February 27, 2017 | Author: Aina Izany | Category: N/A
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Candidate A Instructions to candidates: Task A: Individual presentation 

Study the stimulus or topic given.

You are given two minutes to prepare your responses.

You are given two minutes to present.

Listen to the others while they are making their presentations and take down notes for the group discussion in Task B.

Task B: Group discussion 

You are given two minutes to prepare points to support or oppose the other candidates’ views.

After you have listened to everyone, try to come to a decision as to which of the four suggestions is the best.

Your group is given ten minutes for the discussion.

Task A and Task B will be carried out consecutively. Situation Your brother has been given the opportunity to study in England on a government scholarship. You and your family are very proud of him. Decide on a special gift for him to prepare for his trip abroad. Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why. Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful. i. cash ii. a computer iii. some suitable clothing iv. some Malaysian foodstuff

Candidate A Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why. Good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. I’m very happy that my brother has just received a scholarship to study in England. My relatives and I would like to give him a special gift. We all think that the best gift is money because it will be very useful for him. The first reason is with cash he can buy the things that he needs when he gets there. There will me a lot of things that he will need like new books, stationery, clothes and food. He will also need to pay for transportation like taking the bus or train to go to the university campus. As we know, it is very expensive in England so any money we give him will be very useful. Secondly, my brother can use the money to buy a mobile phone when he gets toEngland. I think this is very important in case of emergencies so we can contact him easily. Furthermore, he can sms us and keep us updated with his progress in his studies there. Hence, if we really miss him we can just give him a call. Finally, I also think giving him money is the best choice because it is light and doesn’t take up a lot of space. If we were to give him a computer, books or winter clothes it will be very heavy and bulky for him to bring to England. Therefore, I think that it is much easier to bring money and buy those things when he gets there. In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why I think giving him cash is the best choice. To me, it is the most useful gift we can give him. Thank you. Candidate B Task A: You suggest that they give him a computer. Say why. A very good morning I bid to one and all. My relatives and I are very proud of my brother. He has just received a scholarship to study in England and so we would like to give him a special gift. We believe that the best present for him is a laptop computer. Firstly, as a university student, my brother will have to do many assignments. If he has a laptop computer he can bring it everywhere and consequently, do his work anytime and anywhere. Thus, he will not have to share the computers at the computer room with other students and he will be able to do his work more quickly and efficiently. Another point is that when he boards the plane from KLIA to London, he will be able to bring the laptop with him easily because it is compact and light compared to a desktop computer. Hence, it will not be too much trouble to transport it to England.

Last but not least, if he has a laptop he will be able to connect to the internet. This has two main advantages as firstly, he can do a lot of research online. The world wide web is a fountain of information so it will be very useful for him to make full use of this technology. Furthermore, he can keep in touch with friends and family here in Malaysia by e-mail. In short, a laptop computer will prove to be very useful to my brother. He can do his assignments, research for information and keep in touch with us using it therefore it will make the best gift. Thank you for listening. Candidate C Task A: You suggest that they give him some suitable clothing. Say why. To the examiners and my fellow candidates, a wonderful morning I bid you. My brother was lucky enough to receive a scholarship to study overseas. We want to send him off with a nice gift so we have decided to buy him some suitable clothing. The main purpose for buying him some suitable clothing is because the weather in England is very different from the weather in our country. There are four seasons there so he will need to have different clothes for different situations. For example, we can buy him some sweaters, cardigans, scarves, snowcaps, thick socks and gloves and many more. These will definitely keep him warm in winter. The second reason is we think that he should have clothes that reflect our Malaysian identity. This is because he will be a young ambassador for our country so if he has a few sets of traditional clothing like the Baju Melayu or formal Batik shirts, I am sure he will not only look good but promote our culture overseas. Lastly, neat clothes make a good impression. For instance, if we buy him some everyday clothes like jeans and trousers with nice shirts and matching ties, this will give him a good feeling about himself so he will walk a bit straighter and talk a bit wiser. Moreover, people will look at him and have a good impression about Malaysian students. To conclude, I think that the best present to give him is some suitable clothing because it will be very useful and will reflect positively on him. Thank you very much. Candidate D Task A: You suggest that they give him some Malaysian foodstuff. Say why. I would like to wish everyone here a very good morning. As we all know, my brother has won a scholarship to study in England. Therefore, some relatives and I have decided to give him some Malaysian foodstuff as a going away present.

