Mutual Release Waiver and Quitclaim

August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MUTUAL RELEASE WAIVER AND QUITCLAIM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:   That I,  _____________  ___________________  ______ , of legal age, Filipino, marr ma rrie ied/ d/si sing ngle le an and d a re resi side dent nt of __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __,, by th thes ese e presents prese nts acknowl acknowledge edge receipt receipt of the sum  ______ THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 00,000.00), Philippine Currency, from  _____________  ___________________________  ______________  , of __________ lega le gal_____ l ag age e, inFi Fili lipi pino no, , ma marr rrie d an and d a resident resid ent of ____ _________ __________ __________ __________ full paymen payment tied and final settlement of whatever damages caused as a result of the collision betw be twee een n th the e mo moto torc rcyc ycle le and th the e latt latte er’ r’s s PUJ PUJ mo moto torr veh ehiicle cle on Febr Fe brua uary ry __ ____ __,, 20 2019 19 in __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ll ll as an any y and and all all clai claims ms of  whatever kind and nature which I have or may have against  ____________________________  _____________ _________________  __ , arising from the said Promissory Note and Amended Compromise Agreement.   In cons considerat ideration ion of said payme payment, nt, We and  and  do hereby quitclaim, release, discharge and waive any and all actions of whatever nature, expected, real or apparent, which we may have against each other, by reason of or arising from the Promissory Note and Amended Compromise Agreement. We wi will ll in inst stit itut ute e no ac acti tion on,, wh whet ethe herr civi civil, l, cri crimi mina nal, l, labo laborr or administrative against each other. Any and all actions which we may  have commenced either solely in my name or jointly with others before any office, office, board, board, bur bureau eau,, cou court, rt, or tri tribun bunal al aga agains instt eac each h oth other er are hereby deemed and considered voluntary withdrawn by me and we will no longer testify or continue to prosecute said action(s).   We decla declare re that we have read this docum document ent and have fully  understood unders tood its con contents. tents. We furthe furtherr declare tha thatt we voluntarily voluntarily and will wi llin ingl gly y ex exec ecut uted ed th this is Re Rele leas ase, e, Wa Waiv iver er and and Quit Quitcl clai aim m wi with th fu full ll knowledge of my rights under the law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have  _____________,, this __________________.  _____________ __________________.


set my hand

 ___________________________   ___________________________  representing _______________ 

 _________________________   _________________________ 





______________________  ______________________ 

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Republic of the Philippines) Done: City of Baguio ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, ME, a Notary Public, personally appeared the following persons: Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed as well as of the corporation or entity represented. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this  ____________________________  _____________ _____________________, ______, at ______________________ _____________________________. _______.


WAIVER, RELEASE AND QUITCLAIM I, ,, Filipi Filipino, no, of legal legal age, age, single single and a reside resident nt of Baguio Baguio City, City, Philippines, after being sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state: 1. That I acknowle acknowledge dge my last last day of employme employment nt is on December December 26, 26, 2017; 2. That I hereby hereby acknowledg acknowledge e that I have received received the the sum of ONE HUNDRE HUNDRED D SEVENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P170,000.00) as payment of my services; 3. That That I here hereby by decl declar are e that that I have have no furth further er clai claims ms what whatso soev ever er agai agains nstt DENTAL CLINIC, its president, members of the Board, officers or any of its staff, and that I hereby release release and  and forever discharge all of them from any  and all claims, demands, cause of action of whatever nature, arising out of  mu employment with the latter; 4. I fu furt rthe herr agre agree e that that th this is WAIV WAIVER ER,, RELE RELEAS ASE E AND AND QUIT QUITCL CLAI AIM M may may be pleaded in bar to any suit or proceeding (Civil, SSS, PhilHealth, Medicare, Labor, etc.) to which either I or my heirs and assigns, may have against Edison Dental Clinic in connection with my employment with the latter and that the payment which I have received as provided herein should not in any way be cons constr true ued d as an admi admiss ssio ion n of liab liabil ilit ity y on the the part part of our our employer and is voluntarily accepted by me and will, if need be, serve as full and final settlement of any amount due us or any claims or cause of action, either past, present, future, which I have in connection with Dental Clinic; 5. As such, such, I finall finally y make manifes manifestt that I have no further further claim claim or cause of  action act ion agains againstt Dental Dental Cl Clini inic c or agains againstt and foreve foreverr release them release  them from any and an d all civil liability. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hands this 19 th day of February  2018 in the City of Baguio, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED and SWORN  SWORN  to before me this 19th  day of February 2018, in the City of Baguio, by the Affiant who is personally known to me.

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