king is open to attack in centre. Bc5+ …black develops piece in center & forces white to defend his king. 6. Be3…defends king & attacks black bishop, & develops a piece. Bxe3+ …is exchanging to keep white king in center. 7. Kxe3, O-O …black castles to safety. Looking at this position, Black hasn’t got much of a compensation for his knight sacrifice, although white’s king is in center, but none of black piece attacks it. 8. Nf3…develops piece, supports pawn, activating rook. Qe7…attacks pawn, trying to open e-file & attacks king in center. 9. Nc3…develops knight, strengthen centre control. c6…a bad move, instead of developing pieces he is playing with pawns. 10. Qe2…activates queen on e-file & supports e-pawn. d6… attacks e5 pawn, now e5 pawn of white cannot take d6 pawn as white king is in check. 11. Kd2…King moves to safety, and d6 pawn of black cant capture white’s e5 pawn as Nf5 defends it. Qd7…again bad move, black moves queen same piece again, and doesn’t develop black’s bishop or other piece. 12. Rae1…develops piece in centre, strengthen e-file & activates rook. d5…closes centre. 13. Kc1, c5…pressurizes white bishop.
My Stunning Chess Games
White has completed development with all active pieces! 14. Rhf1…Controlling open f-file, thus activates rook & develops a piece. c4…Attacks white bishop & now he must be very happy to see my bishop trapped as it didn’t had any safe place to go to. But at that time he didn’t had any idea what so ever of what was going to happen next. 15. Bxh7+!! Stunning move that took black by surprise & it was a bolt out of the blue, for white. Black’s happiness didn’t last long.
White plays Bh7+ with idea of Ng5+ & Qh5! Now take a look at the position on the board, In order to play Bxh7, first try to understand the piece position, on the board. As well as take following aspects into consideration. a) Black is behind in development as he has no active piece developed in the center of the board. b) Even though black king castled to safety, but is still in danger & weakly defended. However white pieces: Queen, Knight, Bishop, and Rook are all pointing towards black castle king. c) h7 square is weak and has no defense of black king. All this reasons are enough to point out that there is definitely a mating attack in this position, so here it is: a) Look at h7 square…which can be opened by bishop sacrifice. b) Then look at white knight on f3 square, if it goes to g5 square it covers h7 square. c) Then look at Queen on e2 square, it can go to h5 square if knight clears her way by moving to g5 square. Hence there is definitely a mating pattern in this position….. So after thinking on it; I found the exact move sequence that the position was demanding. a) Bxh7 then Ng5+ then Qh5 then Qh7 mate # ..Kxh7 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 16. Ng5+! This move forces black king to move again as in case of any knight check the only way to escape is by making king to move. ..Kg8 17. Qh5! Controls open h-file & completely trapping black king in mating net, now its end of black as he will be checkmated on white’s next move & black has no defense & no escape from Qh7#.
White plays Qh5! Black understood that & resigned. Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Early development of pieces. (Bd3, Nc3, Nf3, Qe2, Re1, Rf1) 2) Think twice before sacrificing material & don’t play a poor sacrifice. (Nxf2) 3) Working king to safety. ( Kd2, Kc1) 4) Play, what position demands & not what u want. ( Bxh7+) 5) Exact calculation before sacrificing material, to get decisive attack on opponent’s king. (Bxh7+) 6) Creating mating net around opponent’s king using combination & co-ordination of pieces. (Bxh7+, Ng5+, Qh5, Qh7#)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 4 [White "Diehard"] [Black "Groveer"] [Opening: "King’s Indian attack v/s Sicilian defense"] [ECO "B30"] 1) e4..Open game intention. d6..Initial move in the so called, Pirc defense
2) Nf3..Develops knight, controls center. c5..Transposing opening into Sicilian defense 3) d3..Initiating King’s Indian Attack by white. Nc6..Develops the knight towards center 4) g3..Idea is to fianchetto white bishop on g2. Nf6..Develops knight before bishop, which is one of the basic chess principles. 5) Bg2 Bg4..Develops bishop & pins knight. 6) O-O..King’s safety. e6..Opening up e7 square for bishop 7) Nbd2..Unpins queen & supports knight, develops. Be7..Develops, clears way to castle on back rank. Now black has Sicilian Schevinengen structure. 8) c3 O-O..King’s safety 9) Qc2, h6
Both sides developed 10) h3..Attacks bishop. Bh5..Only square to escape 11) g4..Attacks bishop again & gains tempo. Bg6 12) Nh4! Attacks bishop & develops knight on attacking square. Bh7
My Stunning Chess Games
13) Ndf3! Develops knight, clears bishop diagonal. Qc7..Develops queen, connects rooks. 14) Be3..Develops bishop, connects rooks. g5..Attacks knight & weakens black castle. 15) Qd2! White plays knight sacrifice for an attack on blacking. gxh4..Hmmm! free lunch
White plays Qd2! 16) Bxh6! Clears g5 for queen & gains pawn, attacks rook. Rfe8.. Moves to safety 17) Qg5+! Forcing black king into corner, & creates mate threat to which black has no answer. Kh8..Forced move 18) Qg7# Black has all pieces but yet loses & white is piece down & wins with a stunning attack.
Superb attack by White Black lost after being stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Developing pieces on active squares. 2) Gaining tempo by attacking Minor pieces of opponent with pawns. ( h3, g4) 3) Slowly & steadily developing kingside attack, with all pieces. ( Bh6, Qg5, Ndf3) 4) Sacrificing material for gaining an attack & opening up files to carry out attack. (Qd2) 5) Busting up opponents kingside castle & catching king in corner with no chance of escape.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 5 [White "Diehard"] [Black "Gsiberger"] [Opening:"Trompowsky attack."] [ECO: "A45"]
1) d4…controls center squares c5, e5, gains space, & opens diagonal for black bishop. Nf6…good move, it activates black knight in center which is best place for it, & knight also stops e4 as it can capture it. 2) e4…giving a gambit, sacrificing a center pawn with an idea of NxP, then white to play Bd3, thus attacking knight & making black knight to move again, thus white gains development at cost of a pawn & also gains tempo as black has to move same knight again to safety. e6 …opening diagonal in center & defending d5 square. 3) Nc3…Develops knight in centre. Bb4…attacks & pins white knight, develops piece, clears a square for black king to castle. 4) f4…quite move, although it attacks center, but I should have considered protecting center by playing Bd2. Bxc3+..Capturing knight thus now my e4 pawn is weak now & black knight can capture it, while I have to capture black bishop now. 5) bxc3…capturing towards center. Nxe4…black takes the center pawn & gains material. 6) Bd3…develops bishop to a good square, while it attacks knight which has to move now. Nxc3…takes another pawn & attacks white queen. 7) Qd2… attacks black knight & develops queen. Nd5 8) Bb2…fianchetto’s Bishop to put pressure in center from standing at a safe corner & under the protection of white king. f5 9) Nf3…develops knight in center & gains center control. Nc6 10) O-O-O…king safety, & activates Rook. b6…idea is to fianchetto black bishop on b7. 11) Rhe1…activates rook in center. Qf6 Now take a look at the position on the board, White is completely developed with all active pieces, while on the contrary black’s position is weak, with king still in the center, holes in position, & inactive pieces like rook’s & bishop. Thus White has enough compensation for 2 pawns gambit or sacrifice. White achieves superior position in compensation for material. Thus it is imbalance in position between white & black.
My Stunning Chess Games
White centralizes his pieces to attack black king in center. 12) c4!…attacks black knight & develops pawn in center. Ndb4…Looking to exchange knight for bishop, thus reducing tension in center 13) a3…kick’s knight. Nxd3+ 14) Qxd3 Qf7…anticipates d5, which unleashes bishop power by attacking black queen, discover attack. & moreover that pawn attacks black c6 knight at the same time, so either Queen falls or Knight falls. So its Discover Double Attack.
White plays d5! 15) d5!! Now take a look at the position on the board, & take following aspects into consideration. a) Black’s king is in center on e8 square, & white’s rook is on e1 square which means that Black’s e6 pawn is pinned & it cannot capture if white plays d5 pawn. b) Now d5 pawn of white attacks c6 knight , while it clears way for ferocious bishop that Put pressure along a1-h8 diagonal, especially on hanging pawn g7. c) Surprisingly black’s c6 knight has no good squares to go on. 1) If Black plays, Ne7 then…white plays dxe, now If black plays dxe then white plays Qd8# & black is mated. If black plays QxP then white plays RxQ & black will be mated on next move. 2) If black plays, Nd8 then … White plays, dxe, If black plays Nxe, RxN & now if black plays, dxR then it is mate for black. If black plays QxR, then Re1 takes black queen, so black plays QxR & white plays NxQ, Thus advantage with white with active pieces and a superior position with queen on The board, while black has hanging pieces & pawns & worst is king in the center. 3) If black plays, Nb8 then… White plays dxe Now if black plays dxe, then white wins with Qd8# If black plays, Qxe then that’s also bad move which gives winning position for white. O-O Black rightfully understood the situation & decided for king’s safety rather than saving c6 knight. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
16) dxc6…captures knight & opens up d-file. dxc6 17) Qc3…making a strong Bishop, Queen Battery that attacks g7 square. Bb7…ignores threat & develops piece, while activates his rooks.
White plays Rxe6! to deflect black Queen from defense of g7 pawn 18) Rxe6! This move is made to decoy or lure black queen from defense of g7 square, now if Black plays, QxR, then White plays, Qxg7 which is mate for black. c5.. Clears the diagonal for bishop 19) Ng5! Attacks black queen & at the same time defends white rook, now black queen has to move in case of a knight attack. But where…not e7 because it is covered by white rook, not d7 as it is also covered by 6th rank white rook,& if black queen leaves 7th rank then its win for white with checkmating move Qxg7#
White plays Ng5! & it’s all over for black. Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Sacrificing material for activating pieces on attacking squares. ( c3, e4) 2) Developing pieces swiftly. ( Bishops, Queen, Rooks, Knights) 3) King safety, queenside castling. (O-O-O) 4) Activating all pieces before starting an attack. 5) Attacking Minor pieces with pawns to gain momentum. (c4) 6) Pawn storm inside opponent’s territory. (d5) 7) Looking for tactics like pin, decoy, back rank mate. Note: Creating imbalance means having difference in position between your pieces & your opponent’s pieces, either having more or less material in the game, thus creating imbalance in a chess game. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 6 [White "Divineboy"] [Black "Ramon_ferar8888"] [Opening:"Semi-Slav defense."] [ECO: "D45"] 1) d4…This pawn move is equally good as e4; as it achieves similar objectives as e4; so it really depends on your style of play, on what move u prefer playing. This move gains space, controls center square c5, e5, opens up diagonal for bishop. e6..Controls d5, opens up diagonal for bishop. 2) c4..Gains space, attacks centre squares b5, d5 makes way for Nc3. c6..Controlling d5, opening up queen diagonal. 3) Nc3..Develops knight on its best square, strengthens centre control. d5..Gains space, attacks center for gaining equal share. 4) e3..Supporting d4 pawn & opening diagonal for bishop which now protects c4 pawn. Nf6..Develops knight, make ay to castle, strengthening center control. 5) Nf3..Develops knight & centre control. dxc4..Captures to open up d-file for black, this is now Queens Gambit accepted line. 6) Bxc4..Develops bishop, improves centre grip makes way to castle. Advantage white. a5..Queenside expansion 7) a3..Black’s idea to play b5 to attack bishop so just prevent later b4 by black which will kick knight. b5..Attacks bishop 8) Bd3..Eyeing h7 pawn, as black probably will castle on his kingside. Bd6..Developing bishop on an aggressive square, & clearing way for king castle. 9) Qc2!..Developing queen & creating Queen+Bishop Battery. Nbd7..Developing & supporting Nf6. 10) O-O, O-O…King’s safety 11) h3..Avoiding Ng4 by black. Qc7..Developing Queen & creating Queen + Bishop Battery 12) Bd2..Developing bishop & connecting rooks. Bb7..Same reason
Both sides completely developed. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 13) e4! Clears c1-h6 bishop diagonal, gains space, more over if black carelessly replies then it will be pawn fork, as black bishop & knight are attacked by pawn, so one of them will fall so there is a threat created by pawn. e5 14) dxe5..Moving white pawn to d5 wasn’t good, it was only helping black to develop, so exchanged to open up files. Nxe5..Knight in centre is attacking piece. 15) NxN..Exchanging black’s most active piece. BxN 16) f4! Attacks bishop, hence gains a tempo as now black has to move bishop to safety, gains space, creates pawn duo, clears f-file in order to rook lift or double rooks on f-file later. Bd4+ 17) Kh1 Rad8..Supports bishop & activates rook on open file was a mistake as he ignored e5 by white. 18) e5! Attacking f6 knight, which is defender of h7 pawn thus, knight has to move & h7 pawn falls. Nd5
Black plays Nd5 19) Bxh7+! King has to move now, & white goes pawn up. Kh8 20) Ne4!! Take a look at position now, & take following into consideration. a) White’s king is completely safe. b) Black’s king is in danger, as whites all pieces are pointing towards it. c) Black queen & white square b7 bishop is inactive. d) Now h-file is open with king trapped. Now, h7 square is main focus, somehow white has to get queen & rook on h-file without wasting a move. If white knight goes on g5 square then it supports bishop & also queen can go on h7 as Ng5 support it. And hence I calculated bishop sacrifice. Also if black played g6 to trap my bishop then I had Ng5 which supports bishop, then if black plays f6 then forced can fight back but its king side is opened up with white having attacking possibilities with activated rooks & queen &white has 2 pawns(+)…Accurate play will lead white to win. So with every possible variation white has superior position & material advantage with his king safety placed & well defended, which will definitely lead white to victory with accurate play & exchanging blacks active pieces in order to cut down blacks counter attack chances. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games Kxh7..Ump! Good meal for free.
