MTech (Computer Science) 2010

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Syllabus for M.Tech.(Computer Science)

Prasanthi Nilayam – 515 134 Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, Ph: (08555) 287239, Fax: 286919

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1st June 2010



Syllabus for M.Tech. (Computer Science) Effective from 2010 – 2011 batch onwards. M.Tech. (Computer Science) is a three-semester program. Students with either Bachelors degree in Engineering or Masters degree in Science are admitted. The students are expected to have the knowledge of Computer architecture and organization, Computer network, Data base systems, Artificial intelligence. These courses constitute prerequisites for the M.Tech. (Computer Science) programme. The students take in all 12 courses of which 6 are core courses and the remaining 6 are elective courses. Students take 4 software laboratory courses in the first two semesters and undergo a comprehensive viva-voce in the third semester. The students have to do project in the third semester. The syllabus for this course has been framed with the following objectives in mind: 1.

To provide the students the theoretical foundations of computer science. This is achieved by the core courses viz., Theory of computation, Design and analysis of algorithms. These constitute some of the core courses.


To provide the students the knowledge of working of computer systems. This is achieved by the courses viz., Modern operating systems, Distributed computing. These too are part of core courses.


To provide scope for specialization. Provisions have been made in syllabus for six elective courses (out of 12). Elective courses are being offered from different areas of computer science, such as Artificial intelligence, Software systems and Hardware.


In each of the first two semesters, software laboratory courses have been provided. In these courses the students learn a variety of programming languages, operating environments, software packages, and development tools. Some software laboratory hours are provided for implementing and solving the problems given in some of the regular courses running in that semester. ***

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Effective from the academic year 2010-11 onwards Paper Code Title of the Paper


FIRST SEMESTER CS1101 Theory Of Computation 3 CS1102 Design and Analysis 3 Of Algorithms CS1103 Modern Operating Systems 3 CS1104 Software Engineering 3 CS1105 Elective I 3 CS1106 Software Lab I 3 CS1107 Software Lab II 3 CS1108 Seminar and Viva Voce 1 CS1109 Colloquium 1 AWR-1100N Awareness Course – 1 (Non-Credit) ----- 23 SECOND SEMESTER CS1201 Distributed Systems 3 CS1202 Parallel Processing 3 CS1203 Elective II 3 CS1204 Elective III 3 CS1205 Elective IV 3 CS1206 Software Lab III 3 CS1207 Software Lab IV 3 CS1208 Seminar and Viva Voce 1 CS1209 Colloquium 1 AWR-1200N Awareness Course – 2 (Non-Credit) ----- 23 THIRD SEMESTER CS1301 Elective V 3 CS1302 Elective VI 3 CS1303 Comprehensive Viva-voce 1 CS1304 Project Work and Viva Voce 12 AWR-1300N Awareness Course – 3 (Non-Credit) ----- 19



Mode of Evaluation

Maximum Marks


100 100


100 100 100 100 100 50 50 ----800


100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 ----800

IE IE I E --

100 100 50 350 ---- 600


IE -- Indicates Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) & End Semester Examination (ESE) I -- Indicates only Continuous Internal Evaluation E -- Indicates only End Semester Examination

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STREAM I: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI 1: Advanced Artificial Intelligence AI 2: Automated Reasoning AI 3: Genetic Algorithms AI 4: Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems AI 5: Natural Language Processing AI 6: Neural Networks AI 7: Agent Based Intelligent Systems AI 8: DNA Computing AI 9: Soft Computing AI10: Independent Component Analysis

STREAM II: COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING CN 1: Telecom Networking CN 2: Network Security and Management CN 3: Wireless and Mobile Networks CN 4: Advanced Computer Networks

STREAM III: DATABASE SYSTEMS DB 1: Database Technology DB 2: Topics in Data Base Management Systems DB 3: Data Mining and Data Warehousing

STREAM IV: SOFTWARE SYSTEMS SS 1: Object Oriented System Design SS 2: Multimedia Systems SS 3: Digital Image Processing SS 4: Compiler Design SS 5: Signal Processing SS 6: Speech Processing SS 7: Complexity Of Algorithms

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SS 8: High Performance Computing SS 9: User Interface Design SS 10: Medical Image Processing SS 11: Web Technology SS 12: Multi core Computing SS 13: High Performance Embedded Computing SS 14: Computer vision SS 15: Advanced Topics in Image Processing SS 16: Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis SS 17: Video Processing

STREAM V: HARDWARE HW 1: ASIC Design Hw 2: Optical Computing HW 3: Microprocessor Systems HW 4: Advanced Computer Architecture HW 5: Real Time Computing HW 6: Interface Technologies HW 7: Modeling and Simulation of Digital Systems HW 8: VLSI Systems


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CS 1101 THEORY OF COMPUTATION Introduction To Basic Models Of Computation And The Finite Representation Of Infinite Objects -Finite Automata And Regular Languages - Pushdown Automata And Context-Free Language Turing Machines And Their Variants - Recursive Functions And Grammars Church's Thesis - Undecidability Reducibility And Completeness - Time Complexity And NP-Completeness. TEXT BOOK 1. Elements Of The Theory Of Computation , by Hary R Lewis, Christos H. Papadimitriou , PHI Pub, 1981. [ Chapters 2 To 7 ] REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Introduction To Automata Theory , Languages And Computation, by John E. Hopcroft & Jeffrey D. Ullman , Addison Wesley, 1979 2. Formal Languages , by Arto Saloma , Academic Press, 1973. 3. Introduction To Formal Languages , by Gyorgy E. Revesz, I st Edn, Mcgraw-Hill , 1985. ***

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CS1102 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Design of algorithms: Proof of correctness - Design by Mathematical induction - Recursion - Divide and Conquer - Balancing - Dynamic Programming - Greedy Method – Traversal Techniques - Data structures for set manipulation – Approximate Algorithms Analysis of algorithms: Asymptotic relations - Time and Space complexity - Data structures and efficient algorithms Particular algorithms: Sorting – Order Statistics – Graph algorithms – Geometric algorithms – Matrix Multiplication and related operations – Integer and Polynomial algorithms- Fast Fourier Transform algorithm and its applications – Pattern Matching algorithms (including KMP) TEXT BOOKS 1. Introduction to Algorithms A Creative Approach by Udi Manber, Addison Wesley, 1989 {Chapter no: 3; 5; 7; 8; 11.5(only)} 2. The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms by Aho A.V., Hopcroft J.E. And Ullman J.D, Addison Wesley,1984. {Chapter no: 2.5 to 2.8; 3; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9}

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms, by Dexter C. Kozen, Springer Verlag, 1992. [ Lectures 1 - 40 ] 2. Fundamentals Of Computer Algorithms, by Horowitz E. And Sahni S, Galgotia, 1985. 3. Computer Algorithms - Introduction To Design And Analysis, by Sara Baase, Addison Wesley, 1978. 4. Algorithms - The Construction, Proof And Analysis Of Programs, by Pierre Berlioux And Philippe Bizzard, John Wiley , 1986. ***

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CS 1103 MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS Introduction – Operating System concepts, System Structure, System Calls. Processes and Threads – Interprocess Communication, Classical IPC problems, Scheduling. Deadlocks – Deadlock Modeling, Detection, Avoidance, Banker’s Algorithm, Two Phase Locking, Non – Resource deadlocks, Recovery. Memory Management – Swapping, Virtual Memory, page Replacement Algorithms, Belady’s Anamoly, Stack Algorithms, Predicting Page Fault Rates, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging.IO – Programmed IO, Interrupt Driven IO, DMA, Disk Scheduling algorithms.File Systems – File System Implementation, Example File Systems. Case Studies – UNIX, LINUX, Windows 2000. TEXT BOOK 1. Modern Operating Systems , by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, II Edn, Pearson Education, 2001. [ Chapters : 1 ,2, ,3 ,4, 5.1 – 5.4, 6 , 10,11 ] REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Operating Systems by Harvey M. Deitel, Addison Wesley, (Latest Edn), 1992. 2. Operating System Concepts by Silberchatz A & Gallvin . P, Addison Wesley (Latest Edition), 1997. 3. Operating Systems, by William Stallings, III Edn, Pearson Education, 2001. ***

