Mutant Chronicles Br.hood

April 28, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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By: Jarek Ewertowski, Rob Alderman and Mark Rapson Layout by: Michal Pawlaczyk  Introduction Introductio n by: by : Andy Hoare Artwork by: Darek Zabrocki, Paul Bonner Additional Additio nal Art Supplied by: Mutant Chronicles International Inc. Cover art by: omek worek  Prodos Games would also like to thank: Kim Rapson, Jay Zetterberg, Jim Vidlak, Bobby Limoggio,

Marshall Jones, Te 532, Te Leamington Gaming Club, Warwickshire Wargamers, Our Alpha esters, Modiphius, Paradox Entertainment

(c) 2013 Mutant Chronicles International Inc. MUAN CHRONICLES and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses are trademarks or registered trademarks o Mutant Chronicles International Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Produced by Prodos Games Limited. All Rights Reserved ©Prodos Games Ltd. 2013



Brotherhood Generic Special Rules


Te Art o the CHANGELING




Te Art o the ELEMENS


Te Art o KINEICS




Brotherhood Units


Cardinal Dominic


Blessed Vestal Laura


Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar




Brotherhood roopers


Sacred Warriors


Brotherhood Inquisitors






Judicator Battle Walker


Icarus Jetfighter


THE BROTHERHOOD Te Brotherhood is the single body that binds almost all o humanity together into a single, systemspanning society. Without the Brotherhood, mankind would be nothing but a disparate collection o euding corporate interests and in all likelihood the Darkness would have consumed it centuries ago. Only the citizens o Cybertronic reuse to bend their knees and worship at the great Cathedrals, a act which sets them apart rom the rest o mankind and draws countless accusations and dark rumours. But the Brotherhood is ar more than a religion and the teachings its members preach are ar more than superstition. Te Light is a very real orce, as is the Art, wielded by the Brotherhood’s accomplished Mystics and others within its ranks. Indeed, the Light is every bit as real as the Darkness and the Brotherhood stands in direct opposition to the Dark Legion. Ultimately, only one can win, and the very soul o humanity is the prize they both strive to claim. Te Brotherhood came into being over a millennia beore the current date. It was the first Cardinal, Durand, who preached the end o the First Corporate Wars and united the aithul under the banner o the Brotherhood. It was Durand who shepherded mankind through the travails that prefigured the appearance o the Dark Legion and he whose aith shielded the teeming masses o Luna rom the worst effects o the Darkness. When humanity stood upon the very

brink o the precipice, it was he who united all and led the aithul in the Venusian Crusade. Facing the Apostle o War, Algeroth in single combat, Durand was wounded unto death, naming his successor beore passing rom the world. But by his death Durand showed humanity the way and the masses rose up as one to deeat the Dark Legion, routing its hosts and casting down its Dark Citadels or an age. So monumental was the ounding o the Brotherhood that mankind set aside the Gregorian calendar by which time had been reckoned or nearly three millennia. Te year that Durand became the first Cardinal o the newly established Brotherhood was figured ‘Year 0 YC’ – the first year o the Cardinal. Over a thousand years on and the Brotherhood is a power to rival any o the corporations, though its ambitions are not monetary in nature. Rather, the business o the Brotherhood is the redemption o all mankind. Wielding the arcane energies o the Art, the Cardinal holds the Darkness at bay. Te numerous officers o the Brotherhood pour over the archives o the past and scree the portents to find a way through the perilous maze that is mankind’s uncertain uture. Te Brotherhood controls an entire army o the aithul, unparalleled assassins, Inquisitors able to detect even the merest hint o heresy and individuals able to wield the Art as the mightiest o weapons in humanity’s arsenal.



Power of the Art

Each Brotherhood Squad may take up to two (but a minimum o 1) psychic powers rom the ollowing Arts. Te same power cannot be taken be taken more than once per Squad and up to two Art powers can be cast by each Squad per Game urn. Each ‘Power o Te Art’ cost 15pts unless stated otherwise and the cost is added to the cost o the Squad Commander. Te effects o each Art Power are dependent on the army Warlord. Any Model rom Squad can use power o Art unless stated otherwise. Psychic (B) type Art Powers do not cost Action Points to cast. A Squad can only be targeted once by each power unless stated otherwise. The Art of the CHANGELING

Te Cardinal’s Sacred Domination

I successully cast, place a 30mm ‘Emerald Bastion’ token (AV 12 SP2, Light errain/Cover) within 5 inches o the casting Model. Friendly Models can benefits rom the Modifiers o up to two Emerald Bastion tokens. Close Combat Warlord: Any enemy Models targeting a riendly Model within 5 inches o the ‘Emerald Bastion’ oken with a Ranged Attack receive an additional -2 Modifier to RS. Ranged Warlord:  Any enemy Models targeting a riendly Model within 5 inches o the ‘Emerald Bastion’ oken with a CC Attack receive an additional -2 Modifier to CC. Psychic Warlord: Any enemy Models targeting a riendly Model within 5 inches o the ‘Emerald Bastion’ oken with a Ranged or CC Attack receive an additional -2 Modifier to RS or CC. Empathic Heart

