My English Book6

January 30, 2017 | Author: Sónia Gaspar | Category: N/A
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Apresentação do projeto My English Book 6 ..........................................


• Metas de aprendizagem..........................................................................


• Das atividades às metas .........................................................................


Tapescripts .............................................................................................................


Planificações anual e periodais ....................................................................


Soluções ..................................................................................................................


• Festivities ....................................................................................................


• Exercícios My Ref Guide ...........................................................................


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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

O projeto My English Book 6 destina-se aos alunos e professores de Inglês do 6.o ano e contempla os seguintes componentes:

Para o Aluno • My English Book (inclui My Ref Guide - sínteses gramaticais e exercícios + dicionário ilustrado) • Three friends on holidays – extensive reading (Oferta) • My Portfolio / My Classroom Games (Oferta) • My English Grammar (Oferta) • My Workbook • • CD Áudio (Oferta) • Manual Multimédia (CD-ROM e online)

Para o Professor • My English Book (Edição do professor) • Testing Book 6 • Teacher’s Book • Planos de Aula • Cartazes • Play_ASA (Jogo com 600 questões) • • CD Áudio (booklet com tapescripts) • (CD-ROM e online)

My English Book (Manual do Aluno) O Manual do Aluno é constituído por uma unidade 0, seguida de seis outras unidades. A última é dedicada a datas/épocas festivas, possibilitando assim a sua abordagem oportuna através de exercícios criativos. A unidade 0 pretende ser uma diagnose dos conhecimentos/competências adquiridas no ano transato. As cinco unidades seguintes são constituídas por quatro subunidades. As três primeiras subunidades estão estruturadas de modo a desenvolver todas as competências, através de atividades de listening/reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, writing/project. A quarta subunidade apresenta uma canção à qual estão associadas atividades diversificadas, de estrutura variável. No final desta subunidade existe o Let’s be good citizens, espaço destinado à abordagem de valores cívicos e/ou ecológicos. Cada unidade encerra com as rubricas: • Focus on Grammar – exercícios de reforço gramatical; • Check Test – ficha de verificação de conhecimentos e de treino/preparação para as fichas de avaliação, que termina com um espaço denominado Time to reflect, onde cada aluno poderá refletir sobre a sua progressão; • Cultural File, que visa a aquisição de conhecimentos culturais sobre países de expressão inglesa: Reino Unido, Estados Unidos da América, Irlanda, África do Sul, Canadá e Austrália.

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Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6

A tipologia dos textos e dos exercícios é diversificada. A idealização dos exercícios teve ainda por base um grau de dificuldade progressivo, alguns apresentando um caráter lúdico-didático. Ao longo do manual existem remissões permanentes para o My Ref Guide, espaço constituído por um dicionário ilustrado e sistematizações gramaticais teórico-práticas. O dicionário visa a contextualização do vocabulário apresentado ao longo do manual de modo a promover o enriquecimento vocabular do aluno de 6.o ano. A sistematização gramatical apresenta, de uma forma mais completa, as explicações em português de todos os itens gramaticais previstos para o 6.o ano, bem como exercícios de reforço/consolidação dos respetivos conteúdos. Ambos têm como objetivo primordial fomentar a autoaprendizagem dos alunos. Todo o manual está estruturado de acordo com o Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico definido pelo Ministério da Educação e permite o desenvolvimento equilibrado das competências inerentes à compreensão (oral, escrita e audiovisual), interação (oral e escrita) e produção (oral e escrita), com o objetivo de atingir as metas em conformidade com o determinado no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência.

My Portfolio/My Classroom Games • O My Portfolio, devidamente articulado com as atividades de Writing/Project do Manual, reforça a competência de escrita através de múltiplas propostas – elaboração de um diálogo, de uma biografia, de um texto de apresentação pessoal, de um texto descritivo… –, criando um conjunto diversificado de documentos em forma de portefólio. • My Classroom Games trabalha os conteúdos programáticos de forma lúdica, possibilitando, simultaneamente, ao aluno um reforço das estruturas linguísticas através de jogos – palavras cruzadas, caça ao intruso, sopa de letras, matching…

Three friends on holidays Conto inédito, de José Orlando Strecht-Ribeiro e Maria do Céu Cortesão, que encerra com atividades de pós-leitura e respetivas soluções. Destina-se à implementação de atividades de leitura extensiva, na sala de aula.

My Workbook 6 8 fichas de trabalho destacáveis, organizadas em 2 níveis de dificuldade – A e B – e devidamente articuladas com todas as unidades do Manual, permitindo ao aluno estruturar os conhecimentos de forma progressiva. Cada unidade encerra com ficha de avaliação global. No final do livro encontram-se as soluções (destacáveis) de todas as atividades propostas.

My English Grammar Publicação que apresenta sistematização de todos os conteúdos gramaticais do 2.o Ciclo, com explicação das regras gramaticais em português.

Planos de Aula Planos para todas as aulas do ano letivo, com a indicação das metas de aprendizagem, que ajudam a alcançar os objetivos definidos pelo programa e a implementar um modelo de ensino-aprendizagem por competências. Estes planos de aula, que reforçam a articulação entre todos os componentes do projeto, estarão ainda disponíveis, em suporte editável, em .


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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Testing Book – 10 written tests, em grau de dificuldade diferenciado – A e B –, devidamente articulados com as unidades do manual (2 por unidade). – 5 listening tests, em grau de dificuldade diferenciado – A e B (1 por cada unidade do manual). – Soluções de todos os testes.