First and foremost, one of the main problems Malaysians face when studying overseas is that it is hard to find Halal food. We feel it is a good idea to give him some Malaysian foodstuff because it will take time for him to get used to the place and find out where to buy Halal food. Thus, in the meantime he can enjoy the Malaysian foodstuff that we have given to him. The next reason is because some of the foodstuff we are used to having here in Malaysia is quite hard to find in UK. Most students studying overseas really enjoy eating Maggi Mee andsambal belacan. For instance, it is also hard to find the right spices for curry and rendangand so on so if we supply him with enough Malaysian foodstuff, he can eat it whenever he misses home. The final point I have is that he can use the Malaysian foodstuff we give him and cook it for the Westerners there. Sometimes, universities organise events like Malaysian Night and so he and his friends can cook some Malaysian specialities for them to taste a bit of our way of life. Hence, the Malaysian foodstuff will be very useful to promote our culture. In a nutshell, giving my brother Malaysian foodstuff to take with him to England is a good idea. This is because he will have some familiar food to eat when he misses home and he can also share it with his new friends. Thank you for listening to my opinion. Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful. i. Cash ii. A computer iii. Some suitable clothing iv. Some Malaysian foodstuff * Work together in your respective groups and complete the following discussion. A: Good morning once again to everyone. We are here to focus on the issue at hand which is __________________________________________________________. I would like to invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view. B: Allow me to begin. First of all, I’m happy that our brother has won the scholarship to study in England. Therefore, we must decide what would be the most useful gift for him. In my opinion,






_________________________________________________________________. This is because






_________________________________________________________________. For




C: I see your point but how about getting him ______________________________. In this way, he






_________________________________________________________________. D: I don’t quite agree with you because ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. I think it would be more useful if we bought _______________________ for him. Does anyone agree with me? A: Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________ _________________________________________________________________. This is so he will ___________________________________________________. C: I’m afraid I don’t see eye to eye with both of you. Buying that as a present for him is not the most





_________________________________________________________________. Moreover, ________________________________________________________. Can you all understand what I’m trying to say? B: Indeed, I do see your point of view but I still feel that the most useful gift is __________________ Another








_________________________________________________________________. instance,



_________________________________________________________________. D: That’s an interesting perspective and I agree with you that ___________________ _________________________________________________________________. However, I think we should consider other points. We should also think about buying him _______________________________________________________. If he gets this as a present, he can ______________________________________ and ____________________________________________. Wouldn’t you agree? A: I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please. D: What I mean is we should buy him _____________________________________ because it will me more useful for him when he is studying in England. This is because ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.

A: Aaah… I see. Yes, I think it would be a very useful gift too. This way, he can _________________________________________________________________. C: That’s a good point, but don’t you think if we gave him _____________________ it will be the most useful for him as a student. I still believe that this is the most useful because _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. Remember, we need to think of the best and most useful choice. B: I agree with you, Candidate C. In addition, he can use this gift to _____________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________. So candidates A & D, what do you guys think? D: Now that you’ve explained it like that, I also agree that it will be the most useful. In fact, he could






_________________________________________________________________. A: As for me, I feel that it is also the most useful. When he arrives at his university in England, he






_________________________________________________________________. C: That’s right. Well, after listening to all the points on the four choices we have, I think it is time to make a conclusion. D: Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree that we should give our brother _______________________________________ as a special going away present? All: Yes, I agree. B: In a nutshell, we all agree that _______________________________ is the best choice because firstly, he can _________________________________________, secondly, ________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________________. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What to conclude if after 10 minutes of discussion…. A) AGREE = 3, DISAGREE = 1 Conclusion: To conclude, MOST OF US agree that ______________________ is the best choice because ________________________________. ___________________________________________. Thank you. B) AGREE = 2, DISAGREE = 2 Conclusion: In conclusion, we were unable to make a solid decision because


SOME OF US stongly believe that the best choice is __________ because _______________________________________________


REST OF US think that giving him _______________ is the most useful because _________________ ___________________________________________. Thank you. C) ALL DISAGREE Conclusion: In a nutshell, we were unable to come to an agreement on which of the four options is the best choice. It seems ALL OF US strongly believe in our own points so as we have run out of time, we think that we should each buy him a gift individually. Thank you.