I successully cast, the Squad with the ‘Te Cardinal’s Sacred Domination’ Art Power led by a: Close Combat Warlord:  receives an additional +2 Modifier to CC and gains Impenetrable Armour (10)* against Range Attacks. Ranged Warlord: receives an additional +2 Modifier to RS and gains Impenetrable Armour (10)* against Close Combat attacks. Psychic Warlord: receives an additional +2 Modifier to WP and gains Impenetrable Armour (10)* against Psychic(S) attacks. *Designer note: If the Squad has an Impenetrable Armour Value already which is higher than 10, keep the higher value.

I successul cast the ‘Empathic Heart’ Art Power aects the arget Enemy Squad on Small Bases as ollows (depending on the Friendly Warlord’s ype: Ranged, CC or Psychic). Tis Art Power does not aect Fearless Units. Close Combat Warlord: An Enemy Model affected by ‘Empathic Heart’ must pass a WP est in order to conduct a Shooting attack. I ailed the Model loses an Action Point. A second attempt to complete a Shooting Action can be made (i the first is ailed and the Model has Action Points to use) by passing another


WP est. I a second attempt is ailed the Model is immediately deactivated. Ranged Warlord: An Enemy Model affected by ‘Empathic Heart’ must pass a WP est in order to conduct a CC Action. I ailed the Model loses an Action Point. A second attempt to complete a CC Action can be made (i the first is ailed and the Model has Action Points to use) by passing another WP est. I a second attempt is ailed the Model is immediately deactivated. Psychic Warlord: An Enemy Model affected by ‘Empathic Heart’ must pass a WP est in order to conduct a CC or Ranged Action. I ailed the Model loses an Action Point. A second attempt to complete a CC or Ranged Action can be made (i the first is ailed and the Model has Action Points to use) by passing another WP est. I a second attempt is ailed the Model is immediately deactivated.

Force (2). Warlords and Lords take a St14 Blast Autohit with Critical Force (2). Heal Rolls cannot be made against Wound Effect inflicted by this Autohit.

Hymn o Durand (25 Points)

All Warlords:  Te Squad gains a +2 Modifier to LD and WP.

Might o Reckoning  All Warlords: Te Squad Gains a +4 Modifier to St and Con. Fortitude o the Penitent All Warlords: Te Squad’s Armour receives a +2 Modifier and gains Impenetrable Armour (10). I the Squad already has an Impenetrable Armour Value it receives a +2 Modifier. Sacred Warriors cannot be aected by ‘Fortitude o the Penitent’. Encouraged Corporeal Fortitude

The Art of the ELEMENTS

I successully cast, the Squad with the ‘Hymn o Durand’ Art Power led by a: Close Combat Warlord: Automatically pass any Break and Pinning ests Ranged Warlord: Automatically passes any Break tests. Psychic Warlord: Automatically pass any Break and Pinning ests and gain the ‘Fearless’ Special Skill The Art of MENTALISM

All Art o the Mentalist Art Powers use the ollowing:

Guided by the Cardinal’s Foresight

Mountainous Reinorcement

I successully cast, place a 30mm ‘Mountainous Reinorcement’ token within 12 inches o the casting Model. Close Combat Warlord: All errain within 3 inches o the ‘Mountainous Reinorcement’ token counts as Heavy errain or Cover. Ranged Warlord: All Light errain within 3 inches o the ‘Mountainous Reinorcement’ token counts as Heavy errain or Movement. Psychic Warlord: All Light errain within 3 inches o the ‘Mountainous Reinorcement’ token provides Heavy Cover and is ‘Heavy’ or Movement.

All Warlords: Te Squad gains the ‘Heal (8)’ Special Skill. At the end o Game urn each Model in the Squad takes a St12 Piercing Autohit with Critical


Ranged and Psychic Warlord:  Every Model under the emplate must pass a WP est or take a St 6 Piercing Autohit. A maximum o 4 tokens can be in play at any time.

