Muestreo de Liquidos Aislantes Norma Actualizada Astm D923-15

October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kevdbop`drrt of Glterlhtgolhb Tthlkhrks, Augkds hlk ]ddo¡K`dlkhtgols gssudk my tje Qorbk 'frhkd Orahlgzhtgol [edjlgdhb Mh¡rgers to [rhkd ([M[) Do``gttde.

Kesgalhtgol3 Ke=4 - 8s


Tthlkhrk Yrhdtgdes for

Th`pbgla Ebedtrgdhb blsubhtgla Bgqugksb

[jgs sthlkhrb gs gssuu.b ulkdr bb're bgxek kdsgalhtgol G)7=4g Bje lurlmdr g``drbghtdby bobbowgla tjd kdsgalhtgol glkgdhtos tjd ydhr oborgaglhb hkoptgol or, gl tje dhse of revgsgol, Bjd ydhr ob bhsb revgsgol H lu`mer gl phrdltjdsds glkgdhtes Bje yehr of bhst rdhpprovhb, H supersdrgpt epsgCol (s) gbkgdhtes hl dkgtorghb djhrrae sglde tjd bhst revgsgobb or rehpptovhb 1-jg,s

,¡ttukhrk b`s meel hpprovek




u¡gelrge.t o.f


U.T. KepgBrllelt



8. Tdope 8.8 [jese prhdtgdes dover sh`pbgla of lew ebedtrgdhb glsubhtgla bgqugks gldbukgla ogbs, hsnhrebs, sgbgdoles, syltjergd bgqugks, hlk lhturhb estdr glsubhtgla bgqugks hs webb hs tjose glsubhtgla bgqugks gl sdrvgde or sumsequelt to servgde gl dhmbes, trhlsfor`ers, dgrdugt mrehners, hlk otjer ebedtrgdhb hpphrhtus. [jese prhdtgdes hppby to bgqugks jhvgla h vgsdosgty of Gess tjhl 6.;86 x 89-h `=bs (5;9 dTt) ht ;O D (89;'F). sh`pbds bgqugks of ebedtrgdhb hre8.= thnel fmr selthtgve test spedg`els pertglelt to so tjht tje quhbgtyglsubhtgla tjegr

use `hy me keter`glek. [je quhbgty gl dbgbferelt portgols of h agvel dolthgler, or tje hverh7e quhbgty of tje wjobe mubn `hy me hsderthglek gf kesgrek.

8.4 [je vhbues sthtek gl TG ulgts hre reahrkek

hs tje sthlkhrk

wjere hppbgdhmbe. Gldj poulk ulgts hre usek wjere tjere gs lo Tb equgvhbelt. 8.; [jdse prhdBgdds hbso gldbuke spedghb tedjlgd¡ues hlk



sh`pbgla for kgssobvek ahses-gl-ogb (KAH)

b=), whter (K b-544)

8.5 For ehse


hlk phrtgdbes (K61:6).

ob use, tjgs kodulelt jhs meel glkexek

bR;hlkhtory Dolkgtgols hlk Aelerhb blfor`htgol Kesdrgptgol of Th`pbgla Kevgdes hlk Dolth¡lers

@ost Frequeltby Usek Th`pb¡la [edjlgques for Ebedtrgdhb Hpphrhtus

Tedt¡ol 5

Tedtgol 6, Hllex ;8, Hppelkbx Z=

Dobbedt¡la Th`pbes fro` Ebedtrgdhb Equ¡p`elt Usgla


Dobbedtgla Th`pbes fro` Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Usgla Tyrglaes (KAH hlk Qhter Hlhbysgs)




Tedt¡ol/ Yhrharhpj

Tedtgol [gtbe


Tedt¡ol 1,

Hppelkgx Z8, Hppôlkgx Z= Tedtgol M

r'G'jese prhdtgdes hre ulkeb tje curgstcgdtgol of HTG'@ Dor¡t¡gttee K=? ol Ebedtrgdhb Glsubhtgla Bgqugks hlk Ahses hlk hrd tje kgbddt rdspolsgmgbgty o8' Tumdo``gtbed K=1 91 ol Yjysgdhb 'best.

Durrelt dkgt¡ol hpprovdk Odt b,=98.5, YBrmbgsjek OdBojer =985 Orgaglhbb¡r hppt'ovek gl 87;1, Bhst prevgous ekgtgol hpprovek gl =991 hs K7=4-91. KOG3 G

9. G


Dobbedtgla Th`pbes f ro` Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Usgla Tthglbess Tteeb Dybglkers (KAH hlk Qhter Hlhbysgs)





Th`pbgla of Dhls, Kru`s, [hln Dhrs, [hln [rudns hlk T`hbb Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Th`pbgla Usgla tje K¡p-[ype Kevgde (kru` tjgef) Th`pbgla Usgla tje Yressure-[ype Kevgde

Tedtgol 89 Tedtgol 88 , Hllex H8. b Tedt¡ol 8=,

Th`pbgla Usgla tje [hln Dhr-[ype Kevgde



Tedtgol/ Yhrharhpj

Tedtgol [gtbe

Hllex H8 =

Th`pbgla Dhmbe Feekers

@hlkhtory Dolkgtgols Aelerhb Dolsgkerhtgols Th`pbgla Usgla tje @hlgfobk-[ype Kevgde

Tedt¡ol 84

Tedtgol 8;

Tedt¡ol 85,

Dbehlgla, Yrephrht¡ol, Ttorhae, hlk Jhlkbgla of


Dolthglers Ttorhae, Yhdnhagla hlk Tjgppgla of Th`pbes Dbehlgla hlk Ttorhae of Th`pbgla Kevgdes Th`pbe blfor`htgol

@hlkhtory blfor`htgol-Dolstrudtgol of Th`pbgla Keter`¡lhtgol of Ebedtrgdhb Hpphrhtus [e`perhture Th`pbe Dolthgler [ypes

Hllex H8 .4 Tedtgol 86 Tedtgol 81 Tedtgol 8: Tedtgol 87


Hllex H8

Hppelkgx Z Hppelkgx Z= 8

8.6 Jhlkbd hsnhrebs dolthglgla pobydjborglhtdk mgpjdlybs (YDMs) hddorkgla to G'ekerhb hlk bodhb reaubhtgols exgstgla for tjht doultry. For exh`pbe, tje b'ekerhb reaubhtgols dolderlgla YDMs gl tje Ulgtek Tthtes dhl me tmulk gl ;9 DF] YhrB86b. 8.1 Yroperby dolthgl, phdnhae hlk kgspose of hly bgqugk or `hb-erghb resubtgla bgo` tje usd ob b jese prhdtgdes gl h tlhltrer tjht gs gl hddorkhlde wgtj bodhb hlk sthtd reaubhtgols spedgfgd to tje doultry gl wjgdj tje sh`pbes hre thnel. 8.: [jgs sfhlkqrk koes lot purport fo okkress hbb oC tje shfety dolderls, gf dtl)), hssodghtek y,gtj gts use. bt gs tje respolsgmgbgtv of tje user of tjgs stht'tkdtrk to esthmbgsbt hppropr¡hte shfefy hlk jehbtj prdtdtgdes hldb ketertlgle tje hppbgdhmgbgtbt of reaubhtory bg`gthtgols prgor to hse. Tpedgfgd whrlgla sthte`elts hre agvel gl 8.6, 8.1, Tedtgol 5, b9.b . 84.=, 85.=.4, Tedtgol 86. hlk 8:.=. [jese prhdtgdes glvobve dbose dolthdt wgtj tje ebedtrgdhb glsubhtgla bgqugks megla shlpbek hs webb hs bgqugks hlk otjer `hterghbs usek to dbehl tje sh`pbgla toobs hlk kevgdes. Qjel requgrek. or hs h `htter of kgbgaelde to persolhb shf'ety, use persolhb protedtgve equgp`elt (YYE).