SAMPLE 1) YEAR END 2008: MUET WRITING 800/4 QUESTION 2 “People are becoming more materialistic. They are concerned with making more money and what money can buy.” What is your opinion on being materialistic? You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks] They say that money makes the world go round. And indeed it does as without money, life would be very difficult as in today’s society, nothing is free. The side effect however is that people are becoming more materialistic; more concerned with making money and what money can buy. But how much money is enough? Is it ever enough? To some, it will never be enough. In my opinion, I truly believe that this statement is true and that people are becoming more materialistic in nature. In this essay, I will discuss how materialism has affected modern society’s way of life on an individual level, the country’s economy as well as our spiritual and moral beliefs. First and foremost, each individual is affected by materialism to some extent in this day and age because hedonism is becoming an uprising trend. This is because today's generation are geared towards making more and more money so that they can enjoy the carefree lifestyle that is so popular these days. Moreover, people now are striving to earn more income in order to afford things that are more expensive and branded. For example, people spend their hard earned money on material objects like genuine LV and Coach handbags, expensive gadgets like Iphones and Tablet pcs and so on which in my opinion is a waste of money when regular goods may prove to be good enough. Therefore, while individuals become more focussed on their pursuit of material wealth and improving their standard of living, they may forget that what matters most in life is quality time spent with family and friends and not the quantity of their material goods. Secondly, when society starts spending in a materialistic manner it will surely have a domino effect on the country’s economy. This means that the spending power of society will help boost the economy and create more business opportunities for the booming trade. However, when a society overspends, using plastic money or credit cards, or when they take loans they cannot afford to repay, then the country’s debt margin will be higher. For instance, USA today is facing an economic crisis because banks have approved home loans to people who aspire to own bigger houses than they can actually afford and this is causing the collapse of the country’s economy there. Thus, while a society’s spending habits helps our economy to grow, overspending due to materialism will have an adverse effect to the country’s financial stability. Last but not least, materialism affects our spiritual and moral beliefs. This is due to the fact people who are materialistic may become ‘amoral’ whereby they disregard their spiritual and moral upbringing and instead turn to crime to satisfy their materialistic needs. In fact, the crime rate is increasing because criminals these days have developed many ways to gain more money from society. Take for example, there are more reports of snatch thefts, burglaries, kidnapping for ransom, credit card fraud, internet banking hacking and others that are driven by materialistic criminals. Hence, when people lose sight of their spiritual and moral beliefs and believe instead in the greed of materialism, therefore the crime rate is bound to increase. In a nutshell, materialism is a common agenda in the 21st century as more people are working hard to afford things beyond their reach. While this may spur individuals to work harder to improve their standard of living, overspending due to materialism may cause the downfall of a country’s economy and their morality. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that materialism has a strong hold on today’s society; both positive and negative effects. Our government can encourage society to be less frivolous and wasteful in spending by running campaigns such as ‘Consumer Awareness’ and ‘Buy Malaysian Made Products’ in order to educate our younger generation for the prosperity of our nation. SAMPLE 2) MID YEAR 2010: MUET WRITING 800/4 QUESTION 2 The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short Message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks]

Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not, the age of Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a borderless world community. First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook, Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication tools because of its high efficiency. This is because in today's age of globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover, with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old' technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these e-communication tools increases the access to important information which is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend. Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook, we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience. Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to be done quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails, communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of miscommunication. Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that separate each country becomes less relevant when information is transferred without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the global community through efficient and clear ecommunication. Take for example, we are able to connect with people on an international basis using Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world. In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by increasing communication amenities and free broadband accessibility especially in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision 2020.

SAMPLE 3) MID YEAR 2011: MUET WRITING 800/4 QUESTION 2 The most valuable thing in life is friendship. Do you agree? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks] It is true that no ‘man is an island’ meaning that no one in this world can live alone without friendship.

That person would be very socially challenged as he or she would miss the camaraderie and life experiences that come with friendship. However, I completely disagree with the statement that the most valuable thing in life is friendship as there are certainly more important and priceless things in life besides this. In this essay, I will outline how life itself is more valuable than friendship, and elaborate on why family and the individual’s principles in life are ranked higher. First and foremost, before one can enjoy the beauty of friendship, one must surely value life itself or in other words, we should value our health. This is because, the quality of our life is the single most important criteria in life if we are to live a meaningful and wholesome life. Moreover, without good health, we will be hard pressed to do even the simplest of tasks like feed ourselves or relieve ourselves without the help of doctors, nurses and caregivers. For example, if we are paralysed, lost our sight, hearing or ability to speak or even a simple case of a fever or allergic reactions, then the quality of our life is greatly reduced and no amount of friendship can make us healthy again. Therefore, while friends can stand by us in our time of need, pristine health is still the most valuable asset in our lives. Secondly, we are no one without our family as indeed blood is thicker than water. This means that however you analyse it, friendships will almost always play second fiddle because family always comes first. Furthermore, if we do not value our family above others, then there must be a problem among the family members that has caused their relationship to be strained. For instance, people tend to turn away from family if the family member(s) themselves are the ones to cause them to react negatively such as divorced parents, abusive parents or siblings and so on. Thus, when people consider friendship to be the most valuable thing in life, more often than not they may come from a troubled household. Last but not least, a person’s principles in life is by far more valuable than friendship alone. This is due to the fact that each person needs to have a code of ethics, quite often prescribed by their individual religions. In addition, this code will guide each person to live their lives according to the good and right principles. Take for example, if an individual has set his principles to do good, then no amount of friendship especially negative influence from friends, can shake his hold on his principles and cause him to commit undesirable deeds like smoking, stealing, raping, murdering and others. Hence, if a person values friendship so much to the point where he is willing to break his principles, then he has done a serious misdeed against himself and will most likely regret his actions later in life. In short, friendship is the rainbow of life as it colours our horizons with invaluable experiences but without good health, a supportive family and strong principles, life becomes empty and meaningless. In my opinion, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that I still firmly believe that friendship is not the most valuable thing in life. Our government can encourage people to prioritise health, family and principles in life by organising awareness campaigns especially in primary schools where the younger generation should learn about priorities in life because they are the leaders of tomorrow.

