MTS Turning

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M a th e m a tis c h Te c h n is c h e S o ftw a r e - E n tw ic k lu n g G m b H

Introduction to TopTurn CNC Simulator turning Version 7.1

© MTS GmbH • Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101 • D-10553 Berlin • Tel.: +49 / 30 / 349 960 - 0 • Fax: +49 / 30 / 349 960 - 25

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

Introduction to TopTurn Version V7.1 ©

MTS Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101 • D - 10553 Berlin • Tel.: (030) 349 960 0 • Fax: 349 960 25 Berlin, 2006.

Any form of reproduction, including photo-mechanical copies and copies in electronic form, requires our prior authorization. We are always grateful for improvement suggestions and reports on any errors detected

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1


INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5


HOW OPERATING ELEMENTS ARE REPRESENTED IN TOPTURN .................................................. 5


STARTING OF TOPTURN ....................................................................................................................... 6


NOTES ON SETTING UP A CONFIGURATIONTYPE............................................................................ 7


TOPTURN – THE CNC SIMULATOR TURNING .................................................................................... 8


AUTOMATIC MODE ................................................................................................................................ 9


INTERACTIVE MODE ............................................................................................................................ 10


SINGLE BLOCK MODE......................................................................................................................... 11


TOOL TRACING .................................................................................................................................... 12


MEASURING AND INSPECTION.......................................................................................................... 13


3D REPRESENTATION AND SURFACE FINISH................................................................................. 14


2D REPRESENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 15


THE NC EDITOR.................................................................................................................................... 17


SETUP SHEET....................................................................................................................................... 18


KEYBOARD LAYOUT FOR NC EDITOR FUNCTIONS........................................................................ 19


NC DIALOG PROGRAMMING .............................................................................................................. 20


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO MTS NC EDITOR ........................................................................... 21


THE “TURNING” SET-UP DIALOG........................................................................................................ 22


OPEN THE DIALOG WINDOW AND ASSIGN A PROGRAM NAME .................................................... 22


SELECT THE CLAMPING DEVICE AND CLAMPING CONFIGURATION.......................................... 22


WERKSTÜCKMAßE UND NULLPUNKT DEFINIEREN ....................................................................... 23


SELECT THE MACHINING TOOL SET ................................................................................................ 24


PROGRAM FOR EXERCISES 01.DNC................................................................................................. 25


SETUP MODE OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................... 26




TOOL TURRETS, TOOL MOUNTINGS AND TOOLS........................................................................... 26


TOOL LIBRARY..................................................................................................................................... 27


AXIS MOTIONS IN SETUP MODE ........................................................................................................ 27


PREPARATIONS FOR PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................. 28


PRODUCTION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................ 29

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SETUP FORM FOR “TURNING WORKPART 1” ................................................................................. 31


PRODUCTION SHEET FOR „TURNING WORKPART 1” ................................................................... 32 Sequence of machining steps........................................................................................................................ 32


SETTING UP THE MACHINE ................................................................................................................ 33


NC PROGRAMMING IN MTS PROGRAMMING KEY .......................................................................... 43


INSIDE STRAIGHT ROUGHING CYCLE G81 ...................................................................................... 44


DRILLING CYCLE G84.......................................................................................................................... 45


OUTSIDE STRAIGHT ROUGHING CYCLE G81 .................................................................................. 46


INSIDE STRAIGHT ROUGHING CYCLE G81 ...................................................................................... 46


INSIDE FINISHING................................................................................................................................. 47


OUTSIDE FINISHING............................................................................................................................. 47


OUTSIDE THREAD-CUTTING CYCLE G31 ......................................................................................... 48


OUTSIDE GROOVE-CUTTING CYCLE G79......................................................................................... 49


INSIDE GROOVE-CUTTING.................................................................................................................. 50


QUALITY CONTROL – MEASURING OF WORKPART....................................................................... 51


APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 52


NC PROGRAM %3................................................................................................................................. 53


WORKPART DRAWING ........................................................................................................................ 56


WORKING TEMPLATES ....................................................................................................................... 57

Tool data / magazine or turret positions ........................................................................................................ 57 Sequence of machining steps........................................................................................................................ 58 NC-Code ........................................................................................................................................................ 59 10.4.



SYSTEM INFORMATION....................................................................................................................... 62

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The individual chapters of this manual explain the essential functions involved in operating and handling the system. The functions described here are also intended to give you a general idea of the system’s capabilities (as well as the possibilities offered for implementing dedicated training courses). These not only include the creation of NC programs and simulating and checking their quality, but also many other realistic ways of teaching the trainees basic CNC machine tool functions using computer support. The examples used in the simulation are available in the programming keys of all CNC control systems supplied by our company. Trainees are guided through system operation step-by-step, enabling them to learn the underlying principles and the operation of the CNC simulator in a very short time. After some introductory explanations, we will first show you how to set up the simulator according to a work plan and how to create a setup sheet.


How operating elements are represented in TopTurn

The operating elements and the meaning of their functions are shown by the simulator as 10 function buttons in a menu bar at the bottom of the screen corresponding to the function keys of a PC or control keyboard. Main menu:

To activate the desired function, either move the mouse pointer to the respective function button and click on , or press the appropriate function key the leftt-hand mouse button enables you to adapt system operation to your preferences.

of the PC keyboard. This

To help you follow the explanations more easily, the functions which you have to select from the menu structures are shown in the explanatory and instruction texts with a coloured or darker background, or are indicated by symbols representing PC keys. To begin with, you only need to carry out the individual steps as instructed. If the desired result is not achieved due to an input error, please observe the following notes: •


You can return to the main menu or the start-up status of the simulator at any time by pressing the

key. Depending on how far down the menu tree you are, you may have to press the key several times. •

To select or de-select functions, use the keys

Generally, a function is concluded or accepted by pressing

. This may pull up a new menu. . If you have navigated through several

menus in order to select a specific function, you will have to exit each menu, one at a time by pressing or

the appropriate number of times. This, too, will return you to the main menu.

Instead of using the function keys the windows toolbar can be used for operation

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Starting of TopTurn

Click on the Windows START button in the task bar, select the Programs folder and then (sofar you have not changed the folder name when installing the software) the MTS-CNC English folder to access the MTS programs TopTurn, TopMill or TopCAM.

The respective documentation / training manuals are stored in PDF format in the Help subfolder. If you start TOPCAM, the start-up menu will offer you the following software modules for selection: TopCAM A CAD system with integrated NC programming for turning/lathe work with up to 5 axes and milling work with 3 axes TopTurn NC programming module, either control-systemspecific or of neutral ISO control system type, with simulation and collision detection; optionally available with opposite spindle and up to 7 axes TopMill NC programming module, either control-systemspecific or of neutral ISO control system type, with simulation and collision detection in 3 axes

When you start up the TURNING software for the first time, an MTS configuration group with the MTS programming key will always be active::

MTS TM -___.___.042x0500x1000 x MTS TM CONTROL If you have not purchased the MTS programming key, which is independent of the type of control system, but have a turning/lathe work control system using e. g. PAL94 command codes or SINUMERIK 820T, the Start Turning button is not active after you have installed the software. In this case, you first have to select a corresponding configuration group. This activates the Start Turning button. This configuration group selection is memorized for subsequent program starts. Click left hand mouse button to select a configuration group Info on the machine tool axes, tailstock in the selected configuration

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Notes on setting up a configurationtype

You can skip over this chapter when first learning to operate the software. The name of a configuration group is always related to a particular combination of machine tool and control system configurations. These are saved and managed by the Configuration Administration. For instance, a lathe will be configured according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The definitive properties will include the machining space, tool travel ranges, tool magazine type and the tool positions, number of NC axes, whether a opposite spindle, headstock or tailstock are installed etc. The control configuration will comprise the CNC programming syntax, the allocation of the optional postprocessor and the control settings.

