Mwd Manual

March 11, 2019 | Author: Manash Hazarika | Category: Geotechnical Engineering, Geology, Science, Nature, Engineering
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Document & Revision No. JIN-DD-MWD-INDUCTION.MANUAL-01 Date of issue August 2011



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Issue/Revision : JIN-DD-MWD.IND.MANUAL-01

Compiled By

Reviewed By

Kamlesh Unadkat / Vaishali Sali

Umesh Thakur / Satish Jawanjal

Base Coordinator

GM (Directional Drilling)

Approved By Dr. I N Chatterjee Director

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Jindal


2. Oil exploration & drilling


2.1 Forming oil 2.2 Locating Oil 2.3 Oil Drilling Preparation 2.4 Oil Rig Systems 2.5 Testing For Oil

10 11 12 14 19

3. Directional Drilling


3.1 Applications of Directional Drilling 3.1.1 Sidetracking 3.1.2 Inaccessible Locations 3.1.3 Salt Dome Drilling 3.1.4 Offshore Multiwell Drilling 3.2 Types of Directional Wells 3.2.1 “L” profile (Build and Hold) 3.2.2 “S” Type Well 3.2.3 “J” Type Well 3.2.4 Horizontal Well 3.3 Geometry of A Directional well 4. Drilling of Directional Well

21 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 28

4.1 Bottom Hole Assembly 4.2 Sizes of BHA Component 4.3 Parts of A BHA 4.3.1 Drill bit 4.3.2 Steerable Downhole Mud Motor 4.3.3 Float Sub 4.3.4 UBHO (Universal Bore Hole Orienting subs) 4.3.5 NMDC (Non Magnetic Drill Collar) 4.3.6 Heavy Weight Drill Pipes 4.3.7 Drill Collars 4.3.8 Stabilizers 4.3.9 Crossovers

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29 30 30 30 32 36 37 38 38 39 39 40

5. Measurement


5.1 Inclination/ Azimuth/ Measured Depth 5.2 True North and Magnetic North 5.3 Earth‟s Magnetic Field 5.4 Earth‟s Magnetic Components 6. MWD

42 43 44 44 46

6.1 Introduction 6.2 What Is MWD? 6.3 Mud Pulse Telemetry 6.4 MWD Principles 6.4.1 Positive Mud Pulse Telemetry 6.4.2 Negative Mud Pulse Telemetry 6.4.3 Continuous Wave Telemetry 6.4.4 Electromagnetic Telemetry

46 46 46 48 48 48 48 48

6.5 MWD TOOL Components 6.5.1 Dummy Switch 6.5.2 Centralizer 6.5.3 Electronics Module 6.5.4 Gamma Tool 6.5.5 Battery 6.5.6 Pulsar Driver System 6.5.7 Stringer Assembly 6.6 MWD STRING 6.6.1 Gamma Job 6.6.2 Non-Gamma Job 6.7 Placing MWD tool in the BHA 6.8 KINTEC PIN CONNECTIONS 6.9 Working of MWD tool 6.10 MWD Tool Retrieval Equipment 6.11 TOOLFACE 6.12 Fluidic Vortex 6.13 Azimuth Correction Technique 6.14 Basic Hydraulics 6.14.1 System Pressure 6.14.2 Annular Velocity

51 51 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 58 58 60 62 62 64 65 66 67 69 69 70

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6.14.3 Pressure Pulses 6.14.4 Drilling Fluid 6.15 Factors Affecting the Mud Pulse 6.16 Reliability 7. Tensor MWD Battery Manual 7.1 Procedure for Leaking or Vented Batteries 7.2 Procedure for Hot Batteries 7.3 Procedure for Exploding Batteries 7.4 Procedure for Lithium Fire 7.5 Lithium Battery Safety 7.6 Storage and Disposal Tips 7.7 Handling and Inspection Guidelines 7.8 Handling during Product Assembly

71 71 72 72 74 76 77 77 78 78 80 81 82

8. QMWD-SAP System


8.1 System Description 8.2 Toolface Offset Procedures 8.3 Summary of the Features Of Qmwd V 01.30 8.4 Summary of Features of Qmwdpc V 01.20 8.5 Summary of New Features in Qmwd V02.02 9. TRU-VU User Guide

84 87 90 92 95 97

9.1 Tru Vu Data Wise System Setup 9.2 Printing Plots 9.3 Calibration 9.4 Miscellaneous Notes 9.5 Tru-Vu Renewal Procedure 10. Drill Well User Guide

97 103 112 114 115 117

10.1 Configuration 10.2 Loading Parameters From A Device 10.3 Xxtalk Utility 10.4 Drillwell Main Screen 10.5 Tools Screen 10.6 Depth Tracking Setup 10.7 TFO Procedure 10.8 Wits Setup Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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117 120 120 122 125 126 126 128

11. Ring Out Test Sheet


12. Poppet Orifice Chart


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This is the official “Jindal Drilling MWD Training Guide.” This manual is designed to help novice and seasoned oilfield worker make the transition into becoming an MWD Engineer specializing in the use of probe based positive pulse telemetry MWD system.

This manual is intended to be used with your in-field training to give you the best possible chance for success. The only dumb question is the one you didn‟t ask and should have. By not asking a question you may inadvertently miss an important point that could cause trouble in field and cost thousands of dollars.

Guide to Safety

You must take adequate precautions before you start working on any operations. A health and safety introduction will be conducted before you can go to any rig sites. You‟ll be shown current handling and cleaning methods for all equipment that your job requires you to use.

Ensure your equipment is in good working order to prevent accidents from happening. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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In case of an accident, report it to management immediately.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT When working on an oil rig, appropriate attire, coverall is required. Any clothing underneath the coverall should be fire retardant or at very least breathable and slow burning.

The uniform should be clean and in good repair when you go to a job site. You should look professional when at any jobsite.

For safety reasons your hair must be cut short. If you have longer hair it must be tied back or put in a pony tail and you should come clean shaven for work.

MWD uniforms consist of: 

Fire retardant coveralls

CSA approved Hard hat

CSA approved steel toed Boots

Hearing protection


TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK AND WHERE YOU WORK! You are responsible for maintaining your equipment. Ensure all tools and equipment is clean and in good working order, ensure your toolboxes have adequate supplies to complete a job professionally – all the time. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Please keep any living/work area clean for yourselves and your co-workers. Ensure you clean up any shacks properly before leaving a job site.


The MWD Engineer must know how a rig operates as the rig operations affect the working of the MWD tool. In this knowing the BHA( bottom hole assembly) in hole is a must.

An MWD Engineer must know how the different components of an MWD string operate and how they contribute to drilling.

An MWD Engineer must reduce the problems and downtime.

An MWD Engineer must always remember that they are representing their company in front of the client hence proper behavior is expected of the operator always in their shift.

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2. 2.1

Oil exploration & Drilling Forming oil

Oil comes from organic matter that died and sank into the sand at the bottom of the sea. Over the years, the organisms decayed in the sedimentary layers. In these layers, there was little or no oxygen present so microorganisms broke the remains into carbon-rich compounds that formed organic layers which formed the source rock. As new sedimentary layers were deposited, they exerted intense pressure and heat on the source rock. The heat and pressure distilled the organic material into crude oil and natural gas. The oil flowed from the source rock and accumulated in thicker, more porous limestone or sandstone, called reservoir rock. Oil and natural gas in the reservoir rocks got trapped between layers of impermeable rock, or cap rock. The different types of trap systems are: Structural traps Folds - Horizontal movements press inward and move the rock layers upward into a fold. Faults - The layers of rock crack, and one side shifts upward or downward. Stratigraphic traps Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Pinch out - A layer of impermeable rock is squeezed upward into the reservoir rock.

2.2 Locating Oil

Searching for oil over water using seismology Whether employed directly by an oil company or under contract from a private firm, geologists are the ones responsible for finding oil. Their task is to find the right conditions for an oil trap -- the right source rock, reservoir rock and entrapment. Modern oil geologists also examine surface rocks and terrain, with the additional help of satellite images. However, they also use a variety of other methods to find oil. They can use sensitive gravity meters to measure tiny Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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changes in the Earth's gravitational field that could indicate flowing oil, as well as sensitive magnetometers to measure tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic field caused by flowing oil. They can detect the smell of hydrocarbons using sensitive electronic









use seismology, creating shock waves that pass through hidden rock layers and interpreting the waves that are reflected back to the surface. In seismic surveys, a shock wave is created by the following: 

Compressed-air gun - shoots pulses of air into the water (for exploration over water)

Thumper truck - slams heavy plates into the ground (for exploration over land)

Explosives - detonated after being drilled into the ground (for exploration over land) or thrown overboard (for exploration over water)

The shock waves travel beneath the surface of the Earth and are reflected back by the various rock layers. The reflections travel at different speeds depending upon the type or density of rock layers through which they must pass. Sensitive microphones or vibration detectors detect the reflections of the shock waves -hydrophones over water, seismometers over land. Seismologists interpret the readings for signs of oil and gas traps. Once geologists find a prospective oil strike, they mark the location using GPS coordinates on land or by marker buoys on water.

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Oil Drilling Preparation

Once the site has been selected, scientists survey the area to determine its boundaries, and conduct environmental impact studies if necessary. The oil company may need lease agreements, titles and right-of way accesses before drilling the land. For off-shore sites, legal jurisdiction must be determined.After the legal issues are settled, the crew goes about preparing the land: 1. The land must be cleared and leveled, and access roads may be built. 2. Because water is used in drilling, there must be a source of water nearby. If there is no natural source, the crew drills a water well. 3. The crew digs a reserve pit, which is used to dispose of rock cuttings and drilling mud during the drilling process, and lines it with plastic to protect the environment. If the site is an ecologically sensitive area, such as a marsh or wilderness, then the cuttings and mud must be disposed of offsite -- trucked away instead of placed in a pit. Once the land has been prepared, the crew digs several holes to make way for the rig and the main hole. A rectangular pit called a cellar is dug around the location of the actual drilling hole. The cellar provides a work space around the hole for the workers and drilling accessories. The crew then begins drilling the main hole, often with a small drill truck rather than the main rig. The first part of the hole is larger and shallower than the main portion, and is lined with a largediameter conductor pipe. The crew digs additional holes off to the side to temporarily store equipment -- when these holes are finished, the rig equipment can be brought in and set up. Depending upon the remoteness of the drill site and its access, it may be necessary to bring in equipment by truck, helicopter or barge. Some rigs are built Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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on ships or barges for work on inland water where there is no foundation to support a rig (as in marshes or lakes). In the next section, we'll look at the major systems of an oil rig.


Oil Rig Systems PARTS OF A RIG No diagram can ever explain a drilling rig completely unless you don‟t see

one for yourself but in trying to familiarize you with the different parts here is a rig schematic. Parts of the rig are shown in the next page.

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One can divide the rig into three major sections:

a) Power system 

Large diesel engines - burn diesel-fuel oil to provide the main source of power

Electrical generators - powered by the diesel engines to provide electrical power

b) Mechanical system - driven by electric motors

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Hoisting system - used for lifting heavy loads; consists of a mechanical winch (draw works) with a large steel cable spool, a block-and-tackle pulley and a receiving storage reel for the cable.

Turntable - part of the drilling apparatus

c) Rotating equipment - used for rotary drilling 

Swivel - large handle that holds the weight of the drill string; allows the string to rotate and makes a pressure-tight seal on the hole

Kelly - four- or six-sided pipe that transfers rotary motion to the turntable and drill string

Turntable or rotary table - drives the rotating motion using power from electric motors

Drill string - consists of drill pipe (connected sections of about 30 feet (10 meters)

and drill








(HWDP) (larger diameter, heavier pipe that fits around the drill pipe and places weight on the drill bit which helps in drilling) 

Drill bit - end of the drill that actually cuts up the rock; comes in many shapes and materials (tungsten carbide steel, diamond) that are specialized for various drilling tasks and rock formations.

A few other parts are: 

Derrick - support structure that holds the drilling apparatus; tall enough to allow new sections of drill pipe to be added to the drilling apparatus as drilling progresses

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CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The mud pump is like the heart of the rig whereas the mud is like the blood that flow through the system. Pumps drilling mud (mixture of water, clay, weighting material and chemicals, used to lift rock cuttings from the drill bit to the surface) under pressure through the kelly, rotary table, drill pipes and drill collars A diagrammatic representation of the circulatory system is:

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Pump - sucks mud from the mud pits and pumps it to the drilling apparatus

Pipes and hoses - connects pump to drilling apparatus

Mud-return line - returns mud from the hole

Shale shaker - shaker/sieve that separates rock cuttings from the mud

Shale slide - conveys cuttings to the reserve pit

Reserve pit - collects rock cuttings separated from the mud

Mud pits - where drilling mud is mixed and recycled

Mud-mixing hopper - where new mud is mixed and then sent to the mud pits

Blowout preventer - high-pressure valves (located under the land rig or on the sea floor) that seal the high-pressure drill lines and relieve pressure when necessary to prevent a blowout (uncontrolled gush of gas or oil to the surface, often



Fig : BOP Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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2.5 Testing For Oil Drilling continues in stages: The crew drills, then runs and cements new casings, then drills again. When the rock cuttings from the mud reveal the oil sand from the reservoir rock, the crew may have reached the well's final depth. At this point, crew members remove the drilling apparatus from the hole and perform several tests to confirm this finding: 

Wire line logging – lowering nuclear, density, sonic and various other tools to take measurements of the rock formations there

Drill-stem testing - lowering a device into the hole to measure the pressures, which will reveal whether reservoir rock has been reached

Core samples - taking samples of rock to look for characteristics of reservoir rock

On confirming the presence of oil the major steps involved in oil production are: a) Perforation: A perforating gun into the well to the production depth. The gun has explosive charges to create holes in the casing through which oil can flow. a) After the casing has been perforated, they run a smalldiameter pipe (tubing) into the hole as a conduit for oil and gas to flow up through the well. A device called a packer is run down the outside of the tubing. When the packer is set at the production level, it's expanded to form a seal around the outside of the tubing. Finally, they connect a multivalve structure called a Christmas tree to the top of the tubing and cement it to the top of the casing. The Christmas tree allows them to control the Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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flow of oil from the well. After the well is completed, the crew must start the flow of oil into the well. For limestone reservoir rock, acid is pumped down the well and out the perforations. The acid dissolves channels in the limestone that lead oil into the well. For








containing proppants (sand, walnut shells, aluminum pellets) is pumped down the well and out the perforations. The pressure from this fluid makes small fractures in the sandstone that allow oil to flow into the well, while the proppants hold these fractures open. Once the oil is flowing, the oil rig is removed from the site and production equipment is set up to extract the oil from the well.

