Music and Wine (II)

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>> KGJ 84.8812/s8>;88-485-44;>84.8812/s8>;88-485-44;>-zz


Gpec Hnness

_jce hck `usjn (JJ)9 nhc ygu thste tae `usjn7 @gkulhtjco tae experjecne gb wjce targuoa `usjn hck sguck Nahrles ^pecne8,=* hck Xjhc (Ihcjne) _hco8

Hmstrhnt H orgwjco mgky gb snjectjbjn evjkecne cgw sagws taht waht pegple thste waec evhluhtjco h wjce, hck agw `una taey ecigy tae experjecne, nhc me jcbluecnek my tae `usjn taht ahppecs tg me plhyjco ht tae sh`e tj`e. Jt ahs lgco meec fcgwc taht waht we aehr nhc jcbluecne tae aekgcjn hspents gb thstjco. Agwever, waht tae lhtest resehrna cgw sagws js taht my plhyjco tae   “rjoat‐ `usjn gce nhc hlsg j`phnt spenjbjn secsgry-kjsnrj`jchtjve hspents gb thstjco hs well. @usjn ahs meec sagwc tg jcbluecne tae pernejvek hnjkjty, sweetcess, brujtjcess, hstrjcoecny, hck lecota gb wjce. _e hroue hohjcst hc hnnguct gb suna results jc ter`s gb sychestaesjh, gr   “gecestaesjh,‐  hs sg`e ahve nagsec tg nhll jt. Jcstehk, we suooest taht httectjgc, kjrentek vjh tae nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes taht exjst metweec sguck hck thste (jc tae pgpulhr `ehcjco gb tae ter`, j.e., blhvgr), nhc `gkjby (perahps ecahcne, gr nerthjcly ajoaljoat waec htteckek, gr suppress waec uchtteckek) nerthjc ele`ects jc tae ng`plex thstjco experjecne taht js krjcfjco wjce. _e hlsg ajoaljoat tae ljfely rgle plhyek my hcy nahcoe jc tae `ggk gr e`gtjgchl sthte gb tae persgc ljstecjco tg tae `usjn gc thste/hrg`h perneptjgc hs well. Bjchlly, we ajoaljoat agw tae nrgss`gkhl `hsfjco gb sweetcess perneptjgc `hy ng`e jctg ebbent jb  tae `usjn ahppecs tg me tgg lguk (h bgr` gb nrgss`gkhl secsgry `hsfjco). [hfec tgoetaer, tae evjkecne revjewek aere suppgrts tae nlhj` taht, strhcoe taguoa jt `hy see`, waht we aehr (spenjbjnhlly jc ter`s gb `usjn) rehlly nhc nahcoe gur perneptjgc gb tae thste gb wjce, cgt tg `ectjgc agw `una we ecigy tae experjecne. ^everhl plhusjmle `enahcjs`s taht `hy uckerlje suna nrgss`gkhl ebbents hre gutljcek. Feywgrks9   _jce, @usjn, Nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes, @ultjsecsgry, E`gtjgc, ^ychestaesjh ]evjew Nhc waht we ljstec tg nahcoe gur perneptjgc gb tae thste gb wjce7 [aht, ht lehst, js tae nlhj` `hke my h cu`mer gb 

^naggl, hs represecthtjve. Ae shys gb tae ng`mjchtjgc gb  @gzhrt‚s Lhukhte Kg`jcu` hck Nahrkgcchy9   “V…P Iust hs ta taee sg sgch chct ct ng ng`p `ple lexj xjty ty js kg kgum umle lek, k, ta taee ou oust stht htgr gry  y 

rese resehrna hrnaers ers gbtec renectly renectly. . ^una strhcoe taey `hy  see`, ahve `et wjta hnlhj`s, aehltay kgse gbhssfeptjnjs` brg` tae oecerhl pumljn hck `ekjh ht lhroe9 Iust thfe tae bgllgwjco, brg` Hljne Igces, wrjtjco jc  [ae Jckepeckect  cewsphper, waec sae expressek kgumt taht tae nlhj` taht “wjce thstes metter wjta `usjn‐  wgulk   “sthck up tg snjectjbjn snrutjcy.‐  (V  (V8 8P, p. 58). Gc tae gtaer ahck, we ahve pgwerbul pgwer bul bjrst bjrst-pers -persgc gc repgr repgrts ts kgnu kgnu`ectjc `ectjcoo tae sg`e sg`e-tj`es trhcsbgr`htjve trhcsbgr`htjve jcbluecne jcbluecne gb tae   “rjoat‐   `usjn gc tae wjce thstjco experjecne. Bgr jcsthcne, thfe tae bgllgwj lg wjco co br brg` g` Ih Ih`e `ess Ig Igac ac,, Kj Kjre rent ntgr gr gb ta taee Mh Mhta ta _j _jce ce

ebb ebbent ents gb rjp rjpe e bru brujt jt enjhtj gchtjgc tghste tgh vhcjllh vhc explg explgke tae phlhte phl htes hck tae hppr hpprenj gcstek gbk mgt mgta ajllh js thf thfec ec ke tg gc hc ectjrely cew level‐  (qugtek jc V= V=P). Mut wa waht ht kg tae res results ults gb wel well-n l-ngct gctrgl rgllek lek snj snject ectjbj jbjnn stukjes ahve tg shy gc tae `htter7 Hs ajoaljoatek jc h renect revjew gc tae tgpjn (see V> V >P), h orgwjco mgky gb  peer-revjewek e`pjrjnhl resehrna hlrehky sagws taht tae `higrjty gb pegple kg hppehr tg horee taht nerthjc pjenes gb `usjn represect h metter `htna bgr h ojvec wjce tahc gtaers. [aht shjk, tae bhnt taht pegple experjecne h nerthjc `htna kges cgt j`ply taht ljstecjco tg gce pjene gb  `usjn rhtaer tahc hcgtaer wjll cenesshrjly ahve hcy j`phnt gc tae wjce thstjco experjecne jtselb. Hbter hll, way  sagulk nahcojco tae `usjn we aehr jcbluecne gur experjecne gb tae wjce we thste7 Hs we wjll see, tae evjkecne

* Ngrrespgckecne9  Ngrrespgckecne9  8 Nrgss`gkhl ]esehrna Lhmgrhtgry, Gxbgrk Ucjversjty, Gxbgrk, UF  = Kephrt`ect gb Experj`ecthl Tsynaglgoy, Ucjversjty gb Gxbgrk, Gxbgrk GQ8 >UK, UF 

© =485 ^pecne hck _hco. Gpec Hnness  [ajs hrtjnle js kjstrjmu kjstrjmutek tek ucker tae ter`s gb tae Nreht Nrehtjve jve Ng``gcs Httrjmutjgc gc ;.4 Jcterchtjgchl Ljnecse (attp9//nrehtjveng``gcs.gro/ljnecses/my/;.4/) (attp9//nrehtjveng``gcs.gro/ljnecses/my/;.4/) , wajna per`jts ucrestrjntek use, kjstrjmutjgc, hck reprgkuntjgc reprg kuntjgc jc hcy `ekju`, prgvjkek prgvjkek ygu ojve hpprgprjhte hpprgprjhte nrekjt tg tae grjojch grjojchll hutagr hutagr(s) (s) hck tae sgurne, prgvjke h ljcf tg tae Nrehtjve Ng``gcs ljnecse, hck jckjnhte jb nahcoes were `hke. [ae Nrehtjve Ng``gcs Tumljn Kg`hjc Kekjnhtjgc whjver (attp9//nrehtjveng``gcs.gro/pumljnkg`hjc/zerg/8.4/ ) hppljes tg tae khth `hke hvhjlhmle jc tajs hrtjnl hrtjnle, e, ucless gtaerwjse sthtek.


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe = gb 8;

revjewek revjew ek jc taj tajss hrt hrtjnl jnlee nle nlehrl hrlyy ke` ke`gcs gcstrh trhtes tes tah tahtt tae `usjn we ljstec tg rehlly nhc nahcoe gur experjecne gb  wjce thstjco. _aht js `gre, tae lhtest resehrna oges me ygck tae lgco ljce gb resehrna ke`gcstrhtjco hc j`phnt gb tae ngctext, gr ecvjrgc`ect, gc tae aekgcjn plehsure pegple oet brg` krjcfjco. Jb gce oets tae `usjn rjoat, gce rehlly nhc `gkjby nerthjc nerthjc spen spenjbjn jbjn hspents gb tae wjce thstjco experjecne, suna hs tae pernejvek sweetcess hck hnjkjty, brujtjcess, hstrjcoecny, hck lecota (nb. V; V;,   5P, bgr evjkecne taht nahcojco tae nglgr gb tae ljoatjco nhc hlsg nahcoe tae experjecne). Aere, Ae re, we rev revjew jew tae evjk evjkecn ecnee ke ke`gc `gcstr strhtj htjco co sun suna a nrgss`gkhl jcbluecnes, mebgre ogjco gc tg lggf ht waht js nu nurr rrec ectl tlyy fc fcgw gwc c hm hmgu gutt ta taee `e `ena nahc hcjs js`s `s ta taht ht `h `hy  y  uckerl uck erlje je sun suna a eb ebben bents. ts. _e hro hroue ue ho hohjc hjcst st hc hnn hnnguc guctt jc ter`s gb sychestaesjh V2 V2P. Jcste Jcstehk, hk, we kevel kevelgp gp hc explh explhcchtjgc taht js mhsek gc tae e`erojco ljterhture gc nrgss`gkhl `gk hl ngr ngrres respgc pgckec kecne ness hck htt httect ectjgc jgc.. Nrg Nrgss` ss`gkh gkhll ngrrespgckecnes hre tae surprjsjco hssgnjhtjgcs taht we hll sa sahre hre met metwee weec c beh behtur tures, es, htt httrjm rjmute utes, s, hck sec secsgr sgryy kj`ecsjgcs jc gce secsgry `gkhljty hck tae see`jcoly uc-

experjecne wajle krjcfjc experjecne krjcfjcoo wjce, ucphnfjco ucphnfjco tae vhrjgus `enahcjs`s taht `hy uckerlje suna nrgss`gkhl ebbents js hc hlt hltgoe goetae taerr `gr `gree nah nahllec llecojc ojcoo (hc (hck k nu nurre rrectly ctly gcogjco) eckehvgr. Nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes, tae j`phnt ph nt gb hc hcyy `u `usj sjnn-jc jcku kune nek k na nahc hcoe oe jc gu gurr `g `ggk gk gr e`gtjg e`g tjgcs, cs, syc syche hesta staesj esjh, h, sec secsh shtjg tjgc c trh trhcsb csbere erecne cne,, hck nrgss`gkhl `hsfjco, hre iust sg`e gb tae `gre pgpulhr suooestjgcs taht ahve meec put bgrwhrk tg explhjc waht `hy me ogjco gc aere (see [hmle 8 [hmle  8). ). _e wjll lggf jc kethjl ht tae bjrst twg gb taese puthtjve `enahcjs`s lhter.

relht relhtek ek behtu behtures, httrjmutes, httrjm utes, hck V? secsgry kj`ecsjgcs kj`ec sjgcs gb  experjecne jcres, hcgtaer `gkhljty Vsecs ?,   1P,gry suna hs metweec rguc rg uckc kces esss hc hck k sw swee eetc tces esss gr mr mrjo joat atce cess ss hc hck k pj pjtn tna. a. ]elevhct aere, h cu`mer gb nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes metweec `usjn (gr `usjnhl httrjmutes), gc tae gce ahck, hck tae thste, hrg`h/mguquet, `gutabeel, hck/gr blhvgrs taht hre bguck jc wjce ahve meec ke`gcstrhtek jc renect  yehrs V:„8= 8=P. P. ^una ngrrespgckecnes metweec `usjn hck thste (j.e., blhvgr) `hy serve tg kjrent tae thster‚s httectjgc tg spenjbjn behtures jc tae wjce, wajle ljstecjco tg `usjn.. Hlter `usjn Hlterchtjve chtjvely, ly, jt `joat presu`hmly presu`hmly me pgssj pgssjmle mle bgr h phrtjnulhr pjene gb `usjn tg me rhtek hs ogjco espenjhlly  well wjta h ojvec wjce, hck yet pegple `joat cevertaeless stjll me hmle tg jsglhte taejr experjecne gb tae wjce wjtagut mejco jcbluecnek my waht taey aehr. [ae jctu-

cgtek bew yehrs hog, Mgta hck `usjn nhphnjty tgh phnf tae`selves jctg wjce ceht ljttle oecres,ahve ehnah wjta kjstjcnt chtjgchl hck ajstgrjn blhvgrs. ‐  Jt wgulk hlsg see` rehsgchmle tg suooest taht jb we ljfe tae `usjn, taec we `joat me h ljttle `gre ljfely tg hpprenjhte tae wjce hs well‛gce nhc tajcf gb tajs hs hc exh`ple gb   “secshtjgc trhcsberecne‐   V=4 =4P6 P6 ljs ljstec tecjco jco tg `us `usjn jn `hy pu putt tae ljstecer jc h nerthjc `ggk gr e`gtjgchl sthte V=8 V =8P, P, ejtaer oggk gr mhk. [ajs tgg `joat me expentek tg jcbluecne gur per pernep neptjg tjgc c hck hpprenjh hpprenjhtjgc tjgc gb wjc wjcee V== ==,,   => =>P. P. H orgwjco orgwj co mgky gb snjec snjectjbjn tjbjn evjkecne hlsg ke`gc ke`gcstrht strhtes es taht sgucks taht hre tgg lguk nhc lehk tg h nrgss`gkhl suppressjgc gb thste hck hlngagl perneptjgc (e.o., V=; V=;„=2 =2P6 P6 see V=? V=?PP bgr h revjew). Bjchlly aere, gce ngulk j`hojce agw  evec sj`ply fcgwjco taht h phrtjnulhr pjene gb `usjn ahk

jtjgc aere ahs tg me taht jb hcygce nhc, tae experts, wjce `hfers etn., guoat tg me metter hmle tg jsglhte taejr thstjco ex exper perjec jecne ne hck joc jocgre gre tae `usjn tah tahc c tae oecerhl oecerhl pumljn. Mut nhc taey7 _ajl _a jlee h or orgw gwjc jcoo mg mgky ky gb e` e`pj pjrjn rjnhl hl ev evjk jkec ecne ne cg cgw  w  ke`gcs ke` gcstrh trhtes tes tah tahtt `us `usjn jn hb hbben bents ts gur per perne neptj ptjgc gc hck

meec nagsec, gr metter stjll, ng`pgsek, tg og wjta h spenjbjn wjce ngulk exert h oecerhljzek upljbt ebbent gc gce‚s `ultjsecsgry thstjco experjecne (nb. V=1 V=1P). P). Hltaguoa taere js h lhroe hck orgwjco ljterhture kgnu`ectjco tae vhrjgus whys jc wajna waht we aehr, spenjbjnhlly jnh lly `us `usjn, jn, jcb jcblue luecne cness gur oe oecer cerhl hl ex exper perjec jecne ne hck

@gkjbyjco tae thstjco experjecne wjta `usjn

Ht tae gutset, jt js j`pgrthct tg cgte taht taere hre h cu`mer gb whys jc wajna waht we aehr ngulk jcbluecne waht we tajcf hmgut waht we thste. [aere `hy, bgr exh`ple, me oecerhljzek ebbents gb `usjn, suna taht nlhssjnhl `usjn `hy `hfe pegple rhte h wjce hs `gre expecsjve (nb. V8> V8>,,   8; 8;P). P).8 Jt ahs meec sagwc taht etacjnhlly hpprgprjhte `usjn nhc aelp tg mrjco gut tae etacjnjty jc h kjsa gb bggk (V85 (V85„8? 8?P), P), hck aecne, pgssjmly hlsg tae typjnjty  V81 81PP jc wjce tgg. Jckeek, hs Thul _ajte (V8: (V 8:P, P, p. 8==)  “

[hmle 8  ^u``hry gb bjckjcos brg` snjectjbjn stukjes gc tae pgssjmle `enahcjs`s uckerlyjco tae hukjtgry `gkulhtjgc gb tae wjcethstjco experjecne @enahcjs`


^uppgrtjco resehrna

Nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes

Ngrrespgckecnes metweec sguck hck thste krhw httectjgc tg kjbberect ng`pgcects jc tae wjce

V1=P6P6 Najgu hck ]jna V?1 V ?1P6P6 ^pecne V21 V21P6P6 Rhc Ee et hl. V1= Flhpetef et hl. V?: V?:PP

E`gt E`gtjg jgc c

@usj @usjnn nahc nahcoe oess e` e`gt gtjg jgcs cs,, wa wajn jna a jc turc turc nahc nahcoe oe tae tae kr krjc jcfj fjco co ex expe perj rjec ecne ne

Tgll Tgllht htgs gs et hl hl.. V:4P6 :4P6 Aehta et hl. V:8 V:8P6P6 ^`jta V:= V:=PP


Tegple experjecne sguck-thste sychestaesjh

^hnase-_ejchrt V2P

^ecshtjgc trhcsberecne

Tegple‚s beel beeljc jcos os tgwh tgwhrk rkss tae tae `usj `usjnn hre hre tr trhc hcsb sber erre rek k tg tae tae wj wjce ce

Naesf Naesfjc jc V22P 22P

Nrgs Nrgss` s`gk gkhl hl `hsf `hsfjc jco o

^guc ^gucks ks (esp (espen enjh jhllllyy lg lguk uk cg cgjs jse) e) hn hntt tg `hsf `hsf thst thste e pe pern rnep eptj tjgc gc

Zhc Zhc hck hck Kh Khck ckg g V=; =;PP


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

evhluhtjgc gb bggk hck krjcf (e.o., see V=: V =:,,   >4 >4PP bgr re vjews), waht we whct tg bgnus gc aere, spenjbjnhlly, js j s tae ques qu estjg tjgc c gb wa waet etae aerr `u `usj sjnn ta taht ht jc sg sg`e `e wh whyy ng ngrr rreespgcks nrgss`gkhlly (see V> V>P bgr h revjew), gr `htnaes, h wjce nhc aelp tg mrjco gut spenjbjn secsgry httrjmutes jc tae thstjco experjecne.=

Thoe > gb 8;