Cleansing Bolt o Tunderous Light


I successully cast, the Squad with the ‘Cleansing Bolt o Tunderous Light’ Art Power led by a: Close Combat Warlord: Cannot be targeted by any Ranged Attacks rom urther than 18” away. Te Squad ‘Boosted’ by the ‘Cleansing Bolt o Tunderous Light’ Power cannot make any Ranged attacks. Ranged Warlord: Gains the ‘Fear (0)’ Special Skill. Psychic Warlord:  Can reroll any WP test they are called to make (including WP Armour Saves against Psychic (S) attacks). Te Persistence o ime (30 Points)

I successully cast, the Squad with the ‘Persistence o ime’ Art Power led by a: Close Combat Warlord:  May make a Basic Close Combat Action or 0 Action Points Ranged Warlord:  May make an Aim Action or 0 Action Points Psychic Warlord: May make either a Psychic (S) or (D) attempt or 0 Action Points Spatial Warp Rif

Te Cardinal’s Crimson Admonition (20 Points)

Close Combat Warlord: Models on Small Bases hit by ‘Te Cardinal’s Crimson Admonition’ are automatically Stunned. Ranged Warlord: Te Squad hit by a ‘Te Cardinal’s Crimson Admonition’ must immediately take a Pinning est. Psychic Warlord: Any unsaved Wound Effects rom a ‘Te Cardinal’s Crimson Admonition’ are automatically doubled. Te Ascent o the Ruby Light

Close Combat Warlord:  Weapon ype: Psychic (S) Blast. Any unsaved SP rom a ‘Te Ascent o the Ruby Light’ Shooting Attack is automatically doubled. Ranged Warlord: Weapon ype: Psychic (S) Rail Psychic Warlord: Any unsaved SP or Wound Effects rom a ‘Te Ascent o the Ruby Light’ Shooting Attack are automatically doubled. Te Ruddy Bloom o the Fire Flower

I successully cast, place a 30mm ‘Spatial Warp Rif’ token (AV 16 SP2) within 18 inches o the casting Model. Centre a Small Explosion template over the token and scatter D20/4”. Close Combat Warlord:  Every Enemy Model on small or medium bases under the emplate must pass WP test or be automatically Stunned. A maximum o 3 tokens can be in play at any time.

Close Combat Warlord: No additional effects. Ranged Warlord:  No additional effects. Psychic Warlord: Any unsaved SP or Wound Effects rom a ‘Te Ruddy Bloom o the Fire Flower’ Shooting Attack are automatically doubled.


Vermillion Banner (20 Points)

Close Combat and Ranged Warlord: Nominate piece o terrain within 16” o the Squad Commander. Place a Small Explosion (SE) emplate centred on any point o the errain. Every Model touched by the SE emplate receives a St8 Piercing AVV1 Autohit Psychic Warlord: As Close Combat and Ranged Warlord except the Autohit is St9 Piercing AVV2.

duce Movement to place the Model legally. Ranged and Psychic Warlord: Models in the Squad successully argeted by the ‘Te Visage o the Ghostly Light’ Art Power do not need LOS to use a Ranged Attacks but their RS is halved. Enemy Models cannot claim any Cover Modifiers rom Wound Effects or Lost SP caused by Models using the ‘Te Lif o the Ruby Light’ Art Power. Escalation o the Light


All Warlords:  Squads on Small or Medium bases taking casualties rom ‘Te Cardinal’s Censure’ cannot use any Active Skills (including Weapons Active Skills).

All Warlords: Te ‘Escalation o the Light’ transmits quickly through nearby mutants and heretics alike. I the Primary target is successully hit the Light progresses to the nearest Enemy Model within 3 inches. On a D20 roll o 1-17 the nearest Model within 3” receives an Autohit with a St o 15. Continue this or up to 3 more shots (5 in total) modiying the St o the attack by -1 rom the previous hit. I there are no previously unaffected Models within 3 inches o the Model most recently hit, the Escalation o the Light dissipates with no urther effect.

Te Visage o the Ghostly Light (25 Points)

Winding Path o Conusion

Inscription found in the Cell of Dimios, the Heretic of Spareos: ‘Heed of the Ghost’ she did. Laugh we did.  Appear he did. Die they did.

Close Combat and Ranged Warlord:  I successully cast the arget Enemy Squad receives a -2 Modifier to WP. Squads can be affected by up to three ‘Winding Path o Conusion’ Deboos. Psychic Warlord: I successully cast the arget Enemy Squad receives a -3 Modifier to WP. Squads can be affected by up to three ‘Winding Path o Conusion’ Deboos.

Te Cardinal’s Censure (30 Points)

Close Combat Warlord:  Models in the Squad successully argeted by the ‘Te Visage o the Ghostly Light’ Art Power may Move and Engage through all terrain (including walls etc.) and have the ‘Predatory Senses’ Special Skill. I, or some reason, a Model would end its Movement in Impassable errain, re-


CARDINAL DOMINIC turn, he may attempt to cast 2 Art Powers, but may not cast the same power twice in the same Game urn. ype:  Warlord (Psychic), Medium Base (40mm). Unique Equipment:  Bringer o Light Broadsword, Blessed Vestments. ARMOUR: Blessed Vestments: (No Weapon ype Modifiers taken).