Cartazes • Formato A1 – Países de expressão inglesa - United Kingdom e Ireland - United States of America e Canada - South Africa e Australia – School vocabulary – Public buildings and facilities – Directions/Prepositions of place

CD Áudio (inclui booklet com tapescripts) Vocalização dos textos, canções inéditas e registos áudio de suporte às atividades do manual, que contribuem para um trabalho contínuo de reforço da comunicação/expressão oral.

Play_ASA Conjunto de 600 questões de tipologias distintas (V/F; Escolha múltipla; Preenchimento de espaços…) sobre Grammar; Vocabulary, GeoEnglish e Facts and Curiosities que permitem consolidar as aprendizagens de uma forma lúdica.

Este componente possibilita a fácil exploração do projeto My English Book 6, através das novas tecnologias em sala de aula. Esta ferramenta inovadora permitirá tirar o melhor partido do seu projeto escolar, simplificando o seu trabalho diário.

Para explorar e ir mais longe Pode projetar e explorar páginas do manual em sala de aula e aceder a um vasto conjunto de conteúdos multimédia em ligação com o manual, tornando a sua aula mais dinâmica: • Vídeos – apresentam diálogos dos personagens principais em diversos contextos, contribuindo para uma maior proximidade e identificação dos alunos com os personagens. Estes vídeos são complementados com atividades de exploração de texto que desenvolvem as competências de compreensão oral e escrita.

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Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6

• Animações – apresentam textos através de imagens animadas, complementadas com exercícios de interpretação, bem como de exploração de gramática e vocabulário. • Jogos – permitem a revisão da matéria, de forma mais apelativa, com especial destaque para a componente gramatical conjugando, assim, as vertentes lúdica e didática. • Flashcards – possibilitam a exploração de vocabulário através de imagens com componente áudio e de escrita associados. Estes flashcards, para além da versão interativa, são também disponibilizados numa versão para impressão. • Canções interativas – promovem a aquisição de vocabulário em momentos de aprendizagem apelativos e que possibilitam uma maior envolvência da turma, devido ao formato karaoke. • Mapas interativos – proporcionam um aprofundamento cultural com recursos a imagens, através de um mapa do Reino Unido e um mapa do mundo, com especial destaque para países de língua inglesa. • Apresentações em Powerpoint – exploram os principais aspetos gramaticais com respetiva explicitação e exercícios, assim como, aspetos culturais, através de imagens com as principais caraterísticas dos países de expressão inglesa apresentados em cada Unidade. • Testes interativos – apresentam um extenso banco de testes interativos, personalizáveis e organizados pelos diversos temas do manual. • Áudios – encontram-se todas as faixas de áudio do manual, para que o professor possa aceder em sala de aula, mesmo sem o CD Áudio. • Links internet – permitem a consulta de endereços para páginas na internet de apoio às matérias, para a obtenção de mais informação.

Preparação das aulas • Para preparação das aulas, o


– explorar as sequências de recursos digitais dos planos de aula criados para si, que apoiam a exploração de aulas em projetor ou em quadro interativo; – personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados por si.

Avaliação dos alunos • Como ferramenta de avaliação, esta plataforma disponibiliza-lhe testes predefinidos ou ferramentas de criação de novos testes à medida da sua turma, a partir de uma base de mais de 100 questões. • Poderá ainda: – personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados por si; – imprimir os testes para distribuir, projetar em sala de aula ou enviar aos seus alunos com correção automática; – acompanhar o progresso dos alunos através de relatórios de avaliação detalhados. contempla finalmente funcionalidades de comunicação e colaboração que lhe permitem a troca de mensagens e a partilha de recursos com os alunos.


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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Metas de aprendizagem As metas de aprendizagem – learning outcomes – são enunciadas como standards (padrões) que visam apoiar o trabalho de gestão curricular dos docentes e estabelecer um referencial para a avaliação das aprendizagens. A definição de metas pressupõe um ensino no qual todas as atividades se organizam em função da obtenção de resultados de aprendizagem passíveis de serem observados e avaliados. Esses resultados devem, portanto, ser expressos em produtos e observáveis em desempenhos que, por sua vez, informam a avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos. A tendência para um ensino baseado em metas é internacional, já que muitos países europeus, bem como o Canadá e a Nova Zelândia, por exemplo, há muito que dispõem de um referencial desse tipo para orientar o desenvolvimento curricular e estabelecer princípios de equidade e entendimento comum sobre o que deve ser ensinado e aprendido nas escolas a nível nacional. Por serem um instrumento de apoio à gestão do currículo, as metas de aprendizagem não podem ser dissociadas dos outros instrumentos curriculares como os programas de ensino, nem tão pouco os substituem. Baseiam-se neles para enunciar o que se pretende que os alunos aprendam. Também não são uma uma forma de afastar as competências da sala de aula. Pelo contrário, só através do desenvolvimento de competências se podem atingir resultados de aprendizagem estáveis e consolidados. No caso concreto das metas de aprendizagem nacionais para a Língua Inglesa no Ensino Básico (que são também as definidas para as restantes línguas estrangeiras ensinadas no sistema português), elas são enquadradas em três documentos de referência fundamentais: o Quadro Europeu Comum para as Línguas Estrangeiras (QECR), os programas curriculares em vigor e o documento do Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico.1 O QECR define níveis para cada uma das competências de comunicação estabelecidas – compreensão, interação e produção, cada uma na sua vertente escrita e oral. Contudo, esses níveis não foram ainda introduzidos nos programas de ensino de Inglês. O mesmo não acontece relativamente ao Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico, que relaciona os perfis de saída dos alunos com os níveis do QECR e exemplifica desempenhos esperados. As metas de aprendizagem vieram, pois, retomar o trabalho desenvolvido no documento acima citado, definindo qual o nível de competência do QECR a atingir pelos alunos em metas intermédias (5.o, 7.o e 8.o anos) e finais (6.o e 9.o anos), e colocando a fasquia do 6.o ano no nível A1.2 do QECR. A formulação que as metas de aprendizagem adotaram tenta objetivar o melhor possível, através, por exemplo, do cruzamento dos conteúdos a aprender, das tipologias de texto a trabalhar ou das competências do QECR a desenvolver, os resultados de aprendizagem esperados: Para ir ao encontro da perspetiva acional preconizada pelo QECRL, as metas finais e intermédias descrevem os desempenhos esperados em tarefas comunicativas que mobilizam competências e conhecimentos de natureza diversificada.2 Desse modo, as metas de aprendizagem podem auxiliar os professores a gerir o currículo numa perspetiva comunicativa e através de metodologias ativas, e a planificar produtos de aprendizagem variados onde sejam observáveis os desempenhos dos alunos e, consequentemente, os resultados esperados. Paula Simões 1

