MUET Speaking Sample Questions

July 3, 2018 | Author: YuXuan | Category: N/A
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MUET Speaking Sample Questions Booklet 1 A person's character is often inuenced by other people around him/her. him/her. Who has the greatest influence on a person's character? -Discuss hich of the folloin! has the greatest infuence on a person's character "i# $arents "ii#%eachers "iii#&riends "i#&amous "i#& amous $ersonalities

Booklet ( )f you ere !ien the opportunity to sere as the $rime *inister of *alaysia for one term+ hat ould be a great achievement  to leae behind? "i#,conomic prosperity "ii#,cellence in sports "iii#World class education "i#,cellent health facilities

Booklet   ou and your friends are decidin! on the choice of uniersities and pro!rams of  ou study aailable. ou ould like to seek the opinion of others before you make your 0nal decision. -Whose opinion is most important in decidin! here and hat to study for your uniersity de!ree? "i#pinion of parents "ii#pinion of friends "iii#pinion of teachers "i#pinion of career !uidance counsellors

Booklet 2 ,lectronic media like mobile phone+ computer and electronic !ames has an impact on youn! people of today. today. What aspects of their lies are a3ected? -Discuss hat aspects of a youn! person's life is most aected by electronic media "i#4tudy habits "ii#Daily habits "iii#4ocial relationship "i#World ie

Booklet 5

What are the costs cuttin! measures that can be taken by a family to reduce ependiture? 6ie some su!!estions. -Best way for a family to reduce ependiture! "i#7se public transport "ii#4pend only on hat is needed "iii#8arry out their on repair and maintenance ork "i#9ecycle and reuse household items

Booklet 1: Who do you re!ard as a successful person? -ou re!ard as the most success"ul person "i#4omeone ho is ery rich "ii#4omeone ho is ery intelli!ent "iii#4omeone ho is ery poerful "i#4omeone ho is ery famous

Booklet 11 What factors can inuence a student's academic perfrmance -#reatest impact on a student's performance "i#4tudy habits "ii#4leepin! haboits "iii#;eisure actiities "i#
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