Nhljbgr Nhljb grcj cjhc hc wj wjce ce`h `hfe ferr hc hck k wj wjce ce ng ngcs csul ulth thct, ct, Nl Nlhr hrf f ^`jt ^` jta, a, ah ahss ng ngck ckun unte tek k h cu cu`m `mer er gb ths thstjc tjcoo ph phce cels ls jc wajna ae nlhj`s tg ahve evhluhtek 854 kjbberect wjces wajle ljstecjco tg hrguck =54 sgcos. [ae hj`, hnngrkjco tg ^`jta, whs   “tg bjck tae ahr`gcjes hck kjsngrkhcnes ‐ (njtek jc V>8 V>8P6 P6 see hlsg V== V==,,  >=  >=P). P). ^`jta ahs gmservek agw  tae blhvgrs gb tae wjces wgulk sg`etj`es nahcoe jc tae presecne gb tae hpprgprjhte mhnforguck `usjn. Hpphrectly, nerthjc wjces wgulk me rhtek hs   “`gre keljnjgus‐ waec thsters were ljstecjco tg gce pjene gb `usjn rhtaer tahc hcgtaer. _ajle jt see`s ajoaly ucljfely taht ^`jta ngulk ahve ngckuntek h bully nrgssek experj`ecthl kesjoc sjo c gb hll tae wjc wjces es hck `us `usjn jn sel selent entjgc jgcss tg bjc bjck k tae

phrtjnjph phrtjn jphcts cts kes kesjoc) joc).. [a [aee `us `usjnh jnhll sel selent entjgc jgcss ahk me meec ec nagsec tg ngcvey kjbberect `ehcjcos9  Nhr`jch Murhch my Grb Grbb  b ‛“ ‛“pgw pgwerb erbul ul hck ae aehvy  hvy ‐6   _hltz _hltz gb ta taee Bl Blgw gwers ers brg` [ae Cutn Cutnrhnf rhnfer er my [nahj nahjfgvsfy  fgvsfy ‛“sum sumtle tle hck rebjcek‐6  Iust Nhc t Oet Ecguoa  my Cguvelle Rhoue‛“zjcoy  ^lgw Mre Mrehfk hfkgwc gwc   my @j hck reb rebres resajc ajcoo‐6 hck   ^lgw @jna nahe hell Mrggf‛“`ellgw hck sgbt.‐   Gc e`ptyjco taejr olhss, tae stukects taec ahk tg rhte tae wjce my ojvjco jt h sngre brg` br g` 4„84 gc eh ehna na gb ; rh rhtj tjco co sn snhl hles es99   “pgwer pgwerbul bul hck aehvy,‐ “sumtle hck rebjcek,‐ “zjcoy hck rebresajco,‐   hck “`ellgw hck sgbt. ‐  H sngre gb 4 jckjnhtek taht   “[ae wjce kebjcjtely kges cgt ahve tajs nahrhnterjstjn.‐   H sngre gb  84, gc tae gtaer ahck, jckjnhtek taht   “[ae wjce kebjcjtely kges ahve tajs nahrhnterjstjn. ‐ [ae results (see [hmle   >) revehlek taht tae twg wjces were iukoek hs thstjco sjocjbjnhctly `gre pgwerbul/aehvy  my tagse wag ahk ljstecek tg tae   “aehvy ‐   `usjn. @ehcwajle, tae wjces were rhtek hs thstjco ;4 % `gre zjcoy/ bresa my tagse ljstecjco tg tae Cguvelle Rhoue trhnf.> H sj`jlhr phtterc gb results whs hlsg repgrtek bgr tagse ljstecjco tg tae `ellgw/sgbt hck sumtle/rebjcek `usjn selen-

gpt gptj`u j`u` phjrjco phj rjcos (taht (ta ht wgu wgulk lk , ah ahve requjr ujrek ekaeles thstjco ths tjco hll tgthl tgt hl gb` >?,5 >?,544 44 sng` ng`mjch mjchtjg tjgcs) cs), jtvejsreq cevert cev ertae less s stj stjll wgrta wgr ta ajo ajoalj aljoat oatjco jco sg` sg`ee gb tae `us `usjn jn-wj -wjce ce ng` ng`mjc mjchhtjgcs tjg cs tah tahtt ^`j ^`jta ta nlh nlhj`s j`s tg wgr wgrf f phr phrtjn tjnulh ulhrly rly wel welll tgoetaer (see [hmle [hmle =  =). ). ^e`jchl e`pjrjnhl wgrf gc tae j`phnt gb `usjn gc tae wjce thstjco experjecne whs ngckuntek my Trgb. Hkrjhc Cgrt Cg rta a ta taec ec ht Ae Aerr rrjg jgtt _h _htt tt Uc Ucjve jvers rsjt jtyy jc ^n ^ngt gtlh lhck ck (V>; (V >;P). P). Ae gbberek h olhss gb rek (Nhmercet ^huvjocgc) gr wajte wjce (Nahrkgcchy, mgta brg` Najle, hck rethjljco ht hm hmgut gut £84 h mgt mgttle tle)) tg =54 ucj ucjver versjt sjtyy stu stukec kects ts (hl (hlll ucker uck er =5 ye yehrs hrs gb ho hoe) e) jc exn exnah ahcoe coe bgr tae taejr jr tag taguoa uoats ts ngcnercjco jts thste. [ae stukects krhcf taejr wjce wajle ljstecjco tg gce gb bgur pjenes gb spenjhlly selentek `usjn gr el else se kr krhc hcf f jc sj sjle lecn cnee (t (tau aus, s, ta taee ph phrt rtjn jnjp jphc hcts ts we were re

tjgcs. Mhsek gc taese results, @gctes wjces suooestek h cu`mer gb `usjnhl selentjgcs tg `htna kjbberect orhpes (see [hmle   ;6 reng``eckhtjgcs thfec brg` V>5 V>5P). P). Agwever, wajle tae results gb Cgrta‚s stuky hre nlehr ecguoa, tae `gs `gstt hpp hpprgp rgprjh rjhte te jct jcterp erpret rethtj htjgc gc gb tae uck uckerl erlyjc yjcoo nhuse gb taese nrgss`gkhl ebbents ahs meec kemhtek my  resehrnaers V>2 V>2P. P. Aere, jt js perahps jcbgr`htjve, cgt tg `ectjgc surprjsjco, tg cgte taht tae `usjn ahk exhntly  tae sh`e ebbent gc mgta tae wajte hck rek wjces (wajle h Nhmerc Nhm ercet et ^hu ^huvjo vjocgc cgc `jo `joat at wel welll me ex expen pentek tek tg me kesnrjmek snrjm ek hs pgwer pgwerbul bul hck aehv aehvy, y, Najle Najlehc hc Nahr Nahrkgcch kgcchys ys hre rhrely kesnrjmek usjco suna ter`s). _aht js `gre, taere whs cg ebbent gb tae `usjnhl selentjgc gc agw `una tae stukects ljfek tae wjce, taus suooestjco taht tae `usjn jcbluecnek tae kesnrjptjve, rhtaer tahc tae evhluhtjve, hs-

hsssjo hs joce cek k tg 8 gb 84 ngc gckj kjtj tjgc gcss jc ta tajs js me metw tweeec-

pents gb thstjco. Cgrta V>; V>;PP explhjcek ajs results jc ter`s gb tae e`gtjgchll httrj tjgch httrjmutes mutes (gr ngccg ngccgthtjg thtjgc6 c6 V>? >?P) P) gb `usjn sg`eagw prj`jco tae sahrek httrjmute jc tae wjce jtselb (see hlsg hl sg V== ==P). P). [a [aht ht js, Cgr Cgrta ta suo suooe oeste stek k tah tahtt ta taere ere `h `hy  y 

[ae j`phnt gb `usjn gc thste9 hssessjco tae evjkecne

[hmle =  _jce hck `usjn phjrjcos hs reng``eckek my Nlhrf  ^`jta _jce hck `usjn phjrjco reng``eckhtjgcs mhsek gc resehrna my Nlhrf ^`jta Nhrcergs Tjcgt Cgjr Ejce Flejce Chnat`usjf ‐-@gzhrt


[hmle >  @hjc ebbent gb type gb `usjn gc rhtjcos gb wjce (hverhoek gver rek hck wajte wjce) brg` Cgrta ‚s stuky V>; V>;PP

Nhmercet ^huvjocgc Tegple hre ^trhcoe‐-[ae Kggrs, gr  Nhr`jch Murhch-Grbb 

@usjn ]htjco

Cg `usjn

Yjcoy/  bresa

Tgwerbul/  aehvy

@ellgw/  ^umtle/  sgbt rebjcek



2. 2 .:8




Tgwerbul/aehvy ;.>1

















^utter Ag`e _ajte Yjcbhckel @jlgrohcjte Mlues‐-Cgrta _hter ^treet [hverc Mhck

Olec Ellec Nahrkgcchy Nhljbgrcjh Ojrls‐-[ae Mehna Mgys

]g`mhuer Nhrcergs Nahrkgcchy ^t Lgujs Mlues-Ellh Bjtzoerhlk‐

 [hmle reprjctek wjta per`jssjgc brg` V>> >>PP

 [hmle reprjctek wjta per`jssjgc *H rhtjco gb 4 represectek,  [ae wjce kebjcjtely kges cgt a hve tajs nahrhnterjstjn , hck h rhtjco gb 84 represectek,  [ae wjce kebjcjtely kges ahve tajs nahrhnterjstjn nahrhnterjstjn  “



^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

[hmle ;  @usjnhl selentjgcs suooestek tg `htna kjbberect orhpes (reng``eckhtjgcs thfec brg` V>5 V >5P) P) @usjn reng``eckhtjgc reng``eckhtjgcss tg ecahcne tae blhvgr gb phrtjnulhr vhrjethl wjces Nhmercet ^huvjocgc Hll hlgco tae _hnatgwer ‐-Ij`j Aeckrjx

Agcfy [gcf _g`hc‐-[ae ]glljco ^tgces

Ljve hck Let Kje -Thul @nNhrtcey hck _jcos “_gc‚ t Oet Bgglek Hohjc ‐-[ae _ag

Nahrkgcchy Htg`jn‐-Mlgckje

]gnf KI‐-]gmmje _jlljh`s

_aht‚s Lgve Ogt tg Kg _jta Jt ‐-[jch [urcer

^pjccjco Hrguck‐-Fylje @jcgoue

^yrha Cessuc Kgr`h‐-Tunnjcj

Grjcgng Blgw‐-Ecyh

Nahrjgts gb Bjre‐-Rhcoeljs

Nhcgc‐-Igahcc Thnaelmel


Thoe ; gb 8;

bgrwhrk, bgrwhr k, gce ngu ngulk lk ner nerthj thjcly cly j`h j`hojce ojce h ags agstt gb gta gtaer er ngccgt ngc cgthtjv htjvee trh trhcsb csber er exp experj erj`ec `ects ts gb taj tajss typ typee mej mejco co uckert uck erthfe hfec c jc tae buture buture (nb (nb.. V;= ;=P, P, bgr h ng ngcne cneptu ptuhll hlly  y  sj`jlhr hpprghna tg tae stuky gb tae ebbent gb `usjn gc tae pe perne rneptj ptjgc gc gb tae ecv ecvjrg jrgc`e c`ect) ct).. ^g, bgr exh exh`pl `ple, e, ojve oj vec c ta taht ht mg mgta ta `u `usj sjnn hc hck k wj wjce ce nh nhc c me ke kesn snrj rjme mek k jc ter`s gb be`jcj be`jcjcjty/` cjty/`hsnu hsnuljcjty ljcjty V;4 ;4P, P, `j `joa oatt pl plhy hyjc jcoo h strjkect `hsnuljce `hrnajco tuce mrjco gut taht quhljty  jc h wjce7 Ojvec waht we ahve seec sg bhr, taere wgulk hppehr tg me cg oggk rehsgc way cgt (nb. V;> V ;>P)! P)! Gce gtae gt aerr pg pgjc jctt tg me mehr hr jc `jc `jck k wa waec ec ng ngcs csjk jker erjc jcoo ta taee oecerhljzhmjljty gb Cgrta‚s results js ajs use gb _EJ]Kg‚s. [ajs hnrgcy` sthcks bgr _esterc, Ekunhtek, Jckustrjhljzek, ]jna, hck Ke`gnrhtjn stukects wag typjnhlly thfe phrt jc psynaglgojnhl resehrna hck wag `hy cgt me hll tahtt rep tah repres resect ecthtj htjve ve gb tae pgp pgpulh ulhtjg tjgc c ht lhr lhroe oe V;; ;;P. P. ^g, bgr exh`ple, gce `joat j`hojce tagse yguco stukects tg me sg`ewaht less ngcbjkect jc taejr secsgry hmjljtjes tahc `gre `hture jckjvjkuhls. ]elevhct aere, taec, js Keljzh hck @hnBje‚s V;5 ;5PP suooestjgc taht suna jckjvjkuhls `joat me jcblu jcbluecne ecnek k `gre my thsfthsf-jrrel jrrelevhct evhct perjpaerhl perjpaerhl jcbgr jcbgr--

ahve ve me meec ec sg sg`e `e fj fjck ck gb lj ljco couj ujst stjn jn gr ng ngcn cnep eptu tuhl hl ah `htn `h tnaj ajco, co, gr pr prj` j`jc jco, o, og ogjco jco gc ae aere re,, wa waer erem emyy ta taee `usj `u sjnn hc hck k wj wjce ce sa sahr hree h ng ng`` ``gc gc ke kesn snrj rjpt ptgr gr.. Cg Cgte te taht Cgrta spenjbjnhlly selentek tae `usjnhl pjenes taht ae plh plhye yek k tg tae phrtjnj phrtjnjphc phcts ts gc tae mhsjs mhsjs ta taht ht tae taey  y  ahk ah k htt httrjm rjmut utes es ta taht ht ng ngulk ulk me hp hpplj pljek ek tg mg mgta ta `us `usjn jn hck wjce. Jc tajs secse, tae sthrtjco pgjct whs nlehrly  `ethpagr6 taht js, jt whs mhsek gc tae bhnt taht pegple

`htjgc (suna hs thsters. mhnforguck `usjn) tahc `gre experjecnek/ngcbjkect ^pe pec cne et hl. V;2 ;2PP ng ngck ckun unte tek k hc ex expe perj rj`e `ect ct jc wajna wajn a reou reoulhr lhr ngcs ngcsu`er u`erss ( C  0 =2) rht rhtek ek tar taree ee wjc wjces es hs thstjco sjocjbjnhctly metter waec ljstecjco tg `htnajcoo `u jc `usj sjnn ta tahc hc wa waec ec th thst stjc jcoo ta taee sh sh`e `e wj wjce cess jc sj sj-lecne lec ne (se (seee Bj Bjo. o.   8). ^u ^una na res result ultss hre ng ngcsj csjste stect ct wjt wjta a Nlhr Nl hrf f ^` ^`jt jta a‚s suooe oesstj tjgc gcss V>= >=P, P, gu gutl tljc jcek ek eh ehrl rlje jer. r. ^pecne hck ajs ngllehoues bjrst ngckuntek h prelj`jchry `htnajc `htnajcoo stu stuky ky jc waj wajna na h org orgup up gb =2 ph phrtj rtjnjnjphct ctss ahk tg rh rhte te agw we well ll ehna gb bgur wjc jcees `htna `ht naek ek eh ehna na gb ejo ejoat at pje pjene ness gb nlh nlhss ssjnh jnhll `us `usjn. jn. Gc tae mhs mhsjs js gb ta taee res result ults, s, ta taese ese re reseh sehrna rnaer erss na nags gsee gce phrtjnul phrt jnulhrly hrly well-`htnae well-`htnaek k pjen pjenee gb `usj `usjnn bgr ehn ehna a gb  tae taree wjces. [aere hre h bew tajcos tg cgte hmgut

use, gr ht lehst bjck jt chturhl tg use, tae wgrks suna hs   “aehvy ‐   gr   “`ellgw ‐   tg re rebe berr tg mg mgta ta `u `usj sjnn hc hck k wjce. wjc e. Hs Cg Cgrta rta puts jt, ajs results results `gstly `gstly sag sagw w tah tahtt  phrtjnjphcts  phrtjnjphc ts hppehrek tg pernejve tae thste gb tae wjce jc h `hccer ngcsjstect wjta tae ngccgthtjgcs gb    tae `us `usjn jn   (V (V>; >;P, P, p. =: =:1) 1).. Cg Cgtj tjne ne hl hlsg sg ae aere re ag agw w ta taee wgrkss nags wgrk nagsec ec were   cgt   strhjoatbgrwhrkly strhjoatbgrwhrkly nhpturjco h `usjnhl `usj nhl (j.e. (j.e.,, huk hukjtgry jtgry)) nah nahrhn rhnterjs terjstjn tjn gb tae pjen pjenee mut weree tae wer tae`se `selve lvess ex exh` h`ple pless gb wa waht ht ahs me meec ec nh nhlle llek k `ethpag `eth pagrjnhl rjnhl trhc trhcsber sber V>1 >1PP brg brg` ` tae th thntj ntjle le `gk `gkhlj hljty  ty  (ngcner (ng cnercjco cjco te`p te`perht erhture, ure, text texture ure,, hck wejo wejoat). at). Gce wgrry aere, taec, js taht Cgrta `joat ahve ngcbjr`ek tae httr httrhntj hntjgc gc gb nert nerthjc hjc `eth `ethpag pagrjnh rjnhll `hpp `hppjcos jcos metweec twee c `usj `usjn, n, wjce wjces, s, hck thntjle httrjmutes, httrjmutes, `gre tahc cenesshr cene sshrjly jly ahv ahvjco jco ke`g ke`gcstrh cstrhtek tek h oecu oecujce jce pern perneptu eptuhl hl ebbent (see V>2 V>2P). P). Ojvec pegple‚s hmjljty tg extrhnt h vhrjety gb `ehcjcos, gr aj ajoa oa-l -leve evell ng ngcn cnep epts ts br brg` g` `u `usj sjnn V>:„;8 ;8PP;, `g `gvj vjco co

taese results, agwever. Gc tae gce ahck, tae jcnrehse jc ljfjco bgr tae wjces taht whs gmservek wajle pegple ljstecek tg tae `htnajco `usjn whs nerthjcly cgt auoe (n. h 5 % jcnrehse). Burtaer`gre, wajle we fcgw taht tae `usjn whs rhtek hs h phrtjnulhrly oggk `htna bgr tae wjces taht tae phrtjnjphcts were thstjco (mhsek gc tae results gb V;2 V ;2P, P, Experj`ect 8), waht we nhccgt me sg su sure re hm hmgu gutt (h (htt le lehs hstt cg cgtt jc ta taee hm hmse secn cnee gb kh khth th brg` tae hpp hpprgpr rgprjhte jhte exp experj` erj`ecth ecthll ngct ngctrgl rgl ngck ngckjtjgc jtjgc)) js waetaer jt whs sj`ply tae presecne gb `usjn jtselb, gr exp expljnjt ljnjtly ly `htn `htnajco ajco (gr nrg nrgss`gk ss`gkhlly hlly ngrr ngrrespg espgckck5 jco)) `us jco `usjn, jn, tah tahtt whs kgjco tae wgr wgrf f ae aere. re. [ajs wjll nlehrly me hc j`pgrthct jssue tg resglve jc buture resehr se hrna na.. [a [aee sh sh`e `e ng ng`` ``ec ectt hl hlsg sg hp hppl plje jess wa waec ec jt ng`es tg tae bhnt taht phrtjnjphcts rhtek tae wjces hs sjocjbjnhctly sweeter (taguoa cgte taht hll taree wjces hre ten tenacj acjnh nhlly lly kry kry)) wa waec ec ths thstjc tjcoo jc tae pre prese secne cne gb  tae `htnajco `usjn (hs ng`phrek tg sjlecne).

(^jttjco gc) [ae Kgnf gb tae Mhy ‐-Gtjs ]ekkjco


Gver tae ]hjcmgw‐-Evh Nhssjky

Aehrtmehts‐-Igse Ogczhlez

 [hmle reprjctek, wjta per`jssjgc, brg` V>>P >>P




^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe 5 gb 8;

Bjo. 8  ]esults gb h stuky my ^pecne et hl. V;2 V ;2PP sagwjco ecahcnek ecigy`ect rhtjcos waec pegple thstek wjce wajle ljstecjco tg `htnajco `usjn hs ng`phrek tg waec thstjco jc sjlecne. [ae pjenes gb `usjn taht were nagsec tg `htna tae taree wjces aere were @gzhrt ‚s Blute Xuhrtet Cg ‚

8 jc K `higr, 8, Hlleorg6 ]hvel snhcthmjle, ^trjco Xuhrtet jc B `higr-@gve`ect 8, Hlleorg `gkerhtg-trás hck [nahjfgvsfy s ^trjco Xuhrtet Cg 8 Fjc=15-@gve`ect K `higr-@gve`ect =, Hckhcte respentjvely. (Bjoure reprjctek brg` ^pecne et hl. V;2 V ;2PPkgux6 wjta per`jssjgc.)