Dopyrgajt I HT[G@ blterlhtgolhb, 899 Mhrr Jhrmor Kr¡ve, YO Mox D199, Qest Dolsjojodnel, YH 87;=:-=757. Ulgbek Ttètes


[jgs glterlhtgolhb sthlkhrk whs kevebopek gl hddorkhlde wgtj glterlhtgolhbby redoalgzek prgldgpbes ol sthlkhrkgzht¡ol dsthmbgsjek gl tje Kedgsgol ol Yrgldgpbes for tje Kdyebop`dlt of Glterlhtgolhb Tthlkhrks, Augkes hlk ]ddo¡rr`dlkhbgols gssudk my tje bWorbk [rhke Orahlgzhtgol [edjlgdhb Mhrrgers to [rhkd ([M[) Do``gttde.


Kesgalhtgol3 K7=4 - 85

Tthlkhrk Yrhdtgdes for

Th`pbgla Ebedtrgdhb blsubhtgla Bgqugksb

[jgs sthlkhrtb gs gssuBx.b ulkor bb rd bgxek kdsgalhtgol G)7=48 tje lurlmdr g``drbghtdby bmbbowgla tjd kdsgalhtgol glkgdhtr3s tjd ydhr ob orgaglhb hkoptgol or, gl tje dhse of revgsgol, Bjd ydhr ob bhsb revgsgol H lu`mer gl phrdltjdsds glkgdhtes Bje yehr of bhsG rdhpprovhb, H supersdrgpt epsgCol (s) gbkgdhtds hl ekgtorghb djhrrae sglde tjd bhst revgsgobb or rehpptovhb b-jg,r ,¡ttukhtk btdts meel opprot,ek


use mt h¡gelrge.s o.f tbu U.T. KepgBrt`el¡ oC Kefelse

8. Tdope 8.8 [jese prhdtgdes dover sh`pbgla of lew ebedtrgdhb glsu-

bhtgla bgqugks gldbukgla ogbs, hsnhrebs, sgbgdoles, syltjergd bgd8ugks, hlk lhturhb estdr glsubhtgla bgqugks hs webb hs tjose glsubhtgla bgqugks gl sdrvgde or sumsequelt to sdrvgde gl dhmbes, trhlsfor`ers, dgrdugt mrehners, hlk otjer ebedtrgdhb hpphrhtus. [jese prhdtgdes hppby to bgqugks jhvgla h vgsdosgty of bess tjhl


x 89-h `=bs (5;9 dTt) hr ;O D (89; F).

agvel dolthgler, or tje hverhae quhbgty of tje wjobe mubn `hy me hsderthglek gf kesgrek. 8.4 [je vhbues sthtek gl TG ulgts hre reahrkek hs tje sthlkhrk wjere hppbgdhmbe. Gldj poulk ulgts hre usek wjere tjere gs lo

Tb equgvhbelt. 8.; [jese prhdBgdds hbso gldbuke spedghb tedjlgd¡ues hlk kevgdes bmr sh`pbgla for kgssobvek ahses-gl-ogb (KAH) (K468=), whter (K b-544) hlk phrtgdbes (K61:6). B5 For ehse of use, tjgs kodulelt jhs meel glkexek


@ost Frequeltby Usek Th`pb¡la [edjlgques for Ebedtrgdhb Hpphrhtus

Dobbedtgla Th`pbes fro` Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Usgla hlk Dhls




bR;hlkhtory Dolkgtgols hlk Aelerhb blfor`htgol Kesdrgptgol of Th`pbgla Kevgdes hlk Dolth¡lers

Tedtgol 5 Tedtgol 6, Hllex ;8, Hppelkgx Z=

Mottbes Tedt¡ol 1,

Dobbedtgla Th`pbes fro` Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Usgla Abhss Tyrglaes (KAH hlk Qhter Hlhbysgs)

Hppelkgx Z8, Hppelkgx Z= Tedtgol M

r G jese prhdtgdes hre ulkeb rje curgskgdtgol of HTP @ Dorltlgrtee K=? ol Ebedtrgdhb Glsubhtgla b,gqugks hlk Ahses hlk hrd tje kgrddB rdspolsgmgbgty ob Tumdo``gtbdd K=8 O8 ol Yjysgdhb best. Durrelt dkgt¡ol hpprovdk Odt =98.5. Yumbgsjdk OdBojer =985 Orgaglhbb¡r h¡>pbovek cl 87;1 Bhst prdvgous ekgtgol hpprovek gl =991 hs K7=4-91. KOG3 G 9. G 5=9/t)97=4- G 5


Dobbedtgla Th`pbes f ro` Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Usgla Tthglbess Tteeb Dybglkers (KAH hlk Qhter Hlhbysgs)

Th`pbgla of Dhls, Kru`s, [hln Dhrs, [hln [rudns hlk T`hbb Ebedtrgdhb Equgp`elt Th`pbgla Usgla tje K¡p-[ype Kevgde (kru` tjgef) Th`pbgla Usgla tje Yressure-[ype Kevgde Th`pbgla Usgla tje [hln Dhr-[ype Kevgde

]eprdselthtgve sh`pbds bgqugks thnel hre8.= tmr test spedg`els pertglelt to tje quhbgtyglsubhtgla so tjht of ebedtrgdhb tjegr use `hy me keter`glek. [je quhbgty gl dbgbferelt portgols of h

Tedtgol [gtbe

Tedtgol/ Yhrharhpj

Tedtgol [gtbe

Th`pbgla Dhmbe Feekers

@hlkhtory Dolkgtgols Aelerhb Dolsgkerhtgols Th`pbgla Usgla tje @hlgfobk-[ype Kevgde

Dbehlgla, Yrephrhtgol, Ttorhae, hlk Jhlkbgla of Th`pbgla Dolthglers Ttorhae, Yhdnhagla hlk Tjgppgla of Th`pbes Dbehlgla hlk Ttorhae of Th`pbgla Kevgdes Th`pbe blfor`htgol @hlkhtory blfor`htgol-Dolstrudtgol of Th`pbgla Keter`¡lhtgol of Ebedtrgdhb Hpphrhtus [e`perhture Th`pbe Dolthgler [ypes



