
January 12, 2019 | Author: yilmat | Category: Engineer, Civil Engineering, Microsoft Windows, Technology, Computing
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MXROAD This three day workshop based course provides a solid foundation in the use of  the interactive functions in MXROAD for  the novice user. user. This will enable enable engineers or technicians to operate the system confidently through a good understanding of the principles of surface modelling and the design functions of MXROAD in Windows. • • • • • •

fast start up time for new system more productivity from novice users move more quickly to complex projects more effective use of system greater awareness of application areas maximum return on investment in MXROAD in Windows

CONTENT • • • • • • • • • • • • •

String modelling concept Starting MXROAD in Windows Basic features Importing a survey Displaying the survey Surface analysis Alignment design Roadway and shoulder design Junction design Earthworks Cross-sectional Cross-sectional design editor  Using the design viewers Pavement and subgrade design


Design engineers Engineering technicians Project managers and MX support personnel needing a general understanding of MXROAD


Basic computer literacy Basic knowledge of windows and use of editor  Basic engineering knowledge


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Registered with the Institution of Civil Engineers Accredited for CET Accreditation for training at customer  site at the discretion of the Supervising Civil Engineer 


Detailed course notes Certificate of attendance Course report available on application


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COURSE OUTLINE DAY 1 Basic concepts and data storage Standard naming convention - automatic or user-defined Starting MX in Windows Basic features Importing and displaying a survey Reporting strings and models Point selection methods Modifying strings Surface analysis - contouring, height bands, flat bands etc DAY 2 The MXROAD String Naming Convention The MXROAD toolbar  Alignment design - horizontal and vertical design Generation of new roadway features – defining and saving templates Rule-based superelevation design Road widening – at laybys and junctions Practical exercises/workshops to reinforce topics covered DAY 3 Junction design, regrading and finishing Connecting to existing roads – the String Name Converter  Shoulder and footway design Earthworks slope generation Adjusting the design with the Cross-Sectional Editor  Checking the design with the viewers Pavement layer and subgrade design Pavement volumes and cross-section drawing Practical exercises/workshops to reinforce topics covered Review and closing session •

This timetable is for guidance only. Schedule may vary

Galway Technology Park Parkmore Galway Tel 091 773113 Fax 091 751033 Email: [email protected]

 j:\info\promo\SolMXBeg.doc Updated: 19/12/03

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