A postprocessor is always needed for translating an MTS or PAL program into a specific control system code. The same as with the programming key, this will be activated after the target control system has been selected. Which of these modules are available will depend on which software level you have purchased. You can add modules whenever required. In the following illustration, both modules, i. e. the programming key and the postprocessor are available. The Postprocessor and Start turning buttons are therefore enabled and activated. Driving tool 5 axes machining (X, Z, Y, B, C) main spindle and Counterspindel Programming key of the control Sinumerik 810D with 5 axes simulation Cycle postprocessor for translating programs into the Sinumerik 810 D NC code for 5 axes Transfer of the NC data between the PC AND THE nc machine tool If you have not purchased a programming key for your postprocessor, then the enabled.

button is not

Before continuing, re-check the active configuration group. Now start the CNC simulator by double-clicking on the button. The simulator will either use the MTS TM -___.___.042x0500x1000 x MTS TM CONTROL configuration group as in the example bevor, or the one which you have purchased.

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TopTurn – the CNC simulator turning

The CNC simulator has three different operating modes: NC Editor Automatic mode Setup mode Setup dialog

For teaching purposes, it is best to start with the get familiar with the various types of simulation.

. This means that the trainee will first

We switch the simulator to 3D Let us start by explaining some features of the initial screen display. The power-on state of the CNC simulator is determined by a setup sheet. This describes a specific simulator setup which is determined by the following components: • a lathe chuck with clamping jaws, • the workpiece blank / blank material and • tooling setup with tool positions in the tool magazine. The start setup sheet is stored as header in an NC program. In each control system, it is stored under the program administration and is named . The user can adapt this setup sheet individually or can change its name of in the respective control system configuration.

To activate the program and set up the system, select by mouse pointer key. This returns the simulator to its or press the original power-on state.

Header of the setup sheet as are shown by the NC editor.

For further information on setup sheets, refer to Chapter 3.1, Seite: 8

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Automatic mode

We want to run an NC program on a CNC machine tool. To enable this process, the program first has to be loaded into the control system’s memory. The following description illustrates the individual steps required to operate the MTS system in this mode.

, or select the button to open the NC Program Administration, which will Press key display a list of all NC programs for this control system on the file name to load Double-click this NC Program into the machine tool memory for further processing. With mouse click you can activate further functions of the explorer: e.g. copy program to diskette, delete, rename etc..

to confirm the In our example, the program has been selected. Press action. The system will display a new menu. This offers you four different types of simulation. We shall start byselecting automatic mode . Automatic mode

Single block

Interactive mode

Tool tracing

key. The CNC program currently loaded into the To start the simulation in automatic mode, press the machine memory is run automatically from the first to the last block. The right-hand pane shows important system information on the operating state of the virtual CNC lathe: • current co-ordinates of the X and Z axis (as well as of the optional additional axes), • cutting speed, rotation speed, tool feed, tool number, • direction of spindle rotation, machining time, • active G code and • override & runtime The lower section of the simulation window shows a section of the program with the NC block currently being processed by TopTurn

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Interactive mode

Interactive mode, called up by pressing the key, enables the user to write, tocreate, edit and run an NC program in dialog with the software. The CNC simulator runs the NC program block-by-block. The program can be corrected at any time. After being executed by the simulator, any block can be rejected so that you can reedit it and then re-run on the simulator. During this process, the workpiece will be continuously updated, or, if the block is rejected, the workpiece will be returned to its former condition. Let us run the NC program in


Initially, the program administration is opened:

on the programm in Double-click left order to transfer it to the machine program memory.

This will get the program wunning in interactive mode. After editing and confirmation every NC block will be simulated and this block will be represented for editing after simulation. Execute an NC block: Accept NC block [Y/N] Execute an NC block Accept NC block [Y/N] In this operating mode, the NC code can be edited again as follows: or Reject the block by pressing the the keyboard, edit the current block.

. Using

Accept NC block [Y/N] Instead of

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you may press also


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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 If you wish to change the speed at which the simulation is run, use the function . This function is available on all modern machine tools, both during machining work and during tooling and set-up (zero-position scratching, setting zero co-ordinates). To access the various functions for altering the time taken to run the simulation, press the

button. Try using the individual options offered in the menu bar. To apply your settings, press key You may change the settings at any time.


Important: The override setting affects the calculated machining time. As opposed to this, the slow-motion and test run on/off functions do not affect calculated machining times.


Single block mode

The function is used when running in Automatic mode and requires the operator to confirm the execution of each NC block or record individually. The NC-Program should be executed in the operating mode .

Click on or press the with

or confirm

to run the NC block.

Note: You can switch over between the simulation modes Automatic mode, Single block and Interactive mode even after simulation of an NC program has been started.

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Tool tracing

The function is used to display the tool travel paths described by the selected NC program e. g. .

The program is run and the programmed 3D tool tracing of the the tool tip are displayed graphically and each tool is shown in different colors. Careful and precise evaluation of the programmed tool movements in rapid speed and subsequent correction of the NC program can lead to considerable reductions in manufacturing times.

With the toolbar you can manipulate the graphic display of the tool tracing and you can also alternatively insert the workpart. Note: The currently selected NC program can be run in any of the simulation modes. If the setup sheet interpreter is activated, every time an NC program is started the CNC simulator will be set up according to the setup sheet in the header of the NC program. This has the advantage that the original workpiece blank is always placed back on the machine whenever the program is restarted.

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Measuring and inspection

Irrespective of the simulation mode you have selected and the NC code already processed, you can use the state.

button at any time to call up functions for displaying and checking the workpiece in its actual

The button gives you access to simulator functions relevant to the topic of quality analysis and checking of your own work. The trainee is offered a comprehensive range of functions for checking the results of the work he/she has done. The function , or is used to make a “specifications/as is” comparison in order to check whether the programmed workpiece contour really matches the drawing specifications. Now try using the various functions offered, e. g. to examine the effect of the cutting tool radius compensation on the workpiece contours by measuring the workpiece alternately with compensation on and off.

Exit with

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3D representation and surface finish

The viewing angle, viewer distance and zoom factor, as well as a cut-away section angle, can be set to suit your requirements. In the sections menu, you can define the cut-away segment..

+ , you To obtain a full-screen display, press can only switch back to the normal user interface by key. With the toolbar you can also pressing the obtain a permanent 3D representation of the selected tool

Roughness depth analyse

, calls up a function to analyse the workpiece contour by individual contour entities, one at a time.

Using the cutting tool geometry and feed, the system will calculate and display the surface and determine the roughness depth average value. To obtain more detailed information on the currently selected contour entity, press keys

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2D representation

The functions accessed by the or three ways: • • •

key allow you to modify the on-screen display mode in

Workpiece views Zoom functions NC code line display

To apply the setting changes made in the

A rectangular zoom section will be defined by the two points of a section diagonal.To define a zoom section, on one edge click with the left-hand mouse button of the rectangle and drag the mouse pointer to the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangle..