White plays Ne4!! 21) Ng5++! Double check with Ng5 & discover check with queen. Now black king has to move in case of a double check as well as knight check, but where? Whatever move black plays next, it’s not enough to hang on. Black is mated on white’s next move, If Kh6 then Qh7 mate If Kh8 then Qh7 mate If Kg8 then Qh7 mate….Simply can’t stop Queen! Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0
Black Resigns.
KEY POINTS: 1) Speedy piece development. ( Nf3, Nc3, Bd3, Qc2, Bd2) 2) King safety. ( O-O) 3) Starting an attack only after completing development of pieces & king’s safety. (e4) 4) Pawn storm. ( f4,e5) 5) Kingside attack. ( Bxh7+) 6) Using tactics like Double check, discover attack. 7) Creating mating net for opponent’s king. ( Bxh7+, Ng5, Qc2, f4,e5)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 7 [White: "Diehard"] [Black:”Kindvall"] [Opening:"Vienna game"] [ECO "C29"]
1) Nc3..A Flexible move, Develops piece, controls e4, d5, b5, a4 e5.. Pawn in center, gains space, controls d4, f4 2) e4..Gains space, controls d5. Nf6..Attacks e4, develops piece in center. 3) f4..Putting question on e5 pawn, to gain space, clears f3 square for knight if exf then white plays d4 to gain strong center control. This is King’s Gambit opening then. d5 4) fxe5..Attacks knight. Nxe4..Takes e4 pawn, equalizes. 5) NxN dxe4.. Symmetrical position now 6) d3..Attacks e-pawn. exd3..No choice 7) Bxd3! Develops & goes ahead in development Bc5..Clears for castle, develops piece. 8) h3..wasting tempo O-O..Castle’s king to safety. 9) Nf3..develops knight & supports e5 Nc6..Develops & attacks e5. 10) Qe2..Develops queen with intention of queenside castle supports e5 pawn. Re8..Attacks e5 pawn, develops & activate rook. 11) Bf4..Develops piece & supports e5 pawn, clears way to castle. Nd4..Attacks queen. 12) NxN..Reduces tension in center by exchanging black’s strong knight. BxN 13) O-O-O! Castles & supports b2 pawn. (Rook goes on d1 square) Qd5..Attacks a2 pawn 14) Kb1..Defends a2 pawn. Bd7..Develops bishop & connects rooks.
My Stunning Chess Games
Black plays Bd7 15) c3! Attacks bishop. Bxe5..Gets pawn but this move is a disaster for black as he gets stunned by.. 16) Bxh7+! Discover attack on black queen & Black king in check, so helpless black king has to capture bishop or move, while his queen is lost on the next move of white. KxB
White plays stunning Bxh7+! 17) Rxd5...Gets queen, the big fish is in the Net! Bxf4..Captures bishop for free & discover attack on queen of white. 18) Qh5+..Escaping with a check on black king. Kg8 19) Rxd7..Captures & now double attack on weak f7 pawn & also 7th rank control. Re5..Attacks queen. 20) Qxf7! Double attack on bishop & king. Kh7 21) Qxg7# black got mated.
Black was stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Going ahead in piece development. (Bxd3) 2) Castling on the side where opponent has no attacking pieces.( O-O-O Queenside castle) 3) Developing rooks on semi open & open files. (O-O-O brings rook on d-file which opens up.) 4) Decoying or Deflecting minor pieces of opponent with pawn. Setting up for a killer move (c3) 5) Because of c3 move by white, blacks bishop was out of the way & black queen was trapped with white’s discover attack. (c3, Bxh7+) 6) Using queen as an aggressive attacking piece. (Qe2, Qh5, Qf7)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 8 [White:"Nitin"] [Black:”Chess Mafia"] [Opening: "French defense: Advance variation."] [ECO: "C02"]
1) e4..Open game intention. e6..Initial move of French defense 2) d4..Ideal centre pawns, activates both bishops, Queen & grabs space. d5..Fights for centre, attacks e4, gains space 3) e5..This move commences the Advance variation of French defense. e5 closes center, gains space. c5..Attack d4 pawn, as c5 pawn is protected by bishop on f8, gains space in center, clears c6 square for knight. 4) c3..Gets pawn chain. Qb6..Attacks d4 pawn again 5) Nf3..Defends d4 pawn, activates knight. Nc6..develops knight, attacks d4 pawn now white has 3 defenders of d4 pawn, c3, Queen, Knight & Black has 3 attackers of d4 pawn c5, Nc6, Qb6 so 3 attackers v/s 3 defenders, so black cant take d4 pawn, in order to get d4 pawn, attackers should be one more in number than the defenders. 6) a3..Qb6 has pinned white c1 bishop as it has to defend b2 pawn, hence a3 in order to play b4 later. c4..Gains space, locks center. 7) Be2..Gets out of way to king castle & defends knight. Ne7..Developing knights before bishops 8) Nbd2..Activates knight, supports another knight. Nf5..Clears way of black bishop on e7 goes on aggressive square where it can attack white & also defend black. 9) Nf1! Idea of Ng3 & exchanging knight, black has strong knight on f5, so good idea is to exchange it. Be7..Clears way to castle 10) Ng3! Activates knight, attacks black’s f5 knight. Nxg3..Exchanges to create double pawn weakness in white camp 11) hxg3! Captures towards centre, White has double pawn weakness but white gets open h-fie in compensation which activates rook. O-O..Poor move by black, White’s pieces are directly pointing towards black’s kingside, looking for an attack. Instead black should have activated his c8 bishop & castle queen side. 12) Qc2! Immediate mate threat on h7, by Qxh7 while queen is supported by Rook on h-file. h6..Stops knight off g5, stops rook on h-file thus makes white queen’s attack neutral. g6 could have been good. But white will then try to get Ng5 along with rook attacking backward h7 pawn & white queen ill make way from d2.
My Stunning Chess Games
Black plays h6
On blacks g6 13) Bxh6! Bishop sacrifice, to open h-file for Q+R attack, also breaks up pawn guard around king castle thus opening up black king for an attack. gxh6? Black grabs bishop, suicide by black, g6 could have been tested white. 14) Rxh6..Takes control of h-file, & now mate on h7 is in-avoidable for black. f5..Blacks white queen diagonal towards h7. 15) exf6..En-passant re-opens queens diagonal & white pawn attacks e7 bishop. Rxf6..Develops rook, attacks white rook gives black king squares to move. 16) Qh7+! Ignores threat & attacks black king. Kf8.. Forced move 17) Qh8+ stops black king from escape. Kf7..Forced move 18) Rh7+ Kg6..Forced move 19) Nh4+! Introduces one more piece into attack with a tempo, now again black king has to move. Kg5..Forced move 20) Qg7# Traps king in mate & gives final blow.
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays Qg7# Black lost after being stunned! White wins 1-0 Smyslov, former world champion once said: “I never played French defense in my entire life which is the dullest of all defense.” Reason is that blacks c8 bishop is locked behind his own pawn structure, & more over if white plays advance variation then there is less possibility of any pawn exchanges as center gets closed & no file, diagonal, square opens for c8 bishop to get activated & while white attacks & black defends thus white has advantage.
KEY POINTS: 1) Developing minor pieces. 2) Opening up file for attack. ( h-file) 3) Activating Queen on aggressive square. (Qc2) 4) Bishop sacrifices for gaining king side attack, opening up h-file where opponent’s king is. (Bxh6) 5) Taking en-passant in order to keep c2-h7 diagonal open for white queen. (exf6) 6) Bringing queen into attack at right time. ( Qh7) 7) Creating mating net around opponent’s king. ( Qh7+, Qh8+, Rh7+, Nh4+, Qg7#)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 9 [White:"Diiviineboy"] [Black:”papanaldo"] [Opening:"Sicilian defense: Taimanov variation"] [ECO "B48"]
1) e4..Strikes centre. c5..Sicilian defense, opening move, it stops d4 immediately, opens up diagonal for queen & clears c6 square for knight. 2) Nf3..Open variation of Sicilian defense. Activates knight immediately according to principle controls center. e6..Supports d5 square, & opens diagonal to bishop. 3) d4..Strikes center, attack c5 pawn, open diagonal for bishop, gains space, and activates queen. cxd4..Getting center pawn 4) Nxd4..Knight is strong in center. Nc6..Activates knight 5) Nc3..activates knight & gains center control a6.. Stops Nb5 & prepares b5. 6) Be3..Develops bishop, supports d4 knight. Qc7 7) Qd2..Activates queen & prepares queenside castle. b5..Gains space on queenside & clears b7 square for bishop. A typical strategy in Sicilian defense is queenside expansion & attack. 8) Bxb5! Creating imbalance with bishop for 2 pawns, in order to gain attack while black king still in center. axb5
White plays Bxb5! 9) Ndxb5..Attacks queen & avoids knight exchange. Qa5 10) Nd6+,BxN 11) QxB ..Stops kingside castle for black momentarily. Nge7..Activates knight & clears back rank for castle. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 12) O-O-O..Getting rook on d-file, supporting queen, white has attacking prospects with active pieces. O-O 13) Qg3..Targets king castle. Rd8..Supports d7 pawn & strengthen d-file support. 14) h4..King side attack started. d5..Countering in center 15) e5..Closes position as opening files will give black to attack. d4..Forks knight & bishop
White plays Bh6! 16) Bh6! .. g7 pawn is pinned & now has mate threat with Qg7#, thus escaping pawn fork. g6 17) Ne4! Activating knight on a central square with idea of Nf6+ Nf5..Double attack on Queen & Bishop. 18) Nf6+ Knight outpost in enemy camp. Kh8 19) Qg4…idea is to clear open h-file with bishop sacrifice, to activate h8 rook. NxB 20) Qg5,Nf5 21) h5!,Qxe5 22) hxg6!, fxg6
White plays h5! NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 23) Rxh7# Double bishop sacrifice, giving up 2 bishops for 2 pawns & still won the game.
33 White’s king side attack was so fast & furious that black didn’t had any time to develop his bishop & rook. “In chess, u might be on the top for 5-10 moves, but one bad move & u are down in the dumps.”