SAMPLE 4) MUET WRITING 800/4 QUESTION 2 The rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products. How will this affect the society? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks] Money is always an issue in today's era of materialism. Most people need it for basic survival while the lucky few indulge in luxuries without worrying about money. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will definitely affect the

society. In this essay, I would like to touch on the effects this price increase has on society today, namely increasing vice activities, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and affecting the population trend in the long term. First and foremost, society will immediately be affected by the rise in fuel prices because consumer products will be more costly and this leads to an increase of vice activities. This is because basic necessities such as rice, flour, sugar and so on will be in great demand and some warehouses will store or hoard the items to further increase the price of the product. Moreover, in the newspapers today, reports of smuggling of these items prove that this vice activity is on the rise. For example, the recent sugar price hike caused a furor among the Malaysian society as it costs more fuel to travel to and from the supermarket and when arriving, most places had run out of stock even though the government had allocated 2kg of sugar to one person. Therefore, the fuel price increase had definitely caused more hardships to society today. Secondly, it is undeniable that the rise in fuel prices leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. This is due to the fact that people are greatly affected by the price of basic necessities such as food and fuel in particular. Furthermore, the rich people will still be able to afford such things but the poor will face greater challenges as the popular saying goes: "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." For instance, when money is used to purchase consumer products that are necessary for survival, then less money will be spent on health and dental check-up, educational purposes and others. Thus, it is clear that the fuel price hike will further stress on the differences between the rich and the poor which is such a tragedy. Last but not least, in the long term the population trend or demographics of the society will be greatly affected. This means that new families will consciously decide not to have too many children in order to increase their quality of life. In addition, society is now more aware of birth control and family planning so this will greatly reduce the population as most families will have 1 to 5 children instead of more. Take for example, new families with less children will surely spend less on basic necessities like food, clothes, transport and many more. Hence, the demographics of the whole country will be affected and this in turn will reduce our workforce which will affect our country's productivity and prosperity. In short, there are many short term to long term effects of a fuel price increase which includes more crimes like hoarding and smuggling will occur and this leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor as well as a change in the society's demographics. I still strongly believe that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will surely cause a negative impact to society. The government must find a way to stabilise the fuel price at a reasonable rate so that it does not affect the productivity of this country towards achieving the aspirations of the nation for Vision 2020.


On 9 November 2011 00:53, jeff lai wrote: A university education is better than a college educaton.Give your opinion. After the SPM examination,many students have to decide their future on which education to pursue.Some of my friends chose to enrol in college.I decided to study in matriculation college as a Pre-U qualification

to enter university.My reason is university education is better than college education. This is because university has a better education system,more dedicated lecturers and better facilities. First,university education provides a better education system than college does.A SPM certificate is enough for you to enrol in a college but to enter a university you need a Pre-U qualification such as STPM or A-level.This simply shows that it is harder to study in university as you need some qualifications in which the college does not demand.Besides,the grading system in university is stricter than that of college.So,students have to work harder to get a good result.On the other hand,most college change their grading system,according to the overall result of their students.Moreover,the the syllabus in university is well designed.Besides giving knowledge,it helps to develop the social skills of students.For example,Students have to do survey on public about topics related to their study.This ensures that the graduates can have critical thinking skill and communication skill. Universities usually hire more experienced lecturers with better knowledge.According to a research, these lectures possess a Master or PhD degree and some even graduated overseas.Thus,they have higher level of of knowledge which benefits the students.Besides,Most of them have years of teaching experience and so they know how to guide their students,developing their skills and exploring their potential.For instance,a Physics lecturer does not only talk on theories.Instead,he teaches the students to analyse a problem logically.They are also more caring and responsible to their students.These qualities are hard to seen in college lecturers,who are mostly bachelor degree holder and work just for money. (very serious generalisation here!) Last but not least,university usually has better facilities,for example,the state-of-art computers.Unlike those college such as Inti College which are run by private companies,university has a better management.Thus every single thing in the university,including the infrastructure is planned and developed well.This is beneficial to students.For instance,university with advanced laboratories is beneficial to students as they can learn science better by being explored to the real situation while conducting experiments.Besides,university with better sports facilities can help the students to relax their mind.In other words,better facilities means a more conducive environment for university students. In a nutshell,university education is better than college education for its better education system,lecturers and facilities.Despite the growing number of college in our country,I advice fellow friends to choose university education so that when you graduate,you are competitive enough to survive in this ever developing world.