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3. Directional Drilling Directional drilling is a subsection of drilling which involves deviating a well bore along a planned course to a subsurface target whose location is a given lateral distance and direction from the vertical.

3.1 Applications of Directional Drilling 3.1.1 Sidetracking: Side-tracking was the original directional drilling technique. Initially, sidetracks were “blind”. The objective was simply to get past a fish in vertical hole. Oriented sidetracks are performed to hit a specific target. It may be necessary due to an unsuccessful fishing job in a deviated well. Oriented sidetracks are most widely used. They are performed when, for example, there are unexpected changes in geological configuration (Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1 Side tracking

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3.1.2 Inaccessible Locations: Targets located beneath a city, a river or in environmentally sensitive areas make it necessary to locate the drilling rig some distance away. A directional well is drilled to reach the target (Figure 1-2).

Figure 1-2 Inaccessible locations

3.1.3 Salt Dome Drilling: Salt domes have been found to be natural traps of oil accumulating in strata beneath the overhanging hard cap. There are severe drilling problems associated with drilling a well through salt formations. These can be somewhat alleviated by using a salt-saturated mud. Another solution is to drill a directional well to reach the reservoir (Figure 1-3), thus avoiding the problem of drilling through the salt.

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Figure 1-3 Salt dome drilling 3.1.4 Offshore Multiwell Drilling: Directional drilling from a multiwell offshore platform is the most economic way to develop offshore oil fields (Figure 1-4). Onshore, a similar method is used where there are space restrictions e.g. jungle, swamp. Here, the rig is skidded on a pad and the wells are drilled in “clusters".

Figure 1-4 Offshore multiwell drilling

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3.2 Types of Directional Wells A carefully conceived directional drilling program based on geological information, knowledge of mud and casing program, target area etc., is used to select a hole pattern suitable for the operation. However, experience has shown that most deflected holes will fit one of the following types. Directional Patterns 

L profile well (Build And Hold)

S profile well (Build and Drop)

J profile well (Deep Kick-Off and Build)

Horizontal well (can be a sub category of J profile well) –


Extended reach drilling (ERD)


3.2.1 “L” profile (Build and Hold) The well is drilled at shallow depth and the inclination is locked in until the target zone is penetrated.

Fig. “L” profile well

Fig. “S” profile well

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3.2.2 “S” Type Well The well is deflected at a shallow depth until the maximum required inclination is achieved. The well path is then locked in and, finally, the inclination is reduced to a lower value or, in some cases, the well is returned back to vertical by gradually dropping off the angle.

3.2.3 “J” Type Well The well is deflected at a much deeper position and after achieving the desired inclination the well is locked in until the target zone is penetrated.

Fig: “J” type well

Fig: Horizontal well

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3.2.4 Horizontal Well The well is deflected at a deeper depth and the angle of inclination achieved is 90 degree.

3.3 Geometry of a Directional Well A directional well is drilled from the surface to reach a target area along the shortest possible path. Owing to changing rock properties, the hole path rarely follows a single plane but, instead, changes its inclination and direction continuously. Thus, the deviated well should be viewed in three dimensions, such that hole inclination and hole direction are specified at each position. Terms that are commonly used in directional drilling are defined below.

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Fig: S profile showing different parts.

A simple build/hold/drop well profile, known as an "S" well, is shown in Figure above. The kickoff point (KOP) is the beginning of the build section. A build section is frequently designed at a constant buildup rate (BUR) until the desired hole angle or end-of-build (EOB) target location is achieved. Hole angle, or inclination, is always expressed in terms of the angle of the wellbore from vertical. The direction or azimuth of the well is expressed with respect to some reference plane, usually true north. The location of a point in the well is generally

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expressed in Cartesian coordinates with the wellhead or the rig's rotary kelly bushing (RKB) usually as the reference location.

True vertical depth (TVD) is expressed as the vertical distance below RKB.

Measured depth (MD) The distance measured along the actual course of the bore hole from the surface reference point to the survey point.

Departure / drift is the distance between two survey points as projected onto the horizontal plane. The EOB specification also contains another important requirement, which is the angle and direction of the well at that point. The correct angle and direction are critical in allowing the next target to be achieved; also, it may be necessary to penetrate the pay zone at some optimum angle for production purposes. A tangent/hold section is shown after the build section. The purpose of the tangent is to maintain angle and direction until the next target is reached. In the example well, a drop section is shown at the end of the tangent. The purpose of a drop is usually to place the wellbore in the reservoir in the optimum orientation with respect to formation permeability or in-situ formation stress; alternatively, a horizontal extension may be the preferred orientation in the case of a pay zone that contains multiple vertical fractures or that has potential for gas or water coning.

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4. DRILLING OF DIRECTIONAL WELL Directional wells are drilled with specialized equipments which are placed in the Bottom Hole Assembly. There are many specialized equipments which are used to drill directional wells. Some of the combinations of the specialized directional equipments are: 1. Steerable Downhole Mud Motor (SDMM) & Measurement While Drilling (MWD). 2. Whipstock & MWD. 3. Jetting & MWD. In all these combinations the former refers to directional equipment which actually deviates the well from the vertical. The latter refers to a measurement system which detects the change in orientation of the well caused due to the former. Earlier a magnetic single shot or multiple shot was used to determine the direction and orientation of the well. However a MWD system has completely replaced the magnetic single or multiple shot as it gives readings in real time. Largely, a combination of SDMM and MWD system is used in the drilling industry.

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4.1 Bottom Hole Assembly The diagrammatic representation of a BHA is as follows:

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NMDC (x 2)

UBHO FLOAT SUB MUD MOTOR BIT Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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The bottom hole assembly is connected to the rig through a series of drill pipes.


SIZES OF BHA COMPONENT Sizes of BHA components for different hole section

Hole section








9 5/8”



7 5/8” R

7 5/8” R

17 ½ “

13 3/8“

9 5/8”



6 5/8” R

7 5/8” R

12 ¼”

9 5/8””




6 5/8” R

6 5/8” R

8 ½”


6 ¾”

6 ¾”

3 ½”

4 ½” R

4” IF



4 ¾”

4 ¾”

2 7/8”

3 ½” R

3 ½” IF

All sizes in inches

4.3 PARTS OF A BHA 4.3.1 Drill bit The drilling bit will perform the cutting of the formation. There are different types of drill bits which are suitable for different formations and downhole applications. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Every bit has an IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) nomenclature e.g. A tricone bit might have an IADC number as 117 where the 1 st digit refers to the formation, 2nd to the teeth, 3rd to the bearing. A few examples of bits are Poly Crystalline Diamond Cutter bit (PDC), Tricone Roller Bit (TCR), coring bit.

Fig. PDC Bit

Fig. TCR Bit

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Steerable Downhole Mud Motor

Fig. Steerable Down Hole Mud Motor

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Steerable Downhole Mud Motor The above figure shows a steerable downhole mud motor connected to a bit.

Motor Selection • These are the three common motor configurations which provide a broad range of bit speeds and torque outputs required satisfying a multitude of drilling applications. • High Speed / Low Torque - 1:2 Lobe • Medium Speed / Medium Torque – 4:5 Lobe • Low Speed / High Torque – 7:8 Lobe High Speed / Low Torque (1:2) motor typically used when: • Drilling with diamond bits. • Drilling with tri-cone bits in soft formations. • Directional drilling using single shot orientations. • Medium Speed / Medium Torque (4:5) motor typically used for: • Conventional and directional drilling • Diamond bit and coring applications • Sidetracking wells Low Speed / High Torque (7:8) motor typically used for: • Most directional and horizontal wells. • Medium to hard formation drilling. • PDC bit drilling applications Components of PDM Motors • Dump Sub Assembly • Power Section Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• Drive Assembly • Adjustable Assembly • Sealed Bearing Section Dump Sub Assembly • Hydraulically actuated valve located at the top of the drilling motor • Allows the drill string to fill when running in hole. • Drain when tripping out of hole • When the pumps are engaged, the valve automatically closes and directs all drilling fluid flow through the motor. Dump Sub • Allows Drill String Filling and Draining • Operation - Pump Off - Open - Pump On - Closed • Discharge Plugs • Connections

Power Section • Converts hydraulic power from the drilling fluid into mechanical power to drive the bit • Stator – steel tube containing a bonded elastomer insert with a lobed, helical pattern bore through the center. • Rotor – lobed, helical steel rod • When drilling fluid is forced through the power section, the pressure drop across the cavities will cause the rotor to turn inside the stator. • Pattern of the lobes and the length of the helix dictate the output characteristics • Stator always has one more lobe than the rotor. • Stage – one full helical rotation of the lobed stator. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• With more stages, the power section is capable of greater differential pressure, which in turn provides more torque to the rotor. The stator elastomer can be made of different materials, such as NBR, HNBR, EPDM etc. The elastomer is chosen considering the type of operation involved. For higher temperature and pressure conditions, where oil based mud is used; better elastomers such as HNBR is used.

Drive Assembly

Sealed Bearing Section

Drive Assembly • Converts Eccentric Rotor Rotation into Concentric Rotation– Universal Joint Adjustable Assembly • Can be set from zero to three degrees • Field adjustable in varying increments to the maximum bend angle • Provides a wide range of potential build rates in directional and horizontal wells Sealed Bearing Section Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• Transmits axial and radial loads from the bit to the drillstring • Thrust Bearing

• Radial Bearing

• Oil Reservoir

• Balanced Piston

• High Pressure Seal

•Bit Box Connection

Operation modes Rotating mode- In this mode the entire drill string is rotated with the help of rotary table. The drill bit is rotating due to the combined action of mud motor and the rotary table speed. Sliding mode- In this mode the entire drill string is not rotated. The drill bit is only rotating due to the mud motor. The bend of the mud motor is made to face in a specified direction or angle. Drilling carried out in this way is called sliding. 4.3.3

Float Sub

Fig. Float sub and float valve Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Float sub houses the float valve which acts as a non return valve and prevents the backflow of mud into our tool during a sudden pressure shoot up.


UBHO (Universal Bore Hole Orienting subs)

Fig. UBHO UBHO‟s are also called mule shoe subs as they house the mule shoe. The muleshoe is inserted for the alignment of the MWD string. At the bottom of the MWD tool is a cut with mates with the landing key in the muleshoe. The key helps in orienting the MWD string with the bent in the mud motor.

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4.3.5 NMDC (Non Magnetic Drill Collar)

Fig. NMDC NMDCs house the MWD tool. Usually 2 non magnetic drill collars are used in the BHA in order to reduce the magnetic interference between the earths magnetic field and the magnetic field from the other magnetic components in the drill.string. NMDC‟s are made up of stainless steel. 4.3.6

Heavy Weight Drill Pipes

Fig. A stand of HWDP comprising 3 HWDPs As the name suggests the HWDP‟s are heavier than normal drill pipes and impart weight to the BHA. But we must be careful as to how many weights are used as the weight given to the bit will be difficult to control

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4.3.7 Drill Collars Drill Collars also contribute weight to the BHA which in turn provides the pressure to the bit required for drilling. Drill collars are larger than normal drill pipes. There are a few more important components in the BHA that have not been shown in the schematic diagram 4.3.8 Stabilizers Stabilizers provide stiffness to the BHA and they are of the same size of the hole being drilled or 1/8”, ¼”, ½” underguaged. The placement of stabilizers is extremely critical in a BHA as it would help in the building, holding and dropping sections of a well. There are majorly two types of stabilizers: 1) Near bit stabilizers: They are screw on stabilizers and are screwed on the bearing assembly of the mud motor. 2) String stabilizers: As the name suggests the string stabilizers are present in the string or the BHA usually at 30 or 60 feet from the bit. Stabilizers can also be classi0fied by the nature of the blades. 1) Integral blades: Stabilizers which are manufactured along with the blades 2) Welded blades: Such stabilizers have welded blades. Note: The blades can be spiral or straight.

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Integral Blades

Welded Blades

Fig. String stabilizer

Reasons for Using Stabilizers • Placement / Gauge of stabilizers control directional • Stabilizers help concentrate weight on bit • Stabilizers minimize bending and vibrations • Stabilizers reduce drilling torque less collar contact • Stabilizers help prevent differential sticking and key seating.

4.3.9 Crossovers Drill pipe, drill collar and other specialized drill string items do not have standardized threads. In order to assemble two drill string elements having different connections a cross over is used. Types of cross overs: A) Box by box B) Box by pin C) Pin by pin

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Fig. Showing A, B, C types of crossovers.

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Any form of measuring instrument has to measure the values of azimuth, inclination and measured depth to know the location of the well bore that has been drilled by the directional driller. These values let a directional driller know whether he is in the right path or not

Hole Direction/ Azimuth is the angle, measured in degrees, of the horizontal component of the borehole or survey instrument axis from a known north reference. This reference is true north and is measured clockwise by convention. Hole direction is measured in degrees and expressed in either azimuth form (0° to 360°) or quadrant form (NE, SE, NW, SW)

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Inclination is the angle, measured in degrees, by which the wellbore or survey instrument axis varies from a true vertical line.

Measured depth refers to the actual length of hole drilled from the surface location (drill floor) to any point along the wellbore.

5.2 True North and Magnetic North

Geographic North or True North is one end of the line drawn through the center of the earth‟s rotational axis. Magnetic North is one end of the line drawn through the center of the earth‟s magnetic field. The lines lie near each other but they are not aligned. They diverge and provide two different points of reference.

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5.3 Earth’s Magnetic Field

The outer core of the earth contains iron, nickel and cobalt and is ferromagnetic so the earth can be imagined as having a large bar magnet at its center, lying (almost) along the north-south spin axis. The magnetic field lines emerging from the magnetic North are parallel to the surface of the Earth at the equator and point steeply at the poles.


Earth’s Magnetic Components

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• B = Total field strength of the local magnetic field • Bv = Vertical component of the local magnetic field. • Bh = Horizontal component of the local magnetic field.

Magnetic Dip Angle/ Magnetic Inclination Angle Lines of magnetic force radiate from earth‟s core. The angles at which magnetic force lines penetrate the earth surface determine the strength of magnetic field. Magnetic Declination It is the difference in degrees between magnetic north and true north at a given location.An uncorrected azimuth called the raw reading is first corrected for magnetic declination and then for others.