, press the

key; to reject them, press


You can always switch back instantly to the overall view of the machining space or to a standard display related to the workpiece blank.

After selecting the new display mode, exit the menu by clicking on the button or by pressing . The selected view mode will remain in force until it is changed again. (Except when the NC program itself calls up a window setting). The simulator will return to the function which was selected at the time you called up the functions.

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 The following workpiece geometry views can be selected: outside view, half-section (top or bottom half) and full longitudinal section.

Outside view display

Display showing bottom half-section

Display showing full section

key calls up a The button or function which you can use to define the number of lines of NC code to be displayed in automatic mode.

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The NC Editor

The initial menu of the NC editor provides access to the following functions: •

Edit the current NC program

not assigned

Select an NC program from the Administration in order to edit it, or to create a new program

not assigned

Print the NC program

Transfer the NC program to the machine tool in DNC mode

Return to setup mode

Return to automatic mode • • As you already learned in the section on , you can select a program or create a new program using the file selection dialog.

or click on , and enter This offers various ways of opening or creating a program. Press a program name. If a program with this name already exists, it will be opened for editing, if not, you will be shown a message: “Program does not exist! Create program [Y/N]?”. In the latter case, press the [Y] key to create a new program and [N] [to abort.

. The selected name is then You can also select a program by clicking or pressing copied into the simulator’s status bar when the dialog window is closed. You can subsequently open it with or by using other functions. The NC program is to be opened for viewing. It contains all left mouse click , you can click on the right-hand required information, from the setup data for simulation to call up further supplementary mouse button right down to the NC code of the program. functions.

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Setup sheet

A setup sheet stored as header of an NC program always has the same structure. It comprises the following groups: • • • • •

Machine tool and control system configuration names, Workpiece blank and geometry Clamping devices and their positioning Active tool in the machining position Tools in the tool magazine, tool positions including tool correction values

In the main menu, click on or press

in order to access the setup form menu.

After the simulator was set-up in setup mode you can save this setup in a respective setup sheet: Press

and enter a program name.

Setup sheet information • • •

() ( ((

Beginning and end marks for the setup sheet interpreter Setup sheet line which is to be processed by the interpreter Comments, these are not to be processed by the interpreter

When you create a new setup sheet, the command (meaning “end of program”) will be the only NC line to be added to the setup sheet. Without the error message “unanticipated end of program” will be displayed when you are working in automatic mode or when the setup sheet is being used as a startup setup sheet.

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Keyboard layout for NC editor functions

The section of the program that can currently be edited is always shown between two horizontal rules. To select a word, use the cursor key

. You can change, delete or write new code as you wish.

Confirm and conclude your entries by pressing the



Browse a page at a time Browse block by block


Insert a line:


Delete a line:


Inset a word: Delete a word:

• • •

Link programs Group operation Renumber the NC program

To insert another NC program in front of the currently selected line, call up the appropriate function by pressing key or clicking on on . This is an important function that is needed for creating the modification copies, for instance. key, enables you to mark a block of multiple The group operation function, called up by pressing the complete lines, including the beginning and end marks, and then carry out operations such as shift, copy or delete block. enable you to renumber the NC program from a first The Renumber functions called up by pressing program number up to another program number by specifying a start number and a numbering increment.

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NC dialog programming

To enter dialog programming mode, press the

key or click on . This is a universal MTS

key, the current software function which can be adapted to all types of NC controls. When you press the work line is analyzed to locate commands for which a dialog screen is available. If a fitting dialog screen is found, it will be displayed and the respective input parameter values shown in the dialog screen.

Dialog screen

List of contentc

In the above example, this is an MTS straight roughing machining cycle call G81 with three addresses: X, Z and I, as well as supplementary parameters which have not yet been assigned values in the example. You can change the address values and also add values from the dialog screen. To enter all values into the actual NC program, click on the


If no key word is found, the dialog programming module will call up the list of contents showing all available commands, allowing you to select one of these by clicking on “Parameter”

. The corresponding dialog

to confirm your input. The screen is then opened so that you can enter the desired values. Click on corresponding new NC code line will replace the line originally selected. If you have accessed the end of the NC program, a new line will be appended to the existing NC program. (This operation also applies to multiple-line NC programming commands, provided that the selected NC control system supports these). You can either enter a numerical value, or in the case of switch functions, select the respective function setting. In this procedure, the permissible value ranges are checked and a distinction is made between mandatory addresses and optional addresses. You also have the option of using an alternative address combination, e. g. defining an arc by I and K instead of by the radius.

In dialog programming of more complex cycles, you can also call up the corresponding Windows help screens if available for this specific control..

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Additional information to MTS NC editor

The function key on

Dialog/Help can also be activated by pressing the key combination

with the right mouse button


, or by clicking

, to get into a help box for tool magazine informations.

Enter T in the input field and confirm with magazine equipment of the CNC simulator.

, then you will get the information display of the actual tool

Here you can get additional informations about the marked tool. Note: The modification of the tool equipment is not possible in this helpscreen.


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to leave this tool magazine information.

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The “turning” set-up dialog

Four simple steps to create a setup sheet The set-up dialog assists you to create a setup sheet for a new programming task quickly. First, the clamping device - e.g a chuck and jaws - is selected. Then the workpiece - a cylinder or a pipe - is defined, the workpiece origin is specified and the new program is completed by adding a suitable set of tools. After the procedure is finished, the controls read in the setup sheet in the form of a program header, and the user can immediately start to key in the new program.


Open the dialog window and assign a program name To open the set-up dialog, press key . Enter a new name for the CNC program you wish to create, e. g. "Exercise 01" and then open the program


Select the clamping device and clamping configuration Select the clamping device.

Explanation: 7 different clamping devices are offered for selection. A clamping depth definition is not necessary in case of peak clamping. In this case the workpart must have a centering. Is the workpart a pipe, an external and internal diameter must be entered.

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 Select the clamping device KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=18 Determine the clamping depth of the workpart Input: 18 mm

Next open the tab: Blank/Zero point Explanation: Observe the range of values in the display field. If a value cannot be evaluated, then it is shown in red in the input field and is not processed. Selection of the vise corresponds to the standard in the „Turning“ clamping device library. KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=18 KFD-HS 130 describes the lathe chuck, min. 46 til max. 118 mm describes the opening range of the respective jaw and Et=18 mm is the maximum clamping depth possible for a workpart.


Werkstückmaße und Nullpunkt definieren Specify the workpart dimensions: Input length = 120 mm, Input width = 60 mm and enter a zero point shift from front side into the material. Input

Z= -2 mm

Next open the tab: Tools

Explanation: The position of the workpiece origin can be specified by selecting a value in the center input field of this tab. A total of 2 possible workpart origins are offered for selection: right or left from the workpart. Additionally this point can be moved incrementally in Z ± direction from the selected point.

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Select the machining tool set Select the tool set e.g. 94-03 and inform about the tooling of the turret magazine.

Next open the tab: Compensation value Explanation: The tool set determines which tools are to be made available on the setup sheet. You find here a list of compensation values. Explanation: Select the compensation values tab in order to obtain more detailed tool information.

button to Confirm your input by clicking on the create the new setup sheet. This is then read in by the CNC machine tool in Automatic mode – Interactive programming – and you can then start programming the machine.