Ministério da Educação, sítio eletrónico das Metas de Aprendizagem, Introdução às Metas de Aprendizagem das Línguas Estrangeiras para o Ensino Básico (Equipa de Autores). 2 Idem, página 4.

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Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6

Das atividades às metas Tal como referido anteriormente, o manual possui atividades diversificadas que se destinam a atingir as metas específicas do 6.o ano de escolaridade. Aqui se apresentam algumas sugestões que visam os desempenhos esperados nos diferentes domínios.

1. Listening Comprehension (Compreensão Oral) Meta: “O aluno identifica um número limitado de palavras e de frases simples em instruções, mensagens e textos simples e curtos (anúncios públicos, publicidades e canções, entre outros) relativos à identificação e caracterização pessoais, hábitos, necessidades do quotidiano e meio envolvente (família, escola, lugares, lazer, serviços), desde que o discurso seja muito claro, pausado e cuidadosamente articulado.” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: Os exercícios de listening devem sempre abordar conteúdos tratados, para que conduzam ao desenvolvimento da capacidade de audição e da compreensão oral. Quanto mais regular for o treino desta atividade, melhor será a performance do aluno. Procedimentos: a) alertar o aluno para a necessidade de se manter calado/concentrado durante a realização do exercício; b) informar que, caso o aluno não consiga realizar a atividade só com a primeira audição, haverá uma segunda e, se necessário, uma terceira. O importante é que se esforce para conseguir o máximo possível; c) explicar o que se pretende que o aluno faça; d) corrigir o exercício com os alunos; e) ouvir novamente a gravação com os alunos.

2. Reading Comprehension (Compreensão Escrita) Meta: “O aluno identifica palavras e frases simples em instruções, mensagens e textos ilustrados e curtos (instruções, mapas, cartazes, horários, publicidades, catálogos, receitas, ementas, postais, mensagens pessoais, banda desenhada, entre outros), relativos à identificação e caracterização pessoais, hábitos e necessidades do quotidiano e do meio envolvente (família, escola, lugares, lazer e serviços).” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: Os conteúdos abordados ao longo das unidades são a base dos exercícios de reading comprehension propostos ao longo do manual e visam o desenvolvimento da capacidade de leitura e da compreensão escrita. Mais uma vez se salienta que quanto mais regular for o treino desta atividade, melhor será a performance do aluno. Procedimentos: a) exploração das imagens e dos títulos dos textos; b) brainstorming através de áreas vocabulares relacionadas com o tema, com o respetivo registo escrito; c) audição/leitura do texto; d) registo de estruturas, expressões e vocabulário desconhecidos;


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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

e) exploração oral antecipando a compreensão escrita; f) resolução das atividades de compreensão escrita (True/False, answering questions…); g) leitura dialogada/dramatizada do texto.

3. Spoken Interaction (Interação Oral) Meta: “O aluno interage em situações do quotidiano previamente preparadas. Estabelece contactos sociais (cumprimentos, desculpas e agradecimentos), pede ou dá informações (dados pessoais, hábitos, gostos e preferências, lugares, serviços, factos e projetos), apoiando-se no discurso do interlocutor. Pronuncia, geralmente, de forma compreensível, um repertório muito limitado de expressões e de frases simples, mobilizando estruturas gramaticais muito elementares.” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: As atividades de speaking apelam ao desenvolvimento das capacidades de interação oral, de forma sistemática e contínua, estimulando a autonomia comunicativa através da utilização de estruturas, expressões e vocabulário adquiridos. Procedimentos: a) definição de uma situação inicial que promova uma atividade comunicativa (role play, dramatização de situações comunicativas…); b) análise da estrutura a utilizar existente na instrução e sua sistematização; c) definição de regras para: 1. constituição de pares/grupos; 2. execução da tarefa; 3. tempo a utilizar na preparação/execução da tarefa; d) execução da tarefa. NOTA: O professor deverá deslocar-se pelos grupos para verificar a correção linguística e a pronúncia. Poderá exemplificar previamente a situação comunicativa com um aluno.

4. Speaking (Produção Oral) Meta: “O aluno exprime-se, de forma muito simples, para falar de si, de outras pessoas, lugares, hábitos, factos e projetos. Apoia-se num texto memorizado contendo um repertório muito limitado de palavras, expressões isoladas e frases curtas. Pronuncia geralmente de forma compreensível.” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: O aluno, através da ativação do seu conhecimento e visando alargar o seu reportório linguístico, prepara a abordagem de um tema para reportar ao público-alvo (turma, professor…). As atividades de produção oral propostas ao longo do manual surgem na sequência das de interação oral, quando se sugere o report to the class. Porém, poderá ser solicitado ao aluno que traga materiais (fotos para descrição de pessoas, casas, animais…), como base para as atividades de produção oral adequadas ao tema em estudo. Procedimentos: a) registar informações pertinentes resultantes das situações de interação oral; b) preparar a informação para a transmitir ao público-alvo; c) execução da tarefa.