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CS 1104 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Unit 0: Introduction: The Problem Domain, S/W Engineering Challenges, S/W Engineering Approach Unit 1: Software Processes: Software Process, Desired Characteristics, Development Process Models, Other Software Processes Unit 2: Software Requirements Analysis and Specification: Software Requirements, Problem Analysis, Requirements Specification, Functional Specification with Use Cases, Validation, Metrics Unit 3: Planning a software project: Planning Process, Effort Estimation, Project Scheduling and Staffing, Software Configuration Management Plan, Quality Plan, Risk Management, Project Monitoring Plan Unit 4: Function oriented design: Design Principles, Module Level Concepts, Design Notation and Specification, Structured Design Methodology, Verification, Metrics. Unit 5: Object oriented design: OO Analysis and Design, OO Concepts, Design Concepts, UML, Design Methodology, Metrics Unit 6: Detailed design: Detailed Design, PDL, Verification, Metrics Unit 7: Coding: Programming Principles and Guidelines, Coding Process, Refactoring, Verification, Metrics Unit 8: Testing: Testing fundamentals, Black-box Testing, White-box Testing, Testing Process, Defect Analysis and Prevention.

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TEXT BOOK: 1.An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering by Pankaj Jalote, 3rd Edtion, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005. [Chapters : .1-1.3, 2.1-2.4, 3.1-3.5, 5.1-5.7, 6.1-6.6, 7.1-7.6, 8.1-8.3, 9.19.5,10.1-10.5] * * *

CS1201 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Unit 0: Foundations – A Review of :Characterization of Distributed Systems , System Models , Interprocess Communication . Unit 1:Middleware: Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation , Security, Name Services, CORBA Case Study. Unit 2: System Infrastructure: Operating System Support, Distributed File Systems , Distributed Multimedia Systems, Distributed Shared Memory, Case Studies: MACH, DCE. Unit 3: Distributed Algorithms: Time and Global States, Coordination and Agreement. Unit 4: Shared Data : Transactions Distributed Transactions, Replication.



Control ,

TEXT BOOK 1. Distributed Systems – Concepts & Design, by Coulouris, Dollimore & Kindbeg. III rd Edn, Pearson Education. [Chapters 5 –18 ] REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Distributed Systems: Principles & Paradigms. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen. Prantice Hall / Pearson Eduction Asia. ***

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CS1202 PARALLEL PROCESSING Introduction - Modern Parallel Computers - Types of Concurrency – Programming. Parallel Architecture – Interconnection Network – Processor arrays – Multiprocessors – Multi Computers – Flynn’s taxonomy. Parallel Algorithm Design – Foster’s Design Methodology – Example Problems. Message Passing programming Model – MPI – Point to Point & Collective Calls. Algorithms for Illustrations – Sieve of Eratosthenes – Floyd’s Algorithm.(To discuss all the concepts introduced so far). Performance analysis – Speed up and Efficiency – Amdahl’s Law – Gustafson’s Barsis Law – Karp Flatt Metric – Isoefficiency Metric. Matrix Vector Multiplication – Monte Carlo Methods – Matrix Multiplication – Solving linear System - finite Difference Methods sorting algorithm - combinatorial Search. Shared Memory Programming – Open MP. Text Book: Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP By Michale J Quinn, Tata McGraw Hill 2004. Reference Book: Introduction to Parallel Computing Anantha Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar Pearson education LPE, Second edition, 2004. ***

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AI 1. ADVANCED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Planing-Learning-Decision Making. Artificial Intelligence Techniques: Natural Langue Processing, Decision Support Systems, Speech Understanding, Vision, Robotics. Pre-Requisites: First Level Course In AI. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Handbook Of AI, Vols 1,3 & 4 , by Barr & Feigenbaum, AddisonWesley 1989. 2. Expert Systems And Applied AI, by Efraim Turban , Macmillan 1992. 3. Introduction To AI , by Charnick E. & Mcdermott D , Addison-Wesley 1986. 4 Artificial Intelligence-A Modern Approach,by Stuart Ressel And Peter Naving, Prentice Hall,1995. 5. Artificial Intelligence ,by Patrick Henry Winston , III rd Edn ,AddisonWesley 1992. *** AI 2. AUTOMATED REASONING Exact Reasoning: Herbrand Proof Procedure - Davis-Putnam Method .

Herbrand Theorem

Unification: Standard - Associative -Commutative And Many - Sorted Unification. Refutation Proof Procedures. Resolution: Binary Resolution - Hyper - Unit - Linear - Input - SLD And Other Resolution Refinements.

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Set of Support, Subsumption. Connection Graph Method. Paramodulation And Equality Reasoning . Other Approaches: Rewrite Rules, Connection Method, Non clausal Resolution Non - Monotonic Reasoning, Reasoning About Uncertainty. Prerequisite : First Courses In AI & Mathematical Logic . TEXT BOOKS 1. Symbolic Logic And Mechanical Theorem Proving , by Chang & Lee, Academic Press, 1973. 2. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, by Russel and Norving ,PHI Pub.1995. 3. Computer Modelling Of Mathematical Reasoning , by Academic Press , 1983. 4. Fundamentals Of AI - An Advanced Course, by Bibel W. & Pollard J. (Eds), Springer - Verlag ,1987. 5. Automated Reasoning - Introduction And Applications , by Larry Wos , Ross Overbreak ,Edwin Lusk And Jim Boyle , Prentice Hall , 1984 . *** AI 3. GENETIC ALGORITHMS Mathematical Foundations For Genetic Algorithms - Concepts In Genetic Algorithm And Their Implementation - Operators And Techinques In Genetic Search - Genetic Based Machine Learning Applications. TEXTBOOK 1.Genetic Algorithms In Search, Optimization, And Machine Learning, by David E. Goldberg,Addison - Wesley Pub. Co., INC. 1989. ***

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AI 4. KNOWLEDGE ENGENEERING AND EXPERT SYSTEMS Basic Concepts Of Knowledge Engineering (KE) - Knowledge Representation - KE Tools - Basic Concepts Of Expert Systems(ES): ES Tools, Building An ES And Difficulties With ES Development. TEXTBOOK 1. A Guide To Expert Systems, by Waterman, Addison-Wesley, 1985. 2

Rule Based Expert Systems, by Narosa Pub.1993.