White plays Rxh7# Black loses the game after being stunned! White wins 1-0 KEY POINTS: 1) Developing pieces on active squares. 2) Calculated early bishop sacrifice to gain attacking prospects. Creating imbalance in positions. (Bxb5) 3) King’s safety. ( Queenside castle O-O-O) 4) After ensuring King’s safety then only starting an attack. (h4) 5) Keeping center closed, by avoiding pawn exchange thus cutting down opponents counter chances. (e5) 6) Gaining knight outpost in enemy camp. (Nf6+) 7) Bishop sacrifices on h-file with the idea to open h-file, for kingside attack. (Qg4) 8) Opening up h-file for attack on enemy king. (h5) 9) Back rank mate of enemy king.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 10 [White:"Diehard"] [Black:”Pitten"] [Opening:"Carro-kann: Modern line."] [ECO: "B17"]
1) e4..Best by Test. c6..Opening move of Caro-Kann defense, this is black’s another solid defense to e4, it is played by many grandmasters even at international level, it is 2nd most popular defense against e4, after Sicilian defense. The basic idea is immediately fight for the center, playing c6, d5 on next move, regardless of what white plays. This leads to semi-open games, where black opens c-file for attack. 2) d4..Ideal centre. d5..Strikes center, attacks e4 pawn. 3) Nc3..Supports e4 pawn, develops piece. dxe4 4) Nxe4..Knight in center is an attacking piece. Nd7 5) Qe2! Now if black plays carelessly then its checkmate on next move by playing Nd6+! Now e7 pawn is pinned by queen so it can’t capture & king has no place to move. This has happened in many grandmaster games. e6..Rightly played, now Nd6+ is not possible as BxN for free. 6) Nf3..Develops knight on an active square. Ngf6..Black follows. 7) Nxf6+ This move doesn’t achieve much, but only helps black to improve his position. Ndxf6 8) Bg5..Pins black knight. Be7..Removes pin & develops piece & clears back rank for king side castle. 9) Qd2..Supports d4 pawn & g5 bishop. O-O Black castles to safety. 10) Bxf6..Removing defender of h7 square. Bxf6 11) c3..supports d4, & creates strong pawn chain b6..Clears, b7 square for bishop. 12) Bd3..Bishop develops on an active square. Bb7..Bishop developed on Passive Square. 13) O-O kingside castle. Qc7..Develops queen & connects rooks. 14) Rfe1..Activates rook. Rad8..Activates rook NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 15) Qc2! Removes queen from rook attack file & creating Queen + Bishop Battery attacking h7 square. h6
Both sides well developed. 16) Ne5..Black will play c5 at some point, unleashing his fianchetto bishop attack f3 knight, if BxN ten gxf3 will be bad for white king as castle is opened for an attack. So Ne5 as knight goes closer to enemy camp where it becomes active & attacking piece. Bxe5..Black realizes this so exchange to neutralize pressure. 17) Rxe5! Rook lift with a tempo, now blocking black queens diagonal hence cut down any attacking prospects. c5 18) Rh5! King side attack is starts now. cxd4 19) Re1! Sacrificing pawns for activating rooks & gaining attacking prospects. dxc3 20) bxc3..Stops queen exchange that will neutralize white’s attack. Rc8.. Creates threat of taking one more white pawn 21) Re3! Rook lift, now if black plays Qxc3 then black will be stunned by Bh7!! Check & discover attack by rook on c3 on black queen. Thus black king will take go on h8 & he cannot capture bishop as white queen supports it & the white rook on e3 takes black queen on c3. Kh8..Black realizes that & moves to safety, now black queen can take c3 pawn.
Black plays Kh8 22) c4..Pushes pawn under bishop protection. Qc6..Bishop + Queen Battery & mate threat on g2 square
My Stunning Chess Games
36 23) Rg3! Develops rook, attacks g7 pawn & also protects g2 mate. b5..Attacks weak pawn on wing, White can’t play cxb, his losses Q+B for Q. 24) Qc3! Yet another pawn sacrifice but that’s not the main concern. Look at the position now, 1) By playing Qc3 white double attacks g7 pawn, so mate threat hence black can’t take pxp but he has to defend g7 square. 2) Notice that black king is on h8 square which is on same diagonal where white queen is. So g7 pawn is pinned hence h6 pawn is weak. Rg8..Black defends weak g7 pawn but now will be stunned by white’s next move.
Black plays Rg8 a mistake. 25) Rxh6! # mates, takes advantage if pinned g7 pawn & king in corner & under firing line of whites powerful queen on c3. Black lost after being stunned! White wins 1-0
"The pin is mightier than the sword."- Reinfeld KEY POINTS: 1) Developing all pieces on active squares. 2) King’s safety. (O-O) 3) Activating rook’s by bringing them in center & controlling semi-open file. (Re1) 4) Sacrificing pawns for active play with both rooks. ( d4, c3) (Rh5, Re3) 5) Looking for tactics like pin, back rank mate, discover attack etc.
My Stunning Chess Games
Game: 11 [White:"Diehard"] [Black:”Aco 71"] [Opening: "Modern defense"] [ECO "B06"] 1) f4..This is Bird’s opening move, idea is to stop black’s e5, while white strikes center. g6..Idea is to fianchetto black bishop, which attacks center from a corner as well as protects king if black castle’s king side. 2) e4..Building strong center & following principle that play on the wings can easily countered by play in center. Moreover e4 controls d5, f5 & f4 controls e5, g5. Bg7..Activates bishop 3) d4..Controlling c5, e5 gaining space & cutting off bishops diagonal. d6..Stops e5 momentarily, opens bishop diagonal 4) Nf3..Develops pieces, supports d4 pawn. a6..Wasting move 5) c3..Supports d4 & creates strong pawn chain which makes g7 bishop useless. Nf6..Develops knight & gets ready for kingside castle. 6) Bd3..Develops piece, clears way to castle if white wants. O-O.. King safety 7) e5! Attacks knight, & will probably open file, gains space & takes initiative. Ne8.. Defends g7 bishop, but Passive Square for knight 8) h3..Avoids pin by Bg4 from black. Nc6..Develops knight & supports e5. 9) Nbd2..Develops knight. b5..Clears b7 square for bishop & expands queenside for attack. This is little premature as principle says before u start an attack, activate all pieces. 10) Ne4! Taking knight to center hence makes it a dangerous piece. Bb7 11) Neg5..Attacking h7 pawn, with knight on a good active square near enemy camp. Qd7 12) h4..Supports knight, but idea is to open h-file. Bh6 13) h5! Attacks g6 pawn. Bxg5 14) Nxg5..Black’s only active bishop is gone which was best defender of black king. Ng7
My Stunning Chess Games
Black plays Ng7 15) hxg6! Now h-file is open & h1 rook is activated. hxg6 16) Be3..Develops & supports center. f6..Attacks knight. 17) Nh7..Attacks f8 rook. fxe5..Plays in center to open lines 18) NxRf8 Ra8xN..Reloads 19) fxe5..Opens f-file which proves to be very important file as the game concludes. dxe5 20) Bxg6..Avoiding black king from escape & thus starts to create a mating net. exd4..White goes pawn down for an attack.
Black plays exd4 21) Bh7+ kicks king from corner to center. Kf7 22) Qf3+! Advantage of f-file open, again king has to move. White activates queen & ready for queenside castle. Ke8 Now take a look at the position, Black thinks he is now safe & will win White’s e3 bishop, but then White stuns black with..
My Stunning Chess Games 23) Bg6+! Attacks Black king & now king has to move & f8 rook is lost as king is the only piece supporting it. Kd8
24) Qxf8+ Ne8 25) O-O-O!! Superb timing for queenside castle. Castling can’t come at a better time than this. Now if Black plays d4xB then RxQ+ & Black queen falls then knight falls & ultimately Black king falls.
White plays O-O-O!! Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Developing pieces on active squares. 2) Building strong center against a passive defense, using up space advantage. ( f4, d4, e4, Nf3, c3,Bd3) 3) Winning tempo by attacking minor pieces of opponent with pawns.(e5) 4) Starting attack on files where opponent’s king is resting. (h4) 5) Opening up h-file for an attack. (hxg6) 6) Busting up kings castle into open position. (Bxg6) 7) Kicking opponent’s king from a corner into the center. (Bh7+) 8) Bringing queen into attack at right time. (Qf3+) 9) Creating mating net around opponent’s king. ( Bg6, Qf8, Rd1, Rh1)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 12 [White:"Diiviineboy"] [Black:”Slip"] [Opening: "Sicilian defense: Smith-Morra gambit"] [ECO "B21"]
1) e4..Open game. c5..Sicilian defense 2) d4, cxd4 3) c3! Smith-Morra gambit, idea is to go ahead in development, in compensation for material. d4xc 4) Nxc3..White knight developed, d-file open, Queen activated, bishop diagonal open for both bishop. Center control while, black has just queen diagonal open. Nc6..Develops the knight 5) Nf3..Develops & strengthens center. d6..Stops e5 for white, & prepares e5. 6) Bb5..Develops bishop & clears way for Kingside castle. Bd7..Develops & breaks pin. 7) O-O g6..Idea of Bg7 fianchetto, supporting e5 square 8) Be3..develops Bishop Bg7 9) Rc1..Supports c3 knight, activates rook controls half open c-file. Nf6..Prepares kingside castle, develops piece. 10) Nd5..Attacks f6 knight open c-file. O-O ..King’s safety
White attacks with Nd5 11) Nxf6+, Bxf6 12) b3, a6
My Stunning Chess Games 13) Bxc6, bxc6
41 14) Bd4 e5..Gains tempo, & controls center. 15) Bb2 Bg4..Pins knight. 16) Qd3..Breaks pin. d5..Attacks e4 pawn 17) exd5..forced cxd5..Good center pawns. 18) Nxe5, Bf5 19) Qe3..Supports knight. Re8..Controls e-file & attacks knight. 20) f4! Supports knight, gains space, activates f1 rook. Rc8..Activates rook & attacks c1 rook.
Black plays Rc8 21) Qa7!..Controls 7th rank which weakly defended by black. This is a key move. Bxe5.. Black ignores & plays in center. 22) Bxe5, Rxc1 23) Rxc1..These exchanges only improve white’s position & weakened black’s position. Bd3..Supports a6 pawn 24) a4..Pushing a, b pawns is idea. f6..Attacks bishop but weakening 7th rank which black ignores
25) Rc7!! White ignores Black’s pawn attacking bishop, thus planning a bishop sacrifice for gaining total control of 7th rank which black cannot defend. Black was stunned to see next move.. fxe5..Grabs free bishop.
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays Rc7!! 26) Rg7+! Makes Black King to move either on f-file or h-file, regardless of blacks move, mate cannot be stopped by black now. So Black resigns after getting stunned by Rc7!! Which sacrificed own bishop
Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0 KEY POINTS: 1) Sacrificing a pawn in the opening to go ahead in development & to open up d-file. 2) Early piece development & king’s safety. 3) Launching pawn to support pinned knight. (f4) 4) Taking into account opponent’s king position, thinking in terms of tactics & strategy. 5) Calculating exact mate of opponent’s king on back rank, before bishop sacrifice.(Rc7)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 13 [White:"Diwineboy"] [Black:”Spartakus V"] [Opening:"Caro-kann defense: Exchange variation and Panov-Botvinnik attack."] [ECO: "B13"]
1) e4…Open game c6..Initial move in the CARO-KANN Defense 2) d4..Ideal pawn center, controlling center. d5..Fights for the center 3) Nc3..Develops knight, supports e4 pawn. e6..Clears way for black bishop but black’s white square bishop also overprotects d5. 4) exd5..Opting to open file. cxd5..Opens up c-file 5) Nf3..Develops knight in center. Qb6..Develops Queen, attacks d4 pawn 6) Bd3..Develops bishop, clears back rank for castle. Nc6..Develops & attacks d4 pawn. 7) O-O! Although black attacks d4 pawn twice, but this pawn is bait by white to catch the big fish, so white deliberately played kingside castle. Nxd4..Black grabs the free center pawn, & thinks he has an extra pawn, only to get stunned by next few moves. 8) Nxd4! exchanges black’s active knight, to lure black queen in the fishing net. QxNd4..Now black goes a pawn up but now gets stunned.
White Plays Nxd4! to attract black queen 9) Bb5+!! Discover attack on black queen & king in check. Bd7 10) Bxd7! Takes bishop, as black queen cant escape. Kxd7..Forced move, now black king is caught in center & lost right to castle.
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays Bxd7! 11) Qxd4..Queen for free, black is whole queen down for getting a vicious pawn, so the bait has brought the big fish in the net. Black should have resigned after been stunned but he was stubborn & game continued. Rc8 12) Bf4..Develops bishop & connects rooks. b6 13) Nb5 f6..Idea of pawn forking white’s Queen & Bishop. 14) Bg3..Escapes pawn fork. Bc5..Develops & attacks white queen.
15) Qg4..Attacks g7 pawn, pins e6 pawn. g5 16) c4! Attacks d-file pawn to open it up & take on with rook. a6 17) cxd5! Knight sacrifice for opening up center & starting a mating attack. axb5..Black ignores the threat.