The CNC program can be created immediately. The machine origin (zero point) specified in the dilaog is entered at the bottom of the setup sheet and can then be activated with the assigned command, e.g. G54. Below is an excerpt from the setup sheet: ( ( WORKPART ZERO-POINT ( G54 X200.000 Y+150.000 Z+105.000

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1


Program for exercises 01.dnc

() (( 06.04.2006 16:57 ( ( CONFIGURATION ( MACHINE MTS01 TM-016_-R1_-060x0646x0920 ( CONTROL MTS TM01 ( ( PART ( CYLINDER D+060.000 L+120.000 ( ( MAIN SPINDLE WITH WORKPART ( CHUCK KFD-HS 130 ( STEP JAW HM-110_130-02.001 ( TYPE OF CHUCK EXTERNAL CHUCK OUTSIDE STEP JAW ( CHUCKING DEPTH E18.000 (( Right side of the part: Z+230.000 ( ( TOOLS ( T01 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SCLCL-2020 L 1208 ISO30" ( T02 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SVACL-2020 L 1604 ISO30" ( T03 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-MTJNL-2020 L 1608 ISO30" ( T04 "DIN69880 V 30\Round horizontal\CT-SRDCN-2016 L 0603 ISO30" ( T05 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SDJCL-2020 L 1208 ISO30" ( T06 "DIN69880 V 30\Recessing tool\EA-SGTFL-2012 L 02.5-0 ISO30" ( T07 "DIN69880 V 30\Left threading tool\TL-LHTR-2020 R 60 1.50 ISO30" ( T08 "DIN69880 V 30\Left threading tool\TL-LHTR-2020 R 60 2.00 ISO30" ( T09 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SVJCL-2020 L 1604 ISO30" ( T10 "DIN69880 V 30\Twist drill\DR-18.00 130 R HSS ISO30" ( T11 EMPTY ( T12 EMPTY ( T13 "DIN69880 V 30\Left threading tool\TL-LHTR-2020 R 60 1.50 ISO30" ( T14 "DIN69880 V 30\Recessing tool\ER-SGTFL-1212 L 01.6-0 ISO30" ( ( TOOL COMPENSATION ( D01 T01 Q3 R0.800 X+070.0 Z+045.000 G000.000 E005.005 I-0.800 K-000.800 A+004.375 L011.855 N01 ( D02 T02 Q3 R0.400 X+070.0 Z+045.000 G000.000 E052.393 I-0.400 K-000.400 A+002.372 L016.178 N01 ( D03 T03 Q3 R0.800 X+070.0 Z+045.000 G000.000 E027.130 I-0.800 K-000.800 A+002.372 L015.678 N01 ( D04 T04 Q8 R3.000 X+070.0 Z+034.000 G006.000 E090.000 I-3.000 K+000.000 A+000.000 L003.000 N01 ( D05 T05 Q3 R0.800 X+070.0 Z+045.000 G000.000 E032.178 I-0.800 K-000.800 A+002.372 L010.785 N01 ( D06 T06 Q3 R0.160 X+060.0 Z+041.250 G002.500 E000.000 I-0.160 K-000.160 A+000.000 L012.000 N01 ( D07 T07 Q8 R0.217 X+070.0 Z+042.699 G000.000 E000.000 I-0.217 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D08 T08 Q8 R0.288 X+070.0 Z+042.699 G000.000 E000.000 I-0.288 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D09 T09 Q3 R0.400 X+070.0 Z+045.000 G000.000 E052.393 I-0.400 K-000.400 A+002.372 L016.178 N01 ( D10 T10 Q7 R0.000 X+000.0 Z+204.000 G018.000 E059.000 I+0.000 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D11 T11 Q0 R0.000 X+000.0 Z+000.000 G000.000 E000.000 I+0.000 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D12 T12 Q0 R0.000 X+000.0 Z+000.000 G000.000 E000.000 I+0.000 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D13 T13 Q8 R0.217 X+070.0 Z+042.699 G000.000 E000.000 I-0.217 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D14 T14 Q3 R0.160 X+060.0 Z+041.300 G001.600 E000.000 I-0.160 K-000.160 A+000.000 L008.000 N01 ( ( WORKPART ZEROPOINTS (( Right side of the part: Z+230.000 ( G54 X000.000 Z+228.000 ( () N0010 G54

 MTS GmbH 2006

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1


Setup mode overview

The setup mode integrated into the TopTurn has a very wide function range. The following chapters provide a brief synopsis of the various options offered.


Clamping devices, clamping methods of blank material shapes


Tool turrets, tool mountings and tools

Tool length compensation 1.Ouadrant: 2.Ouadrant: 3.Ouadrant: 4.Ouadrant: 5.Ouadrant: 6.Ouadrant: 7.Ouadrant: 8.Ouadrant:

K= R K=-R K=-R K= R K= R K= 0 K=-R K= 0

I= R I= R I=-R I=-R I= 0 I= R I= 0 I=-R

P = Tool holder reference point B1 = Length compensation in X A1 = Length compensation in Z F1 = Cutting radius F1 gives the values for I and K E1 = Value for I D1 = Value for K

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Tool library

Currently, the software handles about 700 turning tools in 20 tool types (extendable by the user).


Axis motions in setup mode

Motion control keys: or

move along Z axis in feedrate


move along X axis in feedrate



move along Z axis in rapid speed



move along X axis in rapid speed

To move the tool turret around in the machining space, press the respective motion control keys just as on a real machine tool. The workpiece coordinate origin can also be determined by zero-point scratching. With the technology menu, or the direct hot-keys: switch spindle 3, 4 or 5, lubricant 7, 8 or 9 rotation speed 1000 feed rate


turret tool position


you can set the correct speed, feed, tool, spindle and machining lubricant by numerical input  MTS GmbH 2006

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Preparations for programming

Before starting to write an NC program, you must study the drawings and production specifications carefully. As soon as all the information required for creating a program is available, you can start planning the individual machining steps. It is important to take into consideration which machine tool the respective workpiece is to be produced on and which tools and clamping devices are available on that machine tool. Appendix 1 contains a complete drawing of the part (“Drehteil 1”, page ) used in our example. • • • •

Analyze the workshop drawing Fixing the work plan Select the clamping devices and the required tools (setup sheet) Write the NC program

study work order


study workshop drawing

clamping devices


work plan

set-up form

program sheet

Typical work preparation and planning forms

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Production planning and technology Machining step

1 Determine Blank dimensions

Type of tool, position in turret cutting data Calinder D: 80 mm L: 122 mm Material: AlMg1 Chuck: KFD-HS 130

Clamp blank 2 Determine origin of workpiece coordinates 3

Chuck jaws:

4 Facing


Machining step diagram


Clamping depth:

18.0 mm

CL-SCLCL-2020/L/1208 ISO30 T0101 G96 S260 M04 G95 F0.250 M08

5 Straight roughing external profile

LEFT HANDED CORNER CUTTER CL-SCLCL-2020/L/1208 ISO30 T0101 G96 S260 M04 G95 F0.350 M08

6 Drilling

TWIST DRILL DR-18.00/130/R/HSS ISO30 T0606 G97 S1200 M03 G95 F0.220 M08

7 Straight roughing internal profile

BORING TOOL (POSTAXIAL) BI-SCAAL-1010/L/0604 ISO30 T0808 G96 S220 M04 G95 F0.250 M08

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 Production planning (continued) Machining step 6 Finishing internal profile