M.Sai Kumar And S.Ramani.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Expert Systems, by J.Giarratane and G.Riley PWS Pub.1994. *** AI 5. NATURAL LANUAGE PROCESSING Introduction To Languages And Grammars - Transformational Grammars Of Natural Language - Two-Level Representation Transition Networks - From Grammar To Acceptor- Two Level Processing Systems RTN's And ATN's- Issues And Applications. TEXTBOOK 1. Computer Processing Of Natural Language , by Gilbert K. Krulee,Prentice Hall 1991. *** AI 6. NEURAL NETWORKS Unit 0: Introduction: What is Neural Networks? Human Brain, Models of a Neuron, Neural Networks as Directed Graphs Unit 1: Learning Processes: Error-correction Learning, Memory-based Learning, Hebbian Learning, Competitive Learning, Boltzmann Learning, Credit Assignment Problem, Learning With A Teacher, Learning Without A Teacher, Learning Tasks, Memory, Adaptation

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Unit 2: Single Layer Perceptrons: Adaptive Filtering Problem, Unconstrained Optimization Techniques, Linear Least Squares Filter, LMS Algorithm, Learning Curves, Learning Rate Annealing Schedules, Perceptron, Perceptron Convergence Theorem Unit 3: Multi-Layer Perceptrons: Preliminaries, Back-Propagation Algorithm, Summary of BP Algorithm, Heuristics for making BP Algorithm Perform better, Feature Detection, Virtues and Limitations of BP Learning, Accelerated Convergence of BP Learning, Supervised Learning viewed as an Optimization Problem Unit 4: Radial-Basis Function Networks: Introduction, Cover’s Theorem, Interpolation Problem, Supervised Learning as an Ill-posed Hyper-surface Reconstruction, Regularization Theory, Regularization Networks, Generalized RBF Networks, XOR problem, Estimation of Regularization Parameter, Approximation properties of RBF nets, Comparison of RBF nets and Multi-Layer Perceptrons Unit 5: Support Vector Machines: Introduction, Optimal Hyper-plane for Linearly Separable Patterns and Non-separable Patterns, Building a SVM for Patter Recognition tasks, XOR problem Unit 6: Self-Organizing Maps: Introduction, Two Basic Feature mapping Models, Self-Organizing Maps, Summary of Self-organizing Algorithm, Learning Vector Quantization, Hierarchical Vector Quantization, Contextual Maps Unit 7: Boltzmann Machine: Simulated Annealing, Boltzmann Machine TEXT BOOK 1 Neural Networks : A Comprehensive Foundation, by Simon Haykin, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. [Chapters:1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.12, 3.1-3.9, 4.1-4.6,4.9, 4.16-4.19, 5.1-5.11, 6.1-6.5, 9.1- 9.5, 9.7, 9.9-9.10, 11.5,11.7] ***

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AI 7. AGENT BASED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION Definitions - History - Intelligent Agents - Structure - Environment Basic Problem Solving Agents - Formulating - Search Strategies Intelligent search - Game playing as search – review of Knowledge based Agents. PLANNING AGENTS Situational Calculus - Representation of Planning - Intelligent PlanningPractical Planners – Conditional Planning - Replanning Agents. AGENTS AND UNCERTAINITY Acting under uncertainty - Probability : Bayes Rule and its use – Belief Networks - Utility Theory – Decision Network - Value of Information - Decision Theoretic Agent Design. HIGHER LEVEL AGENTS Learning Agents – Review of learning methods - Knowledge in Learning Communicative Agents - Concepts of Distributed AI: Parallel and Distributed Architecture for Intelligent Systems – Optimization : Ant Colony Optimization – Meta Heuristics – Basics of Optimization Theory. TEXTBOOKS 1. Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach , by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig , Prentice Hall, 1995. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, by Amit Konar , CRC Press, 2000. 3. Ant Colony Optimization, by Morco Dorigo and Thomas Stutzle, MIT Press, 2004. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Artificial Intelligence, by Patrick Henry Winston, III rd Edn, Addison Wesley, 1999.

2. Principles of Artificial Publishing House,1992.





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AI 8. DNA COMPUTING Preliminary notion and notations – Operation on strings and languages – Computing framework –Chomskey grammars– Automata and transducer –UTMs - Type - O Grammar. DNA Computing: introduction – Background and motivation – Structure of DNA – Processing – Molecular computing – Operation on DNA molecules - Mathematical theory – Adleman’s experiment – Other DNA solutions to NP complete problems – 2 D generalizations – Computing by carving – Formal languages – Sticker Systems – Watson: crick automata – Insertion Deletion Systems – Splicing systems – Universality by Finite H Systems – Splicing circular strings – Distributed H systems - Membrane Computing - P System – Unlabeled membranes – Power of P system – P system with polarised membranes – Normal form – P system active membranes - Splicing P systems. TEXTBOOKS: 1. DNA Computing : New Computing Paradigms , by Dr . Gheorghe Paun, Dr.Grzegorz Rosenberg, Dr. Arto Salomaa and Dr.W.Brauer, Springer – Verlog Berlin Heidelberg , NY , 1998 2. Computing with Cells and Atoms, by Cristian. S. Claude,Gheorghen Paun, Taylor & Francis , London , 2001. ***

AI 9. SOFT COMPUTING INTRODUCTION Foundations of Fuzzy Set Theory : Fuzzy Sets - Basic Definition and Terminology -Set-theoretic Operations - Member Function Formulation and Parameterization – Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning : Fuzzy If-Then Rules - Fuzzy Reasoning - Fuzzy Inference Systems – Fuzzy Models - Input Space Partitioning and Fuzzy Modeling. Optimization: Derivative-based Optimization - Descent Methods Derivative-free Optimization - Simulated Annealing - Random Search.

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ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Basic concepts-Supervised learning - Perceptron - Multilayer Perceptron: Back Propagation Model Unsupervised learning Competitive learning - Kohnen's self organizing networks - Hopfield network. NEURO - FUZZY MODELING Introduction to Neuro - Fuzzy and Soft Computing -Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface systems - Classification and Regression Trees Data clustering algorithms - Rule based structure identification – Neuro - Fuzzy controls - Evolutionary computation. GENETIC ALGORITHMS Survival of the Fittest - Fitness Computations - Cross over - Mutation Reproduction - Rank method - Rank space method. OTHER TOPICS Combinations of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms –Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic –Neuro Fuzzy Genetic Approach – Cellular Neural Netwoks: Fuzzy Cellular Neural Networks – Simple Applications –Soft Computing Based Distributed Intelligent Systems – Elements of Chaos Theory. TEXT BOOKS 1. Soft Computing and Its Applications, by R.A.Aliev and A.R.Aliev , World Scientific Publishers, 2001. 2.Neuro - Fuzzy and Soft Computing ,by Jang J.S.R.,Sun C.T.and Mizutani E Prentice Hall 1998. 3. Neural Networks: Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques, by James A Freeman / David M Skapura ,Pearson Education Asia1991. 4.Soft Computing, by Luigi Fortuna, Giuseppe Nunnari, Springer – Verlog , 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Prentice Hall, USA , 1995.

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Rizzoto ,

Logic , George J. Klir and Bo Yuan,


2. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, by Timothy J. Ross, McGraw Hill, 1997. 3. Soft Computing:A fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications, A.Di.Nola , Lakshmi C Jain , Mauro Madravo , Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg , 2004. 4. Fundamentals of Neural Networks, by Laurene Fausett,Prentice Hall, 1994. 5. Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, by D. E. Goldberg, Addison Wesley, N.Y, 1989. *** AI 10. INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS Mathematical preliminaries - optimization methods – estimation and information theories - principal component analysis and whitening – basic algorithms of independent component analysis (ICA) - ICA extensions -and applications. TEXT BOOK 1. Independent Component Analysis, by A. Hyvarinen, J. Karhunen, E. Oja, John Wiley & Sons, 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Independent Component Analysis: A James V Stone, Bradford Book, 2004

Tutorial Introduction, by

2. Advances In Independent Component Analysis, by Girolani . M .A, Springer – Verlag, NY , 2000. 3. Hebbian Learning and Negative Feedback Networks, by Colin Fyle, Springer – Verlag , London , 2005. ***

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CN 1. TELECOM NETWORKING TELECOM SYSTEMS Introduction – Methods of Communication - Principles of digital communication : Performance limits , Coding - Telephone systems – Fiber optic communication –Principles of satellite communication - Cellular radio : Principles – GSM – GPRS DECT. MULTIPLEXING Multiplexing : Transmission systems – Time Division Multiplexing – Frequency Division Multiplexing – Digital transmission and multiplexing – Wavelength Division Multiplexing – SONET / SDH : Overview – Frame formats – Operations – Payload Framing and Mapping – SONET Optical standards – SONET Networks. DIGITAL SWITCHING Switching Functions - Space division switching – 2 D switching – STS switching –Digital cross – connect systems – Elements of SSN07 signalling: Protocol. TELECOM NETWORKS Integrated Services Digital Network ( ISDN ) : Basic rate architecture – U Interface -ISDN Channels - ISDN Protocols– D Channel protocoll: LAPD – BISDN- High DataRate Digital Subscriber Loops : Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line , VDSL – Fiber in the loop – Voice band modems – Mobile services: medium access control – Network synchronization , control and management. Frame Relay :Protocol Architecture – Call control – AsynchronousTransfer Mode: ATM – Protocol Architecture – Logical Connections – ATM Cells – Service Categories – QOS Transmission of ATM Cells – ATM Switch – Internet : ServicesVoice Over IP : Principles – VOIP and the Internet. Satellite Networks : Basics– Parameters and configurations – Capacity allocation – FAMA – DAMA. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Traffic characterization – Network blocking probabilities – Delay systems.