Knight sacrifice by white to open d-file & start mating attack. 18) Qxe6+ White breaks in at the black king’s neck. Kd8
My Stunning Chess Games
19) Rfe1..Mate threat on e-file. Nge7..Blocks e-file & develops knight. 20) Qxf6..Attacks h8 rook & opens e-file for e1 rook. Kd7 21) Qe6+ Kd8 22) Rad1..Develops last piece, the rook, supports d pawn. Rf8 23) d6! Cuts-off black bishop from defense of black’s e7 knight, & threatens to open d-file with Queen capture on e7 which leads to mate for black.. Bxf2+ 24) Bxf2 Nf5 25) Bxb6+! Rc7 26) dxc7++ # Black lost on a double check by white’s rook & pawn. Nothing much to explain as black lost the game when he lost his queen, according to me.
White plays dxc7# Black lost after being stunned! White wins 1-0
KEY POINTS: 1) Developing pieces & King’s safety. 2) Trapping opponent’s queen by baiting a knight, using tactics discovers attack. ( Nxd4) 3) Attempting to open up opponent’s king position. (c4) 4) Sacrificing knight on b5, in order to catch opponent’s king in center. (cxd5) 5) Activating white rook’s on d & e files, avoiding any chances of black king’s escape. (Rd1, Re1) 6) Using tactics of Double check to checkmate Black’s king. (dxc7)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 14 [White:"Luwsk"] [Black:”Diehard"] [Opening: "Sicilian defense: Alapin variation."] [ECO: "B22"] 1) e4..Intends open game c5..Initial move in the Sicilian defense, This defense give rise to semi-open type games with imbalances right from the beginning of the game, which produces lively attack & counter attacks from both sides & game rarely ends in a draw. 2) c3..This is Alapin variation of Sicilian defense; the idea is to play a supporting move c3 first, in order to launch d4 later to control the center. e6..Supports c5 pawn by bishop, also attacks d5 square 3) d4..Attacks c5, creates ideal center pawns. cxd4 4) cxd4..Creates pawn duo in center. Ne7..Stops d5 pawn, protecting d5 & develops a piece. 5) Nc3..Strengthens center & develops. g6..Idea of Bg7, bishop fianchetto 6) Nf3..Development, watching center from safe place. Bg7..Development 7) Bb5..Clears back rank for castle. a6..Kicks bishop 8) Ba4 b5..Attacks bishop 9) Bc2..Supports e4 from safe distance. Nbc6..Develops knight 10) O-O..King safety. Bb7 11) e5..Shuts off g7 bishop. O-O..King safety
Both sides developed. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 12) Bg5..Pins Knight, develops. Qb6..Breaks pin, develops queen.
13) Ne2..Supports d4 pawn. Nd5! Outpost in center, blocks off weak d4 pawn. 14) h4..Starts king side attack. f6..Opting to open f-file for rook activation 15) Be3 Qc7..Controls b8-h2 diagonal 16) exf6 Rxf6..This capture only helps black to develop. 17) g4..Bad move, opening up king for attack Raf8! Doubles up rook on a open file. 18) Nd2..Idea to play Ne4 to attack rook. d6..Prepares e5 19) Nc3 Qf7..Strengthens f-file attack 20) Nde4 Rf3! 21) Nxd6..Forks Bishop & Queen. Qe7! Eyeing h4 pawn 22) Nxb7 Qxh4! Sacrificing bishop in order to attack white king.
White plays Qxh4! 23) Ne4 Qxg4+ Black get 2 pawns for bishop & on attack on black king a good compensation. 24) Ng3..Blocks. h5! To attack pinned knight 25) Be4 h4! Going an exchange down, this means giving up rook for bishop or knight NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 26) Bxf3 Rxf3! Reloading
27) Kg2 Nxe3!! Forks King & Queen, a double blow. Look at the position, 1) White knight is pinned by queen. 2) f3 rook is supporting queen in attack, but still need more material in for attack on white king as he has pieces defending threats so decided to introduce knight into attack, as White’s f2 pawn is overloaded, defending both Bishop & Knight. Now after black’s PxN on e3 square, then white plays QxN+, then Kh1 forced then Qh3+, Kg1 forced, then Rg3+, then Kf2 forced, then black plays Qg2+, then Ke1 forced & then Rxe3+ # mate if pawn does not take knight then white loses queen & the game soon.
White plays Nxe3!! White respectfully resigned after being stunned!! Black wins 0-1
KEY POINTS: 1) Choosing an active defense system, improves counter attacking chances. (Sicilian defense) 2) Developing pieces quickly to active post. (Ne7, Bg7, Nc6, Bb7) 3) Gaining tempo by attacking opponent’s minor pieces with pawns. (a6, b5) 4) King safety. (O-O) 5) Gaining Knight Outpost in the center. (Nd5) 6) Doubling up rooks on f-file for an attack. (Rf6, Rf8) 7) Rooks+ Queen on f-file. 8) Attacking on the side where opponent’s king is placed. 9) Bishop sacrifices for capturing h -file pawn by queen & creating mating net. (NxB7, Qxh4) 10) Black’s h-file pawn attack. (h5, h4) 11) Exchanging f3 rook for white’s e4 bishop in order to gain attacking chances. (Bxf3) 12) Looking for tactics like fork, pin, forced move checks.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 15 [White:"Diiviineboy"] [Black:”Mosaferk"] [Opening: "Danish gambit"] [ECO: "C21"] 1) e4..Open game e5
2) d4..Puts question on e5, thus if captures then d-file will open up. exd4 3) c3! A gambit, this is Danish gambit opening. Idea to go ahead in development by gambiting a pawn, which wastes time for black. dxc3 4) Nxc3..Develops knight, controls center. Nc6 5) Bc4..Develops bishop, eyeing f7 square. Bb4..Pins Knight, develops bishop. 6) Bd2..Breaks pin, develops bishop. Qb3 is also good move. Nf6..Develops knight, attacks e4 7) f3..Supports e4 pawn. O-O castles king to safety. 8) Nge2..Supports c3 knight, develops knight & gets ready to castle. Ne5..Attacks Bishop on c4 9) Bb3..Moves to safety. Ng6 10) O-O King safety. d6 11) Kh1 Bd7..Develops piece
Both sides developed. 12) Nd5..Develops knight in center & attacks b4 bishop. Bxd2 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 13) Qxd2..Develops queen, connects rooks on back rank. Nh5..Avoids exchange
14) f4..Idea to attack knight, gains space. Qc8..Creating Bishop+Queen Battery 15) f5! Ne5..Outpost square for knight. 16) Qc3 c6..Attacks knight. 17) Ndf4 Nxf4 18) Nxf4..Reloads. Ng4.. a purposeless move. 19) Nh5! attacks g7 pawn, creates mate threat on g7. Nf6..Only way of defense against Qxg7#
White plays Nh5! 20) Nxf6+ gxf6..Opening up king of black 21) Qxf6! Queen close to enemy king. d5..Opens up diagonal for Bishop + Queen 22) Rf3! Rook lift & attacking prospect. Bxf5..Black has no defense against mate by Queen & Rook combination. 23) exf5 Qxf5..Forced or mate on g-file. 24) Rxf5 Rfd8 25) Rg5+ Kf8 26) Re1! Stops king from escape. Rd7 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
27) Qh8# Black lost the Game.
White plays Qh8#
Black lost after being stunned! White wins 1-0 KEY POINTS: 1) Playing an opening to surprise an opponent, this also requires good preparation & knowledge about openings. (“A player surprised is half beaten”) 2) Developing pieces on good squares. ( Nc3, Ne2, Bd2, Bb3) 3) King safety. (O-O) 4) Pawn attack on e & f file. ( e4, f4) 5) Opening up opponent’s king castle.( Nxf6+) 6) Rook lift for an attack on opponents kingside. (Rf3) 7) Creating Mating net around opponent’s kingside.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 16 [White:"Odysseus"] [Black:”Diehard"] [Opening: "Dutch defense: Stonewall variation."] [ECO :"A85"] 1) d4..Equally good move as e4 with the same purpose of controlling the center. d4 controls c5, e5 squares, gains space, opens up diagonal for bishop. c6..Preparing d5 on next move, thus opting to play Caro-kann or Slav defense against d4
2) Nf3..Supports d4, develops knight. d5..Attacks center, controls half the territory. 3) e3..Supports d4 pawn, opens up white bishop diagonal, thus clears way to castle for king. e6..Over protects d5 square, but clears diagonal for e7 bishop. 4) Bd3..Develops bishop, clears way to castle. f5..Attacks e4 square, this formation introduces the Stonewall variation of Dutch defense against the Queen’s gambit opening by white. 5) c4..Attacks d5 square, gains space, clears c3 for knight. Nf6..Develops knight, controls d5 square 6) Nc3..Develops knight. Be7..Clears diagonal, develops bishop, supports f6 knight. 7) O-O..King safety. O-O..King safety 8) b3..Supports c4, clears b2 square for bishop fianchetto. Nbd7..Develops knight 9) Bb2..Bishop fianchetto. Ne4..Clears way for d7 knight on f6 square, while taking knight near enemy territory 10) cxd5 exd5 11) Nd2..Attacks e4 knight. Ndf6! Develops knight, supports e4 knight, clears way for c8 bishop.
Both sides well developed.
My Stunning Chess Games 12) f3..Attacks e4 Knight. Nxc3..Exchanges knight to reduce white’s grip in center & to keep tempo.
13) Bxc3 Qc7..Develops queen 14) Qc2..Creates bishop, queen battery, creates threat on f5 pawn. Bd6..Ignores threat, & attacks h2 pawn. 15) h3 Nh5..Eyeing, g3 square 16) e4 Bh2+! Kicks white king out of the castle, now if Kh1, then Ng3+! Forks King & Rook. Goes an exchange up after KxB If KxB, then NxR+ Double check by Queen & Knight, then Kg1 is forced, Ne3 attacks Queen.
Black plays Bh2+! 17) Kf2..King escapes from corner. Qg3+ introduces queen in attack & pressurizes king side attack. 18) Ke2 Nf4+! King’s knight close to enemy camp also wins tempo as now white has to move king again. 19) Kd1 Qxg2..Takes weak pawn & opens up file for attack. 20) exf5 Nxd3..White d3 bishop is protecting e2 square & also f1 square, hence removing the defender. 21) Qxd3 Bxf5..Develops bishop, connect rooks attacks queen. 22) Qe2..Idea to exchange queens & reduce tension. Bc2!! Note that white queen is only defended by white king, so attacking white king with bishop check, now if KxB then QxQ. 23) Ke1 forced move in order to protect queen of white. Rae8! Develops rook on open file, pins white queen & strengthens attack.
My Stunning Chess Games
Black plays Rae8! Pins queen. 24) Ne4..Forced move as it blocks the open file, unpins white queen. Bg3+! Activates bishop, strengthens attack. Now if, white plays NxB then Qg2 x Qe2 mate. 25) Kd2 Bf4+! Again if KxB then QxQ. 26) Ke1 dxe4! Now if white plays QxQ then exf!! Discover check by rook on white king & white queen can’t be saved. 27) Qc4+ last resistance before defeat. Kh8 28) Rf2..Attacks black queen. cxf3# Black wins.
Black plays dxe4!