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6. Measurement While Drilling 6.1 Introduction As we know most of the wells today are deviated wells. Thus while drilling such wells it is important to know the exact orientation and location of the wells. A Measurement While Drilling system provides the orientation of the well in real time.

6.2 What Is MWD? Measurement While Drilling (MWD) systems measure formation properties (natural gamma rays), wellbore geometry (inclination, azimuth), drilling system orientation (toolface), and mechanical properties of the drilling process. Traditionally MWD has fulfilled the role of providing wellbore inclination and azimuth in order to maintain directional control in real time.

6.3 Mud Pulse Telemetry The MWD tool is normally placed in the bottom hole assembly of the drillstring, as close to the drill bit as possible. The MWD tool is an electromechanical device which makes the measurements described above, and then transmits data to surface by creating pressure waves within the mud stream inside the drillpipe. These pressure waves or pulses are detected at the surface by very sensitive devices (standpipe pressure transducers with pre-amplifiers) which continuously monitor the pressure of the drilling mud. These data are passed on to sophisticated decoding computers which deconvolute the encoded data from downhole. This whole process is virtually instantaneous, thus, enabling key decisions to be made as the wellbore is being drilled. Other, more exotic transmission systems do exist e.g. drillpipe acoustic, electromagnetic and hardwire telemetry. But the vast majority of all commercial systems utilize mud pulse telemetry by generating either a pulse or a modulated carrier wave which is propagated through the drilling fluid at roughly the speed of sound in mud (i.e. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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4000-5000 ft./sec or 1200-1500 m/sec). Mud pulse telemetry MWD tools use positive pulse, negative pulse or carrier wave (mud siren) schemes to transmit measured parameters from downhole to surface in realtime to aid in formation evaluation, directional control, drilling efficiency and drilling safety. Downhole information is registered by the MWD sensors and then passed on to the MWD tool microprocessor. The microprocessor then routes this information to the surface by activating the tool transmission system. Mud pulse telemetry involves the modulation of the flow of mud through the drillstring by means of a mechanical valve or rotary valve mounted within the MWD tool. At the surface, the data are decoded and depth correlated. The data are then output to hard copy and graphical display, much like a wireline logging system. The true value of MWD can thus be appreciated by its provision of real time dynamics and directional









measurements, which are considered equivalent and often times superior to sophisticated wireline logs. As MWD tools and measurements have become more reliable and cost effective, the practice of replacing both standard (e.g. gamma ray, resistivity) logs and triple combo (which also include neutron porosity and formation density measurements) wireline logs has become common place.

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6.4 MWD Principles Three Basic Telemetry Types:

6.4.1 Positive Mud Pulse Telemetry

Positive mud pulse telemetry (MPT) uses a hydraulic poppet valve to momentarily restrict the flow of mud through an orifice in the tool to generate an increase in pressure in the form of a positive pulse or pressure wave which travels back to the surface and is detected at the standpipe.

6.4.2 Negative Mud Pulse Telemetry Negative MPT uses a controlled valve to vent mud momentarily from the interior of the tool into the annulus. This process generates a decrease in pressure in the form of a negative pulse or pressure wave which travels back to the surface and is detected at the standpipe.

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6.4.3 Continuous Wave Telemetry Continuous wave telemetry uses a rotary valve or “mud siren” with a slotted rotor and stator which restricts the mud flow in such a way as to generate a modulating positive pressure wave which travels to the surface and is detected

at the standpipe.

6.4.4 Electromagnetic Telemetry The electromagnetic telemetry (EMT) system uses the drill string as a dipole electrode, superimposing data words on a low frequency (2 - 10 Hz) carrier signal. A receiver electrode antenna must be placed in the ground at the surface (approximately 100 meters away from the rig) to receive the EM signal. Offshore, the receiver electrode must be placed on the sea floor. Currently, besides a hardwire to the surface, EMT is the only commercial means for MWD data transmission in compressible fluid environments common in underbalanced drilling applications. While the EM transmitter has no moving parts, the most Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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common application in compressible fluids generally leads to increased downhole vibration. Communication and transmission can be two-way i.e. a) downhole to uphole: Mud telemetry b) uphole to downhole. The EM signal is attenuated with increasing well depth and with increasing formation conductivity.

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MWD TOOL Components

6.5.1 Dummy Switch

It is the up hole end component of the MWD tool. It helps in lowering down the tool and retrieving the tool when a stuck up takes place. 6.5.2 Centralizer

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Centralizer has the function of keeping the MWD tool centered inside the Monel. It prevents excessive lateral vibrations and also provides electrical connections between battery, electronics and pulsar driver.

6.5.3 Electronics Module

The electronics module can be easily identified as it is the longest component in the MWD string. Electronics module is also known as the Direction and Inclination (DnI) module and it is the brain of the string. It is majorly composed of a circuit with three important sensors temperature, accelerometers and magnetometers being at 1.6 feet away from the downhole end of the DnI module.

Sensors A) Temperature Our tool works efficiently within the range 0- 150 degree Celsius hence it is important that the DnI module houses a temperature sensor. The temperature sensor is activated earlier than the accelerometers and magnetometers are. B) Accelerometer Accelerometers are used to measure the earth‟s local gravitational field. Each accelerometer consists of a magnetic mass (pendulum) suspended in an electromagnetic field. Gravity deflects the mass from its null position. Sufficient Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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current is applied to the sensor to return the mass to the null position. This current is directly proportional to the gravitational force acting on the mass. The gravitational readings are used to calculate the hole inclination, toolface, and the vertical reference used to determine dip angle. There are 3 accelerometers aligned in the 3 axis directions to read the gravity field individually in the X, Y, Z direction and then the effective gravity field is calculated. C) Magnetometer Magnetometers are used to measure the earth‟s local magnetic field. Each magnetometer is a device consisting of two identical cores with a primary winding around each core but in opposite directions. A secondary winding twists around both cores and the primary winding. The primary current (excitation current) produces a magnetic field in each core. These fields are of equal intensity, but opposite orientation, and therefore cancel each other out such that no voltage is induced in the secondary winding. When the magnetometer is placed in an external magnetic field which is aligned with the sensitive axis of the magnetometer (core axis), an unbalance in the core saturation occurs and a voltage directly proportional to the external field is produced in the secondary winding. The measure of voltage induced by the external field will provide precise determination of the direction and magnitude of the local magnetic field relative to the magnetometer‟s orientation in the borehole. There are 3 magnetometers aligned in the 3 axis directions to read the magnetic field individually in the X, Y, Z direction and then the effective magnetic field is calculated.

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6.5.4 Gamma Tool The tool consists simply of a highly sensitive gamma ray detector in the form of a scintillation counter. The scintillation counter is composed of a thalium activated single sodium iodide crystal backed by a photomultiplier. When a gamma ray strikes the crystal a small flash of light is produced. This flash is too small to be measured using conventional electronics. Instead, it is amplified by a photomultiplier, which consists of a photocathode and a series of anodes held at progressively higher electrical potentials, all of which are arranged serially in a high vacuum.

The Gamma tool can be easily identified in the string as it is the shortest component of the string.

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6.5.5 Battery

Lithium thynoil chloride battery.

Rated voltage 28.8 V & 26 amp-hour

Thresh hold voltage is 21.5 v Battery is discussed in detail towards the end.

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6.5.6 Pulsar Driver System

The Pulsar driver can be identified easily in the MWD string as it has screen housing at the down hole end. The pulsar driver system possessed by Jindal has a BL 3 phase DC motor which is controlled by the Electronic module through the electrical pin connections present in the various MWD tool components. The up hole connections of pulsar driver system have 6 pin male connection. The down hole end is connected to the stringer assembly. The pulsar driver is divided into 3 major sections

A) Snubber assembly- mainly consists of the electric circuit B) Oil fill housing- mainly houses the 3 phase BL DC motor and capacitor bank. C) Screen housing- consists mainly of the bellow, servo shaft, servo poppet.

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The different components used to assemble the stringer assembly are shown in the diagram below. The components of the stringer assembly are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 10, polypack and servo orifice. The piston shaft is hollow and on top of the shaft is fixed lower piston cap, poly pack, upper piston cap and servo orifice in sequence. This assembly is then placed inside the helix/stinger. This combination is then screwed in the planum/stringer barrel which has a spring inside. A poppet is now attached to the end of the stringer shaft. Our stringer assembly is now prepared. The stringer assembly is attached to the downhole end of the pulsar driver.

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Fig Stringer Assembly

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6.6 MWD STRING 6.6.1 Gamma Job D/I Module – Centralizer – Battery Module – Centralizer – Gamma Module – Centralizer – Pulsar Driver – Stringer Assembly 6.6.2 Non-Gamma Job Battery 2 – Centralizer – D/I Module – Centralizer – Battery 1 – Centralizer – Pulsar Driver – Stringer Assembly

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Fig. String for Gamma Job

Fig. String for Non-Gamma Job

Fig. Monel

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Placing MWD tool in the BHA

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Fig. showing the

placement of

MWD 1. Above the


Universal Bent




(UBHO) sub is



mule shoe is

oriented inside

the UBHO in






landing key is

in line with the










scribing. 2. The mule

shoe is then


the UBHO with


the help of 2

set screws.







torqued above



MWD tool with

the helix facing

down hole are

lifted from the

spear point of

dummy switch



the UBHO. 4.





MWD tool sits

the of


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the the

landing key of mule shoe (in the UBHO). 5. Further one more NMDC is torque, if required, followed by Drill collars and Heavy weight drill pipe.


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PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PIN 4 PIN 5 PIN 6 PIN 7 PIN 8 PIN 9 PIN 10

1 8

2 9 3

7 10


0V 28.8V 28.8V 27.9V 0-2.5V 05V 05V 05V -------


6 5

6.9 Working of MWD tool  When the pumps are switched on the single axised accelerometer in the snobber assembly of the Pulser Driver senses the vibrations and sends the same message to the DnI through pin 7.

 The DnI awaits for a few seconds known as the transmit delay time before it activates the pulsing action in the Pulsar Driver through pin 6.

 The to and fro motion of the servo poppet produces the pressure waves which contains the data from the DnI module. The amplitude of these pressure waves are very low and are required to be amplified in order to be transmitted to the transducer at the surface. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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 The amplification of the pressure amplitude is done by the stringer assembly. When the tool is placed in the muleshoe, the servo poppet as well as the stringer poppet are in the closed position.

 When mud flows through the NMDC housing the MWD tool, there is a pressure difference because of which the stringer poppet retracts and compresses the spring in the plenum. The stringer poppet is now in the open position.

 The 3- phase DC motor controls the movement of the servo poppet. The servo poppet when is in the open position provides a free path to the mud to enter the plenum. Hence the pressure inside and outside are balanced.

 The spring will now try to reach its least energy position as all forces are balanced except for the spring force. Hence the spring now expands pushing the poppet back to its closed position. This causes an increase in pressure & cause the pulse magnitude to increase.

 The servo poppet closes and the process is repeated.  The servo orifice on the upper piston cap allows the mud to bleed during the compression and expansion of the spring.

 The magnified pulse now travels through the mud in the drill string and is read by the pressure transducer.

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6.10 MWD Tool Retrieval Equipment

The outer diameter of our tool is 1.88” hence in the case of a stuck up it is possible for us to retrieve the MWD string with the help of equipments above.

There are two types of assembly for tool retrieval depending upon the angle of the well. Well the angle of inclination is less than 45 degrees we use a overshot, sinker bar and cross over.

For angles more than 45 degrees we use a spring jar which provides flexibility to the assembly.

The selection of overshot bell is integral and the difefernt sizes of overshot bells are 1.75”, 2” and 2.25”

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The assembly is run along with the CCL (casing collar locator) tool of the wireline unit.

Go down with the wireline unit while monitoring tension and depth.

One it has reached the bottom, rather found the tool, move up and down while monitoring the tension.

6.11 TOOLFACE The angle at which the steering tool is pointed is termed as the toolface.

Fig. Toolface

Toolfaces are used to change the hole direction. The low angles the accelerometers are not as accurate as the magnetometers so low angle toolface are based on magnetic readings. Using magnetic toolfaces means pointing the steering tool in the direction of the target. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Once the direction/azimuth is achieved the toolface changes from magnetic toolface to gravity toolface. The well bore has achieved direction and can be moved left or right of the original direction.

6.12 Fluidic Vortex The fluidic pulser generates a vortex within a chamber by momentarily restricting the mud flow, thus creating a turbulent flow regime. The resulting change in pressure loss can be switched on and off rapidly, circa 1millisecond, and the resultant pressure wave created can be of high amplitude (145 psi). MWD directional survey instrument is used to monitor the direction (magnetic) and inclination (the angle of the tool's long axis from vertical) of the borehole.

In the MWD drilling environment, there are many sources of magnetic interference








ferromagnetic steel object that is placed in a magnetic field will become magnetized. The amount of induced magnetism is a function of the external field strength and magnetic permeability of the object. In order to prevent magnetic interference, the directional survey instrument is housed in a nonmagnetic stainless steel collar. The MWD tool is usually arranged in a section of the bottom-hole assembly (BHA) which is made up of a series of non-magnetic collars to reduce the impact of the drilling assembly's steel components on the magnetic field at the location of the survey sensor. It is possible to optimize the position of the survey instrument by estimating the pole strength for various BHA configurations, based upon downhole field measurements. However, even if the correct non-magnetic collar Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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spacing is used, there could still be other sources of magnetic interference which will cause erroneous directional readings. These include “hot spots” in the nonmagnetic steel or areas of mechanical damage caused by rethreading/welding or manufacturing impurities. A continual quality assurance procedure ensures that such anomalies are not present in MWD collars and stabilizers. More significantly, other BHA components may be made of magnetic material and/or already has magnetic anomalies that affect azimuth readings. Other sources of

magnetic interference may be caused by proximity to iron and steel magnetic materials from previous drilling or production operations, magnetic properties of the formation, and concentrations of magnetic minerals (iron pyrites, etc) in excess of six percent.

