Muet Speaking Sample Scripts

July 3, 2018 | Author: YuXuan | Category: Happiness & Self-Help
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MUET SPEAKING 2013 Sample Scripts One of the !estions that came o!t for this en" of the #ear MUET spea$in% e&am is '

(S!)mitte" )# a can"i"ate* +o, to attain happinessA. ha/e a %oal . %oo" relationship ,ith others . %oo" health . positi/e o!tloo$

+ere are m# sample scripts... ta$e note that these r !st samples that I4m %oin% to 4hantam4 ,rite no,... haha.. !st for f!n n to sho, #o! ho, to ans,er the spea$in% !estion as )est as #o! can.

 Tas$  Tas$ A an"i"ate A

A /er# %oo" mornin% to one an" all. The iss!e at han" to"a# is ho, to attain happiness. I )elie/e that this iss!e has )een on the forefront for as lon% as man e&iste". In fact5 I )elie/e e/en animals an" other )ein%s stri/e to achie/e this ,on"erf!l state of happiness an" contentment. It is therefore therefore m# honest opinion that in or"er to achie/e happiness ,e m!st ha/e a concrete an" meas!ra)le %oal. 6et !s anal#se a fe, reasons to !stif# this point. 7irst an" foremost5 to aspire to,ar"s happiness is not eno!%h. 8!st ,antin% is onl# half the )attle ,on. To attain it there m!st )e some $in" of action in/ol/e" an" this most certainl# )e%ins ,ith settin% %oals. The most important reason for settin% aims or %oals is to pro/i"e a ,a# to meas!re if #o! ha/e achie/e" it or not. 7or e&le5 m# aim is to )e happ#. In or"er to )e happ# I m!st ha/e eno!%h mone# an" o) sec!rit# as ,ell as a sta)le an" happ# famil#. Therefore the ne&t lo%ical step is to pro/i"e a timeframe to

achie/e this %oal. If ,e set a %oal )ase" on a timeframe5 happiness ,ill )e more easil# achie/a)le. A #o!n% person co!l" aim to %et his "e%ree )efore he t!rns 295 %et a sta)le hi%h pa#in% o) )# 30 an" %et marrie" )efore he:she is 39. Th!s5 ha/in% a %oal or %oals ,ill help "iscern the le/el of o!r happiness. Secon"l#5 ,e can attain happiness ,hen ,e ha/e a %oal )eca!se it %i/es !s somethin% to ,or$ to,ar"s or aim for. +o,e/er5 please note that the )ea!t# of ha/in% %oals is that it can )e mo"i;e" to s!it o!rsel/es an" o!r sit!ations. An" once ,e ha/e achie/e" it5 ,e can create ne, %oals. on/ersel#5 if ,e cannot attain it5 ,e can mo"if# them to )e more realistic. 7or instance5 Mahatma Ghan"i4s %oal in life ,as to achie/e peace thro!%h peacef!l means. 7!rthermore5 he ,as happiest ,hen there are no ,ars an" people can li/e in peace. E/en ,hen he ,as sent to ail5 he still hel" on to his %oal ,hich ,as to sol/e thin%s thro!%h peacef!l means5 not ,ar. An" e/en in ail5 he co!l" attain happiness < Ghan"i is a tr!l# inspirational man. As time is r!nnin% o!t5 let me reinstate that a $e# metho" to attain happiness is to set reacha)le %oals for o!rsel/es. It also )rin%s to min" a !ote5 4Aim for the s!n so that if #o! fail5 #o! ,ill still )e amon%st the stars4. Than$ #o! for listenin%.

an"i"ate 

A /er# %oo" mornin% I )i" to the e&aminers an" m# fello, can"i"ates. As the sa#in% %oes5 4No man is an islan"4. Therefore ,e thri/e on %oo" relationships ,ith others in or"er to attain happiness. It ,o!l" )e !ite stran%e to achie/e !ltimate happiness #et ha/e no one of conse!ence ,ith ,hom to share it ,ith. +ence5 %oo" relationships ,ith others are some of the f!n"amentals of achie/in% tr!e happiness. Allo, me to "escri)e this iss!e f!rther )# presentin% a fe, points. On the one han"5 happiness is ma&imise" ,hen happiness is share". In %eneral5 e/er#"a# ,e interact ,ith the people closes to !s )e the# famil# mem)ers5 spo!se5 chil"ren5 )est frien"s or collea%!es. In fact5 sometimes5 happiness comes from e&ternal so!rces an" ,e ma# not e/en $no, them personall#. !t it is these /er# relationships ,ith others that ,ill )!il" the fo!n"ation of happiness )ric$ )# )ric$. =hen ,e nee" help5 an" a frien" o>ers it5 or ,hen ,e !st nee" to spen" some !alit# time ,ith o!r famil# an" e/er# mem)er of the famil# sho,s !p5 ,ell5 these instances fee" happiness to o!r so!ls. Ima%ine if #o! recei/e" reall# %oo" ne,s li$e a

scholarship to st!"# a)roa" )!t ha" no one to tell. In"ee"5 o!r happiness ,o!l" fa"e a little5 or ,e mi%ht e/en en" !p "epresse"? On the other han"5 happiness "iminishes ,hen ,e ha/e fe, or no %oo" relationships ,ith others. In times of nee"5 it is h!man nat!re to reach o!t for help especiall# from o!r closest an" "earest. As a chil"5 ,hen ,e fell an" h!rt o!r $nees5 ,e ,o!l" call o!t for o!r mom or "a". =hen a frien" )ac$sta)s #o! ,ith nast# %ossip5 ,e call o!r )est frien" to !nloa" o!r !nhappiness. In the ,or$place5 ,hen o!r collea%!es treat !s !nfairl#5 ,e %o home to o!r spo!ses an" !se them as so!n"in% ,alls to e&press o!r an%er or "isappointment. Th!s5 the h!man race is fra%ile5 an" ,e "epen" on %oo" h!man relationships to $eep o!r happ# o"ometer hi%h. In short5 it ,o!l" )e pointless to attain happiness #et )e so lonel# ,ith no one to share the %oo" times ,ith. +ence5 each of !s sho!l" ,or$ on impro/in% an" )etterin% o!r relationships in or"er to attain !nlimite" happiness in life.  Than$ #o! an" ha/e a nice "a#.