 Active: Book o Faith: Cardinal Dominic’s knowledge

o the holy texts o Te Brotherhood is unsurpassed and even in the heat o battle, he chants endlessly, inspiring all around him. ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card. All riendly Models within 6” o Cardinal Dominic are Fearless until the end o the Game urn. Cleansing Redemption:  Cardinal Dominic wields the Power o the Art like no other, he is able to call the Light in a fiery rage, engulfing all around him in an immolating blaze o pure and holy light. Once per activation, ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card and use 2 Action Points. Te Cardinal completes a ‘Cleansing Redemption’ on a successul WP est. Te ‘Cleansing Redemption’ is an explosion attack centred on the Cardinal. All Models within ” o the Cardinal’s Base suffer an Autohit o St:14 Blast. No Heal Rolls can be made against the Cleansing Redemption. Cardinal Dominic may not use any ‘Art Powers’ in a Game urn he attempts ‘Cleansing Redemption’. Cardinal Dominic is unaffected by ‘Cleansing Redemption’.



Blessed Blade: Heal cannot be used against Wound Effects caused by the Blessed Blade. Passive:

Soul Revenge: For each Enemy Model removed rom the Game by the Bringer o Light Broadsword the Enemy Warlord receives a S10 Piercing Autohit. Passive:

Special Skills: Contempt (Dark Legion), Fearless, Inspiring Presence (All Brotherhood), Aura o Light, Book o Faith, Cleansing Redemption, Resistant to Dark Symmetry, Unmatched Mastery o the Art, Te Silence. Aura o Light: Te glow which emanates rom His Holiness blinds all the Cardinal’s oes. RS tests targeted at Cardinal Dominic receive an addition -3 Modifier. Passive:

Te Silence: urn to Burn 5 Resource Cards. No Models (except Dominic) on the battlefield cannot use any Active Skills (including Weapons Active Skills) unless they urn to Burn 2 Resource Cards per Active Skill. Te Silence dissipates at the end o the Game urn.


Resistant to Dark Symmetry: Whenever a Dark Symmetry power is directed at Cardinal Dominic, the player controlling him must roll a D20, on a roll o 10 or less, the Dark Symmetry power is completely ignored. Passive:

Unmatched Mastery o the Art:   Cardinal Dominic may use any and all Aspects o the Art. Each Passive:


BLESSED VESTAL LAURA Special Skills: Fearless, Rapid Deployment, Vestal o the Valkyries, Shield o the Cardinal, Beacon o Light, Athletic Assault ype: Warlord (Close Combat), Medium Base (40mm). Unique

ype: Lord, Medium Base (40mm). Unique Equipment: P60 ‘Punisher’ Handgun, Blessed Castigator Power Spear, Blessed Valkyrie Armour. ARMOUR:  Blessed Valkyrie Armour: (No negative Weapon ype Modifiers taken). RANGED WEAPONS

Vestal o the Valkyries: An army which contains Te Blessed Vestal Laura may include up to two Squads o Valkyries as roop choices. Each ‘roop’ Squad o Valkyries give the Controlling Player 1 Resource Card as normal. Any other Squads o Valkyries in an army containing Te Blessed Vestal Laura must be taken as ‘Support’ Squads as normal. Passive:

Shield o the Cardinal:  Brotherhood ‘Art’ Powers cast by riendly casters within 8” o Laura may use her LoS and measure range rom her, as i it was her casting the Power. Passive:

Beacon o Light: All enemy Models within 8” o Laura suffer an additional -2 Modifier to LD. Passive:

Cardinal’s Blood: Vestal Laura is blessed by the Cardinal. Heal attempts may not be made against any Wound Effects caused by Blessed Vestal Laura.



Athletic Assault: Laura can instantly move up to 2” in any direction afer successully killing all Models in her CCWR. Passive:

Parry: Models with a Blessed Castigator Power Spear gain Impenetrable Armour (12) against Close Combat attacks. Passive: Electro-Magnetic Shock: For every ‘Wound Effect’ caused by this weapon, the target also receives a ‘Stun Effect’.  Active: Mace-Swing:  urn to Burn 1 Resource Card. Te Blessed Vestal Laura perorms a ‘Mace-Swing’ Close Combat Special Action. Te RoA o this Action is reduced to 1 and cannot be increased by any means. Every Model within 1.5” o Laura receives an Autohit at Strength: 14 Piercing AVV:0. Passive:

Squad Upgrades: Te Blessed Vestal Laura MUS be upgraded with two Art Powers rom the Art o Mentalist or Free.




ype: Warlord (Ranged), Medium Base (40mm), Unique

ype: Lord, Medium Base (40mm), Unique Equipment: Blessed AC-40 Justifier, Holy Disemboweller Chainripper, Blessed Inquisitor Armour. ARMOUR: Blessed Inquisitor Armour: (No negative Weapon Modifiers taken) RANGED WEAPONS

‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card. Te Holy Disemboweller Chain Ripper gains Critical Force (2) and a +2 Modifier to AVV until the end o the Game urn.