Black plays cxf3!#
My Stunning Chess Games White gets mated after being stunned! Black wins 0-1
55 KEY POINTS: 1) Making early pawn moves are not recommended in any defense until you have complete knowledge about that defense. 2) King’s safety. (O-O) 3) Developing pieces. ( Nf6, Be7, Ne4) 4) Kicking opponent’s king from a safe place (corner) to an unsafe place (center). (Bh7+) 5) Forcing opponent’s king into mating net. (Bc2) 6) Activating rooks on open files. (Rf8, Re8) 7) Looking for tactics like decoy, pin, fork, skewer
Note: The safe place for king is where your opponent has no attacking pieces & pawns. If your opponent is attacking on wings then corner is a bad place for your king. The safe place for king should be decided on basis of position on board and opponent’s attacking chances.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 17 [White:"Likche"] [Black:”Diehard"] [Opening:"Caro-kann defense"] [ECO: "B10"]
1) e4..Open game. c6..Caro-Kann defense, semi-open game. 2) Be2..Unusual move here. d5..Attacks e4 pawn & gains space in center. 3) exd5 cxd5..Black has a pawn in center. 4) Bf3 Nf6..Develops knight & supports pawn on d5. 5) Ne2..Develops knight with idea of Ng3 or Nd4, clears back rank for castle. e6..Supports d5 pawn & clears diagonal for bishop on f8. 6) O-O ..king’s safety Nc6..Develops knight, strengthens center control. 7) d4..Strikes center. Bd6..Develops Bishop on an aggressive square 8) Re1..Activates rook on e-file where black king. Qb6..Indirectly pins white’s c1 bishop which has to protect b2 pawn. 9) Nbc3..Develops knight. O-O..King’s safety. 10) b3..Unpins bishop, clears b2 square for bishop fianchetto. Qc7..Creates (Bishop+Queen) Battery, attacks h2 pawn. 11) Bg5..Undermines the threat & attacks black’s f6 knight. Bxh2+
Both sides well developed. 12) Kf1 Nd7..Retreats knight on a safe square. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 13) g3..Traps bishop. Bxg3..2pawns for a bishop, imbalance created & white is open to attack but black is piece down for 2 pawns. 14) Nxg3 f6..Kicks bishop, prepares e5. 15) Be3..Retreats to a safe square, also defending d4, f2 pawn. b6..Clears way for bishop fianchetto 16) Ke2..Idea to shift king towards queenside. Ba6+! Develops bishop 17) Kd2..King in center. e5..Opening files to attack white king in center. 18) Be2 Bxe2 19) Nxd5! Grabs a center pawn, attacks black queen. Qd6 20) Qxe2..Captures bishop, connects rooks, and develops queen. Qxd5 21) c4..Attacks queen, clears square for king transfer. Qa5+ 22) Kc2 Qa3..Stops a2 pawn from raiding in, also makes queen more aggressive. 23) d5..Attacks knight, keeps file closed. Nb4+! Queen + knight combination, near enemy king post knight goes on aggressive square. 24) Kc3 Rac8..Develops rook on a good square. 25) Nf5..Idea to fork on e7. b5! Ignores threat & attacks the pinned c4 pawn, to open c-file.
Black plays b5!
My Stunning Chess Games 26) Ne7+..Forks King & Rook. Kh8
27) Nxc8..Black goes an exchange down. Rxc8! Reloads threat. Black is down in material but is up in position. Black pieces are active, aggressive while white pieces are inactive, defensive, so Good compensation for material. 28) Qb2..Idea to exchange queens in order to reduce tension on board & go up in material will be advantage for white. But now came a stunning move that black was preparing when he went an exchange down, playing b5. Rc4+!! Look at the position, 1) White’s king is in center. 2) Black queen is on an aggressive a3 square which pins b3 pawn of white. 3) Black’s C8 rook is on same file as white king. 4) Black’s b5 pawn is attacking white’s c4 pinned pawn. So white’s b3 pawn are pinned which white didn’t saw & hence he got stunned by Rxc4+! Now white loses his queen & the game. White resigns as Kd2 is forced move & queen is lost. White was stunned! Black wins 0-1
Black plays Rc4+!! KEY POINTS: 1) Developing pieces quickly. 2) King’s safety. (O-O) 3) Queen & Bishop battery. (Bd6, Qc7) 4) Sacrificing Bishop for busting opponent’s king castle. (Bxg3) 5) Queen & Knight combination attack. ( Qa3, Nb4+) 6) Activating rook on an active square. ( Rc8) 7) Looking for tactics like pin & mating net around opponent’s king.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 18 [White:"xyz.i"] [Black:”Divineboy"] [Opening:"Sicilian defense: Open variation."] [ECO "B30"]
1) e4..Open game intention. c5..Initiating the Sicilian defense 2) Bc4..Develops piece, attacks f7 square. e6..Blocks diagonal, makes way for bishop on e7. 3) Nf3..Develops Knight, controls center. d6..Supports c5 pawn, clears d7 for bishop. 4) Nc3..Develops knight on its best square. Nc6..Builds center. 5) O-O..King safety. a6..Stops bishop pin or Nb4 6) d4..Transposes to open Sicilian game. cxd4 7) Nxd4 Qc7 8) Nxc6 Qxc6 9) Be2 Nf6 10) Bf3..Eyes queen & rook on h1-a8 diagonal & threatens e5. e5..Stops white from playing e5. 11) Nd5..Attacks in center. Nxd5 12) exd5 Qc7 13) b3..Idea to fianchetto bishop on g2. Be7..Develops bishop & clears way for castle. 14) Be4..Idea of Queen + Bishop Battery. O-O..Castle’s to safety. 15) Qd3..Creates Queen + Bishop Battery, but black plays a stunning move. f5! Now Bxf5 is forced because, if Bf3 then pawn forks, Bishop & Queen with e4.
My Stunning Chess Games 16) Bxf5.. Forced. Bxf5..Attacks queen & clears back rank.
17) Qg3 Be4..Clears f-file for rook lift & double rook, attacks d5 pawn 18) c4..Supports d5 pawn. Rf6..Rook lift 19) f3 Bd3 20) Rf2..Saves rook & protects f3 pawn. Rg6..Attacks queen. 21) Qh3 Rf8..Activates rook, brings one more piece into attack. 22) g4..Makes way for queen escape but weakens white castle. Qc5! Pins rook 23) Qg3 h5! Attacks g4 pawn to open up queen 24) h3..Supports g4 pawn. h4..Attacks queen. 25) Qh2 Rxf3! White f2 rook is pinned by black queen, so it can’t move.
) Black plays Rxf3! 26) Bd2..Activates both remaining pieces. Rg3+! Traps white king in a corner & in a mating net.
My Stunning Chess Games 27) Qxg3 hxg3! Now f2 rook is also lost & white loses game, now any continuation by black would lead to white mate. Next Idea is capturing White f2 rook with Black queen & creating a mating net.
White resigned on Black’s hxg3! White resigns after being stunned! Black wins 0-1
KEY POINTS: 1) Development of pieces. 2) Shutting off attacking chances of White’s f3 bishop. (e5) 3) King’s safety. (O-O) 4) Attacking White’s minor piece with center pawns. ( f5, e5) 5) Rook lift. (Rf6) 6) Activating both rooks on opponent’s kingside. (Rg6, Rf8) 7) Pinning opponent’s major piece. (Qc5) 8) Attacking on h-file, to open up g-file for attack. (h5) 9) Creating mating net around opponent’s king.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 19 [White:"Monitores 0309"] [Black:”Diehard"] [Opening: " Dutch defense, Stonewall variation. "] [ECO: "A85"] 1) d4..Intends for a closed game. The main difference between a open game & a closed game is that , open games are more tactical and attacking with quick end game, whereas closed games are more strategic, slow in attack, and includes piece maneuvering & converting small advantage or a small mistake by opponent to a long fighting win. c6..Keeps option open for e4 thus transposing into Caro-Kann defense. 2) c4..Queen’s gambit opening. d5..Clears diagonal for bishop on c8, attacks center 3) Nc3..Develops knight, attacks d5 square. e6..Defends d5 pawn & clears e7 square for bishop. 4) Nf3..Developing knights before bishops. f5..Initiating Dutch defense, Stonewall variation 5) e3..Supports d4, clears squares for white bishop. Nf6..Develops knight towards centre 6) Bd3..Develops bishop. Be7..Develops bishop 7) O-O..King’s safety. O-O..King’s safety
Both sides developed. 8) Ne5..Takes outpost on e5. Nbd7..Attacks e5 knight 9) f4..Gains space supports knight. Ne4..Attacks knight. 10) Rf3..Rook lift. Nxe5..Exchanges white’s strong knight. 11) dxe5..Opens d-file. Bd7..Activates bishop NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
12) Rh3 Be8 13) g4..Idea to bring queen into attack on g-file. Bg6..Black defends f5 pawn & develops bishop. 14) g5..Closes file. Bxg5! White king is opened up now as white pawns are gone to far, so black plans bishop sacrifice for quick attack with active queen against opened up king. Note: White knight is an attacking piece on e4.
Black gives up bishop, Bxg5! 15) fxg5, Qxg5+...Activates queen & attacks 16) Rg3 Nxg3..White goes an exchange down. 17) hxg3 Qxg3+ 18) Kh1 f4..Black wants to open f-file quickly in order to continue attack with active rooks on f-file. 19) Ne2..Attacks queen. Qf3+..Supports f4 pawn 20) Kg1 fxe3! Open up f-file.
Black play fxe3! NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
21) Bxg6 Qg4+..Black doesn’t want to open h-file by capture hxg6 hence Qg4+ double attack. 22) Kh1 Qxg6 23) Qg1..White’s best option is exchanging queens as he is a piece up but position down. Qe4+ 24) Qg2..Again thinking of queen exchange. Rf1+! Best move, as white queen is pinned hence tightens up mating net on white. 25) Ng1..Interference defense, only chance remaining hence forced. Qh4+ 26) Qh2 Qf2! Idea is to use pawn on e3 to promote. 27) Qxf2 exf2! Attacks pinned knight & now even king can’t stop blacks pawn promotion. 28) Kg2 fxg1=Q +...Black Promotes to Queen & white resigns.
Black promotes to QUEEN! White resigns after being stunned! Black wins 0-1
KEY POINTS: 1) Piece development. 2) King’s safety. (O-O) 3) Calculated bishop sacrifice, for three pawns & attacking opportunity. (Bxg5) 4) Busting up opponent’s king’s castle. 5) Using queen for attack & not for defense. (Qg4, Qh4) 6) Attacking with rook on opponent’s back rank. 7) Promoting to queen in order to trap opponent’s king in mating net. (fxg1=Q +, Rg1)
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 20 [White:"Diwineboy"] [Black:”SuperGrandpatzer"] [Opening: "Modern defense"] [ECO: "B06"]
1) e4..Best by Test. d6..Initial move of Pirc defense, idea to form Sicilian dragon structure, which is a dynamic defense against e4 2) Nf3..Develops Knight. However d4 is also good. Nf6..Develops knight 3) Nc3..Develops other knight to control center. g6..Idea is to fianchetto black bishop on g7 & then castle kingside. 4) d4..Controls center with ideal pawn center. Bg7..Eyeing e5 square 5) Be3..Develops bishop, protects d4 pawn. Nc6..Develops knight to control center 6) Bd3..Develops bishop, protects e4, and clears way to castle. e5..Gains space & counters in center for equal share. 7) d5..Closes center & attacks c6 knight wins tempo, gains space. Ne7..Passive Square for knight 8) h3..Avoids bishop pin on g4 as well as stops knight. O-O..King safety 9) O-O..King safety. Nd7..Idea to play f5, & open up file
Both sides developed. 10) Qd2! Clears back rank, connects rooks, creates Queen + Bishop Battery. f5..Attacks e4 pawn, now e4xf5 is forced because of f4 for black, getting bishop for pawn. 11) exf5..forced Nxf5..Activates Knight
My Stunning Chess Games
12) Bxf5..Blacks Knight on f5 was a threat to Queen + Bishop battery. Rxf5 13) Bh6..Idea to exchange bishop, which is black’s active piece. Nc5 14) Bxg7 Kxg7 15) Rae1..Activates rook. Rf8 16) Ne4..attacks c5 knight, creating double pawns Nxe4 17) Rxe4! Rook lift. Bf5 18) Rh4..Attacks backward d pawn. Rh8..Protects 19) Qh6+! Brings Queen into attack. Kg8 20) Ng5..Pressurizing h7 pawn. Qe7..Defends & activates queen, as well as activates a8 rook. 21) f4! Idea to double up rooks on f-file. e4..Black avoids opening of f-file. 22) g4! White goes all in for attack. Bd7..Retreats bishop to a safe square 23) f5! Attacks g6 pawn, opening up file for rook. gxf5..Forced as f6 was threatening black queen 24) gxf5! Opens up g-file on which black king is there & white rook is ready to attack. Rf8..Activates rook & defends.
White opens g-file for rook by gxf5!
My Stunning Chess Games 25) Rg4..Controls open file & threatens discover check. Bxf5..Attacks rook, gets pawn.
26) Rxf5! White goes an exchange down to maintain Rxf5..Rook on g4, to create discover check. 27) Ne6+! Discover check & knight outpost in enemy camp. Kf7..Forced
White plays Ne6+! Discover check 28) Rg7+! Skewer by white, Black was forced into it. Ke8.. Forced
White Skewers White King & Queen 29) Rxe7+ gets queen. Kxe7.. Forced move 30) Qg7+! Double attack by white Queen, wins h8 Rook. Black realizes that & resigns, as blacks king is forced to move, on back rank as mate follows Soon.