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TEXT BOOKS 1. Digital Telephony , by Bellamy John, John Wiley and Sons, IIIrd Edn, 2000. 2. Digital Communication, by Simon Haykin, John-Wiley, 1998. 3. Data And Computer Communication, Wlliam Stallings, VIth Edn, Maxwell and Macmillen, 4. Introduction to Telecommunications – Voice, Data and Internet, by Marine Cole, Pearson Education Asia , 2001 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Telecommunication Switching System and Networks, by T. Viswanathan, Prentice Hall of India ,1994. 2. Communication Electronics – Principles and Applications, by Louis E.Frenzel,Tata McGraw Hill Pub Co , 2002. 3. Computer Networks, by A.S. Tanenbaum, Prentice – Hall, III rd Edn, 1996. 4. Mobile Communications, by Jochen Schiller, Addison – Wesley, 2000. 5. Communication Networks, Fundamental Concepts and Key Architecture, by Leon – Garcia, Widjaja, Tata McGraw Hill , 2000. 6.Broadband Satellite Communications for Internet Access, Sastri L Kota, Kaveh Pahlavan, Pentti Leppman Kulwer Academic Publishers , 2004. 7.Delivering Voice Over IP Networks, by Daniel Minoli, Emma Minoli, Wiley, 1998. *** CN 2. NETWORK SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT Basics of cryptography - Conventional and Public - Key Encryption - Message Authentication - Key Management - Threat models and Classification of Attacks - Authentication Mechanisms and Standards - Application security including PGP and Electronic Mail Security – IP security - Web security - PKI and digital certificates – Packet Filtering and Firewalls – Intrusion Detection - Virtual Private Networks.

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SNMP network management concepts - SNMP management information - standard MIB's – SNMPv1 protocol and Practical issues - introduction to RMON, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 protocols. TEXT BOOKS 1. Network Security : Private Communication in a public world, by Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, and Mike Speciner, II nd Edn, ISBN 0-13-046019- Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. 2.SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2, by William Stallings , III rd Edn, Addison Wesley, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, BY, William Stallings, Prentice Hall, IIIrd Edn, 2003. 2. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, by William Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin, and Aviel D. Rubin , 2nd edition, Addison- Wesley Profession , 2000. *** CN 3. WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKS Basics of Cellular and Wireless Data Networks - Wireless Local Area Networks: Medium Access Control Protocols including IEEE 802.11standards - Quality of Service – Security - Energy Efficiency – Wireless Personal Area Networks - Wireless Metropolitan Area and Wide Area Networks -Wireless Internet - Wireless Network Transport Protocols–Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Routing Protocols, Quality of Service , Energy Management, and Security - Wireless Sensor Networks. TEXT BOOKS 1. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Architectures and Protocols , by C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. 2. Mobile Communications, by Jochen Schiller, Addison – Wesley , 2000.

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REFERENCE BOOKS 1 Wireless Network Evolution, by 2G to 3G, Vijay K. Garg, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. Mobile Internet : Enabling Technologies and Services,by Apostolis K.Salkintzis, CRC Press, 3.I P / Mobile Satellite Networks, John Farserotu, Ramjee Prasad, APTECH HOUSE INC, 2002. 4.The Wireless Mobile Internet: Architecture, Protocols and Services, Abbas Jamalipour, John Wiley and Sons , 2003. *** CN 4. ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS Advanced Communication Networks Concepts - Distributed routing algorithms concepts and mathematical analysis - Packet switching architectures - Flow control -Traffic management - Quality-of-service architectures including Diffserv and Intserv – MPLS signaling Traffic Engineering - Multicast architectures and protocols - Virtual LANs and Quality of Service in LANs. TEXT BOOKS 1. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking , by S. Keshav, Addison Wesley, 1997. 2. Internet QoS: Architectures and Mechanisms for Quality of Service, by Zheng Wang, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. 3. Computer Networks, by Andrew Tanenbaum , IV th Edn, Prentice Hall, 2003.

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STREAM III: DATA BASE SYSTEMS DB 1. DATA BASE TECHNOLOGY Introduction – Review of data models – Enhanced Database models for advanced applications - Nested and semantic data models . AI and Data Bases : Rules – Knowledge bases – Logical data bases Active Database Concepts and Triggers – Temporal Databases Deductive databases – Knowledge Databases : Coupling KBS with the standard DBMS. Recent developments : Introduction –– Ontologies – Mediators – Multi Agent Systems – Multi Databases - Internet Indexing and retrieval – Decision support : Data Mining and Data Ware Housing – Spatial Databases – Parallel Databases - Real-Time Data Bases. Data Base System Design : Design of Data Base Kernels - Query Processing – Optimization – Transaction Management ( ARIES ) – Data Base Recovery - Database Administration and control. TEXT BOOKS 1. Intelligent Data Bases, by Eliza Bertino , Barbara catania , Gian Piero Zarri, Addison – Wesley , 2001. 2. Data Base Systems – A Practical Approach to Design , Implementation, and Management , by Thomas A Connoly , Carolyn E Begg, 3rd edition, Pearson Education , 2003. 3. Readings in Databases, by M. Stonebraker, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd edition, 1994 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Fundamentals of Data Base Systems, by Ramez Elmasri,Shmkant B Navthe, 4th edition , Pearson Education Asia , 2004. 2. An Introduction to Data base System , by C.J.Date , Pearson Education Asia, 2000. 3. Data Base Management Systems ,by R.Ramakrishnan, J.Gehrke , McGraw Hill 2nd edition , 1999. 4. Readings In Data Base Systems, by M.Stone Braker and J.Hellerstein, Margan Kauffman, 3rd edition, 1998. 5. Data Mining , by R.Groth, Prentice hall, 1998. 6. Data Warehousing , by R.Mattison , IEEE Press. ***

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DB 2. TOPICS IN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Disk Storage, File Structures, Indexing and Hashing, Algorithms for Query Processing and Query Optimization, Physical Database Design and Tuning, Transaction Processing Concepts/Theory , Concurrency Control Techniques, Database Recovery Techniques, Database Security, Object and Object-Relational Databases, Active Database, Concepts & Triggers, Temporal, Spatial and Multimedia Databases, Introduction to Deductive Databases, Distributed Databases, ClientServer Architectures, Contemporary Topics in Database Technologies Key Text: (1) Fundamentals of Database Systems by Elmasri, R., and Navathe, S. B., 4th edition(2007), Pearson Education . OR (2) Silberschatz, A., Korth, H. F., and Sudarsham, S. (2005) Database System Concepts, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill. Chapters from Key Text book 1: Silbersatz, (Chapters 3,9,11 to 17, 20, 22) OR Key Text book 2 : Elmasri (Chapters 13 to 20, 22 to 25) References: 1. Connolly, T. M. and Begg, C. E. (2005) Database Systems: A Practical Approach To Design, Implementation, and Management, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley. 2. Kifer, M., Bernstein, A., and Lewis, P.M. (2005) Database Systems: An Application-oriented Approach, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley. 3. Mannino, M. V. (2007) Database Design, Application Development, and Administration, McGraw-Hill. 4. Ramakrishnan, R., and Gherke, J. (2000) Database Management Systems, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill. 5. Sunderraman, R. (2008) Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer, Addison-Wesley ** *

