Murder Mystery

March 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mr. James Mulligan, millionare and owner of Telecom, Inc., a multi-billion dollar telecommunications company was found dead in his private office in his home at 8:!pm last night. "e had been stabbed through the heart by a sharp ob#ect. $hen he was found he was sitting at his des% with a pen in one hand. "e had invited several guests for the wee%end to watch the shooting stars at his country home. &resent were: Mrs. Mulligan, his wife. Mr. 'avid Johnson, his best friend. Mrs. (usan Johnson, the wife of 'avid Johnson. (teve "olcombe, Mr. Mulligan)s lawyer. lawyer. *rad "artley, the &resident of Tele+om, Tele+om, Inc. (arah, the maid. The Clues

ead each clue one at a time and thin% about why it is important before moving on to the net clue. (ee if you can solve the mystery of who %illed Mr. Mulligan. / Mr. Mulligan collected old weapons and hung them on his office wall. 0ne sword was missing when he was found. / 'inner ended at 1:2!pm, at which point everyone went out to the balcony to watch the shooting stars. (arah went to the %itchen to wash the dishes and she stayed there until 8:3pm when she heard the lawyer shouting and came running to see what had happened. 2/ 4t 1:23pm, Mr. Mulligan and his lawyer left the balcony saying they had some private  business. They went directly to Mr. Mulligan)s private office. 5/ 4t 8:3, everyone heard the lawyer shouting and they ran from the balcony to find him  banging on Mr. Mulligan)s office door which was loc%ed. Mr. "artley bro%e down the door and everyone saw the body. 3/ The lawyer had been stealing money from the company and had about 63 million in a secret (wiss ban% account. 7/ The lawyer said that at about 8pm, he had left Mr. Mulligan)s office to go to the bathroom. 4fter that he went to the %itchen to as% (arah for a glass of wine. "e returned to the office at 8:3 to find it loc%ed and immediately began banging on the door and shouting for Mr. Mulligan to open the door. 1/ &olice found a note in Mr. Johnson)s poc%et. It read, I)m sorry, darling. James and I have  been seeing each other oth er for a year or so now. *ut I)m going to end it tonight. &lease forgive me9 8/ 'inner had been a bit late because no one could find Mr. Johnson or Mrs. Mulligan. 4fter 3 minutes, they both came down together. Mrs. Mulligan)s face was red.


;/ The missing sword was found in Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan)s bedroom. !/ (arah told police that she had told Mrs. Mulligan once that Mr. Mulligan may have another woman. Mrs. Mulligan said, If I ever find out, I)ll %ill him. / Mr. Johnson had been in love with Mrs. Mulligan many years ago, but Mr. Mulligan  proposed to her first. firs t. / 4 piece of blue cloth was found in Mr. Mulligan)s office. 2/ Mrs. Mulligan spilled her red wine when everyone moved from the dining room to the  balcony. It went all over the floor. 5/ Mr. Mulligan had recently started tal%ing about how he should use his money to do good in the world, instead of #ust ma%ing more money. 3/ 0nly Mr. "artley, Mrs. Mulligan and Mr. Johnson were wearing blue. 7/ The balcony had two doorsuietly came bac% on the balcony, #ust in time to hear the lawyer return and start shouting.

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