6.13 Azimuth Correction Technique It is often advantageous to reduce the number of non-magnetic drill collars so that the directional and formation evaluation sensors can be located closer to the bit. (This also eliminates the extra cost of using monel collars.) This will assist Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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in real-time decision making by allowing readings to be made as soon as possible following formation penetration. To address this problem, a number of methods have been devised for making corrections to magnetic surveys. The following correction techniques are designed to reduce the influence of spurious magnetic fields associated with the BHA: Magnetic Azimuth Correction Algorithm This is a proprietary method by which magnetic azimuth can be calculated in the event that the z-axis magnetometer reading is corrupted by a spurious longitudinal field resulting from an insufficient length of nonmagnetic BHA components. The tool senses such a spurious field as a bias on the zmagnetometer measurement. The method requires the operator to specify expected values for total magnetic field and dip angle, and it then computes the azimuth angle which is consistent with a magnetic field vector as close as possible to the expected value. Accuracy of this azimuth angle is dependent on the accuracy of the input nominal values for the earth's magnetic field and gravity field. The corrected magnetic azimuth accuracy is dependent on the surface location of the well and the direction and inclination that is being drilled. At higher latitudes and higher inclinations and the farther the direction is from north or south, the accuracy of the corrected azimuth will degrade. The operator will have to decide whether to use the corrected azimuth or the uncorrected azimuth based on concerns for azimuth accuracy. Rotation Algorithm This is a refinement to the Magnetic Azimuth Correction Algorithm above, which makes use of downhole tool rotation to reduce errors caused by bias in xaxis and y-axis magnetometers, in addition to the z-axis magnetometer bias. Also, accelerometer bias errors on the x-axis and y-axis can be reduced with this procedure. Such biases may be caused not only by calibration drift, but also by magnetic hot spots in the drill collar or by magnetic junk affixed to the outside of Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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the collar. This method requires a minimum of three surveys at different tool face angles, to define a circle centered at a point which represents the transverse biases. This method can reduce errors caused by magnetic anomalies which rotate as the survey tool is rotated. It does not reduce errors which do not rotate, such as interference from an adjacent casing string.

6.14 Basic Hydraulics 6.14.1 System Pressure System pressure is the pressure felt throughout the system. While drilling, the cuttings must be removed either with the help of water, weighted mud, foam, steam or air. The column of water or mud in the hole is called the drilling fluid and they exert a hydraulic pressure against the formation. This is known as the hydrostatic head or hydrostatic pressue. It is usually measured in pounds per square inch



Fig. Hydraulic system with a restriction

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The diagram illustrates 3 different pressure regions. The pressure in or after the restriction is higher. In the area of restriction the pressure is relatively low. After the restricted area the pressure returns to normal.

6.14.2 Annular Velocity It is the velocity the fluid is flowing with in closed pressure system such as the annulus. Erosion on the metal surfaces of the MWD tool as well as around areas where restriction occurs are directly related to annular velocity and the amount od solids in the mud. There are two flow regimes Turbulent and Laminar. Turbulent flow oocurs when the velocity reaches a critical point known as the critical velocity. Below the critical velocity we have a laminar flow of mud.

Fig. Example of turbulent and laminar flow A more turbulent flow gives better hole cleaning. But turbulent flows can cause washout of the hole.

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6.14.3 Pressure Pulses Most tools today use bernoulli‟s principle to communicate between tool and the surface computer. The data from the tool is encoded as pressure pulses and decoded at the surface. The high pressure pulses are formed due to the restriction in the hydraulic system. A sensor at the surface converts the mechanical pressure into electrical signals. The electrical signal is send to signal converter and to a computer. The surface computer decodes the data and displays it on the screen.

6.14.4 Drilling Fluid In the oil and gas industry the drilling fluid is referred to mud exceptions being foam and air. The fluid column (mud) acts as part of the communication system also known as the qbus. The mud system controls the quality of the mud and is critical for successfully transmitting MWD data. Thick or more viscous mud affect pulses by creating less sharp peaks. Sometimes when gas or mud enters the mud it gives symptoms that look like pulse failure.

6.15 Factors Affecting the Mud Pulse There are a number of sources of interference in the MWD drilling environment, although the main ones are as follows: 6.15.1 Mud Pump Noise Excessive noise, either from the mud pumps or high torque mud motors can, in rare instances, create unacceptable signal to noise ratios. In order to prevent this, some MWD companies deploy surface measurement of pump strobes in order to characterize a mud pump signature. This is then used in the Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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surface decoder as a pump subtraction filter. In many cases, the pump subtraction filter can be used to detect premature pump damage before any other physical signs are available. 6.15.2 Rig and Drill string Noise Drill string vibration will, typically, generate high frequency noise which can lead to a dramatic deterioration of the transmitted signal. Very often, by simply making adjustments to the WOB and RPM, it is possible to avoid damaging critical torsional and lateral resonance. A number of vibration prediction programs are available which can estimate critical RPM for a given drilling assembly. It is also possible to use high frequency surface measurement devices, such as the Baker Hughes INTEQ ADAMS and DynaByte technology provided by the Drilling Dynamics Group. (The Drilling Dynamics Group within Baker Hughes INTEQ uses EXLOG (now part of Baker Hughes INTEQ), ARCO and ELF patented surface measurement technologies).

6.16 Reliability Reliability is the probability of a product performing without failure, a specified function under given conditions for a given period of time. A unit of measure is Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). In this respect, the reliability standard is expressed as follows:




Operating Hours (Perfect Hours) Failure

Factors Affecting Reliability: • Shock and Vibration • Telemetry System Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• Downhole Temperature • Drilling Practices • Complexity of Tool • Service Company Quality Assurance (TQM) • Competition • Training

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7. TENSOR MWD BATTERY MANUAL GE Power Systems supplies this manual for information and insight to our clients on safe handling and transportation of Lithium battery products. This manual contains information supplied by battery and battery pack manufacturers and suppliers. The information contained within is easily obtained via the Internet or by contacting the Battery Suppliers listed in the front of the manual.

PLEASE NOTE AND READ – THE ABOVE HYPERLINKS. These hyperlinks can be used to access more detailed data about battery manufacturers and battery pack assembly companies..

SAFE STORAGE AND HANDLING In most cases, improper handling and storage, resulting in such problems as overheating and short-circuiting cause damage to batteries. The common safety practices have been outlined below; safety precautions to take with regard to all aspects of battery storage and handling.

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1. Shelf Batteries should be stored in their original shipping boxes, if possible, to keep them isolated from each other, preventing external short circuits. Do not store batteries loosely, and do not place batteries on metal surfaces. 2. Temperatures and Environment Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area with an optimal storage temperature range of 0-25_C. If prolonged storage is anticipated, batteries should be protected against excessive humidity. This will prevent moisture from forming an electrical pathway between the feed-through terminal and battery cover, which can lead to severe galvanic corrosion of the feedthrough pin, thus compromising the hermeticity of the battery.

3. Hazard Consideration Lithium battery storage areas should be clearly marked and provided with “Lith-X” fire extinguishing material. Batteries might burst if subjected to excessive heating. In case of fire, only “Lith-X” fire extinguisher should be used, as water will cause exposed lithium to ignite. Signs should clearly state – WATER IS NOT TO BE USED IN CASE OF FIRE.

LITHIUM BATTERY SAFETY MANUAL The following paragraphs will discuss the safe handling of Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LTC) batteries under the abnormal hazardous conditions of: 1. Leaking or venting batteries, 2. Hot batteries, 3. Exploding batteries, 4. Lithium fires. Personnel Protective Equipment Required: Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Safety Glasses, Rubber Gloves, Helmet with full face shield, Flak Jacket with gloves, Riot Shield, Respirator with canisters for Acid Gases or fullface respirator with acid gas cartridges. Other Equipment Required: Infrared Temperature Probe, Sodium Carbonate (Soda Lime) or Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Vermiculite, Fire Extinguisher containing LithX Graphite powder, extended Non-conductive pliers or tongs, Thermal resistant gloves (welding gloves).

7.1 PROCEDURE FOR LEAKING OR VENTED BATTERIES Leaking or vented batteries should be isolated from personnel and equipment. If possible, the area should be vented to the outside. Prior to handling, the temperature of the batteries should be checked with a remotesensing device such as an infrared temperature probe. If the batteries are at ambient temperature, they should be handled with rubber gloves or nonconductive pliers or tongs and placed in plastic bags containing Sodium Carbonate. Spilled electrolyte should be absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in plastic bags. All bags should be placed in a sealed and labeled drum with Vermiculite or other non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the batteries. These materials should be disposed as previously discussed under Safe Disposal in the Lithium Battery Safety Manual. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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7.2 PROCEDURE FOR HOT BATTERIES As soon as a hot battery is detected, all personnel should be evacuated from the area. The temperature of the battery should be monitored with a remote-sensing device such as an infrared temperature probe. The area should remain evacuated until the battery has cooled to ambient temperature. When the battery has returned to ambient temperature, it can be handled by an operator wearing protective equipment (face shield, flak jacket and gloves) with non-conductive pliers or tongs. The batteries should be placed in plastic bags containing Sodium Carbonate and then placed in labeled drums containing Vermiculite or other non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate. These materials should be disposed of as previously discussed under Safe Disposal in the Lithium Battery Safety Manual. OR If liquid nitrogen is available, the battery should be placed in liquid nitrogen/or dry ice with a pair of tongs. Once frozen, the battery must be dissected and the components neutralized in a soda ash water bath. Unused or partially used Lithium must be set aside to hydrolyze. If the battery is thawed and not dissected, the battery will return to its original state of being hot (short-circuited) and may explode. If the battery vents or explodes, it should be handled with the procedure for vented or exploding batteries.

7.3 PROCEDURE FOR EXPLODING BATTERIES Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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If a battery explodes, all personnel should be evacuated from the area. The area should be vented to the outside until the pungent odor is no longer detectable. If the expelled material is on fire, it should be treated as described below in the procedure for a Lithium fire. After the residue has cooled, it can be absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in plastic bags. All bags should be placed in a sealed and labeled drum with Vermiculite or other non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the s. These materials should be disposed as previously described under Safe Disposal in the Lithium




7.4 PROCEDURE FOR A LITHIUM FIRE Evacuate the premises. Personnel should avoid breathing the smoke from a lithium fire, as it may be corrosive. Trained personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus or a respirator with acid gas cartridges should use Lith-X fire extinguishers to fight the fire. When the fire is extinguished and the residue cooled, it can be absorbed with Sodium Carbonate and placed in plastic bags. All bags should be placed in a sealed and labeled drum with Vermiculite or other non-flammable cushioning material such as sand or Sodium Carbonate to cushion the s. These materials should be disposed properly.

7.5 LITHIUM BATTERY SAFETY With proper use and handling, lithium batteries have demonstrated an extensive safety record. The success and wide use of lithium batteries is partially because they contain more energy per unit weight than conventional batteries. However, the same properties, which result in a high energy density also, contribute to potential hazards if the energy is released at a fast and uncontrolled Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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rate. In recognition of the high-energy content of lithium systems, safety has been incorporated into the design and manufacture of all batteries. However, abuse or mishandling of lithium batteries can still result in hazardous conditions. The information provided here is intended to give users some guidelines to safe handling and use of lithium batteries. Abuse In general, the conditions that cause damage to batteries and jeopardize safety are summarized on the label of each. These conditions include: • Short Circuit • Charging • Forced Over-discharge • Excessive heating or incineration • Crush, puncture, or disassembly Very rough handling or high shock and vibration could result in damage.

NOT DESIGNED FOR CHARGING OR RECHARGING PRODUCT NAME: Lithium Oxyhalide Primary Battery (MWD) CHEMISTRY SYSTEM: Lithium/thionyl Chloride CHEMICAL FORMULAS: Li/ SOCI2 TOXIC, CAUSTIC OR IRRITANT CONTENT Important Note: The battery container should not be opened or incinerated since the following ingredients contained within could be harmful under some circumstances if exposed. In case of accidental ingestion of a cell or its contents, obtain prompt medical advice. MATERIALS Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Lithium is included in this section due to its vigorous reaction with water forming a caustic hydroxide. Lithium (Li) Thionyl Chloride (SOCI2)

7.6 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL TIPS STORAGE: Store in a cool place but prevents condensation on the batteries. Elevated temperatures can result in shortened battery life. FIRE: If batteries are directly involved in a fire, DO NOT USE WATER, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL OR HALOGEN EXTINGUISHERS. A Lith-X (graphite base) fire extinguisher or material is the only recommended extinguishing media for fires involving lithium metal or batteries. If a fire is in an adjacent area, and batteries are packed in their original containers, the fire can be fought based on fueling material, e.g., paper, and plastic products. Avoid fume inhalation. DISPOSAL: DO NOT INCINERATE or subject batteries to temperatures in excess of 212°F (100°C). Such abuse can result in loss of seal, leakage, and/or explosion. Dispose of in accordance with appropriate Federal, State, and Local regulations. Section 10 Version 2.00; February, 2002; BattM 16 HANDLING AND USE PRECAUTIONS

MECHANICAL CONTAINMENT: Encapsulation (some potting) will not allow for expansion. Such enclosure can result in high-pressure explosion from heating due to inadvertent charging or high temperature environments (i.e., in excess of 100°C). SHORT-CIRCUIT: Batteries should always be packaged and transported in such a manner as to prevent direct contact with each other. Short-circuiting will cause heat and reduce capacity. Jewelry, such as rings and bracelets, should be removed or insulated before handling the batteries to prevent inadvertent short-circuiting through Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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contact with the battery terminals. Burns to the skin may result from the heat generated by a short- circuit. CHARGING: These batteries are not designed to be charged or recharged. To do so may cause the batteries to leak or explode. OTHER: If soldering or welding to the terminals or case of the battery is required, exercise proper precautions to prevent damage to the battery which may result in loss of capacity, seal, leakage, and/or explosion. DO NOT SOLDER to the case. Batteries should not be subjected to excessive mechanical shock & vibration.

7.7 HANDLING AND INSPECTION GUIDELINES The most frequent forms of abuse can easily be identified and controlled in the workplace. All spirally, wound batteries are internally protected against the hazards associated with short circuits. This is accomplished by incorporating a fast acting fuse under the terminal cap. It is our experience that inadvertent short circuits (resulting in open fuses) are the largest single cause of field failures. Batteries with open fuses (characterized by zero voltage) should be disposed of or returned to the manufacturer for rework. Never attempt to remove the terminal cap or replace the internal fuse. Problems associated with shorting as well as other hazardous conditions can be greatly reduced by observing the following guidelines: • Cover all metal work surfaces with an insulating material. • The work area should be clean and free of sharp objects that could puncture the insulating sleeve on the battery. • Never remove the shrink-wrap from a battery pack. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• All persons handling batteries should remove jewelry items such as rings, wristwatches, pendants, etc. that could be exposed to the battery terminals. • If batteries are removed from their original packages for inspection, they should be neatly arranged to preclude shorting. • Individual cells should be transported in plastic trays set on pushcarts. This will reduce the chances of the batteries being dropped on the floor, causing physical damage. • All inspection tools (calipers, rulers, etc.) should be made from non-conductive materials, or covered with a non-conductive tape. • Batteries should be inspected for physical damage. Batteries with dented cases or terminal caps should be inspected for electrolyte leakage. If any is noted, the battery









STORAGE Batteries should be stored in their original containers. Store batteries in a well ventilated, cool, dry area. Store batteries in an isolated area, away from combustible materials. Never stack heavy objects on top of boxes containing lithium batteries to preclude crushing or puncturing the case.