White finishes in style with Qg7+! Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
68 KEY POINTS: 1) Development of pieces & center control. (Nf3, Nc3, Bd3, Be3) 2) Attacking with center pawns. (d5) 3) King’s safety. (O-O) 4) Controlling open e-file with rook. (Re1) 5) Rook lift. (Rxe4) 6) Bringing White queen into attack. (Qh6) 7) Pawn storm. (f4, g4, f5) 8) Exchanging Rook for a Bishop (Exchange sacrifice) by white for an attack. (Rxf5) 9) Discover check tactics by white. (Ne6+) 10) Skewer tactics by white. (Rg7+) 11) Double attack tactics by White queen. (Qg7+) 12) Trapping opponent’s king in mating net.
My Stunning Chess Games Game: 21 [White:"Divineboy"] [Black:”Pippo 613"] [Opening "Dutch defense"] [ECO "A84"]
1) d4..Controls e5, c5 squares, clears way for bishop. d5..Fights for equal share in center & same reasons 2) e3..a passive move here, now Nf3 has good move here. e6..Copying white & symmetrical structure 3) c4..Puts questions on d5, opens up bishop on good aggressive square if capture takes place, clears c3 for knight. c6..Supports d5 pawn 4) Nc3...Develops knight, attacks d5 pawn. Bd6..Develops bishop on aggressive square 5) Nf3..Develops knight. f5..Gains space on king side attack e4 square, clears f6 square for knight. This move represents Dutch defense, stonewall variation as the position on board is now. 6) cxd5..Opens up square for white bishop also exchanges non-center pawn for a center pawn. exd5..Recaptures 7) Bd3..Develops bishop on aggressive square & clears back rank for castle. Nf6..Develops knight & clears back rank for castle. 8) Qc2..Queen +Bishop Battery. Ne4..Aggressive Square for black knight Now NxN would be mistake, as it will lose Bishop or Knight for white. 9) Nd2..Idea to exchange weak white knight for powerful black knight on e4. O-O.. Castle to safety
Black castles O-O 10) Ndxe4..Exchanges knight. fxe4..Gets strong pawn chain & semi-open f-file with rook on it. 11) Be2..Retreats bishop on Safe Square. Qf6..Attacking weak square f2 & also using f-file for attack. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 12) O-O..This is a forced move as f2 can’t be defended by any other move. Qg6..Attacking g2 pawn, black has good position & attacking prospects also queen is a big piece on a good square. 13) f4..White has to activate his pieces in order to neutralize blacks attack. Bh3..Attack g2 pawn which is weak & pinned by black g6 queen 14) Rf2..Defends g2 pawn. Nd7..Develops knight & connects rook on back rank. 15) Kh1..Breaks pin & move king to safety. Bf5..Retreats bishop but now on a passive square 16) Bd2..Develops bishop & clears way for white rook on g2. Qh6..Attacks weak h-pawn 17) Rg1..Develops rook, supports g2 pawn. Kh8..Gets out of attack on g-file 18) g4! Attacks bishop, semi-opens g-file for rook, gains space, starts counter attack. Bg6
White plays g4! 19) Qd1..White queen on c2 was passive so on d1 it supports bishop & can enter into attack anytime. This is queen maneuvering. Be8 20) Qe1..Brings queen on kingside to do both job of defending & attacking. g5..Weak move, trying to open file where king is placed. While Whites position is strong with active pieces & black still has inactive rook, bishop, knight. 21) fxg5.. Attacks queen, opens file. Qg7 22) Rxf8+ ..Exchanges rook to Clear Square for queen. Nxf8..If QxR then Rf1 again moves queen 23) Qh4! Takes control of open h-file, supports g5 pawn aggressive queen on file which black king is standing. Be7..Attacks g5 pawn NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 24) Rf1! Attacks f8 knight, now if black plays Bxg5 then white has RxN+, QxR forced & then QxB so far a rook, White gets bishop & knight. Bd7..Understands threat so develops bishop, & supports back rank with a8 rook.
White plays Rf1! 25) Be1! Activates bishop, & sacrifices a pawn, with idea of Be5 after Bg3. Bxg5...Grabs material, attack queen & e3 pawn so imbalance in position. 26) Qg3, Ng6..Develops knight, clears way for rook. 27) Qh3, Rf8..Activates rook & attacks f1 rook. 28) Rxf8+..Exchanges to reduce pressure Qxf8 29) Bg3! Activates bishop on aggressive square with intention of bishop on e5. Kg8..Supports queen of black. 30) Qh5..Attacks bishop. Bxe3..Takes material, & is hoping to go 2 pawns up. But now came the stunning bolt from the blue just too completely shatter blacks winning dreams. 31) Nxe4!! Look at the position on board: a) White queen is on h-file, active & aggressive & also can move on 5th rank. b) White bishop is ready to go on e5. c) White’s e2, white bishop is ready to go on c4 to attack, open black king. d) White knight is on c3 which attack c4 pawn. If you look at all these factors then, there is a definite attacking chance for white in this position but how? 1) Both white bishops can go to e5 & c4 squares thus trapping black king in corner also white queen can move h-file & 5th rank. 2) But how will e2 bishop go on c4 square, d5 pawn of black blocks it, so how to open it, hence came Nxe4!! Then dxe4 is forced or white get bishop for free with NxB. 3) Also white defense is strong as e2 bishop also stops black queen from attacking back rank. 4) Nxe4 is a clearance sacrifice to clear a2-g8 diagonal for white’s e2 bishop, which does both job of attacking black king & defending white’s weak back rank from white queen. …dxe4 Note: Queen Maneuvering: This means moving queen in a series of continuous moves with a plan of reaching the queen to a specific square to achieve some advantage. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
White plays stunning Nxe4!! 32) Bc4+! Attacks black king & forces him to move to a corner & also takes him away from supporting queen. Kh8..Forced as nothing can block the check 33) Be5+! ..Now black’s next move is forced. Nxe5 34) Qxe5+! This was the main point of knight sacrifice; Black’s king is defenseless on back rank with its own h-pawn locking it up. Qg7..Forced
White plays Qb8+! 35) Qb8+! Attacks king on back rank & black is out of defense as black queen can’t protect black king anymore, as black’s h7 pawn only helps white to trap black king. The focal point of whites play was black’s g8 square, which is controlled by both white queen & bishop & blacks unmoved h7 pawn, trapping black king in a corner. I calculated this exact conclusion on the 31st move!! Black resigns after being stunned! White wins 1-0 KEY POINTS: 1) Center control. 2) Developing pieces on active squares. 3) King’s safety. (O-O) 4) Activating both rooks & other pieces as well as taking care of king’s safety by white. (Rf2, Rg1) 5) Attacking black’s minor piece, bishop with pawn, gaining space & opening up g-file for attack. (g4) 6) Introducing Queen into attack at the right time after queen maneuvering. (Qh4) 7) Calculated Knight Sacrifice, in order to create mating net around opponent’s King. (Nxe4) 8) Attacking opponent’s king on its weak side, the back rank. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games Game 22 [White "Nitin"] [Black "Chess genius”] [Opening "A03 Bird's Opening"] [ECO: A03] 1. f4…Indicates Bird’s opening. Playing f-pawn is dangerous in opening if u are a beginner, it may lead u to quick lose if you are inexperienced. Black Queen can attack king on h4 diagonal & White king has no escape square. Don’t play this opening unless you have good understanding & experience in chess.
d5 …Immediately going for centre 2. e3…Supporting f4 and opening diagonal for queen & bishop. Nf6 3. b3 …Idea is to fianchetto bishop, eyeing centre to attack later. e6 4. Bb2, Bb4 5. Bd3…Bishop on attacking square looking menacingly at h7, both white bishops are aggressive and well placed now. Nc6 6. a3…Gains tempo by attacking bishop. Bc5 7. b4…Developing pawns ahead, gaining space. Bd6 8. Nf3..Developing Knight on a good square O-O Black castle’s to safety. 9. O-O ..White follows same. Qe7
Both sides developed 10. h3…In order to prevent black’s knight coming on g4. Bd7 11. Nc3…Developing other knight & connecting Rooks. a5 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 12. b5 , Nd8
74 13. a4 ,Bb4 14. Ne2, h6 15. g4…Clearing way for Knight which wants to go on g3. Bc5 16. Ng3, b6 17. Kh2…Taking king out of firing line of black’s bishop. Bc8 18. Rg1…Taking rook on black king’s file which will open after few moves. Bb7 19. Bxf6…Black’s last move Bb7 suggest that, he will open a8-h1 diagonal by his pawn push to d4, thus blocking my black bishop, hence decided to exchange it for good Knight which is defending black king’s pawns. Just look at black’s pawn on d5 & black bishop on b7 & my knight on f3. Qxf6 20. Nh5...Attacking Black’s Queen. Qb2 …protecting g7 pawn & escaping knight’s attack. 21. g5! Hence I saw that I need to open file by same exchanges, then I saw that black’s h6 pawn is helpless as knight blockade it from pushing forward, hence if I push my pawn to g5, he will have to exchange it or I will exchange it on next move, so g-file open’s up & rook attacking black’s king. hxg5 ..No choice. 22. Rxg5…Keeping file open & using rook lift tactics, so that I can bring my queen on g-file to support rook g6 23. Qg1! Saw that black’s g6 pawn is pinned, so he cannot capture knight because my rook is attacking Black’s king. So why to lose time by moving knight? I decided to strengthen g-file by putting queen on it. Kh8..Black realizes threat, takes king to safety. 24. Ne5! This move was made to cut –off black queen & black king diagonal, by placing knight on a good square, from where it can attack, black’s king. Now if black’s g6 pawn captures white knight..gxh5, then Rxh5 & mate! Be7….Attacking white rook
White Blocks Black queen diagonal with Ne5! NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 25. Rb1 …Attacking black’s queen. Qa3
26. Bxg6! I wanted to maintain pressure on black’s king on g-file , then I saw that if my knight of e5, goes on g6 then it will fork black’s king & rook, but how to do that?. So Bxg6! f6 …Black’s pawn fork
White sacrifices Bishop for attack. 27. Nxf6! Idea was to clear h-file for my rook, thus it will give check to black king. Now look at white pieces, knight on e5, knight on h5, then bishop & rook & queen on same file, so what move will threaten black king. Answer was capturing black’s pawn with knight on h5, so to clear that h5 square for rook then after Nxf6! If black’s bishop or rook captures knight then? White will play Rh5+, Kg7 or Kg8, if Kg7 then White play Be8! Kxf6, Qg5 # discover check on black king by white queen then checkmate if Kg8 then Bf7+ Double check by white Bishop & Queen thus checkmate. Black was
White plays stunning Nxf6! 28. Rh5+ …First of all black king is trapped in corner, secondly black has rook as last protection of black king. Thirdly my both knight are active as well as queen. So I calculated Rh5+, kg7, Bxf7! Discover check by queen Kxf6, Qg5+ Kg7 29. Bxf7+! Cutting off black’s king escape squares & discover check by queen. Kxf6 or Kxf8 would result the same mate in next move. 30. Qg5 # or Qg8 # if Kf8
My Stunning Chess Games Black lost the game after being stunned! White wins 1-0
76 And Black was
KEY POINTS: 1) Develop pieces on active squares without lose of tempo. (Bb2, Bd3, Nf3, O-O.) 2) Pawn push by attacking opponents bishop & knight thus gaining tempo. 3) King’s Safety. (O-O) 4) Placing Rooks on active files. 5) Placing knights near enemy camp but with maximum safety from opponent’s attackers. 6) Taking initiative to attack and open file g5! , hxg5 7) Planning a mating net. Tactics used: 1) Pawn storm g5! 2) Exploiting pawn pin g6 3) Interference of white knight on e5 hence blocking queen diagonal. 4) Ready for Bishop sacrifice Bxg6! 5) Discovered check Bxf4! 6) Rook lift Rxg5
My Stunning Chess Games Game 23 [White "Nitin"] [Black "Chess genius”] [Opening "CARO KANN DEFENCE] [ECO: B15]
1) e4…opening with e4 results in open type games, where there are plenty of opportunities for attack, with open files, diagonals, back ranks etc. Hence I will suggest a beginner to play e4 as it would definitely improve his attacking skills; however it is a matter of taste whether you play e4, d4, c4, and f4. Whatever u play, u must play it well. c6.. Initial move of CARO KANN Defense, a very solid defense which is favorite of many grandmasters Its idea is to attack e4 on 2nd move by playing d5, thus equalizing position after exchange of pawns. 2) d4..Ideal pawn centre to control c5, d5, e5, f5 squares d5.. Challenging e4 gaining share of centre control 3) Nd2 in order to keep initiative, developing piece knight & keeping tempo, by not capturing e4xd5, protecting e4 in due course. Here Nc3 is also playable, but Black’s bishop on f8 may pin, Nc3 and result you in backward double pawn weakness, after exchanging. dxe4 4) Nxe4 advantage white, because knight is well placed & deadly attacking piece when at centre, so closer the knight to enemy camp, the more deadly & strong it becomes. Nf6… black immediately challenges white knight because white knight is strong. So a good strategy is exchanging weak knight for a strong knight while developing a piece. This is Tartakower variation. 5) Nxf6+…in order to create double pawn & maintain tempo, white got equal exchange , but created weakness of double pawns in black’s kingdom. exf6.. gxf6 would have weaken pawn structure & black’s chances of castling king side would be endangered. Capturing exf6 gives good protective pawn structure, than capturing gxf6. 6) h3..Improvising, protection against deadly pin by black’s white bishop of c8, Hence want to place white knight of f3 good square Be6…Bishop goes to centre next good square g4. 7) Nf3 Knight goes on an effective square. Bd6…Black develops bishop & ready to castle kingside. 8) Bd3! Bishop to an active square, this is a good move because chances of black castling on kingside are more, hence bishop is nicely placed on an aggressive square. O-O king’s safety 9) c3…pawn chain, supporting d4 to stand strong in centre. Qb6…eyeing b2 pawn & forcing white’s black bishop of c1, to stay home in order to protect b2 pawn. 10) Qc2! White protects b2 pawn, thus freezing c1, bishop meanwhile creating a queen + bishop battery, eyeing h7 pawn. h6…black is alert & pushes pawn protecting against any piece coming to g5. 11) O-O white castles king to safety. Re8 black rook centralize hence long open line of e-file under control. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
12) Re1 immediately challenge for control of e-file. Nd7 developing piece, controlling c5, e5 13) Bd2…connecting rooks, also with idea of bishop +queen battery eyeing h6 pawn. Bd5...Attacking Nf3 knight & ready to exchange rooks
Both sides developed. 14) Nh4! Knight has no good squares to retreat, also it cannot stand for exchange because, white’s pawn structure will distort & king will be open if BxN take place. Hence knight goes on an attacking square h4; view Black’s black bishop of d6 & black’s pawn on h6 when knight goes to Nf5! Rxe1+ black exchanges rook to neutralize threat. 15) Rxe1! Control of e-file gained, last piece developed, now white’s all pieces are active & aggressively placed which is a sign of fire works to start!! Bxa2 16) Nf5! Eyeing h6 pawn, & threatening bishop. Bb3.. Attacking Queen 17) Qc1! Eyeing h6 pawn with Queen + Bishop Battery & Knight. Qc7
18) Bxh6! Bishop Sacrifice in order to open up king, by destroying pawn cover. gxh6 Now g6 is countered by Qe3! With back rank mate threat, now Qd8 is forced for black & Black’s d6 bishop is lost.
