Muslim Baby Names and Meanings

August 14, 2018 | Author: wandisus | Category: Muhammad, Qur'an, Religion And Belief
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muslim Baby names...


Muslim Females Baby Names and Meanings ======================================== A'idah := Guest, the one who's returning. A'ishah := Wife of the ro!het "#AW$. A'shadieeyah := rin%ess, %ute, !erfe%t. Aa'idah := Name of a narrator of hadith. Aabidah := Worshi!!er. Aabirah := Flee&ng, transitory, e!hemeral. Aabish := aughter of #a'd who was a (ueen of )ran "AN$. Aadila := *ust, +onest, (ual, -!right. Aaeedah := isi&ng, /eturning, /eward. Aaeesha := 0ife, i1a%iousness, 0i1ing ros!erous, 2oungest wife of the ro!het Muhammad "!buh$. Aafreeda := 3reated, rodu%ed. Aafreen := Bra1e, A%%laim. Aa4ifah := e1oted, edi%ated. Aala := Boun&es. Aaleyah := 5alted, +ighest so%ial standing. Aalia := 5halted, Noble. Aalimah := #%holar, Authority. Aaliyah := 6all, 6owering. Aamaal := +o!es, As!ira&ons, Wishes. Aamanee := Good wish. Aamilah := oer of "good$ deeds, /ighteous. Aaminah := #e%ured, #afe. Aamira := )m!erial, Abundant, )nhabited. Aani Fa&mah 7hatoon := #he was a literary woman and a !oetess in 8astaniniyah. Aanisah := 2oung lady, Maiden. Aa(ilah := )ntelligent. Aara := Adoring Aarifah := 7nowing, Women who re%ognises )slam. Aasia := +o!e. Aasimah := rote%tor, defendant, %entral. Aa&fa := A9e%&on, #ym!athy. Aa&4ah := Generous. Aa&(ah := #houlder "su!!ort$ old. Aa&rah := Fragrant. Abal := Wild rose Abasah := aughter of alMahdi. Abda := Worshi!!er. Abeedah := Worshi!!er. Abeer := Fragran%e. Abeera := 6he mi5ture of the smell of the !etals of /ose and #undal.

Abeerah := /ose, #andal #a9ron mi5ed together in fragran%e. Abia := Great Abida := Worshi!!er. Abidah, Abida := Worshi!!er Abir := #erious, beau&ful. Abir, Abeer := Fragran%e, !erfume Ablah := erfe%tly formed. Ablah, Abla, Ablaa := erfe%tly formed Ab(urah := Genius. Abra := 5am!le, lesson Abrar := e1oted to God Ad'ifaah := #mart, talented. Ada := Gra%e, 5!ression. Adab := +o!e, Need. Adab, Aadab := +o!e and need Adara := irgin Adawiyah := #ummer !lant Adeeba := 3ultured, olite Adeela := (ual Adeelah := *ust. Adeena := ious, good lu%4. Adee1a := leasant, Gentle Adiba := Well, mannered, %ultured, !olite; writer Adila := *us&%e. Adilah, Adila, Adeela := (ual, ah := A !erson who 4nows the re%ital of the (ur'an. Afnan := 6ree bran%hes or twigs Afra := ust%oloured. Afra, Afraa := White Afrah := 3elebra&ons, fes&1als Afreen := Friendly. Afro>e := nlightening. Afsa := ro!het Mohammed's "B-+$ wife. Afsana := #tory.

