Muet for Sem One 2014 Final Draft

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Instructions to candidates; Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. There are forty-five questions in this test. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer. Indicate your answer on the separate answer sheet given. Read the instructions on the answer sheet carefully. Answer all questions.


Prepared by

Checked and certified by



(Miss Cheah Lay Kian)

( Encik Azmi b. Mat Isa)


SECTION A Instructions to candidates: There are forty-five questions in this section. For each question choose the most appropriate answer. Indicate your answer on the separate answer sheet given. Answer all questions. Questions 1-8 are based on the following passage.

Innocence and Experience 1 .This is an excerpt from a story about Japanese immigrant families in the United States. The two families in the story are that of Mr. Oka’s daughter who arrived in the United States at the age of fourteen and the writer was nine when she first met her. 2. Kiyoko-san came in September. I was surprised to see so very nearly a woman; short, robust, buxom: the female counterpart of her father. Mr. Oka brought her proudly to us.


3. “Little Masako here,” for the first time to my collection, he touched me; he put his rough fat hand on the top of my head, “is very smart in school. She will help you with your school work, Kiyoko,” he said. 4. I have so looked forward to Kiyoko-san‟s arrival. She would be my soulmate; in my mind I had conjured a girl of my proportion:thin and tall, but with the refinement and beauty I didn‟t yet possess but would surely someday come to fore. My disappointment was keen and apparent. Kiyoko-san stepped forward shyly, then retreated with a short bow and short giggle, a finger pressed to her mouth. 5 My mother took her a way.They talked for a long time- about Japan, about enrolment in an American school, the clothes Kiyoko-san would need, and where to look for the best values. As I watched them, it occurred to me that I had been deceived: this was not a child, this was a woman. The smile pressed behind her fingers, the way of her nod, so brief, like my mother when father scolded her: the face was inscrutable, but something- maybe her spirit- shrank visibly, like a piece of silk in water. I was disappointed; Kiyoko-san‟s soul was barricaded behind her unenchanting appearance and the smile she fenced behind her fingers.



6. She started school from third grade; one below me, and as it turned out, she quickly passed me by. There wasn‟t much I could help her with except to drill her on pronunciation- the „L‟ and „R‟ sounds. Every morning walking to our rural school: land, leg, library, loan, lot; every afternoon returning home: ran, rabbit, 20 rim, rinse, roll. That was the extent of our communication; friendly but uninteresting. 7. One particularly cold November night, the wind outside was icy; I was sitting on my bed, my brother‟s and mine, oiling the cracks in my chapped hands by lamplight- someone rapped urgently at our door. It was Kiyoko-san; she was hysterical, she wore no wrap, her teeth chattering, except for the thin straw zori: her feet were bare. My mother led her to the kitchen, started a pot of tea, and gestured to my brother and 25 me to retire. I lay very still but because of my brother‟s restless tossing and my father‟s snoring, was unable to hear much. I was aware, though, that drunken and savage brawling had brought Kiyoko-san to us .Presently they came to the bedroom. I feigned sleep. My mother spoke firmly: “ Tomorrow you will return to them; you must not leave them again. They are your people.‟ I could almost feel Kiyoko-san‟s short nod. 8. All night long I lay cramped and still, afraid to intrude into her hulking back. Two or three times her icy feet jabbed into mine and quickly retreated. In the morning, I found my mother‟s gown neatly folded on the spare pillow. Kiyoko-san‟s place in bed was cold.



9. She never came to weep at our house again but I knew she cried; her eyes were often swollen and red. She stopped much of her giggling and routinely pressed her fingers to her mouth. Our daily pronunciation drill petered off from the lack of interest. She walked silently with her shoulders hunched, 35 grasping her books with both arms, and when I spoke to her in my halting Japanese , she absent-mindedly corrected my prepositions. 10. Spring comes early in the Valley; in February the skies are clear although the air is still cold. By March, the winds are vigorous and warm and wild flowers dot the desert floor, cockleburs are green and not yet tenacious , the sand is crusty underfoot, everywhere there is a smell of things growing and the first tomatoes are showing green and bald.


11. As the weather changed, Kiyoko-san became noticeably more cheerful. Mr. Oka who hated so to rive could often be seen steering his dusty old Ford over the road that passes our house, and Kiyoko-san sitting in front would sometimes wave gaily to us. Mrs. Oka was never with them. I thought of these trips as the westernizing of Kiyoko-san. With a permanent wave, her straight black hair became tangles of tiny 45 frantic curls; between her textbooks she carried copies of Modern Screen and Photoplay, her clothes were gay with print and piping, and she bought a pair of brown suede shoes with alligator trim. 1. The writer was disappointed with Kiyoko because she A. looked like her father B. behaved like her mother C. was not too communicative D. was more mature than she expected 2. Kiyoko-san’s soul was barricaded in her unenchanting appearance and the smile she fenced behind her fingers.(lines 17 and 18). Which of the following words fit Kiyoko‟s description? A. unrevealing B. unattractive C .resourceful D. spirited 3. She was hysterical (line 24) because of A her inability to adjust to her life in the U.S.A B the quarrel in her family C her lack of money D the cold winter 4. In paragraph 2. Mr.Oka said that Masako (the writer) was very smart. In which paragraph did the writer say that Kiyoko was in fact smarter? A. paragraph 4 B. paragraph 5 C. paragraph 6 D. paragraph 7 5. The function of paragraph 10 is to A. describe the passing of time B. emphasize how hard life was in winter C. signal a change in Kiyoko‟s behavior D. show that life was becoming better for the Japanese. 6. The description of Kiyoko in paragraph 11 implies that she A. was traditional B. had conformed C. became inhibited D. became defensive