White sacrifices d2 Bishop for pawn & attacking prospects. 19) Qxh6 Queen attacking & immediate mate threat on g7. Bf8.. Protecting against mate & attacking queen. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 20) Ne7+ decoying Bishop, & protecting queen. Bxe7 black has no choice than to exchange.
21) Rxe7! Rook on 7th rank is powerful thus trapping king on Back rank. f5 black knows what is coming up, hence blocking diagonal of bishop. 22) Bxf5 Pawn gained back, so material is equal but white has initiative & attacking mode. Qf4.. Helpless queen, sacrificing herself for king to stand longer
23) Qxf4 hungry queen eats a mouthful meal. Nb6 ..Eyeing for fork on d5, watch it! 24) Qh6 tightening grip around king’s neck; allowing it no square to escape. Bd5 protecting f7 pawn & also stopping advance of d4 pawn. 25) Bh7+ end is near. Kh8 white pushes black king into a discover check tactic. 26) Bg6+ attacking pawn, with discover check. Two tactics used; discover attack on pawn + discover check. Kg8 ..Nothing else to do 27) Qh7+ White’s sword is around king’s neck now. Kf8 28) Rxf7! After Bxf7 by black, its checkmate by Qxf7 Ke8 .. Last struggle to escape 29) Qg8+ # final blow to put black’s king in the coffin. White wins, 1-0. Black lost after being stunned!
KEYPOINTS: 1) Centre control. 2) Develop pieces & exchange right pieces to create weakness in enemy camp. Nxf6+ 3) Develop pieces to aggressive & active squares but ensure they don’t retreat back, giving enemy chance to attack them thus losing tempo & initiative. Bd3. 4) Pawn chain, maintain it! C3. 5) Queen + Bishop Battery for attack 6) Castle king to safety. O-O 7) Centralize & connect rooks as fast as possible & control open files with them. Tactics used: 1) Bishop sacrifice 2) Decoy of black bishop by knight check. 3) Black pawn tried to use blockade tactic. 4) Discovered attack + discovered check in single move by bishop. Bg6+ 5) Back rank mate using Queen + rook.
My Stunning Chess Games Game 24 [White "Nitin"] [Black "CHESS MAFIA "] [Opening "B08 Pirc: Classical Defense"] [ECO: B08]
1. e4.. Playing for control of centre right from the start d6..Pirc defense, with idea to form a dynamic Sicilian dragon formation, which is very aggressive & lively formation for an attacking player of black side. 2. d4.. Ideal pawn centre Nf6 3. Nc3...Centre control. g6 … Idea to fianchetto f8 bishop 4. Nf3.. Activating Knights before Bishops Bg7 … fianchetto, eyeing centre from a corner 5. Be3, O-O 6. h3..To avoid black’s bishop from pinning the knight. c6 7. Bd3...Strong centre d5 8. e5 ...Space advantage Nfd7 9. Qd2...Queen Bishop Battery. Nb6 10. b3, Re8 11. O-O-O, Bd7
Both sides developed. 12. Bh6! Exchanging strong black bishop, defending king. Bxh6 13. Qxh6, f6 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 14. Rhg1, Bc8
81 15. Rde1, Be6 16. Nh4, Qc7 17. Bxg6! White pieces are attacking, black king camp is weak, so bishop can be given to open up king pawn cover. hxg6
Bishop sacrifices to open up file for attack. 18. Nxg6… now king is helpless. Bf5 …Last defense 19. Qh8+, Kf7 20. e6+! Idea is to form mating net, stopping king from escape, to safety, hence Knight sacrificed. Kxg6
White plays e6+! 21. Qxe8+, Kg7 22. Qf7+, Kh6 23. g4, Bg6 24. g5+! To open up g-file fxg5 25. Qf8+, Kh7 26. Rxg5, Na6 27. Qf3, Kh6 NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
28. Reg1! Double rook Rg8 29. Qg4, Qg3
Whites Queen & Rooks dominate on g-file. 30. Rxg3, Kh7 31. Rxg6, Rxg6 32. Qxg6+, Kh8 33. Qg7# White wins 1-0 Black was mated after being stunned!
KEYPOINTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Ideal pawn centre Strong centre grip Lead in piece development Space advantage Queen + Bishop battery Black’s Queen Side is not developed, as no pieces are attacking on black’s queen side hence decided, O-O-O. 7) Exchanging black’s strong & main defensive bishop. 8) Bishop sacrifices to disrupt pawn cover. 9) e6+! Knight sacrifice to form mating net & avoid king’s escape. 10) Pawn sacrifice on g5 to open g-file. 11) Double rooks on g-file. 12) Rook, queen, rook on strong g-file that means end is near for black.
My Stunning Chess Games Game 25 [White "Kasyrga"] [Black "Diehard”] [Opening "Caro kann: Exchange variation & Panov-Botvinnik Attack "] [ECO: B13]
1) e4…Opening step to control center. c6…Caro-Kann defense, initiating to fight for center right from the start 2) d4..Pawn duos in center, controlling f5, d5, e5, c5 squares. d5..Putting questions on white’s e-pawn fighting for center 3) exd5..White chooses to play exchange variation of caro-kann defense. cxd5..Equal position but white has the move. 4) Nf3..Develops knight on a good square. Bg4..Pins knight on f3, develops black bishop. 5) Nc3..Develops piece, follows principles. e6..Supports d5 pawn, opens up diagonal for black bishop. 6) Be2..Unpins knight, develops bishop, and clears way to castle. Nf6..Black does not want to remain behind in development & lose attacking chances. 7) O-O..White castles king to safety. Nc6..Develops a piece 8) h3..Attacks bishop & creates escape square for back rank white king. Bxf3..Exchanges to stay equal in development, no point in losing tempo by retreating bishop 9) Bxf3..Recaptures. Bd6..Develops bishop & controls h2 square. 10) Bg5..Develops bishop, clears back rank, pins black f6 knight. a6..Black ignores threat & stops whites Nb5. 11) Bxf6..White exchanges. No point in exchange here. “A pin is mightier than sword.” gxf6! Clear cut indication of queenside castle & king side attack opens up.
Black opens g-file with gxf6! 12) Bg4..Pointless move. Qc7..Bishop + queen battery clears way to castle. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
13) Qf3..Develops queen, clears back rank & connects rooks, it looks a good move but its not. f5! Attacks bishop on g4 square 14) Bh5..Forced move. O-O-O! Best time to castle, as white has no piece attacking black’s queenside. 15) Ne2..Again pointless, defensive move. Rdg8..Takes control of open file with rook.
Black takes control of open file with rook, Rdg8 16) g4..Idea is to activate bishop but white makes a decisive mistake of weakening kingside castle. fxg4 17) Bxg4..White was happy to activate bishop until.. f5! ..Bishop can’t take pawn as it is pinned by g8 rook against white king, neither can it escape.
Black stuns White with f5! 18) Kh1 fxg4..Bishop taken for free 19) hxg4..Wants to finish game faster. h5! Attacks g4 pawn & threatens to opens up h-file. 20) Kg2 hxg4 21) Qb3 Rh2+ 22) Kg1 Qh7! Mighty Queen shuffle, in this case black queen is in corner but yet most active. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
23) Ng3..Defends. Bxg3..Keeps options open. 24) Qxg3 Rh3 25) Qg2 Nxd4..Tightens grip on white king. 26) f3..Again a decisive mistake. gxf3! White queen & king pinned by g8 rook & now white queen is lost.
Black plays gxf3! 27) Rxf3 Nxf3+! Forcing king to move 28) Kf2 Qxc2+! Skewer tactics used by white queen.
Black plays Qxc2+! Skewer. 29) Ke3 Rxg2! Black wins game soon. White lost queen & decided to resign as he was in lost position. White resigns after being stunned! Black wins 0-1 KEYPOINTS: 1) Developing pieces & King’s safety. 2) Capturing bishop, gxf6 in order to open g-file for direct attack, as white king has castled there. 3) Attacking opponent’s minor piece with pawn. (f5) 4) Queenside castling as opponent is undeveloped in that area. (O-O-O) 5) Activating & controlling open g-file with rook. (Rdg8) 6) Looking for tactics like pin, skewer that are the reasons for these stunning victories. 7) Creating a mating net around opponent’s king. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games Game 26 [White "L Nogueira"] [Black "Diehard”] [Opening "Classical Carro-kann: Bf5 main line "] [ECO: B19]
1) e4..Open game intention. c6.. Initiating Caro-kann defense, a semi-open game with good chances for both sides 2) d4..Ideal center control. d5..Counters d4 & attacks center. 3) Nc3..Develops knight & defends e4. dxe4.. Gets into Classical variation of caro-kann defense 4) Nxe4 Bf5.. Develops bishop & attacks knight. 5) Ng3.. Attacks bishop, retreats. Bg6 6) h4..H-file attack, trying to kick bishop. h6.. Creating escape square for bishop 7) Nf3..Develops knight before bishop. Nf6..Equalizes 8) Bd3..attacks g6 bishop Bxd3.. Exchanges 9) Qxd3..Develops queen. e6.. Opens diagonal for bishop 10) Bf4 Bd6 11) Bxd6 Qxd6 12) O-O-O Queenside castle. Nbd7...Develops a piece
White castles Queenside. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 13) Ne4..Attacks black queen. Nxe4
14) Qxe4 Nf6..Reloads threat on e4 queen. 15) Qe5 Qd7..Exchanging queens would lead game to a draw as black has no attacking pieces for a win. 16) Qc5 b6..Attacks white queen. 17) Qc3 O-O..Castles kingside 18) Ne5..Attacks black queen. Qd5..Creates threat on g2 & a2 pawn 19) Qxc6..White thinks he has gone a pawn up & wants to exchange queens. Qxa2 20) Nc4..A mistake & no reason to play it. Rac8! Attacks white queen & white knight is lost now.