Afshan := Adornment aids. Afsheen := #hine li4e a star. Afya := #hadows Ahd := ledge, %ommitment, delega&on Ahdia := -ni(ue, 6he ?ne. Ahlam := Wi@y, imagina&1e; one who has !leasant dreams Aidah := isi&ng, /eturning, /eward, resent. Aidah, Aida := isi&ng, returning; reward Aighar := #he was a religious, righteous woman. Aila := Noble. Aimal := +o!e. Aimen := Most 3ongratulated. Ain := ye, thus !re%ious Ain alsaba := 6reasure of the eye. Aini := #!ring, ower, sour%e, %hoi%e Aisha := 0ife, i1a%iousness, 0i1ing ros!erous, 2oungest wife of the ro!het Muhammad "!buh$. Ai>a := Noble. Aelle. Arya := Noble. Aryisha := -nder treeHumberalla. Ar>o := +o!e. Ar>u := Wish, ho!e, lo1e. Asalah := Nobility of des%ent Asbah := ure "as water$. Ashalina := #weet, always li1ing, shy, lo1ing. Asheeyana := +ouse, nest. Ashi4a := 0o1e. Ashwa( := 0o1e, a9e%&ons Asifa := ?rganiser. Asil := #mooth Asilah := Noble srcin, !ure Asima := rote%tor. Asimah, Asima := rote%tor Asiya := 6he Muslim wife of haraoh. Asiya, Asiyah := ?ne who tends to the wea4, one who heals, %omforts, %onsoles Asma := 0oier, more eminent. Asma, Asma, Asmaa := 5%ellent, loy, eminent, !re%ious; daughter of Abu Ba4r Asmara := Beau&ful bu@ery. Asmat := ure, 3lean. Asna := 6he one to be a%4nowledged or !raised. Asra := 6ra1el by night Asrar := #e%rets Asriyah := Modernist Ateefa := A9e%&on, #ym!athy. Atee(ah := ?ld An%ient. Athilah := ee!rooted, rmly established. Athir := Fa1ored, !referred Athmah := A narrator of +adith. A&a := Gi. A&fa := A9e%&onate, sym!athe&%. A&fah, A&fa := A9e%&onate, %om!assionate, sym!athe&% A&4ah, A&4a := irgin, !ure, %lear A&ya := Gi A&yah, A&ya := Gi, !resent Atyaf := Fantasies Awa := Beau&ful angel, night. Awa&f := mo&ons Aya := hrase from the holy 8uran.

Ayaat := Many signs I !roofs, 1erses in the 8uran. Ayah := A 1erse from 8uran or a sign from God. Ayah, Ayeh := 8urani% 1erse, %lear e1iden%e, sign of God Ayan := 0u%4. Ayana := 0u%4y, good day, day of id bin Muawiyah "/.A$. Bariah := 5%elling Bariah, Baraaa := 5%elling Bari4a := Bloom, be su%%essful Barirah := Faithful and de1oted Barrah := #he was the wunt of the ro!het "#.A.W$, daughter of Abdul Mu@alib and mother of Abi #alamah "/.A$ also the name of the daughter of Abi 6iah := #he was a narrator of hadith. Basaaria := Beau&ful, rior Basbas := #he was a sla1e girl of )bn Nafees; she was beau&ful and had a melodeons 1oi%e. Baseema := #miling Bashair := Good news, good omens Basheera := Bringer of good &dings, *oy Bashirah := Bringer of good &dings, ah := Ar%h Far4handah := +a!!y, 0u%4y. Far(ad := Name of a star. Faryat := elighul sunshine. Far>ana := )ntelligent Faseehah := lo(uent. Faseelah := #ome distan%e. Fathima := aughter of the ro!het "B-+$. Fathiya := *oy, +a!!iness, new begining. Fathiyah := Beginning Fa&hah := ?!ening. Fa&m := A woman worthy of the utmost !raise Fa&mah := A daughter of the ro!het "#.A.W$. Fa&mah, Fa&ma := A%%ustom; daughter of the ro!het Fa&n := 3a!&1a&ng, Alluring, n%han&ng Fa&n or Fa&nah := Fas%ina&ng, %a!&1a&ng, alluring, en%han&ng Fa&nah := 3a!&1a&ng, alluring, intelligent. Fau>ia := #u%%esful, i%torious. Faw> := i%tory or su%%ess Faw>ah, Faw>a := #u%%ess Faw>iyah := #u%%essful. Faw>iyyah, Faw>iya, Fa>ia := #u%%essful, 1i%torious Fayha := Fragrant Fayru> := 6ur(uoise Fa>>ilet := Blessings of Allah. Feero>ah := A !re%ious stone. aughter of alMa>far, #he was a s%holar, narrator of +adith and a 1ery righteous woman; she wrote a boo4 of +adith AlArbaeen /iwayat assalihat an Assalhiheen. Feiya> := #u%%essful. Fellah := Arabian a := Wind. Fo>ia := #u%%essful and 1i%torious. Fo>iah := #u%%essful. Fudayl := 0earned, #%holar. Furat := #weet water Furayah := +andsome, Wellbuilt. Fusaylah := #ome distan%e. Fuseelah := Name of a narrator of hadith. Futun := Fas%ina&ons Ga>ala := )ntelligent, %harming Ghadah := Beau&ful. Ghadah, Ghaada := Beau&ful Ghadir := #tream Ghalibah := ominant. Ghaliyah := Fragrant, belo1ed, 1aluable. Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya := ear, belo1ed, fragrant, e5!ensi1e Ghaneemah := #!oils, booty. Ghania := Beau&ful Ghaniyah := re@y girl, beau&ful woman, beauty Gharam := 0o1e Ghareebah := #trange, foreign. Ghayda := 2oung and deli%ate. Ghayda, Ghaydaa := 2oung and deli%ate Gha>al := Flirt, words of lo1e Gha>alah := := ga>elle Gha>iyah := := Warrior. Ghitbah := #he was a narrator of hadith. Ghi>lan := From ga>>alle. Ghufayrah := 6his was the name of a 1ery !ious woman who 4e!t 1igil in the night. Ghufran := Forgi1eness, !ardon Ghumaysa := +er 4uniyah was -mm #ulaym; she was a frontran4 %om!anion "/.A$ and narrated ahadith; she died in the &mes of #ayyidina -thman "/.A$. Ghunwah or Ghunyah := )ndis!ensible Ghusoon := Bran%hes of a tree Ghusun, Ghusoon := Bran%hes of a tree Ghu>ayyah := #he was a narrator of hadith.