7. With reference to Kiyoko which of the following is not a characteristic of being westernized? A. Reading Modern Screen and Photoplay B .Wearing brown suede shoes C. Dressing in bright clothes D. Having straight black hair. 8. The writer‟s intention may be described as A. narrating changes in the rural life of migrant families B. contrasting traditional values among migrant Japanese families C tracing the adjustments made by the Japanese families in the United States. D. highlighting the difference between her life and other Japanese immigrant s Questions 9-15 are based on the passage below. 1

The Taj Mahal is known far and wide as a stunningly beautiful testament to love and it has enchanted lovers, poets and tourists for over 350 years. Built in the memory of Mumtaz Mahal,the wife of Moghul King Shah Jehan, it is an exquisite architectural masterpiece built using marble, turquoise, jade, lapis lazuli and many precious stones. It has survived the rise and fall of many empires, but has fallen prey to looters who have carried away silver doors from its gates and precious stones from its marble walls.. However these depredations are nothing compared to the threat posed by modern-day pollution. 2 Sadly, the Taj Mahal has been tainted by pollution. Its once sparkling white walls have acquired a shade of yellow due to the emissions from the coal-fired steel foundries, thermal power stations, brick kilns, cars and nearby oil refinery. Agra‟s climate swings from very hot to very cold have cracked the marble slabs of the mausoleum. Toxic waste carried by the Yamuna River, which flows right behind the Taj Mahal, further pollutes the air around it, emitting a foul smell. 3 Over the years the Indian government has tried to curb the problem of pollution. Though the air pollutants like nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide are within the permissible limits, the suspended particle matter is very high all year round.The authorities have set up an air monitoring center in Agra to measure and check air pollution.The Indian Supreme court has ordered 212 industrial sites around Agra to shut down unless they install emission control devices. 4 While the environmentalists and art lovers are strong proponents of such a ruling, it has left almost 20,000 workers without jobs. This order has taken away the livelihoods of many families, leaving thousands miserable and hungry. Factory owners, meanwhile complain that such a ruling does not apply to many state-owned polluters in the region. They also want the government to help pay for the anti-pollution measures. “ It was unfair to single us out for punishment. It should be a blanket ruling” said the owner of a steel factory in the area.

9 According to the passage, the Taj Mahal has existed through the rise and fall of many empires. A.True

B. False

C. Not stated.

10 Pollution is the main reason for the poor condition of the Taj Mahal. A.True

B. False

C. Not stated.

11.The roof of the Taj Mahal cracked because of the extreme climatic changes. A.True

B. False

C. Not stated.






12 The Indian Supreme Court‟s decision means that A. almost 20,000 workers have lost their jobs. B. hundreds of factories were shut down permanently. C. many cars in Agra have installed emission-control devices 13. According to the passage, the factory owners A were pleased with the court‟s decision B complained that the court‟s decision was unfair. C expected the court to pay for the anti-pollution measures 14. The word “they” in line 21 refers to A.environmentalists B. factory owners

C. workers.

15 .The phrase It should be a blanket rule in the fourth paragraph means A. the order should be for those who are without a job B. the order should be for all groups of people C. the order should be for all factory owners

Questions 16 to 23 are based on the passage below. 1. A moderate Netizen will probably use between five to fifteen user-name or password combinations to log in to e-mail accounts, social networking sites, discussion boards, news and entertainment sites, online stores, on-line banking accounts, or others. People who are heavy users of email and Internet applications at work may even have more than thirty required username/password combinations. Some of these accounts require a specific number of digits and symbols, while others need you to change your password every sixty days. The number of passwords become mind-boggling when you have to memorize codes to access things like your Internet banking account, the ATM, home alarm systems, and voicemail in addition to the former list of password combinations.The frustration caused by having to memorize such a long list of login credentials has become so prevalent that it now actually has a name: password fatique.