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DB 3: DATA MINING AND DATA WAREHOUSING INTRODUCTION Relation to statistics, databases, machine learning - Taxonomy of data mining tasks - Steps in data mining process - Overview of data mining techniques. VISUALIZATION AND STATISTICAL PERSPECTIVES Visualization – Dimension reduction techniques - Data summarization methods - Statistical Perspective - Probabilistic - Deterministic models Clustering - Regression analysis - Time series analysis - Bayesian learning. PREDICTIVE MODELING Predictive Modelling - Classification - Decision trees - Patterns Association rules - Algorithms. DATA WAREHOUSING Design - Dimensional Modeling - Meta data - Performance issues and indexing -VLDB issues – Development life cycle - Merits. APPLICATIONS Tools - Applications - Case Studies. TEXT BOOKS 1.Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, by Usama M. Fayyad, Geogory Piatetsky Shapiro, Padhrai Smyth and Ramasamy Uthurusamy ,The M.I.T Press, 1996. 2.Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kauffmann Publishers,2000. 3.The Data Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit, by Ralph Kimball, John Wiley & Sons Inc,1998. 4 Data Warehousing in Action, by . Sean Kelly , John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1997. 5.Data mining techniques, A.K.Pujari , University press , India , 2001 *** 1st June 2010


STREAM IV: SOFTWARE SYSTEMS SS 1. OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEM DESIGN INTRODUCTION Overview of Object Oriented Systems Development - Object Basics: The object Model - Classes and Objects - Complexity Notation - Process - Object types - Object state – Object - Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle. OBJECT ORIENTED METHODOLOGIES Rumbaugh methodology Booch methodology – Jacobson methodology –Patterns – Frameworks – Unified approach – Unified Modeling Language - Usecase – Class diagram – Interactive diagram – Package diagram – Colloboration diagram – State diagram– Activity Diagram. OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS: Identifying use cases – Object analysis – Classification – Identifying object relationships – Attributes and methods. OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN Design axioms – Designing classes – Access layer– Object Object interoperability.

storage –

SOFTWARE QUALITY AND USABILITY Designing interface objects–Software quality assurance– System usability– Metrics. TEXT BOOKS 1. Object Oriented Systems Development,Ali Bahrami,Irwin McGraw – Hill,1999. 2. UML Distilled, by Martin Fowler, IInd Edn, PHI / Pearson Education, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, by Grady Booch, II nd Edn, Benjamine Cummings, USA, 1994. 2. Object Oriented Modeling and D esign , by James R.Rumbaugh, Michael R.Blaha et al Pearson Education Asia , 1991. 3. Object Oriented Software Construction , by Betrand Meyor, II nd Edn, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1997

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4. Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design, by Stephen R Schach , Tata McGraw-Hill ,2003. 5. UML 2 Bible, Tom Pender, Wiley Publishing , Inc , 2005 ***

SS 2. MULTI MEDIA SYSTEMS Software And Hardware Components -- 2D ,3D Graphics In Multimedia -- Design Of Authoring Tools --DVI,JPEG,MPEG Standards -Organizing A Multimedia Project -- Case Studies -- Multi Media Information Systems -- Video Conferencing --Virtual Reality. TEXT BOOKS 1. Multi Media - Making It Work, by Toy Vaughan, Osborne Mc Graw Hill,1993 2. Multi Media Networking , by Bohdan O. Synpronicz , McGraw Hill,1995 3. A Multimedia Technology and Applications, by Walter Worth John, Ellis Harwood Ltd , London,1991. ***

1st June 2010


SS 3. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing - Components of an Image Processing System-Digital Image Fundamentals Image Sampling and Quantization-Representing Digital Images - Spatial and Gray-Level Resolution, Aliasing and Moire Patterns Zooming and Shrinking Digital Images- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels -Linear and Nonlinear Operations-Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain. Log Transformation-Power-LawTransformations -Piecewise-Linear Transformation Functions Histogram Processing-use of Histogram Statistics for Image Enhancement – Foundation: Use of Second Derivatives for Enhancement:The Laplacian - Use of First Derivatives for Enhancement-The Gradient - Combining Spatial Enhancement MethodsImage Enhancement in the Frequency Domain- The One-Dimensional Fourier Transform and its Inverse -The Two-Dimensional DFT and Its Inverse - Filtering in the Frequency Domain - Butterworth Filters Gaussian Filters - The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain - Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals -Color Models -The RG13 Color Model The CMY and CMYK Color Models -The HSI Color Model -Pseudocolor Image Processing -Intensity Slicing -Gray Level to Color Transformations - Color Image Smoothing -Color Image Sharpening - Color Segmentation -Segmentation in HSI Color Space - Segmentation in RG13 Vector Space - Color Edge Detection - Noise in Color Images-Image Compression Fundamentals - Variable-Length Coding - LZW Coding Bit-Plane Coding - Lossless Predictive Coding -Lossy Compression Lossy Predictive Coding -Transform Coding -Wavelet Coding -Image Compression Standards – Jpeg- Mpeg-1 &2 standards-Image Segmentation-Detection of Discontinuities Point Detection-Line Detection -Edge Detection -Edge Linking and Boundary Detection -Thresholding Use of Boundary Characteristics for Histogram Improvement and Local Thresholding-Thresholds Based on Several Variables - Region-Based Segmentation - Basic Formulation- Region Growing- Region Splitting and Merging - Segmentation by Morphological Watersheds-Basic Concepts- Dam Construction -Watershed Segmentation Algorithm TEXTBOOK 1.Digital Image Processing –by Rafael. C. Gonazalez & Richard E. Woods. IInd Edn, Pearson Education, 2002. [Chapters 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 ] REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Machine Vision : Theory , Algorithms , Practicalities , by Davies , E . R , Academic Press, Latest edition 2.Computer Vision Systems , by A.R. Hanson And E.M. Riseman

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(Editors) Academic Press, New York, 1976. 3.Fundamentals of Dgital Image Processing, by Anil. K. Jain , Eastern Economy Edn, Prentice Hall of India 1997 ***

SS 4. COMPILER DESIGN Compilers - Lexical Analyser - Syntactic Analyser - Code Generation Optimization - Typical Compilers And Compiler Projects – Implementation. TEXTBOOKS 1. 1.Compilers: Principles, Techniques And Tools , by A.V. Aho, Ravi Sethi And J.D. Ullman , Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1986. 2. Compiler Design In C , by Allen. I. Holub , Prentice Hall Of India, 1993. ***

SS 5. SIGNAL PROCESSING INTRODUCTION Discrete – Time Signals and Systems : review of mathematical preliminaries -FFT – FIR filters – IIR filters – STFT – Wavelet Transforms - Discrete - Time Structures – Implementation – Finite word length effects. POWER SPECTRUM ESTIMATION Computation of energy density spectrum- Auto correlation and power spectrum of random signals – Signal modeling : model based approach – Yule – Walker Method , Burg method for AR model parameters – Non parametric methods – Periodogram estimator : Barlett and Welsh metods. ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING Maximum likelihood criterion-efficiency of estimator-Least mean squared error criterion -Wiener filter-Discrete Wiener Hoff equations Recursive estimators -Kalman filter – Linear prediction – FIR adaptive filters – LMS algorithm – Application : prediction – noise cancellation – Recursive least squares.