Type of tool, position in turret cutting data

Machining step diagram

BORING TOOL (POSTAXIAL) BI-SCAAL-1010/L/0604 ISO30 T1010 G96 S300 M04 G95 F0.100 M08

7 Finishing external profile

LEFT HANDED CORNER CUTTER CL-SVJCL-2020/L/1604 ISO30 T0202 G96 S360 M04 G95 F0.100 M08

8 External Threading

LEFT HANDED THREADING TOOL TL-LHTR-2020/R/60/1.50 ISO30 T0303 G97 S1000 M03 G95 F1.5 M08

9 Cutting three external grooves

EXTERNAL RECESSING TOOL7 RI-GHILL-1013/L/01.10 ISO30 T0404 G97 S1000 M04 G95 F0.150 M08

10 Cutting internal groove

INSIDE RECESSING TOOL (POSTAXIAL) RI-GHILL-1013/L/01.10 ISO30 T1212 G97 S01000 M04 G95 F000.150 M08

The setup sheet is to be compiled on the basis of this work plan.

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Setup form for “Turning workpart 1”


Setup Sheet


Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH Program No. Turning workpart 1 Programmer MTS Drawings No. 2704 Designation Turning workpart 1 Material: AlMg1 Raw part/blank 80 x 122 Other info:

Clamping mode: Clamping device: Clamping depth Tailstock position:

Datum :

Inside Chuck back stop 18 mm 800


Tool data / magazine or turret positions Station

Tool designation

Tool File No.



CL-SCLCL-2020/L/1208 ISO30



DR-18.00/130/R/HSS ISO30



BI-SCAAL-1010/L/0604 ISO30



BI-SCAAL-1010/L/0604 ISO30



CL-SVJCL-2020/L/1604 ISO30



TL-LHTR-2020/R/60/1.50 ISO30



ER-SGTFL-1212/L/01.8-0 ISO30



RI-GHILL-1013/L/01.10 ISO30

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Compensation data


X 60,0 Z 43,0 X 0,0 Z 210,0 X –6,77 Z 160,0 X –6,77 Z 160,0 X 70,0 Z 43,0 X 70,0 Z 38,783 X 60,0 Z 40,2 X –11,5 Z 125,9 X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z

01 02 03

R 0,8 Quadr. 7 R 0,0 Quadr. 7 R 0,4 Quadr. 2 R 0,4 Quadr. 2 R 0,4 Quadr. 3 R 0,217 Quadr. 8 R 0,160 Quadr. 3 R 0,1 Quadr. 2 R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr.

04 05 06 07 08 09

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1


Production sheet for „Turning workpart 1”

CNC Turning

Production Sheet Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH

Datum :

Program No . Turning workpart 1 Programmer MTS Drawings No. 2704 Designation Turning workpart Material AlMg1 Raw part/blank 80 x 122 Steuerung


Sequence of machining steps Nr.

Machining step

NC programming code





Straight roughing external profile

G81 Straight roughing cycle



G84 Drilling cycle


Straight roughing internal profile

G81 Straight roughing cycle


Finishing internal profile


Finishing external profile


External threading

G41 G01 G02 G03 G23 G42 G01 G02 G03 G85 G23 G31 threading cycle


Cutting three external grooves

G79 grooving cycle


Cutting internal groove



Cutting data Tool position T01 F 0,25 N Vc 260 T01 F 0,35 N Vc 260 T06 F 0,22 N 1200 Vc T08 F 0,25 N Vc 220 T10 F 0,10 N Vc 300 T02 F 0,10 N Vc 300 T03 F 1,5 N1000 Vc T04 F 0,15 N1000 Vc T12 F 0,10 N1000 Vc F N Vc

11 12














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N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc n Vc n Vc n Vc

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1


Setting up the machine

This chapter explains how to set up the CNC simulator for an exercise. This involves the following steps: • • •

Selecting a blank, blank material, the clamping device and clamping method, clamping device changes Assigning tools to tool turret positions and creating new tool data Generating the setup sheet

Exercise: A cylindrical aluminium alloy (AlMg1) blank, 80 x 122 mm is to be clamped against a back stop (18 mm) in a jaw chuck. In the setup mode menu, click on or press

to select the workpiece/clamping menu.

, then enter the blank geometry – a First select the desired material from the material table by pressing cylinder in our example. (However, material selection is not mandatory on the CNC simulator).

Select the material group

Select the material and press

to confirm.

Enter the dimensions of the blank in the top right-hand input fields: • Enter the cylinder geometry data: In filed D:

enter : 80

im field L:

enter : 122

To confirm your entries for the workpiece blank and register, press Information to the material AlMg1 You have now defined the blank, the next step is to clamp it on the machine tool.

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or click left To change clamping mode, press The coloured frame marks the currently selected type. To confirm your selection, press


The last set-up to be used determines the currently suggested clamping method. As the current jaws only permit a maximum clamping depth of 15…16 mm, a new chuck combination must be set up on the machine. To access the chuck menu, press


Here again, you may change the clamping method for your workpiece. In our example, this is not necessary

To accept the selected clamping method, press call up the chuck device library.


First select a suitable lathe chuck. Open the lathe chuck library.

Clamping and chuck devices are stored, by name, in a special library. You can modify these in order to comply with the tooling available in the respective workshop.

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Click on

to select the required item in the library

KFD-HS 130, then press

to confirm.

Chuck jaw selection, explanation of designations inside the name: HM (hard alloy) 110_130 (suitatble for the chuck and blank diameter) -02 (number of Steps in the jaw) -001 (serial number) Press

Next, you must select suitable stepped jaws.

With this, you have equipped your machine tool with a new chuck with stepped jaws. You can still make changes at any time. The other clamping devices are released in relation to the method of clamping selected before. in order to install the combination on the Press simulator.

in order to select type HM-110_130-02.001

Of course, you can also define other chucks and stepped jaws as you wish.

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Now the workpiece blank has to be clamped in the chuck. in order to select the main spindle for Press clamping the workpiece.

Now clamp the workpiece several times to move the workpiece into Press the chuck area. Press

to close the chuck.

several times to move the workpiece until it Press rests against the jaw stop. Press up.

to conclude and accept the clamping set-

Note: The clamping device combination of chuck and jaw type can clamp workpieces with a diameter of 50 mm up to 116 mm and can grip these up to a length of 18 mm to the jaw stop. When creating a setup sheet, this informations will be saved as header in an NC program. Open this program in the NC editor and you will see the following entry: (

ZYLINDER D080.000 L122.000.

If you use the editor to change the dimension entries e. g. to D060.000 L050.000, a blank with these dimensions will be used in the simulator the next time the program is started. If you have chosen a blank diameter which is too small or too big for the combination of chuck and jaws, e. g. D040, an error message will be generated.

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 Assigning tools to tool stations on the turret

The tool turret currently installed has 16 tool positions (“stations”). (You can change this in the configuration settings). Use the mouse pointer to select the turret position. The associated tool in this position is shown more largely on the screen. You will have to mount the tools on the turret to comply with your production sheet. T01


Select position T01 and with double click tool library.


open the

Select tool type



to select the tool type library.

to locate the tool called Use the mouse and select it with . This tool is then mounted on turret position T01.