MUET WRITING PAPER 800/4 QUESTION 2 The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. Generally, in answering academic essays, you need to really focus on a higher level of thinking which befits a Band 6, university style response. If you were to just answer that this electronic communication trend is good and that you can chat with your friends and keep in touch, then you really haven't explored the question in a mature and critical way. How do you train your mind to be more critical and mature in approaching the question? Well, you need to focus not just on the effects of the concept to yourself and the people around you, but focus on how it will affect society not just in your country but globally. Anyway, have a read of the sample answer below. Take note that I'm sticking to my writing template, but better students can use a more creative style to show their flair in writing effective compositions.

Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not, the age of Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a borderless world community. First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook, Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication tools because of its high efficiency. This is because in today's age of globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover, with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old' technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these ecommunication tools increases the access to important information which is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend. Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook, we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience. Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to be done

quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails, communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of miscommunication. Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that separate each country becomes less relevant when information is transferred without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the global community through efficient and clear e-communication. Take for example, we are able to connect with people on an international basis using Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world. In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by increasing communication amenities and broadband accessibility especially in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision 2020.

Sample MUET essay on fuel price Question: The rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products. How will this affect the society? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words.

When tackling this question, one should think in terms of : 1. short term effect, 2. mid term and finally 3. long term. This question gauges a student's level of critical thinking and prediction.

I would like to stress that it is unnecessary to pepper the entire essay with bombastic words. Better to keep it short and simple.

Note: affect (verb), effect (noun)

Here's a sample answer.

Money is always an issue in today's era of materialism. Most people need it for basic survival while the lucky few indulge in luxuries without worrying about money. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will definitely affect the society. In this essay, I would like to touch on the effects this price increase has on society today, namely increasing vice activities, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and affecting the population trend in the long term.

First and foremost, society will immediately be affected by the rise in fuel prices because consumer products will be more costly and this leads to an increase of vice activities. This is because basic necessities such as rice, flour, sugar and so on will be in great demand and some warehouses will store or hoard the items to further increase the price of the product. Moreover, in the newspapers today, reports of smuggling of these items prove that this vice activity is on the rise. For example, the recent sugar price hike caused a furor among the Malaysian society as it costs more fuel to travel to and from the supermarket and when arriving, most places had run out of stock even though the government had allocated 2kg of sugar to one person. Therefore, the fuel price increase had definitely caused more hardships to society today.

Secondly, it is undeniable that the rise in fuel prices leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and

the poor. This is due to the fact that people are greatly affected by the price of basic necessities such as food and fuel in particular. Furthermore, the rich people will still be able to afford such things but the poor will face greater challenges as the popular saying goes: "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." For instance, when money is used to purchase consumer products that are necessary for survival, then less money will be spent on health and dental check-up, educational purposes and others. Thus, it is clear that the fuel price hike will further stress on the differences between the rich and the poor which is such a tragedy.

Last but not least, in the long term the population trend or demographics of the society will be greatly affected. This means that new families will consciously decide not to have too many children in order to increase their quality of life. In addition, society is now more aware of birth control and family planning so this will greatly reduce the population as most families will have 1 to 5 children instead of more. Take for example, new families with less children will surely spend less on basic necessities like food, clothes, transport and many more. Hence, the demographics of the whole country will be affected and this in turn will reduce our workforce which will affect our country's productivity and prosperity.

In short, there are many short term to long term effects of a fuel price increase which includes more crimes like hoarding and smuggling will occur and this leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor as well as a change in the society's demographics. I still strongly believe that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will surely cause a negative impact to society. The government must find a way to stabilise the fuel price at a reasonable rate so that it does not affect the productivity of this country towards achieving the aspirations of the nation for Vision 2020.

MUET SPEAKING 800/2 actual exam questions for mid year 2010 Here are the questions from the mid year session last year. Try it out!