@ehcwajle, ht h wjce thstjco evect aelk ht tae =48; ^ecsjmus ^ecs jmus Best Bestjvhl jvhl jc ^ejc ^ejcëig ëigfj, fj, Bjclh Bjclhck, ck, tae hukj hukjecn ecnee `e`mers ahk tg rhte bgur wjces twjne, gcne wajle ljstecjcoo tg tae ]hcthtje tecjc ]hcthtje quh quhrtet rtet (see  attp9// ec/)) pl ec/ plhy hyjc jcoo @g @gzh zhrt rt‚s Blu lutte Xuhrte tett jc K `h `hiigr gr,, F=15‛@gve`ect (plhyek, jc tajs nhse, my strjco quhrtet). tet ). [a [aere erehb hbter ter,, ta taey ey rht rhtek ek tae wjc wjces es h sen sengck gck tj` tj`e, e, wajlee ljste wajl ljstecjco cjco tg Rjli Rjlih`j h`j Cjjtt Cjjttyfgs yfgsfj fj‚s, ^uvj ^uvjtucc tuccel`h el`h (^u``er`ggk) (^u``er`gg k) jcstehk.2 [ae bgur (kjs (kjstjcnt tjcntjve) jve) wjce wjcess ngcsjste ngcs jstek k gb h [hjttjc [hjttjcoer oer Mrut ]ês ]êserve erve nah nah`pho `phoce, ce, h Bercw Be rcwhy hy ^hu ^huvjo vjocgc cgc Mlh Mlhcn cn =48 =48= = (wa (wajte jte), ), h Na Nahte htehu hu

brg` @eckgzh, Hroectjch.? [ae `usjn whs perbgr`ek ljve my h kug gb `usjnjhcs brg` tae ]gyhl Hnhke`y gb @usjn, Lgckgc. [ae bjrst pjene gb `usjn whs Kemussy ‚s Ihrkjc ^gus lh Tluje, h vjrtugsjn pjhcg sglg wjta `hcy bhst phsshoes jc h ajoa pjtna rhco rhcoe. e. [ae sengck pjene whs ]hna`hcjcgbb  ]hna`hcjcgbb ‚s Rgnhljse, h pjhcg hck nellg kuet plhyek jc h slgw te`pg.1 [ae phrtjnjphcts rhtek agw well tae `usjn `htnaek tae wjce (gc h 844 pgjct snhle). [aey hlsg ahk tg try hck hssess tae brujtjcess, hnjkjty, thccjcs, rjnacess, ng`plexjty, lecota, hck plehshctcess gb tae twg wjces V;: V;:P. P. Gcne Gc ne ho hohj hjc, c, ta taee `u `usj sjnn pl plhy hyjco jco jc ta taee mh mhnf nfor orgu guck ck

Nhrsjc Nuvêe Cgjre =484 (rek), hck h Nahtehu Nhrsjc Ljqugreu Ljqu greux x =44? (kessert (kessert wjce) wjce).. Jc tajs nhse, tae phr phr-tjnjph tjn jphcts cts rhc rhcfek fek tae wjc wjcee ths thste tek k wa wajle jle ljs ljste tecjc cjcoo tg @gzhrt hs `gre plehshct (reohrkless gb agw well tae `usjn `us jn `h `htna tnaek ek tae sp spenj enjbjn bjn wjc wjce6 e6 V;? ;?P). P). Agw Agweve everr, h sjocjbjnhct ngrrelhtjgc whs gmthjcek metweec `htnajco hck ljfjco, wjta tagse ojvjco tae wjce h ajoaer rhtjco gc gc gcee sn snhl hlee (` (`ht htna najc jcoo gr lj ljfj fjco co)) lj ljfe fely ly tg oj ojve ve jt h ajoaer rhtjco gc tae gtaer snhle hs well. _hco hck ^pecne V;1 V;1PP ngckuntek h stuky jc wajna rguo rg uoal alyy ah ahlb lb gb ta taee hu hukj kjec ecne ne ht h na naee eese se hc hck k wj wjce ce evectt aelk jc Gxb evec Gxbgrk grk ljstecek tg put puthtjve htjvely ly `htn `htnajco ajco `usjn `us jn (wa (wajte jte wjc wjcee wjt wjta a Ke Kemu mussy ssy hck rek wjce wjt wjta a ]hna` ]hn a`hcj hcjcgb cgbb) b) waj wajle le tae res restt ljs ljstec tecek ek tg `u `usjn sjn tah tahtt whs cgt expentek tg me sg ngcoruect (rek wjce wjta Kemu Ke mussy ssy hc hck k wa wajte jte wjt wjta a ]hn ]hna`h a`hcjc cjcgb gbb). b). [a [aee wjc wjces es ngcsjstek gb h @hrnel @hrtjc ^huvjocgc Mlhcn =48>, brg` tae Lgjre Rhlley jc Brhcne, hck h Thrh Kgs @hlmen =48>,

exertek h sjocjbjnhct jcbluecne gver pegple ‚s wjce rhtjcos (ht lehst h`gcost tae 2; `e`mers gb tae hukjecne wag returc ret urcek ek ng ng`pl `plete etek k sng sngre re sae saeets ets). ). Jc phr phrtjn tjnulh ulhrr, tae wjces were rhtek hs thstjco sjocjbjnhctly brujtjer wajle ljstecjco tec jco tg ]hn ]hna`h a`hcjcg cjcgbb bb tah tahc c tg Ke Kemus mussy sy ( @ 0 5:.8 vs. 58.5, respentjvely), reohrkless gb tae type gb wjce (wajte gr rek). [aere whs hlsg h sjocjbjnhct `hjc ebbent gb `usjn gc hnjkjty, wjta tae wjces mejco rhtek hs thstjco sjocjbjnhctly `gre hnjkjn: (my hrguck =4 %) wajle ljstecjco tg Kemuss Kem ussyy tah tahc c tg ]hn ]hna`h a`hcjc cjcgbb gbb ( @ 0 25 25.> .> vs vs.. ;5 ;5.: .:,, re re-spentjvely). Jctrjoujcoly, iust hs jc Cgrta‚s V>; >;PP stuky repgrtek pgr tek eh ehrlj rljer er,, tae `us `usjn jn hpp hppehr ehrek ek tg ah ahve ve h sj` sj`jlh jlhrr ebbent gc mgta wjces. H bjchl result tg e`eroe brg` tajs stuky whs taht tae phrtjnjphcts gcne hohjc rhtek tae wjce hs `g `gre re pl pleh ehsh shct ct wa waec ec ta taee wj wjce ce-` -`us usjn jn `h `htn tna a wh whss  iukoek tg me `gre ngcoruect (nb. V54 54P) P).. [a [ajs js hc hck k ta taee sj`jlhr result repgrtek hmgve my ^pecne et hl. V;? V;?PP nhc pera pe rahp hpss me mest st me ex expl plhj hjce cek k jc te ter` r`ss gb ta taee cg cgtj tjgc gc gb 


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe 2 gb 8;

prgnessjco bluecny V58 V58„5> 5>P. P. [aht js, waec tae `usjn hck wjce wj ce hr hree ng ngco coru ruec ect, t, ta taee ph phrt rtjn jnjp jphc hcts ts `h `hyy me hm hmle le tg evhluhte tae secsgry prgpertjes gb mgta `gre ehsjly (taht js, tae prgnessjco bluecny js ajoaer), hck aecne, taey `hy  bjck tae experjecne h ljttle `gre plehshct hs h result. (My  tae sh`e tgfec, krjcfjco wjce wajle ljstecjco tg jcngcoruect, orue ct, gr `js`htnajco, `js`htnajco, `usjn sagulk lehk tg rekun rekunek ek plehsh ple hshctc ctcess ess rht rhtjco jcos, s, hs tae ng` ng`mjch mjchtjg tjgc c wjll ljfe ljfely ly me `gre kjbbjnult tg prgness.) _hco _h co hck ^pecne ^pecne V;1 ;1PP wer weree esp espenj enjhlly hlly jct jctere ereste stek k jc tae questjgc gb waetaer tae phne gb tae `usjn plhyjco jc tae mhnforguck wgulk exert hc jcbluecne gver tae persjstecne gb taejr phrtjnjphcts‚  jc-`guta blhvgr secshtjgcs. [ae suooestjgc aere whs taht slgwer `usjn `joat aelp tg prglgco tae lecota gb tae wjce (wajna `gst experts wgulk ngcsjker h kesjrhmle nahcoe). [g tajs eck, _hco hck ^pecne nagse twg pjenes gb `usjn taht ahk very kjbberect te`pj9 Kemussy ‚s   Ihrkjc ^gus lh Tluje, ht rguoaly  854 mehts per `jcute, hck ]hna` ]hna`hcjcgb hcjcgbb  b ‚s   Rgnhljse, ht rguoaly 14 mehts per `jcute. _ajle cg ebbent gb lecota whs repgrtek jc taejr `hjc experj`ect (see hmgve), jt js

ht lehst   prj`h bhnjh   evjkecne tg suooest taht `usjn (hck sgucksnhpes) nhc me usek tg lecotaec tae jc-`guta secshtjgc hssgnjhtek wjta h wjce. Gce gtaer shlject httrjmute gb `hcy h wjce js jts hstrjcoecny, wajna jc cgtjnehmle quhctjtjes js rhrely h kesjrhmle nahrhn nah rhnter terjst jstjn jn jc wjc wjcee (ht leh lehst st bgr tae hv hverh erhoe oe Cgr Cgrta ta H`erjn H`e rjnhc hc ph phlht lhte). e). [a [aee Cgr Cgrta ta H`e H`erjn rjnhc hc wjc wjce`h e`hfer fer Nlhrf ^`jta V>= V>=P, P, wag` we nh`e hnrgss ehrljer, nerthjcly  meljeves taht tae hstrjcoecny gb h wjce nhc me `gkulhtek my `usjn hs well. Ht tajs pgjct jt `hy me mest tg ahck gver tg tae `hc aj`selb9

wgrta cgtjco taht `hy hll cgttaht me hc httrjmute taht sgnjhl krjcfers hre lecota cenesshrjly oggk ht trhnfjco. Ngcsequectly, h bgllgw-up stuky ( C 0 => phrtjnjphcts phrtjnjphcts66 jcnlukjco nluk jco h bew phrtjnjphcts phrtjnjphcts brg` tae Gxbgrk Ucjversjty  Ucjversjty  mljck wjce thstjco sgnjety) whs ngckuntek jc wajna tae grker gb presecthtjgc gb tae twg `usjnhl selentjgcs whs nguctermh nguc termhlhcn lhcnek ek hnrg hnrgss ss phrtj phrtjnjph njphcts cts (pgss (pgssjmle jmle ojvec tae use gb prerengrkek `usjn gc tajs gnnhsjgc). [ae `ehcjco hck hssess`ect gb lecota jc wjce whs hlsg nlehrly explhj pl hjce cek k tg ta taee ph phrt rtjn jnjp jphc hcts ts ht ta taee st sthr hrtt gb ta taee st stuk uky. y. Ucker suna ngckjtjgcs, tae wjce taht whs thstek wajle ljstecjco tg ]hna`hcjcgbb whs rhtek hs keljverjco h sjocjbjnhctly cjbjn hctly lgcoer jc-`gu jc-`guta ta blhvg blhvgrr secs secshtjgc htjgc ( @ 02.; s) tahc waec ljstecjco tg Kemussy ( @ 0 5.4 s6 see V;1 V;1P). P).84 Jctrjoujcol Jctrj oujcoly, y, h sj`jlh sj`jlhrr paec paecg`ecg g`ecgc c (spen (spenjbjnh jbjnhlly, lly, tae

_aetaer gr cgt taht `hfes secse, tajs experj`ect krh`htjnhlly ke`gcstrhtes tae j`pgrthcne gb ngctext bgr hstrjcoecny perneptjgc. Jc hkkjtjgc, jt sagws agw  strgcoly sahrek js gur secse gb ahr`gcy, agwever kjvjkek we hre hs tg jckjvjkuhl preberecne. Jcterj` su``hry 

lecotaecjco gb tae wjce) whs hcenkgthlly lecotaecjco hcenkgthlly ng`` ng``ectek ectek gc my h cu` cu`mer mer gb tag tagse se wag htt htteck eckek ek tae =485 Nh`pg Nh`pg Rjeig ^treets gb ^phjc evect jc Lgckgc. Ht tajs pgpulhr street str eet bes bestjvh tjvhl, l, sgu sgucks cksnhp nhpes es tah tahtt ah ahk k mee meec c ke kesjo sjocek cek tg `htna h selentjgc gb Nh`pg Rjeig wjces were plhyek tg pegple wajle taey thstek tae `htnajco wjce. Hnngrkjco tg Cjnf ]yhc, tae sychestaetjn Mhbth-hwhrk-wjccjco `usjnjhc hck ng`pgser meajck tae sgucksnhpes,   “H lgt gb  pegple shjk taht taey kjkc‚t rehljse taht tae thste gb wjce lhstek sg lgco jc tae `guta uctjl taey were ljstecjco tg tae ng`pgsjtjgc‐   (V (V5; 5;P, P, p. ?). Ucbgrtuchtely, agwever, jt js ucnl ucnlehr ehr iust agw repre represecth secthtjve tjve (gr sthtj sthtjstjnh stjnhlly lly sjocj sjocjbjbj88 nhct) suna ng``ects were. Burtaer`gre, jt js j`pgssjmle tg fcgw waetaer tae hpprgprjhtecess gb tae wjce-sguck `htna plhyek hcy rgle aere gr waetaer h ojvec sgucksnhpe `joat ahve lecotaecek tae krjcfer‚s experjecne gb wahtever taey were thstjco. Cevertaeless, thfec tgoetaer, tae results taht ahve meec repgrtek aere wgulk hppehr tg prgvjke

ljstecjco tg @gzhr ljstecjco @gzhrtt‚s Blute Xuhrtet jc K `higr, F=15@gve`ect rhtaer tahc tg Rjlih`j Cjjttyfgsfj ‚s, ^uvjtuccel`h (^u``er`ggk6 (^u``er`ggk6 V;? ;?P). P).8= Burt Burtaer` aer`gre, gre, tae mett metter er tae `htna metweec tae `usjn hck tae wjce (rhtek sum ientjvely), tae `gre plehshct tae thstjco experjecne (gr  vjne versh6 V;? ;?,,   ;1 ;1P). P). [ae lhtter result nhc perahps mest me hnnguctek bgr jc ter`s gb tae cgtjgc gb prgnessjco bluecny V58 V58„5> 5>P. P. Meygck Meyg ck taes taesee oece oecerhl rhl aekg aekgcjn cjn ebbe ebbents, nts, agwev agwever er,, `gre spenjbjn ebbents gb nerthjc `usjn gc tae secsgry hspents gb tae wjce thstjco experjecne - tajcf hnjkjty, sweetcess, brujtjcess, hstrjcoecny, hck lecota - ahve hlsg meec repgrtek (V>= (V>=,,   ;2 ;2,,   ;1 ;1,,   5; 5;P). P). Hkkjtjgchlly, resehrnaers ahve hlsg meec hmle tg ke`gcstrhte taht tae e`gtjgchl ngccgthtjgc tht jgcss (gr hssgnjht hssgnjhtjgc jgcs) s) gb h pje pjene ne gb `us `usjn jn nh nhc c nhr nhrry  ry  gver tg hbbent pegple‚s rhtjco gb tae relhtek kesnrjptjve httrjmutes gb h wjce (see V>; V>;,,   >2 >2P). P). Agwever, waht re`hjcs h ljttle `gre elusjve ht tajs sthoe js tae extect tg wajna

Aere‚s h buc experj`ect ygu nhc kg ht ag`e9 Gpec h cjne mjo Nhmercet ^huvjocgc, thste jt hck thfe cgte gb  tae level gb hstrjcoecny. Mggt up j[uces, put gc tae Kggrs‚ “Tegple Hre ^trhcoe‐  hck thste hohjc. Zgu‚ll see tae wjce s`ggta gut. [aec put gc  “ _aec [ae ^hjcts Og @hrnajc‚  Jc ‐  (Lgujs Hr`strgco‚s Oglke Oglkec c Leoecks Leoe cks versjgc wjll wgrf). [ae wjce wjll meng`e hl`gst uckrjcfhmly ahrsa. Jb ygu ahve h olhss gb _ajte Yjcbhckel hrguck, tae ebbents wjll me tae gppgsjte ….

[hfe hfec c tgo tgoeta etaer er,, tae res result ultss gb tae vhr vhrjgu jguss stu stukje kjess repgrtek pgr tek jc taj tajss sen sentjg tjgc c nle nlehrl hrlyy ke` ke`gcs gcstrh trhte te tah tahtt `us `usjn jn nhc jcbluecne tae wjce krjcfjco experjecne (see [hmle   5 bgr h revjew). Jc phrtjnulhr, pegple ahve meec sagwc tg rhte wjce hs thstjco sjocjbjnhctly metter wajle ljstecjco tg `htnajco `usjn hs ng`phrek tg krjcfjco jc sjlecne V;2 V;2P. P. Tegple (sgnjhl krjcfers) hlsg hppehr tg preber wjce wajle


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe ? gb 8;

[hmle 5  ^u``hry gb bjckjcos brg` snjectjbjn stukjes gb tae j`phnt gb kjbberect pjenes gb `usjn gc tae wjce thstjco experjecne ^tuky Cgrta, =48= V>; V>;PP



Ebbent gc wjce

Nhr`jch Murhch‛Grbb

Tgwerbul hck aehvy

_hltz gb tae Blgwers  (brg`  [ae Cutnrhnfer)


^pecne et hl., =48> V1 V1P

Yjco Yjcoyy hck hck re rebr bres esaj ajco co

^lgw Mrehfkgwc‛@jnahel Mrggf

@ellgw hck sgbt

@g @gzh zhrt rt‚s Blute Xuhrtet Cg. 8 jc K `higr, F =15- @gre ecigyhmle wjta `usjn tahc @gve`ect 8 sjlecne

Kg`hjce Kjkjer Khocuecehu, Tgujlly Bu`ê ^jlex =484

]hvel‚s ^trjco Xuhrtet jc B `higr-@gve`ect 8

Kg`hjce Tgcsgt, Nlgs ke lh ]gnae =44:

 [nahjfgvsfy‚s ^trjco Xuhrtet Xuhrtet Cg 8 jc K `higr@gve`ect = ^pecne, =48; V21 V21PP

_hco hck ^pecne, jc press m

^umtle hck rebjcek

 Iust Nhc t Oet Ecguoa‛Cg Cguv uvel elle le Rh Rhou oue e ‚  

@htnajco wjce

@gre ecigyhmle wjta `usjn tahc sjlecne

Naítehu @hrohux =44;

@gzhrt‚s Blute Xuhrtet Cg. 8 jc K `higr, F =15- @gre ecigyhmle tahc @gve`ect 8 ^uvjtuccel`h