Tedtgol 89 Tedtgol 88 , Hllex H8. b Tedtgol 8=, Hllex H8 = Tedtgol 84 Tedtgol 8; Tedtgol 85, Hllex H8 .4 Tedtgol 86 Tedtgol 81 Tedtgol 8: Tedtgol 87

Kevgdes H¡tlex H8

Hppelkgx Z Hppelkgx Z= 8

8.6 Jhlkbd hsnhrebs dolthglgla pobydjborglhtdk mgpjdlybs (YDMs) hddorkgla to f ekerhb hlk bodhb reaubhtgols exgstgla for tjht doultry. For exh`pbe, tje b ekerhb reaubhtgols dolde`gbba YDMs gl tje Ulgtek Tthtes dhl me tmulk gl ;9 DF] Yhrt16b. 8.1 Yroperby dolthgl, phdnhae hlk kgspose of hly bgqugk or `hb-erghb resubtgla bgo` tje use ob b-jese prhdtgdes gl h tlhltrer tjht gs gl hddorkhlde wgtj bodhb hlk sthtd reaubhtgols spedgfgd to tje doultry gl wjgdj tje sh`pbes hre thnel. 8.: [jgs sÀhlkhrk koes lot purport to okkress hbb oC tje shfety dolderls, gf dtl)), hssodghtek u,gtj gts use. bt gs tje respolsgmgbgtv of tje user of tjgs sthlkhrk to esthmbgsbt hpproprghte shfeÀy hlk jehbtj prdtdtgdes hldb ketertlgle tje hppbgdhmgbgtbt of reaubhtory bg`gthtgols prgor to hse. Tpedgfgd whrlgla sthte`elts hre agvel gl 8.6, 8.1, Tedtgol 5, b9.b . 84.=, 85.=.4, Tedtgol 86. hlk 8:.=. [jese prhdtgdes glvobve dbose dolthdt wgtj tje ebedtrgdhb glsubhtgla bgqugks megla shlpbek hs webb hs bgqugks hlk otjer `hterghbs usek to dbehl tje sh`pbgla toobs hlk kevgdes. Qjel requgrek. or hs h `htter of kgbgaelde to persolhb shf ety, use persolhb protedtgve equgp`elt (YYE).

Dopyrgajt I HT[L¡ blterlhtgolhb, 899 Mhrr Jhrmor Krgve, YO Mox D1O9 Qest Dolsjojodnel, YH 87;=:-=757. Ulgbek Tthtes


=. ]efereldek Kodu`elts

,(^fp oszs - rs

=.8 HT[@ Tthukdtrdbs>= Kb-54 8 [dst @dtjok for Qhrdr. gl Glsubhrgla Bgqugdbs my Doubolretb'gd Nhrb Fgsdjdr [gtrhtgobr Kb744 Tpedgfgdhtgol fmr Lgtroadl Ahs hs hl Ebddrt.gdhb Glsubhtgla @hterghb K46bb[est @etjok for Hlhbysgs of Ahses Kgssobvek gl Ebedtrgdhb Glsubhtgla Ogb my Ahs Djrorlhtoarhpjy K;9-51 Yrhdtgde fmr @hluhb Th`pbgla of perr.obeu` hlk Yetrobeu` Yrokudts KÀr1:6 [est @etjok fmr Yhrtgdbe Doult gl @glerhb Glsubhtgla Ogb Usgla Huto`hrgd Optgdhb Yhrtgdbe Doulters

4. [er`globoay 4.8 KeCtlgtgols3 4.8 .b sh`pbgrza-tje omthglgla of tjht hltoult of h `hterghb wjgdj gs hkequhte for `hngla tje requgbek tests hlk wjgdj gs rdpbdselthtgvd t tjel bje motto` dybglker vhbve> fmbbowedb my tje ebedtrgdhb hpphrhtus dbrhgl vhbve or shrlpbe port vhbve. ]e`ove tje sh`pbe hkhpter gf usek, hlk reglsthbb tje sedur3gty pbua wgtj h lol-jhrkelgla tjrehk sehbhlt, 7,6 Hs h fglhb djedn to keter`gle tjht tje dybglker jhs meel properby fbbbek, sjhne tje dybglker hlk bgstel tmr tje blotgol of tje t'rummbes hlk tje spbhsjgla of bgqugk. Gf hly soulk gs jehrk, tbre dybglker sjoubk me krhglek hlk tje sh`pbgla bepehtek.

TH@YBGLA OF DHLT, K]U@T, [HLN DH]T, [HLN []UDNT, HLK T@HBB EBED[]GDHB EXUGY@EL[ 89. Th`pbgla Usgla tje Kgp-[ype or Kru` [jgef Kevgde (Grgs, 6)

G9.b Th`pbgla Yrodekure-Dbose tje top jobe of tje kevgde wgtj tje tju`m hlk gltrokude tje bower elk glto tje bgqugk to me sh`pbdk to h keptj of hpproxg`htdby 499 ``. Gbe`ove tje tjurlm, hbbowgla tje bgqugk to fbow glto tje kevgde, Hahgl, obose tje upper elk wgtj tje tju`m hlk wgtjkrhw tje kevgde, jobkgla gt gl h lehrby jobgzolthb posgt gol. Tjgbb tjd posgtgol o8' tje kevgde so tjht tje bgqugk wgbb fbow mhdn hlk tmrtj gl tje rub¡e, rglsgla tjd glsgkd slrfhdd. Kurgla tjgs opdrhtgol, thnd dhrd to hvogk jhlkbgla hly portgol of tje kevgde tjht wgbb me g``ersek gl tje bgqugk to me sh`pbek. Kgsdhrk tje bgqugk usek fmr rglsgla. Qgtj tje tju`m hahgl dovergla tje top jobe of tje kevgde, glsert tje bower elk glto tje bgqugk ht hl hlabe so tjht gt wgbb do`e to rest ol tje motto` of tje dolthgler ht tje delter. ]hgse tje kevgde hppboxg`hteby 4 `` obb tje motto` hlk tjel bebehse tje tju`m (Qhrlgla3 see elk of phrharhpj). Qjel tje kevgoe gs fgbbdk, rdpbhdd tjd tju`m qugdnby, wgtjkrhw tjd kdvgdd, hlk, pbhdgla tje tgp glsgkd tje ledn dbose to tje sgke of tje sh`pbd dolthgler, rebehse tje ¡julm hlk hbbow tje doltelts to fgbb tjd dolthgler. [je j'ee jhlk `hy me pbhdek ht h poglt hmove tje bgqugk beveb to augke tje tgp of tje kevgde to gts posgtgol ol tje sh`pbe dolthgler. Qjel tje dolthgler gs fgbbek, stop tje fbow of bgqugk my returlgla tje tju`m to tje top jobe. Ko lot dbose tje motto` jobe wgtj tje use of tje otjer jhlk. Xugdnby dbose tje shrlpbe dolthgler hlk htthdj hl gkeltgfygla tha. Qjere pbovgkek, repbhde tje stoppeb gl tje dolthgler tjht whs shrlpbek. Qhrlgla-[je sthlk¿rk 55 ahb (=9: B) ogb kru` gs so kesgalek


t 3 G G [ t t G



> [ G G


[ [

3 G 3 G





YH[t t


FbA. 5 Th`pbgla wgtj Tthglbess Tteeb Th`pbgla Dybglker


,($Y oszs - rs ]6BEHTf VHBVÇ


{r;.9 d¡r.)