7.8 HANDLING DURING PRODUCT ASSEMBLY • All personnel handling batteries should wear appropriate protective equipment such as safety glasses. • Do not solder wires or tabs directly to the battery. Only solder to the leads welded to the battery by the manufacturer. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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• Never touch a battery case directly with a hot soldering iron. Heat sinks should be used when soldering to the tabs, and contact with the solder tabs should be limited to a few seconds. • Batteries should not be forced into (or out of) battery holders or housings. This could deform the battery pack causing an internal short circuit, or fracturing the glass to metal hermetic seal. • All ovens or environmental chambers used for testing batteries should be equipped with an over-temperature controller to protect against excessive heat. • Do not connect batteries of different chemistries together. • Do not connect batteries of different size together. • Do not connect old and new batteries together. • Consult manufacturer before encapsulating batteries during discharge. Batteries









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8. QMWD – SAP SYSTEM 8.1 System Description: The surface system measures mud pulses in the mud column using a pressure transducer that decodes the MWD survey, tool faces and logging information. In addition, the surface system tracks the depth of the drilling assembly, saves data, and displays information for system operators. The SAI (Safe Area Interface) acts as the system hub in the safe area and performs the following functions: 

The SAI contains a receiver board (qBUS Node 05) that digitizes and decodes input from the surface sensors including the mud pulse pressure transducer, hook load transducer, and depth encoder.

The SAI is connected to the hazardous area sensors through certified intrinsic safety barriers.

The qNIC, now included in the SAI, performs interface functions between the Safe Area Personal Computer and the qBus system on the SAI. The SAPC must be running qMWD/W32 software.

The SAI transmits display information for the display side of the legacy DRT as a display option. It is connected to the legacy DRT through intrinsic safety barriers.

The SAI contains an RJ-45 to fiber optic Ethernet converter that is connected to a router and PC in the safe area via RJ-45 Ethernet cables. It may connect to a Rig Floor Display via fiber optic cable or copper cable option.

The SAI connects to the MWD electronics for configuration.

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The SAI downloads high-speed data from the PWR tool memory to the PC.

NOTE: A hot-work permit must be obtained before dumping data from the PWR tool.

The mud pulse pressure transducer is a 4-20 mA output device with a range of 0-6,000 psi that senses the pressure in the mud column. Its output is converted to pressure pulses and decoded by the SAI. It is mounted into the standpipe.

The Rig Floor Display is designed and certified for use in Zone 1 environments and receives Ethernet data via a fiber optic cable or copper cable. Power requirements are 120 or 240 VAC. A compass rose is displayed that is similar to the qMWDPC/W32 software.

The legacy DRT (Driller‟s Remote Terminal) is an intrinsically safe Receiver and Display used with the Safe Area Supply Box. These legacy devices may be used as Rig Floor Displays with the SAI. The legacy DRT receives power and data from the SAI through intrinsic safety barriers via the SAI to RT cable, 250 feet (PN 384022). If depth data is required, the system can be run in one of two :

Configuration 1: Directional only with depth input from an outside source. NOTE: If a depth system is required then depth input may be supplied a serial connection to a WITS system (Well Information Transfer System). Configuration 2: Depth tracking, with the J Box, hook load pressure transducer, and depth encoder added to the system with accompanying cables. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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The type of hook load & pressure transducer used depends on the point of connection: 

The hydraulic sensor type is connected to the hydraulic input of the weight indicator on the rig floor. The hydraulic sensor is a 4-20 mA output device with a range of 2,000 psi. The tension meter type, called a hook load sensor, is connected to the drill line on the dead line anchor.

Both sensors detect whether the entire drill string or just the Kelly or top drive is o attached to the traveling block. Hook load sensors allow the system measure o Weight On Bit (WOB). Either type of hook load sensor may be used in a o hazardous area.

The Geolograph encoder tracks movement of the Geolograph line, which moves up and down with the traveling block. Movement of the Geolograph line is quated to measured depth. Output of the encoder is a 2-line, quadrature-phased electrical o signal, which allows the system to measure the amount and direction of block o travel.

Geolograph encoders are used in the hazardous area. However, the preferred method for measuring depth is to place an encoder at the water union of the drawworks drum. Drawworks encoders are always installed on the right-hand side of the drawworks as viewed from the rotary table.

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A drawworks encoder tracks the movement of the drum as the drilling line is spooled off or on and converts the rotational motion to linear depth. Two (2) magnetic pickups detect phase difference in the signal output as the disk rotate, which creates a signal pulse that indicates direction of travel.

Like the Geolograph encoder, the drawworks encoder is also used in the hazardous area.

8.2 Toolface Offset Procedure 

With the tool assembled, to contain at least the survey electronics module and the pulser

module, connect the programming cable to the

programming plug and connect to the uphole end of the MWD tool. Set the tool on V-blocks in a near horizontal position and orient the muleshoe key slot so it faces UP. 

Double click on the TFO Procedure Icon to start the Tool Face Offset Procedure.

With both the downhole tool and the remote terminal connected to the system, the program should quickly address both systems. If either of the two modules is not connected, the routine will look for the absent node and then enter into the routine with a warning screen. The Warning Screen will identify which of the systems it could not locate and ask the operator if he would like to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Depending on which routine the operator wishes to follow, select the appropriate option.

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If the operator wishes to „Zero the Gravity Toolface Angle‟, once the tool is located, then the operator can select the appropriate option and continue to the screen that will allow this procedure.

DOUBLE CHECK TO INSURE THAT THE KEYWAY IS LOCATED IN THE UP POSITION. This procedure is performed specifically in the DownHole Tool. Select the first command to Zero the Gravity Toolface Angle. Notice the number in the second line, Gravity Toolface Angle, which is below the update line, will change to zero. Simultaneously, the value of the Instrumentation Mounting Offset will be changed from its previous value to the previous value of the Gravity Toolface Angle. Also, that the value of that space will be added to the Total Toolface Correction.

At this point, if the operator knows the DAO (Driller‟s Assembly Offset), then enter this value into the system. The DAO value maps to the surface gears Remote Terminal.

Quit this routine. IT IS IMPORTANT TO QUIT THE ROUTINE BEFORE DISCONNECTING THE PROGRAMMING CABLE. OTHERWISE, THE DiAA LABEL WILL REMAIN ON AND THE TOOL SENSORS WILL WORK CONTINUOUSLY. If the batteries are connected to the tool and the connection is broken before quitting the routine, the batteries will have to be disconnected from the electronics to reset the tool. All corrections and configuration files will remain stored in the processor, but the TFO correction routine should be run again if any connections are broken and/or re-torqued. The offset may be different. DO NOT MAKE ANY ASSUMPTIONS.

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Disconnect the programming cable and assemble the spear-point on the top of the downhole tool.

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8.3 Summary of the features of qMWD V 01.30 I.

New Features



1. qMWDPC / RT - Drawworks encoder depth tracking NOTE: Version qMPRX-D3 Vb1.61f or later must be installed in the MPRx 05 of the RT for drawworks capability. 2. qMWDPC - Utilities for: a.

Drawworks encoder calibration


Geolograph encoder calibration


Hookload calibration

3. qMWDPC - Database size reducing features: a.

Allows user to set a minimum distance of pipe movement before a

new depth record is written b.

Allows user to set a lower and upper limit on the depths allowed to

write database records, (prevents records with 0 depth in database). c.

User has the option to mark multiple gammas at the same depth as

bad when written to the database, (can be undone in LogView) d.

User can set limits on gamma data which will cause out of range

gammas to be marked bad 4. qMWDPC – Audible alarms will be made for the following events: a.

Flow off – 2 dings


Flow on – 1 ding


Sync detected – 1 ding


End of survey – 1 ding

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RT power failure – 3 dings


RT power restored – 1 ding


QDT_EDR Interface loss of communication with EDR – 3 dings

5. qMWDPC - A function has been provided to convert measured depth to TVD and vice versa 6. qMWDPC - Surveys are now fully editable and new ones can be added. The survey calculation window will automatically update TVD when a new survey is entered or received from the RT; survey closures will automatically be calculated and stored whenever a new survey is received. Tie-ins can now be edited in the survey calculation window. NOTE: LogView V02.01d updates only new surveys, so any edits made to surveys that had already been loaded into a log database will not be updated. To get these changes into the log database, the user will have to start a new log database. LogView VB2.01e and later reads ALL surveys in when an update is performed. qMWDPC – the maximum number of TFAs possible based on print


width and print header type selected is now automatically computed for the users selection 8.

QDT_EDR Interface


Inclination and Azimuth will be output to the WITS port to 1 decimal

place. b.

Fixed problem that was preventing communications with the Pason

EDR in half-duplex mode



Win9x / WinNT 4.0 version of MWDRoll test Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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NOTE: MWDRoll32 MUST NOT be run at the same time as any qMWD app as it changes the PC‟s LnkA and this will have disastrous effects on any qMWD/W32 app running at the same time. MWDRoll32 does, however change it back when it exits, so all qMWD/W32 apps will then run as normal. C.

MemoryIO/W32 If MemoryIO/W32 is on the PC where this CD is being installed it will

be automatically updated to V01.01. NOTE: Do NOT attempt to re-load MemoryIO/W32 V01.00 on this PC after loading qMWD V01.30 as it will cause qMWD/W32 apps to fail.


Bug Fixes and Enhancements

8.4 Summary of features of qMWDPC V 01.20

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1. Survey will now print in meters when meters are selected as the unit. 2. Only good surveys will be printed by the survey print function. 3. Several bugs with ASCII logging files in association with logging in variable units have been fixed 4. Reduced the size of the scroll view for the gamma window to prevent the user being locked out for long periods when scrolling 5. Added Pumps Up Time and Pumps Down Time to pumps on and off event log messages stored in C:\MWDEvent.Log to allow user to more easily track circulating hours. Pump accumulators will be in the next release. 6. Extensive work to prevent the writing of bad records to the data base when RT has a power failure has been done. 7. Temperature was not being stored with the gamma records 8. An invalid error message box was being displayed every time a database was opened in the year 2000. This will no longer be displayed. 9. Added the ability to display TVD in the Telemetry window 10. Corrected survey calculations to take absolute value of course length when calculating dogleg severity. III.

Changes since Beta qMWD Vb1.30d




Puts gamma on the display


When Azimuth is 0 for inclination during the roll test, the beta of

MWDRoll32 was not treating readings near 359.9 as close to 0, but as 359.x away from 0 and failing the tool. This has been fixed. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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B. qMWD/W32

1. qMWDCnfg a. will not attempt to send “DSTy” (Depth Sensor Type) to an MPRx with an ASW earlier than 1.61f b. fixed 4 problems with implementation of access control using capability codes c. new defaults for access control settings have been supplied 2. qMWDPC a. It will not start another copy of the calibration utilities if they are already running b. The „Recalc‟ button has been restored to the survey calculation window. A checkbox has been provided to allow the user to prevent recalculation on every survey edit (see help). c. The accept/reject survey dialogs will no longer stack up. If a new survey has been received before the displayed accept/reject dialog has been responded to, the default action will be performed (see help) d. Will no longer attempt to write an invalid record to the database, but will inform the operator and log the error e. A crash that occurred when the user pressed the Exit button in the depth setting dialog before the operation was complete has been fixed. f. Fixed the archive database template archive.db. The user was unable to open an archive database when Kilodekanewtons were selected as the units of force in qVarUnits. The error message was „No Current Record‟. 3. TFO Procedure - Fixed error that was setting IMO in MPTx when user was setting DAO in MPRx 4. QDT_EDR Interface - Fixed problem that was preventing communications with the Pason EDR in half-duplex mode. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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C.Recorder to Log Merge Utility Beta A new version, Vb1.00b of this utility that allows plotting of recorded data has been included for evaluation. This version will allow the user to create a new data set consisting of recorded data only or to merge the recorded data with an existing data set containing pulsed data. Please let us know how this utility works and what we can do to improve it, if necessary.

8.5 Summary of New Features in qMWD V02.02 Common Features to V02.00 2-Bay and 3-Bay Systems A. Features available with upgraded PC software for all versions of firmware 1. qMWD/W32 software runs under Windows 2000 Pro SP4 and XP Pro SP2 2. qMWDCnfg/W32 has transparent plug and play, giving the customer the ability to use any combination of downhole and receiver firmware seamlessly. 3. Configurations are written to a database. 4.Greatly enhanced configuration print with the option for a summary or complete report. 5. The ability to send and receive WITS data via TCP/IP as well as via serial COM. 6. Support for the qVision rig floor display. 7. The qW32 Server automatically finds the COM port that the qNIC is connected to an accumulated Pumps Time Window that gives the user the ability to track and edit pump times on a daily or per job basis. 9. The default for Flow Evaluation time is set to 25 seconds to prevent short flow on and off cycles which may cause the downhole tool to quit sending surveys. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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B. Features available with upgraded PC software and receiver firmware 1. The ability to work seamlessly with LogView II, the log data storage, downhole data recorder retrieval and data editing application. 2. The ability to work seamlessly with RTView, the remote real-time log plotting and final presentation log application with the ability to produce PDF files and to print to any Windows compatible printer. 3. Any number of remote computers can display a real-time log with sensor data depth offset with RTView. 4. A percent decode variable is computed by the receiver and displayed in qMWDPC/W32. 5. The option to defeat or change the sliding window for the averaging of decode quality and confidence values. 6. The ability to issue a command to the receiver to force it to stop decoding pulses C. Features available with upgraded surface software and firmware requiring upgraded downhole firmware 1. The option to detect drill string rotation and eliminate toolface updates when rotating. 2. The option to set up the system to send and detect a sync sequence after every complete Toolface/Logging sequence. 3. The option to repeat the same survey data sequence a number of times to assist in survey decoding when drilling in lost circulation conditions. 4. The option to force the receiver to stop attempting to decode data and go into resync mode at any time if the resync feature is enabled. 5. Short Flow Off Downlink allows the user to defeat the transmission of survey data and to limit the number of Toolface/Logging sequences after a pump cycle Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Do not start up the computer, plugged into the TRU VU system.