1. A person's character is often influenced by other people around him/her. Who has the greatest influence on a person's character? A) Parents B) Teachers C) Friends D) Famous personalities Task B) Discuss which of the following has the greatest influence on a person's character.

2) If you were given the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for one term, what would be a great achievement to leave behind? A) Economic prosperity B) Excellence in sports C) World class education D) Excellent health facilities Task B) Discuss which of the following would be the greatest achievement that you can leave behind as a Prime Minister of Malaysia.

3) What do teenagers expect from their parents? A) Increase their allowance B) Give them more freedom C) Be more understanding D) Spend more time with them Task B) Which of the following do teenagers expect most from their parents?

4) You and your friends are deciding on the choice of universities and programmes of study available. You would like to seek the opinion of others before you make your final decision. A) You think that it is important to seek the opinion of your parents. Why? B) opinion of your friends C) opinion of your teachers D) opinion of your career guidance counsellor

Task B) Whose opinion is most important in deciding where and what to study for your university degree? Discuss.

5) You are preparing for your first job interview. There are many things that you should do. What are some of these? A) Get information about the job B) Obtain information about the organisation C) Dress appropriately for the interview D) Improve on your communication skills Task B) Discuss which of the following is the most important preparation for a job interview.

6) Everyone has a role to play in making Malaysia a safer place to live in. Suggest what can be done at different levels to achieve this. A) Every individual can play a role in maintaining safety. How can this be done? B) The community C) The school or college D) The government Task B) Which of the following plays the most significant role in making Malaysia a safer place to live in? Discuss.

7) Electronic media such as the mobile phone, computer and electronic games has an impact on young people of today. What aspects of their lives are affected? A) Electronic media can affect the study habits of youths. Elaborate. B) Daily habits C) social relationships D) World view Task B) Discuss what aspect of a young person's life is most affected by the electronic media.

8) In today's society, more people arre trying to lose weight. What could be the reason? A) For health reasons B) To be fashionable C) Because of their job D) Because of social pressure

Task B) discuss which of the following is the main reason why people want to lose weight.

9) What are the costs-cutting measures that can be taken by a family to reduce expenditure? Give some suggestions. A) Use public transport A) Spend only on what is needed C) Carry out their own repair and maintenance work D) Recycle and reuse household items Task B) Discuss which of the following is the best way for a family to reduce expenditure.

10) Who do you regard as a successful person? Give your view. A) Someone who is very rich B) Someone who is very intelligent C) Someone who is very powerful D) Someone who is very famous Task B) Which of the following do you regard as the most successful person?

11) What factors can influence a student's academic performance? A) Study habits B) Sleeping habits C) Leisure activities D) Network of friends Task B) Discuss which of the following has the greatest impact on a student's academic performance.

12) It is important to be a good neighbour. What are some of the qualities needed? A) Polite and rescpectful B) Friendly and caring C) Helpful and responsible D) Tolerant and understanding Task B) Discuss which of the following are the most important qualities needed to be a good neighbour.

July 2012 MUET Writing 800/4 : What went wrong and how to solve it Writing: For Q1: Apparently, you can only talk about the 2010 data in the first stimulus because the second stimulus has only 2010 data... therefore, if you include the other info then it would mean that your report content is irrelevant. You must also LINK both stimuli and show the correspondence between the data without giving your own assumptions.

Any examiners out there to verify this?

For Q2: Most students ended up telling grandfather tales about the BENEFITS co-curricular activities rather than talking about their opinion (agree? disagree?) about CO-CURRICULUM PARTICIPATION AS AN ENTRY REQUIREMENT FOR UNIVERSITIES. Therefore they have skewed way off the main road... and into the ditch and sewer.

Young people should be encouraged to join community service. Discuss. Think very carefully abt the points so that you do not veer out of context. List down the 3 aspects by leaving a comment and i will tell you if you're on the right path or falling off the cliff. :P

ANSWERS: If you write about the general benefits of community service you are not answering the question. Zoom in on the word 'YOUNG' and it will become clearer. Give at least 3 reasons why the young people should be the one who takes part in community service. Your answers should discuss at least 3 of the following: 1. youngsters are physically more energetic, healthy and can achieve more when involved in com service such as planting mangrove trees in protected wetlands etc.

2. young people have fresher and more invigorating ideas to do community service in an effective way, e.g. go green campaigns using ICT/twitter etc. to spread info and gather supporters 3. youths can use the experience to polish skills and for character building. Community service instils good time management, punctuality, softskills, proactiveness etc. 4. the younger generation in general has less burdens and responsibilities like family, career, debts etc. so they can take more active roles in community service including doing overseas volunteerism with MERCY Malaysia.. etc. 5. the young today are the future leaders of Malaysia so taking lead roles in community service like donation drives, running charity bazaars and dinners will give them priceless leadership experiences.