@f> [HB



(8?1.9 drrb.)

FbA. 6 Kgp-[ype Th`pbgla Kevgde

tjht wjel fubb hlk sthlkgla ol elk tje motto` wgbb mubae,

tjeremy medo`gla doldhve ol tje glsgke so tjht ht tje delter gt gs hmout 89 `` mebow tjht portgol wjgdj gs kgredtby mebow tje mula opelgla. Gt gs esseltghb wjel shlrpbgla bgqugk gl tjgs type of dolthgler tjht tje kgp-typd kevgdd md glsertek ht hl hlabe so tjht tje motto` sh`pbe gs omthglek fro` tjht portgol of tje

bgqugk gl tje delter.



{r.?1 d$.

- 8.=1 d¡.8.)



88. Th`pbgla Usgla tje Yressure-[bpe Kevgde (t'ga. 1 hlk Fga. :) .8 Hpphrhtus-]et-er to tje Hllex, Tedtgol H G .b for tje dolstrudtgol kethgbs of tjgs kevgde. 'b'je fobbowgla hpphrhtus gs requgrek for tje fuldtgolgla of tje pressure-type kevgde3 88.8.8 Lgtroael Dhs Dybglker-H thln of kry lgtroadl ahs tmr suppbygla tje ledessh'y lgtroael pressure to tje bgqugk gl tje kru` to me sh`pbek. [je lgtroael ahs `ust `edB tjd requgre`elts presdrgmek gl [hmbe G of Tpedgfgdhtgol Kb7.b4. 88

bb.b.= Yressure ]eaubhtor, to rekude tje ahs pressure to tje kesgrek vhbue. bb.b.4 Tofetb, Vhbye-H rebgef vhbve set to operhte wjel tje

lgtroael pressure rehdjes 67 nYh (89 psg). Gb.= Th`pbgla Yrodekure-Tdrew h sh`pbe mottbe glto tje mrhss dhp hlk hkcust tje mula ol tje tume so tjht wjel bje mula gs sdrewek glto tje kru` tje sh`pbgla tume wgbb extelk glto tje bgqugk to h keptj of hmout 499 `` (see Lote gl Fga. 1). Qgtj tje jose frobl tje lgtroael thln dbgppek ol tje djedn vhbve, set tje tjree-why pbua dodn to perrlgt lgtroael to fbow glto tje kru`. Hkcust tje reaubhtor so tjht tbe pressure gs arhkuhbby gldrdhsek to 4; nYh (5 psg). [jgs wgbb purae hgr f}o` sh`pbe mottbe hlk sumsequeltby sthrt bje bgqugk to fgbb tje mottbe. Qjel tje mottbe

. gB.¡*C

Lo` b-[me offset sedtgol of tumg^a ht tje motto` of tje kevgde sjhbb me gl tje sh`e vertgohb pbhle hs tje U-melk. [jgs wgbb per`gt ehsy hbgal`elt fmr omthglgla h motto` sh`pbe fgo` tje delter r¡b tje kru`. FbA. 1 Yressure-[ype Th`pbgla Kevgde

gs hpproxg`hteby 1/s bubb, sjut ofb tje lgtroael suppby hlk ht tje sh`e tg`e, velt tje kru` to tje ht`ospjere my `ehls of tje tjree-why pbua dodn. G``ekghteby velt tje rebehse vhbve gl tje top of tje tume my `ehls of tje pusj-muttol vhbve. Ulsdt'ew tje mottbe hlk dobbedt tje krhglhae bgqugk fbo` tje tume, Kgsdhrk tjgs sh`pbe. Tdrew h dbdhl sh`pbe mott be glto tjd mrhss dhp,

pusj tje tumgla to tje mottolt of tje kru`, hlk set tje tjree-why pbua dodn to pdr`gt lgtroael to fbow glto tje kru`.


,(p oszs - rs lt,gfg"H* s G;r"{} *o'tsCgbA

g.1" - (9FF§§r Z



K]GBB 8r;. (§.; ¡.8@) f{OtÇ





s"[EEB [UMG¡¡A

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g>ubfg(ÇLtP#gb-8tH *.bgbHW MfgOTUG :tU« hr$( FOÇ. ¡r;' (§.; @@C




t/;" t6.; @gbC


V;[ (6,{ @@.} LGYYGE





(87.95 .{h-t,) o.Y 6&H55 :H§

3¡7. {7.6rr@C

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G Kethgbs of Mula hlk Fgttglas for Yressure-[ype Th`pbgla Kevgdes

]estore 4; nYh (5 psg) pb'essure to tje kru` my `ehls of tje pressure reaubhtor. [jgs wgbb purae tje hgr tgo` tje sh`pbe mottbe hlk sumsdqueltby sthrt tjd bgqugdb to bPbb tje mottbd. Qjel tje mottbe gs fubb, sjut offtje lgtroael suppby hlk velt tje kru` to tje ht`ospjere. Velt tje rebehse vhbve my `ehls of tje

fDDJÀ.{[]àD DHGD [O] [ODNG}¡A ?["ULAJ]

]E@9VH$GE YBUA Faft,


vhbve, rerlove tje sh`pbe mottbe, hlk grl`ekghb"eby pusj-muttol sdrew tje dover ol tgajtby. Htthdj hl gkeltgfygla tha to tje mottbe. Qgtjkrhw tje tume fro` tje bgqugk hlk hbbow to krhgl. Gl sh`pbgla h sjgprlelt of lew bgqugk gl kru`s, tje kevgdd `hy me glserb.ek

glto tje lext krulr hlk tje sh`pbe thnel wgtjout

furtjer dbehlgla or rglsgla of tje kevgde, provgkek tjd prevgous sh`pbe sjowek lo evgkelde of `ogsture or fmregal phrtgdbes.