On the laptop have the external comport (gold wire cable) plugged into the bottom. USB comport. With the desktop you don't use the external cable, you have two comports already. Put the TRU VU key in.

Now start up the computer and enter the TRU VU program by the short cut on the desk top.

On the welcome to TRU VU screen: select "new" if you are starting a new well.

Create a new well name , job #, or you can "browse" for a old well that you want

To open in the database. "proceed" confirm "yes" if that‟s the well you want.

*for a new well have a "check mark" in the require initial setup file.


Highlight "india" "proceed". This is a pre-configured setup so you don't have to create one .

If this is a new well being created click "yes" for first time that the program has been started.

*If this is a well that already has been started from before click "no" because all your settings will be changed.

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If this is an old well that you are re-opening, you can now plug in the Tru vu system to your computer.

*the black serial "T" cable plugs into the back of the data wise box into RS232 port which will plug into comport 1. The grey q-bus cable plugs into the comport 2. The other end plugs into the q-bus port on the saps.

If it is a new well a TRU VU setup screen will come up. This is where you add all your well information.

LOADER SCREEN Goto: "browse", highlight on "india", "open", "load" SURVEY SCREEN 

You want "minimum radius of curvature"

Put in information for :"proposed direction(vs)", "proposed declination", "dogleg" set

At 30, "survey to bit", "gamma to bit". (leave "wet connect to bit" and "gsi to bit" at

Zero, (unless you know what they are or mean?)

Hit "set" after changing each one of them.


Do not touch.


Change units to "metric".

Change granularity to ".2" increments

Leave your start depth at zero, because if you put a depth in there you will not be able to enter a tie in survey, or any survey before that depth you have entered.

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Make sure you are in "custom configuration"

Have: an "x" infront of these associations by highlighting them. Then click on "connect to input" which will put a check mark infront of "connect to input".


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These are the comports where the information is coming from. If you don't have that symbol showing up. You have a com port not configured right. If there is a grey symbol with a blue clock beside it, it means your system is not hooked up to a com port or you have to unplug the TRU VU system from your com ports, exit out all programs, and restart your computer. Open up the job you want and then reconnect your TRU VU system to your com ports.

TRU VU DATA WISE SYSTEM SETUP Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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"F3" SCREEN "GRAPH 1" is where you want "gamma" on the left hand side in #1 and "rop" on right hand side in #5. To setup the screen, click on the "wrench" now you will see Slot #1 flashing this is where you enter "gamma" by going up to the top right and Click on the down arrow below "depth" arrow. Scroll down until you see "gamma" Highlight it. Now you will want to set the scale. Go down and click at the right "0" Now you can enter your gamma maximum scale at "100". Now you will want to set up ROP. Goto #5 and click on it. Now it will flash. Go up and click on the down arrow And scroll down till you see "ROP". Highlight it, and now set your scale by clicking on the right "0" and put in "150" for a maximum rop scale. Then go up top and click on the wrench again. Now it is set up. If you need to edit the graph. Click on the "pencil" the gamma screen will now be ready to be edited. With the mouse click on where you want to edit from and scroll down slowly to where you want to stop editing from. Then go and click on the "disk" picture to save the new edit or click the "trash can" to go back to the original way it was. Then click on the pencil to finish editing. If you want to edit "ROP" click on the pencil ,then click on the #"5" at the bottom. Now you are ready to edit. Click on the "disk" to save or "trash can" to restore to old data. When done click on "pencil" to finish.

9.2 PRINTING PLOTS MD GAMMA, MD ROP PLOTS Click on the "printer", now you will be in the "graph point" screen. At the top you want to be in: Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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GRAPH 1: TRACES 1-3, API, 8", MD/TVD, 2 DATA TRACKS (SHOULD BE TOP OF LIST.) Be careful not to click on the "locked" bottom, it will lock you out from editing the plotter setup. (there are notes on how to un-lock it on page 7). In the general options screen you want: Click on the "pencil" so you can edit the information.set your depths AXIS: MD Res: 1 to 500 or 700, user defined (larger the number the shorter the plot) Big header path: c:\tvc\headers\header.big Header path: c:\tvc\headers\ Trailer path: c:\tvc\headers\headers.apg If your not in these, click "browse" find them, highlight them. "Open" now it will be There. Casing symbol 0.25 Heavy div 5 Annotation 25 FRONT 10

CHECKED MARKED SURVEY -1 CHECKED MARKED COMMENTS -1 In the tracks and traces screen you want: Click on these to highlight them, so then you can see what they are configured to. TRACKS Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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TRU VU DATA WISE SYSTEM SETUP BLACK NONE CYAN 24 0 4 TRACES #1: [GR1, TR1] (#1 LINEAR GRID (0.000) [GR1, TR1] #1: LINEAR GRID(0.00) 0 0 UNAVERAGED ....,THICK BLUE NONE TRACKS #2: AXIS ANNOTATION (2.500) 2.5 TO 3.25 AXIS ANNOTATION MD BLACK NONE BLUE 00 0 0 TRACES #2: [GR1, TR2] (#1: LINEAR GRID (0.000) [GR1, TR2] #1: LINEAR GRID (0.000) Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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0 0 UNAVERAGED . ., THICK BLACK NONE TRACKS #3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) 3.25 TO 5.75 LINEAR GRID MD BLACK NONE CYAN 24 0 4 TRACES #3: [GR1, TR3] (#1: LINEAR GRID (0.000) [GR1, TR3] #1: LINEAR GRID (0.000) 0 0 UNAVERAGED . . . . ., THICK GREEN NONE TRACKS #4: SURVEY COMMENT (5.750) 5.75 TO 8 SURVEY COMMENT DEFAULT BLACK NONE GREEN 00 0 0 TRU VU DATA WISE SYSTEM SETUP PAGE 6 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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TRACES #4: [GR1, TR5] (#3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) [GR1, TR5] #3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) 0 0 UNAVERAGED ...., THICK BLUE NONE TRACKS #5: COMMENT (5.750) 5.75 TO 8 COMMENT MD BLACK NONE BLUE 00 0 0 TRACES #5: [GR1, TR3] (#3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) [GR1, TR3] #3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) 0 0 UNAVERAGED . ..., THICK BLACK NONE TRACES #6: [GR1, TR3] (#3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) [GR1, TR3] #3: LINEAR GRID (3.250) 0 0 UNAVERAGED . . . . ., THICK GREEN NONE Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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CHECKED MARKED SURVEY -1 CHECKED MARKED COMMENTS -1 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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If you accidentally locked the graph 1 so you can't edit it for the MD and TVD plots. Go to start, explore, c:\, tvc, graphs, click on "000" this will be the graph 1 with 8" Right click when highlighted=>open=>scroll down 7 rows till you see "locked = 1" It should be "locked = 0" make sure not to erase anything else. =>exit out.=> save. F6 SURVEY STATION "Station edit" is where you add surveys. "view" this is where you can view, edit surveys, and print them out. Put in from: eg "0" to "23" with "standard survey worksheet" and press "printer" it Print them out. If you press "trash" you will delete them. If you want a 3d view of Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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The plot.=> on the down arrow click on "3d views of survey data"=> "apply",=> "print" SURVEY TIE IN Put in survey depth (in msl-survey depth) this is rig md depth - kb - survey offset Eg Station depth = 100m in a tie in survey depth and tvd should be Inc = 0 the same. Get the "ns" and "ew" from d.d Azm = 0 they should be zero for a new well?? Tvd = 100m Make Sure That Your Tie In Is The Same As VS = 0 THE D.D TIE IN. DL = 0 NS COOR. = 0 EW COOR. = 0 CLICK ON "DISK" MAKE SURE "TVD" HAS SAME VALUE AS "SURVEY DEPTH", ON YOUR TIE IN SURVEY. If not goto "station edit" highlight the tie in survey=> goto the tvd box and enter the TVD in there. Click on "disk" THEN YOU CAN PUT IN YOUR NEXT REAL SURVEY. "Targeting" this is where you can put your target information. Then it will tell you where you should be aiming for your inc and azm to get there. Shift f5 (reports): enter well info.=>"save" Shift f7 (depth set): this is where you set your msl measured depth and msl bit depth Click on "set" to save. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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CTRL F4 DATABASE: You want specific database: set to "depth" Job back up: in browse box type: c:\tvc\job# (the job # is what you called the well at the start of the well. Down at the bottom click on "add all" => "save" this will save all the database in the Job file in the "c:\ drive" in "tvc", in welldata. If you put in: a:\tvc\job# in the browse box this will save that job data to a floppy.

TRU VU DATA WISE SYSTEM SETUP PAGE 8 EDITING Operation: you can edit your database, eg. If you want to erase part of your database. Highlight "delete record" and put in a: Range start (start depth) Range end (end depth) "EDIT NOW"

IMPORT/EXPORT For las file Specific database "depth" At the bottom click on what you want to export eg. Gamma, rop, depth will be there already. In the browse box type in : A:\JOB# "EXPORT" THIS WILL SEND IT TO THE FLOPPY AUTOMATIC BACK UP Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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SPECIFIC DATABASE: "DEPTH" FILENAME: (JOB#) CHECK MARK "ENABLE AUTOMATIC BACK UP" CHECK MARK "INCREMENTAL AUTO BACK UP" SELECT "ADD ALL" IT WILL DO A JOB BACK UP EVERY: MIDNIGHT, 6 AM, NOON, 6 PM. CTRL F5 DEPTH TRACKING Depth tracking: this is where you calibrate your draw works decoder. Put the drum decoder on the drawworks.

9.3 CALIBRATION Select drilling line encoder or horses head. Now get the driller to go up all the way with the kelly and pipe to the top of the Next stand to the rig floor. You know the stands length. Come down to the TRU VU System. Click on the kelly top "get" and put the "height" of the stand there. Now get the driller to come all the way down to the floor. Measure the distance from were the kelly screws into the pipe, down to the rig floor. Now goto TRU VU At the kelly down click on "get" and put the "height" in there. Now you are calibratied so click "save". Now shift f7, enter the correct kelly down - minus the little that the top drive Can't make it to the floor, from that stand. Enter the same depth for the bit depth. All in MLS depths. Click on "set" to save. Now, the driller can make his connection. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO CALIBRATE THE DEPTH DECODER BUT THIS IS EASY AND ACCURATE. The driller has to work the pipe anyway, so if you need to recalibrate acouple of Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Times, or after any trips, it isn't very time consuming. Other wise, just edit your depths and fix up your gamma, and rop logs. The "drawworks encoder" works well if you have enough layers on the drum to make it accurate.


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AND A RESULT = 16.12 AMPS. "Save" it might not be accurate, but it worked on this rig. You can play around with numbers to make it more accurate. All this does is tells you when you are "on" or "off" bottom, your WOB (if configured) and your hookload. IN "DEPTH TRACKING" (CTRL F5) => "MISCELLANEOUS": SLIP SET POINT 15 STRING MOTION 0.1 ON BOTTOM STATUS 0.3 TOOL VOLTAGE LOW 30 (THIS IS FOR WIRELINE LOGS) HIGH 99 ROP MODE: DEPTH OVER TIME(HOUR) "SAVE" This seems to work good for tracking depth. As the hookload increases with weight from pipe, lower the slip set point from 15 to 14 and the "slips in" didn't come on when sliding or rotating with a lot of weight on the bit.


8" monels



6 3/4" monels



4 3/4" monels



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With the "drawworks encoder", have it so when the blocks are going up so are the counts, when the blocks go down so are the counts. This is done by the way you put it on the drum. Test it in the shack first to see which way it should goWireline logs.

TRU VU DATA WISE SYSTEM SETUP On a wiper trip or bit trip, make sure, that on the way back to bottom, that the bit. Depth doesn't go past your total depth. Otherwise you will be added new depths and logs to the database. You can stop this by clicking on "shift f2" the "quick bar" screen. On page 3, set "yes" to slips manual and make sure slips set says "yes". When on bottom set your total depth and bit depth, and change slips manual back To "no". Now it will tell you when slips are set (in) or (out) by the hookload reading. Or You can enter a smaller bit depth than your total depth. So it will never pass your total depth. When on bottom just reset your bit depth. You shouldn't have to recalibrate the encoder, just try resetting your depth first when on bottom.


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10. DRILL WELL USER GUIDE 10.1 CONFIGURATION: The Configuration Screen was designed to allow the Operator to program the Transmitter and the Receiver. To access the Configuration Screen the Operator must press the Tools button to change to the Tools Screen, then press the Config button located on the Tools Screen. The Configuration Screen will launch in a separate window. The “Setup” menu allows the operator to choose which combination of Transmitter and Receiver that he will be programming. Double Click on the Transmitter/ Receiver combination of choice and a list of Configuration Parameter Groupings will be presented. To access the parameters for each grouping, double click on the grouping choice. Change the parameter(s) and press “APPLY”, to apply the parameter changes. Once all the parameter changes are completed, the operator must choose the device to which he wants to store the configuration parameters. The choices are Rx (Receiver), Tx (Transmitter) or Both and are presented on the Configuration Parameter Grouping screen. The operator should make sure that he has chosen to “Store To” from the drop down menu. Once the choice of device is made, press the “PROCEED” button and confirm the choice that was Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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made. If the choice is confirmed the process will continue. The Communication (with device) Screen is presented next. Note: If the Receiver is being configured the pumps should be off. See the section on Receiver Configuration Mode for an explanation. If a parameter needs to be changed while the pumps are on, use the xxTalk utility.