Black plays Rac8! Wins c4 Knight 21) Qb5 Rxc4! 22) Kd2..mistake Rxd4+! Black takes initiative now. 23) Kc3..Attacks rook on d4. Rd5..Attacks white queen. 24) Rxd5 Nxd5+ 25) Kd2 Rd8! Activating rook & threat of discover check. 26) Ke2 Nf4+ NKC
My Stunning Chess Games 27) Kf3..Attacks knight. Nd5
28) Rd1..White activates rook & pins black’s d8 rook. Kh7! Black escapes possibility of check from whites rook or queen on back rank. 29) c4..White thinks he will win d8 rook of black but only gets stunned by.. Nc7! And now the table is reversed as black is winning d1 rook of white as white has to move his queen & it can’t protect white’s d1 rook. White realizes his mistake & respectfully resigns with applause.
White plays c4 attacking pinned Knight of black.
Nc7! And now the table is reversed as black is winning d1 rook of white. White resigns after being stunned! Black wins 0-1
KEYPOINTS: 1) Developing pieces in order to control the center. 2) Not exchanging queen as minor pieces are out of the game, hence game would be heading for a draw on queen exchange. 3) King’s safety. 4) Bringing queen at the center of the board where it is strongest. 5) Looking for tactics like Fork, discovered attack.
My Stunning Chess Games Game 27 [White "Philom"] [Black "Diiviineboy”] [Opening "Reti opening: Newyork & Capablanca systems "] [ECO: A07] 1) Nf3..Develops knight, it’s a Reti opening where white develops a piece to control center, as knight is the only piece that can jump over the head of pawn in front of it. Nf3 is a flexible move as in most of openings the knight is played on f3 square so the game may transpose into any opening. d5..Controlling center by pawn 2) g3..Idea to fianchetto bishop, control center from a safe corner. Nc6..Develops knight, fighting for center 3) Bg2 e5..Ideal center pawn duo controlling f4, e4, d4, c4 squares, gains space. 4) d3..Stops e4 for black, opens diagonal c1-h6. f5..Attacking center with pawns, gaining space advantage 5) Nbd2..Develops knight. Nf6..Develops knight, gaining strong center control 6) O-O White castles kingside, this is a Kings Indian attack formation by white. Bd6..Develops bishop, clears back rank. 7) c3..Preparing d4 on next move, to challenge center. O-O ..Castles to safety 8) Ng5...A purposeless move. h6..Kicks knight. 9) Ngf3 f4..Attacks g-pawn, thus deciding to open file for attack 10) Ne1 fxg3..Opens up f-file 11) fxg3..Opens f-file. Ng4! Idea of playing Ne3 to fork Rook & Queen
Black plays Ng4!
My Stunning Chess Games 12) Bxd5+..Goes pawn up. Kh8
13) e4..Fixes up bishop on outpost. Bc5+ 14) Kh1 Rxf1+ Exchanges rook, white’s only defensive piece on kingside. 15) Nxf1 Nf2+! Knight’s fork, this was the idea behind Bc5+, RxR in order to push king on h1.
Nf2+! Black knight forks King & Queen. 16) Kg2 Bh3+! Brings more pieces into attack & kicks king from corner to center. 17) Kf3 Qf6+..Develops the queen 18) Ke2 Nxd1..Gets queen of white. 19) Kxd1 Qxf1..Knight for free & Black queen on Whites back rank. 20) Bd2 Rf8..Activates the last piece 21) Kc2 Rf2! Pins Bishop on d2, and rest of the game is child’s play.
Black plays Rf2! NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
22) Rd1, Qe2 23) b4, Be3 24) Kb3 Bxd2 25) Rxd2 Qxd2 26) Ka4 Bd7 27) b5 Nb8 28) Bb3 a6 29) Nc2 axb5+ 30) Ka3 Qxc3 31) Ne3 b4# Black won the game.
Black won the game with b4# White lost the game after being stunned! Black wins 0-1 KEYPOINTS: 1) Playing good sound moves against odd looking moves. (Nf3, d5) 2) Develop pawns & pieces in center which counters white’s play in corner. (Nf6, Nc6, Bd6, f5, e5, d5) 3) King’s safety. (O-O) 4) Attacking opponent’s pieces with pawns thus winning tempo. (h6) 5) Taking advantage of strong center control by starting kingside attack. (fxg3) 6) Looking for tactics like Fork, pin, discover attack that helps in winning games. 7) Activating pieces & coordinating attack with them on opponent’s king. (Nf2+, Bh3, Qf6, Rf8) 8) Creating mating net around opponent’s king.
My Stunning Chess Games
Final Word
So, how was the Ride? Thrilling Enough? Finally I wanted you to know that, whether you are a Beginner or a Master level player in chess, u will get a good game almost always when u try to follow some basic chess principals in each and every game u play. Chances of committing mistakes are less when you follow some basic chess principals laid by great masters of the chess game from their experience over the past years. Try to learn few popular chess openings that suite your style of play, moreover instead of mugging up opening moves blindly, try to understand the reason behind them. Also try to understand various themes in middle game & endgames that arise in these openings, by playing through & analysis of master games played by top grandmasters in chess. Understand the plan & motif behind moves played. Also try to analyze your own played chess games that you won or lost, in this way you will improve your chess playing strength. Only in this way you will improve your chess playing skills, logical thinking, strength & imagination that will help you to develop as an Expert chess player. Finally, Thoughts of few great chess personalities: Emanuel Lasker: When you see a good move wait - look for a better one. Mikhail Tal: “Speed of development is the first priority, and the open position renders each extra tempo especially valuable.” Korchnoi: “Better to carry out a wrong plan logically than to play with no plan at all.” Smyslov: “Chess playing demands the development of analytical skill. The ability to analyze is a very important quality for the improvement of a player, helping him to realize his errors & mistakes not only on chessboard, but also, probably, in life.” Botvinnik: “Chess, like any creative activity, can exist only through the combined efforts of those who have creative talent, and those who have the ability to organize their creative work.”
Vainstein: “The philosophy of chess is the philosophy of sharp, logical conflict, resolved by explosive means.” About Me: Myself, Nitin Chatur working in the field of Mechanical engineering, is a professional chess player now-a-days. I started playing chess at age of 24, initially playing in college I almost lost every time I played chess & my friends taunted & treated me as a loser, it was only then I decided to punch them back by improving my mental strength & sharpening chess playing skills. So taking some time off my studies, I started learning chess to play systematically, I improved slowly but surely, this also improved my interest in chess day by day and finally after a fair amount of time I was good enough to compete with those idiots, Amazingly I knocked them off by becoming College Chess champion for the year 2009; at college annual sports, during my final year before graduating. Please let me know which games you liked here in my book & have this book helped you to improve your chess playing strength. Also suggest me improvements, ideas, your expectations for my upcoming books. My Website: www. My E-mail:
[email protected] Thank you!! NKC
My Stunning Chess Games
Glossary Active piece: A piece that is developed and is actively participating in the conduct of the game. Active pieces provide the basis for attack. Back rank: A player’s own first rank. Back rank mate: Checkmate deliver by playing a queen or rook to an opponent’s back rank when the king is kept from moving out of check by its own pawns. Closed game: A game in which the center is closed, the piece that has the best mobility is the knight in such positions. Capture: The act of moving one of your pieces to a square occupied by one of your opponent’s pieces, thereby removing your opponent’s piece from the board. Once a piece is captured, it is gone for the rest of the game. Check: Refers to when the king is attacked. When the opponent threatens to capture the king on his next move, the king is “in check.” Castling: A special move for the king, under certain circumstances, the king can move two squares to the left or right towards one of the rooks, and then place that rook on the square immediately next to it on the opposite side. Checkmate: Refers to when the king is attacked, and there is no way to prevent it from being captured in the next turn. Checkmate ends the game; the player whose king is checkmated loses the game. Clearance sacrifice: To sacrifice a piece in order to vacate the square it was standing on. Development: Moving a piece out early in the opening to a square where it will play a more active role. Deflection: Refers to when one piece is forced to move away from a square where it is needed for some reason. When it happens, the piece is deflected from its square. Discovered check: The check that results because one piece moves & the piece behind it gives check. Double check: Refers to when the king is put in check by two pieces at once. Discovered attack: The movement of a piece or pawn that results in an attack by an unmoved piece, The stationary piece is now able to attack, because the piece that was moved previously blocked the attack. Double attack: A simultaneous attack by a single piece or pawn on two pieces of the opponent. (Fork) En passant: Refers to a special pawn capture, where one pawn captures another that has advanced two squares to land on the square immediately to its left or right. On the very next turn & only on the very next turn the pawn may capture the enemy pawn as though it had advanced only one square. Exchange: Giving up a rook (more valuable piece) for a bishop or knight (less valuable piece than a rook) File: A vertical row of squares. The chessboard has eight files. NKC
My Stunning Chess Games Fianchetto: The placement of a bishop on b2 or g2 for white & b7 or g7 for black. Moves played on flank.
94 Gambit: Any opening that contains a planned sacrifice of material, usually to promote rapid development or control of the center. Major pieces: Queen, Rook.
Minor pieces: Bishop, knight.
Mating net: A position where one player has mating threats Open file: A file that is either completely or relatively cleared of pawns & pieces, so that if a rook were posted on the file it would control all or most of the squares along it. Outpost: A safe square near enemy territory that is protected by one’s own pieces and is subject to effective occupation. Rook Lift: Developing rook on a vertical file thus lifting it up Passed pawn: A pawn that no longer can be captured or blocked by another pawn so long as no power changes files by capturing Pin: A piece or pawn that is immobilized because it stands between its king & an opponent’s piece that would otherwise be attacking the king. Pawn Promotion: When a pawn reaches the eighth rank, it must immediately become a piece of its own color (except a king) at the player’s choice, regardless of what pieces he or she may still have on board. Generally, a player will promote a pawn to a queen. Resign: To admit defeat of a game before being checkmated. Sacrifice: To deliberately give up material to achieve an advantage. The advantage gained may be an attack, a gain of tempo, greater board control etc. Skewer: An attack on a piece that results in the win of another, less valuable piece that is on the same rank, file, or diagonal after the attacked piece is moved. Strategy: The overall, long range plan for a chess game. Tactic: A move or sequence of moves played to achieve some goal, such as the win of material or mate. Tempo: Losing a tempo is disadvantageous. The best method of gaining time is to develop with a threat. Trap: A move whose natural reply results in a disadvantage to the replying player. Transposition: Occurs when a position (usually an opening position) is arrived through a different order of moves than normal. Under promotion: The promotion of a pawn to a piece other than a queen. Variation: It is a different or unusual move played, which is not expected in a particular position. Clearance sacrifice: A sacrifice intended to clear a square for another piece.
My Stunning Chess Games Weak Square: An important square that a player can’t easily defend.
Nitin Chatur
My Stunning Chess Games!! This book is intended for all chess enthusiasts & beginners, who want to learn & improve at chess. This book contains my own played 27 stunning chess games, explained step by step so that reader will understand the ideas, motifs, theory & calculation behind each move played in terms of, Tactics & Strategy, that led me to glorious victories. These games contain numerous different themes like King Side attack, Catching opponent’s king in center, Queenside attack, & Piece sacrifices along with other famous tactics, which are all explained to improve reader’s understanding, imagination & thinking power in terms of chess.
A sure way to increase your playing strength. User friendly design to help readers absorb ideas. Each instructive game carefully selected. Streamlining analysis of possible tactics & strategy in positions of games played. A serious study of this book will ensure that the reader will definitely improve his game play & will be a tough player to beat. Almost in all games, the three phases of a game i.e. opening, middle game & endgame are explained. The situations faced by me in these games will be definitely be faced by you in your upcoming games, but this time you will know the right continuation, to put your opponent in whole lot of trouble.
The main aim of this book is to make reader a strong player in chess, by improving his basic Understanding, Chess vision, Ability & Skills. My Other Book’s, or
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