8=. Th`pbgla Usgla tje [jln Dhr-[ype Kevgde (Fga,. 7) b=.b Hpphrhf¿rs-]eb'er to tje Hllex, Tedtgol Hb.= bmr tje dolstrudtgol kethgbs of tjgs kevgde. 8=.= Yrodekure for Th`pbgla Ogb-Qjel sh`pbgla h thln dhr, thln trudn, or h bhrad storhae thln of ogb lot provgkdk wgtj h sh`pbgla-test lgppbe. gt gs kesgrhmbe tjht motto` sh`pbes hs kefglek gl Yrhdtgde K;9-51, me thnel gl tje hreh hroulk tje krhgl

pgpe. Yrgor to omthglgla hly sh`pbe, rglse tje kevgde my bowergla gt glto tje thln of ogb hpproxg`hteby 499 `` melehtj tje surfhde, hlk wgtj h dork htthdjek to tje pbulaer rhgse gt so tjht bgqugk wgbb fgbb tje resdrvogr. Qjel fgbbek, rebehse Bje pbulaer, wgtjkrhw tje kevgde, hlk kgsdhrk tje dolterbts> tjel bowdr tjd kdvgdd adltby ultgb gt rdsts ol tjd b¡` ob tjd thln,


t §q.À

FbA. 7 [hln Dhr-[ype Th`pbgla Kevgde

thngla dhre tjht gt gs jebk bl hl upbgajt posgtgol.'fje pbulaer wgbb jhvd rdddssdk, hlk fgbbgla o8'tjd kdvgdd wgbb md dvgkdlddk my mummbes ob'hgr rgsgla to tjd surfhdd of tjd ogb. Qjel tjd


(^}p oszs - rs mummbes dehse to rgse, tje kevgde gs fbbbek. Qgtjkrhw tje kevgde. Gl e`ptygla tje kevgde glto tmd sh`pbe dolbhgler, hbbow tje ogb to fbow hahglst tjd sgke ob'tje dolthgler. ]epeht tje operhtgol ht poglts ol hl g`haglhry dgrdbe hroulk tje krhgl pgpe ultgb tje kesgrek lu`mer of sh`pbes jhve meel omthglek. Qjel gt gs kesgrek to omthgl sh`pbes ht so`e spedgfgek keptj, rhgse tje

pbulaer my `ehls of tje htthdjek dork hlk wjel fgbbek, hs glkgdhtek my tje desshtgol of hgr mummbes rgsgla to tje surfhde. wgtjkrhw tje kevgde. E`pty tje kevgde glto tje sh`pbe dolthgler, omservgla tje predhutgols prevgousby `eltgolek. Gt gs suaaestek tjht twgde tje lu`mer of shblpbes or test spedg`els to md sumcedtdk to tje kdsgrdk tdsts md thndl hldb jhbf tjd lu`mer jebk gl hmeyhlde pelkgla tje possgmgbgty ob hkkgtgolhb tests megla ledesshry, gl wjgdj dhse h revgsgt to tje bodhtgol tr¡

sh`pbe hahgl woubk me hvogkek. Htthdj hl gkeltgbygla tha to ehdj sh`pbe mr¡ttbe hs sool hs gt jhs meel fgbbek.

TH@YG,GLA DHMG,E FEEKE]T 84. @hlkhtory Dolkgtgols .b 4.8 Dolth`glhtek bgqugk rlhy me preselt gl hly pgdde of sehbek equgp`elt, dhmbe b'dedber, or dhmbe coglt. Gl orker tjht dolth`glhtek gs lot kgsdhrkek, ko r.rot hly bgqugk krhw offkevgde prgor to thnglabgqugk lor rglse tje h sh`pbe sh`pbgla wgtj bgqugk krhwl fgo` tje sh`pbe sourde. Exdeptgol to tje dolkgtgols wgbb hppby wjere h dolledtgla bgle exgsts metweel tje sh`pbgla poglt hlk tje bgqugk sourde to me shrlpbek. Gl tjgs dhse, wgtjkrhw hlk kgsdhrk h quhltgty of bgqugk hpproxg`hteby equhb to tje vobu`e gl tje dolledtgla bgle.

84.= Qhrlgla-Gl tje sh`pbgla of ogb fgo` h jgaj-pressure

pgpe-type dhmbe feeker, exerdgse extre`e dhutgol wjel opelgla tje vhbve. Fgbst dolledt tje sh`pbgla kevgde wgtj tje mottbe gl pbhdd to tje sh`pbgla outbet hlk arhkuhbby opel tje vhbve to per`gt h fbow of ogb glto tje sh`pbe mottbe wgtjout ulkue fordo.

8;. Aelerhb Dolsgkerhtgols 8;.8 Tpddgfy tje bodhtgol ht wjgdj sh`pbgla outbets hre to me wjelever feekersolhlk glsthbbek bgqugk-fgbbek dhmbe shrlpbgla ol gs dolte`pbhtek tje coglts hlk glkgdhte kesgal krhwglas so tjht sh`pbes

wgbb hbwhys me omthglek ht tje sh`e bodhtgols

wjelever sh`pbgla gs repehtek, Gl tjgs why tje jgstory of tje glsubhtgla bgqugk hs h fuldBgol ob tg`e wgbb me do`phbhmbe, sglde sh`pbes wgbb hbwhys me omthglek ht spedgfgd bodhtgols.

85. Th`pbgla Usgla tje @hlgfobk-§pe Kevgde (Grga. b9) 85.b Hpphrhb¿¿s-]efer to tje Hllex, Tedtgol Hb.4 for tje dolstrudtgol kethgbs of tjgs kevgde. 85.= Th`pbgla Yrodekure3 85.=.8 Gf tjere gs lo reservogr ht tje dhmbe elk re`ote fro` tje sh`pbgla bodhtgol, dolledt h reservogr of hkequhte bgqugk hlk pbessure dhphdgty ht tje be`ote elk. Dbose tje vhbve ol tje reservogr ht tje sh`pbgla elk to elsure rlglg`u` kgbutgol of tje shrlpbd wgtj rdsdrvogr bgqugk. 85.=.= Dolledt tje lrhlgfobk wgtj tje fbdxgmbe `ethb jose to tje shrlpbgla outbet hlk dolledt tje vhduu` hlk ahs bglds. 85.=.4 Opel tje sh`pbgla outbeb vhbve hlk b'busj tje rlhlgfobk my opelgla vhbves 8, =, hlkb. Hfter fbusjgla tje `hlgfmbdb, dbose vhbves = hlk[ hlk doltglue krhglgla bgqugk tjrouaj vhbve G ultgb h quhltgty dorrespolkgla to tje vobu`e of tje tumgla metweel vhbve 8 hlk tje bodhtgol of tje bgqugk to me sh`pbek gl tje coglt or ter`glhtgol, jhs meel krhwl off. Dbose vhbve b. Qhrlgla-]eaubhte tje fbow of bgqugk so tjht h posgtgve pressure wgbb me `hglthglek gl tje ogb syste`, For tjgs purpose glsthbb h ahuae metweel vhbve 8 hlk tje sh`pbgla outbet vhbve (see Fga. 5). [je pressure hs glkgdhtek ol tje ahuae, wgtj vhbve 4 opel, sjhbb md lot bess tjhl 8; nYh (= psg) gf tje ahuae gs glsthbbek ht tje sh`e ebevhtgol hs tje sh`pbgla outbet vhbve. Gf tje ahuae gs glsthbbek ht h bower ebevhtgol tjhl tje vhbve, tje `glg`u` hbbowhmbe pressure sjhbb me gldrehsek my =.: nYh (9.; psg) per fmot of kgb8'erelde gl ebevhtgol. 85.=.; Tdrew dbehl shtlpbe dolthglers glto tje `ethb dhps. Opel vhbves ; hlk 5 hlk hppby to tje sh`pbe oolthglers h vhduu` of lot bess tjhl 844 Yh (b `` Ja) for 89 `gl. Dbose vhbves ; hlk 5. 85.=.5 Opel vhbve G hlk fgbb dolthglet'Lo. 8 to b4 `` fro` tje top. Dbose vhbve b. Opel vhbve = hlk repeht tje sh`e proddktrrd for dolthgler Lo. =. Dbose vhbye =. ahs my opelgla vhbves ; hlk 85.=.6 Mrehn tje vhduu` 6. ]e`ove tje dolthglers fro`wgtj tje `hlgfmbk, dbose vhbves ; hlk 6, hlk sehb hlk gkeltgby tje sh`pbe dolthglers.








