A look at the classical orchestra and the jazz band compared to the musical orchestra....
Stellenbosch University
Musical Theatre Instrument ation
A look at the classical orchestra and the jazz band compared to the musical theatre orchestra.
Kelsey Müller
. Introduction !ookin" at the instrumentation o# a symphonic $ork can provide an idea o# $hat sort o# piece one is dealin" $ith. %or e&le' a small orchestra $ith #e$ $ood$inds' brass and percussion already tells us that there is a chance that the piece could be an earlier $ork #rom the ())s $hile a lar"e orchestra tells us that the piece $as composed later and much closer to the t$enty*+rst century. ,hile o# these types o# deductions are #airly dan"erous' as many e&ceptions occur' they o#ten provide insi"ht into the piece that one is studyin". In the same $ay musical theatre orchestras-bands provide similar insi"hts into $hat the style the musical is in and $hether it is an early or recent musical. I $ill thus compare the instrumentations o# jazz and classical music to musical theatre and see $here musical theatre +ts in and $here the speci+c types o# instrumentations stem #rom. ock musicals and musicals $here small bands are used $ill be e&cluded.
/. The 0lassical 1rchestra Strin"s The classical has evolved over many centuries and thus there is no one speci+c instrumentation setup. It is' ho$ever' commonly kno$n that the instruments o# the symphonic orchestra are divided into #our sections. These sections are the $ood$inds' brass' percussion and strin"s. A #e$ sources call the strin" section the #oundation 20asella 3 Mortari' /))45 ()6 o# the orchestra and note that the strin"s are o#ten considered the most important section 2Adler' /))/576 and dominant 28iston' 9(95:6 2in the orchestra. The +rst section to be #ully developed $as the strin" orchestra and thus it become the bi""est section o# the orchestra. The strin" section is also the lar"est section in the orchestra $ith t$o violin parts' a viola part' cello part and bass part. This section is the only section' ho$ever' $here multiple instruments play on the same part. This has o#ten led to divisions in the parts. Accordin" to imsky*Korsakov 29(45 76 a small orchestra contains ei"ht +rst violins and a #ull orchestra contains si&teen +rst violins. ;o$ever' there are modern $orks $ith much lar"er res Flute Concerto in D major, K. 31 277?6' Flute Concerto in ! major, K. 3132777*77?6 and O"oe Concerto
in C major, K. 31 27776 all $ritten close to each other contain @utes' oboes and even horns' $hich are brass' but no clarinets or bassoons. !ater Mozart composed his #amous Die #au"er$%te, K, &'( 2796 $hich contained a relatively small orchestra by today>s standards. Mozart>s opera contains $ood$inds in t$o 2Mozart' ?795 6. ,ood$inds in t$o contains t$o @utes' t$o oboes' t$o clarinets and t$o bassoons 2imsky*Korsakov' 29(45 :6. Another piece that contains this setup is Concerto or small orchestra, O).:4 29/76 by Albert oussel. This is one o# three setups that have become common place in the instrumentation setup o# $ood$inds in the orchestra. The other setups include $inds in three and $inds in #our. ,inds in three contains t$o @utes one piccolo' t$o oboes one n"lish horn' t$o clarinets one bass clarinet or b clarinet and t$o bassoons and contrabassoon 2imsky*Korsakov' 9(45 :6. An e&le o# $inds in three can be seen in the pieces *ictures at an +hi"ition 2?96 by Mussor"sky arran"ed by avel and Concerto or Orchestra 294:6 by Bartok. ,inds in #our contains three @utes one piccolo $ith one @ute possibly doublin" on alto @ute or bass @ute' three oboes one n"lish horn' three clarinets one bass clarinet and one clarinet doublin" on b clarinet and three bassoons one n"lish horn 2imsky*Korsakov' 9(45 :6. An e&le o# a piece $ith $inds in #our is Bartok>sKossuth 29):6. !ater $e $ill see that the $ood$ind section is very diCerent in musical theatre instrumentation.
Sa&ophones are not o#ten #ound in the classical symphonic orchestra' ho$ever' there are naturally a #e$ cases $here this does occur. achmaninov>s-ym)honic
Dances 294)6 contains $inds in three $ith an added alto sa&ophone $hile avel makes use o# a Sopranino' Soprano and Tenor Sa&ophones inolero 29/?6.
Brass Brass is the section that may have under"one the most chan"e since its introduction into the orchestra 28iston' 9(95 /)(6. Datural horns and trumpets e&isted 28iston' 9(95 /)(6 and thus more $ays o# achievin" notes $ere needed such as the crook used in horns be#ore valve $ere created 2Adler' /))/5 :46. Brass remains the most standardized section other than strin"s in the orchestra. Accordin" to Adler the standard instrumentation #or the brass is #our horns' three trumpets' three trombones and a tuba 2Adler' /))/5 /976. 0omposers o# course i"nore these standardizations o#ten in compositions such as ,a"ner $ho o#ten used si& horns instead o# #our. Many o# the pieces mentioned above use the standard horn instrumentation "uideline.*ictures at an +hi"ition' -ym)honic
Dances and olera are e&les o# this althou"holero does include a piccolo trumpet. Some composers pre#er to e&chan"e the third trombone $ith a bass trombone such as Bartok $ho did so inConcerto or Orchestra. The strin"s and $ood$inds are arran"ed in the order o# the instruments> ran"es' ho$ever' in the brass section the horns are above the trumpets even thou"h the trumpets have the hi"hest ran"e o# the brass instruments. The horn appeared in orchestras Amore-n"lish ;orn-;eckelphone III. 0larinet-Soprano Sa&-%lute-ecorder-8iccolo IG. Bassoon-Bass 0larinet-Bb 0larinet
eeds5 I. 8iccolo-%lute-Alto Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet II. 0larinet in b-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet
III. 8iccolo-%lute-1boe-n"lish ;orn-Tenor Sa&ophone-Baritone Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet IG. 8iccolo-%lute-Soprano Sa&ophone-Bass Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet G. Bassoon
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