2 Having to remember so many passwords can be both tiring and dangerous. Since it is almost impossible for the average person to immediately recall a unique password for each account they may have, many people keep lists of usernames and passwords on or beside their computers. Others use very simple passwords or even the same password for every account to solve this problem. While these practices make it easier to remember login information, unfortunately they also make it exponentially 15 easier for thieves to hack into accounts. 3 Single sign-on (SSO) authentication and password management software can also help mitigate this problem but both approaches have drawbacks. The SSO can be used for related, but independent software systems. Using SSO authentication means users only need to log in once to access a variety of different applications.Only one password is necessary to log in to the main system ; the SSO software 20 then automatically logs the user into other accounts within the system. Typically, big companies, schools, or libraries use SSO software. On the other hand, personal computer users use password management software .These software programs store passwords store passwords in a isolated database and „recall‟ users‟ passwords automatically for a variety of sites. 4. However, both SSO authentication and password management software have a major failing, in that what makes them useful is also what makes them vulnerable. If a user loses or forgets the password to log in to SSO software, the user will then lose access to all of the applications linked to the SSO account. A hacker who cracks the SSO password will have access to all the linked accounts. Netizens who rely on password management software are susceptible to the same problems, but also incur the added threat of compromised passwords due to computer theft.




5. While most websites or network systems allow Netizens to recover or change passwords by providing email addresses or answering a quick question, this process can waste time and cause additional frustration. Recovering a forgotten password is only a short term solution; it does not solve the real problem of password fatique. 6. Some experts have suggested that instead of using passwords, computers should rely on 35 biometrics for personal security .This is a method of recognizing human users based on unique traits such as fingerprints, voice, or DNA. Biometric identification is currently used by some government agencies and private companies. While the use of biometrics would certainly eliminate the need for memorizing passwords, it also raises questions concerning ethics and privacy, besides being expensive to implement. 7. Software engineers and computer security experts are continuously working on resolving the problems associated with SSO, password management software, and biometrics, and are searching for a cure to password fatique. Nevertheless, netizens will simply have to rely on the current flawed password system till the perfect solution is identified.


Adapted from http://englishforeveryone & The Sun, 6th April 2013, TechTalk

16.The method of development of the passage is through A. problem and solution B narration and description C definition and examples 17.According to the passage,the following are the average user solutions to password fatique except A. jotting down passwords B.employing simplified passdwords C.using voice encryption for all passwords. 18. As used in paragraph 3, which is the best synonym for mitigate? A. alleviate B magnify C alleviate 19. The word it in line 33 refers to the action of A. losing passwords B .retrieving lost passwords C. furnishing email addresses 20. Which of the following statements from the passage represents an opinion, as opposed to a fact? A. People who are heavy users of email and Internet applications at work may even have more than thirty required username/password combinations (lines 3 and 4). B The frustration caused by having to memorize such a long list of log in credentials has grown so prevalent that it now actually has a name: password fatique (lines 8-10) C Having to remember so many different passwords can be both tiring and dangerous. (line 11) 21. While use of biometrics would certainly eliminate the need for memorizing passwords, it also raises questions concerning ethics and privacy lines .(lines 38 and 39) A A computer programmer gains entry to a system that operates on SSO software thus gaining access to all private linked accounts. B. A company that employs fingerprint identification security software turns over its database to the local enforcement agency when a crime occurs on its premises. C .Even when computer users are on password-protected websites, their personal information is collected via an Internet browser and used to tailor publicity or advertisements to their individual interests.


22. Which of the following statements is true about biometrics? A. It is specially developed to combat password theft. B. It will eradicate the need for people to remember passwords. C .It is widely used to address the problem of password exhaustion. 23.In the final paragraph, the author‟s tone can best be described as A .passionate B. analytical C. resigned Questions 24 to 31 are based on the passage below. 1. Malaysians of all races and religions have a place in this country. Sharing a common destiny,we must put our shoulder to the yoke and work to build the nation, in particular preserving the national unity we have enjoyed through 50 years of nationhood. Given our plural composition, it is a difficult task but it can be done for failure would prove too costly.The Raja Muda of Perak, Dr. Raja Nazrin Shah, tells of the ways to do this in his keynote address in the Young Malaysians’ Roundtable Discussion on national Unity and Development .Here is the full text of his speech. 2 “It is my pleasure to be here to deliver the keynote address at this Roundtable Discussion on National Unity and Development in Malaysia: Challenges and Prospects for Nation Building. I am always happy to take part in an event where there are many young informed Malaysians. I find that this time is well spent. Not only does it give me a chance to share my thoughts, but it also lets me do a bit of opinion research among the younger generation



3 We like to say that youth are the future of our country but then we proceed to ignore or marginalize them. We want our future generations to to be able to think and act wisely but then we do not give them sufficient opportunities to do this. 4. In my view, this is not a good way to prepare those who will take our place. If the young are to be good leaders and citizens, they must be exposed to more than just abstract concepts. Even those nation states who have failed miserably have had great political ideals. 5. I believe that good, upright leadership must be demonstrated .It has to be both taught and observed at work. Then those who are found to be able, must be mentored by those who are capable. In this way, success can be learned and replicated.



6. Finally, the young must be given responsibilities they can handle. They should be allowed to make mistakes along the way as part of their overall learning process. If we do these things, our actions will echo loudly into the future. 7. My address this morning is on the challenges and prospects of nation-building, a topic that is of greatest and gravest importance. Nation-building is essential to national unity, which lies at the heart of what this country was, is and will be.