In the two preceding steps, you have replaced a tool in the tool turret. To locate this tool, you have searched through a tool type for a tool with a specific name. The tool T02 < CL-SVJCL-2020/L/1604 ISO30> ist suitable for tooling.  MTS GmbH 2006

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 We will now show you an alternative method, using the tool set-up for position T03 as an example. We need a thread-cutting tool for cutting an external thread with a pitch of 1.5 mm. Thus, the first step is to search for all tools suitable for cutting threads with a 1.5 mm pitch.

Select position T03 and then press with double click


to select the tool type library.

to open the tool library.

Select tool type

With mouse click

we select in the list field

. All left handed thread cutting tools are then ordered in the pitch parameter Pmin.

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Now scroll all left handed thread cutting tools suitable for cutting threads with a 1.5 mm pitch. Select one of the two availabel tools.

Press to select and confirm the tool with the designation . Now this tool has been mounted in position T03.

We have now shown you two different ways of selecting tools and mounting them on the turret. You can now mount the other tools of your setup sheet on your own. You can press the tool bar button to remove an unnecessary marked tool from the turret. Tool table synopsis: T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T08 T10 T12


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CL-SCLCL-2020 L 1208 CL-SVJCL-2020 L 1604 TL-LHTR-2020 R 60 1.50 ER-SGTFL-1212 L 01.8-0 DR-18.00 130 R HSS BI-SCAAL-1010 L 0604 BI-SCAAL-1010 L 0604 RI-GHILL-1013 L 01.10


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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 The tool for position T12 of type inside recessing tool RI-GHILL-1013 L 01.10 ISO30, is currently not available in the library. Using the tool function we will enter the respective tool data and create a new tool. The tool management enables you to create new tool data in the individual tool types as well as to edit or delete existing tool data.

We select position T12 and select the tool management.


Since a large amount of data is required, it is helpful to select an existing, similar tool to use as a template. Mark the selected tool < RI-GHILL-1013 L/01.30 ISO30> to be processed per mouse click with mouse click function “create”.

Seite: 40

. Open

to open the tool type library.

The selected tool is read in as a copy. Next, select a new name for the the tolol and write the selected tool name in the entry field. RI-GHILL-1013 L/01.10 ISO30

a context menu and select

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 tool parameter set We select with mouse click cutting plate. The new tool data can be edited in the respective parameters You can now select with

the input field.

Write the following values and enter the required data: Broad, upper: Broad, bottom:

2.9 3.2


After you have modified all required data you can now genererate the tool. . The new tool is stored Confirm by pressing under the tool type in the tool management. You come back to the tool type list view of the tool management.

Exit tool management with . Now the new tool has to be assigned to position T12 on the tool turret. We move the tool into position 12 as before

When all tools are selected for tooling, leave the tool magazine with

Now tooling is completed. Our next step is to generate a setup sheet.

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MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 In the main menu press


to call up the setup form menu.

to generate a new setup sheet.

Enter a program name e.g. .

Call up the NC Editor and open the new NC Save with or or press to quit. The setup program. sheet has been created as header for the NC program.

If you wish you can exit the NC editor by pressing The next chapter will outline one of the methods for creating NC programs.

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NC programming in MTS programming key

This chapter describes how the editor can be used in combination with interactive programming and dialog programming as an NC programming method.

Using the NC editor, delete the “M30” command at the end of the setup form section by positioning the cursor on [M] and pressing


The beginning of the NC program will be written block by block. Exit the editor after block N40 and change over to interactive programming mode, a second optional method of generating NC programs with TopTurn.

Each NC command block is run individually. N0010 G90 N0015 G54 N0020 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0025 G92 S4000 N0030 G96 F0000.250 S0260 N0035 T0101 M04 N0040 G00 X+082.000 Z+0000.000 N0045 G01 X-001.600 N0050 G00 X+082.000 Z+0002.000 N0055 G57 X+000.500 Z+0000.200

After the facing, a straight roughing turning cycle follows, as mentioned in the production sheet..

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Inside straight roughing cycle G81

We shall enter the canned cycle call in dialog programming mode by pressing


G81 Straight roughing cycle will be selected.

In the command overview you select the cycle with

Enter the cycle parameter values into the respective

mouse click

fields in the form screen, then click on them to the program.

and press on

to confirm

to save

N0060 G81 X+033.000 Z+002.000 I+003.000 Now enter the contour description in interactive mode: N0065 G01 Z+0000.000 N0070 X+036.000 Z-0001.500 N0075 Z-0030.000 N0080 X+040.000 N0085 X+060.000 Z-0050.000 N0090 Z-0095.000 N0095 X+074.000 N0100 X+084.000 Z-0100.000 N0105 G80 Once the cycle call G80 is entered, the NC program will be run.

Note: In interactive mode the programmed contour will be shown graphically.

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Drilling cycle G84

Technology and tool change for drilling cycle programing. N0110 G00 X+150.000 Z+0100.000 N0115 G97 S1200 M08 F0000.150 N0120 T0505 M03 N0125 G00 Z+0002.000 N0130 G00 X+000.000

Call up dialog programming mode in order to program the drilling cycle.

In the command overview you select the cycle with mouse click

and press on

to confirm.

Enter the cycle parameter values into the input screen, then click on program.

to save them to the

The NC command line thus created reads: Drilling cycle N0135 G84 Z-0095.326 A+000.200 B+000.200 D+010.000 K+020.000

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Outside straight roughing cycle G81

Technology and tool change N0140 G00 X+150.000 Z+0150.000 N0145 G92 S4000 N0150 G96 F0000.250 S0220 N0155 T0808 M04 N0160 G00 X+015.000 Z+0001.500 N0165 G57 X-001.000 Z-0000.100


Inside straight roughing cycle G81

Inside straight roughing cycle and contour description N0170 G81 X+021.000 Z+0001.000 I+002.000 N0175 G01 X+020.000 Z-0000.500 N0180 Z-0035.000 N0185 G01 X+024.000 Z-0038.464 N0190 Z-0076.536 N0195 X+020.000 Z-0080.000 N0200 Z-0091.000 N0205 X+013.000 N0210 G80

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Inside finishing

Technology and tool change, finishing with repeated program sections. N0215 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0220 G92 S4000 N0225 G96 F0000.100 S0300 N0230 T1010 M04 N0235 G57 X+000.000 Z+0000.000 N0240 G41 G00 X+021.000 Z+0001.500 N0245 G01 X+021.000 Z+0000.000 N0250 G23 O0175 Q0205 N0255 G40 N0260 G00 Z+0002.000


Outside finishing

Technology and tool change, finishing with repeated program sections. N0265 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0270 G92 S4500 N0275 G96 F0000.100 S0360 N0280 T0202 M04 N0285 G42 G00 X+033.000 Z+0001.500 N0290 G01 Z+0000.000 N0295 G01 X+036.000 Z-0001.500 N0300 G85 X+036.000 Z-0030.000 I+001.100 K+005.300 N0305 G23 O0080 Q0100 N0310 G40

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Outside thread-cutting cycle G31

Technology and tool change for calling up thread-cutting cycle. N0315 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0320 G97 F001.500 S1000 N0325 T0303 M03 N0330 G00 X+038.000 Z+0004.000

Dialog programming the threadding cycle

In the command overview you select the cycle with mouse click

and press on

to confirm.