MUET JULY 2102 Reading 800/3... My attempted answers... (not MPM's)

1. B (No, it does not answer the question 'why') *revised answer based on feedback 2. A (variety = diversity) 3. C (step up advertising to be more visible, cheaper is not mentioned) 4. A (eg. tobacco) 5. B (false because least affected is staple foods which is consistent) 6. A (brit n usa hv lower brand loyalty, more likely to switch) 7. B (false because it is not the highest for USA) 8. A (yes they are longer, however i dont like the way they worded this sentence, sounds like a trick to me as an inactive lifestyle shortens it, but it doesnt say that an active lifestyle makes it longer. so i would even go with B or C... what do u guys think?) 9. B (false because they were raised together) 10. B (false because they aimed to prove that inactivity leads to diseases and MAY influence ageing, paragraph 1) [u guys chose A right? maybe... maybe not!] 11. A (inconclusive because it doesn't apply to all) 12. B (promotes reg phy activity) 13. C (sample means the respondents to the survey) 14. C (cautious because he says more research is needed) 15. B (he can still improve by pausing longer before turning his head) 16. A (compare n contrast... on the one hand.. on the other etc.) 17. C (without cliche phrases..) 18. B (skilfully = deftly) 19. A (is short of = lacks) 20. B (a more noticeable drawback...) 21. B (analyse his presentation skills) 22. C (children learn, adults apply what they learnt) 23. B (terrific at planning and doing = acting) 24. A (most powerful brain altering technology - school) 25. B (focus on apprenticeship) 26. B (it has extended childhood and delayed mastery) 27. C (argues because he is voicing both sides of the coin) 28. C (no balance, i agree as the first two are definitely wrong)

29. B (a dilemma echoed through the two final questions) 30. B (yes, it depends on the type of fish) 31. D (yes, their measurement was based on how much primary production is needed to make a pound of a type of fish) 32. A (world's biggest seafood print) 33. C (unsustainable = beyond its capacity) 34. D (data that shows it may not be as over-exploited as expected) 35. D (farmed fish are fed with fish from the sea) 36. C (reduce fleets, no catch zones) 37. C (eat tilapia, not salmon) 38. D (no mention of online vs offline friends) 39. B (popular impression = held by most) 40. C (looks very similar to youths in the 1970s) 41. B (he accessed the info on the spot) 42. D (youths used technology to show altruism - helping others) 43. B (II & III are definitely false) 44. C (we view the bad news without feeling anything - insensitive) 45. C (refered to a lot of studies/research) B1= 0 - 99 B2 = 100 - 139 B3 = 140 - 179 B4 = 180 - 219 B5 = 220 - 259 B6 = 260 - 300

2011 Year End MUET Writing 800/3 answers Consumers' choice of venues for grocery shopping in 1985 and 2010 The stimuli present a bar graph on 'Places Where Consumers Buy Their Groceries' and a table on 'Characteristics of Shopping Venues in 2010'. Generally, majority of consumers prefer to shop in supermarkets that have customer-friendly characteristics compared to quarter of a century ago where people favoured wet markets. The grocery shopping trend has evolved over the last 25 years based on the data in Figure 1. There is a significant increase of 55% of consumers visiting supermarkets in 2010 (60%) compared to 5% in 1985. This is attributed to the positive characteristics of supermarkets which are more comfortable, convenient and offering big discounts and variety. Also showing a rising trend is a 3% increase in consumers visiting 24-hour stores because of its convenience. Meanwhile, night markets seem to show a consistent trend stabilising at 11% both in 1985 and 2010. The most substantial decline can be seen in the deteriorating percentage of consumers visiting wet markets from 45% to 14% (difference of 31%) followed by 27% difference for grocery stores. The table indicates that while negotiable price and personalised service are key characteristics of grocery stores and wet markets, these venues seem to lose customers to venues that offer more appealing characteristics. In conclusion, venues like supermarkets with better characteristics in terms of discounts, variety and services are more likely to win over customers. GRAMMAR FIRST. I've developed some basic rules. If you can follow it, i'm sure your writing will improve by leaps and bounds. Firstly, you must learn (memorise) all the words in the table of tenses. There are 4 columns, all starting with 'P'. P1 - Present tense (+s or -s) [for now, facts or habits] P2 - Process (+ing) [takes time to complete] P3 - Past (+ed or spelling change) [for stories that are over] P4 - Participle (=ed, spelling change or +n) [for perfect tense and passive sentences] Here are the common words in English according to the table of tenses. P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 has/have - having - had - had goes/go - going - went - gone gives/give - giving - gave - given chooses/choose - choosing - chose - chosen buys/buy - buying - bought - bought flies/fly - flying - flew - flown sings/sing - singing - sang - sung cuts/cut - cutting - cut - cut puts/put - putting - put - put