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Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6

5. Written Interaction (Interação Escrita) Meta: “O aluno completa formulários com os dados adequados e escreve mensagens simples e curtas (30-40 palavras). Pede e dá informações breves, agradece, desculpa-se, felicita (aniversários e outras celebrações) e aceita ou recusa convites, respeitando as convenções textuais e sociolinguísticas das mensagens. Utiliza expressões e frases muito simples com estruturas gramaticais muito elementares.” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: Através de textos dialogados apresentados no manual ou de exercícios modelo, como emails, páginas de redes sociais, etc., procura promover-se nos alunos situações de interação escrita orientada. Procedimentos: a) leitura dos textos apresentados; b) adequação dos conteúdos abordados nesses textos à situação individual do aluno através, por exemplo, das seguintes atividades: 1. preenchimento de formulários ou questionários pessoais; 2. elaboração de cartas, postais, mensagens de email, convites, texto de sms… c) execução da tarefa.

6. Writing (Produção Escrita) Meta: “O aluno escreve textos simples e muito curtos (30-40 palavras). Apresenta-se, apresenta e descreve outras pessoas, hábitos, gostos, preferências, lugares e acontecimentos. Utiliza expressões e frases muito simples com estruturas gramaticais muito elementares.” Nível de Desempenho – A1.2 (QECRL) Aspetos a ter em conta: A partir da ativação dos conhecimentos adquiridos, o aluno escreve pequenos textos relacionados com os temas abordados. Este tipo de atividade pretende promover o desenvolvimento da sua autonomia, a organização das ideias e a consolidação das suas aprendizagens. O grau de dificuldade dos exercícios de produção escrita depende do grau de domínio linguístico do aluno. Procedimentos: a) antecipadamente: 1. recorrer aos textos existentes no manual; ou elaborar coletivamente um texto modelo, seguida de: 1.1. verificação da correção linguística e gramatical das estruturas ao longo da construção do texto; 1.2. leitura individual feita pelo aluno; 1.3. registo individual do texto elaborado. b) explicar o objetivo da tarefa proposta (por exemplo, no writing/project do manual); c) execução da tarefa; d) correção pelo professor, que poderá incluir anotações explicativas dos erros, remetendo para a consulta do My Ref Guide – grammar/vocabulary ou do caderno diário. e) reescrita do texto no My Portfolio ou no caderno diário. As atividades de listening, reading, speaking e writing, propostas ao longo do manual, bem como as que incidem sobre o vocabulário e a gramática, estão intimamente interligados e todas contribuem para alcançar as metas anteriormente enumeradas.


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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book



My name is Hannah Gordon. I’m twelve years old and

Part 1

I’m student. I’m from Scotland and I live in Edimburgh. My favourite colour is black. I love Art but I hate Science and my favourite sport is tennis.

Hi, I’m Natalie Woods. I’m on holidays on this fantastic island. Everything is perfect: the weather, the food, the activities, the people… I love pineapples and coconuts but I don’t like bananas. I enjoy eating fresh grilled fish and drinking fruit juices. I hate sausages. My


favourite activities here are: dancing hula hoop, canoeing and swimming in this clear calm sea.

Part 1 Hi, my name’s Catherine! My school looks very

Part 2

different: big and comfortable! It’s all new… We have got a new classroom building and the cafeteria is

– Hi, I’m Bob. I’m a mechanic. I fix cars.

new, too. My classroom has got bright colours: it’s

– Good morning, I’m Rick, the cook. I cook delicious

green and orange. It’s beautiful! I have got a new Science teacher, Ms Simmons and a new classmate. His name is Antonio and he is Spanish.

meals. – Hello, my name’s Claire. I’m a nurse. I work in Central Hospital. – Welcome aboard! I’m James and I’m your commander on this flight.

Part 2

– Hi, my name’s Sally. I’m a student like you. I’d like to be a designer.

After school I go home and have tea. After tea I must do my homework and study. I mustn’t watch TV. I mustn’t play computer games too. Then I must walk my dog. When my parents get home I must help them with dinner. I must lay the table. After dinner I can do whatever I like. I must go to bed at ten o’clock.

Part 3 She is Carolyne. She is a musician and she plays in an orchestra. Do you want to know something about her daily routine? She gets up late, has a shower and gets dressed. At breakfast time she eats cereal with

Part 3

milk. She never drinks coffee because she hates it. She usually has lunch in a small restaurant near her

Hi! I’m Kate. My hobby is surfing the net and I’ve got

house because she can’t cook. In the afternoon she

many cyber friends. I’m always talking to Raphael.

practises the violin for five hours. In the evening she

He is a twelve-year-old student. His parents are

plays in the concert or goes to the cinema. She never

Italian but they live in France.

goes to bed early.

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Tapescripts | Inglês 6

UNIT 3 Part 1 Susan: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station? The porter: Of course. Turn left at the corner and go along Rhodes Street. Then, take the third turn on the left. It’s opposite the school. Susan: Thank you. The porter: You’re welcome.

moustache. His eyes are round and brown. He has got short curly brown hair. He is wearing a grey shirt and black trousers. He always uses wellington boots. Dennis Stone is the eagle keeper. He is about 60 years old. He is very tall and he has got a big tummy. His hair is a bit long and grey. He usually keeps a ponytail. He has got a round wrinkled face and blue eyes. He is wearing brown shorts and a white t-shirt.