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MULTI RATE SIGNAL PROCESSING Decimation by a factor D – Interpolation by a factor I – Filter design and implementation for sampling rate conversion : direct form FIR filter structures. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS Introduction to DSP architecture – Harvard architecture – Dedicated MAC Unit – Multiple ALU’s, advanced addressing modes , pipelining – Overview of instruction set of TMS 320C5X. TEXT BOOKS 1. Digital Signal Processing, Principles ,Algorithms and Applications, by John G. Proakis And Dimitris G. Manolakis, Prentice Hall (PH I), 3rd Edition , 2000. 2. Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, by Monson H Hayes, Wiley, 2002. 3. Digital Signal Processor Architecture, Programming and Application, by B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar ,TMH 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Discrete Time Signal Processing, by Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W Schafer, John R Balck, PHI, 2nd edition , 2000 2. Optimum Signal Processing, by Sopocles J. Orfanidis, McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. Adaptive Signal Processing, by John Widrow and Stearns,Prentice Hall,1988 4. Signal Processing Algorithms , Samuel D. Stevens And Ruth A. David, Prentice Hall,1988 5. DSP Implementation using DSP microprocessor with examples from TMS32C54XX, by Avtar Singh and S.Srinivasan, Thomson / Brooks Cole Publishers , 2003. ***

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SS 6. SPEECH PROCESSING Speech Production And Perception -- Analysis -- Speech Coding -Speech Synthesis -- Speech Recognition. TEXT BOOKS 1. Speech Processing, by Chris Rowden, McGraw Hill, 1992 2. Fundamentals Of Speech Recognition, by Rabiner, Prentice Hall, USA, 1995. *** SS 7. COMPLEXITY OF ALGORITHMS Theory of NP completeness - NP completeness of circuit satisfiability - Proving NP completeness by reductions- NP completeness of vertex cover - Techniques for proving NP completeness - NP hardness and approximation -Introduction to approximation algorithms - Set cover- Knapsack- Minimum makespan – Introduction to LP -duality -Set cover via dual fitting - Rounding applied to set cover - Set cover via primal-dual schema- Hardness of approximation- Introduction to parallel algorithms- Parallel sortingGraph partitioning for parallel computing - spectral method - Dynamic load balancing in parallel computing - Randomized quicksort Randomized selection TEXTBOOKS 1.Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP – Completeness, by M. R. Garey and D .S. Johnson, W H Freeman & Co., 1979. 2. Approximation Algorithms, by V.V. Vazirani, Springer, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Introduction to algorithms, by T.H.Cormen,C.E.Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C.Stein, second edition, MIT press, 2001. (Referred to as CLR). ***

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SS 8. HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING Overview – Implementation – Performance analysis – Modeling, Measurments –Building blocks in Linear Algebra – Direct solution of sparse linear system – Krylov subspaces: projection – Iterative methods for linear systems – Preconditioning and parallel preconditioning – Linear eigen value problem – Generalised eigenvalue problem. TEXT BOOKS 1.Numerical Linear Algebra for High Performance Computers , by Jack J Dongarra , Lain S Duff, Danny C Sorrenson, H. A .Vander Verst, ACM Portal, 1998 ( ISBN : 0898714281 ) REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Linear Algebra and Differential Equations using MATLAB , by Martin Gloubitsky, Michael Dellsitz, Brooks / Cole Publishing Co,ACM Portal ,1999. ***

SS 9. USER INTERFACE DESIGN Introduction-Importance-Human-Computer interface-characteristics of graphics interface-Direct manipulation graphical system - web user interface-popularity-characteristic & principles User interface design processobstacles-usability-human characteristics in design - Human interaction speed-business functionsrequirement analysis-Direct-Indirect methods-basic business functionsDesign standards-system timings - Human consideration in screen design - structures of menus - functions of menus-contents of menuformatting -phrasing the menu - selecting menu choice-navigating menus - graphical menus. Windows : Characteristics -components-presentation styles-typesmanagements-organizations – operations - web systems-device-based controls: characteristics-Screen _ based c ontrols : operate control text boxes - selection control -combination control-custom controlpresentation control.

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Text for web pages - effective feedback-guidance & assistanceIntemationalization-accesssibility-Icons-Image-Multimedia -coloring. Windows layout - test : prototypes - kinds of tests - retest Information search - visualization - Hypermedia – www - Software tools. TEXT BOOK 1.The Essential Guide to User Galitz , John Wiley& Sons, 2001.

Interface Design, by Wilbent. 0.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Design the User Education,1988.

Interface, by


Sheiderman , Pearson

2.The Essential of User Interface Design , Alan Cooper , Wiley – Dream Tech Ltd., 2002. ***

SS 10. MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSSING Historical perspective -Generic Principles – modality – contrast – SNR – resolution – toxicity - Measurements and Modeling : Review of Linear Systems and Models – Basic Model For Tomography - Sampling Fourier and Hankel transforms - k-space. Xray projection radiography – Reconstruction in X-Ray Tomography Computerized Tomography - acquisition and reconstruction methods relaxation and constrast mechanisms – applications - Nuclear medicine - radionuclides, PET, SPECT imaging – Applications of Probability : PET. Ultrasound Imaging - echo equation - beam forming - Medical Image Processing - physics of Magnetic resonance imaging - MRI reconstruction, functional MRI. Fuzzy and Neuro Fuzzy Systems: Medical Image Analysis and Processing – Wavelets and Fuzzy gated SPECT Images of Ventricles. Visualization of medical imaging data-segmentation applications.

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TEXT BOOKS 1. Medical Imaging Systems by Albert Macovski, Prantice Hall, 1983. 2. The

Basics of MRI, by Joseph Hornak Online


3. Introduction to Mathematics of Medical Imaging, by Charles L.Epstein, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, NJ , 2003. 4. Fuzzy and Neuro Fuzzy Systems in Medicine, by H.N.Teodorescu, L.C.Jain, Abraham Kandel, Computational Intelligence , CRC Press, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB Based Applications, by John L Semmlow, CRC Press. 2. Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, by Kavyan Najarian, CRC Press. 3.Handbook of Medical Imaging : Processing and Analysis , by Isaac Bankmem, Academic Press , 2000. 4. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing , by Anil. K. Jain ,Eastern economy ed., Prentice Hall of India, 1997. *** SS 11. WEB TECHNOLOGY Introduction : Internet Principles – Basic Web Concepts:World Wide Web-HTTPInformation Retrieval – HTML and Scripting Languages – Markup Languages Common Gateway Interface Programming : Client Side Programming : Java Script Language – Functions – Objects – Browsers and DOM – Server –Browser Communication E_Mail Generation - CGI Concepts – CGI Client Side Applets – CGI Server Side Applets - Authorization and Security – Review of Socket Programming

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Server Side Programming : Servlet Architecture Overview – Dynamic Web Content – Cascading Style Sheets – Representing Web Data : XML – Data Storage – Active and Java Server Pages – Servlets and Concurrency - Firewalls – Proxy Servers – JSP Technology. On-Line Applications: Simple Applications – On Line Data Bases – Internet Information Systems – Internet Commerce – Principles of Web Mining. Web Services: Introduction – Web Services Technologies : Architecture – Basic Techology: OAP ( Simple Object Access Protocol ) – WSDL – UDDI – Service Oriented Architecture – Service Co ordination Protocol Web Service Composition – Security / Privacy Issues in Web Services. TEXT BOOKS 1. Web Technologies :A Computer Science Perspective ,by Jeffrey C Jackson, Prentice Hall , 2006 2. Web Services: Concepts, Architecture and Applications, by Gustavo Alonso, Fabio Casati , Harumi Kuno ,Vijay Machiraju , Springer – Verlag , 2004. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Foundations of Web Technology, by Ramesh R Sarukkai , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. 2. An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies, by Anders Miller, Michael Schwartzbach, Addison Wesley , 2006. 3. Web Services:Principles and Technology, by Michael P Papzoglou, Pearson - Prentice hall , 2007. 4. Using CGI, by Jeffrey Dwight, Michael Erwin and Robert Niles, Prentice Hall of India, 1999. 5. Using Active Server Pages, by Scott Johnson, Keith Ballinger, Prentice Hall of India, 1999. 6. Java Servlet Programming, by Jason Hunter, William Crawford, O’Reilly Pub 1999. 7. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, by Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B Whinston Addison Wesley, 1996. ***