8. With the passage of time, it seems that we are starting to forget and it is imperative that we do not. In the time available, I hope to say enough tp provide enough fuel for discussion to follow. It is my earnest wish that you will gain some further perspectives on the nature of nation-building and you will also deliberate on specific actionable ways to further it in this country. 30 9. Confucius insisted that language must be properly used if things are to get done, if justice is not to go astray, and if people are not to`stand about in helpless confusion` He disapproved of those who misused words to hide their true intentions and actions.


So, what exactly is nation-building? Not surprisingly, there are many definitions, some which differby a little and others by quite a lot. In his book, The Making of a Nation, Professor Cheah Boon Kheng 35 defined it as “both economic progress and socio-political integration of a nation, that is, prosperity and national unity”. 11. This captures what are hopefully the two end-results of nation-building, but it makes no mention of its nature and process. I prefer the more common understanding which is that it is the use of state power across different dimensions to ensure that a country is politically stable and viable in the long term. These dimensions include religion and ethnicity.


12. As a brief footnote, it should be noted that nation-building is a heated and even hated notion in some parts of the world. The main reasons for this are, first that it is taking place in the midst of great domestic turmoil and, second, that it is primarily initiated and managed by foreign powers. 13. In the case of Malaysia, nation-building has occurred in generally peaceful circumstances. It was not imposed by another country. And it is undertaken mainly by collective choice rather than compulsion. 14. The fact that we have been able to forge a nation without resorting to the rule of the gun has made us something of a rarity and a case to be studied, if not emulated. It has allowed a relatively effective system of governance to develope .Our track record in development and resolving problems such as illiteracy, poverty and poor health has been good.



15. There is, of course, much more that can be done. Our institutions of governance are far from perfect and quality improvements will probably occupy us for at least the next 50 years, if not longer. Nevertheless, for all the criticisms that have been made, it is only common sense that we could not have survived, let alone prosper, these last 50 years if government institutions had not been responsive or effective…‟

Adapted from The Sun, April 2007

24…..put our shoulder to the yoke…line 2 is related to the meaning of the following word found paragraph 1. A.‟destiny‟ line 1 B.‟difficult‟ line 3 C.‟failure‟ line 4 D.‟costly‟ line 4 25 The development of paragraph 3 is based on A. contrast B. chronology C. enumeration


26.Which of the following is not advice given to the younger generation? (paragraphs 4-6) A They should learn through experience. B They should accept responsibilities C They should have political ideals. D They should be guided by elders. 27…..”our actions will echo loudly into nthe future(line 24) suggests that A the young men will learn from their elders B there will be positive results in times to come C our mistakes will have an effect on the future D the future generations will become more and more prosperous 28…..”provide some fuel for the discussions to follow” (lines 29-30) is to A contribute adequate resources


B give guidelines for direction C challenge current views D present ideas for debate 29 The reference to Confucius illustrate the importance of A. determination B.fairness C.courage D.honesty 30.One reason why nation-building is a heated and even hated notion (lines 42-43) is that… A. it is often imposed by foreign powers B. it is not supported by the local people C .economic progress will be uncertain D.political stability will be weakened 31.The speaker ends his speech by A. providing solutions B. predicting the future C. giving a balanced view D. comparing the past and the present Questions 32 to 38 are based on the text below. 1. Theme parks are compelling holiday destinations for children, teens and young adults. They are entertaining and offer fun for everyone. Children long to visit these super playgrounds where everything is crafted to meet their fantasies. While parents anticipate a family vacation with some anxiety, the children wonder what it will be like- and this is part of the excitement. 2. Disney, of course, is the market leader in theme parks. Its designers have gone as far as possible 5 to find ways to entertain people, young and old alike, and immerse them in experiences beyond compare. Disney has an edge over other theme park designers mainly because of its cartoon characters, movie and television tie-ins as well as the entertainment line-ups. At Disney‟s Animal Kingdom for example, visitors get to discover high-speed thrills, fascinating jungle trails, and up-close encounters with exotic animals . It is the largest animal theme park in the world, and home to more than 1,700 animals and 250 species. 10 It is a blend of live animals and animatronic creatures ranging from the mythical to the prehistoric. 3. The park‟s 500 acres of simulated Serengeti savannah indicate that Disney‟s theme parks have moved beyond collecting animals to collecting entire ecosystems, and combining them with its story-telling ability and organizational prowess .Thue idea is to offer a total immersion experience, that quickens the pulse as well as provides an illusion of danger and close brushes with death. Thus Disney Animal Kingdom 15 offers privately guided , first- class safaris with a behind-the-scenes look at the animals. Indeed, the African safari is reproduced where the animals, unlike their real-life counterparts, always appear on cue. Trekkers get to venture into “ the bush” where they might stumble across poachers while tracking the matriarch of a herd of elephants. 4. Theme parks such as Disney Animal Kingdom are in effect, tapping into the adventure- travel boom. 20 They are packaged and priced for the masses. According to one analyst, the experience of going to such theme parks lies somewhere between watching the adventure on television and going to the original nature park. Those who want photographs of big game to adorn the walls of their homes do not have to spend excessively on a plane ride to Africa. Besides, they will not pick up intestinal bugs, nor will they have to eat mysterious food, or use strange toilets. One positive outcome of places like Animal Kingdom 25 that they stem the tide of people pollution at the natural wonders they imitate.