Unit 4 Part 2 Ann: Hi, mum. Here is your shopping and your change. Mother: Is this all?! 1. 60£ ?! Ann: Yes! Let’s check the bill and the shopping as usual… 3 cokes 1.75 £ Mother: Ok. Ann: 6 apples 1.20 £. 2 kilos of sugar 2 £. Mother: Hum… Ann: A cheese 3.25 £. 2 sweets 20 p. Mother: Yes. Ann: And the new Twilight Saga book 15 £. Mother: What?!! Ann: Oh, mum I love reading these books.

Part 1 1 2 3 4 5

He is going to get his passport. She is going to buy trainers. They are going to buy a map. They are going to get information about Canada. She is going to pack.

Part 2 Hi, I’m Peter Parker and I’m a pilot. I was born on May 2nd, 1980 in Canada. I travel a lot. Last month I was in South Africa. It was rainy but very hot. Yesterday I was in Spain. The trip was fantastic and the weather was fine. It was sunny and warm.

Part 3 Carol Joyce is a dolphin keeper. She is tall and thin. She is young and very pretty. She has got long wavy brown dark hair. Her eyes are big and green. She has got freckles. She is wearing a black and blue wet suit. She takes care of lions. She is short and slim but very brave and strong. She is middle-aged and goodlooking. Her hair is short, straight and red. She has got glasses and her eyes are grey. She is wearing a yellow t-shirt and green dungarees. Her name is Sally James. He is the snake man. His name is Mark Pepper. He is young and medium-height. He has got a beard and a

Part 3 Teacher: Hi, students. Today is grandparents’ day and Sally’s grandmother is here to talk about her past. Let’s welcome her. Rosemary: Hello, I’m Rosemary and I’m 84 years old. When I was young I lived in a small village. Everything was so different! There weren’t any cars. There wasn’t any electricity. There were many trees and four beautiful parks. There weren’t any supermarkets. There was only a greengrocer, a shop and a local pub. There weren’t any cinemas. There was a small traditional theatre where I was an actress.


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UNIT 5 Part 1 My name is Lucas, and I’m going to tell you what I did yesterday. As I didn’t go to school, I decided to go out because I was bored. Therefore, I phoned my best friend – Jim – and we decided to go to the cinema, to see the new 3D movie that has just premiered. It was a great fun! Bye!

Part 2 Yesterday I didn’t go to work but I had a very busy morning. I made the beds and cleaned the house. Then I went to the dentist. After that I drove to the market where I bought some fruit and vegetables for lunch. I went back home and I cooked lunch. Everything was ready at 1 o’clock when my wife and children arrived.

Part 3 Quiz master: Welcome to today’s “Mastermind quiz” on famous Scots. Our first contester is Mr James Newman. Good evening, Mr Newman. Are you ready? Quiz master: Question one: What did Alexander Fleming discover? Mr Newman: Penicillin. Quiz master: What did James Watt invent? Mr Newman: The steam engine. Quiz master: What did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle write? Mr Newman: Sherlock Holmes’s books. Quiz master: What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? Mr Newman: The telephone. Quiz master: What did Charles Macintosh invent? Mr Newman: The waterproof material. Quiz master: What did James Matthew Barrie create? Mr Newman: Peter Pan. Quiz master: What did John Logie Baird develop? Mr Newman: Humm… I don’t know. Quiz master: Television. (triimmm) Time over. Five correct out of six. Thank you. Next!

Testing Book UNIT 1 Hello, I’m Jim. I’m from New York, the USA. I’m going to talk about my father. His name is Tom Holmes. He is forty-two years old. He is a doctor. He works at St Andrew Hospital. He loves his job and sometimes he must work at night. We are a very sporty family and my father likes sports. My father’s favourite sports are tennis and basketball. In his free time his favourite hobby is gardening. We’ve got a new car. My father can drive it very well, but he can’t ride a bike.

UNIT 2 Julie is thirty years old and she’s an architect. She usually gets up early, at 7 o’clock. She loves walking but she always goes to work by underground. She only has got forty minutes for lunch so she has lunch in a snack bar. Her favourite food is fish and chips. After work she goes home and cooks dinner. Sometimes she invites her friends but she usually surfs the net and sends e-mails. Today is Saturday. Now Julie and her friends are at a party. They are dancing and having fun.

UNIT 3 Mr. Gump is very short and fat. He is a bit bald and he has got a big moustache. He has got glasses. He always wears bright clothes. He has got a clothes shop in Zulu St. It’s in front of the shoe shop and between the church and the pet shop. Every week he has got clothes on sale. This week you can buy very cheap t-shirts, jeans, caps, shorts and skirts.

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Tapescripts | Inglês 6

UNIT 4 Interviewing older people for the school’s newspaper, in Cambridge Student: Hello, what’s your name? Jessica: My name’s Jessica Parker. Student: Where were you born? Jessica: I was born in Scotland. Student: When were you born? Jessica: I was born in 1940. Student: Where do you live? Jessica: I live in a home. I’m too old to live in my house. I need help. Student: Was your house in Cambridge too? Jessica: Yes, it was. Student: How many rooms were there? Jessica: There were eight rooms. Student: Were there two floors? Jessica: No, it was bigger. There were three floors. There was an attic. Student: How many bedrooms were there? Jessica: Five. Student: Was there a garden? Jessica: Yes. It was very big. There were many flowers and trees.