 Active: Disembowelment:

Squad Upgrades: Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar may take 3 ‘Art Powers’ rom the same ‘Art Path’ or Free. Special Skills:  Contempt (Dark Legion), Fearless, Vigilant Watchman, IN NOMINE CARDINALIS!, actical Genius, Cardinal’s Blood, Brotherhood Book o Law. Cardinal’s Blood:  Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar is blessed by the Cardinal. Heal attempts may not be made against Wound Effects caused in CC by Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar. Passive:

Short-Range: Te AC-40 is incredibly hardhitting at short range. o represent this, when firing the AC-40 at a target within 6”, the weapon is St: 18. Passive:

Watchman: Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar may complete a ‘Sentry’ action or 1 Action Point.  Active: IN NOMINE CARDINALIS!:  ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card. 1 Model within 8” o Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar must immediately pass a LD test with a -6 Modifier to LD. I ailed the Squad counts as ‘pinned’. Tis Special Skill can affect Models with the ‘Fearless’ Special Skill, but without a Modifier to LD. Passive: Vigilant

Passive: Loop shot: Tis weapons range can be cumu-

latively increased by 1” by adding a -1 Modifier to its Strength. (E.g. R 25” St14, R 34” with St5). Strength cannot be increased by reducing Range.  Active: Power Up: Once

per Activation, urn to Burn 1 Resource Card. Te weapon receives a +2 Modifier to St until the end o the Game urn. Holy Bullet: urn to Burn 1 Resource Card. Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar may arget any Model out o LoS, (but in his Front Facing). RoA is reduced to 1 and cannot be increased by any means. ‘Heal’ ests cannot be taken against Wound Effects caused by this weapon.


actical Genius: ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card. During Lord Hamilkar’s activation, the opposing player must reveal which Squad they will activate next.


Brotherhood Book o Law:  ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card. Lord Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar gains the ‘Fear (3)’ Special Skill until the end o the Game urn.



CRUCIFIER Surgical Assault:  A Crucifier may make ranged attack actions, even whilst engaged in Close Combat. argets may not receive Cover Modifiers rom Models within the Crucifier’s CCWR. Passive:

ype: Lord, Medium Base (40mm) Equipment: Nemesis Machine Pistols, Mortis Swords, Crucifier Armour. ARMOUR: Crucifier Armour: (No negative Weapon ype Modifiers taken). RANGED WEAPONS

Murderous ornado: Te Crucifier may make Engage Actions and Ranged and Close Combat attacks in its ront and rear acing. Passive:

Focused Melee Attack: ‘urn to Burn’ 2 Resource Cards. Te Crucifier gains a +2 Modifier to ‘RoA’ until the end o the Game urn. A Model which uses this Special Skill cannot use the ‘Surgical Assault’ Special Skill during the same Game urn.


Tunder Slam:  ‘urn to Burn’ 2 Resource Cards. Every enemy Model on a Small or Medium base within 4” o a Crucifier must pass a Con est. I ailed they receive a ‘Stun Effect’.


Electroshock Ammo: urn to Burn 1 Resource Card. Vehicles hit by this weapon that have not already been Activated this Game urn count as previously Activated. Te owning Player may Activate the Vehicle as normal i they urn to Burn 2 Resource Cards.



Passive: Assassinate: When Engaged in the target’s rear acing, Models that are using Mortis Swords gain +1 St and +1 RoA. Passive: Cardinal’s Blood: Mortis Swords are blessed by the Cardinal. Heal attempts may not be made against Wound Effects caused by this weapon. Squad Upgrades: A Crucifier may take 3 ‘Art Powers’ rom the same ‘Art Path’ or Free. Special Skills: Fear (0), Fearless, Contempt (Dark legion), Duellist, Predator Senses, Murderous ornado, Focused Melee Attack, Surgical Assault, Tunder Slam.



ype: roops, Small Bases (30mm). Squad Composition:  1 Brotherhood rooper Squad Commander, 4 Brotherhood roopers. Squad Size: 5-12 Brotherhood roopers Equipment:  AC-19 Volcano Assault Rifle, Combat Knie, Brotherhood rooper Armour. ARMOUR: Brotherhood rooper Armour: (-2 Blast) OR i upgraded, Guardian Shield: (No negative Weapon ype Modifiers taken) RANGED WEAPONS

Te entire Squad may swap their AC-19 Volcano Assault Rifle and Combat Knie or a Retaliator Sword and Guardian Shield or 0 Points per Model. Models upgraded in this way have ‘Guardian Shield’ Armour.