 [httjcoer Mrut ]êserve

Rjlih`j Cjttyfgfj‚s  ^uvjtuccel`h

Nahtehu Nhrsjc Nuvêe Cgjre =484


Kemussy‚s  Ihrkjcs ^gus lh Tluje ]hna`hcjcgbb ‚s  Rgnhljse


Ajoaer hnjkjty tahc Rgnhljse Ajoaer brujtjcess tahc Ihrkjcs ^gus lh Tluje


@hrnel @hrtjc ^huvjocgc Mlhcn =48> Thrh Kgs @hlmen =48>

 [hmle reprjctek, wjta per`jssjgc, brg` _hco hck ^pecne V ;1P ;1P

tae nrg nrgss` ss`gkh gkhll ngc ngcoru oruecn ecnyy (gr ngr ngrres respgc pgckec kecne ne)) me me--

hnngrkj hnn grkjco co tg sguc sguck k hrtj hrtjst st hck ng`pgser ng`pgser Mec Aguoe,

tweec wjce hcktae taelhtter. `usjn^g rehlly agw ljfe tae bgr`ertae jcbluecnes bhr, `htters jt wgulktgsee` tae ngcoruecny metweec wjce hck `usjn (gperhtjco ht h oece oe cerh rhll lev level el)) gc gcly ly hb hbbe bent ntss pe pegp gple le‚s lj ljfj fjco co bg bgrr wj wjce ce,, waerehs waer ehs tae ngco ngcoruecn ruecnyy metwe metweec ec jckjvjk jckjvjkuhl uhl wjce httrjmutes hck `usjn hbbents secsgry rhtjcos gb wjce reohrklesss gb gve les gverhl rhlll ngc ngcoru oruecn ecnyy met metwee weec c tae wjce hck tae `usjn.. Burta `usjn Burtaer er rese resehrna hrna js uckg uckgumtek umtekly ly stjll ceekek jc grker tg resglve tajs `htter. Ojvec tae hmgve, we wgulk ljfee tg hr ljf hrou ouee ta tagu guoa oa ta taht ht ta taer eree js nl nleh ehrl rlyy `g `gre re ta tahc hc ecguoa pumljsaek evjkecne gut taere tg hssertjvely ngucter tae wjkesprehk sfeptjnjs` hmgut tae ebbent gb `usjn gc tae blhvgr gb wjce, hs expressek my pegple ljfe Hljne Igces, jc tae qugte we nh`e hnrgss ehrljer V8 V 8P. [aus [a us bh bhrr, hl hlll gb ta taee `u `usj sjnh nhll se sele lent ntjg jgcs cs ta taht ht ah ahve ve

wa waht ht gc gce e jnwh whcts cts sg`e sg `eta tajc o lvjco `gre `g re hck hfjc hf jcyettg hl vjke vj keg gs oh`e oh `e `usjn `us taht ta ht js js bgr bgreve ever r jco evglvj evg co hlwhy whys sthys tae sh`e V55 V 55P. P. Ojvec suna pgtectjhl ngcstrhjcts, jt sagulk ng`e hs ljttle surprjse tg bjck taht sg`e resehrnaers ahve renectly sthrtek tg ng`pgse taejr gwc `usjn (hck sgucksnhpes) jc grker tg ngcvey h spenjbjn thste (e.o., V88 V88,,   52 52P6 P6 see hlsg V5? V5?P, P, bgr hc evhluhtjgc gb  severhl seve rhl kjbb kjbbere erect ct ng`p ng`pgsjt gsjtjgcs jgcs kesj kesjocek ocek tg evgfe tae mhsjn thstes), hrg`h (V51 (V51,,   5: 5:P), P), gr blhvgr (V5; (V 5;P). P). Gb ng ngurs urse, e, jt js j`p j`pgrt grthct hct tg cgt cgtee tah tahtt hcy nahcoe nahcoe jc tae pernejvek quhljtjes gb h wjce resultjco brg` tae `usjn plhyjco jc tae mhnforguck ceek cgt cenesshrjly  me ljf ljfek ek.. Ius Iustt th thfe fe tae exh`pl exh`plee gb h qu quhlj hljty ty ]j ]jesl esljco jco99 ^una wjces hre gbte gbtec c nahr nahrhnte hnterjze rjzek k my h bjce mhlhcne mhlhcne metw me twee eec c sw swee eetc tces esss hc hck k sg sgur urce cess ss.. Jb ta taee j` j`ph phnt nt gb 

meec utjljzek jc tae resehrna ahve meec pjnfek gbb tae sael sa elb. b. Ag Agwe weve verr, jt js wg wgrt rta a cg cgtj tjco co ta taht ht tr trhk hkjt jtjg jgch chll `usjn js cgt cenesshrjly jkehl waec jt ng`es tg ngckuntjco resehrna jc tajs hreh. Gc tae gce ahck, trhkjtjg jt jgch chll `u `usj sjnn js rh rhre rely ly ng ng`p `pgs gsek ek tg ng ngcv cvey ey gr me hssgnjhtek wjta h spenjbjn thste, hrg`h, gr blhvgr.8> Gc tae gta gtaer er ahc ahck, k, `u `usjn sjn gbt gbtec ec na nahco hcoes es gve gverr tj` tj`e, e, tah tahtt js, jt evglves brg` tae sthrt tg eck gb h pjene. Thrtjnulhrly lhr ly str strjfj jfjco co ex exh` h`ple pless gb tae sty styljs ljstjn tjn na nahco hcoes es tah tahtt nhc gnnur jc h pjen enee gb `u `ussjn nhc me bgu guck ck jc Xueec‚s   Mgae`jhc Mgae`jhc ]ahp ]ahpsgky  sgky , sh shyy, gr bg bgrr ta tags gsee gb h `gre nlhssjnhl mect, jc @gzhrt‚s Tjhcg ^gchth Cg. 8= jc B @h @higr igr (F> (F>>=) >=),, tae lht lhtte terr vhr vhryjc yjcoo met metwe weec ec `h `higr igr hck `jcgr `gke (mgta exh`ples ajoaljoatek my V== V ==P). P). Hs su suna na,, uc ucle less ss gc gcee js nh nhre rebu bul, l, ta taer eree js h ve very ry re rehl hl khcoer gb pjnfjco h pjene gb `usjn jc wajna tae kjbberec be rectt sen sentjg tjgcs cs gb tae pje pjene ne ngr ngrres respgc pgck k tg, gr `h `htna tna up wj wjta ta,, kj kjbb bber erec ectt th thst stes es/b /blh lhvg vgrs rs.. Jk Jkeh ehll lly, y, ht le lehs hstt

`usjn gc thste js hs `hrfek hs sg`e gb tae resehrna gutljc gut ljcek ek hmg hmgve ve wgu wgulk lk hp hppe pehr hr tg su suooe ooest, st, tae taec c tae taere re ngulk ngul k pres presu`hm u`hmly ly me h khco khcoer er taht hnnjkecthl hnnjkecthlly ly plhy plhy-jco   “swee sweett `usj `usjnn‐   wgulk wgulk hkve hkversel rselyy hbbe hbbent nt tae mhlh mhlhcne cne gb tae wjce (ta (taht ht ta taee ajo ajoaly aly sfjllek sfjllek wjc wjce`h e`hfer fer ahs wgrfe wgr fek k sg ah ahrk rk tg hn hnaje ajeve) ve),, hc hck k tau taus, s, spg spgjl jl tae experjecne bgr tae krjcfer (see hlsg V== V==PP gc tajs tae`e). Hck hcygce wag ahs meec ht gce gb tae wjce-`usjn evec ev ects ts ag agst stek ek my Mh Mhrr rryy ^` ^`jt jta a hc hck k Na Nahr hrle less ^p ^pec ecne ne gver tae lhst nguple gb yehrs (e.o., V24 V 24,,   28 28P) P) wjll fcgw  gcly gc ly tg tgg g we well ll ag agw w hc ev evec ec `g `gke kest stly ly br bres esa/ a/hn hnjk jkjn jn wajte wjce nhc meng`e hl`gst uckrjcfhmle waec tae sgur sg ur cg cgte tess jc ta taee wj wjce ce hr hree hn hnne nect ctuh uhte tek k my pl plhy hyjc jcoo sg`e sg `e gb Mr Mruc ucg g @e @esz sz‚s `hta `htae`ht e`htjnh jnhlly lly trhc trhcsbgr sbgr`ek `ek Hroectjcjhc thcog (see V52 V 52P) P) gr else Cjls Gflhc‚s,  Agrjsgct . _e ahve hlsg renectly pumljsaek resehrna sagwjco agw kjssgchct (hs ng`phrek tg ngcsgchct) `usjn tecks tg hnnectuhte sgurcess V2= V2=P. P. Gc tae gtaer ahck,


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

ag agwev wever er,, gce ngu ngulk lk hls hlsg g j`h j`hojc ojcee   “sweet‐   `usjn `usjn tg `utee tae th `ut thccj ccjnn hst hstrjc rjcoec oecny ny jc h yg yguco uco ghf ghfek ek ]jg ]jgih, ih, shy (see V5 V5P, bgr evjkecne gc tajs sngre6 hck see Nlhrf ^`jta‚s V>= >=PP gms gmservh ervhtjg tjgcs cs hmg hmgve) ve).. Gc Gcee ng ngulk ulk taj tajcf cf gb  tajs jc ter`s gb   “sgcjn sehsgcjco‐   V2> 2>P. P. [aus, tae fey  pgjc pg jctt tg me mehr hr jc `j `jck ck ae aere re js ta taht ht wa waht ht we ae aehr hr nahcoes waht we thste, waetaer taht js h oggk gr mhk tajco taj co (j. (j.e., e., leh lehks ks tg h me mette tterr gr wgr wgrse se ths thstjc tjcoo exp exper erjjecne), kepecks mgta gc tae phrtjnulhr quhljtjes gb tae wjce taht we ahppec tg me thstjco hck gur gwc phrtjnulhr wjce prekjspgsjtjgcs.8; [aus [a us,, ta taee sf sfep eptj tjn, n, gr wj wjce ce ex expe pert rt `j `joa oatt st stjl jlll me te`pte te` ptek k tg shy   “Iu Iust st oj ojve ve `e h ogg oggk, k, we wellll-mhl mhlhcn hcnek ek wjce, hck let‚s ius iustt bgr bgroe oett hmg hmgut ut tae `usjn. `usjn.‐   _ajle jt js pe pera rahp hpss cg cgtt pg pgss ssjm jmle le tg ec ecah ahcn cnee h or oreh ehtt wj wjce ce targuoa targ uoa `usj `usjn, n, wah wahtt suna h vjewp vjewpgjct gjct buc buckh`e kh`ecthl cthlly  ly  bhjls tg rengocjze js taht tae experjecne gb krjcfjco h truly oreht wjce nhc me j`phjrek jb tae wrgco `usjn ahppecs ahp pecs tg me plhy plhyjco. jco.85 Jckeek, hs h oecerhl rule, jt wgulk wgu lk se see` e` bh bhjr jr tg suo suooe oest st ta taht ht tae metter metter tae wjce, wjce, tae ahrker jt wjll me bgr `usjn tg ecahcne tae experjecne. gc tae gtaer ahck, jtjcf wgulk see` ljfel ljf elyy Ucbgrtuchtely, tahtt plh tah plhyjc yjcoo tae wrgco wrg co `usjn `us jn (ta (tajcf @gzhr @g zhrtt‚s Blute Xuhrtet jc K `higr, F=15 wajle krjcfjco h =44; Naítehu @hrohux gr [nahjfgvsfy ‚s ^trjco Xuhrtet Cg 8 jc K `hi `higr gr wae waec c ths thstjc tjcoo Kg` Kg`hjc hjcee Kjk Kjkjer jer KhoueKhouecehu, Tgujlly Bu`ê ^jlex =484, hs kgnu`ectek my tae phrt ph rtjn jnjp jphc hcts ts wa wag g tg tggf gf ph phrt rt jc ^p ^pec ecne ne et hl hl..‚s V;2 ;2PP stuky stu ky)) nh nhc c ehs ehsjly jly ke ketrh trhnt nt brg brg` ` tae wjc wjcee krj krjcfj cfjco co ex ex-perjecne, cg `htter agw expecsjve tae mgttle (taguoa cgte aere taht tae wjces jc ^pecne et hl.‚s   V;2 V;2PP stuky  reth re thjl jlek ek ht we well ll jc ex exne ness ss gb £8 £844 44 h mg mgtt ttle le). ). @e @ehc hc-wajle, waj le, Te Tete te Mrg Mrgwc wc (V2; V2;P, P, p. =1) ahs suooestek taht jt js `gre gr less j`pgssjmle tg j`hojce hcy wjce ogjco wjta nguctry `usjn gr pucf.82 Aere Ae re,, jt js hl hlsg sg wg wgrt rta a me mehr hrjc jcoo jc `j `jck ck ta taht ht ta taer eree hre ta hre tags gsee wa wag g pre rebe berr tg kr krjc jcf f (g (grr sa sagu gulk lk ta taht ht me thst th ste) e) ta taej ejrr wj wjce ce jc sj sjle lecn cne. e. Hs ta taee bh bh`g `gus us Br Brec ecna na gecgl ge cglgo gojst jst E`j E`jle le Te Teych ychuk uk gcn gcnee sh shjk, jk,   “[a [aee se secs csee gb  aehrj ae hrjco co nh nhc c jct jcterb erbere ere wjt wjta a ta taee gta gtaer er se secse csess ku kurjc rjcoo thstjco thst jco hck qujet ahs hlwh hlwhys ys mee meec c ngcs ngcsjker jkerek ek cene cenessshry bgr h thster ‚s ngcnectrhtjgc. _jtagut jcsjstjco gc hmsglute hmsg lute sjlecne, sjlecne, kjbb kjbbjnul jnultt tg gmth gmthjc jc wjtaj wjtajc c h orgu orgup p jc hcy nhse, gce sagulk hvgjk tgg ajoa h level gb mhnforguck org uck cgj cgjse se hs wel welll hs gnn gnnhsj hsjgch gchll cgj cgjse sess wa wajna jna nh nhc c kjvert tae thster ‚s httectjgc. Kurjco exernjses ke`hckjco ver veryy pre prenjs njsee th thstj stjco, co, phr phrtjn tjnjph jphcts cts sag sagul ulk k cg cgtt me hllgwek tg thlf tg ehna gtaer. Jckeek hcytajco wajna `joatt kjst `joa kjstrhnt rhnt tae thste thsterr gr `hfe aj` ucng ucng`bgr `bgrthml thmlee js uckesjrhml uckesjrhmle. e.‐   (V (V25 25P, P, p. 84; 84;). ). Jck Jckee eek, k, bg bgrr tag tagse se wag hre tryjco tg thste hchlytjnhlly, gce ngulk j`hojce taht sjlecne wgulk me preberhmle (jc bhnt, hvgjkjco hcytajco taht wgulk kjstrhnt tae thster ‚s httectjgc brg` tae thsf ht ah ahck ck). ). Ag Agwe weve verr, hs we wj wjll ll se seee me melg lgw, w, re reou oulh lhrr

Thoe 1 gb 8;

krjcfers, my ngct krjcfers, ngctrhst, rhst, wgulk oece oecerhll rhllyy see see` ` tg pre preber ber h ljt ljttl tlee `u `usj sjnn wj wjta ta ta taej ejrr wj wjce ce,, es espe penj njhl hlly ly jb jt js cg cgtt tgg lguk (see V=? V=?P). P). [aey, hbter hll, hre lggfjco tg ahve tae mest `ultjsecsgry experjecne taey nhc. ^g, agw, exhntly kges `usjn jcbluecne tae secsgry httrjmutes gb tae wjce7

Ahvjco ke`gcstrhtek tae rgmust ebbents taht (`htnajco) `usjn `us jn nh nhc c ah ahve ve gc tae thste/bl thste/blhvg hvgrr gb wjc wjce, e, tae cext questjgc ahs tg me   “Agw7‐  [aere hre h cu`mer gb whys jc waj wajna na hcy ngr ngrres respgc pgckec kecne ne (gr `ht `htna) na) met metwee weec c tae `usjn we hre ljstecjco tg, hck tae wjce we hre thstjco, ngulk gnnur9 ^uooestek `enahcjs`s jcnluke sychestaesjh (wajna we ahve kjs`jssek hlrehky, sg wjll cgt speck hcy  `gre tj`e gc aere6 see V> V>P), tae bgnusjco gb h persgc‚s httectjg tec tjgc c vjh tae nrg nrgss` ss`gkh gkhll ngr ngrres respgc pgckec kecne ness tah tahtt hre prese pre sect ct met metwee weec c `us `usjn jn hck wjc wjce, e, hc e`g e`gtjg tjgchl chl `ek `ekjjhtjgc htj gc hn hnngu nguct, ct, hck pgs pgssjm sjmly ly hls hlsg g ceu ceurhl rhl nrg nrgssss-wjr wjrjco. jco. [wg [w g gta gtaer er hn hnng nguc ucts ts ta taht ht ah ahve ve me meec ec mr mrje jebl blyy ng ngve vere rek k hlrehky hre   “secshtjgc trhcsberecne‐  V  V22 22PP hck nrgss`gkhl nrgss`gkhl `hsfjco V=; V=;P. P.  Httectjgc hck nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes

Jt js pgssjmle taht tae sgucks hck `usjn we aehr `hy  krhw gur httectjgc tg h spenjbjn ele`ect gc h wjce. Gce why jc wajna tajs ngulk ahppec js vjh httectjgc (taguoa cgtee tah cgt tahtt htt httect ectjgc jgc js cgt str strjnt jntly ly cen ceness esshry hry aere). aere). Jt js well fcgwc (ht lehst tg psynaglgojsts) taht httectjgc nhc ecahcne tae shljecne gb tae htteckek stj`ulus, gr behture, relhtj rel htjve ve tg wae waec c tae sh`e stj stj`ul `ulus, us, gr beh behtur ture, e, js uchtteckek (see V2? V2?,,  21  21P6 P6 taguoa see hlsg V2: V 2:,,  ?4  ?4P). P). _aht js hlsg fcgwc js taht tae ebbents gb httectjgc gc hwhrecess teck tg meng`e `gre prgcgucnek hs tae perneptuhl jcput meng` meng`es es `gre nah nahllecojc llecojco/ng o/ng`plex `plex V?8 ?8,,   ?= ?=P6 P6 hc hck k wjces, ht lehst quhljty wjces, nhc nerthjcly me ngcsjkerek hs ng` ng`ple plex x blh blhvgr vgr stj stj`ul `uljj V?> ?>P. P. Jck Jckee eek, k, lhm lhmgrh grhtgr tgryy resehrna suooests taht pegple hre uchmle tg extrhnt `gre tahc twg gr taree hrg`hs brg` ng`plex gkgr `jxtures, evec jb taey ahk meec expgsek tg tae jckjvjkuhl ng`pgcects mebgreahck V2: V2:,,  ?; „?2 ?2P. P.8? ^una nrgss`gkhl httectjgchl ebbents `hy me ht tae rggt gb ht lehst sg`e gb tae ebbents gb `usjn gc thste perneptjgc. [g me hmsglutely nlehr aere, tae suooestjgc js taht my phyjco httectjgc tg tae `usjn we hre ljstecjco tg, gur httectjgc `joat me krhwc tgwhrk gce ng`pgcect gb tae rjna rjn a sec secsgr sgryy ex exper perjec jecne ne hss hssgnj gnjhte htek k wjt wjta a h wjc wjcee rht rhtae aerr tahc hcgtaer (j.e., jc `una tae sh`e why taht h wjce lhmel, gr bgr taht `htter, tae elgquect wgrks gb tae wjce expert lehkjco h thstjco, nhc krhw gur httectjgc tg sg`etajco ta jco jc ta taee wj wjce ce ta taht ht wh whss cg cgtt sg nl nleh ehrr gt gtae aerw rwjs jse) e).. “_aht see`ek tg me ahppecjco whs cgt taht we cgtjnek cew blhvgrs waec tae `usjn nahcoek. Jcstehk, tae sh`e blhv bl hvgr gr el ele` e`ec ects ts we were re ta taer eree hl hlll hl hlgc gco, o, mu mutt ta taee `u `usj sjnn see`ek see `ek tg na nahco hcoee tae why we pe perne rnejve jvek k tae tae`. `. ^g` ^g`ee


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe : gb 8;

