Music Recommendation

March 28, 2017 | Author: rdd74900 | Category: N/A
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Music Recommendation Listen to the music You like

Recuperação de Informação 1ºsemestre 2011/2012 Ricardo Dias, nº55444

Bibliography Music Recommendation and Discovery: The Long Tail, Long Fail, and Long Play Òscar Celma, Springer 2010, Ch-1-3,5

Recommender Systems Prem Melville, Vikas Sindhwani Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, 2010

Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts Borko Furht (Ed.), Springer 2009

What is Recommendation? Do we need it? Why?


Recommendation in our lives


Discos and Bars



And… Music!

Do we need Music recommendation?

Music Consumption Change Physical Stores

Online Stores


Music Recommendation Digital Era - Portability

Up to ~20 tracks

Up to ~40.000 tracks


Music Recommendation Digital Era – Online Services

Music Recommendation Digital Era – Online Services


17 Million Songs

Music Recommendation Problem • Overwhelming number of choices of which music to listen to – Users feel: • Paralyzed • Doubtful

• Need to provide personalized filters and recommendations to ease users’ decisions

Music Recommendation Before Digital Era

• Cannot only rely on recommendations from: – Radios – Friends – Local Record Dealers – Dj’s and Music Experts – Etc.

Music Recommendation Digital Era

Music Characteristics • Different from other types of media – Tracking users’ preferences can be implicit – Items can be consumed several times (even repeatedly and continuously) – Instant feedback – Music consumption depends on context (morning, work, afternoon, etc.)

Music Recommendation Specificities • Current music recommendation algorithms try to accurately predict what people will want to listen – Making accurate predictions about a user could listen to, or buy next, independently of how

useful the provided recommendations are to the user

Formalization, Use Cases, Profile Generation, Recommendation Methods


Formalization • Recommendation Problem • Prediction problem – estimation of the items’ likeliness for a given user • Recommend a list of N items – assuming that the system can predict likeliness for yet unrated items

Prediction Problem • 𝑼 = 𝒖𝟏 , 𝒖𝟐 , … , 𝒖𝒎  the set of Users • 𝑰 = 𝒊𝟏 , 𝒊𝟐 , … , 𝒊𝒏  items that can be recommend • 𝑰𝒖𝒋 – list of items a user j expressed his interests • Function 𝑷𝒖𝒂,𝐢j – predicted likeness of item 𝑖𝑗 , for the active user 𝑢𝑎 , where 𝑖𝑗 ∉ 𝐼𝑢𝑎 • Usually represented by a rating < 𝑢, 𝑖, 𝑟 >

Recommendation Problem • Find a list of N items 𝑰𝒓 ⊂ 𝑰 that the user will like the most • The ones with higher 𝑃𝑢𝑎,𝑖𝑗 • The resultant list should not contain items from the user’s interests • 𝐼𝑟 ∩ 𝐼𝑢𝑗 = ∅

Use Cases • Common usages of a recommender system: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Find good items Find all good items Recommend sequence (e.g. playlist generation) Just browsing Find credible recommender Express self Influence others

General Model • Users and Items • Two types of recommendations: • Top-N predicted items • Top-N predicted neighbors

User Profile Generation • Two key elements: • Generation and Maintenance • Exploitation of the profile using a recommendation system

User Profile Creation • Empty Profile – The simplest, but… • Manual – Direct feedback to the system, but… • Data import – create the profile from an external representation • Training Set – Provide feedback to concrete items, marking them relevant or irrelevant to user’s interests, but… • Stereotyping – Assign a user into a cluster of similar users that are represented by their stereotype

User Profile Maintenance • Explicit Feedback • Ratings (Problems?) • Comments and Opinions

• Implicit Feedback • Monitoring user’s actions (e.g., tracking play, pause, skip and stop buttons in the media player, etc.) • Problem? • Advantage over Explicit feedback approaches?

User Profile Adaptation • Adapt the system to users’ profile changes: • Manually • Adding new information while keeping the old • Gradually forgetting old interest and promoting the new ones

Recommendation Methods • Standard classification of recommender systems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Demographic Filtering Collaborative Filtering Content-based Filtering Context-based Filtering Hybrid Approaches

Demographic Filtering • Used to identify the kind of users that like a certain item • Classifies user profiles in clusters based on: • Personal data (age, gender, marital status, etc.) • Geographic data (city, country) • Psycographic data (interests, lifestyle, etc.)