Student: Was there a garage? Jessica: Yes, there were two garages. Student: Whose house is it now? Jessica: It’s my daughter’s, so I go there whenever I want. Student: Thank you very much. Jessica: You’re welcome. Bye

UNIT 5 Hi, my name is Stu Spencer. Last summer I went to Ireland. I went by plane. First I stayed in Dublin. There I visited the Trinity University and St Patrick’s Cathedral. At night I went to a pub with my friends. Then I went to Cork by car. In Cork I saw a River Dance Concert and listened to typical Irish music. I drove to the seaside and I took beautiful pictures. After Cork I travelled north to Galway. On the way I stopped and admired the Cliffs of Moher. In Galway I bought souvenirs for my family and friends. My trip was fantastic! Next July I’m going to travel to Spain and I’m going to stay in Madrid. I’m going to see the Prado Museum. I’m going to eat typical Spanish food.


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Page 21





• describe daily routine/actions now

• express a wish

• talk about daily routines

• identify food, drinks, sports and hobbies

• express likes and dislikes

• talk about possession

• ask and tell the time

• talk about countries and nationalities

• express obligation / prohibition/ capacity/permission

• talk about school rules






Expressing likes and dislikes Asking about likes and dislikes Identifying food, drinks, sports and hobbies Expressing preference Describing daily routines Talking about daily routines Reviewing jobs Expressing a wish Asking for confirmation Identifying means of transport Describing different types of actions: daily routine/actions now

Talking about school objects, subjects and places Talking about school rules Reception: Expressing obligation/prohibition/ Audio/visual capacity/permission Spoken Talking about countries and nationalities Written Asking and telling the time Asking for confirmation. Interaction: Talking about possession


(to) like, (to) hate, (to love… (Present Simple) Like + verb + ing form Personal pronouns (subject/object) Indefinite article Prepositions of place Questions words I would like to be… Present simple tense Frequency adverbs – How often…? Question tags (Present simple) Present continuous Present simple vs Present continuous Time expressions (reviewing)

Verb (to) be Verb (to) have got There + (to) be Modal verbs: must (n’t) / can(‘t) / may (not) Personal pronouns (subject) Question tags Possessive adjectives/ pronouns Whose…? Possessive case (reviewing)

Activities/food/drink Daily routine Jobs Word formation: noun/verb+suffix Means of transport

School subjects/ objects/places School rules/daily activities Countries/nationalities Time Clothes

First name, surname, age, address, phone Question words: How number, family, many, How old, What; hobbies, food, drinks, What nationality, Where, time, months, days When, What time of the week, colours, school subjects


CD Áudio

My Ref Guide

Students’ book



Communicative activities

Project work

Pair work


Word search

Singing songs

Writing guided texts




Interactive board Rewriting sentences

Blank filling



Multiple choice

Watching sketches

Listening comprehension


Reading comprehension






Project work


Check tests


Direct observation of students’ spoken and written output



• talk about school objects, subjects and places

Introducing yourself Personal identification

Communication skills


• introduce him/herself and others

At a breakthrough level students should be able to:



Annual Plan

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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

• identify parts of the body and talk about physical appearance

• identify prepositions of place

• ask for and give directions

• identify some shops and public buildings

• identify and talk about family relationships









Past simple: regular verbs Past simple: irregular verbs Question tags Verb tenses

Daily routine (past tense) Past holidays activities

Activities Family Weather Adjective formation Furniture

Getting information and talking about festivities (Guy Fawkes – Bonfire night –, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day).

Getting information and talking about the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Ireland, South Africa, Canada and Australia.

Talking about past routine Talking about famous people (past tense) Asking for confirmation Talking about past holiday activities

Expressing future plans, intentions and predictions Talking about past actions Describing places in the past Asking for confirmation

Identifying shops and public buildings Asking for and giving directions Identifying shop facilities and products Describing people and animals Comparing people, things and animals

(to) be + going to Future time expressions Connectors Past simple: (to) be/ (to) be born Past time expressions Prepositions of time Adverb formation: (-ly) Past simple: there + (to) be Question tags (past simple)

Shops and facilities/ public buildings Directions Shops/products Shopping facilities Countable/uncountable nouns Adjectives Physical description (people, animals)

Imperative Prepositions of place/of movement Quantifiers How much? How many? What shape? What size? Adjectives – word order Regular/irregular plural nouns How tall? How fast? How long? Adjective degrees – comparative/superlative

CD Áudio

My Ref Guide

Students’ book



Communicative activities

Project work

Pair work


Word search

Singing songs

Writing guided texts




Interactive board Rewriting sentences

Blank filling



Multiple choice

Watching sketches

Listening comprehension


Reading comprehension






Project work


Check tests


Direct observation of students’ spoken and written output







Communication skills


At a breakthrough level students should be able to:


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Planificação Anual | Inglês 6


• express a wish

• talk about daily routines

• identify food, drinks, sports and hobbies

• express likes and dislikes

• talk about possession

• ask and tell the time

• talk about countries and nationalities

• express obligation/ prohibition/ capacity/permission

• talk about school rules School subjects/objects/ places School rules Daily activities Countries Nationalities Time Clothes Activities Food/drink Daily routine Jobs Word formation: noun/verb + suffix Means of transport

Getting information and talking about Thanksgiving Day, Guy Fawkes (Bonfire Night) and Christmas.

Getting information and talking about the United Kingdom, the USA and Ireland (EIRE).