becomes/become - becoming - became - become *smiles/smile - smiling - smiled - smiled *explains/explain - explaining - explained - explained * if you notice P3 and P4 looks the same in smiled and explained but they are completely different meanings. the 4 columns in Malay actually means: p1 - sekarang p2 - sedang (imbuhan me-) p3 - telah p4 - imbuhan diso for 'kick' kicks/kick - kicking - kicked - kicked is actually in Malay tendang - menendang - telah tendang - ditendang. Get it? Now for the rules: 1. P1: present 1 +s, >1 -s (except for sentences that start with 'You' or 'I') 1 +s He likes to eat. (Correct) He like to eat. (Wrong) >1 -s They like to eat. (Correct) They likes to eat. (Wrong) 1 +s She is a prefect now. (Correct) She was a prefect last year too. (Correct) She are a prefect now. (Wrong) She were a prefect last year too. (Wrong) >1 -s They are prefects now. (Correct) They were prefects last year too. (Correct) They is prefects now. (Wrong) They was prefects last year. (Wrong) Sometimes the verb is quite far away but the rules still apply. 1 +s The student reading the biology book is the top student. >1 -s The students reading the biology book are the top students.

2. P2: Process (+ing) (imbuhan me-) If you want to use 'ing' it cannot stand alone It needs one of the Be5 (am/is/are/was/were) The 5 versions of Be5 are very important words that are always lost when translating directly from Malay or Chinese as it doesn't exist in these languages. The baby is sleeping soundly. (Correct) The baby sleeping soundly. (Wrong) The babies are sleeping soundly. (Correct) The babies sleeping soundly. (Wrong) *notice you need a combination of 2 words to make the process sentences correct! 3. P3: Past (+ed/spelling change) There is no rule. You have to just memorise all the words in this column. 4. P4: Participle (+ed/spelling change/+n) This is the trickiest part of English grammar. There are 2 uses: perfect tenses and passives. a) Perfect tenses: 3H + P4 if you see the words Has/Have/Had, it MUST be followed by P4. 3H + P4 He has eaten the cake. (Correct) They have eaten the cake. (Correct) The boys had eaten the cake yesterday. (Correct) He has eat the cake. (Wrong) They have eating the cake. (Wrong) The boys had ate the cake yesterday. (Wrong) b) Passive sentences: Be5 + P4 (Imbuhan di-) [kek dimakan, bukannya dia dimakan] The cake was eaten by him. (Correct) The cakes were eaten by them. (Correct) The cake eaten by him. (Wrong) The cakes eating by them. (Wrong)

Be5 + P4 (don't confuse kicked with P3) The ball is kicked by him. (Correct) The balls were kicked by him. (Correct) The ball kicked by him. (Wrong) The balls kicking by him. (Wrong) * Passive sentences are a combination of 2 WORDS: Be5 +P4, not P3. But sometimes if the spelling it +ed, it looks like P3, but the function is actually P4.

5. Other rules: a) to + ori to give (correct) to gives, to giving, to gave, to given (wrong) b) to + be + P4 to be taken (correct) to be take, to be takes, to be taking, to be took (wrong) c) modals: can/cannot/may/must/mustn't/should/shouldn't/will/would etc modals + ori can swim (correct) can swims, can swimming, can swam, can swum (wrong) d) modals + be + P4 must be discussed (correct) must be discuss, must be discusses, must be discussing (wrong) e) by + ing by taking the bus (correct) by takes, by take, by took, by taken (wrong) f) for + ing for demonstrating (correct) for demonstrate, for demonstrates, for demonstrated (wrong) g) 3H + been + P2 has been taking (correct) has been take, has been takes, has been took (wrong) or 3H + been + P4 has been taken (correct) * P2 is used if the process takes a long time, P4 is used if it is a passive sentence.

MUET Speaking 800/2 sample question. Submitted by Hui Chuen via FB. (Thanks!) "I found difficult to generate idea for this speaking question, hope you could help me. Malaysia has achieved a great deal in 50 years of independence. Discuss what has been greatest success. A-political stability B-economic success C-educational excellence

D-racial harmony especially for economic success, I totally don't know what can I say.."

Anyone wants to attempt? Please comment here. I will provide the suggested answers in my next blog post. :P

Below is a sample answer from 'Immature'. Great job. I've filled it out a bit (CAPITAL LETTERS ARE MY ADDITIONS)







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