`usjn `hke us phy `gre httectjgc tg hstrjcoecny, sg we kjsljfek tae wjce. _jta gtaer `usjn, we nagse tg jocgre tae ghf hck thccjc, sg we ljfek jt `gre‐   (V (V?? ??P). P). ^una nrgss` nrg ss`gkh gkhll ebb ebbent entss ngu ngulk lk gnn gnnur ur jc ejt ejtae aerr h stj stj`ul `ulususkrjvec (exgoecgus) gr vglucthry (eckgoecgus) `hccer. ]elevhct ]elev hct aere aere,, jc ngcne ngcneptuh ptuhlly lly hchlg hchlgogus ogus resehrna, resehrna, jt ahs prevjgusly meec sagwc taht plhyjco h thsf-jrrelevhct ajoa-pjtnaek sguck nhc exgoecgusly krhw h persgc ‚s httectjg tec tjgc c upw upwhrk hrk,, aec aecne ne res result ultjco jco jc tae taejr jr res respgc pgckjc kjcoo `gree rhp `gr rhpjkl jklyy tg vjs vjsuhl uhl stj stj`ul `uljj pre presec sectek tek jc tae upper phrt gb h vjsuhl kjsplhy tahc equjvhlect stj`ulj presectek lgwer kgwc jc tae kjsplhy (see V?1 V?1P). P). Jc resehrna ngckuntek aere jc Gxbgrk, we ahve bguck taht tae presecthtjgc tjg c gb ajo ajoaa- ver versus sus lgw lgw-pj -pjtna tnaek ek sgu sgucks cks nhc bh bhnjl njljth jthte te pegple‚s hmjljty tg pjnf gut h spenjbjn vjsuhl throet brg` jc-h`gcost h nlutterek hrrhy gb bljnferjco vjsuhl kjstrhntgrs V?: V?:P. P. Mgta gb taese perneptuhl ecahcne`ect ebbents hppehr hpp ehrek ek tg gnn gnnur ur jc h bh bhjrly jrly mgttg`-u mgttg`-up p gr stj stj`ul `ulususkrjvec `hccer. Gce ngulk, agwever, hlsg bgresee agw suna nrgss`gkhl httectjgchl ebbents `joat gperhte aere jc `gre gb h vgl-

phrtjnjphc phrtjnj phcts/t ts/thste hsters. rs. Jt `ust re`h re`hjc jc hc gpe gpec c que questj stjgc, gc, taerebgre, taereb gre, hs tg waetaer bgr hcy `usjn taht iust sg ahppe ahppecs cs tg me pl plhy hyjco jco jcn jcnjk jkect ecthll hlly, y, sj` sj`jlh jlhrr nr nrgs gss` s`gk gkhl hl eb ebben bents ts wgulk me gmservek gr waetaer jcstehk taese fjcks gb ebbents requjre tae thster tg hntjvely ljcf taejr thstjco experjecne wjta waht taey hre aehrjco (V18 (V 18P6 P6 see hlsg V1= V1=,,  1>  1>P, P, gc tae hutg`htjnjty gb nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes). Bjchlly, aere, gce sagulk prgmhmly hlsg lehve gpec tae pgssjmjljty taht hcy nrgss`gkhl ebbents gb `usjn gc wjce perneptjgc `hy ahve, ht lehst jc phrt, h kjrent, lgw-level, ceurgpaysjglgojnhl mhsjs (j.e., gce taht kges cgt requjre tae jcvglve`ect gb httectjgc). ^una h suooestjgc js jcspjrek my _essgc hck _jlsgc‚s V1; 1;PP surprjsjco kjsngvery  h bew yehrs hog gb kjrent ngccentjgcs metweec tae ehr hck tae glbhntgry tumernule (ht lehst jc tae hcj`hl `gkel6 see hlsg V15 V15P). P). Cgw, sagulk sj`jlhr nrgs nrgss-secs s-secsgry gry ngccentjg cen tjgcs cs hls hlsg g me pre presec sectt jc us au au`hc `hcs, s, gce nhc gcl gcly  y  spenulhte hs tg waht taejr ngcsequecne bgr wjce thstjco wajle ljstecjco tg `usjn `joat me.81

uct ucthry hry, tgp-kg tgp -kgwc, wc, `hccer `hc hstgr well. wel l. ^g, exh`pl exh e, hcygce hcy gce, gr wag whs hwhre hwh re gbcerAen Aentgr Merljgz Mer ljgzbgr ‚s V14 14P P `ple, ehrly  ehr ly  suooestjgc taht tae sguck gb tae gmge ahs hc   “hnjk-sweet  vgjne‐  `joat vglucthrjly naggse tg kjrent taejr httectjgc tg tae mhlhcne metweec hnjkjty hck sweetcess gb h wjce shy, jc h why, taht sg`egce wag whs ucbh`jljhr wjta tae ng`pgser‚s suooestjgc `joat cgt waec ljstecjco tg tae jcstru`ect. Gce ngulk sj`jlhrly j`hojce agw sg`egce wag wa g wh whss `u `usj sjnh nhlly lly tr trhj hjce cek k wg wgul ulk k ta tajcf jcf gb ta taee te ter` r` “kglne‐  (Jthljhc), usek sjcne tae 8:ta nectury tg kesnrjme `usjn plhyek jc h sgbt hck cgc-sthnnhtg `hccer. ^una jckjvjkuhls `joat taec vglucthrjly naggse tg bgnus taejr httectjgc gc h kjbberect hspent gb taejr thste/blhvgr experjecn per jecnee tah tahc c sg` sg`egc egcee els elsee wag whs ucb ucbh`j h`jljhr ljhr wjt wjta a tajs `usjnhl ter`. Jc bhnt, gce gb tae gpec questjgcs jc

E`gtjgchl `ekjhtjgc gb `usjn s jcbluecne gc thste

tajs hreh gb resehrna (mgta jc tae hukjgvjsuhl hrech, iust kesnrjmek, mut hlsg jc tae wjce-`usjn nhse) js tae extect tg wajna pegple ceek tg expljnjtly htteck tg tae `usjn (gr sgu sguck) ck) hck tae pgs pgssjm sjmle le ng ngccen ccentjg tjgc c met metwee weec c wah wahtt taey hre aehrjco hck taejr thstjco experjecne, bgr taese fjcks gb nrgss`gkhl ebbents tg gnnur. Nerthjcly, waht we fcgw bgr sure js taht tae httectjgc gb  tae phrtjnjphcts hck hukjecne `e`mers jc tae vhrjgus experj`e per j`ects cts hck ke` ke`gcs gcstrht trhtjgcs jgcs tah tahtt ah ahve ve mee meec c rep repgrte grtek k taus bhr jc tajs pjene ahve uckgumtekly meec hntjvely ecngurhoek tg lggf bgr hcy ngccentjgcs taht `joat exjst metweec tae kjbberect secsgry experjecnes taey were ahvjco. _gulk sj`jlhr ebbents gnnur waec `usjn js plhyjco jcnjkecthlly jc tae mhnforguck jc h wjce mhr, shy7 [aht js gce gb tae fey questjgcs tg wajna we kg cgt yet ahve h nlehr hcswer. Jc `gst, jb cgt hll, gb tae stukjes taht ahve meec revjewek aere, tae bhnt taht tae `usjn whs relevhct tg tae wjce wj ce th thst stjc jcoo ex expe perj rjec ecne ne wh whss `h `hke ke hp hpph phre rect ct tg ta taee

Agwever, tae fey questjgc aere js waetaer `ggk gr e`gtjgc hlsg hbben e`gtjgc hbbents ts tae secs secsgry-k gry-kjsnrj jsnrj`jchtjv `jchtjvee hspen hspents ts gb thstjco. [ae evjke evjkecne cne aere suooests taht jckeek jt nhc. ^g, bgr exh`ple, jt ahs meec sagwc taht h persgc ‚s `ggk nhc jcbluecne taejr hmjljty tg ketent mgta glbhntgry (e.o., V:4 :4P) P) hck ousthtgry stj`ulj (V:8 (V:8„:> :>P). P). Jc gce represecthtjve stuky, Tgllhtgs et hl. V:4 V :4PP presectek taejr phrtjnjphcts wjta plehshct, ucplehshct, hck ceutrhl pjntures brg` tae Jcterchtjgchl Hbbentjve Tjnture ^yste` (JHT^) khthmhse. Hbter Hbt er ah ahvjco vjco vje vjewek wek h sel selent entjgc jgc gb tae ucp ucpleh lehsh shct ct pjn pjn-tures, tae phrtjnjphcts‚  secsjtjvjty tg glbhntgry stj`ulj whs lgwerek, hs h result gb tae ceohtjve e`gtjgchl stj`ulhtjgc. Elsewaere, Elsewaere, jt ahs meec sagw sagwc c taht tagse jckjvjkuhls jckjvjkuhls wag hre hcxjgus teck tg me less secsjtjve tg mjtter hck shlty thstes V:8 V:8,,  :=  :=P. P. Cgr`hl jckjvjkuhls wag hre stressek meng`e sg`ewaht `gre secsjtjve tg tae mjtter thste gb  shnnahrjc V:; V:;P. P. E`gtjgc ahs hlsg meec sagwc tg hbbent glbhntgry perneptjgc V:5 V:5P. P.


Gce gtaer j`pgrthct why jc wajna waht we aehr ljfely  jcbluecnes waht we thste js vjh tae hmjljty gb `usjn tg hbbent gur e`gtjgcs. Hs whs `ectjgcek ehrljer, ljstecjco tg `usjn nhc put us jc h nerthjc `ggk gr e`gtjgchl sthte (see V=8 V=8,,   12 12P, P, nb. V1? V1?P), P), ejtaer pgsjtjve gr ceohtjve. [ajs tgg `joat me expentek tg jcbluecne gur perneptjgc hck hpprenjht hppr enjhtjgc jgc gb wjce (e.o., V== V ==,,  =>  =>P). P). Jt js nerthjcly ehsy tg j`hojce agw hcy nahcoe jc tae `ggk/e`gtjgchl sthte gb  tae wjce krjcfer ngulk hbbent agw `una taey ecigy tae experjecne (see V11 V11,,   1: 1:P). P). Orhy (V>8 (V>8P, P, p. =) see`s tg me oettjc oet tjcoo ht sg` sg`eta etajco jco gb taj tajss sgr sgrtt wae waec c ae shj shjk, k,   “]ek wjces ceek ejtaer `jcgr fey gr taey ceek `usjn taht ahs ceohtjve e`gtjgc. [aey kgc‚t ljfe ahppy `usjn…Nhmercets ljfe hcory `usjn. `usjn.‐


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe 84 gb 8;

Js jt pgs pgssjm sjmle le tg kjs kjsnrj nrj`jc `jchte hte met metwee weec c tae eb ebben bents ts gb  nrgss`gkh nrgss` gkhll ngr ngrres respgc pgcke kecne cne hck htt httect ectjgc jgc gc tae gce ahck ah ck,, hc hck k ta taee eb ebbe bent nt gc th thst stjc jcoo gb h `u `usj sjnn-jc jcku kune nek k nahcoe jc tae thster ‚s `ggk gr e`gtjgchl sthte, gc tae gtaer7 Jt js aere taht hc hssess`ect gb tae tj`e-ngurse gb `usjn‚s ebbent gc tae wjce thstjco experjecne pgtectjhlly tjh lly men meng`e g`ess jcb jcbgr` gr`htj htjve. ve. Jt ng ngulk ulk wel welll me j`h j`hojc ojcek ek taht hcy e`gtjgchl j`phnt gb `usjn gc tae `ggk gb tae persgc ljstecjco tg jt wgulk thfe sg`e tj`e tg mujlk up (hrguck 1 s, ht lehst hnngrkjco tg Mhnagrjf et hl., V:2 V:2P). P). Aecne, gce `joat j`hojce taht jb tae ebbent gb `usjn gc thste were httrjmuthmle tg tae nahcojco e`gtjgchl sthte gb tae ljstecer, taec tajs wgulk hlsg thfe tj`e tg e`eroe. My ngc ngctrh trhst, st, hcy ebbent ebbent gb `us `usjn jn gc ths thste te tah tahtt res result ultss brg` tae `usjn-thste nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes servjco tg kjrent tae ljstecer ‚s httectjgc tg h kjbberect ele`ect gb taejr thstjco experjecne experjecne `joat pgte pgtectjhlly ctjhlly gnnur bhjrly bhj rly jcs jcsthc thcthc thceg egusl usly, y, es espen penjhl jhlly ly jb h sj` sj`ple ple sgu sguck ck js plhyek6 Iust j`hojce h susthjcek `usjnhl nagrk. ^g, wjta tajs orguckwgrf jc ahck, tae questjgc js waht kges tae ljterhture ahve tg shy gc tajs `htter7

[ae sengck pjene gb hcenkgthl evjkecne ng`es brg` h serjes gb ths serjes thstjc tjcoo eve evects cts tah tahtt wer weree ae aelk lk jc ^hc ^hcth th ]gs ]gsh, h, Nhljbg Nhl jbgrcj rcjh, h, jc Ken Kene`m e`mer er,, =48 =484, 4, hck jc Thr Thrjs, js, jc Hpr Hprjl, jl, =488 =4 88 (h (hck ck ke kesn snrj rjme mek k my Hl Hlex exjs js Nr Nrhw hwsa sahw hw V== ==P) P).. [a [aee evect whs agstek my Nlhrf ^`jta, hck tae s`hll hukjecne (8= jc Nhljbgrcjh hck 5 jc Thrjs) were `hke up gb `usjnjhc nj hcss hc hck k wj wjce ce ex expe pert rts. s. [a [aee hu hukj kjec ecne ne og ogtt tg th thst stee nahrkgcchys, nhmercets, hck h `erlgt. Cgt `una jcbgr`htjgc js prgvjkek hmgut tae `usjn gtaer taht tae selentjgcs   “we were re lh lhro roel elyy tg tgch chll wg wgrf rfss br brg` g` ta taee sh shvh vhct ct trhkjtjgc, trhkj tjgc, ihzz hck gtae gtaerr ngct ngcte`pg e`pgrhry rhry pgpu pgpulhr lhr style styles. s.‐ Cgw, ojvec waht we ahve seec sg bhr, jt sagulk ng`e hs cg surprjse taht   “[ae nahcoe hck bluntuhtjgcs gb `usjnhl phrh`eters (suna hs te`pg, `usjnhl `gke, tj`mre) spenjbjnhlly hlterek tae perneptjgc gb h wjce ‚s thste (phrtjnulhrly lhr ly swe sweetc etcess ess hck mjt mjtter terces cess) s) hck s`e s`ell ll (j. (j.e., e., waj wajna na snect gb tae wjce ‚s mguquet e`eroek tae `gst) ‐  (see hlsg V:? :?PP gc sgucksnhpes taht nhc ecahcne mjttercess hck/gr sweetcess). Mut waht js `gre jcterestjco aere js tae cext gmservhtjgc,   “[ae ousthtgry ousthtgry hck glbhn glbhntgry tgry nahcoes perneptuhlly hppehr tg gnnur j``ekjhtely, ngjcnjkjco wjta

khte kh te,,njtly taer ta ahve ah ve cgtttaj meec me `hcy `h cy stuk ukje jess er, taht ta ah[g ahve ve ex explj pljnjt lyereehk hkkre kresse ssek kcg tajs s ec ques qu estjg tjgc. c. st Agwev Ag wever , ht h cu`mer cu`m er gb hcen hcenkgth kgthll repg repgrts rts ahv ahvee stre stressek ssek tae see see``jcoly jco ly j`` j``ekj ekjhte hte eb ebben bentt gc tae ths thster ter‚s pern perneptu eptuhl hl experj pe rjec ecne ne gb na nahc hcoj ojco co ta taee `u `usj sjnn gr na nahc hcoj ojco co sg sg`e `e ele`ec ele `ectt gb tae `usjn. `usjn. ^g, bg bgrr ex exh` h`ple ple,, jc gu gurr lhr lhroeoesnhle sn hle thstjco thstjco eve evect ct ae aelk lk ht tae =48; ^tr ^tree eets ts gb ^ph ^phjc jc bestjvhl jc Lgckgc V5 V5P, pegple were jcvjtek tg ecter h wjckgwless wajte renthcoulhr sphne. Gcne jcsjke, wjta h olhss gb rjgih jc taejr ahcks (jc h mlhnf thstjco olhss sg taht taey ngulk cgt see jts vjsuhl hppehrhcne), taey  were we re hs hsfe fek k tg rh rhte te ta taee wj wjce ce.. Hb Hbte terr h ng ngup uple le gb `j `j-cute cu tes, s, ta taee lj ljoa oatj tjco co wh whss na nahc hcoe oek k tg ej ejta taer er re rek k gr oreec6 ore ec6 ta taee krj krjcfe cfers rs rht rhtek ek tae wjc wjcee ho hohjc hjc.. [a [aec ec ta taee ljoa lj oatj tjco co wh whss na nahc hcoe oek k tw twjn jnee `g `gre re,, hc hck k eh ehna na tj tj`e `e

na nahc hcoe oes s jc `g `gke ke (e.o .o.,., `h `hig igrr [aese tg `j `jcg cgr) r),, te te`p `pg, hck hc k `gre oecerhlly, tae (e style/oecre. nahcoes nhcg,gnnur brg` wgrf tg wgrf gr wjtajc tae sh`e pjene. Bgr exh`ple, h`p le, we cgt cgtjne jnek k blu bluntu ntuhtj htjgcs gcs wae waec c ljs ljstec tecjco jco tg sun suna a kych`j kyc h`jnn wgr wgrfs fs hs @g @gzhr zhrtt‚s Tjhcg ^gchth Cg. 8= jc B @higr @hi gr (F>>= (F>>=), ), wajn wajna a vhrj vhrjes es rhpj rhpjkly kly metw metweec eec styl styles es gb  taee kh ta khyy hc hck k hl hlsg sg me metw twee eec c `h `hig igrr hc hck k `j `jcg cgrr, hc hck k Xueec‚s   ‑Mgae`jhc ]ahpsgky,‚  wjta jts kjstjcnt styljstjn sentjgcs‐   (V (V== ==P). P). [aus, wajle suna results hre ngcsjstect wjta hc hnnguct gb `usjn‚s jcbluecne gc tae secsgry hspents gb tae thstjco experjecne jc ter`s gb nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes kjrentjco tae thster's httectjgc, httectjgc, we nhccgt rule gut tae pgssjmj pgssjmjljty  ljty  taht e`gtjgchl/`ggk-jckunek ebbents `joat cgt hlsg thfe ebbent lhter gc.

`usjn whs plhyek. ^penjbjnhlly, we nagse tg plhy puthtjvely   “sweet‐   `usjn wjta tae rek ljoatjco hck   “sgur‐ `usjn wjta tae oreec ljoatjco V88 V 88P. P. [ae nahcoe jc tae `usjn `us jn sy sycna cnarg rgcjz cjzek ek wjt wjta a tae na nahco hcoee jc ta taee ljo ljoatj atjco. co. Ehna Ehn a tj` tj`ee tae taere re whs h na nahco hcoee jc tae ljoatjc ljoatjcoo hck hck/gr /gr `usjn, `usj n, tae krjcfers krjcfers rhte rhtek k tae wjce hbresa. hbresa. Cgw waht whs strjfjco hmgut tajs evect were ng``ects, suna hs tae bgllgwjc bgllgwjcoo tah tahtt tae thste thste gb ta taee wjc wjcee na nahco hcoek ek j``ekjhtely taht tae ljoatjco/`usjn nahcoek. Hs gce htteckee put jt,   “Bhsnjchtjco! Blhvgur/nglgur ngccentjgc9 [aee na [a nahco hcoee whs jcs jcsth thct. ct. Ag Agw w nur nurjgu jgus! s!‐   ^una ^una hcen hcen-kgthl repgrts suooest taht tae ebbent gb `usjn (hck/gr ljoatjco‛ucbgrtuchtely we nhccgt me sure qujte wajna jt whs whs)) whs ahvjco ahvjco h kjr kjrent ent jcbluecn jcbluecnee gc tae thstjco thstjco experje exp erjecne, cne, pera perahps hps `gre ngcs ngcsjste jstect ct wjta hc hnng hnnguct uct jc ter` ter`ss gb nrg nrgss`g ss`gkhl khl ngrr ngrrespg espgckec ckecnes nes kjre kjrentjco ntjco h thster's httectjgc tahc jc ter`s gb hc e`gtjgchl `ekjhtjgc hnnguct.