Let’s be good citizens

Talking about school objects, subjects and places Talking about school rules Audio/visual Expressing obligation/prohibition/ Spoken capacity/permission Written Talking about countries and nationalities Asking and telling the time Asking for confirmation Interaction: Talking about possession Spoken Expressing likes and dislikes Written Asking about likes and dislikes Identifying food, drinks, sports and hobbies Production: Expressing preference Describing daily routines Spoken Talking about daily routines Written Expressing a wish Asking for confirmation Describing different types of actions: daily routine/actions now


Verbs: (to) be, (to) have got, there + (to) be Modal verbs: must(n’t)/can(‘t)/may (may not) Personal pronouns (subject) Question tags Possessive adjectives/pronouns Whose…? Possessive case (to) like, (to) hate,(to) love + verb + ing Personal pronouns (subject/object) Indefinite article Prepositions of place Question words I would like to be… Present simple tense Frequency adverbs – How often? Question tags (Present simple) Present Continuous Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Time expressions


CD Áudio

My Ref Guide

Students’ book



Communicative activities

Project work

Pair work


Word search

Singing songs

Writing guided texts




Interactive board Rewriting sentences

Blank filling



Multiple choice

Watching sketches

Listening comprehension


Reading comprehension

Greetings First name, surname, age, address, phone number, numbers, family, hobbies, food, drinks, time, seasons, months, days of the week, colours, school subjects, sports Reading





Project work


Check tests


Direct observation of students’ spoken and written output



• introduce themselves and others


Introducing Greeting Asking and saying name, age, Question words: how address, phone number many, how old, Asking and talking about dates, what, what nationality, months and days of the week where, when, Asking and talking about what time colours

Communication skills


At a breakthrough level students should be able to:



1st Term Plan

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Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Communication skills

• identify parts of the body and talk about physical appearance




Family Weather Adjective formation Furniture

Getting information and talking about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

Getting information and talking about the South Africa and Canada

Let’s be good citizens

(to) be + going to Future time expressions Connectors Past simple: (to )be/(to) be born Past time expressions Prepositions of time Past simple: Adverb formation (-ly) Past simple: there + (to) be Question tags (past simple)

Shops and facilities/public buildings Directions Shops/products Shopping facilities Countable/uncountable nouns Adjectives Physical description (people, animals) Activities


CD Áudio

My Ref Guide

Students’ book



Communicative activities

Project work

Pair work


Word search

Singing songs

Writing guided texts




Interactive board Rewriting sentences

Blank filling



Multiple choice

Watching sketches

Listening comprehension


Reading comprehension






Project work


Check tests


Direct observation of students’ spoken and written output




Imperative Prepositions of place/of movement Quantifiers How much? How many? What shape? What size? Adjectives – word order Regular/irregular plural nouns How tall? How fast? How long? Adjectives degree – comparative/ superlative



Identifying shops and public buildings At a breakthrough Asking for and giving Audio/visual level students directions should be able to: Spoken Identifying shopping facilities and products Written • identify and talk Describing people and animals about family Comparing people, things and relationships animals Production: Expressing future plans • identify some shops Spoken intentions and predictions and public buildings Talking about past actions Written • identify prepositions Describing places in the past of place Asking for confirmation


2nd Term Plan

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Planificação Periodal | Inglês 6







Interaction: Verb tenses

Question tags

Past simple: regular verbs/irregular verbs

Past simple: irregular verbs

Extensive Reading Three Friends on Holidays

Getting information and talking about Australia

Let’s be good citizens

Talking about holiday activities

Asking for confirmation

Talking about routines/famous people (past tense)

Past simple: regular verbs


Past holidays activities

Daily routine (past tense)


Realia Board Flashcards

Writing guided texts Singing songs Word search

Communicative activities

Project work

Pair work


Interactive board

CD Áudio

My Ref Guide

Students’ book



Rewriting sentences

Blank filling



Multiple choice

Watching sketches

Listening comprehension


Reading comprehension






Project work


Check tests


Direct observation of students’ spoken and written output





Talking about routines

Communication skills






3rd Term Plan

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Festivities Guy Fawkes (Bonfire night) page 114




Baked potatoes

Toffee apples

Thanksgiving day page 115 1. f



e g a


2. Soda, glasses, tv set, ball, lamp. Christmas page 116 1. Crackers; 2. Holy; 3. Shepherd; 4. Pudding; 5. Gifts; 6. Star; 7. Wise man; 8. Carols; 9. Snowman Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) page 117 1. a) pancakes; b) flour; c) eggs; d) milk; e) lemon; f) sugar pancakes; flour; eggs; milk; lemon, sugar. 2. They are in a pancake race – tossing pancakes into the air and catching them in the frying pan while running. 3. They are wearing an apron and a chef’s hat.

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Soluções - Festivities e My Ref Guide | Inglês 6

My Ref Guide (grammar exercises) page 119

1. a) am b) is c) are d) are e) are f) is 2. NEGATIVE


a) I’m not a student.

a) Am I a student?

b) She isn’t tall and thin.

b) Is she tall and thin?

c) The chickens aren’t in the garden.

c) Are the chickens in the garden?

d) Tom and I aren’t from South Africa.

d) Are Tom and I from South Africa?

e) They aren’t afraid of dogs.

e) Are they afraid of dogs?

f) The cat isn’t under the table.

f) Is the cat under the table?

3. a) Yes, they are b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, you are. d) No, she isn’t. e) No, I’m not. 4. a) There are b) Is there / there is c) Are there / there aren’t page 121

1. a) have got b) have got c) has got d) have got e) has got 2.NEGATIVE


a) We haven’t got three sisters.

a) Have we got three sisters?

b) I haven’t got a hamster.

b) Have I got a hamster?

c) It hasn’t got grey fur.

c) Has it got grey fur?

d) My teachers haven’t got lots of books.

d) Have my teachers got lots of books?

e) The actress hasn’t got a colourful dress.

e) Has the actress got a colourful dress?