an"i"ate 

A mar/elo!s mornin% I )i" to one an" all. As the pop!lar sa#in% %oes5 4+ealth is =ealth4. There is in"ee" a ,hole lot of tr!th to this a%e ol" a"a%e as I am s!re e/er#one ,ill a"mit that ,itho!t health5 ,e ,o!l" li/e a poor !alit# an" e/en s!)stan"ar" life hence marrin% o!r a)ilit# to attain tr!e happiness? Allo, me to f!rther ela)orate )# pro/i"in% a fe, "i>erent perspecti/es on this iss!e. 7irst an" foremost5 the le/el of o!r health ,ill "etermine ho, happ# ,e are. S!rel# there is not a sin%le so!l o!t there ,ho reoices in )ein% !nhealth# an" !n,ell. asicall#5 )ein% health# is cr!cial to o!r happiness )eca!se if ,e cannot "o e/en the simplest of thin%s s!ch as )r!shin% o!r o,n teeth an" %oin% to the toilet !nassiste" then it ,o!l" )e a /er# sa" "a# in"ee". There can )e nothin% o#f!l a)o!t ,a$in% !p e/er# mornin% to face )loo" transf!sions or chemotherap# or s!r%er# after s!r%er#. In fact it ,o!l" )e "o,nri%ht "epressin% an" it isn4t an# ,on"er that these people ,o!l" s!>er "epression an" e/en contemplate committin% s!ici"e. on/ersel#5 ,hen ,e ha/e optim!m health5 happiness is easil# attaine". =hen #o! ,a$e !p in the mornin% an" stretch an" ta$e )i% l!n%f!ls of fresh air5 it ma$es !s rea"# to face the challen%es in the "a# ahea". =e are a)le to pla# o!r role in societ# ,ell )e it as a st!"ent ,ith a sharp min" to st!"#

)etter5 or a ,or$er in this in"!strio!s ,orl"5 "oin% o!r o) ,ell. Or ,hen o!r health is ma&imise"5 athletes all aro!n" the ,orl" )rea$ recor"s an" cr# in  !)ilation as ,hen Usain olt "oes ,hen he literall# @ies "o,n the trac$ or ,hen Micheal Phelps or e/en 6in an lifts the Ol#mpic %ol" me"als hi%h in /ictor#. Nee"less to sa#5 in concl!sion5 happiness is easil# attaina)le ,hen ,e are health# )eca!se it is one of the pillars of the )asic necessities in life in or"er to tr!l# achie/e a state of )liss. Than$ #o!.

an"i"ate 

 To the e&aminers an" m# fello, can"i"ates5 a ,on"erf!l mornin% I )i" #o!.  The topic %i/en to"a# is rather interestin% as it )rin%s to min" a commonl# as$e" !estion5 Is the %lass half empt# or it is half f!ll- A person ,ith a positi/e o!tloo$ ,o!l" s!rel# ans,er 4half f!ll4 an" this colo!rs his or her life ,ith positi/e ener%# therefore ma$in% happiness tr!l# easil# attaina)le. Allo, me to ela)orate ,hat I mean a)o!t a positi/e o!tloo$. 7irstl#5 a positi/e o!tloo$ %i/es !s a means of in/entin% options. =hat "oes this mean e&actl#- =ell5 people ,ho are positi/e "o not %i/e !p easil#5 in fact5 the# ma$e it a point to inspect e/er# a/en!e an" come !p ,ith inno/ati/e ,a#s to o/ercome an# o)stacle. 7or instance5 after st!"#in% so har" a st!"ent fails "!e to a "eath in the famil# "!rin% e&am time an" she co!l" not concentrate. Bather than s!rren"er to her fate5 she ta$es it as a challen%e to %et )ac$ !p on the horse an" ;n" a o). After a fe, #ears of ,or$in%5 she collects eno!%h mone# to "o her "e%ree on a part time )asis an" after 3 or C #ears5 she ;nall# %ra"!ates. This is )eca!se she has a positi/e o!tloo$ an" loo$e" har" for other options to chan%e her fate. At the en"5 she has mana%e" to attain happiness ,hen her %oals are achie/e". In a""ition5 a person ,ith a positi/e o!tloo$ seem to "ra, positi/e ener%# into her ra"i!s an" someho, %oo" thin%s start to happen to her. E/en ,hen )a" thin%s happen5 li$e an acci"ent that messes !p her car5 she ,o!l" still ;n" the sil/er linin% in the sense that she is than$f!l to )e ali/e an" more %ratef!l still for not ha/in% harme" an#one else. Therefore5 a positi/e o!tloo$ is cr!cial in attainin% happiness )eca!se it is a ,on"erf!l a)ilit# to ;n" the %oo" in an# )a" sit!ation. In short5 people ,ith a positi/e o!tloo$ ,ith ;n" happiness !n"er e/er# stone5 at e/er# corner )eca!se the# are )etter a)le to )e happ# an" content ,ith their lot in life. Than$ #o! for len"in% me #o!r ears.

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