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SS 12. MULTI CORE COMPUTING Introduction to Multi-Core Architecture : Motivation for Concurrency in Software - Parallel Computing Platforms - Parallel Computing in Microprocessors - Differentiating Multi - Core Architectures from Hyper-Threading Technology - Multi-threading on Single-Core versus Multi -Core Platforms - Understanding Performance Principles of Parallel Algorithm Design : Preliminaries - Decomposition Techniques – Characteristics of Tasks and Interactions – Mapping Techniques for Load BalancingMethods for containing Interaction overheads – Parallel Algorithm Models Basic Communication Operations: One – to - All Broadcast and All – to - All Reduction – All – to - All Broadcast and Reduction – All Reduce and Prefix Operations Scatter and Gather – Circular Shift Analytic modeling of Parallel Programs: Source of Overhead in Parallel Program – Performance Metrics – for Parallel System – Scalability of Parallel System – Asymptatic Analysis of Parallel Program. System Overview of threading : Defining Threads – System view of Threads – Threading above OS – Threading inside OS – Threading inside Hardware – Application of Programming Models and Threading – Virtual Environment – Runtime Virtualization – System Virtualization. Programming Using the Message –Passing Paradigm : Principles of Message Passing Program – Basic Building Blocks – Topologies and Embedding – Collectiv Communications and Computation Operations

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Programming shared address space platforms: Thread basics – Synchronization Primitives in PThreads-Controlling Thread and Synchronization Attributes – Thread Cancellation – OpenMP: Standard for Directive Based Parallel Programming Algorithms: Dense Matrix - Algorithms - Sorting Algorithms - Graph Algorithms - Search Algorithms for Discrete Optimization Problems TEXT BOOKS 1. Multi-core Programming (increasing performance through software multi-threading) by Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts, Intel Press( 2006 ) 2. Introduction to Parallel Computing , by Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, Second Edition , Addison-Wesley , 2003 ***

SS 13. HIGH PERFORMANCE EMBEDDED COMPUTING Embedded Computing : The Landscape of High Performance Embedded Computing Design Methodologies - Models of Computation , Reliability , Safety, and Security CPUs: Comparing Signal Processors

Processors - RISC

Processors and Digital

Parallel Execution Mechanisms - Variable-Performance CPU Architectures Programs: Code Generation and Back - End Compilation Memory -Oriented Optimizations - Program Performance Analysis - Models of Computation and Programming Processes and Operating Systems: Real -Time Process SchedulingLanguages - and Scheduling Operating System Design and Verification

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Multiprocessor Architectures : Embedded Multiprocessors Multiprocessor Design Techniques - Interconnection Networks Physically Distributed Systems and Networks - Multiprocessor Design Methodologies and Algorithms


Multiprocessor Software : Embedded Multiprocessor Software - Real -Time Multiprocessor Operating Systems - Services and Middleware for Embedded Multiprocessors - Design Verification Hardware / Software Co-Design:Design Platforms– Performance Analysis Hardware Software Co-Synthesis Algorithms -Hardware/Software Co-Simulation TEXT BOOKS 1. HIGH - PERFORMANCE EMBEDDED COMPUTING Architectures, Applications, and Methodologies By, Wayne Wolf,1 st Ed,Elsevier Pub 2006. ***

SS 14: COMPUTER VISION SYLLABUS: Unit 0 : Introduction and brief history, Pinhole Cameras, Projections (Perspective, Weak Perspective and Orthographic), Lenses and their effect. Unit 1 : Introduction to Vector Spaces and Euclidean Space, Projective Coordinates , Translation and Rotation in, Euclidean Space , Rigid Body Transformation, Affine and Projective Transformations, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters Unit 2 : Estimation of Camera Parameters , Types of Images and their Representation, Types of Noise and their modeling Unit 3 : Sampling and Aliasing , Gaussian Pyramids, Laplacian Pyramids, Connected Components, Line and Curve Fitting , Deformable Contours

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Unit 4 : Segmentation by Clustering , Hu Moments Medial Axis Transform , Motion Estimation, Optical Flow Motion Models, Global Flow Estimation , Image Warping , Motion Tracking , Change Detection Key Text 1: “Computer Vision: A Modern Approach” by David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce, Prentice Hall of India, 2006 Key Text 2: Emanuele Trucco, Alessandro Verri, "Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision", Prentice Hall, 1998. Coverage of KeyTexts: Chapters 1,2,3,6,7,10,14,15 from Key Text Chapter 5 and 8 From Emanuele Trucco, Alessandro Verri, "Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision References: Latest editions of 1. Robert M. Haralick and Linda G. Shapiro, "Computer and Robot Vision", Addison-Wesley. 2. Mubarak Shah, "Fundamentals of Computer Vision" 3. James R. Bergen, P. Anandan, Keith J. Hanna, Rajesh Hingorani: "Hierarchical Model-Based Motion Estimation," ECCV 1992: 237252 4. Hu MK. Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants. IRE Trans Inform Theory. 1962;IT-8(2):179–187 ***

SS 15: ADVANCED TOPICS IN IMAGE PROCESSING Unit 0 : Mathematical Preliminaries Direct methods in the Calculus of Variations, The Space of Bounded Variation, Viscosity Solutions in PDEs, Curvature , Dominated Convergence Theorem Unit 1 : Image Restoration Image Degrading , The Energy Method , PDE-Based Methods, Enhancing PDEs, Neighborhood filters, Non-local Means algorithm

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Unit 2 : The Segmentation Problem The Mumford and Shah functional , Geodesic Active Contour and the Level set Method Unit 3 : Image Classification Level-Set Approach for image classification, A Variational model for image classification and restoration Unit 4 : Vector-Valued Images An extending notion of gradient, The Energy Method, PDE-Based Methods Key Text: “Mathematical Problems in Image Processing” by Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst, 2nd Ed, Springer Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5.4 and 5.5 from Key Text. ***

SS 16: KERNEL METHODS FOR PATTERN ANALYSIS Unit 0 : Introduction Data representation and similarity, Hyperplane classifiers, Support vector classification, Support vector Regression, Kernel PCA Unit 1 : Kernels Product features, Representation of similarity in linear spaces, Properties of kernels Unit 2 : Risk and Loss Functions Loss functions, Test error and expected risk Unit 3 : Regularization Regularized risk functional, Representer theorem, Regularization operators, Translation invariant kernels in higher dimensions, Dot product kernels Unit 4 : Support Vector Machines Separating Hyperplanes, Optimal margin Hyperplanes, Non-linear support vector classifiers, Multi-class classification Unit 5: Kernel Feature Extraction

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Kernel PCA, Algorithms for sparse KFA Unit 6: Kernel Fischer Discriminant Fischer discriminate in feature space, Training of kernel Fischer discriminant Unit 7: Bayesian Kernels Bayesian inference methods, Gaussian Processes, Relevance vector machines