Gule/ana := #weetsmelling rose. +aa>at$ := #la1e girl. 6he daughter of -mar bin Mumal was named *ariyah. Before he had be%ome a Muslim, she was the sla1e of -mar "/.A$ and he used to trash her 1ery harshly that she might re1o4e )slam but she did not and nally he himself be%ame a Muslim. *abeen := Forehead. *abirah := 3omforter, %onsoler *abrayah := 0o1e, res!e%t. *ada := Gi, !resent *adwa := Gi, !resent

*ahaan := 0and. *ahan Aara := Adornment of the world. *ahan 7hatoon := #he was a ersian !oet. *ahanara := 6o ower, to li1e. *ahdamah := #he was a := %om!anion of the ro!het "#.A.W$. *ahida := +el!s the 1ulnarable. *ahmyyllah := Beau&ful one *aiyana := #trength. *ala, *ala := 3larity, elu%ida&on *alilah := #!lendid, loy *ameelah := Beau&ful. *amila := Beau&ful, Gra%eful, 0o1ely *amilah := Beau&ful, gra%eful. *amilah, *ameela := Beau&ful, gra%eful, lo1ely *ammana := earl. *ana := +ar1est *anan := +eart, #oul. *anan, *anaan := +eart, soul *annah := Garden, !aradise *aseena := Ni%e +eart. *asmin := Flower. *asmina := Flower. *asrah := #he was a narrator of +adith. *a1airea := Mysterious. *awa := assion, lo1e *awahir := *ewels *awharah := *ewel *awl := to mo1e freely *awna := 6he sun *a>a := /eward, %om!ensa&on. *ehaan := 3rea&1e mind. *ehan := Beau&ful Flower. *emimah := Beau&ful. *enna := +ea1en, aradise. *ennah := aradise. *essenia := Flower. *ian := 0ife. *ihan := A ri1er in )ran *ilan := 3our&er *inan := Gardens, !aradise *ohara := *ewel *ud := Generosity

*udamah := #he was the daughter of Wahb; she was a %om!anion and a narrator of +adith. *udi := Name of a mountain men&oned in the 8uran *uhainah, *uhaynah := Name of an Arab tribe *uhanah := 2oung girl *umaana := #il1er earl. *uman := earl *umanah, *umaana := #il1er !earl *umaymah := Name of a := %om!anion. *umaynah := Gem, name of a := %om!anion. *un := )nlet, bay, gulf *unah := 6he sun *unnut := +ea1en. *uwairiyah, *uwayriyah := Wife of the ro!het *uwan := erfume *uwariyah := #he was the wife of the ro!het "#.A.W$. 7abirah := lder, Big. 7adshah := #he was a %om!anion. 7aheesha := 6his was the name of a !oetess, daughter of alWa(a. 7aleemah := #!ea4er. 7alila := #weetheart, belo1ed 7altham := Name of al8arshiyah who transmi@ed +adith from #ayyidah Ayshah. 7amaliyah := erfe%&on. 7amilah := erfe%t, %om!lete 7anee> := #la1e. 7an1al := Flower. 7anwal := Water 0ily. 7an> := 6reasure. 7an>a := +idden 6reasure 7an>ah := 6reasure. 7aram := Generosity 4arawan := ariety of !lo1er birds 7ardawiyah := A !ious woman, daughter of Amr alBasriyah was so named. 7arida := -ntou%hed 7arimah := Generous, noble. 7arimah, 7areema := Generous, noble 7as := Glass. 7ashifah := /e1ealer of #e%rets. 7ashish := A@ra%&on. 7athirah := lenty. 7au4ab := #tar. 7ausar := /i1er in ama := 0a1ender 7hu>amah := 0a1ender. 7ifah := #truggle 7iswar := 6erritory. 7oila := 3har%oal. 7omal := Beau&ful. 7uhaylah := Name of a !ious woman who was a good s!ea4er. 7ulthum := aughter of Ahmad bin Ali alAsiwa&yah was a righteous woman who had memorised the 8uran; there were many other women of this name in%luding a daughter of the ro!het "#.A.W$ a daughter of #ayyidina Abu Ba4ar "/.A$ et%. 7ulthum, 7ulthoom := aughter of the ro!het 7ulus := 3learness, !urity 7un>a := +idden treasure.

