MULTI-CHOICE QUESTIONS OGI Only one answer applies for each quesion! circle a! "! c! or #
1. a) b) c) d)
In which which of of the follo followin wing g condit condition ionss would would corros corrosion ion more more readi readily ly occur? occur? Cold dry dry conditio tions Warm dry conditions Cold wet conditions Warm wet co conditions
2. a) b) c) d)
Whic Which h of of the the foll follow owin ing g is is an an ele electr ctrol olyt yte? e? Salts in in solution A solution containing acid A sol solut utio ion n cont contai aini ning ng alka alkali li All All of the the abo aboe e are are effi effici cien entt elect electro roly lytes tes
!. a) b) c) d)
At whic which h of of the the follo followin wing g sites sites would would corrosi corrosion on occur? occur? "he cathodic ar area "he anodic area Where Where the the elec electr tron onss retu return rn to the the cat catho hode de In the the elec electr troly olyte te on dis disso socia ciati tion on int into o ions ions
#. a) b) c) d)
Which Which of the foll followi owing ng woul would d not not accele accelerate rate the the corros corrosion ion reactio reaction? n? Anae Anaero robi bicc cond condit itio ion ns Increased tem$eratures %res %resen ence ce of some ome bac bacte teri rias as %res %resen ence ce of acid acidss or or alk alkal alie iess
&. a) b) c) d)
Which of the the followin following g metals' metals' in contact contact with steel' would cause the steel steel to to corrode corrode?? (agnesium Co$$er Aluminium *inc
+ Which Which of the the fol follo lowi wing ng is is not not $rese $resent nt in in mill mill,sc ,scal ale? e? a) %erlite b) Wustite c) (agnetite d) -aematite
. Which of the following $igments do not contribute to the o$acity of a film? a) (etallic $igments b) /$acifying $igments c) 0tender $igments d) aminar $igments 3. a) b) c) d)
4egarding solents in a $aint' which of the following is not true? Solents are added to reduce iscosity Solents hel$ to control the drying $rocess Solents are an aid to a$$lication Solents are added to enable the film to be a$$lied thicker.
5. Which of the following addities is also known as a thiotro$e? a) An anti,skinning agent b) An oidant c) An anti,settling agent d) A $lasticiser 16. Which of the following $olymer ty$es is highly unlikely to be utilised in $aints offshore. a) inear $olymer b) 7ranched $olymer c) Crosslinked $olymer d) A co,$olymer 11. Which of the following $aint ty$es would be im$ractical for offshore use? a) %owder $aint b) 2 $ack $aint c) 0$oy intumescent d) Solent free (C8s 12. Which of the following is false when discussing etenders? a) 0tenders aid intercoat adhesion b) 0tenders contribute to the o$acifying $ro$erties of a $aint c) 0tenders add bulk chea$ly to a $aint formulation d) 0tenders allow films to be a$$lied thicker 1!. Which of the following degrees of cleanliness cannot be achieed on a rust grade A? a) Sa ! b) Sa 2 c) A 9l d) Sa 1
1#. Which of the following is an e:uialent standard to Sa 2.&? a) 9lame cleaning b) St ! c) St 2 d) "here is no e:uialent grading by any other method 1&. Is it $ossible to tell the difference between an A Sa ! and a 7 Sa !? a) ;es' because there is more mill,scale on an A b) ;es' because a 7 has rust on it c)
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