Advantages/Limitations • The simplest recommendation method • But… • Recommendations are too general • Requires effort from the user to generate the profile

Collaborative Filtering • Predict user preferences for items by learning past user-item relationships • CF methods work by build a matrix M with n items and m users, that contains the interaction (e.g. ratings, plays, etc.) of the users with the items.

Collaborative Filtering • The value 𝑴𝒖𝒂, 𝒊𝒋 represents the “rating” of the user 𝒖𝒂 for the item 𝒊𝒋

Collaborative Filtering Approaches • Item-Based Neighborhood • User-Based Neighborhood • Matrix Factorization

Item-Based Neighborhood • Only users that rated the items 𝒊𝒋 and 𝒊𝒌 , are taken into account in the process

Item-Based Neighborhood • Only users that rated the items 𝒊𝒋 and 𝒊𝒌 , are taken into account in the process

Item-Based Neighborhood 1. Compute the similarity between two items, i and j 1. Example: Adjusted cosine similarity

2. Predict to the target user, u, a value for the active item, i 𝑺𝒌 𝒊; 𝒖 - set of k neighbors of item I, that the user u has rated

User-Based Neighborhood • Compute the predicted rating value of item i, for the active user u, taking into account those users that are similar to u

𝑟𝑢 - average rating for user u 𝑆 𝑘 (𝑢)- set of k neighbors for user u (the similar ones)

Matrix Factorization • Useful when the M user-item matrix is sparse • Reduce dimensionality of the original matrix, generating matrices U and V that approximate the original one • Example: SVD – Singular Value Decomposition • Computes matrices 𝑛 𝑥 𝑘 𝑈 and 𝑚 𝑥 𝑘 𝑉, for a given number k, such as: 𝛴 – diagonal matrix containing the singular values of M

Matrix Factorization • After matrix reduction we can calculate the predicted rating value for item i for a user u

𝑈𝑢 𝜖 ℝ𝑘 , 𝑉𝑖 𝜖 ℝ𝑘

Limitations • • • • • •

Data sparsity and high dimensionality Gray sheep problem* Cold-start problem (early-rater problem) Does not take into account items’ descriptions Popularity Bias Feedback Loop

Content-based Filtering • Uses information describing the items • Process of characterizing item data set can be: • Manual (annotations by domain experts) • Automatic (extracting features by analyzing the content)

• Key component: Similarity Function

Content-based Filtering • Similarity Functions 1. Euclidean

2. Manhattan 3. Chebychev 4. Mahalanobis

Limitations • • • • •

Cold-start problem (only to user) Gray-sheep problem Novelty (?) Limitation of extracted automatic features Subjective (personal opinions) not taken into account

Context-based Filtering • Uses context information to describe and characterize the items • Context Information – any information that can be used to characterize a situation or an entity • Context != Content

• Two main techniques: • Web mining • Social Tagging

Web Mining • 3 different web mining categories: • Web content mining • text, hypertext, markup, and multimedia mining

• Web structure mining • focuses on link analysis (in- and out- links)

• Web usage mining • uses the information available on session logs. This information can be used to derive user habits and preferences, link prediction, or item similarity based on co-occurrences in the session log

Social Tagging • Aims at annotating web content using tags • Tags are freely chosen keywords, not constrained to a predefined vocabulary • Recommender systems can derive social tagging data to derive item (or user) similarity

Social Tagging • When users tag items, we get tuples of : < 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒓, 𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒎, 𝒕𝒂𝒈 >

• These triples conform a 3-order matrix (tensor)

Social Tagging • Two approaches to compute item (and user) similarity: 1. Unfold the 3-order tensor in three bidimensional matrices (user- tag, item-tag and user-item matrices) 2. Directly use the 3-order tensor

Unfolding the 3-order tensor • User-Tag (U matrix) - 𝑼𝒊,𝒋 contains the number of times user i applied the tag j • Item-Tag (I matrix) - 𝑰𝒊,𝒋 contains the number of times an item i has been tagged with tag j • User-Item (R binary matrix) - 𝑹𝒊,𝒋 denotes whether the user i has tagged the item j

Unfolding the 3-order tensor • Item similarity (using I) or user similarity (using U or I), can be computed using: • Cosine-based distance • Dimensionality reduction techniques(SVD, NMF)

• Then recommendations can be made by using: • R user-item matrix or, • User profile obtained from U or I

Using the 3-order tensor • The available techniques are (high-order) extensions of SVD and NMF • HOSVD is a higher order generalization of matrix SVD for tensors, • Non-negative Tensor Factorization (NTF) is a generalization of NMF