Te Squad Commander may be upgraded with the ‘Medic (2)’ Special Skill or 15 Points. Special Skills:  Contempt (Dark Legion), Bringers o the Light Bringers o the Light: 1 Squad o Brotherhood roopers or Valkyries may be taken in a Capitol, Bauhaus or Imperial Force as a Support Choice. Passive:


Guardian Shield Special Rules: When carrying this shield, a Brotherhood rooper has the ‘impenetrable armour (12)’ Special rule against all attacks in their ront acing. Squad Upgrades:  Add up to 7 extra Brotherhood roopers or 12 Points each. 2 in 5 Models may add a Scope to their AC-19 Volcano or 10 pts each.

Sniper Rifle:  A Model equipped with this Weapon gains the ‘Sniper’ Special Rule. Passive:


SACRED WARRIORS  Active: Furious Zeal: ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card,

ype: roops, Small Bases (30mm). Squad Composition: 1 Sacred Warrior Squad Commander, 2 Sacred Warriors. Squad Size: 3-10 Sacred Warriors. Equipment: Avenger Sword, Protector Power Shields. ARMOUR:  Protector Power Shields (No Weapon ype Modifiers taken). CLOSE COMBA WEAPONS

a Squad o Sacred Warrior’s Avenger Swords have their range increased to 1.5” and their RoA modified by +1 until the end o the Game urn. Blessed by the Cardinal: Te Squad has ‘Heal (X)’ where X is number o Sacred Warriors in the Squad (up to a maximum o Heal (6)). Passive:

Brotherhood Book o Law: ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card, a Sacred Warrior gains the ‘Fear (0)’ Special Skill until the end o the Game urn.


Electro-Magnetic Shock: For every ‘Wound Effect’ caused to a Model on a Small or Medium Base by this weapon, the target also receives a ‘Stun Effect’ Passive:

Protector Power Shield Special Rules: Sacred Warriors have the ‘Impenetrable Armour (14)’ Special rules against Ranged and Close Combat attacks in their Front Facing. Squad Upgrades: Add up to 7 extra Sacred Warriors or 28 Points each. Special Skills: Contempt (Dark Legion), Duellist, Fearless, Ferocity, Protector Power Shield, Eye to Eye, Furious Zeal, Blessed by the Cardinal, Brotherhood Book o Law, Protector Power Shield: Whenever a Sacred Warrior is targeted by a ranged attack which is ‘piercing’ and successully passes the Armour est, the Sacred Warrior can choose to deflect the blow into an unengaged Model within 6”. Te Sacred Warrior must pass a Willpower est to do so, and the shot will hit automatically, being resolved using the fired weapon’s Strength value and AVV value. Passive: Eye to Eye: Sacred Warriors cannot use Psychic (S) Art Powers. Passive:


BROTHERHOOD INQUISITORS Add up to 3 extra Inquisitors or 35 Points each.

ype: Support, Medium Bases (40mm). Squad Composition: 1 Inquisitor Squad Commander. Squad Size: 1-4 Inquisitors. Equipment:  AC-40 Justifier, Holy Disemboweller Chainblade, Inquisitor Armour. ARMOUR: Inquisitor Armour: (-1 Blast)

Special Skills:  Disparate, Fearless, Stay Frosty, Vigilant Watchmen, IN NOMINE CARDINALIS!, Brotherhood Book o Law. Vigilant Watchmen: For a Brotherhood Inquisitor to make a ‘Sentry’ action, it needs to spend only 1 Action Point. Passive:

Beams o Light: Brotherhood roopers Squad Commanders can be upgraded to an Inquisitor or 30 Points. Replace the Inquisitor Special Skills with those o the Brotherhood roopers Squad. Te Inquisitor keeps his Statline and Equipement. Passive:


IN NOMINE CARDINALIS!:  ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card, the controlling player may select an enemy Model within 8” o the Inquisitor Model that is activating this Special Skill. Tis enemy Model must pass a LD test, otherwise the Squad will count as ‘pinned’ until it successully passes its LD test in its activation.


Te AC-40 is incredibly hardhitting at short range. o represent this, when firing the AC-40 at a target within 6”, the weapon is St: 18. Passive: Short-Range:

Loop shot: Tis weapon’s Range can be cumulatively increased by 1” by adding a -1 Modifier to its Strength. (E.g. R 25” St14, R 34” with St5). Strength cannot be increased by reducing Range. Passive:

Once per Activation, urn to Burn 1 Resource Card per Model. Te weapon receives a +2 Modifier to St until the end o the Game urn.

 Active: Power Up:

Book o Law: ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card, an Inquisitor gains the ‘Fear (0)’ Special Skill until the end o the Game urn.

