Music of the Spheres

March 15, 2017 | Author: Petru P Parvu | Category: N/A
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Music of the Spheres There is a double sense of joy: we give and receive emotion. Our life unfolds today in a stressful environment. The world is looking for an "antidote”. A part of this " antidote" can be found in music. As we are looking for the forest and the meadow to heal our souls, in the same way we should look for music. Our Earth was born from the Universe’s Song. That is why everything that exists in nature, expresses itself through a song that can be perceived by the souls who live in contact with him. All these songs form a symphony that is vital for humanity. Music of the spheres, so dear to Pitagoras, is a reality: celestial bodies that slip in their orbits have sound vibrations, creating a cosmic music. There is a music of human nature which resonates with the music of the spheres being it’s echo. The music blends toghether in a perfect harmony. If the music of the Universe comes to us then as a normal reaction we should turn to the universe through music. We can do it using the arguments of the scientific researches today. They show that the complex classical music has proved to be very useful for relaxation and enhance memory.

The Neverending Story of Music Mellosofia aims to promote classical music to the general public. This chamber ensemble, plays music given by the flute and piano generating deep emotion. Repertoire selection is done by approuching the works corresponding to the team spirit and temperament.This year, the two musicians aim to bring to the public in Romania the Dutch contemporary music. Rembrandt, Van Gogh tulips, shoes, windmills these are the magic words/images by which Romanians recognize The Netherlands. But this country has far more cultural treasure worth discovering. Contemporary classical music is one of these treasures and it must be made known. The project is much larger and they will be giving recitals not only in Romania but as well in other European countries such as France (Paris,Toulouse), Italy (Milano, Torino) and England (Lancaster).

Sense of harmony

It is said that Albert Einstein was a mediocre student until he started playing the violin. „Up to that time, he encountered many difficulties in expressing what he knew”, says Hazel Cheilek, conductor of the school of science and technology " Thomas Jefferson” where more than one third of the students were playing an instrument. Even Einstein said that the moments of maximum inspiration were while playing the violin. He freed his mind so he can create. At the beginning of the eighteenth-century King George I of England said that he was able to take the right decisions while listening to music. Handel composed the suite "Water Music" to be played while the king floated on board of the Royal vessel on the Thames. Even Plato in ancient Greece believed that the study of music creates a sense of order and harmony necessary for intelligent thinking.

Mozart Effect Medicine tells us that the main cause of depression is lack of serotonin, the hormone of wellness. Recent studies show that music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven help produce serotonin. Depression causes heart disease, but the rhythm of music stabilizes and regulates blood pressure. Research conducted at the Center and Neuro-Linguistic, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory techniques in California have found that preschoolers who took music lessons have scored 80% higher on intelligence test (IQ test) than those who haven’t studied music. The same center carried out a study on students at University of California and Irvine, found that so-called "Mozart Effect" has helped students obtain a score of 9 points higher on IQ test (IQ test) than those who sat in silence or listened to other relaxing music.

In duo with classical guitar, she performed several recitals, including:"Elegance du Baroque" at the National University of Music Bucharest, Autumn 2009 season recital "Equinox" - Theatre "Equinox" Ploiesti, great concert " Baroque Music at The Police Agents School" Vasile Lascar" Campina, "Carols in the Church” (Parish Youth Heroes Ploiesti) "Music or the path of healing" - Prahova County Museum of Art "Ion Ionescu-Quintus", Humanitarian Concert "Life For Alexandra" – „Theatre Thomas Caragiu" Ploiesti, "Classical music at the Café Pasoptista” - Ghika Palace Bucharest. In duo with piano, she performed many recitals, including: "Musique Francaise" - Paul Constantinescu Memorial House, "La Belle Epoque" Prahova County Museum of Art "Ion Ionescu-Quintus", "Erasmus Students in Concert" National University of Music Bucharest. She atended the masterclass of Mr. Prof. Dr. Petre Lefterescu, called Stylistic Interpretation of Baroque Music. She attended master classes held by important flutist such as Emmanuel Pahud Geneva, Sir James Galway in Milan. She appeared in live television broadcasts.

Healing through music Music means deep feelings and passions of our memory and imagination, the leap over logic and reason meaning spiritual communion. The healing effects of music, meant to ensure the health of body and soul, are well known from ancient times. In ancient Egypt there were chants as treatments for infertility and rheumatic pain. In the Old Testament says that sadness of King Saul was driven away by David's harp song (the later king). David has made himself one of the first collection of songs called David's Psalter. In ancient Greece the aulos sound (gr.Αυλος), ancestor of the flute, relieved pain of sciatica and gout Great composers have been aware of the connection between health and music:Handel, said, "... through my compositions, I am not willing to entertain the audience, but to make them feel better ..." In search of universal harmony , humanity has always wanted to tune with the music of the stars. If earth tones reflect the divine laws then they have the power to relieve suffering and to support health and healing.

Luiza Filipescu Farinelli, in 1731, cured King Philip V of Spain of depression, by singing to him his favorite area. Recent studies have confirmed the theory that the basis for healing through sound and music is resonance. Human body can be seen as a musical instrument that is extremely complex, unique and finely tuned. Every atom, molecule, cell, tissue and organ of the body sends constantly life corresponding frequencies to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. Even the human voice is an indicator of health. The mystic river of the sacred sounds, surrounds us and lifts us spiritually, offering to human consciousness the belief that life is sacred. Through music we can choose peace and health, harmony and consciousness, we can turn vision into reality.

is a graduate of National University of Music Bucharest, Department of Music Performance (Flute), class of Mr. Lector univ. dr . Catalin Opritoiu. The winner of the national and international competitions and festivals for Flute, including: Sigismund Toduta-Deva National Competition (second prize), National Olympics musician flute-Tulcea (first prize), Ciprian Porumbescu-Suceava National Contest (prize) International Competition for musical instruments UFAM (Union Française des Artistes Musiciens) Paris (Award “Deuxième Accessit à l'Unanimité”), Competition Jean Francais - France Vanves UFAM Contest - Courbevoie, France Musique de Chambre (duo FluteGuitar), Festival "Falaut" edition in 2007 in Milan, Festival “J'aime L'art "- an event supported and developed by restaurant Crepe JeT'aime" – Ploiesti. She gave chamber music recitals in Romania and abroad (France).

Ioana Cojuharov

is a student of National University of Music Bucharest fourth year, the Department of Music Performance (Piano), Class of Mr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Vlad Dimulescu. The winner in national piano competitions and festivals, Bucharest, Piatra Neamt and Ploiesti (11 awards). The winner of several international piano competitions and festivals such as France-Mryse Cheilan, Italy, Moncalieri, Agropoli, Bulgaria, Burgas, Romania-The International ProPiano Romania (14 prizes). She gave numerous recitals in the country and abroad.


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