MUET Reading

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 As the MUET Reading paper is the one which carries the highest weightage of 40%, we have approached a MUET expert, Madam Audrey i!es, to share with you her inva!ua"!e tips for your MUET Reading paper #00$& '&

Read (There is a reason why it’s called a MUET Reading paper) Read everything "ut with a notepad in hand

(opy down words which you don)t understand A*+ more important, phrases that you wou!d !ie to use in your MUET written essay& essay&


Read quality materials Read artic!es that are pu"!ished "y re!ia"!e sources such as. Reader)s +igest, T/ME Magaine1etc&

 Artic!es used in the exams are usua!!y from these types of source

2eep yourse!f updated on current current issues "y reading newspapers newspapers 3Examp!e. 3Examp!e. The TAR, TAR, *ew traits Times, The Edge5


Use your time wisely!

 6ou  6ou on!y have '&7 hours to answer 47 exam 8uestions 8u estions

 /f you do the math, that wou!d mean that you on!y have - minutes per 8uestion  A9A6  A9A6 read the 8uestion first, and under!ine un der!ine the eywords Mae sure you don)t :ust sim through the text "ut scan for specific information

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There wi!! "e ; texts a!together in the exam paper, and the first one a!ways has a noninfer) or mae inte!!igent inte!!igent assumptions assumptions "ased on the given evidences in the texts =or >True$=a!se$*ot tated) 8uestions, *E?ER use your own opinions to answer  "ecause what is !ogica! to you may not "e academica!!y correct My tip to you is that you shou!d under!ine the evidence3s5 in the texts =or >True), you must "e a"!e to identify proof that shows that the statement is correct 6ou shou!d a!so under!ine evidences that prove a statement to "e wrong in order  to choose >=a!se) as your answer  =or =or >*ot >*ot tat tated ed), ), you you wi!! wi!! find find that that it is a!mo a!most st impo imposs ssi" i"!e !e to unde under! r!in ine e any evidence at a!!& @ence, these are the fundamenta! differences "etween the answer  se!ections >True$=a!se$*ot tated)


Train your rain  uessing the meaning of a voca"u!ary can "e 8uite tricy especia!!y when you don)t have the access to a dictionary or the internet 3oog!e&com5 during your exam& @ence, you need to train your "rain to assess the root word

 =ocus on the prefix$suffix in order to identify the meaning

/f you thin the word is a positive, negative or neutra! one B reconfirm again "y !ooing at the context of the texts for c!ues to support your assumption

Review the answers and options given "y e!iminating the answer that is most un!ie!y to "e correct "efore maing a ca!cu!ated guess

=or examp!e, in the phrase. Cthe degradation of water 8ua!ityD, the word‘degradation’   comes from the root word ‘grade’ which means !eve! or standard& The ‘de’ suffix has a negative connotation where it means the remova! of something, whi!e ‘tion’ is a noun that exp!ains the process of something Thus, the phrase means Cthe drop of standard$8ua!ity of waterD


$ssess the writer’s intentions

 The MUET !eve! comprehension 8uestions do not focus on content a!one  /nstead, the 8uestions given re8uire candidates to assess the writer)s. 3A5 Furpose

 Examp!e. to inform, discuss, argue, compare, persuade1etc& 3G5 ty!e of writing

 Examp!e. descri"ing, comparing and contrasting, giving examp!es, exp!aining causes and effects, se8uencing events1etc& 3(5 Tone

Examp!e. supportive, opposing, indifferent, neutra!, "iased1etc&


$ssess the articles as a whole

 ometimes you may "e ased to give a suita"!e tit!e to an artic!e

Hr to summarie a specific paragraph Hr to come up with a suita"!e conc!usion "ased on the options given& This c!ear!y re8uires critica! thining si!!s or @HT 3@igher Hrder Thining i!!s5 from you&

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Keep practicing! Essentia!!y, nothing "eats practice and more practice Guy good 8ua!ity reference "oos such as 9ongman or Hxford mode! tests$actua! exam wor"oos and try doing each reading paper  times

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=irst attempt. do it as if you)re sitting for the rea! exam& +o not refer to any wor"oos or dictionaries econd attempt. a!!ow yourse!f to refer to "oos, and discuss with your friends if  you need to 3and if you are doing it as a group5 "efore maring "oth attempts *ote. 6our -nd attempt shou!d score "etter than your first& Third attempt. Try doing the same set of exam paper again after -
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