CONFIGURING THE RECEIVER In the case above, the receiver is being configured. The “Status” box indicates the present status of the configuration process. The box below this shows the parameters and values that were sent to the Receiver for configuration. The progress bar shows what percentage of the configuration process has completed. Once the configuration has completed the Receiver is immediately queried for the parameters that were just stored to it. These parameters are sent back to the laptop to be verified. The parameters are verified and shown in the box as in the figure above. A configuration file is displayed in notepad, which the operator can immediately print. This file is also stored in C:\Program Files\Camber Technology\DrillWell\MWDLogging In the directory Job#\BitRun#, where Job# is the Job Number that the Operator entered when Drill Well was launched, and BitRun# is the BitRun number created for the Job Number. e.g C:\Program


Technology\DrillWell\MWDLogging\25000\BitRun1 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER In order to configure the transmitter, the Laptop that is running Drill Well must be connected to the Transmitter via the XL50 Translator Box. Connect the XL50 Translator Box to the Laptop with either a serial cable or with the USB cable provided. Note: Do NOT connect both the Serial Cable and the USB cable at the same time. Use one or the other. If the Operator chooses to use the USB cable he must install the driver provided with it. He will also have to change the COM Port which Drill Well is configured to work with (COM 1 is the default). Once the USB driver is installed it works in the same manner as using a serial cable. Connect one end of the serial cable to the XL50 and the other end to the COMPORT of the Laptop. Connect the XL50 programming cable from the XL50 to the Transmitter. Note: If the Laptop does not have a COM Port the Operator will need to connect a USB to Serial Adapter or use the USB cable provided with the XL50. Once the configuration parameters are set, choose to “Store To” the Transmitter and the Communication Screen will be presented. The Serial Communication box shows the Communication between Transmitter and Drill Well through the XL50. Once the Transmitter is configured the parameters are immediately requested from the Transmitter and verified against what was sent. Important Note: Don‟t use the Power supply for the XL -50 Translator box when the tool is connected with the battery or else if you want to check only the electronics then it is possible to use the power supply for the Translator box. If you not follow the procedure it will cause serious problem in the tool or XL – 50 Translator box. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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CONFIGURING BOTH THE RECEIVER AND TRANSMITTER If you choose to configure both the Receiver and Transmitter, the Transmitter will be configured first, followed by the Receiver.

10.2 LOADING PARAMETERS FROM A DEVICE If you wish to load parameters from either the Receiver or Transmitter or both, simply choose to “Load From” instead of “Store To”. The parameters will be requested from the device. Once the parameters are returned from the device they will be displayed in notepad. The file that is created is called Job#_Params and is located in C:\Program Files\Camber Technology\DrillWell\MWDLogging\Job#\BitRun#

e.g. C:\ProgramFiles\CamberTechnology\DrillWell\MWDLogging\11111\BitRun1\ 11111_Params.txt

RECEIVER CONFIGURATION MODE The Receiver works in two modes, Broadcast and Chat. When the receiver is decoding survey and toolface logging data it is operating in broadcast mode. In order to configure the Receiver, it must be put into Chat Mode. When the Receiver is in chat Mode it no longer broadcasts information, instead it is waiting for commands from the Drill Well Software. Once the Configuration process is complete the Drill Well Software will return the Receiver into Broadcast mode. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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10.3 xxTALK UTILITY The xxTALK Utility allows the Operator to communicate with both the Receiver and Transmitter. This utility can be used to query and change individual parameters in the Receiver or Transmitter without having to go through the configuration process. Note: In order to talk with the Transmitter the Laptop must be connected to the XL50 using a straight thru serial cable or the USB cable, and the XL50 must be connected to the Transmitter with the XL50 Programming cable.

To launch the xxTALK Utility press F4.

QUERYING A PARAMETER WITH xxTALK To query a parameter simply choose one of Both, Tx Only or Rx Only, enter the parameter label in the QUERY box and press ENTER. In the picture above the both the Receiver and the Transmitter are being queried for the value of the Receiver Delay Time Parameter , rxdt. The Receiver and Transmitter reply after approximately 5 seconds with their value for rxdt. Note: If an invalid parameter is entered, neither the Receiver nor Transmitter will respond. See Appendix A for a list of common parameters.

CHANGING A PARAMETER WITH xxTALK To change a parameter with xxTALK chooses one of Both, Tx Only or Rx Only. In the QUERY window type parameter label = value and press ENTER.

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e.g. To change the value for the Receiver Delay Time , rxdt, to 45 seconds, type rxdt = 45 and press ENTER. The Receiver and Transmitter reply after approximately 5 seconds with their value for rxdt. Note: In order to change parameters in the Transmitter and some parameters in the Receiver, the user capability code will have to be changed to permit this.

10.4 DRILLWELL MAIN SCREEN Rcvr Msg – Displays the current contents of the Receiver Status Register STOP Button – Stops the Drill Well program Status Temp High (LED) – Turns Bright Red when the Receiver decodes a temperature down hole that is greater than the high temperature threshold set by the operator. Battery Use Battery 1 (LED) -- Bright green when Battery 1 is in use, otherwise dark green. Battery 2 (LED) – Bright green when Battery 2 is in use, otherwise dark green. Low Battery (LED) – Bright red when either the Battery 1 or Battery 2 voltage falls below the battery voltage threshold, otherwise dark red. Communication Serial Lnk (LED) – Bright Green when the Serial COM Port is set, otherwise dark green Serial Rd (LED) – Bright Green when data is being read from the Serial COM Port otherwise dark green. Serial Wr (LED) – Bright Green when data is being written to the Serial COM Port otherwise dark green. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Pumps On/Off (LED) – Bright Green when pumps are on. Dark Green when pumps are off. Time Up – Time that the pumps have been up (on) for. Time Down – Time that the pumps have been down (off) for.

Guidance Rosebud Outermost Half Ring – Read from the bottom starting at 180 Degrees to 0 Degrees. This is used to display the Inclination on a scale from 0 to 180 Deg. Azimuth Ring – This ring is a full 360 Degrees and is used to display the Azimuth. This is the ring next in from the Outermost Half Ring. Toolface Display – This display takes up the remaining five rings into the center of the Guidance Rosebud. There are 5 toolfaces displayed. The latest toolface and 4 previous toolfaces. The latest toolface is displayed in the outermost of the 5 toolface display rings. In the picture above the latest toolface is displayed in yellow. The 4 history toolfaces are displayed in red. Centre of the Guidance Rose – The numerical value of the latest toolface is displayed at the center of the Guidance Rose. When a new toolface is decoded the value in this area will flash with a red background.

TELEMETRY DATA SCREEN The Telemetry Data Screen contains 3 grids. The 3 grids display Synchronization, Survey and Toolface Logging data respectively.

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Synchronization Grid – The Synchronization Grid contains 3 columns SyTT, SyQF, SyCF and displays a history of Synchronizations between the Receiver and Transmitter. SyTT – Synchronization Time SyQF -- Synchronization Quality Factor SyCF – Synchronization Confidence Factor Survey Grid – The Survey Grid contains 14 columns and displays a history of decoded surveys. The latest survey is shown at the bottom of the grid. SuTT -- Time Survey was decoded at. SuSq -- The decoded survey sequence number. Dpth – The Depth that the survey value is associated with. WdQF – The Quality Factor of the decoded survey word. WdCF – The Confidence Factor of the decoded survey word. Inc – Decoded Survey Inclination Azm – Decoded Survey Azimuth. gTFA – Decoded Survey Gravity Tool Face mTFA – Decoded Survey Magnetic Tool Face DipA – Decoded Survey Dip Angle MagF – Decoded Survey Total Magnetic Field Temp – Decoded Survey Temperature BatV – Decoded Survey Battery Voltage Grav – Decoded Survey Total Gravity Toolface Logging Sequence Grid – The Toolface Logging Sequence Grid displays the decoded tool face logging sequence words. The latest word Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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decoded is shown in green. This grid will display the last 20 words decoded before resetting. WdTT – Time Word was decoded at. Dpth -- Depth associated with the decoded word. WdQF – Quality factor of decoded word. WdCF – Confidence factor of decoded word. TLSq – The decoded tool face logging sequence number. gTFA – Decoded gravity tool face mTFA – Decoded magnetic tool face Gamma – Decoded gamma count. Temp – Decoded Temperature TmpW – High Temperature Warning Flag (True/False) BatV – Decoded Battery Voltage. BatW – Low Battery Voltage warning flag (True/False) Bat2 – Battery 2 switch flag (On/Off)

10.5 TOOLS SCREEN The Tools Screen was designed to give the Operator access to the following tools: Chat – A utility which will allow the Operator to put the Receiver card into Chat Mode in order to change parameters and perform diagnostic procedures. Config – Allows the Operator to configure both the Receiver and Transmitter. Send Msg – Allows the Operator to send a message to the Rig Floor Computer. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Setup – Allows the Operator to change parameters that are frequently changed, including HiPL,LoPL,DAO,and PALMode. Firmware – Allows the Operator to change the Firmware on the Receiver card (Future Addition) TFO Procedure – Tool Face Offset Procedure Allows the Operator to “High Side” the Transmitter. WITS Setup – Allows the Operator to change the WITS Tag value of parameters that are being sent to another system using the WITS protocol or being received by Drill Well from another system using the WITS Protocol.

10.6 Depth Tracking Setup The Depth Tracking Setup Screen allows the Operator to set how Drill Well will get a value for bit depth. To access the Depth Tracking Screen press the GO button beside Depth Tracking. The choices are: Manual – The Operator will manually enter the Bit Depth every time pumps go off. From WITS – Drill Well use the value for Bit Depth that is received via the WITS protocol from the laptop COM Port. By default Drill Well expects the Bit Depth to come via WITS. Choose one of the options and press the APPLY button.

10.7 TFO Procedure

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The Tool Face Offset Procedure allows the operator to Zero the Gravity Toolface Angle, Set the Instrumentation Mounting Offset in the Transmitter and the Drill Assembly Offset in the Receiver. To access the TFO Procedure, press the TFO Procedure button on the Tools Screen. Note: In order to use this tool the laptop running Drill Well must be connected to the XL50 translator box with a serial cable or USB cable, and the XL50 must be connected to the Transmitter with the XL50 programming cable. The TFO Procedure will automatically query the Transmitter for the value of it‟s Gravity Toolface Angle (gTFA), and Tool Face Offset (TFO). Gravity Toolface Angle – gTFA from the Transmitter. Instrumentation Mounting Offset (IMO) – Tool Face Offset in Transmitter. Drill Assembly Offset – DAO value set in the Receiver. Total Tool face Offset – IMO + DAO. Set DAO – Allows the Operator to set the DAO in the Receiver. Zero gTFA – Allows the Operator to Zero the Gravity Toolface Angle. Set IMO – Allows the Operator to set the Toollface Offset in the Transmitter. Print – Allows the Operator to Print the stored data from the Toolface Offset Procedure. Store – Stores Toolface Offset Procedure Data to a file. Exit – Exits the TFO Procedure Number of Updates – The number of times the TFO Procedure has queried the Transmitter and received a response.

FOR EXAMPLE: The Transmitter has the following values: Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Gravity Tool Face Angle = 239.1 Degrees Instrumentation Mounting Offset = 325.05 Degrees The Receiver has the following value: Drill Assembly Offset = 23 Degrees The Total Toolface Offset is a sum of the IMO and DAO. Total Toolface Offset is 348.05 Degrees

Zeroing the Gravity Toolface Angle This option will set the gTFA in the Transmitter to 0 degrees, by adding the correction in reference to the position of the Transmitter. To Zero the Gravity Toolface Angle press the Zero gTFA button. Be patient and allow between 5-10 updates before the Gravity Toolface Angle changes to 0 degrees. The Transmitter has the following values: Gravity Tool Face Angle = 0 Degrees Instrumentation Mounting Offset = 204.15 The IMO is calculated as follows: (gTFA + IMO) MOD 360 (239.1 + 325.05) MOD 360 564.15 MOD 360

MOD is short for MODULUS MODULUS is mathematical operation which calculates the remainder from the division of one number by another. Thus, 564.15 MOD 360 = the Remainder when 564.15 / 360 = 204.15 The Total Toolface Offset is a sum of the IMO and DAO . Total Toolface Offset is 227.15 To store the current values of the Gravity Toolface Angle, Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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Instrumentation Mounting Offset (IMO), Drill Assembly Offset and Total Toolface Offset to a file, press the Store button. To print this file, press the Print button to open the file in notepad and print the file from here.

10.8 WITS Setup The WITS Setup Screen allows the Operator to change the WITS tag value associated with a WITS input or output variable as it relates to Drill Well. To access the WITS Setup screen press the WITS Setup button on the Tools Screen. The Operator can choose to change the WITS tag value for values that Drill Well is sending out the COM Port or for values that Drill Well is reading in from the COM Port. For values that are being received or “WITSed IN”, the Operator can change what WITS tag the variable will be recognized as. Once all changes are made Press the APPLY button. For values that are being sent or “WITSed OUT”, the Operator can change what WITS tag the variable will be sent as, or enable or disable whether the variable will be sent at all by checking or unchecking the WITS checkbox for the variable.