Enter the cycle parameter values into the input screen, then click on program.

to save them to the

The NC command line thus created: N0340 G31 X+036.000 Z-0027.600 F0001.500 D+000.920 S0006 F0001* N0345 M05

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Outside groove-cutting cycle G79

Technology and tool change N0350 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0355 G92 S4000 N0360 G96 F0000.150 S0260 N0365 T0404 M04 N0370 G00 X+062.000 Z-0063.500

Dialog programming the groove-cutting cycle G79

In the command overview you select the cycle with mouse click

and press on

to confirm.

Enter the cycle parameter values into the input screen, then click on program.

to save them to the

Cutting three external grooves N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0064.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005 N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0072.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005 N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0080.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005

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Inside groove-cutting

Technology and tool change and inside groove-cutting N0390 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0395 G97 F0000.100 S1000 N0400 T1212 M04 N0405 G00 X+018.000 Z+0002.000 N0410 Z-0002.600 N0415 G01 X+021.000 N0420 X+018.000 N0425 G00 Z-0023.700 N0430 G01 X+021.000 N0435 X+018.000 N0440 G00 Z+0002.000 N0445 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0450 M30

3D representation of the workpart created by the entered program

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Quality control – Measuring of workpart

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NC program


Turning workpart1


setup form (setup sheet)


work plan


NC programming sheet



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 MTS GmbH 2006

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

10.1. NC Program %3 () (( 12.4.2006 10:09 ( ( CONFIGURATION ( MACHINE MTS01 TM-016_-R1_-060x0646x0920 ( CONTROL MTS TM01 ( ( FINISHED PART %040____TN08-TR01-16-TM1 ( ( PART ( CYLINDER D080.000 L122.000 ( MATERIAL "N\Aluminium\AlMgSi0.5" ( DENSITY 002.70 ( ( MAIN SPINDLE WITH WORKPART ( CHUCK "Chuck Turning\Jaw chuck\KFD-HS 130" ( STEP JAW "Jaw\Step jaw\HM-110_130-02.001" ( TYPE OF CHUCK EXTERNAL CHUCK OUTSIDE STEP JAW ( CHUCKING DEPTH E18.000 (( Right side of the part: Z+0232.000 ( ( ( TAILSTOCK ( TAILSTOCK POSITION Z+1095.000 ( ( CURRENT TOOL T01 ( TOOLS ( T01 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SCLCL-2020 L 1208 ISO30" ( T02 "DIN69880 V 30\Left corner tool\CL-SVJCL-2020 L 1604 ISO30" ( T03 "DIN69880 V 30\Left threading tool\TL-LHTR-2020 R 60 1.50 ISO30" ( T04 "DIN69880 V 30\Recessing tool\ER-SGTFL-1212 L 01.8-0 ISO30" ( T05 "DIN69880 V 30\Twist drill\DR-18.00 130 R HSS ISO30" ( T06 EMPTY ( T07 EMPTY ( T08 "DIN69880 V 30\Inside turning tool postaxial\BI-SCAAL-1010 L 0604 ISO30" ( T09 EMPTY ( T10 "DIN69880 V 30\Inside turning tool postaxial\BI-SCAAL-1010 L 0604 ISO30" ( T11 EMPTY ( T12 "DIN69880 V 30\Inside recessing tool postaxial\RI-GHILL-1013 L 01.10 ISO30" ( T13 EMPTY ( T14 EMPTY ( T15 EMPTY ( T16 EMPTY ( ( TOOL COMPENSATION ( D01 T01 Q3 R000.800 X+070.000 Z+0045.000 G000.000 E005.005 I-000.800 K-000.800 A+004.375 L011.855 N01 ( D02 T02 Q3 R000.400 X+070.000 Z+0045.000 G000.000 E052.393 I-000.400 K-000.400 A+002.372 L016.178 N01 ( D03 T03 Q8 R000.217 X+070.000 Z+0042.699 G000.000 E000.000 I-000.217 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D04 T04 Q3 R000.160 X+060.000 Z+0041.200 G001.800 E000.000 I-000.160 K-000.160 A+000.000 L008.000 N01 ( D05 T05 Q7 R000.000 X+000.000 Z+0204.000 G018.000 E059.000 I+000.000 K+000.000 A+000.000 L000.000 N01 ( D08 T08 Q2 R000.400 X-008.238 Z+0170.000 G000.000 E032.079 I+000.400 K-000.400 A+002.721 L005.992 N01 ( D10 T10 Q2 R000.400 X-008.238 Z+0170.000 G000.000 E032.079 I+000.400 K-000.400 A+002.721 L005.992 N01 ( D12 T12 Q2 R000.100 X-011.500 Z+0125.000 G001.100 E000.000 I+000.100 K-000.099 A+000.000 L004.000 N01 ( ( WORKPART ZEROPOINTS (( Right side of the part: Z+0232.000 ( G54 X+000.000 Z+0231.000 ( () N0010 G90 N0015 G54 N0020 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0025 G92 S4000 N0030 G96 F0000.250 S0260 N0035 T0101 M04 N0040 G00 X+082.000 Z+0000.000 N0045 G01 X-001.600 N0050 G00 X+082.000 Z+0002.000  MTS GmbH 2006

Seite: 53

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 N0055 G57 X+000.500 Z+0000.200 N0060 G81 X+033.000 Z+0002.000 I+003.000 N0065 G01 Z+0000.000 N0070 X+036.000 Z-0001.500 N0075 Z-0030.000 N0080 X+040.000 N0085 X+060.000 Z-0050.000 N0090 Z-0095.000 N0095 X+074.000 N0100 X+084.000 Z-0100.000 N0105 G80 N0110 G00 X+150.000 Z+0100.000 N0115 G97 S1200 M08 F0000.150 N0120 T0505 M03 N0125 G00 Z+0002.000 N0130 G00 X+000.000 N0135 G84 Z-0095.326 A+000.200 B+000.200 D+010.000 K+020.000 N0140 G00 X+150.000 Z+0150.000 N0145 G92 S4000 N0150 G96 F0000.250 S0220 N0155 T0808 M04 N0160 G00 X+015.000 Z+0001.500 N0165 G57 X-001.000 Z-0000.100 N0170 G81 X+021.000 Z+0001.000 I+002.000 N0175 G01 X+020.000 Z-0000.500 N0180 Z-0035.000 N0185 G01 X+024.000 Z-0038.464 N0190 Z-0076.536 N0195 X+020.000 Z-0080.000 N0200 Z-0091.000 N0205 X+013.000 N0210 G80 N0215 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0220 G92 S4000 N0225 G96 F0000.100 S0300 N0230 T1010 M04 N0235 G57 X+000.000 Z+0000.000 N0240 G41 G00 X+021.000 Z+0001.500 N0245 G01 X+021.000 Z+0000.000 N0250 G23 O0175 Q0205 N0255 G40 N0260 G00 Z+0002.000 N0265 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0270 G92 S4500 N0275 G96 F0000.100 S0360 N0280 T0202 M04 N0285 G42 G00 X+033.000 Z+0001.500 N0290 G01 Z+0000.000 N0295 G01 X+036.000 Z-0001.500 N0300 G85 X+036.000 Z-0030.000 I+001.100 K+005.300 N0305 G23 O0080 Q0100 N0310 G40 N0315 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0320 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0325 G97 F0001.500 S1000 N0330 T0303 M03 N0335 G00 X+038.000 Z+0004.000 N0340 G31 X+036.000 Z-0027.600 F0001.500 D+000.920 S0006 F0001* N0345 M05 N0350 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0355 G92 S4000 N0360 G96 F0000.150 S0260 N0365 T0404 M04 N0370 G00 X+062.000 Z-0063.500 N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0064.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005 N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0072.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005 N0380 G79 X+054.000 Z-0080.500 I+000.300 K+000.300 J+002.000 A+000.200 D-002.600 W+000.300 O0005 Q0005 N0390 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0395 G97 F0000.100 S1000 N0400 T1212 M04 N0405 G00 X+018.000 Z+0002.000 Seite: 54