32 .Theme parks are unique because they allow children to A. feel anticipation about their adventure B. experience entire ecosystems without too much travel C. have close-up encounters with exotic and prehistoric animals 33. Animals on the Disney African safari are_________ those on the Kenyan safari. A. not as free as B more free C as free as 34. In order to draw the crowds, Disney utilizes A. story-telling abilities with its organizational prowess B. cartoon characters , movie and TV tie-ins C. privately guided VIP safaris 35. What does “the bush” (line 18) refer to? A. the simulated environment crafted by the designers B. the original natural wonder C. The Serengeti savannah 36 Someone who ________ may choose to experience Disney‟s Animal Kingdom A. does not want to spend too much B. is extremely rich C. loves animals 37 If one were to take a trip to Africa, one would risk A. stomach upsets B. meeting wildlife poachers C. spending too much on a plane ticket 38. In the concluding sentence the writer seems to I disapprove of theme parks II feel that theme parks have only positive effects III suggest that people should visit real nature parks IV think that theme parks can only imitate the real thing A. I and II

B.I and IV

C. II and IV

Questions 39 to 45 are based on the passage below. Going green is not as difficult as you think. Little things you do every day can make a difference by helping reduce greenhouse gases and the harmful impact our actions have on our environment . If we view taking care of the earth as a privilege instead of a mere responsibility, we will be more enthusiastic about following the tips below to help save planet Earth. 1.Use water with care. Every time you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, you are helping to save water. During a ten-minute shower if you turn off the water while you soak yourself, you save 60 litres of water. If you have a leaking tap and repair it fast, you save 757 litres of water a day.If you bottle your own water for drinking instead of buying bottled water, you will not only save money but also but also not be wasting all that plastic packaging. Also, it might be a good idea to recycle the water that drains out from your washing machine but using it to wash your porch, drains and area around it. 2.Leave your car at home. Try to stay off the road just two days a week, and you will reduce greenhouse emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds per year . walk or ride your bicycle to work,school and anywhere you can. You will help reduce greenhouse gases and at the same time improve your health




by getting rid of excess calories.if you are unable to walk or cycle, use public transport or carpool. Every car not on the road makes a difference if you try combining your errands –visit the post office, supermarket and pharmacy in one trip- it will save you fuel as well as time. Needless to say, there will be fewer cars on the road, which of course means fewer traffic snarls and jams!


3.Recycle You can help reduce pollution by reducing your waste. Put all plastic bottles and containers into one bin, but used paper in yet another bin. If you must drink bottled water remember to recycle the bottle. Better still, if you have difficulty choosing between two products, choose the one with the least 20 packaging. This will reduce the amount of waste you throw out. It is estimated that if a company of 7,000 employees faithfully recycles all office papers for a year, it would be the equivalent of taking almost 400 cars off the road. 4.Compost Think about how much trash you make in a year. We generate tons of trash or solid waste each year . Most of this trash is placed in municipal landfills. Some are recovered through either recycling, in the case of glass, paper products, metals and plastics or through composting, in the case of garden waste, reducing the amount of solid waste we produce in a year means less space will be taken up in landfills. Composting is an essential part of reducing household wastes.In can be done inexpensively by every household. The by-product is known as finished compost or humus. Try composting to treat organic waste material instead of throwing it into the bin. This can benefit the environment as compost makes a great natural fertilizer for gardening. 39. Going green (line 1) is not difficult because it involves simple things we do daily A. True B. False C. Not stated 40 If we viewed going green as a privilege we would be more enthusiastic about it. A.True B. False C.Not stated. 41. Buying bottled water is a waste of money. A.True B. False C. Not stated 42 Most people tend to turn off the water when they soap themselves. A. True B. False C. Not stated 43. Besides reducing greenhouse gases, an added benefit of carpooling is A. less traffic jams B. better air quality C.fewer cars on the road 44.Composting is suitable for A. household waste B plastic waste C solid waste 45.What impact is the article likely to have on us? A. We will be encouraged to go green. B. We will think about the benefits of going green. C. We will become aware of how polluted our planet is.





1. Sheena had met the man from Seattle prior to the scam. A. False B. True C. Not stated D. Partly true

6.According to Neena Bashir, the following are reasons why women are targeted in scams except

2.The American had requested the money from Sheena because he had to settle his hospital bills. A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.

True False Not stated Partly true

rich and lonely single and lonely lonely and desperate. rich and fulfilled

7. In line 39, the phrase modus operandi means A. the way women respond to scammers B. the way a thing operates C. the way things turn out D. the way romance works on women

3.Sheena only realized it was a scam after receiving credit card bills amounting to RM40,000. A. True B. Partly true C. Not stated 4.The man in the second scam case involving Cindy was a Nigerian businessman. A. B. C. D.