7uwaysah := re@y. 7yda := reser1ed, #trong. 0aaibah := 0aaibah is the !reOest women in all the im := ssen&al, im!era&1e 0eena := lant of dates, so, mild, %lemen%y. 0eila := Night. 0eilah := Night 0iba := Most Beau&ful "+oor in ah := 6he !rote%ted one. Mahibah := Noble, res!e%ted Mahirah := Ade!t, 5!ert. Mah := 7indness and sweetness. Mehrunisa := re@y woman. Meh1esh := 0ight of the moon. Meh1ish := Bright #tar. Mehwish := Moon, beau&ful. Mersiha := 6he most beau&ful. Meymona := Good Fortune. Mid'haa := A!!re%iate. Midhaa := A!!re%iate. Midhah := raise. Mina := a !la%e near Ma44ah Minaal := 6o rea%h your des&na&on. Minal := Gi, a%hie1ement. Minha := Grant Minnah := 7indness, gra%e, blessing Mirah := ro1isions, su!!ly Misba := )nno%ent. Misha := Beau&ful, re@y. Mishael := 6or%h, light Mishall := A light, beau&ful, !re@y. Mishel := A 0ight. Mis4eenah := +umble. Mohaddisa := #tory teller. Mohga := 6he light of ha!!iness. Momina := Faithful, 6ruly Belie1ing. Mona := Wish, desire. Monera := #hinning light, or guiding light. Mouna := Water. Mounia := A wish or dream %ome true. Mounira := )t's shining. Mua>ah := #he was a narrator of hadith. Mua>>a> := owerful, strong Mubara4ah := Blessed. Mubashirah := Bringer of good news. Mubassirah := ?ne who %omments. Mubeenah := ?ne who ma4es something %lear. Mubin := 3lear, ob1ious

Muah := ?bedient, %om!liant Mudah, Mufeeda := -seful, hel!ful, bene%ial Muhibbah := 0o1ing Muha := 6he em!owerer, the honourer, the strengthener. Mu4arram := +onored Mu4hlisah := e1oted, faithful Mumayya> := is&nguished Mumina := 0o1ely, sweet girl. Muminah := ious belie1er Muna := Water. Muna, Mona := Wish, desire Munawar := Bright. Munawwar := /adiant, illuminated Muna>>ah := #a%red, %lean, honest. Muneerah := #!lendid, bright shine of light, illuminous. Munerah := )llumina&ng, #hining. Muniba := 6o %onsult with Allah, di1erted toward Allah. Munira := 0ight, sunshine. Munirah, Muneera := )llumina&ng, brilliant Munisa := Gentle, friendly Munisah := Friendly Muntaha := 6he utmost, highest degree Mu(adaas := +oly, ure. Mu(balah := Name of a narrator of +adith. Murdiyyah := 3hosen one. Mure of the morning. #abeeyah := Baby girl. #abiha := Beau&ful. #abihah := Beau&ful #abina := Flower. #abi(ah := ast. #abirah := a&ent, !erse1erant. #abirah, #aabira := a&ent #abr := a&en%e, self %ontrol #abrina := White rose. #abriyah := a&ent #abuhi := Morning #tar #adad := /ight thing to do, lu%4y hand #adaf := #hell, ?yster, earl. #adah := +a!!iness #adiah := Good lu%4. #adi(ah := 6ruthful, sin%ere. #adiyah := Fortunate #adoof := Name of a !oetess. #aeedah := Fortunate, Aus!i%ious. #afa := ure #afaa := 3larity, !urity, serenity; name of a hill in Ma44ah #afeerah := Messenger; Ambassador. #a9anah := earl #aPya := Best freind. #aa := ure. #ayya := Best friend. #ayyah := -ntroubled, serene, !ure, best friend. #ayyah, #aya := -ntroubled, serene, !ure, best friend; wife of the ro!het #afoorah := Wife of ro!het Musa "A.#$. #afun := Bree>ing #afwah := An Arab feminine name. #afwana := A #hining #tar, /o%4. #ageda := #ageda is ... #agheerah := #hort. #ahar := awn

