Q9) Penicillin is ... [ AFMC 2006] a) analgesic b) antipyretic c) antimalarial d) antibiotic HIDE
Answer: (d)
Q10) Paracetamol is an ... [ AFMC 2006] a) analgesic b) antipyretic c) none of the above d) both (a) and (b) HIDE Paracetemol is both analgesic ( releves pain) and Antipyretic ( reduces temperature) Answer: (d)
Q11) Enzymes are... [ AFMC 2001] a) moulds b) inorganic compound c) proteins d) micro-organism HIDE Enzymes are biocatalysts which are protein in nature Answer:(c)
Q12) Insulin is .. [ AFMC 2007] a) an amino acid b) a protein c) a carbohydrate d) a lipid HIDE Insulin is a harmone and like many hormones, insulin is a protin. Insulin controls sugar level in blood Answer: (b
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