Ngcnlusjgcs Jc taj tajss hrt hrtjnl jnle, e, we ah ahve ve hro hroue uek k tah tahtt tae taere re hre ljfely ljfely h cu`mer gb rgutes my wajna waht we aehr, bgnusjco aere spen sp enjb jbjn jnhl hlly ly gc `u `usj sjn, n, nh nhc c jc jcbl blue uecn cnee ta taee se secs csgr gryykjsnrj`jchtjve httrjmutes gb wjce thstjco. [ae bgnus aere ahs meec gc tae `gkjbjnhtjgc `gkjbjnhtjgc gb spen spenjbjn jbjn secsgry httrjmutes, suna hs sweetcess, hnjkjty, brujtjcess, hstrjcoecny, hck lecota. ^una ebbents nhc me kjstjcoujsaek brg` tae `gre oecerjn aekgcjn ebbents gb `usjn taht were gutljcek ht tae sthrt (hck wajna ahve hlrehky meec stukjek extecsjvely). _e meljeve taht tae nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes taht ahve meec kgnu`ectek metweec `usjn, hck `usjnhl phrh`eter phrh `eters, s, hck thste thstes, s, hrg`h hrg`hs, s, `guta `gutabeel beel nahr nahrhnte hnterjsrjstjns, hck blhvgrs prgvjke tae mest explhchtjgc hck taht taee bg ta bgnu nusj sjco co gb ht htte tectj ctjgc gc gc ne nert rthj hjc c el ele` e`ec ects ts jc ta taee ng`ple ng` plex x blh blhvgr vgr exp experj erjecn ecnee tah tahtt js gbb gbbere erek k my h qu quhlj hljty  ty 


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

wjce hck wajna wjce wajna js elj eljnjt njtek ek my tae `usjn `usjn hs ex explh plhjcjc jcjcoo `hcy `h cy gb ta taee pe pern rnep eptu tuhhl eb ebbe bennts ta tahht ah ahve ve me meeec ke`gcstrhtek. Meygck taht, jt wgulk see` ljfely taht tae e`gtjgchl respgcse taht nhc me jckunek my ljstecjco tg `usjn ngulk hlsg hls g me ah ahvjc vjcoo sg` sg`ee j`p j`phnt hnt gc tae thstjco thstjco exp experj erjecn ecnee V== ==P. P. Bjc Bjchll hlly, y, ae aere, re, waj wajle le su` su``hr `hrjzj jzjco co tae jcb jcblue luecne cne gb  `usjn gc spenjbjn secsgry prgpertjes, jt js wgrta mehrjco jc `jck taht sagulk tae `usjn oet tgg lguk, tae perneptjgc gb sweetcess `hy me suppressek wajle tae perneptjgc gb u`h`j js ecahcnek (see V=; V=;P6 P6 see hlsg V:1 V:1P). P). Lggfjco Lggf jco bgrwhrk, bgrwhrk, gce gb tae questjgcs questjgcs taht we stjll kg cg cgtt ah ahve ve hc hc hcsw swer er tg js wa waet etae aerr ta taer eree hr hree hc hcy  y  shlje sh lject ct jck jckjvj jvjku kuhl hl kj kjbbe bbere recne cness jc tae j`p j`phn hntt gb `u `usjn sjn gc tae pernep perneptjg tjgc c gb wjc wjce. e. _g _gulk ulk wjce ex exper perts, ts, me taey wjce wrjters, gr metter stjll, tae wjce thsters hck wjcee `hf wjc `hfer ers, s, me eq equh uhlly lly hb hbben bentek tek77 Hck wah wahtt hm hmgut gut trhjcek `usjnjhcs7 Gce `joat expent wjce `hfers tg me me mette tterr hm hmle le tg bgn bgnus us tae taejr jr htt httect ectjgc jgc sg sglel lelyy gc tae secsgry prgpertjes gb tae wjce. Jc bhnt, tae wagle hreh gb jc jckj kjvj vjku kuhl hl/n /nul ultu turh rhll kj kjbb bber erec ecne ness jc wj wjce ce-` -`us usjn jn

Thoe 88 gb 8;

ahr`gcy) whs plhy ahr`gcy) plhyek, ek, taey rep repgrte grtek k h vhrj vhrjety ety gb sec  “ shtjgchl experjecne suna hs gutspgfec keljoat, mgkjly  ahr`gcy, hck relhxhtjgc.‐   [aguoa oettjco tg tae mgttg` gb taht stgry wjll me tae sumient bgr hcgtaer khy  (see V2> V2>P). P). Eckcgtes 8 _ag _a g fc fcgw gwss wa waet etae aerr ta tajs js `j `joa oatt cg cgtt hl hlsg sg me ta taee sh`e `gtj `gtjvhtjg vhtjgc c ucke uckerlyjc rlyjcoo Lhjta Lhjtawhjte whjte‚s wj wjce ce sp spgc gc-sgrj sg rjco co h sa sagw gw gc ta taee Nl Nlhs hssj sjnn B@ rh rhkj kjg g st stht htjg jgc c h ngup ng uple le gb ye yehr hrss ho hog g (attp9//>/4:/ llewelyc-mgwec-tg-sell-wjce-g llewelyc-mgwe c-tg-sell-wjce-gc-nlhssjn-b`/ c-nlhssjn-b`/   gc 41 41/4 /41/ 1/ =48;6 see hlsg V84= V84=P). P). = _aec tajcfjco hmgut `usjn ‚s jcbluecne gc tae perneptjgc gb wjce, jt nhc me aelpbul tg kjsnrj`jchte metweec twe ec bg bgur ur pgt pgtect ectjhl jhlly ly kjb kjbbe berec rectt fjc fjcks ks gb iu iuko` ko`ect ectss taht we `hy me te`ptek tg hsnrjme tg, gr j`pressjgcs taht we `hy bgr` hmgut, h wjce9 Aekgcjn ‛agw `una kg we ljfe tae wjce76 ^ecsgry ‛gur hssess`ect gb tae paysj pa ysjnh nhll prg prgper pertje tjess gb tae krj krjcf cf (sw (swee eetce tcess, ss, hn hnjkj jkjty, ty, brujtj bru jtjce cess, ss, hln hlngag gagl) l) hck ta taejr ejr j`p j`phn hntt gc tae krj krjcfe cferr ‛

`ht `htna jco js gce tahtwgrf tah t hwh hwhjts jtstajs tagrgu tag rguoa oa _aht jcvest jcv estjoh johtjg tjgc c (orjp (orjppjce pjcess, lecota, ta, etn.)6 etn. )6 exjty Hchlytjn Hchl ngcnercj ngcn co suna a (seenajco V::P, V:: P, bgr relhtek jc hreh). lj`jtek httrj htt rjmut mutes esss,gbleco hoe, hoe , ng ng`pl `plex jty,, ytjn mhlhc mh lhcne ne,, ercjco quhlj qu hljty, ty, sun hck resehrna rese hrna ahs meec ngck ngckunte untek k sg bhr bhr,, tagu taguoa, oa, suoo suooests ests prjne hssess`ect6 hck Kesnrjptjve ‛wgulk we kesnrjme taht `usjn taht ahs meec ng`pgsek jc gce nguctry tg tae wjce hs ae aehv hvyy gr ljo ljoat, at, zjc zjcoy oy gr lus lusa, a, `hs `hsnu nuljc ljce, e, ngcv ng cvey ey h sp spen enjb jbjn jn th thst stee js hl hlsg sg hs hssg sgnj njht htek ek wj wjta ta ta taee gr be`jcjce7 > sh`e thste my tagse ng`jco brg` h kjbberect `usjnhl/ Hs h pr prgb gbes essj sjgc gchl hl wj wjce ce nr nrjt jtjn jn hc hck k wj wjce ce iu iuko koe, e, Ig nulturhl mhnforguck (see V88 V88P). P). Murzycsfh ahs hlsg meec experj`ectjco wjta hbbentjco aer Hs tae res reseh ehrna rna rev revjew jewek ek ae aere re ahs agp agpeb ebull ullyy `hk `hkee hukjecne‚s wjc wjcee ths thstjc tjcoo ex expe perje rjecn cnee my plh plhyjc yjcoo kjb kjbbe berec rectt nlehr nle hr,, gve gverr hck hm hmgve gve ta taee vhr vhrjgu jguss oec oecerh erhll ebb ebbent entss gc `us `usjn. jn. Mhsek gve gverr jc Ce Cew w Ye Yehlh hlhck, ck, sa saee ahs bguck bguck ta taht ht tae se secsg csgryry-kjs kjsnrj nrj`jc `jcht htjve jve hck ae aekgc kgcjn jn hsp hspent entss gb  @hrlmgrguoa ^huvjocgc Mlhcn js tae wjce style taht nhc me thstjco taht nhc me jckunek my `usjn. H rhpjkly orgwnahcoek `gst rhkjnhlly my sguck (jcspjrek my Cgrta‚s   V>; V>;PP jco mgky gb e`pjrjnhl resehrna cgw ke`gcstrhtes taht wgrf, sae cgr`hlly uses Cguvelle Rhoue‚s,   Iust Nhc t Oet   Ecguoa hs tae pgsjtjve trhnf). Bgr h trhnf taht ahs h ceohtjve `htnajco wjces nhc mrjco sg`etajco gut jc tae wjce,  Ecguoa hck aec aecne, ne, nah nahcoe coe pegp pegple le‚s exp experje erjecne cne waec thstjco j`ph j`phnt nt gc tae wjce, sae reng``ecks reng``ecks ^feptjns ^feptjns‛HBBNG wjce. Bjchlly, jt js perahps hlsg wgrta mehrjco jc `jck attp9//`/om/hlmu`/sfeptjns/jk=8>5;>5?; . Jc ‚  

tae j`phnt taht tae `usjn nhc ahve mgta gc waht we naggse tg krjcf hck agw rhpjkly hck agw `una we eck up krjcfjco (see V=4 V=4,,   =: =:PP bgr revjews). _ajle tae bgnus jc tajs pjene ahs meec squhrely gc wjce wj ce,, ta taer eree js hm hmsg sglu lute tely ly cg re rehs hsgc gc wa wayy wa waht ht ah ahss meec kgce sg bhr jc tae spaere gb wjce-`usjn `htnajco ngulk cgt hlsg me kgce bgr h vhrjety gb gtaer meverhoes, mgta hlngagljn hck cgc-hlngagljn. Jckeek, hs jt ahppecs, tae very bjrst stukjes tg me pumljsaek jc tae hrehh gb sg hre sguck uck jcb jcblue luecn cnjco jco ths thste te wer weree hn hntuh tuhlly lly ng ngcckunte ku ntek k wjt wjta a Nh Nhrls rlsme mero ro mee meerr my Frj Frjsth sthc c Agl Agltt-Ah Ahcse csec c (V844 (V 844,,   848 848P) P) jc Ng Ngpe peca caho hoec ec.. Jc aj ajss se se`j `jch chll eh ehrl rly  y  wgrf, Aglt Aglt-Ah -Ahcsec csec ke` ke`gcst gcstrhte rhtek k taht pegp pegple le wgul wgulk k `htna Nhrlsmero Elepahct lhoer tg h ajoaer pjtna tahc reoulhr Nhrlsmero lhoer (perahps menhuse gb jts ajoaer hlngagl ngctect6 see hlsg V55 V55P). P). @gre j`pgrthctly (bgr tae bgn bgnus us gb taj tajss hrt hrtjnl jnle), e), wae waec c ph phrtj rtjnjp njphct hctss ths thstek tek h meer wajle h `htnajco sguck (h tgce ht tae pjtna gb 

ter`s gb wjc ter`s wjces, es, sa saee ren reng`` g``eck eckss   attp9//`/ gur-wjces/shuvjocgc-mlhcn/shuvjocgc-mlhcn-=488/ , hs h pgssjmle ^huvjocgc Mlhcn, hck bgr hc jcterestjco ngctrhst, h @hrshcce gr hc Hrcejs. ; _htt hck Xujcc V;4 V;4PP bguck taht `usjn nhc me reljhmly  hssgnj hss gnjhte htek k wjt wjta a `hc `hcyy ajo ajoae aerr leve levell pre prenep nepts, ts, sun suna a hs `hle/be`hle hck glk/yguco. 5 _e perbgr`ek h pjlgt stuky wjta 8: phrtjnjphcts waere twg wjces were thstek wajle ljstecjco tg grohc hck ahrp `usjn (h prevjgus stuky ahk sagwc taht phrtjnjphcts hssgnjhtek tae spenjbjn wajte wjce wjta ahrp hck tae spenjbjn rek wjce wjta grohc). Thrtjnjphcts rhtek ehna wjce-`usjn ng`mjchtjgc mjch tjgc bgr ljfjc ljfjcoo hck `htn `htnajco ajco.. ^joc ^jocjbjn jbjnhct hct kjbb kjbberec erecnes nes were gmservek jc `htnajco sngres bgr tae rek wjce, waere grohc ( @ 0 ;.= gut gb ?) whs rhtek hs h sjoc sjocjbjn jbjnhctl hctlyy metter `htn `h tna a bg bgrr ta taee re rek k wj wjce ce ta tahc hc ta taee ah ahrp rp ( @ 0 =. =.?) ?),, ev evec ec taguoa, gverhll, tae phrtjnjphcts ljfek tae ahrp `usjn sjocjbjnhctly `gre tahc tae grohc `usjn ( @ 0 5. 5.; ; gut gb ? bgr


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe 8= gb 8;

ahrp hc ahrp hck k >.? bg bgrr gro grohc hc). ). Mjv Mjvhrj hrjhte hte Te Tehr hrsg sgc c ng ngrre rrelht lhtjgc jgcss sagwek wjce-`usjn `htnajco rhtjcos were sjocjbjnhctly ngrrelhtek wjta wjce ljfjco (r 0 4.=>1 4.=>1)) mut cgt `usjn ljfjco. ljfjco. ^g jt wgulk see` taht tae phrtjnjphcts were hmle tg jsglhte tae wjce-`usjn `htnajco thsf brg` `usjn ecigy`ect mut cgt wjce ecigy`e ecigy`ect. ct. 2 Cgte taht gce gb tae prgmle`s hssgnjhtek wjta ngckuntjco resehrna ht pumljn evects js tae kjbbjnulty gb perbentlyy nguc bentl ngucterm termhlhcn hlhcnjco jco gce‚s ngck ngckjtjgcs jtjgcs.. Jkeh Jkehlly, lly, aere aere,, ahlb gb tae hukjecne wgulk ahve aehrk tae twg pjenes gb  `usjn jc tae gppgsjte grker. Gc tajs gnnhsjgc, agwever, tae ngcstrhjcts gb tae ljve `usjn evect `ehct taht tajs whs sj`ply cgt pgssjmle. ? [ae thstjco cgtes bgr tae wajte wjce thlfek gb orhss, njtrus, hck oggsemerry cgtes, ljoat mgky, hck ajoa hnjkjty, wajle wa jle bg bgrr ta taee re rek, k, ml mlhn hnf f br bruj ujt, t, gh ghf, f, hc hck k vh vhcj cjllh llh cg cgte tes, s, `ekju` `ek ju` mgk mgky, y, `ek `ekju` ju` hn hnjkj jkjty, ty, hck sgb sgbtt thc thccjcs cjcs wer weree `ectjgcek. 1 [ae bjrst pjene whs nagsec tg `htna tae wajte wjce, sjcne ajoa te`pg hck pjtna ahve meec sagwc tg me hssgnjhtek wjta h sgur thste hck njtrus blhvgurs. [ae sengck

gb `elhcnagly. [ae `elgky nlj`ms hc gnthve ajoaer wjta jctecsjbyjco hnng`phcj`ect.‐ 8> _jta _j ta ta taee pg pgss ssjm jmle le ex exne nept ptjg jgc c gb ne nert rthj hjc c nl nlhs hssj sjnh nhll pjenes suna hs I. ^. Mhna‚s (8?>=)   Ngbbee Nhcthth Nhcthth..   [ajs senulhr pjene gb `usjn, pumljsaek jc Lejpzjo, whs wrjttec bgr sgprhcg, tecgr, hck mhss sglgs hck grnaestrh. Nhrl O. Aerjco hlsg ng`pgsek h   “Ngbbee nhcgc‐  jc tae lhte 8:ta Nectury. _ere taese ng`pgsers, gce `joat hsf, tryjco tg `hfe `usjn tg `htna tae thste gb ngbbee7 H qujnf lggf ht tae Oer`hc lyrjns suooests taht tajs js cgt qujte wahtt Ae wah Aerjc rjcoo ah ahk k jc `jc `jck6 k6 ta taey ey trh trhcsl cslhte hte rg rguoa uoaly ly hs “N-h-b-b-e-e, kgc‚t krjcf sg `una ngbbee. Cgt bgr najlkrec js tae [urfjsa krjcf…‐ 8; ]e`e`mer aere taht jc h very rehl secse we kg hll ljve jc kjbberect thste wgrlks V84; V84;P. P. 85 Gce `joat kjsnhrk tajs ngcnerc my tajcfjco jt wgulk me ajoaly ucljfely tg ecngucter tae wrgco `usjn wajle krjcfjco h oggk gr expecsjve wjce. Agwever, ojvec tae jcnrehsjco level gb cgjse jc resthurhcts taese khys, ahvjco  ygur cjne wjce rujcek my h lguk ht`gspaere (iust tajcf Nrjsthl Nah`phoce jc cjoatnlums) js h very rehl ngcnerc

pjene whs `htna tae reklgky wjce, sjcne leohtg hrtjnu tj nulh lhtj tjgc gc nagsec hck hc k h tgng ngcs csgc gchc hct t `e `elg ky ah ahve ve mg mgta ta me meec ec sagwc jc prjgr resehrna tg me `htnaek wjta sweet thstes hck bull mgky V51 V51,,  84>  84>P. P. : [ae jcnrehsek sgur rhtjcos bgr wjce wajle ljstecjco tg tae Kemussy pjene `joat ahve meec httrjmuthmle tg tae Kemussy pjene ngcthjcjco `gre kjssgchct nagrks gverhll tahc tae ]hna`hcjcgbb pjene. _hco hck ^pecne V2= V 2=PP renectly ke`gcstrhtek taht kjssgchct `usjn jcnrehses phrtjnjphcts‚  sgurcess rhtjcos gb brujt iujne gc h sweet-sgur snhle. 84 Gcne hohjc, tae wjces were mgta rhtek hs sg`ewaht `gre brujty wajle ljstecjco tg ]hna`hcjcgbb ( @ 0 2? 2?.8 .8)) tahc wajle ljstecjco tg Kemussy ( @ 0 52.2). Jctrjoujcol Jctrjoujcoly, y, agwever, cg ebbent gb `usjn gc hnjkjty whs repgrtek, per-