Limitations • Coverage • Problems with tags: • • • •

Polysemy Synonymy Usefulness of personal tags Sparsity

• Attacks / Vandalism

Hybrid Approaches • Goal • Achieve better recommendations by combining some of the previous approaches

• Methods: • • • •

Weighted Switching Mixed Cascade

Factors Affecting Recommendation • • • • •

Novelty and Serendipity Explainability (transparency) Cold Start Problem Data Sparsity and High Dimensionality Coverage

Factors Affecting Recommendation • • • •

Trust Attacks Temporal Effects Understanding the Users

Use cases, User and Item Profiles Representation, Recommendation Examples


Use Cases • Main task of a music recommendation system: • Propose interesting music, consisting of a mix of known and unknown artists, as well as the available tracks, given a user profile

Use Cases • Artist Recommendation • Playlist Generation • Shuffle, Random Playlists • Personalized Playlists

• Neighbor Recommendation

How about other use cases?

User Profile Representation • Extend user profile with music related information • Has not been largely investigated

• Useful to: • Improve music recommendation • Share with others your preferences

Type of Listeners • Each type of listener needs different type of recommendations

User Profile Representation Proposals • Most relevant proposals are: • User modeling for Information Retrieval (UMIRL) • MPEG-7 standard • Friend of a Friend (FOAF) initiative

User Modeling for Information Retrieval • Allows one to describe perceptual and qualitative features of the music

MPEG-7 User Preferences • User preferences in MPEG-7 includes: • Content filtering • Searching and browsing preferences • Usage history

FOAF: User Profiling in the Semantic Web • Provides conventions and a language “to tell” a machine the type of things a user says about herself in her homepage

Item Profile Representation • Music items: • Artists • Songs

Music Information Plane

Music Information Plane • Music knowledge management categories: • Editorial Metadata • Cultural Metadata • Acoustic Metadata

Editorial Metadata

Cultural Metadata

Acoustic Metadata

Music Description Facets • Low-level Timbre Descriptors • Spectral Centroid/Flateness/Skewness, MFCCs, etc.

• • • • • • •

Instrumentation Rhythm Harmony Structure Intensity Genre Mood

Recommendation Methods (examples and specificities) • Collaborative Filtering (CF) • Explicit/Implicit Feedback

• Content-Based Filtering • Context-Based Filtering • Hybrid Methods

Collaborative Filtering • CF makes use of the editorial and cultural information • Explicit feedback – based on ratings about songs / artists • Implicit feedback – tracking user listening habits

CF with Explicit Feedback • Examples: • Ringo – 1st music recommender based on CF and explicit feedback • Racofi – based on CF and a set of logic rules based on Horn clauses • Indiscover • Slope One CF method

CF with Implicit Feedback • Main Drawbacks: • The value that a user assigns to an item is not always in a predefined range (e.g. from 1..5 or like it/hate it) • Cannot gather negative feedback

• Recommendations usually performed at artist level, but listening habits are recorded at song level  Aggregation

Content-Based Filtering • Uses content extracted from music to provide recommendations • Compute similarity among songs, in order to recommend music to the user

• Two ways to describe audio content: • Manually • Automatically

Manually Audio Content Description • Very time consuming • Scalability problems

• But… • Annotations can be more accurate than automatic

• Example: Pandora • Analysts annotate 400 parameters per song, using a ten point scale per attribute • ~ 15.000 songs analyzed per month

Automatic Audio Content Description • Early work on audio similarity is based on lowlevel descriptors, such as Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients ( MFCC) • Foote proposed a music indexing system based on MFCC histograms • Audio features are usually aggregated together using mean and variance, or modeling it as a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

Automatic Audio Content Description • Analyses audio signal and automatically extracts a set of features: • Tzanetakis extracted a set of features representing the spectrum, rhythm and harmony (chord structure); then merged into a single vector, and were used to determine song similarity • Cataltepe et al. presented a music recommendation system based on audio similarity, where user’s listening history is taken into account

Context-Based Filtering Techniques • Uses cultural information to compute artist or song similarity • Mainly based on web mining techniques, or mining data from collaborative tagging

Context-Based Filtering Techniques • Example: • M3 (Music for My Mood), uses context (season, month, day of the week, weather, temperature) and Case-based Reasoning to recommend music

Hybrid Methods • Allows a system to minimize the issues that a solely method can have • How cascade approach works: • One technique is applied first, obtaining a ranked list of items. Then, a second technique refines or re-rank the results obtained in the first step

Hybrid Method • Example: • Tiemann et al. investigate ensemble learning methods for hybrid music recommender algorithms. Their approach combines social and content-based methods, where each one produces a weak learner. Then using a combination rule, it unifies the output of the weak learners.