 Active: Brotherhood


 Active: Disembowelment:  ‘urns to Burn’ 1 Resource

Card per Model, the ‘Holy Disemboweller Chainblade’ gains ‘Critical Force (2)’ until the end o Game urn. Squad Upgrades: Te Squad may take 1 ‘Art Power’ rom any ‘Art Path’ or Free.


VALKYRIES er (Not Acting Squad Commanders). 1 in 5 Valkyries may swap their ‘P60 ‘Punisher’ Handgun’ or an ‘AC-31 Cleansing Flamethrower’. ype: Support, Small Bases (30mm) Squad Composition: 1 Valkyrie Squad Commander, 4 Valkyries. Squad Size: 5-10 Valkyries. Equipment: P60 ‘Punisher’ Handgun, Castigator Power Spear, Valkyrie Armour.

Special Skills: Rapid Deployment, Blinding Light, Fearless, Bringers o the Light

ARMOUR: Valkyrie Armour: (-1 Blast) Blinding Light:  ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card at the beginning o the Squad’s Activation. All Ranged Attacks targeted at the Valkyries suffer a -2 Modifier (in addition to any other Modifiers) until the end o the Game urn.




Bringers o the Light: 1 Squad o Brotherhood roopers ot Valkyries may be taken in a Capitol, Bauhaus or Imperial Force as a Support Choice. Passive:

Parry: Models with a Blessed Castigator Power Spear gain Impenetrable Armour (12) against Close Combat attacks. Passive:

Electro-Magnetic Shock: For every ‘Wound Effect’ caused by this weapon, the target also receives a ‘Stun Effect’. Passive:

 Active: Mace-Swing:  Any Model in

a Valkyries Squad may perorm a Mace-Swing, to do this, the Controlling Player must ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card or each ‘Mace-Swinging’ Model. Te Mace-Swing is a Close Combat Special Action. Every Model within 1.5” o the Mace-Swinging Model receives a St13 Peircing AVV:0 Autohit and all o the Special Rules which come with the Castigator Power Spear. Squad Upgrades:  Add up to 5 extra Valkyries or11 Points each Te Squad may be upgraded with only one Art Power. Tis Power may only be cast by the Squad Command-


MORTIFICATORS less, Fear (2), Camouflage (2), Climb, Pathfinder, Stalk, Void, rue Assassins, Dodge. ype: Support, Small Bases (30mm). Squad Composition:  1 Mortificator Squad Commander, 4 Mortificators. Squad Size: 5-10 Mortificators. Equipment: Nemesis Machine Pistol, Blessed Fragmentation Grenades, Mortis Sword, Mortificator Armour. ARMOUR: Mortificator Armour: (Plasma -2). RANGED WEAPONS

Void: Mortificators have the ability to more than blend into their environment; they find a different plane o existence. For 1 Action Point per model, the entire Squad can use the ‘Void’ Special Skill. Tis must be declared at the beginning o the Squad’s Activation as long as no Models in the Squad are Engaged. ‘Invisible’ Mortificators cannot be Engaged or targeted by any Ranged or CC attacks or any Special Skills. Equally, they ignore wounds caused by Blast or Rail weapons. Friendly and Enemy Models may pass through ‘invisible’ Mortificators but may not end their Movement on top o them. I, or some reason, a Model would end its Movement on top o an ‘Invisible’ Mortificator, reduce Movement to place the Model legally. Te Mortificator Squad loses the ‘Void’ Special Skill the moment a Model rom the Squad completes any Action (excluding the Pass Action). Passive:

Passive: Cleansing Flame: Against targets which have

rue Assassins:  Mortificators cannot claim any objectives.

the ‘Fear’ Special Skill, Blessed Fragmentation Grenades gain a +2 Modifier to St.




Dodge: Mortificators ignore any Wound Eects on a roll 1-10. Roll or Dodge prior to Armour est and or Heal ests.

When attacking in an enemy’s rear acing, Models that are using Mortis Swords gain +1 St and +1 RoA. Passive:  Assassinate:

Cardinal’s Blood: Mortis Swords are blessed by the Cardinal. ‘Heal’ ests cannot be taken against attacks made by this weapon. Passive:

Squad Upgrades: Add up to 5 extra Mortificators or 20 Points each Unit Special Skills: Infiltrate, Predator Senses, Fear-



1-10 I SP=0 or less, the Vehicle is Destroyed but remains in play as a piece o Heavy errain.

11-14 I SP=0 or less, the  vehicle may no longer use its main weapons.

15-18 I SP=0 or less, the vehicle cannot move or pivot. It also cannot use its Secondary Weapons.

ype:  Light Vehicle (Light Walker), Large Base (50mm) Squad Composition: 1 Judicator Battle-Walker Squad Size: 1-3 Equipment:  AC-100 Crusader Cannon, Retaliator Broadsword, Judicator Battle Walker Armour. ARMOUR:  Judicator Battle Walker Armour (No Weapon ype Modifiers taken).