#ahibah := 3olleague. #ahirah := Wa4eful. #ahlah := asy, %on1enient. #ahlah, #ahla := #mooth, so, uent, owing #ahrish := #unrise. #aibah := #he was a narrator of hadith. #aida := Most Beau&ful, unmat%hed, friendly. #aidah := +a!!y, fortunate #aihah := Good, useful #aila := #unshine. #aima := 7ee!s fasts. #aimah := Fas&ng. #ai(a := 0ightning. #aira := +a!!y. #airah := ?ne who tra1els. #airish := Magi%, ower. #a := ride of the 4ing. #hahna> := Bride. #hahnoor := /oyal Glow. #hahra>ad := 6eller of 6ales of R,LLR Nights #hah>aadee := rin%ess. #haila := #mall mountain. #hairah := oetess. #haista := olite. #he desires su!!ort and en%ouragement in all her goals. 5tremely dedi%ated and 1ery

intelligent. #haistah := olite, 3ourteous. #haeela := /e1ela&on, /e%ei1ing hos!itably. 6a(iyah := +eedful of God 6a(wa, 6a(waa := iety, de1outness, heedfulness of God 6ara := #tar. 6ari(ah := 6his was the name of the freed sla1e of 0abeet of the family of the !rin%es of al8ays bin ayd "AN$. 6arub := Merry 6asheen := 1er Ambi&ous. 6asneem := Fountain of !aridise. 6asnim := Fountain in !aradise 6awbah := /e!enten%e 6aybah := ure. 6ayyibah := Good, !leasant, agreeable. 6a>im := /es!e%t. 6a>4ia := #!e%ial, -ni(ue. 6a>meen := ?ne ha1ing good (uali&es, nature I habits. 6eh>eeb := /es!e%t. 6habitah := Firm. 6haminah := re%ious, generous. 6hana := 6han4fulness, !raise. 6hana, 6hanaa := 6han4fulness, %ommenda&on, !raise 6hara := Wealth. 6hara, 6haraa := Wealth 6harwah := Wealth 6harya := Name of a !ious woman. 6hashin := A%%laim. 6hawab := /eward 6horaya := #tar. 6hubaytah := #he was among the early Muhaee> := 6he ser1ant of the most !owerful. Abdul A>im := #er1ant of the Mighty Abdul A>i> := #er1ant of the owerful "ear$ ?ne Abdul Baari := #er1ant of the 3reator. Abdul Baasit := #er1ant of the 5tender and 3reator. Abdul Badee := #la1e of the srcinator. Abdul Badi := #er1ant of the )n%om!arable Abdul Baith := #er1ant of the /esurre%tor Abdul Ba(i := #er1ant of the 1erlas&ng Abdul Bari := #er1ant of the 3reator Abdul Barr := #er1ant of the #our%e of All Goodness Abdul Baseer := #la1e of the Allseeing. Abdul Basir := #er1ant of the All #eeing Abdul Basit := #er1ant of the 5tender Abdul Ba&n := #la1e of the unseen. Abdul Fa@ah := #er1ant of the ?!ener "of the gates of sustenan%e$ Abdul Ghafaar := #er1ant of the Forgi1er Abdul Gha9ar:= #er1ant of the Forgi1er Abdul Ghafoor:= #er1ant of the Forgi1er Abdul Ghafur:= #er1ant of the Forgi1ing Abdul Ghani:= #er1ant of the #elf #uP%ient Abdul +adi:= #er1ant of the Guide Abdul +afee>:= #la1e of the rote%tor. Abdul +a>:= #er1ant of the rote%tor Abdul +a4am:= #er1ant of the Arbitrator Abdul +a4eem:= #er1ant of the Wise Abdul +a4im:= #er1ant of the Wise ?ne Abdul +aleem:= #er1ant of the Mild and a&ent Abdul +alim:= #er1ant of the a&ent ?ne Abdul +ameed:= #er1ant of the raiseworthy and the 1erraised Abdul +amid:= #er1ant of the raised ?ne Abdul +annan:= #la1e of the Mer%iful. Abdul +a(:= #er1ant of the 6ruth Abdul +a((:= #er1ant of the 6ruth Abdul +aseeb:= #er1ant of the /es!e%ted and steemed Abdul +asib:= #er1ant of the /es!e%ted, steemed Abdul +ayy:= #er1ant of the 0i1ing Abdul *abaar:= #er1ant of the Mighty. Abdul *abbar:= #er1ant of the 3om!eller Abdul *aleel:= #er1ant of the Great and /e1ered Abdul *alil:= #er1ant of the Great, /e1ered ?ne