3. a) Yes, he has. b) No, they haven’t. c) Yes, she has. 4. a) How many folders have they got? b) What has he got? c) Where have you got your Maths book? 5. a) May I go to the toilet, please? b) You may do this exercise on Friday. page 123

1. a) He can play the guitar. b) He can’t cook. c) They can sing. d) It can’t fly. 2. a) No, he can’t. b) Yes, she can. c) Yes, she can. d) No, it can’t. 3. a) must b) must c) mustn’t d) must e) mustn’t 4. Resposta livre. 5. a) does b) go c) know d) doesn’t page 125

1. a) am reading b) is cooking c) are playing d) aren’t paying 2. a) I b) us c) I / them d) her/ She e) They f) him /He


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3. a) We b) She/him c) They/us d) He/it e) They/her f) It/them 4. a) birds b) brushes c) churches d) cliffs e) geese f) ladies g) masses h) days i) knives j) men k) foxes l) leaves m) tomatoes n) rhinos o) people 5. a) These men are good-looking. b) Those children have got toys. c) The babies are in the bed. d) The women are actresses. e) The cats are playing with the mice. f) The geese are in the lake. g) The fairies have got nice dresses. page 127

1. a) my / mine b) your /yours c) his / his d) her / hers e) its / its f) our / ours g) your / yours h) their / theirs 2. b) It’s the child’s toy. c) They are the girls’ dolls. d) It’s Paul and Jim’s pet. e) It’s James’s car. f) They are the boys’. 3. a) That b) These c) Those d) This page 129

1. a) What b) How old c) Where d) What nationality e) Where… from f) When g) How many h) Who i) How often j) What type/Kind/sort k) Whose l) What colour m) What time n) What shape o) Why p) How q) How much r) What size 2. a) Listen to your teacher. b) Don’t eat in the classroom. 3. a) any/some b) some/any c) no page 131

1. in – winter; the morning; 1998; March on – October 4th; a cold day; Monday; Christmas Day at – 6 o’clock; night; Christmas; the weekend 2. a) The blaser/It is on the armchair. b) The t-shirt is under the table/It is under the table. c) The jeans are behind the sofa/they are behind the sofa. d) The socks are in the box/they are in the box 3. a) at/at b) on c) in/to d) to/on e) at/in f) at/with g) by page 133

1. a) The football players are English. b) They are tall. c) The men are handsome. d) The boys are smart. e) The cars are blue. 2. a) He is a tall man. b) I like Italian food. c) She has got long wavy hair. d) They have got big round eyes. e) The box is small, old and red.

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Soluções - Festivities e My Ref Guide | Inglês 6




Comparative Equality

Superlative Superiority


as slow as

slower than

the slowest


as old as

older than

the oldest


as short as

shorter than

the shortest


as happy as

happier than

the happiest


as heavy as

heavier than

the heaviest


as large as

larger than

the largest


as late as

later than

the latest


as sad as

sadder than

the saddest


as fit as

fitter than

the fittest


as dangerous as

more dangerous than

the most dangerous


as important as

more important than

the most important


as popular as

more popular than

the most popular


as modern as

more modern than

the most modern



as good as

better than

the best



as bad as

worse than

the worst

Short Adjectives

Long Adjectives

page 135

1. a) is going to buy b) are going to stay c) am going to do 2.NEGATIVE


a) She isn’t going to buy a new coat.

a) Is she going to buy a new coat?

b) They aren’t going to stay in a hotel.

b) Are they going to stay in a hotel?

c) I’m not going to do my homework.

c) Am I going to do my homework?

3. a) Jordan is going to travel to Paris next year. b) Beth is going to get married next summer. c) Joe and Parker are going to run in a race tomorrow. d) Carol is going to wash the car soon. 4. a) so b) because c) and / but / or page 137

1. a) I was a student. b) Were you his best friend? c) Was it a sunny day? d) We were classmates. e) She was at home. 2. a) was b) were c) were d) was 2.1. a) Yesterday she wasn’t sick. b) Last month we weren’t in Paris. c) Last weekend they weren’t on a farm. d) Marion wasn’t at school. 3. a) Was there / there wasn’t b) Were there / there were c) There was / there weren’t 4. a) Yes, they were. b) No, she wasn’t. c) No, there weren’t.


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page 139

1. a) opened b) finished c) lived d) stopped e) studied 1.1. NEGATIVE


a) My parents didn’t open a restaurant.

a) Did my parents open a restaurant?

b) The party didn’t finish at midnight.

b) Did the party finish at midnight?

c) He didn’t live in Spain.

c) Did he live in Spain?

d) The bus didn’t stop at the bus station.

d) Did the bus stop at the bus station?

e) I didn’t study for the Maths test.

e) Did I study for the Maths test?

2. a) Yes, I did. b) No, she didn’t c) No, they didn’t. d) Yes, they did. e) Yes, he did. 3. a) How may boxes did they make? b) Why did he run home? c) How long did she spend in the dentist? d) What did Dan buy? e) Did she do her homework after school? page 141

A. a) isn’t she? b) am I? c) aren’t they? d) have we? e) hasn’t he? f) can it? g) mustn’t we? h) weren’t they? i) wasn’t he? j) weren’t there?

B. a) is she? b) aren’t I? c) are they? d) haven’t we? e) has he? f) can’t it? g) must we? h) were they? i) was he? j) were there?


D. a) does he? b) does it? c) do they? d) do we? e) does he? f) do you?

E. a) didn’t I? b) didn’t she? c) didn’t we? d) didn’t you? e) didn’t they? f) didn’t he?


a) doesn’t he? b) doesn’t it? c) don’t they? d) don’t we? e) doesn’t he? f) don’t you?

a) did I? b) did she? c) did we? d) did you? e) did they? f) did he?

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