System-centric, Network-centric, User-centric


Evaluation • Three different strategies • System-centric • Network-centric • User-centric

System-centric Evaluation • Evaluation measures how accurate the system can predict the actual values that user have previously assigned

System-centric Evaluation • Most approaches based on the leave-n-out method • Similar to the classic n-fold cross validation

• Dataset divided into two (usually disjunct) sets: • Training and Test

• Accuracy evaluation based only on a user’s dataset • The rest of the items of the catalog are ignored

System-centric Evaluation • Metrics: • Predictive accuracy • Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Square Error

• Decision based • Mean Average Precision, Recall, F-measure, Accuracy, ROC

• Rank based • Spearman’s ƥ, Kandall – Ƭ, Half-life Utility, Discounted Cumulative Gain

System-centric Evaluation Limitations • Cannot evaluate recommendations concerning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Coverage Novelty Transparency (explainability) Trustworthiness (confidence) Perceived Quality

Network-centric Evaluation • Evaluation aims at measuring the topology of the item (or user) similarity network

Network-centric Evaluation • The similarity network is the basis to provide the recommendations • Important to analyze and understand the underlying topology of the similarity network

• Measures: • Coverage • Diversity of recommendations

Network-centric Evaluation • In terms of: • Navigation • Average Shortest Path, Giant Component

• Connectivity • Degree Distribution, Degree-Degree Correlation, Mixing Patterns

• Clustering • Local/Global Clustering Coefficient

• Centrality • Degree, Closeness, Betweeness

Network-centric Evaluation • Limitations: • Accuracy of the recommendations cannot be measured • Transparency (explainability) and trustworthiness (confidence) of the recommendations cannot be measured • The perceived quality (i.e. usefulness and effectiveness) of the recommendations cannot be measured

User-centric Evaluation • Evaluation focuses on the user’s perceived quality and usefulness of the recommendations

User-centric Evaluation • Copes with the limitations of both: • System- and Network-centric approaches

• Evaluates: • Novelty • Perceived Quality

User-centric Evaluation • Gathering Feedback (Explicit, Implicit) • Perceived Quality • Novelty • A/B Testing

Perceived Quality • Easiest way to measure? • Explicitly ask the users • User needs information about: • Item (e.g. metadata, preview, etc.) • Reasons why the item was recommended

• Then can rate the quality of each recommended item (or the whole list)

Novelty • Ask users if they recognize the predicted items or not • Combining novelty and perceived quality we can infer if: • User likes to receive and discover unknown items • Prefers more conservative and familiar recommendations

A/B Testing • Present two different versions of an algorithm (or two algorithms) • Evaluate which one performs the best

• Performance measured by the impact the new algorithm has on the visitors’ behavior, compared to the baseline algorithm

User-centric Evaluation • Limitations: • Need of user intervention in the evaluation process • Gathering feedback from the user can be tedious for some users • Time-consuming

Evaluation summary • Combining the three methods we can cover all the facets of a recommender algorithm

Evaluation summary • System-centric • Evaluates performance accuracy of the algorithm

• Network-centric • Analyses the structure of the similarity network

• User-centric • Measure satisfaction about recommendations they receive

Which datasets can we use to evaluate Music Recommendation Approaches?

DATASETS FOR EVALUATION Dataset – 1K users • Contains tuples • Represents the listening habits for ~1.000 users

• Collected from Last.fmAPI • User.getRecentTracks()

• Statistics: • ~108,000 Artists with MusicBrainz ID • ~70.000 Artists without MusicBrainz ID Dataset – 360K users • Contains tuples from 360.000 users • Collected from API • User.getTopArtists()

• Statistics: • ~190.000 Artists with MusicBrainz ID • ~107.000 Artists without MusicBrainz ID

The Million Song Dataset • One Million Songs!!! • • • • •

280GB of data ~45.000 unique artists ~8.000 unique terms > 2 Million asymmetric similarity relationships Acoustic features • Pitch, Timbre, Loudness, etc.

• Links to other sources to obtain more information • Musicbrainz, 7digital, playme

NEXTONE PLAYER NEXTONE PLAYER: A Music Recommendation System Based on User Behavior Yajie Hu and Mitsunori Ogihara ISMIR 2011

Session-based CF for Music Recommendation Session-based Collaborative Filtering for Predicting the Next Song Sung Eun Park, Sangkeun Lee, Sanggoo Lee CNSI 2011

The End Thank you!

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