Abdul *awwad:= #la1e of the Boun&ful. Abdul 7abir:= #la1e of the Great. Abdul 7areem:= #er1ant of the Noble and Generous Abdul 7arim:= #er1ant of the Noble, Generous ?ne Abdul 7habir:= #er1ant of the Aware Abdul 7hali(:= #er1ant of the 3reator Abdul 0ateef:= #er1ant of the 7ind Abdul 0a&f:= #er1ant of the 7ind ?ne Abdul Maaari := #eeds, s!i%e, seedsman, one who sows; the ersian s%ribe and memoriser of tradi&on, Abu)sha( )brahim had this name. Adam := A ro!het's Name. Adan := "Garden of$ den Adawi := Grandson of #ayyindina -mer. Adbul8awi

:= #er1ant of the Most owerful. Adeeb := A literary erson. Adeel := *ust. Adeem := /are. Adel := +onorable *udge, ?ne who *ugdes Fairly. Adel, Adil := *ust Adham := Bla%4 or dar4 Adib := 3ultured, well mannered one Adil := *ust, +onest. Adiy := A %om!anion of the ro!het; also the name of the son of +a&m 6iay 4nown for his generosity; also the son of 6habit had this name. Adl := *us&%e. Adli := *udi%ial, := Most su%%essful Faw>an

:= i%torious Faw>i := 6o do with su%%ess Fayaa> := 7ind I Generous; Gra%ious. Fayd := Abundan%e. Faye4 := #ur!assing, e5%ellent, su!erior, outstanding Faysal := e%isi1e. Fayyad := ?1erowing, generous Fay>an := Bene%en%e. Fa>al

:= Gra%e. Fero> := #hinning. Ferran := Ba4er Fida := /edem!&on, sa%ri%e Fi4ri := 6hought, ideas Firas := ers!i%a%ity Firo>

:= Gi. Fouad, Fuad := +eart Fuad := +eart. Fudail := 5%ellent in %hara%ter Fualan := #!inner. Gha>anfar := 0ion Gha>awan := Warrior, %om!anion of ro!het "#.A.W$. Gha>i

:= 3on(ueror Gha>wan := ?ne on e5!edi&on, to %on(uer Gha>>al := Name of a re%iter of 8uran. Ghiyath := #u%%orer Ghulam := #la1e, #er1ant. Ghunayn := ?ne who %olle%ts booty. Ghusun := Bran%hes of tree. Ghutayf := Auent. Gohar := iamond, !re%ious stone. Gulab := /ose. Gulfam := /ose fa%ed. Gulshan := A ower Garden. Gul>ar := A Garden, an inhabited town. +aa>i( := )ntelligent, #4illfull. +abbab

:= A9able, lo1able +abib := Belo1ed +abis := A narrator of +adith. +adad := #yrian god of fer&lity +addad := #mith +adee := ire%tor, guide. +adi := Guiding to the right "truth$ +ad := 6he wise one. +a> := rote%tor, one who has memori>ed the 8uran +afs := 0ion, 2oung of 0ion. +aider := 0ion. +ai4al := 6ale. +aa is one of the arabi% al!habets. +urairah := Narrator of +adith, a %lose %om!anion to ro!het Mohammed "B-+$. +urayth := A small %ul&1ator. +urmat := 3has&ty, sa%red. +urrah := 0iberal, free. +usain, +usayn, +ussein := Beau&ful, doer of good deads; a des%endent of the ro!het +usam := #word +usam al in

:= #word of the faith +usni := Good, handsome. +ussain := +andsome, beau&ful. +ussein := +andsome, Beau&ful. +uthayfa := ?ld Arabi% name +u>aifah := 3urtailed, shortened. +u>ayfah

:= 3urtailing, shortening, %urtailed, short. +u>ayl := Bin #hurah bil had this name. )brahim := Father of a mul&tude; a ro!hets name "Abraham$ )d := Feast, fes&1al )dris := A ro!hets name )hab := 0eather. )hsan := 7indness, bene%en%e; highest le1el of )man )h&ram := +onour, hold in honour. )h&sham