*vHtvÇ r



ft r**d*ro.*

FbA. 89 Hpphrhtus for Th`pbgla Ogb fro` Bow-Yressure Fgbbek Dhmbe wgtj Use of Vhduu` hlk Kry Ahs




($p oszs - rs

Kgsdolledt tje `hlgfmbk fro` tje sh`pbgla outbet hlk restore tje dhmbe bgqugk syste` to lor`hb.

86. Dbehlgla, Yrephrhtgol, Ttorhae hlk Jhlkbgla of Th`pbgla Dolthglers G 6.8 Medhuse of tje gljerelt susdeptgmgbgty of ltost glsubhtgla bgqugks to dolth`glhtgla glfbudldds of tjd rlost `glutd

lhture, tje dbehlbgless of tje sh`pbe dolthgler gs of phrhlroult g`porthlde for elsubgla tjht tje sh`pbe omthglek gs rdpreselthtgve of t je mubn fgo` wjgdj gt whs thndl. For tjese rehsols, gt gs esseltghb tjht tje prodekures outbglek gl tje fmbbowgla

phrharhpjs hre strgdtby omservek.

86.= DBehlgla hlk Yrephrhtgol of Mottbes hlk Dhl,r3 86.=.8 Gf dolthglers jhve meel prevgousby usek tmr sh`pbgla bgqugks hlk hre to me dbehlek for reuse, tjorouajby rglse tje oolthgler wgtj Ttokkhrk sobvelt, predgpgthtgol lhpjtjh, or otjer sugthmbd dbdhlgla haelt tjht do`pbdtdby kgssobves tjd bgqugk resgkue, hlk tjel sumcedt to h sohp hlk whter dbehlgla hlk whter rglse. Gb'h whter-sobumbe dbehlgla haelt sudj hs trgsokgu` pjospjhte gs usek, rglse Bjorouajby wgtj thp Glvert tje dr¡lthglers hlk krhgl for 89 `gl> tjel g``erse gl h b9 ò/o sobutgol ob'ldbl-djro`hte hdgk-mhsek

lot bess


dbehler j. Ht tje elk of tjgs pergok rglse wgtj whter, tjeltjhl thpfmr wgtj kgstgbbek whter, hlk kry gl hl uprgajt posgtgol gl h fordek-krhft ovel ht G tO D fmr lot bess tjhl G j. Gl tje dhse of dolthglers tjht jhve lot meel prevgousby usek, tje glgtghb dbehlgla `hy me o`gttek hlk tje dolthglers pbhdek g``ekghteby gl tje loldjro`hbe sobutgol bmbbowek my tje rglsgla hlk krygla outbglek hmove.

86.=.= Dbehl hlk kry abhss stoppers gl h `hller sg`gbhr to tjht of tje dolthgler gl wjgdj tjey hre to me usek. Ko lot. reuse dovdrs jhvgla vglyb bgldrs. Kry ldw dovers wgtj vglyb bgldrs gl hl ovel ht 889'D for lot bdss tjhl 49 `gl gfl`ekghteby prgor to megla pbhdek ol tje motb-bes. 86.=.4 Qjel tje krygla pergoks for tje mottbes hlk dovers or stoppers gs do`pbete, bgajtby stopper ehdj mottbe g``ekghteby hs gt gs re`ovek frolr tje ovel, thngla ohre lot to toudj tje bgp of tje dolthgler or tjht portgol of tje stopper or dover bgneby to do`e gl dolthdt wgtj tjd sh`pbd. 86,=.; bl brost dhses, tjese dbehlgla prodekures hbe tg`e dolsu`gla hlk lo bolaer edolo`gdhb hrrk tjus rhreby usdk. [jd `hcorgty of shlrpbd dolthglers hre low purdjhsek kgredtby fro` tje `hlufhdturer or' suppbger bmr tjegr gltelkek purpose. [je user `ust `hne sure tjht tjese sh`pbe dolthglers jhve meel dbehlek or prodessedb gl h `hller wjgdj `eets or exdeeks tje requgre`elts gl b,6.=.8 - 86.=.4. 86.=.5 Yhrtgdbe-free motBbes `ust me prephrek gl sudj h `hller hs ^o re`ove hs `hly phrtgdbes hs possgmbe. Hbtjouaj tjere hre lo esthmbgsjek augkebgles hs to jow to hkequhteby prephre h phrtgdbe free mottbe, `ost mottbe `hluf'hdtures use hl golgzhtgol hlk vhduu` prodess to re`ove tje phrtgdbes hlk tjel tjey hre fbttek wgtj h sugthmbe lol-sjekkgla tj¡ehkedb dhppek. Otjer phrtgdbe re`ovgla prodesses dhl hbso me usek. [je mottbes sjhbb `eet tje dbehlbgless db'gtergh of doltrgmutgla bess tjhl G 1o

of tje tothb phrtgdbes expedtek gl tje dbehlest sh`pbe. Gf

purdjhsdk bgo` h `hlubhdb urer or suppbger, hlk tje mottbd hrrgves uldhppek, or gf tje dhp fhbbs off, tjel tje mottbe dhl lo bolaer me dolsgkerek phrtgdbe b'ree.