8.Datuk Michael Chong has warned women to be wary of such con men(line 38). The implication of this statement is

True False. Not Stated Partly true

A .Women need to be cautious about men who are swindlers B.Single women should stop befriending men on the Net C.Women must refrain from accepting expensive gifts

2 5.The NGO volunteer has advised women to A. investigate the background of people they meet on the Net. B. commit to Facebook friends who pretend to be genuine. C. be patient before getting into a relationship with strangers. D. trust strangers after a six month period


D.Women must stop trusting all men

Questions 9-16 are based on the following passage. 1


Mankind has done much to increase the concentration of greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. As a result, global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.6 C since the late 19th century, and by about half of it over the past twenty 25 years. The warming has not been globally uniform. The recent warmth has been greatest over North America and Asia, between 40 N and 70 N. Global warming, assisted by the record El Nino of 1997-1998, has continued right up to the present, with the second warmest year on record after 1998.There are many solutions to global warming available to us today which reduce the amount of heat-trapping gases that are emitted into the atmosphere.


Firstly, the biggest single step that we can take to curb global warming is to increase the fuel economy of our cars and light trucks.There are existing technologies that could dramatically improve fuel economy, and automakers should make use of them when designing their vehicles. Hydrogenpowered cars are an example. Hydrogen fuel cells take in hydrogen and oxygen, and put out water, heat and electricity.This results is no pollution at all. Honda is the first company to put in fuel cell demonstration car into the hands of ordinary consumers within the last ten years. However, hydrogen powered cars are likely to be in the market in twenty years‟ time.


3 Next, wind turbines and solar panels can supply power to millions of homes and businesses. A wind turbine is a machine that converts the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used directly by machinery, such as a pump or grinding stones, the machine is usually called a windmill. If the mechanical energy is then converted to electricity, the machine is called a wind generator.



4 Modern wind turbines have evolved into a highly efficient and attractive energy source. Many home owners in areas with high winds and expensive electricity set up small windmills to reduce their electric bills. A modern wind farm, when installed on agricultural land, has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources. The greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution produced by its construction are small and declining. There are no emissions or pollutions produced by its 25 operation. 5 Finally, the solar panel can also curb global warming. The solar panel is a generic term used to describe a device that collects and converts solar energy into electricity or heat. Solar panels can be used to generate electricity, to generate heat and to heat water for domestic use..A solar hot water panel is a solar water heater that uses the sun‟s energy to heat the fluid. This heated fluid is then stored in a storage vessel. In the home, for example, portable water would be heated and then stored in a water tank. (Adapted

3 9. The increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases is due to _________ A. global warming B. human activity C. carbon dioxide D. El Nino



10. Global warming affects all areas______________ A. equally B. annually C. differently D. normally

14. Which of the following is true? A. A wind generator converts electricity into mechanical energy. B. A windmill makes use of kinetic energy to grind stones C. A wind turbine converts the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. D. A wind turbine supplies power to homes only

11. Over the past 25 years, global surface temperatures have increased by about______________ A. 0.6 C B. 0.5 C C 0.4 C D 0.3 C

15. Modern wind turbines when compared with older models are______________ A. highly efficient B. expensive to set up C. easy to install D. polluting the environment

12 .Hydrogen powered cars are an example of a ______________vehicle. A. fuel -driven B. global warming C. energy driven D. pollution free

16 .Which of the following is not true? A. Solar panels can be used to generate electricity and heat water for domestic use. B. The solar power panel uses the sun‟s energy to heat a fluid , which is used to transfer the heat to a heat storage vessel. C. In the home, for example, portable water would be heated and then stored in a hot water tank. D. The solar panel collects and converts electricity into solar energy.

13. Hydrogen –powered will be available in the market in ______________ years. A. ten B. twenty C. thirty D. forty

SECTION B: WRITING(30%) You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this task. You will be assessed on task fulfillment, language and organization. Question One You are what you eat. Discuss how food can affect your health or well being. Support your answer with examples. You should write at least 350 words.

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(Ms.Cheah Lay Kian)

(Ms Lim Teik Gin)




Questions 17-23 are based on the passage below. 1. Burger King is a large international chain of fast food restaurants, predominantly selling burgers, french fries, soft drinks, desserts, and various sandwiches. Hungry Jack‟s is a franchisee of Burger King that owns, operates and franchises over 300 restaurants in Australia. 2. Burger King‟s first restaurant, originally called Insta Burger King, was opened on December 4, 1954 in a suburb of Miami, Florida, USA by James McLamore and David Edgerton , who were both alumni of the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. McLamore had visited the original Mac Donald‟s burger stand belonging to Dick and Mac Mac Donald in San Bernadino, California. Sensing the potential in its innovative assembly-line based production system, he decided to create a system of his own.