 MTS GmbH 2006

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 N0410 Z-0002.600 N0415 G01 X+021.000 N0420 X+018.000 N0425 G00 Z-0023.700 N0430 G01 X+021.000 N0435 X+018.000 N0440 G00 Z+0002.000 N0445 G00 X+100.000 Z+0150.000 N0450 M30

 MTS GmbH 2006

Seite: 55

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

10.2. Workpart drawing

Seite: 56

 MTS GmbH 2006

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

10.3. Working templates CNC

Setup Sheet


Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH Program No. Programmer Drawing No. Designation Material: Raw part/blank

Datum :

Clamping mode Clamping device Clamping depth Tailstock/vise position :

CNC control

Tool data / magazine or turret positions Station

Tool designation

Tool file No.

Compensation data X Z0 X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z X Z

 MTS GmbH 2006


R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr. R Quadr.

Seite: 57

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 CNC Turning

Production Sheet Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH

Datum :

Program No. Programmer Drawing No. Designation Material Raw part/blank CNC control

Sequence of machining steps Nr.

Maching step

NC programming code

Cutting data

Tool position







































Seite: 58

N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc N Vc n Vc n Vc n Vc n Vc

 MTS GmbH 2006

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 CNC Turning

Programming Sheet Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH

Program No. Programmer Drawing No.

Datum :

Designation Material Raw part/blank

NC-Code N









05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115

 MTS GmbH 2006

Seite: 59

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

10.4. Notice for administrating and organising of setup turning The data available in the setup dialogue are read from already existing setup sheets. Those sheets can be found in the file: .\MTS-CNC Deutsch\Setup_T\ mtssetup.sct The data mtssetup.sct .(Turning) contains the corresponding informations on the setup dialog. They can be at any time edited and extended for new clamping devices. Excerpt Source File mtssetup.scm


[HAUPTSPINDEL] INFO=KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=30 DATEI=KFD-HS 130-42-118-E30-A.dnc LMIN=10 LMAX=300 DMIN=42 DMAX=118 IMIN=30 IMAX=80 EMIN=5 EMAX=30 CMIN=1 CMAX=6

= Keyword = Name Clamping device = Setup sheet with clamping device = min. workpart size = max. workpart size = min. outside diameter = max. outside diameter = min. inside diameter = max. inside diameter = min. clamping depth = max. clamping depth = min. center diameter = max. center diameter

New tool set: During setup assign the tools from the tool administration to the corresponding tool positions. Leave the magazine with exact correction values and create a new setup sheet. Tool set 05.dnc. Consider, that every tool correction values must be listed, otherwise the new workpart set will not be shown in the setup dialog. Copy the setup sheet Tool set 05.dnc into .\MTS-CNC Deutsch\Setup_T\. The new tool set is automatically shown in the list field and is available for new setup.

Seite: 60

 MTS GmbH 2006

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1 Clamping device overview CNC-Programm

INFO für clamping device

KFD-HS 130-42-118-E30-A.dnc KFD-HS 130-42-118-E33-A.dnc KFD-HS 130-42-118-E40-A.dnc

KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=30 KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=33 KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=40

KFD-HS 160-60-148-E30-A.dnc KFD-HS 160-60-148-E33-A.dnc KFD-HS 160-60-148-E40-A.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=30 KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=33 KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=40

KFD-HS 130-46-118-E10.dnc KFD-HS 130-42-118-E15.dnc KFD-HS 130-46-118-E18.dnc

KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=10 KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=15 KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=18

KFD-HS 160-50-148-E12.dnc KFD-HS 160-50-148-E18.dnc KFD-HS 160-56-148-E22.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.50 max.148 Et=12 KFD-HS 160 min.50 max.148 Et=18 KFD-HS 160 min.56 max.148 Et=22

KFD-HS 130-48-114-E10-I.dnc KFD-HS 130-48-114-E15-I.dnc KFD-HS 130-48-114-E18-I.dnc

KFD-HS 130 min.48 max.114 Et=10 KFD-HS 130 min.48 max.114 Et=15 KFD-HS 130 min.48 max.114 Et=18

KFD-HS 160-74-162-E04-I.dnc KFD-HS 160-74-162-E15-I.dnc KFD-HS 160-68-156-E25-I.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.74 max.162 Et=04 KFD-HS 160 min.74 max.162 Et=15 KFD-HS 160 min.68 max.156 Et=25

KFD-HS 160-114-184-E40-I.dnc KFD-HS 160-114-193-E425-I.dnc KFD-HS 160-114-196-E44-I.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.114 max.184 Et=40 KFD-HS 160 min.114 max.193 Et=42.5 KFD-HS 160 min.114 max.196 Et=44.0

KFD-HS 130-46-118-E30-A-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 130-46-118-E33-A-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 130-46-118-E40-A-RS-02MT2.dnc

KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=30 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=33 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=40 RS 02-MT2

KFD-HS 160-60-148-E30-A-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 160-60-148-E40-A-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 160-60-148-E33-A-RS-02MT2.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=30 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=33 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 160 min.60 max.148 Et=40 RS 02-MT2

KFD-HS 130-42-118-E15-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 130-46-118-E10-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 130-46-118-E18-RS-02MT2.dnc

KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=10 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 130 min.42 max.118 Et=15 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 130 min.46 max.118 Et=18 RS 02-MT2

KFD-HS 160-50-148-E12-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 160-50-148-E18-RS-02MT2.dnc KFD-HS 160-56-148-E22-RS-02MT2.dnc

KFD-HS 160 min.50 max.148 Et=12 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 160 min.50 max.148 Et=18 RS 02-MT2 KFD-HS 160 min.56 max.148 Et=22 RS 02-MT2

FDSC 046-60-100-02-MT2.dnc FDSC 070-90-200-04-MT3.dnc

FDSC 046 min.060 max.100 02-MT2 FDSC 070 min.090 max.200 04-MT3

 MTS GmbH 2006

Clamping picture

Seite: 61

MTS – Introduction to TopTurn Version 7.1

10.5. System Information * Windows NT 2000 or XP: Administrator right must be available in order to install the software. The software must have read and write rights in the installation folder. * Windows NT: The dialog programming of the simulator requires the Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 (or higher). If for technical reasons once With right mouse click on

is not activ, the system must be checked. you open a meu.

Under Info for TopMill the number of the hardlock is shown. Compare it with the number of the software licence you have purchased. If hardlock number 0 is shown, there is a mistake in the system or in the software installation. • • •

Seite: 62

Search in Windows functions for a file name: Hardlock.sys (WINNT-2000 XP). Examine the attachment of the hardlock on the LPT-Port.

 MTS GmbH 2006

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