Electro-Magnetic Shock: Models that receive a ‘Wound Effect’ rom attacks made by the Retaliator Broadsword also receive a ‘Stun Effect’. Passive:

Fervent Assault:  ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card to increase the Retaliator Broadsword’s RoA to 4 until the end o the Judicator Battler Walker’s activation.


Squad Upgrades: Add up to 2 extra Judicators or 125 Points each. A Judicator may replace its Retaliator Broadsword with a second AC-100 Crusader Cannon or 25 Points.


ap: ‘urn to Burn’ 2 Resource Cards. Te Judicator may re-roll any ailed RS attacks until the end o the Game urn.

 Active: Double

Passive: Loop shot: Tis weapons range can be cumu-

latively increased by 1” by adding a -1 Modifier to its Strength. (E.g. R 19” St13, R 28” with St4). Strength cannot be increased by reducing Range. SECONDARY WEAPONS

19-20 I SP=0 or less , the Vehicle explodes! Measuring rom the hull o the vehicle with a range equal in inches to D20/4. Each Model within this range takes a S10 Piercing Autohit on a roll o 1-15.

Special Skills:  Contempt (Dark Legion), Fearless, Tunderous Advance, Crushing Assault. Tunderous Advance: ‘urn to Burn’ 1 Resource Card, the ground will shake around the Judicator. I the Judicator makes a move, run or engage action whilst this Special Skill is activated, the ground will shake, reducing the RS o all Models on small and medium bases within 8” o the Judicator, (measure the distance at the end o its movement action) by -4. Tis effect is not cumulative with other Judicators. Passive: Crushing Assault: When the Judicator makes an Engage Action and successully reaches its target, it will gain a urther +1 to its Engage Bonus.




1-10 I SP=0 or less 0, the Vehicle is Destroyed but remains in play as a piece o Heavy errain.

11-14 I SP=0 or less, the  vehicle may no long use its main weapon.

15-18 For every SP taken, the vehicle modifies its M value by -1.

ype: Heavy Vehicle (Hoverer), No Base. Squad Composition: 1 Icarus Jetfighter Squad Size: 1 Icarus Jetfighter Equipment:  Cardinal’s Fury Gatling Guns, ForeMounted Firefist Flamethrower, Graveyard Bombs. ARMOUR:  Icarus Jet fighter Armour Plates. (No Weapon ype Modifiers taken). MAIN WEAPON

Darkslayer Ammunition: Beore making a shooting action with the ‘Cardinal’s Fury Gatling Guns’, the Controlling Player can choose to fire the ‘Darkslayer Ammunition’. Tis uses the ollowing rules: Passive:


19-20 I SP=0 or less, the Vehicle explodes! Measuring rom the hull o the vehicle with a range equal in inches to D20/2. Each Model within this range takes a S14 Piercing Autohit on a roll o 1-15.

Graveyard Bomb Drop:  Icarus Jetfighters may always fire their Graveyard Bombs, regardless o how ast they move. I the controlling player wishes to fire the Graveyard Bombs they must spend 2 Actions to do the ollowing: -Move the Icarus Jetfighter so that its base is within 2” o where it wishes to drop the Graveyard Bomb. -Calculate the damage caused by the Graveyard Bomb, using the normal rules or Small Explosion emplates and Scatter. Te Icarus Jetfighter cannot be damaged by a Small Explosion caused by its own Graveyard Bombs. -Finish moving the Icarus Jetfighter the distance lef. Note: Tis counts as a Movement Action, followed by a Shooting Action. All normal rules for moving and shooting with vehicles apply and the firing of any other weapons is carried out at the end of the Icarus Jetfighter’s movement (except for Supersonic). Only one Grave yard Bomb may be fired per turn. Passive:

Crack Shot: Any unsaved SP Damage is dou-


Special Skills: Flyer, Supersonic Boom .



Flyer:  Te Icarus Jetfighter must make a ‘Move’ Action o at least 4” every Game urn. Its Movement Value (M) can never be reduced to below 4 unless it receives Wing SP Damage. Te Icarus cannot be targeted by weapons which use Flamer


emplates, Small Explosion emplates or Large Explosion emplates. Nor can it be Engaged or complete an Engage Action. Supersonic Boom: urn to Burn 2 Resource Cards and Use 2 Action Points. Te Icarus is removed


rom the Board and can be redeployed in ollowing turn with Rapid Deployment rules, ignoring the effect o rolling a 20. Additionally on a roll o 1-5 a Sonic Boom is achieved. All Models within 6 inches o the Icarus receive a Strength 10 AVV0 Autohit.


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