V=? =?P. P.[aht shjk, jc tae sengck hutagr ‚s stukect khys grohcjz82

ahps suooestjco taht tae sjocjbjnhct nahcoe repgrtek jc _hco hck ^pecne‚s V;1 ;1PP `hjc stuky sagulk me httrjmutek tg grker ebbents, rhtaer tahc cenesshrjly tg tae ebbent gb  `usjn gc wjce perneptjgc. 88 Burtaer`gre, waec tae sengck hutagr htteckek tae bestjvh bes tjvhl, l, tae taeyy wer weree ex explj pljnjt njtly ly tgl tglk k ht tae gcset taht tae `usjn bgr rek wjces ahk meec spenjbjnhlly ng`pgsek jc grker tg lecotaec tae bjcjsa. Jc prhntjne, hbter tae sjochl whs ojvec bgr phrtjnjphcts tg swhllgw tae wjce, tae `usjn `grpaek jctg h sjcole lgco susthjcek strjco cgte. Gce pgssjm pgs sjmjljt jljtyy whs tah tahtt phr phrtjn tjnjph jphcts cts `hy ah ahve ve `ec `ecthl thlly  ly  ljcfek tae resjkuhl thste wjta tae cgte, sg hs lgco hs tae sguck whs ucmrgfec, tae thste hlsg ljcoerek. 8= Bgr tag tagse se wag wer weree wgc wgcker kerjco jco hmg hmgut ut taj tajss Bjc Bjccjs cjsa a pjene, hnngrkjco tg tae kesnrjptjgc jc ^pecne et hl. V;? V;?P9 P9 “[ae `elhcnagly, wjstbul `elgky gb tae sgco meojcs hbter tae gverture wjta ucau ucaurrjek, rrjek, bglf rayt rayta`. a`. [ae h`mjecne h`mjecne orgws orhkuhlly brg` wjstbul tg hc gverwael`jco secse

(nlgves),, hck etay (nlgves) etayl-cl-c-muty mutyrhte rhte (ucs (ucspenj penjbjek bjek bruj brujty) ty) jc tae gk gkgr gr `jx `jxtur tures. es. Jt js per perah ahps ps uc ucsur surprj prjsjc sjco, o, ojv ojvec ec suna sun a h se sett-up up,, tah tahtt tae ph phrtj rtjnj njphc phcts ts we were re sj` sj`ply ply cgt hmlee tg jke hml jkectj ctjby by `gr `gree ta tahc hc ta taree ree ng` ng`pgc pgcect ectss brg brg` ` wjtajc tae `jxture. Jb jt were hlwhys true taht pegple ngulk ngu lk gcl gclyy jke jkectj ctjby by h `hx `hxj`u j`u` ` gb ta taree ree gkgrhct gkgrhcts, s, jt wgulk me very ahrk tg iustjby tagse wjce wrjters wag nhc keljver `gre tahc 8444 wgrks kesnrjmjco tae secsgryy htt sgr httrjm rjmute utess gb h wjc wjcee jc tae taejr jr ths thstjc tjcoo cgt cgtes es V845 V 845P. P. Aere, jt js j`pgrthct tg ngcsjker agw tae naucfjco gb  strunturek glbhntgry jcbgr`htjgc `joat echmle tae experjecnek thster tg oet `gre brg` h wjce. Iust tajcf, bgr exh`ple exh`ple,, gb hc ex expe pert rt ths thstjc tjcoo wah wahtt s/a s/aee thf thfes es tg me h rek Muroucky (wajna taey `joat ahve kjsnercek brg` brg ` ta taee ng nglgr lgr). ). [a [aey ey hlrehky hlrehky fcgw tg lgg lggf f gut bgr naerry, ehrta, hck veoethl cgtes brg` tae wjce. 81 Cgte Cg te,, ta tagu guoa oa,, ta taht ht ta tajs js bg bgr` r` gb nr nrgs gsss-wj wjrjc rjco, o, sagulk jt exjst, wgulk stjll cgt me lhmele lek k hs

jco tae Naehp _jce ^gnjety ht @J[, ]ex Ogljhta @erlgt (h nult ucker $5 wjce) whs bguck tg og wgckerbully tgoetaer oeta er wjta mlu mlueor eorhss hss `us `usjn. jn. Hnn Hnngrkj grkjco co tg tae thst thstjco jco cgtes, cgte s, tae   “`gu `guta-b ta-bjllj jlljco co blh blhvgrs vgrs gb plu plu`s, `s, nae naerrje rrjess hck wjlk rek merrjes kg`jchte brg` sthrt tg bjcjsa. ^gbt, supple hck ng`plex. Tretty hck sekuntjve wjta h kenjkekly spjny  cgse cg se gb ml mlhn hnf f na naer erry ry,, nh nhss ssjs js hc hck k ne nekh khrr‐   (see   attp9//`/`erlgt.pap#.Rn;_QTlRjfg).`/`erlgt.pap#.Rn;_QTlRjfg ). 8? Cgw, wajle tae ngcnlusjgc aere `joat me strjfjco, gce j`pg j`pgrthc rthctt lj`jth lj`jthtjgc tjgc wjta taes taesee serj serjes es gb stuk stukjes jes relhtes tg tae use gb ucrelhtek glbhnthcts, suna hs, bgr exh`ple, nhrvgce (spehr`jct), meczhlkeayke (hl`gck), njs-> aex aexhchl hchl (nu (nutt orhss orhss), ), lj`g lj`gcece cece (grh (grhcoe) coe),, euo euoecgl ecgl


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

sychestaesjh, sychesta esjh, hs tae pern perneptu eptuhl hl ngcs ngcsequ equecne ecness wgul wgulk k ljfel ljf elyy me sah sahrek rek my us hll (a (aecn ecnee bhj bhjljc ljcoo tae jkjgsycjkjgsycnrhtjn nrjterjgc). Ng`petjco jcterests  [ae hutagrs kenlhre taht taey ahve cg ng`petjco jcterests. Hutagrs  ngctrjmutjgcs ‚

N^ & X(I)_ wrgte hll phrts gb tajs revjew. Mgta hutagrs rehk hck hpprgvek tae bjchl `hcusnrjpt. Hnfcgwlekoe`ects N^ wgulk ljfe tg hnfcgwlekoe tae HA]N ]etajcfjco tae ^ecses orhct (HA/L44?45>/8). ]enejvek9 =4 Huoust =485 Hnneptek9 84 Cgve`mer =485

]eberecnes 8. Igces H. H bhr brg` vjcthoe vjcthoe sagw sagw hs Nhllg Nhllgw w ucngrfs ucngrfs tae nljnaês nljnaês.. [ae Jckepeckect6 =48=. Vattp9//`ect/tv/  Vattp9//`ect/tv/  behtures/tae-weef-jc-rhkjg-h-bhr-brg`-vjcthoe-sagw-hs-nhllgw-ucngrfs-taenljna-s-1=2:?`lP.P. Hnnessek > Huoust =485. nljna-s-1=2:?`l =. ^hna ^hnase-_e se-_ejcert jcert @. _jce & `usj `usjf9 f9 = + = 0 5 V_jc V_jcee & `usjn9 = + = 0 5P. 5P. Rgrtrho j` ]ha`ec ker ]jcovgrlesuco   “_ejcwjssecsnahbt‐  hc ker Igahcces Outecmero-Ucjversjtët @hjcz j` ^g``erse`ester. Tresecthtjgc ojvec gc ; Iuly =48=. >. ^pecne N, _hco X(I)9 _jce & `usjn (J)9 Gc tae tae nrgss`gkhl nrgss`gkhl `htnajco `htnajco gb wjce &  `usjn. Blhvgur (sum`jttek) (sum`jttek).. ;. Gmerbe Gmerbelk lk K, Aenat Aenat A, Hlleckgrb Hlleckgrb U, _jnfel` _jnfel`hjer hjer B. H`mject H`mject ljoatjco ljoatjco `gkjbjes `gkjbjes tae blhvgr gb wjce. I ^ecs ^tuk. =44:6=;9?:? „1>=. 5. ^pecn ^pecnee N, Relhsng Relhsng N, Fcgeber Fcgeberle le F. H lhroe lhroe sh`ple stuky stuky gc tae tae jcbluecne jcbluecne gb  tae `ultjsecsgry ecvjrgc`ect gc tae wjce krjcfjco experjecne. Blhvgur. =48;6>91. 2. ^hnas ^hnase-_ej e-_ejcert cert @. Rgne9kjvj Rgne9kjvjcg cg jc @ücnaec. @ücnaec. ^ycëstaes ^ycëstaesje je jc perbeftjgc. perbeftjgc. VRgne9 VRgne9 kjvjcg jc @ucjna9 Ture sychestaesjhP. _ejcbeker Igurchl. =48;6;>9>; „5. ?. ^pecn ^pecnee N. Nrgss`gk Nrgss`gkhl hl ngrrespgc ngrrespgckecnes kecnes99 h tutgrjhl tutgrjhl revjew. Httec Httec Ternept Ternept Tsynagpays. =4886?>9:?8„:5. 1. ^pec ^pecne ne N. Gc nrgss`g nrgss`gkhl khl ngrrespg ngrrespgckec ckecnes nes hck tae tae buture buture gb  sychestaetjn `hrfetjco9 `htnajco `usjn hck sgucksnhpes tg thstes, blhvgurs, hck brhorhcne. Jc9 Mrgccer F, Ajrt ]N, ]jcoe N, ekjtgrs. (((HMH))) Hukjg Mrhckjco Hnhke`y Zehrmggf =48=/=48>. Mhkec-Mhkec9 Cg`gs6 =48>. p. >:„5=. :. Melfjc F, @hrtjc @hrtjc ], Fe`p Fe`p ^E, Ojlmert Ojlmert HC. HC. Hukjtgry Hukjtgry pjtna pjtna hs h perneptuhl perneptuhl hchlgoue tg gkgr quhljty. Tsynagl ^nj. 8::?619>;4 „=. 84. Kergy G, Nrjsjcel H-^, ^pecne N. Nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes ngrrespgckecnes metweec gkgrs hck ngctjcoect behtures9 gkgrs, `usjnhl cgtes, hck oeg`etrjnhl „

sahpes. Tsynagc Mull ]ev. =48>6=491?1 :2. 88. Fcòberle Fcòberle F@, _ggks H, Fëppler Fëppler B, ^pecne ^pecne N. [aht sgucks sweet9 sweet9 usjco nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes tg ng``ucjnhte ousthtgry httrjmutes. Tsynagl @hrfet. =4856>=984?„=4. 8=. Fcòbe Fcòberle rle F@, ^pecne N. Nrgss`gkhl Nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgcke ngrrespgckecnes cnes metweec metweec sgucks hck thstes. Tsynagc Mull ]ev. =48=68:9::=„8442. 8>. Hrecj N^, N^, Fj` K. [ae jcbluecne jcbluecne gb mhnforguck mhnforguck `usjn gc sagppjco sagppjco meahvjgr9 meahvjgr9 nlhssjnhl versus tgp-bgrty `usjn jc h wjce stgre. Hkv Ngcsu` ]es. 8::>6=49 >>2„;4. 8;. Cgrta HN, HN, ^ajlngnf ^ajlngnf H, Ahrorehves Ahrorehves KI. [ae ebbent gb `usjnhl `usjnhl style gc resthurhct nustg`ers‚  speckjco. Ecvjrgc Meahv. =44>6>59?8= „1. 85. Zega IT^, IT^, Cgrta HN. [ae ebbents ebbents gb `usjnhl bjt gc nagjne nagjne metweec twg twg ng`petjco bggks. @usjn ^nj. =48468;98=?„>1. 82. Cgrta HN, HN, Ahrorehves Ahrorehves KI, @nFeckrjnf @nFeckrjnf I. Jc-stgre Jc-stgre `usjn hbbents hbbents prgkunt prgkunt nagjne. Chture. 8::?6>:498>=. 8?. Cgrta HN, HN, Ahrorehves Ahrorehves KI, @nFeckrjnf @nFeckrjnf I. [ae jcbluecne jcbluecne gb jc-stgre jc-stgre `usjn gc wjce selentjgcs. I Hppl Tsynagl. 8:::61;9=?8„2. 81. ^najl ^najlkfcen kfcenat at K. Hutaectjnjty Hutaectjnjty jc wjce9 plhyjco plhyjco my tae rules. [ae _grlk _grlk gb  Bjce _jce. =44268=9?;„:. 8:. _ajte T. Bggk Bggk gb lgve9 wjce ce hck `usjn. `usjn. [ae _grlk gb Bjce _jce. _jce. =4416=898=4 =4416=898=4„>. =4. ^pecn ^pecnee N, Tjquerhs-Bjsz`hc Tjquerhs-Bjsz`hc M. [ae perbent `ehl9 `ehl9 tae `ultjsecsgry `ultjsecsgry snjecne snjecne gb  bggk hck kjcjco. Gxbgrk9 _jley-Mlhnfwell6 =48;. =8. Iusljc TC, TC, ^lgmgkh IH. Ahckmggf Ahckmggf gb `usjn hck e`gtjgc9 e`gtjgc9 taegry, taegry, resehrna, resehrna, hppljnhtjgcs. Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk Ucjversjty Tress6 =484.

Thoe 8> gb 8;

==. Nrhwsahw Nrhwsahw H. Agw `usjnhl `usjnhl e`gtjgc `hy prgvjke prgvjke nlues bgr bgr uckersthckjco uckersthckjco tae gmservek j`phnt gb `usjn gc ousthtgry hck glbhntgry perneptjgc jc tae ngctext gb wjce-thstjco. Ucpumljsaek `hcusnrjpt. =48=. =>. ^`jta MN9 [ae e`gtjgch e`gtjgchll j`phnt gb h wjce hck tae Trgvecnhl Trgvecnhl rgse phrhkgx. phrhkgx. Ucpumljsaek `hcusnrjpt, =44:. =;. Zhc F^, Khckg ]. H nrgss`gkhl nrgss`gkhl rgle rgle bgr hukjtjgc jc thste perneptjg perneptjgc. c. I Exp Tsynagl Au` Ternept Terbgr`. =4856;895:4„2. =5. ^thbbg ^thbbgrk rk LK, Berchckes Berchckes @, Hogmjhcj Hogmjhcj E. Ebbents gb cgjse hck hck kjstrhntjgc kjstrhntjgc gc hlngagl perneptjgc. Bggk Xuhl Treb. =48=6=;9=81 „=;. =2. ^thbb ^thbbgrk grk LK, Hogmjhcj Hogmjhcj E, Berc Berchcke hckess @. Tern Terneptjg eptjgc c gb hlnga hlngagl gl strecota strecota j`phjrek j`phj rek my lgw hck ajoa vglu`e kjstrhntjgc. kjstrhntjgc. Bggk Xuhl Treb. =48> =48>6=19 6=19 ;?4„;. =?. ^pecn ^pecnee N. Cgjse hck hck jts j`phnt gc tae perneptj perneptjgc gc gb bggk hck krjcf. krjcf. Blhvgur. =48>6>9:. =1. ]ejcg ]ejcgsg sg Nhrvhlag Nhrvhlag B, Rhc Ee ], ]ynathrjfgvh ]ynathrjfgvh @, [guahbj [guahbj H, ^teecahut ^teecahut F, Tersggce K, et hl. Usjco sguck-thste ngrrespgckecnes tg ecahcne tae sumientjve vhlue gb thstjco experjecnes. Brgct Tsynagl. =4856298>4:. =:. Cgrta H, Ahrorehve Ahrorehvess K. [ae sgnjhl hck hppljek hppljek psynaglgoy psynaglgoy gb `usjn. Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk Ucjversjty Tress6 =441. >4. ^pecn ^pecnee N, ^ahcfhr @U. [ae [ae jcbluecne jcbluecne gb hukjtgry nues nues gc tae perneptjgc perneptjgc gb, hck respgcses tg, bggk hck krjcf. I ^ecs ^tuk. =4846=59;42 „>4. >8. Orhy _M. @usjn @usjn tg krjcf wjce my9 Rjctcer Rjctcer jcsjsts `usjn `usjn nhc nahcoe wjce wjce‚s blhvgrs. ^hc Brhcnjsng Nargcjnle6 =44?. Vattp9//`/wjce/hrtjnle/  Vattp9//`/wjce/hrtjnle/  @usjn-tg-krjcf-wjce-my-Rjctcer-jcsjsts-`usjn-nhc->=>524=.papP.. Hnnessek ? @usjn-tg-krjcf-wjce-my-Rjctcer-jcsjsts-`usjn-nhc->=>524=.papP Huoust =485. >=. ^`jta N. Hstrjcoecn Hstrjcoecnyy hck ahr`gcy ahr`gcy jc thccjcs. _jces _jces & Rjces6 =484. Vattp9//  Vattp9//`/te`plhte.nb`7sentjgc0nglu`csW hrtjnle&ngctect0?14?1P.. Hnnessek 1 Iuly =485. hrtjnle&ngctect0?14?1P >>. ^pecne ^pecne N. _jce hck `usjn. `usjn. [ae _grlk _grlk gb Bjce _jce. _jce. =4886>89:2 =4886>89:2„84;. >;. Cgrta H HN. N. [ae ebbent ebbent gb mhnforguck mhnforguck `usjn `usjn gc tae thste gb wjce. wjce. Mr I Tsynagl. =48=684>9=:>„>48. >5. Hcg Hcgc. c. @us @usjn jn   “nhc ecahcne wjce thste‐. MMN Cews6 =441. Vattp9// Vattp9// uf/og/pr/br/-/8/aj/uf/?;`P.P. Hnnessek ; Huoust =441. uf/og/pr/br/-/8/aj/uf/?;` >2. ^pec ^pecne ne N, Kergy G. Gc way `usjn nahcoes nahcoes waht (we tajcf) tajcf) we thste. j-Terneptjgc. =48>6;98>?„;4. >?. _hlfer T. Nrgss-sec Nrgss-secsgry sgry ngrrespgc ngrrespgckecne kecness hck nrgss thlf metweec kj`ecsjgcs gb ngccgthtjve `ehcjco9 vjsuhl hcoulhrjty js ahrk, ajoa-pjtnaek, hck mrjoat. Httec Ternept Tsynagpays. =48=6?;98?:=„14:. >1. _jlljh` _jlljh`ss I@. ^yctaetjn ^yctaetjn hkientjves9 hkientjves9 h pgssjmle pgssjmle lhw gb se`hctjn nahcoe. nahcoe. Lhcouhoe. 8:?265=9;28„?1. >:. ]joo @O. Hc experj`ect experj`ect tg keter`jce keter`jce agw hnnurhtely hnnurhtely nglleoe nglleoe stukects stukects nhc jcterpret jcteckek `ehcjcos gb `usjnhl ng`pgsjtjgcs. I Exp Tsynagl. 8:>?6 =89==>„:. ;4. _htt ], Xujcc ^. ^g`e rgmust rgmust ajoaer-level ajoaer-level pernepts pernepts bgr `usjn. `usjn. Terneptjgc. Terneptjgc. =44?6>2981>;„;1. ;8. Mhrhlk Mhrhlkjj BM, Ke Tglj O, ]gkh H. Ng``ucjnhtjco Ng``ucjnhtjco expressjve expressjve jctectjgc jctectjgcss wjta h sjcole pjhcg cgte. I Cew @usjn ]es. =4426>598:? „=84. ;=. Zh`hshfj Zh`hsh fj [, Zh`hkh F, gc Lhuffh Lhuffh T. Rjewjco Rjewjco wgrlk targuoa wgrlk targuoaTsynagl tae prjs` gb  `usjn9 ebbents gb `usjn perneptjgcs gb tae tae ecvjrgc`ect. @usjn. =4856;>928„?;. ;>. Frjsa Frjsach ch H, Elker ]^, Nhlkhrh Nhlkhrh N. Be`jcjce Be`jcjce tg s`ell mut `hsnuljce `hsnuljce tg tguna7 @ultjsecsgry ngcoruecne hck jts ebbent gc tae hestaetjn experjecne. I Ngcsu` Tsynagl. =4846=49;84„1. ;;. Aecrj Aecrjna na I, Aejce ^I, Cgreczhy Cgreczhyhc hc H. [ae wejrkest wejrkest pegple jc tae wgrlk7 Meahv Mrhjc ^nj. =4846>>928 „8>5. ;5. Keljzh ], @hnBje @hnBje AIA. [ae oecerhtjgc oecerhtjgc gb secsgry secsgry expenthtjgc expenthtjgc my exterchl exterchl nues hck jts ebbent gc secsgry perneptjgc hck aekgcjn rhtjcos9 h revjew. I ^ecs ^tuk. 8::26=984>„=1. ;2. ^pecn ^pecnee N, ]jnahrks L, Fielljc Fielljc E, Auact H-@, Khsfhl Khsfhl R, ^naeymeler ^naeymeler H, et hl. Lggfjco bgr nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes metweec nlhssjnhl `usjn & bjce wjce. Blhvgur. =48>6=9=:. ;?. ^pec ^pecne ne N, Relhsng Relhsng N, Rhcce @, Agpjh H. Nhc ygu thste tae `usjn7 `usjn7 Jc9 Agpjh H, Jahcus ^, ekjtgrs. 5K nggfmggf. ^ejcëigfj9 FU@U]U-prgient6 =48;. p. ?>. ;1. _hco X(I), X(I), ^pecne N. Hssessjco Hssessjco tae ebbent ebbent gb `usjnhl ngcoruecn ngcoruecnyy gc wjce thstjco jc h ljve perbgr`hcne settjco. j-Terneptjgc. =4856298 „8>. ;:. Bjelke Bjelkec c N. Explgrjco Explgrjco tae wgrlk gb wjces hck spjrjts. spjrjts. Lgckgc9 Lgckgc9 _jce & ^pjrjt Ekunhtjgc [rust6 =44:. 54. ^eg A-^, Au``el Au``el [. Hukjtgry-glbhntgry Hukjtgry-glbhntgry jcteorhtjgc9 jcteorhtjgc9 ngcoruect ngcoruect gr plehshct sgucks h`pljby gkgr plehshctcess. Nae` ^ecses. =4886>29 >48 „:.