3. Historically, Burger King has been behind Mac Donald‟s, the largest burger chain in North America. 10 However, Burger King‟s revenues and market share have been declining. As a result, Burger King has been closing under-performing stores and changing its marketing strategy in an attempt to turn its fortunes around.As of 2006,there are more than 11220 Burger King outlets in 61 countries . 4 66% of the restaurants are in the United States. The company has more than 340,000 employees who serve approximately 11.4 million customers daily. 4. Almost 90% of Burger King restaurants are privately owned and operated, or franchised. While Burger King Corporation sets standards for exterior store appearance, food quality and menu, individual owners have control over hours of operations, interior décor, pricing and staff uniforms and wages. For example, Magic Johnson‟s company, Magic Johnson Enterprises purchased 30 Burger King stores on June 7, 2004. The stores were redecorated with a sports memorabilia theme. ( /Burger_King)

17. Burger King is a franchisee of Hungry Jack‟s that owns, operates and franchises over 300 restaurants in Australia. A.True

B False C.Not stated D.Probably




18.McLamore found the assembly linebased production system of a burger stand________ A. problematic B. inspiring C. outdated D. unoriginal

C. second largest D. fourth largest 21.More than half of Burger King‟s outlets are in ____________ A. Asia B. Europe C. The United States D. Australia

19.The first restaurant of Burger King was called A. Hungry Jack‟s B .Insta Burger King C .Burger King D .Mc Donald‟s

22.Individual outlet owners have control over the following except A. hours of operation B interior décor C. food quality D menu 23. A suitable title for this passage would A. Hungry Jack‟s B. Mc Donald‟s C Insta Burger D. Burger King

20.McDonald‟s is the ____________ burger chain in North America. A. largest B. third largest Questions 24-31 are based on the passage below.

The term culture shock was originally coined to explain the intense stress felt by people who had moved abroad-people such as diplomats or international students. Thus when we talk about people experiencing culture shock, the picture that comes to mind is that of immigrants moving to a new country. However, not everyone who experiences culture shock is a foreigner in a strange country. Over time, the term has expanded to encompass other types of experiences people have when they cross cultural boundaries even within the same country. Culture shock may even be used to explain a response or reaction to a new and unfamiliar experience. This includes going away to college, getting married, losing a job or even moving from a big city to a small village. What are the signs when a person is experiencing culture shock? He will experience feelings of frustration and helplessness at being unable to do simple things to meet everyday needs For example, shopping or finding a place to stay becomes a major problem. In addition, there will be a deep sense of



5 loneliness and a reticence to reach out, socialize and develop relationships with others. The victim will also experience unreasonable suspicion of other people and their motives. He will feel that others are out to take advantage of him. In some cases they may be a predictable set of physical symptoms. These include a stomach ache , insomnia, headache, feelings of tiredness and a general lack of enthusiasm for life. If an individual is equipped with the knowledge of what culture shock is and how frequently it is experienced , and if he is taught effective coping strategies he can reduce the stress that leads to culture shock.

24 .The purpose of paragraph 1 is to

A explain the meaning of culture shock



B. explain the original meaning of culture shock C. introduce a new meaning to the term culture shock D. show how the meaning of culture shock has changed.

28.The victim will experience unreasonable suspicion….(line 12-13). The suspicion is unreasonable because A. there is cause for it B .it is based on fact C .it is not justified D .it causes stress

25 .Which of the following is a not a cause of culture shock? A .Moving to a new neighbourhood. B .Leaving home for further studies C .Unreasonable suspicion D .Losing a job

29.The stress of culture shock is reduced if one has all of the following except A. knowledge of coping strategies B. knowledge of what culture shock is C .knowledge of how frequently it is experienced D. knowledge of the original meaning of culture shock

26.Reticence in line 12 means A reluctance B. shyness C .hostility D.stress

30.In the last paragraph, the writer is A. negative B. positive C. hopeful D. discouraging

27 .Over time, the meaning of the term cure shock has A .changed C. narrowed B. deepened D. broadened

31.The most suitable title for this passage would be A. culture shock B. handling culture shock C. the original meaning of culture shock D. the symptoms of culture shock

Questions 32-39 are based on the passage below. Consumerism plays on our ancient hunger to hunt and our fears of scarcity.It persuades us that we are the predators, the ones in control .However, in reality, we are the prey, the victims. Consumerism is consuming us but we do not realise this. Much of our life, our time and energy goes into earning a living. Yet, we spend most of our incomes acquiring worldly possession which we don‟t really need. This is consumerism. And for consumerism, enough is never enough. . It is interesting to note how the language of consumerism is much like the language of hunger. “Appetite” for the product must be created. Markets must be “glutted” or “satiated”. “Consumer tastes” must be “satisfied”. The link with food must be stressed even in the recent preference for the word “stores” instead of “shops”.