86.4 Dbehlgla hlk Yrephrhtgott of Tyrglaes hlk Ttoglbess

Dybglkers3 86.4.8 Vhrgous `etjoks dhl me usek to dbehl tjese types of kdvgdds. [jd `ost do`blol hrd to rglse gl h sdrges of sugthmbd sobvelts or my usgla h kearehsgla hppht'htus. Qjhtever `etjok gs usek, tje bgqugk glsubhtgla resgkue `ust me re`ovek tgo` tje syrglae, stopdodn hlk dybglkers hlk krgek gl h `hller so tjht lo resgkue fgo` tje dbehlgla prodess gs beft mejgldb. [jese kevgdes dhl me storek egtjer jorgzolthbby or vertgdhbby htber megla dbehlek hlk kr3gek. 'b'je stopdodn vhbve ol tje abhss syrglae gs me to dbosek wgtj h sbgajt ahs sphde gl tje syrglae to hbbow tmr dxphlsgol hlk doltrhdtgol of tjd syrglae mhrreb hlk TteeB


86.4.= Dbose motj vhbves ol tje sthglbess sbedb sh`pbgla

dybgldber hfter gt gs dbehlek hlk krgek. Gt gs hkvgshmbe to r¡hglthgl

posgtgve pressure glsgke tb-re dybglker wgtj h kry glefg ahs sudj hs lgtroael or hraol. Qjel tjgs gs dbole `hne sure tje dybglker gs hpproprghteby bhmebek wgtj tjgs glfor`htgol. 86.; Ttorhae hlk Jhl.kbgla of E`pty Dolthglers3 86.;.8 Neep dolthglers tjht hre to me storek for future use gl h whrrl, kry storhae dhmglet. Ttore hbb e`pty sh`pbe dolthglers gl sudj `hller tjht tje possgmgbgty of tjegr megla dolth`glhtek gs ebg`glhtek. Neep dolthglers sehbek ultgb g``ekghteby jefmre sh`pbgla to prevelt dolth`glhtgol my kgt or `ocsture. h sbgajt

81. Ttorhae, Yhdnhagla hlk Tjgppgla of Th`pbes 81.b Ttorhae of Th`pbes3 81.8.8 Ttore hbb shrlpbe dolthglers wgtj sh`pbes or tes^ spedg`els gl tje` gl sudj `hller tjht tje possgmgbgty of tjegr jegla dolth`glhtek gs ebg`glhtek. Tehb dolthglers hs sool hs tje sh`pbe or test spedg`el gs thnel to p^evelt dolth`glhtgol my kgrt or `ogsture. Hs sool hs sh`pbes hre thnel, properby gkdltgty tje`. [o prdvdlt mrehnhad, jhlkbe tje sh`pbe dolthgler hfter fgbbgla wgtj dhre kurgla trhlsporthtgol hlk sto'hae. Ttore sh`pbes gl tje khrn wjel dbehr mottbes hbe usek. H`merdoborek mottbes hlk `ethb dybglkers, dhls or mobtbes provgke aook protedtgol hahglst kearhkhtgol of tje sh`pbe my sulbgajt. 81.= Yhdnhagla hlk Tbtgppgla o.f Th`pbes 3 81.=.8 Dhrdfubby phdnhae dhdj dolthgldr to hvogk spgbbhad hldb tjel fmrwhrdb to tje bhmorhtory for hlhbysgs. Ko lot hbbow tje ogb tg¡ me exposek to sulbgajt hs tjgs pro`otes pjotokearhkhtgol. DolvelgelB dhrkmohrk hlk bmh` dhfgols bmr stobgla hlk trhlsportgla syrglaes dhl me omthglek. Th`pbes sjoubk me fmrwhrkek to tje bhmorhtory hs qugdnby hs possgmbe hs probolaek storhae dhl resubt gl djhlaes gl tje propertges of tje glsubhtgla bgqugk sh`pbe.

8:. Dbehlgla hlk Ttorhae of Th`pbgla Kevgdes G:.b Dbehlgtta tje Kgp-[8tpe (Kru` [jgef) Kevgde-]eÀ'er to Fga. 6. Dbehl tje kevgde my rglsgla tje glsgke hlk outsgke surthdes wgtj Ttokkhrdb sobvelt, or otjer sugthmbe sobvelt. Ybhde h s`hbb f'ulleb gl ole elk of tje tume, pbhde tje fmrefglaer of ole jhlk over tje otjer opelgla, hlk phrtghbby fgbb tje kevgde wgtj tje wgtj sobvelt, ]e`ove tje tulleb, oover tje opelgla forefglaer of tje otjer jhlk hlk fbusj tje tume my hagthtgla tje sobvelt mhdn hlk 8mrtj. Erlpty tjd tume, fbusj tjd outsgkd subfhde wgtj sobvelt, hlk thne dhre hfter rgrrsgla lot tt¡ toudm hly portgorr of tje tume tjht wgbb me g``ersek gl tje bgqugk wjel




tje sh`pbe gs jegla thnel. Gt gs hkvgshmbe to use lgtrgbe or poCyetjybdld aboves wjel perbmr`gla tjgs prodekure. 8:.= DBehlgla tje Yressure-'bype Kevgde- ]efer to brga. 1. Glveb't tje kevgde, jobk gt gl h perpelkgdubhr posgtgol, hlk pbhoe tjd U-meldb gl h phgb or sgrlgbhr dolthgldr. Glsebt h s`hbb fulldb glto tje top elk of tje tumgla, hlk tjorouajby rglse tje glsgke surfhde of òe tumgla my fbusjgla gt sdverhb tg`es wgtj Ttokkhrdb sobvelb r¡r otjer sugthmbe sobvelb. Krhgl tje sobvelb- bgo` tje tumgla hlk pour `ore sobvelt over tje outsgke surfhde of tjose phrts of tje tumgla tjht wgbb me g``ersek gl tje bgqugk wjgbe tje shrlpbe gs megla thnel, Qjel tjgs operhtgol gs do`pbetek. exerdgse dhre lot to toudj hly phrt of tje sh`pbgla tume tjht wgbb me g``ersek gl tje bgqugk wjel omthglgla h sh`pbe. Qhrlgla-Mefobe prodeekgla to use tjgs `etjok, glspedt tje hreh gl wjgdj tje krurls to me sh`pbek hre bodhtek to me posgtgvd tjdrd gs hkequhte veltgbhtgol, prdvelt-gla h dobbdeltrhtgol of tje lgtroadl ahs wjgdj gs dbgssgphtek kurgla tje sh`pbgla opdrhtgol. Dorlpby wgtj OTJH rdaubhtgols dolderlgla dol-

Gglek sphde.

8:.4 Dbehlgtta tje [hln Dhr-[¡pe Keygd'e- ]eb'er to Fga. 7. Jobkgla tje kevgde suspelkek my gts jhlkbe, tjorouajby rglse Ttodbkhrk tje glsgdbeorsurbède surb'hdd tjel sobvelt. tje oub sgke sobvelb otjer hldb sugthmbe Qjel bgqugk tjewgtj to me sh`pbedb gs hsnhreb, tjd sobvelt usdk fmr rglsgla tje kevgde `ust lot me fro` h petrobeu` mhse.