^pecne hck _hco  Blhvgur   (=485) ;9>>

Thoe 8; gb 8;

58. Lhmrgg HH, HH, Kahr ], ^nawhrtz ^nawhrtz C. Gb brgo wjces hck brgwcjco brgwcjco whtnaes9 whtnaes9 se`hctjn prj`jco, perneptuhl bluecny, hck mrhck evhluhtjgc. I Ngcsu` ]es. =4416>;918:„>8. 5=. Lee HZ, Lhmrgg Lhmrgg HH. [ae ebbent gb ngcneptuhl ngcneptuhl hck perneptuh perneptuhll bluecny gc mrhck evhluhtjgc. I @hrfetjco ]es. =44;6;89858 „25. 5>. _jcf _jcfjel` jel`hc hc T, ^naw ^nawhrz hrz C, Bhzeckejrg Bhzeckejrg [, ]emer ]. [ae aekgcjn aekgcjn `hrfjco gb prgnessjco bluecny9 j`pljnhtjgcs bgr evhluhtjve iuko`ect. Jc9 @usna I, Flhuer FN, ekjtgrs. [ae psynaglgoy gb evhluhtjgc9 hbbentjve prgnesses jc ngocjtjgc hck e`gtjgc. @hawha9 Lhwrecne Erlmhu`6 =44>. p. 81:„=8?. 5;. Fchptg Fchptgc c ^. _ay sphrfljco sphrfljco wjce sgucks ljfe mehcs mehcs bhlljco gc h plhstjn trhy. trhy.  [ae Khjly [eleorhpa6 =485. Vattp9//  snjecne-cews/885??>18/`lP.P. Hnnessek 85 Huoust =485.`l 55. Hcgc Hcgc.. [ae sehrna bgr `ethpagrj `ethpagrjnhl nhl `htnajcos `htnajcos targuoa targuoa wjce hck `usjn. =485. attp9//`. =485.  attp9//`. Hnnessek  Hnnessek 8= Huoust =485. 52. @esz M, ^jo`hc ^jo`hc @, [revjshc [revjshc @H. H ng`pgsjtj ng`pgsjtjgc gc hlogrjta` hlogrjta` mhsek gc nrgss`gkhl thste-`usjn ngrrespgckecnes. Brgct Au`hc Ceurgsnj. =48=6298„2. 5?. _hco X(I), X(I), _ggks H, ^pecne ^pecne N. N.   “_aht‚s ygur thste jc `usjn7 ‐  H ng`phrjsgc gb tae ebbentjvecess gb vhrjgus sgucksnhpes jc evgfjco spenjbjn thstes. jTerneptjgc (jc press). 51. Mrgcc Mrgccer er F, Brjeler Brjeler F, Mruac A, Ajrt ], Tjper K. Jc9 Nh`mgurgpgul Nh`mgurgpgulgs gs E,  [sguorhs N, @hvrg`htjs T, Thstjhkjs F, ekjtgrs. _aht js tae sguck gb njtrus7 ]esehrna gc tae ngrrespgckecnes metweec tae perneptjgc gb sguck hck blhvgur. [aesshlgcjfj, Oreene9 Trgneekjcos gb tae JN@TN  „  E^NG@ =48= Igjct Ngcberecne6 =48=. p. ;=„1. 5:. Nrjsjcel H-^, Ihnqujer Ihnqujer N, Kergy Kergy G, ^pecne ^pecne N. Ng`pgsjco Ng`pgsjco wjta nrgss-`gkhl nrgss-`gkhl ngrrespgckecnes9 ngrrespg ckecnes9 `usjn hck s`ells jc ngcnert. Nae`gsecs Ternept. =48>629;5„5=. 24. @nFecc @nFecchh O. _jce Rjsjgc9 wjce `ust `ust ecohoe hll tae secses, secses, shy prgbessgrs. prgbessgrs.

?:. Flhpetef Flhpetef H, Cog @F, ^pecne N. Kg nrgss`gkhl nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgckec ngrrespgckecnes nes ecahcne ecahcne tae bhnjljthtgry ebbent gb hukjtgry nues gc vjsuhl sehrna7 Httec Ternept Tsynagpays. =48=6?;9885;„2?. 14. Merljgz A. H trehtjse trehtjse gc `gkerc jcstru`ect jcstru`ecthtjgc htjgc hck grnaestrhtjgc grnaestrhtjgc,, kekjnhtek tg Brekerjnf _jlljh` JR, Fjco gb Trussjh Trussjh.. Lgckgc9 Cgvellg6 8155. 18. ^pecn ^pecnee N. @usjn brg` brg` tae fjtnaec. fjtnaec. Blhvgur. Blhvgur. =4856;9=5. ;9=5. 1=. vhc Ee ], vhc Mgxtel Mgxtel IIH, Thrfer Thrfer HL, Hlhjs Hlhjs K. @ultj`gkhl @ultj`gkhl ngcoruecn ngcoruecnyy hs h `enahcjs` bgr wjlbul ngctrgl gver perneptuhl hwhrecess. I Ceurgsnj. =44:6 =:9882;8„:. 1>. ^pecn ^pecnee N, Kergy G. Agw hutg`htjn hre nrgss`gkhl nrgss`gkhl ngrrespgck ngrrespgckecnes ecnes77 Ngcsnjgus Ngoc. =48>6==9=;5 „24. 1;. _essg _essgc c K_, _jlsgc KH. ^`elljco ^`elljco sgucks9 glbhntgryglbhntgry-hukjtgr hukjtgryy secsgry ngcveroecne jc tae glbhntgry tumernle. I Ceurgsnj. =4846>49>48>„=8. 15. _essg _essgc c K_, _jlsgc KH. ^cjbbjco ^cjbbjco gut tae ngctrjmutjg ngctrjmutjgcs cs gb tae glbhntgry glbhntgry tumernle tg tae secse gb s`ell9 aekgcjns, secsgry jcteorhtjgc, hck `gre7 Ceurgsnj Mjgmeahv ]ev. =4886>59255„21. 12.. Fg 12 Fgce ceĀcj RI. Kges `usjn jckune e`gtjgc7 H taegretjnhl hck `etagkglgojnhl hchlysjs. Tsynagl Hestaet Nreht Hrts. =4416=9885„=:. 1?. Hctjc N. N. _aht kges kges wjce sguck sguck ljfe7 ljfe7 Tucna6 Tucna6 =48;. Vattp9//`/  Vattp9//`/  hrtjnles/waht-kges-wjce-sguck-ljfe/ P.P. Hnnessek 2 Huoust =48;. 11. Fòste Fòsterr ET, @giet I. Brg` Brg` `ggk tg bggk bggk hck brg` bggk tg `ggk9 `ggk9 h psynaglgojnhl perspentjve gc tae `ehsure`ect gb bggk-relhtek e`gtjgcs jc ngcsu`er resehrna. Bggk ]es Jct. =4856?29814„:8. 1:. @hnat @, ]gta ]gta ^, Ellorjco Ellorjco A. Nagnglhte Nagnglhte ehtjco ehtjco jc aehltay `ec `ec kurjco experj`ecthlly jckunek shkcess hck igy. Hppetjte. =44=6>:98;? „51. :4. Tgllhtg Tgllhtgss G, Fgpjetz ], Ljcc I, Hlmrenat Hlmrenat I, ^hfhr R, Hczjcoer Hczjcoer H, et hl. E`gtjgchl stj`ulhtjgc hlters glbhntgry secsjtjvjty hck gkgr iuko`ect. Nae` ^ecses. =44?6>=951>„:.

Ahrpers6 =48;.  =48;.   Vattp9//`ust-ecohoehll-tae-secses-shy-prgbessgrs/>?>255.hrtjnle P. Hnnessek 84 Huoust =485. ^jkkle ]. _jces _jces gb Hroec Hroectjch tjch‚s Nh`mhlhnae evect sagws why haehk bgr ngcsu`er wjce thstjcos. Ahrpers6 =48>.  =48>.   Vattp9// Vattp9//`mhlhnae-evect-sagws-why-haehk-bgr-ngcsu`er-wjcethstjcos/>;2?;=.hrtjnleP.P. Hnnessek 84 Huoust =485. thstjcos/>;2?;=.hrtjnle _hco X(I), ^pecn ^pecnee N9 N9  “ ^trjfjco h sgur cgte ‐9 hssessjco tae jcbluecne gb  ngcsgchct hck kjssgchct `usjn gc thste perneptjgc. @ultjsecs ]es. =4856=:9 8:5-=41. ^pecnee N, _hco X(I)9 _jce & `usjn (JJJ)9 ^pecn (JJJ)9 sg waht jb `usjn jcbluecnes jcbluecnes thste7 Blhvgur (sum`jttek). Mrgwc T. Hle, Hle, hle, rgnf rgnf hck rgll! _grk _grk @hohzjce. @hohzjce. =48=6>9=1 >9=1„:. Teychuk Teych uk E. [ae thste gb wjce9 wjce9 tae hrt hck snjecne snjecne gb wjce wjce hpprenjhtjgc hpprenjhtjgc ([rhcs. @. ^nauster). Lgckgc9 @hnkgchlk & Ng6 8:1?. Naesfjc Naes fjc L. Agw tg prekjnt waht pegple pegple wjll muy. Cew Zgrf9 Zgrf9 Ljverjoat6 Ljverjoat6 8:5?. Krjver I. H selentjve selentjve revjew revjew gb selentjve selentjve httectjgc resehrn resehrna a brg` tae phst nectury. Mr I Tsynagl. =4486:=95>„?1. ^pecne N. Grjectjco httectjgc9 h nrgss`gkhl perspentjve. perspentjve. Jc9 Cgmre Cgmre HN, Fhstcer Fhstcer ^, ekjtgrs. [ae Gxbgrk ahckmggf gb httectjgc. Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk Ucjversjty Tress6 =48;.

:8. Aehta [T, @eljnahr @eljnahr IF, Cutt Cutt KI, Kgchlksgc Kgchlksgc LB. Au`hc thste taresagl taresaglks ks hre `gkulhtek my sergtgcjc hck cgrhkrechljce. I Ceurgsnj. =4426=298=22; „?8. :=. ^`jta F. @ggk @ggk `hfes bggk bggk thste kjbberect. kjbberect. Chture6 Chture6 =442. =442. Vattp9//www.chture. Vattp9//www.chture. ng`/cews/=442/428=4;/bull/cews428=4;`lP.P. Hnnessek =? Iuly =485. :>. Brhck Brhcksec sec L_, Kjifsterauj Kjifsterauj OM, Mrgnfagbb Mrgnfagbb TM, Cjelsec IA, @hrtecs @hrtecs @. Beeljcos hs h mhsjs bgr kjsnrj`jchtjgc9 ng`phrjsgc gb h `gkjbjek hutaectjnjty test wjta tae sh`e-kjbberect test bgr sljoatly kjbberect types gb `jlf. Bggk Xuhl Treb. =44?6819:?„845. :;. Kess CF, Ekelaejt Ekelaejt K. [ae mjtter wjta wjta tae sweet9 tae thste/stre thste/stress/te`p ss/te`perh`ect erh`ect cexus. Mjgl Tsynag Tsynagl.l. 8::16;198 8::16;1984> 4>„8:. :5. Naec K, Khltgc Khltgc T. [ae ebbent gb e`gtjgc e`gtjgc hck persgchljty persgchljty gc gc glbhntgry perneptjgc. Nae` ^ecses. =4456>49>; =4456>49>;55„58. :2. Mhnag Mhnagrjf rjf IT, Mhcoert Mhcoert @, Lguj T, Lhrf Lhrf F, Meroer I,I, ]gwe ], et hl. E`gtjgc E`gtjgc jc `gtjgc9 jcvestjohtjco tae tj`e-ngurse gb e`gtjgchl iuko`ects gb `usjnhl stj`ulj. @usjn Ternept. =44:6=29>55 „2;. :?. Nrjsj Nrjsjcel cel H-^, Ngsser Ngsser ^, Fjco ^, Igces ], Tetrje Tetrje I, ^pecne N. H mjttersweet mjttersweet sy`pagcy9 syste`htjnhlly `gkulhtjco tae thste gb bggk my nahcojco tae sgcjn prgpertjes gb tae sgucktrhnf plhyjco jc tae mhnforguck. Bggk Xuhl Treb. =48=6=;9=48„;. :1. Berme Bermerr N, Nhmhchn @. Jcbluecne Jcbluecne gb cgjse cgjse gc ousthtgry hbbentjve hbbentjve rhtjcos rhtjcos hck preberecne bgr sweet gr shlt. Hppetjte. 8:1?619==: „>5. ::. _hlfer ]. [ae ebbents ebbents gb nulture, nulture, ecvjrgc`ect, ecvjrgc`ect, hoe, hck `usjnhl `usjnhl trhjcjco gc nagjness gb vjsuhl `ethpagrs bgr sguck. Ternept Tsynag nagjne Tsynagpays. pays. 8:1?6;=9;:8 8:1?6;=9;:8„54=. 844. Aglt-Ahcsec F. [hste hck pjtna. Ternept @gtgr ^fjll. 8:216=?95:„21. 848. Aglt-Ahcsec F. Extrhgrkjchry experjecnes kurjco nrgss-`gkhl nrgss-`gkhl perneptjgc. Ternept @gtgr ^fjll. 8:?26;>984=>„?. 84=. Fjco I. Fruo nah`phoce rekebjces rekebjces thstjco cgtes wjta grnaestrh evect. Luxury Khjly6 =48;. Vattp9//`/fruo-nah`phoce-rekebjces-thstjcoVattp9//`/fruo-nah`phoce-rekebjces-thstjcocgtes-wjta-grnaestrh-evect/ P.P. Hnnessek 2 Huoust =485. 84>. @esz M, [revjshc @, ^jo`hc @. [ae thste gb `usjn. Terneptjgc. Terneptjgc. =4886;49=4: =4:„8:. 84;. Mhrtgsauf L. ^ephrhte wgrlks wgrlks gb thste. Tsynagl Tsynagl [gkhy. 8:1468;9;1„:. 58, 5;„2, 2>. 845. ^`jta MN. Js h sjp wgrta h tagushck tagushck wgrks7 [ae _grlk gb Bjce _jce. =4416 =8988;„:.



2>. 2;. 25. 22. 2?. 21.

p. ;;2 ?8. 2:. Lhjco KO, Olec`hren Olec`hren H. ^elentjve ^elentjve httectjgc httectjgc hck tae perneptuhl perneptuhl hchlysjs hchlysjs gb  gkgr `jxtures. Taysjgl Meahv. 8::=65=984;?„5>. ?4. ^tevec ^tevecsgc sgc ]I. [ae rgle gb httectjgc jc blhvgur perneptjgc perneptjgc.. Blhvgur. =48=689=. 89=. ?8. Lhvje C. Terneptuhl Terneptuhl lghk hs h cenesshry cenesshry ngckjtjgc ngckjtjgc bgr selentjve selentjve httectjgc. httectjgc. I Exp Tsynagl Au` Ternept Terbgr`. 8::56=89;58„21. ?=. Lhvje C. Kjstrhntek Kjstrhntek hck ngcbusek7 ngcbusek799 ^elentjve httectjgc httectjgc ucker ucker lghk. [recks [recks Ngoc ^nj. =4456:9?5„1=. ?>. ^`jta MN. Xuestjgcs Xuestjgcs gb thste9 thste9 tae pajlgsgpay pajlgsgpay gb wjce. Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk9 Gxbgrk Ucjversjty versjty Tress6 =44?. ?;. Lhjco K, Brhcnjs Brhcnjs O. [ae nhphnjty gb au`hcs au`hcs tg jkectjby gkgrs gkgrs jc `jxtures. `jxtures. Taysjgl Meahv. 8:1:6;2914:„8;. ?5. Lhjco KO, Ljcf N, Ijcfs Ijcfs HL, Autnajcsgc Autnajcsgc J. [ae lj`jtek lj`jtek nhphnjty gb au`hcs au`hcs tg jkectjby tae ng`pgcects gb thste `jxtures hck thste-gkgur `jxtures. Terneptjgc. =44=6>8928?„>5. ?2. @hrs @hrsahll ahll F, Lhjco KO, Ijcfs Ijcfs HL, Autnajcsgc Autnajcsgc J. [ae nhphnjty nhphnjty gb au`hcs tg jkectjby ng`pgcects jc ng`plex gkgr-thste `jxtures. Nae` ^ecses. =4426>895>:„;5. ??.. Or ?? Orhy hy _M _M..   “Ecter ^hck`hc‐  wjta Nhm7 ]ghk testjco ^`jta ‚s taegrjes. ^BOhte6 =44?. Vattp9//`/wjce/hrtjnle/Ecter-^hck`hc-wjta-Nhm-]ghkVattp9//`/wjce/hrtjnle/Ecter-^hck`hc-wjta-Nhm-]ghktestjco-^`jta-s->=>5245.papP.. Hnnessek 8> Huoust =485. testjco-^`jta-s->=>5245.papP ?1. Najgu ], ]jna HC. Nrgss-`gk Nrgss-`gkhljty hljty ngrrespgck ngrrespgckecne ecne metweec metweec pjtna hck sphtjhl lgnhtjgc `gkulhtes httectjgchl grjectjco. Terneptjgc. =48=6;89>>:„5>.

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