:= Modesty, de%en%y )htsham := #trength. ) := roud Mounir := 0ight, sunlight. Mourad := esire. Mu'adh := rote%ted. Mu'afa := Name of a man who tra1elled e5tensi1ely to nd +adith. Mu'alla := A := 3om!anion who !ar&%i!ated in the Ba@le of Badr. Mu'ayyad := #u!!orted. Muadh := rote%ted; name of a %om!anion Muammar := #enior. Muawiyah := 2oung fo5, #ehabie /asool "sawas$ Muayyad

:= #u!!orted "by God$ Muballigh := rea%her, one who !rea%hes and !ro!agates )slam. Mubara4 := +a!!y, blessed Mubara( := Blessing. Mubashir := #!reader of good news. Mubassir := ?bser1er. Mubid := )ntelle%tual. Mubin := 3lear, e1ident Mudabbir := ?ne who !lans. Mudar := An Arabian tribe; name of a great grandfather of the ro!het Muddaththir := 3o1ered; a &tle of the ro!het Mueen := ?ne who hel!s. Muee> := ?ne who gi1es !rote%&on. Mufaddal := ?ne who is !referred. Mufa44ir

:= 6hin4er, one who meditates. Mufallah := ?ne who !ros!ers. Mufeed := "from the 1erb fada to o1erow$. Mud := -seful. Mud, Mufeed := -seful, hel!ful Muih := #u%%essful Mui := *urist Mughith := +el!er, su%%ourer. Muhab := ignied Muha> := ?ne who !rote%ts. Muhair, Muhayr := #4illed Muhai> := Name of a %om!anion. Mu := 6he 6reasure ?f Noor Nurdeen := 0ight of the religion. Nuri := #hining, brightness. Nuri, Noori := #hining, brightness Nusayb

:= Name of a bla%4 sla1e who fought in the early wars of )slam.

Nusayr := Narrator of +adith had this name. Nusrah, Nusrat := +el!, su!!ort ?baid := #mall #la1e ?mar := 0ong0i1ed. ?sama := 0ion. ?wais := A %om!anion of the ro!het "#.A.W$. ar1e> := #u%%ess. Name of a ersian 7ing. er1ai> := Bree>e. 8abeel := #on of #ayyidina Aadam. 8adeer := owerful, 1ery 4ind hearted and honest. 8adi := *udge. 8adim := An%ient. 8aim := /ising, #tanding, 5is&ng, wellgrounded. 8ais

:= 0o1er. 8ani := 3ontent, #a&sed. 8anit := ?bedient, #ubmissi1e, +umble, Godfearing. 8areeb := Near. 8aseem := #hare, or&on. 8asid := Messenger. 8asif

:= is%o1er. 8asim := i1ider, distributor 8atadah := Name of a %om!anion of the ro!het 8ays := Firm. 8ays, 8ais := Firm 8uadir := #trong. 8udamah := 3ourageous 8urban := ?9ering, #a%ri%e. 8usay

:= ?ld Arabi% name 8utaybah := A narrator of hadith. 8utaybah, 8utaibah := )rritable, im!a&ent 8utb := 0eader 8utu> := N-00 /a'id := 0eader, !ioneer. /aahil

:= ath guider. /aashid := Mae /abi' := #!ring, bree>e. /abiah

:= Greenery. /abit := Binding, Fastening. /adi := #a&sed, %ontent /aees := /i%h, Wealthy, 3hief. /afan := Beau&ful, gra%eful. /afay := 6he 5aulter, 6o le1ate /an4 /afee

:= +igh, +ighran4ing, %ultured, rened. /afee4 := Friend. /a := 5al&ng /ad := #u!!ort /a( := 7ind, friend /aghib := esiring, willing. /aghib, /agheb := esirous, willing /aghid := leasant /ahat

:= /est, /es!onse. /aheel := ?ne who shows the way, Fearless or Bra1e. /aheesh := 0eader, 3hief, /i%h. /ahil := ath guider. /ahim := Mer%iful /ahman := 3om!assionate, mer%iful; referring to (uali&es of God listed in the 8uran /ahmat

:= Mer%y. /aid := 0eader /aif := Mer%iful, gentle /aihan := +ea1ens' Flower. /ais := 3a!tain /aa := Wish. /ia> := Garden, de1o&on. /idha := 3ontentment. /idwan := A%%e!tan%e, sa&sfa%&on; name of the 4ee!er of the gates of +ea1en /ifa'ah := ignity. /ihab