A ABat2thr Auto Bat2 Latching Threshold Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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AqT1 Acquistion Time for ModN = 1 AqT2 Acquistion Time for ModN = 2 AqT3 Acquistion Time for ModN = 3 AqT4 Acquistion Time for ModN = 4 AvAk Average Pulse Amplitude Coefficient AvCn Number of WORDS averaged for Average Confidence Factor AvQn Number of WORDS averaged for Average Quality Factor

B BcCR Receiver Broadcast Control Register BcPSDD P/S Diagnostic Data BcRxPD Receiver Diagnostic Data BcRxSB Receiver Status Block BcRxSM ASCII Receiver Status String BcRxWD Receiver Waveform Data Block BcSuSD Survey Sequence Data Block BcSuSq Survey Sequence Number BcSuWd Survey Decode Word Block BcSynD Receiver Synch Data Block BcTLSD T/L Sequence Data Block BcTLSq T/L Sequence Number BcTLWd T/L Decode Word Block BcUFR MPRx_Update Flag Register BEvT Battery Voltage Averaging & Evaluation Time BR Serial Baud Rate Port BR0 Serial Baud Rate Port 0 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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BR1 Serial Baud Rate Port 1 BSBcI Battery Status Broadcast Interval BSfmt Battery Status Format String BThr Battery Threshold

C CmTF Correct for Magnetic TFA Declination CPQFk Coefficient CrLf Carriage Return Line Feed CTO CTO

D DFmt Directional Automatic Data Formatting String DiAA Directional Automatic Data Acquisition Switch DiAF Directional Automatic Data Formatting Switch DipT Dip Angle Tolerance DiSmpR Sensor Sampling Rate DiSO Directional Sensor to Bit Offset DLAuExDT Downlink Auto Extend Delay Times DLSv Save Commands DLTP Command Time Period DLTy Command Set DminAvgT Minimum Sensor Averaging Time DSinv Inverted Sensor Mount DSminOff Minimum Sensor Power-Off Time DSPC Directional Sensor Power Control Switch DUpT Directional Data Update Time Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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DwnL Downlinking Commands

E EvIM Evaluation Mode

F FDM Flow Detection Method FEvT Flow Evaluation Time FOffThr Flow Off Threshold FOnThr Flow On Threshold FSBcI Flow Status Broadcast Interval FSfmt Flow Status Format String

G GaAA Gamma Automatic Data Acquisition Switch GaAF Gamma Automatic Data Formatting Switch GaSO Gamma Sensor to Bit Offset GFmt Gamma Automatic Data Formatting String GMax Maximum Gamma Sampling Time GMin Minimum Gamma Sampling Time GrvT Gravity Magnitude Tolerance Gsf Gamma Scale Factor GSPC Gamma Sensor Power Control Enable Switch GUpT Gamma Data Update Time GV0xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 0 GV1xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 1 GV2xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 2 GV3xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 3 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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GV4xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 4 GV5xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 5 GV6xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 6 GV7xr Generic Variable Cross Reference 7 GWuT Gamma Sensor Warmup Time

H HdCk Type of Header Check Bits HiPL High Pulse Amplitude Limit HiTWthr High Temperature Warning Flag HiTWthr Receiver High Temperature Warning HostID Host Node Designation

I IBSO Inclination at bit Sensor to Bit Offset IMO Instrumentation Mounting Offset IncT Inclination Switch Threshold InvF Inverted Flow Switch

L LnkA Link Address LnkL Link Line Loc Site Location Label LoPL Low Pulse Amplitude Limit LoVWThr Low Battery Threshold Warning Voltage

M MagT Magnetic Field Tolerance Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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MDec Magnetic Declination MFoGpwr2 Coefficient ModN Mode Number mTTy Magnetic Toolface Type Calculation mwdCMode MWD Compatibility Mode MxyT Delta Magnetic Field in the X and Y direction

N NDip Nominal Dip Angle NGrv Nominal Gravity Magnitude NMag Nominal Magnetic Field NSyP Number of Synch Pulses

P PALf Pulse Amplitude Limits Factor PALk Pulse Amplitude Limits Coefficient PALmode Pulse Amplitude Limits Mode PALratio Pulse Amplitude Limits Ratio PEvT Pumps On/Off Evaluation Time PmpT Pumps On Threshold PSFtol Power Supply Fault Level Tolerance PSWtol Power Supply Warning Level Tolerance PTfs Pressure Transducer Rating PTG Pressure Transducer Gain PTO Pressure Transducer Offset PTTy Pressure Transducer Current Range Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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PTyp Pulser Type PW1 Pulse Width for ModN = 1 PW2 Pulse Width for ModN = 2 PW3 Pulse Width for ModN = 3 PW4 Pulse Width for ModN = 4 PWin Pulse Driver Signal Widths

R RcdFlwEv Record Flow ReSO Resistivity Sensor to Bit Offset RxDT Receiver Delay Time RxFBwf Receiver Filter Bandwidth RxSBcI Receiver Status Broadcast Interval

S SCBCC1 Serial Communciations Blcok Check Type SCHdrs0 Serial Communciations Headers 0 On-Off SCHdrs1 Serial Communciations Headers 1 On-Off SHSz Survey Header Size SSN1 Survey Sequence Number for ModN =1 SSN2 Survey Sequence Number for ModN =2 SSN3 Survey Sequence Number for ModN =3 SSN4 Survey Sequence Number for ModN =4 SSq1 Survey Sequence 1 SSq2 Survey Sequence 2 SSq3 Survey Sequence 3 SSq4 Survey Sequence 4 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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StAvgT Steering Mode Averaging Time STk1 Phase Correction STk2 Tx & Rx Clock Difference StSR Directional Steering (T/L) Data Sampling Rate StST Directional Steering (T/L) Data Sampling Time SuAM Directional Survey Acquisition Mode SuAvgT Survey Mode Sensor Averaging Time SuDT Directional Survey Delay Time SuSR Directional Survey Data Sampling Rate SuST Directional Survey Data Sampling Time SyTy Synch WORD format SyWF Synch Window Factor

T TFOC Toolface Offset Correction THSz Toolface/Logging Header Size TLT1 T/L Tx Time Limit for ModN = 1 TLT2 T/L Tx Time Limit for ModN = 2 TLT3 T/L Tx Time Limit for ModN = 3 TLT4 T/L Tx Time Limit for ModN = 4 TmpT High Temperature Threshold tmSBcI Telemetry Status Broadcast Interval tmSBcM Transmitter Status Control Register tmSfmt Transmitter Status Control Register TmTF True Magnetic Toolface Angle TSN1 T/L Sequence Number For ModN = 1 Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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TSN2 T/L Sequence Number For ModN = 2 TSN3 T/L Sequence Number For ModN = 3 TSN4 T/L Sequence Number For ModN = 4 TSq1 Toolface/Logging Sequence 1 TSq2 Toolface/Logging Sequence 2 TSq3 Toolface/Logging Sequence 3 TSq4 Toolface/Logging Sequence 4 TxDT Transmitter Delay Time Glossary: (last pages)

Short Definitions: ACCELEROMETER A device for measuring the acceleration of a body in a particular direction. Accelerometers are used in downhole tools to sense changes of direction of the tool with respect to the Earth's gravity factor. ACTUATOR A part of the MWD transmitter, it is the hydraulic component that creates the pressure pulse. AVERAGE ANGLE METHOD A mathematical model, approximating a wellbore, based upon a simple average of adjacent station inclination angles and adjacent station azimuth angles. AZIMUTH Azimuth is the angle between the horizontal component of the borehole direction at a particular point and the direction of north. The angle should always be expressed in the 0-360 degree system. The angle may refer to either magnetic, true (geographic), or grid north; whichever referred to must always be clearly indicated (also known as bearing). Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY That portion of the drill string below the drill pipe; including









bit, stabilizers, drill collars, reamers, drilling jars, heavy weight pipe, and assorted subs. CASING Steel pipe placed in the well as drilling progresses to prevent the wall of the hole from caving in during drilling and to provide a means of extracting petroleum if the well is productive. CLOSURE ANGLE The direction of the closure distance. CLOSURE DISTANCE Horizontal displacement from the surface location. COURSE DEVIATION Displacement from vertical between two survey points. COURSE LENGTH The difference in measured depth or the along hole depth from one station to another. DECLINATION The angular difference in azimuth readings of magnetic north and true north. The magnetic declination varies with time and place. The magnetic declination is by definition positive when magnetic north lies east of true north, and negative when magnetic north lies west of true north. DEPARTURE The east or west coordinate that describes the plan view location of a target. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE The difference between off-bottom pressure and stall pressure of a mud motor. DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Intentional deviation of a well bore from the vertical. DIRECTIONAL SURVEY A logging method that records hole drift, or deviation from the vertical, and direction of the drift (e.g. single shot, multishot, MWD). DISPLACEMENT The horizontal displacement from surface distance.

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DOGLEG The total angular change between the tangent to the bore hole at one point and the tangent to the bore hole at another point. A dogleg may result from changes of inclination and/or azimuth. DOGLEG SEVERITY (DLS) The rate of angular change of the bore hole direction between two consecutive bore hole survey stations, expressed in degrees per 100 feet (o/100 feet). DRILL COLLAR Heavy, thick walled tube used between the drill pipe and the bit to weight the bit in order to improve its performance. GALLING Abrasion to unprotected metal surfaces. When drill collar threads are galled, they must be re-cut, or damage to a mating connection will result. GO DEVIL To allow the survey instrument to free fall through the drilling fluid. Recovery is by an overshot or pulling the string. GRID CORRECTION The angular correction converting azimuth readings of true north and grid north. The grid correction is by definition positive when true north lies east of grid north, and negative when true north lies west of grid north. GRID NORTH (GN) Within a rectangular grid system, the direction which is parallel to the central meridian of longitude through the grid origin. GYROSCOPE Comprises a spinning mass mounted within a gimbal system. In absence of friction and unbalance the spinning mass would remain stationary in inertial space and ideally act as a portable reference direction. GYRO SURVEY INSTRUMENT A survey instrument which uses an oriented gyroscope to determine the azimuth angle at the survey point. HIGH SIDE The 12:00 position of the well bore or the top of the hole. HIGH SIDE TOOL FACE Direction the bit is facing as referenced to the 12:00 position of the well bore. Also known as gravity tool face. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT The horizontal distance from a vertical line through the well head to a selected point along the well bore. INCLINATION The angle as measured between the well bore and vertical. ISOGONIC CHART A chart showing lines of equal magnetic declination superimposed on a geographical map. JETTING Through some soft formations, more than adequate deviation and penetration rates can be achieved by using one large bit nozzle and the rest small or blank. The large nozzle is oriented in the desired direction, the rotary locked, and the pumps turned on. The washing action creates a pocket into which the bit is spudded. Alternate periods of jetting and drilling ahead, using the same BHA, establish the desired inclination and azimuth angles. KICK-OFF POINT Point at which deliberate deviation is begun in a well bore. LATITUDE The north or south coordinate that describes the plan view location of a target. MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE The influence of magnetic fields other than the nominal earth's magnetic field on magnetic sensing instruments. MAGNETIC NORTH (MN) The direction of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field at a particular point on the Earth's surface. A compass will align itself in the direction of the field with the positive pole of the compass pointing to the magnetic north. MAGNETIC METHOD OF ORIENTATION The magnetic method of orientation is a method of orienting tools, after they have been run into the hole in any random direction, by simply rotating the drill pipe in a direction determined from a single shot record. In this method, a special survey instrument containing a magnetic pointer, in addition to the compass and angle unit, is positioned opposite three pairs of magnetic inserts in the non-magnetic drill collar. The angular relationship Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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of the three magnet pairs to the BHA is determined when the BHA is made up. From the pointer's direction, which is recorded on the survey picture, the azimuth angle of the BHA can be determined. MAGNETIC TOOL FACE The direction the bit if facing as referenced to magnetic north. MAGNETOMETER An instrument which measures the strength of a magnetic field in a particular direction. MEASURED DEPTH The entire course length of the well that has been drilled as measured from the rotary kelly bushing. MINIMUM







recommended to calculate horizontal and vertical coordinate out of the measured values of along hole depth (ADH), inclination (I), and azimuth (A). MUD MOTOR A hydromechanical device utilizing drilling fluids to rotate the bit without rotating the drill string. MULTISHOT SURVEY DEVICE A survey instrument capable of obtaining several surveys either on a wireline or while pulling out of the hole. (See SINGLE-SHOT SURVEY DEVICE). NON-MAGNETIC DRILL COLLAR A drill collar made of a type of steel which has a negligible influence upon a compass. OVERSHOT Grapple device used to retrieve a survey instrument which has been go-deviled into the hole. POPPET VALVE A conical shaped device which extends on the end of the actuator. It extends or retracts, restricting the flow of mud, thus creating the pressure pulse. PRESSURE PULSE The MWD downhole assembly generates pressure pulses in the drilling mud by retracting and extending the poppet valve. The type of Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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pulse (zero or one) is determined by the time the plunger is allowed to remain in the extended position. PROPOSED DIRECTION The direction referenced to magnetic north that a well bore must follow to reach its target. PROTRACTOR Angle measured device designed to fit against curve of drill pipe body. Used to measure adjustments of tool face direction. REACTIVE TORQUE When a mud motor is running, two basic sets of forces are involved. One set causes the shaft to turn. The other acts in the opposite direction and tries to turn the body of the mud motor. These latter forces are the reactive torque. Since reactive torque has an effect on MWD high side readings, an effort should be made to survey while the bit is off-bottom, thus avoiding the effects of reactive torque. ROTOR The rotating component of a turbine stage, consisting of hub and a vane which transmit torque to the main drive shaft. SCRIBE LINE Reference line cut along the body of the sub or tool. SINGLE SHOT SURVEY DEVICE A survey device which utilizes either a magnetic compass on a gyroscope to measure the inclination and direction of the well bore. The device takes a photograph of the compass or gyro after being positioned in the well bore. The photograph is developed once the tool is removed and the survey is read. STABILIZER A short sub with blades attached which is of outside diameter equal to, or slightly smaller than, the diameter of the hole being drilled. The blade arrangement allows fluid returns while supporting the drill string against the walls of the hole. STATOR The stationary fluid guide of a turbine, positioned before its companion rotor. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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SURVEY INSTRUMENT Electromechanical or mechanical device to measure either or both azimuth angle and inclination and to record these values photographically or mechanically. TONGS The large wrenches used for turning when making up or breaking out drill pipe, casing, tubing, or other pipe. Power tongs are pneumatically or hydraulically operated tools that serve to spin the pipe up tight, and to apply the final makeup torque. TOOL FACE The direction in which the motor or large jet is oriented. This measurement can be made based on magnetic north or the high side of the hole. TOOL JOINT A heavy coupling element for drill pipe made of special alloy steel. Tool joints have coarse, tapered threads and seating shoulders designed to sustain the weight of the drill stream, withstand the strain of frequent coupling and uncoupling, and provide a leak proof seal. TOTAL VERTICAL DEPTH True vertical depth to last drilled point in hole which is the sum of all vertical depths. Used interchangeably with true vertical depth. TRANSDUCER The transducer utilized by MWD is connected to the standpipe and changes the pressure pulses generated by the downhole assembly into electrical signals which can be processed by the surface electronics. TRANSMITTER Part of the MWD downhole tool, the transmitter is the power generation unit, both electrical and hydraulic. It also takes the electrical output of the CDS and converts it to a pressure pulse. TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH (TVD) The actual vertical depth as measured from the rotary Kelly bushing. TURBINE An axial mud flow device which converts linear hydraulic mud flow to rotary mechanical power. This powers the transmitter and electronics in the MWD tool. Approved By Director Reviewed By GM Prepared by Base Coordinator

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TURBO DRILL Downhole mud motor based on the turbine principal. UPHOLE MUD FILTER The uphole mud filter is placed in the joint of drill pipe directly below the kelly and is designed to capture any sizeable debris which could block or damage the downhole turbine or the poppet valve aperture. VERTICAL SECTION Horizontal distance drilled towards the target, measured in the plane of the proposed direction. WIRELINE STEERING TOOL Steering tools used close to the bit which measure and transmit survey data to the surface via a wireline. WHIPSTOCK A wedge-shaped steel tool having a tapered concave groove down one side to guide the whipstock bit into the wall of the hole.

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