8:.; Dbehlgla tje @hlgfobk-[8pe Kevgde- ]efer to Fga. 89. Qgtj vhbve 4 dbosek hlk hbb otjer vhbves opel, rglse tje glsgke surthde o8 tje `hlgfmbk tjorouajby wgtj Ttodbkhrk sobvelt or otjer sugthmbe sobvelt hlk hbso tje outsgke surfhdes of tje tumgla tjht extelks glto tje sh`pbe mottbes. Tdrew two sh`pbe

- rs

jottbes glto tje dhps, dbose vhbves -5 hlk C, hlk purye tje `hlgbmbk wgtj kry ahs bmr hpproxgrlhteby 8.5 s. ]e`«¡ve tjd sh`pbe mottbes hlk ko lo^ Brse tjelr for omthglgla sh`pbes. 1:.5 Ttorhae


o.f ThltpBgla b)et,gdes 3

8:.-5.8 Qjdl lot gl usd. dbdhl shrlpbgla kdvgdds hs gb.rkgdhtdk



8:.;, hlk neep ht hbb tgles gu h vdrtgdhb posgtgol gl h kry, dhjglet or h sehbek pbhstgd tje kusrbree Ybovgke dhmglet r¡,gtj h rhdn jhvgla dbehl h sugthb¡be krhglhad mha. redepbhdbe ht tje 8:.


G:.5.= Htte`pt to store hbb sh`pbgla kevgdes jhvgla bow ju`gdbgty.

gl h


87. Th`pbe Glfor`htgol


Htthdj h tha, bhmeb or otjerwgse `hrn ehdj shrlpbe dolthgler so tjht gt dhl md properby gkeltgfgek. 87.= Ht h `glg`u`, gldbuke tje bmbbowgla glbmrrlhtgol3 87.=. G Terghb or gkeltgfgdhtgol lu`mer, 87.=.= Khte of sh`pbgla, hlk 87.=.4 '['e`pebhtube of ogb behkgla hlk bodhtgol wjere gt whs retrgevek bLotd -b). Lorr ;-[jere gs kemhte hs to tje mest pbhde fro` rvjgdj to retb'geve tje te`perhtBrre of tje hpphrhtus. 'b'je thmbe gl Hppelkgx Zb provgkes h mrgef kesdrgptgol of hkvhlthaes hlk kgshkvhlthaes of ehdj `ehsurgla tedjlgque mlt gs my lo `ehls blehlb to me exjhustgve.

=9. Neyworks =9.8 mottbes> dhls> kgssobr,ek-ahs-gl ogb3 kgssobvek ahses-glogb> ebedtrgdhb glsubhtgla bgqugk> phrtgdbe> sh`pbglat shrlpbgla

ebedtrgdhb hpphrhtus> sh`pbgla prodekubes> syrglaes3 whter doltelt

HLLEZ (@hlkhtory Glfor`htgol)




fob veltgla tje ogb bgle hlk tjeremy preveltgla tje sgpjolgla mhdn glto krulr wjel tje lgtroael pressure gs rebehsek. ([je lozzbe ol tje outbet elk of vhbve jhs steeb tumgla


Dolstbudt tje kevgde hs sjowl gl Fgas. 1 hlk : of tje fobbowgla do`polelts3 Hb.b.b.b Tthglbe,ss Tteeb 'fgtmgla, t/z gt-t. gl oubsgke kgh`erer wgtj t/th gl. whbb tjgdnless. Hb .8 .8 .= Mrhss Dh8t, jhvgla tjrehks rlhdjglek to redegve h sthlkhrk 898;99 wgke `outj mot tbe = .12 gl. gl glsgkd kgh`erer of hmoub, ;85 dd (86 oz) or hmout 759 dd (4= t gf dbehr phrtgdbe doulb test¡la hs tje mottbe gs spedgfgdhbby prephrek tjel sh`pbe dhl me susdeptgmbe to pjotokearhkhtgol gb lot to jhve h bow mhdnaroulk of phrtgdbes. bf h`mer tjel tje protedtek bro` tje bgajt. doltelts hre protedtek fro` pjotokearhkhtgol. bf dbehr, tjel tjgs hfforks vgsuhb glspedtgol of sh`pbe.

Abhss Ttopperek Mottbe

Aook mottbe for reaubhr o¡b quhbgty tests, hfforks vgsuhb glspedtgol of sh`pbe, tje whter doltelt o^ bje sh`pbes gs usuhbby lot ¡`phdtek.

Mrehnhae, sh`pbe dhl me susdept¡mbe to pjotokearhkhtgol gf lot protedtek fro` tje b¡ajt, stoppers ko lot hbwhys provgke hl hkequhte fgt. [jese mottbes hre lo bolaer do``olby usek.




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HT[@ blterlhtgolhb thnes lo posgtgo¡t tespedtgla tje vhtgkgty of hly phtelt rgajts hssertek gl dolledtgol wgtj hly gte` ¡leltgolek gl tjgs sthlkhrk. Users of tjgs sthlkhrk hre expressby hkvgsek tjht keter`¡lht¡ol of tje vhbgkgty of hly sudj phtelt rgajts, hlk tje rgsn of glfrglae`elt of sudj rgajts, hre eltgreby tjegr owl respolsgmgbgty. [jgs sthlkhrk gs sumgedt to revgsgol ht hly tg`e my tje respolsgmbe tedjl¡dht do``gttee hlk `ust me revgewek every fgve yehrs hlk lot revgsek, egtjer rehpprovek or wgtjkrhwl Wour do``elts hre glvgtek egtjer for revgsgol of tjgs sthlkhrk or for hkkgtgolhb sthlkhrks hlk sjoubk me hkkressek to HT[@ blterlht¡olhb Jehkquhfters. Wour do``elts wgbb redegve dhrefub dolsgkerhtgol ht h `eetgla of tje respolsgmbe tedjlgdhb do``¡btee, wjgdj you rlhy httelk. bf you feeb tjht your do``elts jhve lot redegvek h fhgr jehrgla you sjoubk `hne your vgews nlowl to tje HT[@ do``gttee ol sthlkhrks, ht tje hkkress sjowl mebow. gf

[jgs sthlkhrk gs dopyrgajtek my HT[@ blte`htgolhb, 899 Mhrr Jhrmor Krgve, YO Mox D199, Qest Dolsjojodnel, pH 87;=:-=757, Ulgtek Tthtes. blkgvgkuhb reprglts (s¡labe or `ubtgpte dopges) of tjgs sthlkhrk `hy me omthglek my dolthdtgla HT[@ ht tje hmove hkkress or ht 689-:4=-75:5 (pjole),689-:4=-7555 (fhx), or servgdeIhst`.ora (e-`hgt)> or tjrouaj tje HT[@ wemsgte (www.hst` ora). Yer`gssgol rgajts to pjotodopy tje sthlkhrk `hy hbso me sedurek fro` tje Dopyrgajt Dbehrhlde Delter, === ]osewook Krgve. Khlvers, @H 987=4, [eb3 (71H) 6;6-=699> jttp /w /wvvw.dopyr¡` vvw.dopyr¡`//

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