:= astness /isay := 6he /is4, Bla%4 /ose, 0o1est ?ne, 6he ?ne /iyad := Gardens. /iyad, /iyadh := Gardens /iyasat := /ule, ominion. /i>( := #ubsisten%e, blessing of God /i>wan := eon of aradise. /obeel := Flight. /oshan := Bright, #hining. /owel := Flower. /uhi := #!iritual /u4anah := Firm, #olid. /ushd := Maturity, wisdom, sensible %ondu%t /ushdi := Mature, wise /uwaid, /uwayd

:= Wal4ing gently /uway := 5alted. #a'd := Feli%ity. #a'dan := +a!!y, fortunate. #a'id := +a!!y, fortunate. #a'im := Fas&ng. #a'ir := Wal4ing, going on foot. #a'irah := Wal4ing. #a'ood := Fortunate, +a!!y. #aad := Good lu%4 #aadah := +a!!iness #aadat := Blessing, +onour. #aar := Ambassador, handsome. #aa(ib := #tar. #ab

:= 0ion #abahat := Beauty, Gra%e, +andsomeness. #abeeh := A narrator of +adith. #abih, #abeeh := Beau&ful, !leasant, fond #abir := a&ent. #abir, #abeer := a&ent, !erse1ering #abri := ?f !a&en%e, !erse1eren%e #abur := a&ent, !erser1ent. #aburah := A narrator of +adith. #ad := Good lu%4 #ad al in := Good of the Faith #adad := /ight thing to do, lu%4y hand #ada(at := 6ruth. #adeed := /ele1ant, er&nent. #adeem

:= +a>e, Mist. #adid := /ele1ant, %orre%t, right #adi( := #in%ere, truthful #adit := +ard wor4ing and strong. #adun := +a!!y #aeed := Blissful, aus!i%ious. #aeed, #aid := +a!!y #afeenah := Name of an Ahl As#u9ah. #afeer := missary. #a9ar := An authority of +adith. #a := ure, %lear #ay := Best friend #ay al in := Best friend of the faith #ayAllah := Allah's %hosen one. #ayy

:= 3hosen ?ne. #afuh := Forgi1ing #aful )slam := #word of )slam. #afwah, #afwat := 6he best, the %hosen #afwan := /o%4, solid, !ure #agheer := #mall, short. #ahab := 3loud. #aheed := 0u%4y, Blissful #aheim := Warrior. #ahib := 3om!anion #ahil := Guide. #ahir := Wa4eful #ahl := asy to deal with #ahm := Arrow, dart. #ahmir

:= ntertaining %om!anion. #aib := A!!ro!riate, %orre%t #aif := #word. #aif al in := #word of the faith #aif, #ayf, #eif := #word "of religion$ #aiful A>man := #word of dream. #a := Bra1e. #hahru4h := 3on%erning, monar%hy. #hah>ad := 7ing's son. #hah>aib := 3rown of a 4ing, li4e a 4ing. #hah>or := 5treme ower. #hairyaar := Friendshi!. #ha := #!ea4 melodious. #haw(i := A9e%&onate #hayaan := )ntelligent. #hayan := raised #haybah := Greyhaired, aged. #ha>ad := rin%e. #ha>eb := e%orated 4ing. #hehro>e

:= 7ing of /oses. #hehryaar := #o1ereign. #heh>aad := rin%e #hera> := 0o1ing, 3aring, aring. #hibli := Was a great #%holar and writer. #hihab := Flame, bla>e #hihab al in

:= #tar of the Faith #hihad := +oney #hira> := #weet. #hoaib := A ro!het's name. #hu'aa := Beams, /ays. #huaib, #huayb := A ro!hets name #huayb := A ro!hets name. #huayr := re%ious. Waa'il := ?ne Who /eturns For #helter. Waddah := Bright, brilliant Wadi := 3alm, !ea%eful Wadid := Fa1orable, de1oted, fond Wafa := Faithfulness, delity. Wa

:= Faithful, loyal. Wa( := #u%%essful. Wa(, Wafee( := #u%%essful Wahab := Gi1ing Wahb := Gi1ing. Wahban := "related to Wahb$. Waheed := -ni(ue, ?ne of its 4ind. Wahhab := 6o gi1e, to donate Wahha< := Glowing, in%andes%ent. Wahib := 0iberal donor. Wahid := #ingular, e5%lusi1e, une(ualled Wail := 3oming ba%4 "for #helter$; one of the %om!anions of the ro!het Wai> := rea%her, #ermoniser. Wa
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