Multimedia Communications

November 13, 2016 | Author: mrana_56 | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Multimedia Communications...


Lesson 1

What is Multimedia imedia Multimedia  Concept

& To pics

Multimedia Concept Multimedia Computing Multimedia Classif  Classif ication Multimedia Topics Multimedia Driving Forces orces Multimedia Applicat ions

Multi: Multi: more than one Medium singu lar!: middle" in termediar #" m ean ean Media plura l!: means for conve#ing infor matio mation

edia in $ Media in $ Media in edia in $ Media in $ Media in edia in

the  p ress" ne %spape %spaper  r " rad io and T& conte't onte't $ communi munications: ca(les" satellite" net%or )  )  computer storage: flopp#" CD" D&D" *D" +,*C. conte't nte't: te't" image" image" audio" video" C/

Multimedia: refers to various information forms te't" image" audio" v ideo" graphics" and animation in a variet# of application environments

m"  (oard" device" net%or)   product" application" technolog#"  platfor m" 

Course Outline

What is Multimedia in terms of Com puting C om pu put ing: Comput er$(ased er$( ased techno cations ons te chnologies and applicati What computers0 ous  forms of com puter s1de &arious  s1de vices2 ttri(utes: media attri(utes: .n terms of computing" four fundamental multimed $ ma t All media includ ing aud iov ide o are represented in digita l for mat $ : The information conve#ed is remote" either  pre$produced  pre$produced and )s stored or  produced in realtime" distr   i( uted over ne t%or )s distr  ( $ .t is possi(le to affect the information received" and send o%n information" in a non$trivial %a# (e#ond s tart" stop" fast for%ar d $ : The media are treated in a uniform %a#"  presented in an  i(le to manipulate independent l# orchestrated %a#" (ut are  p oss (le Definition of Multimedia:  (ased techni3ues of te't" ima ges"  audio" video" graphics" an imation " Com puter $ (ase and an# other medium %here ever# t#pe of information can (e r e presented "  processed" stored" transmitted" produced and  presented digita ll#4



Audio and &ideo

-enefits of Multimedia ,ome authors claim that humans get their information in the follo%ing %a#: more than 56 7 (# sight $ of %hich 86 7 is re mem(e red 11 7 (# hearing $ of %hich 96 7 is re mem(e red 94 7 (# smell 14 7 (# touch and taste4 taste 4 444 %here 6 7 of %hat is (oth seen and heard is remem( ered 444 further 56 7 of %hat %hat is  seen" heard and done" is re mem(e red That is" multi pl  ple"  media" and interactive should (e a good thing

 A Classification of Multimedia Te't $ A,C..+nicode" *TML" ;ostscript" ;DF Audio

,ound" music" speech" structured audio e4g4 M.D.!

,till .mage $ Facsim ile" photo" scanned image ideo Moving .mages!


Movie" a se3uence of pictures

Computer produced image


A se3uence of graphics images

Discrete Media DM" ,tatic!: te't" image" gr a phics Conti nu ous Media CM" D#namic!: audio" video" animation

Captured vs ,#nthesietr ie val Lesson  184 Media Distri(ut ion Across .nternet Lesson 194 Media Communication $ .; Tele phon# & Teleconference Lesson 14 Mo(ile Multimedia ,ervice over Wireless  =et%or)s Lesson 


..4 ,ummar# of Multimedia Technologies" or  A ,tud# on a ,pecific Multimedia Technolog#

ui< Test ..4 uestions related to ;art ..

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