Consumerism depends on persuading customers that their wants are actually their needs. These 10 6 needs, we are made to believe, have the force of food hunger, the literal appetite for prey .It is no surprise , therefore, that we speak of bargain “hunters”. The hunting instinct is revealed in subtler ways. “Hunters” circle shopping malls the day before the sales begin, noting objects going at reduced prices. Then, on the day of the sale, they are poised and ready, flocking in droves to the mall as the hunt , the competition, begins.Tensions run high as they compete for goods and bargains. Trolley rage happens at the checkout 15 because each shopper is eager to return home with his trophy. And the specific pleasure of bringing the shopping home, it is not reminiscent of the hunter returning home with his prey? Consumerism taunts society with scarcity. The call goes out:”Hurry while stocks last!”, beckoning to unsuspecting people as they fall prey to consumerism. Anxiety is created. .No one wants to miss a good bargain. Never mind the need. The appeal to the sense of competitiveness for limited food supplies is



displayed at auctions too. Indeed, consumerism mimics the tension of seasonal rarity in its seasonal sales and its end-of-line reductions. People respond unconsciously to the stress. (

32.In paragraph 1,two contradictions mentioned are I consumerism is consuming us II we are the prey but think we are the predators III we work very hard for our income yet spend it on unnecessary goods A. B. C. D.

35. What explanation is given for trolley rage? A. Tensions run high B. Congestions at the checkout C. Competition for limited goods D. Eagerness to return home with the purchases

I and II II and III I and III I, II and III

36. Reminiscent (line 18) means A. reminding of the past. B .remembering the past C. predicting an event D recounting an event

33……enough is never enough (line 5) means that A. we are always spending money unnecessarily B. we are never satisfied with what we have C. we are always anxious D. we never have enough

37. Auctions and end-of-the-line sales capitalize on A. competition C. tension B. anxiety D. need

34. Consumerism depends on persuading customers that their wants are actually their needs(line 10) .This means that

38 .What conclusion can you draw from the extract? A. People are unwilling victims of consumerism B. Consumerism creates stress C Everybody loves a bargain D Consumers are victims

A. there is hardly any difference between needs and wants B. consumers are able to distinguish between wants and needs C it is difficult to discern the difference between wants and needs D. needs and wants are exactly the same

39. What is the tone of the writer in this text? A. sarcastic C. sympathetic B. angry D. positive

Questions 40-45 are based on the passage below. Is there an imaginary cut-off period when offspring become accountable for their own actions? Is there some wonderful moment when parents can become detached spectators in the lives of their children and shrug, “It”s their life” and feel nothing? When I was in my twenties, I stood in a hospital corridor waiting for doctors to put a few stitches in my daughter‟s head and I asked, „ When do you stop worrying?‟ The nurse said, „ When you get out of the accident stage.‟ My parents just smiled faintly and said nothing. 7 When I was in my thirties, I sat on a little chair in a classroom and heard how one of my children talked incessantly, disrupted the class, and was headed for a career making license plates. As if to read my mind, a teacher said,“ Don‟t worry, they all go through this stage and then you can sit back, relax and enjoy them.” My parents just smiled faintly and said nothing. When I was in my forties, I spent a lifetime waiting for the phone to ring, the cars to come home, the front door to open. A friend said, “They‟re trying to find themselves. Don‟t worry, in a few years, they‟ll be adults. They‟ll be off on their own and they‟ll be out of your hair.” My parents just smiled faintly and said nothing.




By the time I was fifty, I was sick and tired of being vulnerable. I was still worrying over my children, 15 but there was a new wrinkle. Even though they were on their own, I continued to agonize over their failures, be tormented by their frustrations and absorbed in their disappointments and there was nothing I could do about it. My parents just smiled faintly and said nothing. My friends said that when my kids got married, I could stop worrying and lead my own life. I wanted to be;lieve that but I was haunted by parents‟ warm smile and their occasional,” You mlook pale. Are you all 20 right? “Call me the minute you get home”. “Are you depressed about something?” My friends said that when I become a grandparent, I would get to enjoy the happy little voices yelling „Grandma!‟. But now I find that I worry just as much about the little kids as the big ones.How can anyone cope with all this worry? Can it be that parents are sentenced to a lifetime of worry? Is concern for one another handed down 25 like a torch to blaze a trail of himan frailties and the feras of the unknown? Is concern a curse or is it a virtue that elevates us to the highest form of earthly creation? Recently, one of my own children became quite irritable saying to me, “ Where have you been? I‟ve been calling for three days and no one answered. I was worried.‟ I smiled a warm smile and said nothing. The torch had been passed. 30



10. George tells Mary that he wants to have three or four w________. 11. Mr. Gower accidentally puts p_________ into the capsules. 12. Gower gives George a big b___________. ____

Listening test Life is Wonderful 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Who are the people praying for? G_______________ Whose turn is it to help George? C_______________ Clarence has got the simple faith of a c____________ Clarence has been waiting for his wings for ________ hundred years. George Bailey’s brother is H____________ After saving his brother, George loses the hearing in his l________ ear. Who likes every boy? V__________ Mary orders a c______________ ice cream. Mary whispers to George that she will l__________ him till she dies.

68.Harry says that George is the r____________ man in town because he has many friends. 69.Clarence gives George a book called The Adventures of T_______ Sawyer.


70. Zuzu’s teacher says that every time a b_________ rings, an angel gets his w__________.


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