Key Text: “Learning with Kernels Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization and Beyond ” by Bernhard Schölkopf and Alexander J. Smola, 1st Ed, 2002, MIT Press. Chapters 1,2.1-2.3,3.1-3.2,4.1-4.6,7,14,15,16 from Key Text Reference: “Kernel methods for Pattern Analysis” by John ShaweTaylor and Nello Cristianini, 1st ed, Cambridge University press. *** SS 17: VIDEO PROCESSING Unit 0: Introduction Video Formation and Representation, Analog and Digital Video Unit 1: Video Sampling Basics of Lattice theory and Sampling over Lattices, Sampling video signals, Rate Conversion, Video Models Unit 2: 2D-Motion Estimation Optical Flow, Pixel Based Motion Estimation, Mesh Based Motion Estimation, Global Motion Estimation, Region-based Motion Estimation Unit 3: 3D-Motion Estimation Feature Based Motion Estimation, Direct Motion Estimation, Iterative Motion Estimation Unit 4: Video Coding Foundations of Video coding, Basics of Information theory for source coding, Block Based Transform Coding, Predictive Coding, Content Dependent Video Coding, Texture Coding, Region Based Coding, Knowledge Based Coding, Semantic Coding

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Key Text: “Video Processing and Communications” by Yao Wang, Jorn Ostermann and Ya-Qin Zhang, 2002, Prentice Hall, Chapters 1- 10 from Key Text Reference: 1. Advances in Image And Video Segmentation by Yu-jin Zhang, IRM Press (May 2, 2006) 2. Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding by John W. Woods, Academic Press (March 13, 2006) ***

STREAM V : HARDWARE HW 1. ASIC DESIGN INTRODUCTION TO ASICS, CMOS LOGIC AND ASIC LIBRARY DESIGN Types of ASICs - Design flow - CMOS transistors CMOS Design rules Combinational Logic Cell - Sequential logic cell -Data path logic cell – Transistors as Resistors -Transistor Parasitic Capacitance- Logical effort - Library cell design - Library architecture. PROGRAMMABLE ASICS, PROGRAMMABLE ASIC LOGIC CELLS AND PROGRAMMABLE ASIC I/O CELLS Anti fuse - static RAM - EPROM and EEPROM technology - PREP benchmarks - Actel ACT - Xilinx LCA - Altera FLEX - Altera MAX DC & AC inputs and outputs - Clock & Power inputs - Xilinx I/O blocks. PROGRAMMABLE ASIC INTERCONNECT, PROGRAMMABLE ASIC DESIGN SOFTWARE AND LOW LEVEL DESIGN ENTRY Actel ACT -Xilinx LCA - Xilinx EPLD - Altera MAX 5000 and 7000 Altera MAX 9000 - Altera FLEX - Design systems - Logic Synthesis Half gate ASIC -Schematic entry - Low level design language - PLA tools - EDIF- CFI design representation. LOGIC SYNTHESIS, SIMULATION AND TESTING Verilog and logic synthesis -VHDL and logic synthesis - types of simulation -boundary scan test - fault simulation - automatic test pattern generation.

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ASIC CONSTRUCTION, FLOOR PLANNING, PLACEMENT AND ROUTING System partition - FPGA partitioning - partitioning methods - floor planning - placement - physical design flow - global routing - detailed routing - special routing - circuit TEXT BOOK 1.Application Specific Integrated Circuits , by M.J.S .Smith, Addison -Wesley Longman Inc., 1997. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. VLSI Circuits and Systems in Silicon, by Andrew Brown , McGraw Hill, 1991. 2. Field Programmable Gate Arrays , by S.D. Brown, R.J. Francis, J. Rox, Z.G. Uranesic Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. 3. Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing , by Mohammed Ismail and Terri Fiez,Mc Graw Hill, 1994. 4. VLSI and Modern Signal Processing , by S. Y. Kung, H. J. Whilo House, T. Kailath Prentice Hall, 1985. 5. Design of Analog Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunication and Signal Processing , by Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis , Prentice Hall, 1994. ***

HW 2. OPTICAL COMPUTING Introduction -- Fourier Optics -- Holograms – Optical Devices -- SLMS -Integrated Optics -- LCD's -- Optical Transistors -- Basic Building Blocks -- Interconnections -- Optical Memory -- Optical Arithmetic And Matrix Computations Methodologies And Algorithms -- Architectural Models -- RISC Machines -- Data Slow Computers -- Optical Processing Techniques -- PAL -- Optical Computing And Neural Networks. TEXT BOOKS 1. Optical Computer Architectures , by Alistair D.Mcaulay. John Wiley And Sons, 1991 2. Optical Computing , by Dror G.Feitelson , The MIT Press, 1988. ***

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HW 3. MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS Review Of 8-Bit,16-Bit, 32-Bit Microprocessors Intel Family Architectural Features- Instructions And Data Formats- Connections And Timings Of x86 Processors - MASM - Programming Aspects Of The Processors - Interfacing Concepts - PPI, USART & TIMERS – A/D & D/A Interfacing - Bus Concepts - Simple Applications - Special Purpose Processors - DSP Processors-Graphics Processors And Their Application - System Applications Like Medical Systems (ECG, EMG, Physiological Monitoring Etc) - PID Controller. TEXTBOOKS 1. Advanced Microprocessors , by Daniel Tabak , Mc Graw Hill, 1996. 2. The Intel Microprocessors - 8086, 80386, 80486, Architectures, Programming And Interfacing , by Brey B.B , Prentice Hall Of India, 1995. 3. Texas Instruments / Analog Devices Manuals For Graphics Processors, DSP Processors. 4. Design Of Microcomputer Based Medical Instrumentation by Willis. J.Tompkin & Webster , Prentice Hall, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. IBM PC Assembly Language And Programming , by Peter Abel, Prentice Hall, 1991. 2. Microprocessors and Interfacing , Programming and Hardware , by Douglas,V.H , Mc GrawHll Pub.1986. 3. Microprocessor Based System Design , by Mohammed Rafiquizman. CRCPress.1990. ***

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HW 4 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE State Of The Art In CPU Design - Current Developments - Superscalar , VLIW, Data Flow Architectures - Case Studies - Memoy Technologies Advances In SRAM , DRAM, VRAM Technologies - Cache Design Techniques – New Storage Techniques - CRAID , Optical Storage Current Trends In I/O Devices - Alternative Architecturing - Neural Processors - Fuzzy Processers Other Evolving Techniques . TEXTBOOK 1.Advanced Computer Architecture, Parallelism , Scalability And Programmability. by Kai Hiwang , Mc Graw Hill, 1993 ***

HW 5. REAL TIME COMPUTING SYSTEMS Real Time Issues - Life Cycle - Design Approaches - Pertinent Models - Language Support And Restriction - Real Time OS - Allocation And Scheduling - Communication Issues - Microcomputer System Design - Interfacing With External Devices And Signals - I/O Systems . TEXTBOOKS: 1. Real Time System Design , by Schem - Tov Levi , Ashok Aggarwal K , Mc Graw Hill , 1990. 2. Real Time Microcomputer System Design : An Introduction , by Peter Lawrence D, Konrad Manch , Mc Graw HIll,1988. *** HW 6. INTERFACE TECHNOLOGIES I /O Devices -- Interface Standards -- Storage Devices -- Standards -PC Architecture -- Systems Configurations -- ROM BIOS Function Calls -- Device Drivers -- Other PC / Work Stations -- Network Computers -Bus Standards --Communication Interface -- Current Topics In PC Architecture -- Hard Ware And Soft Ware Diagnostic Tools -- Power On Self Test -- Data Recovery Utilities.

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TEXTBOOKS 1. Upgrading And Repairing PC 'S, IV th Edn , by Muller. S,Prentice Hall ,1995 2. IBM PC and Clones Hard Ware Trouble Shooting And Maintenance by Govindarajulu .B , Mc Graw Hill ,1993. 3.Complete PC Upgrading And Maintenance Guide by Marc ,BPB Publications, 1996 ***

HW 7. MODELING AND SIMULATION OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS TOPICS IN BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Shannon's expansion theorem - Conseusus theorem - Octal designation - Run measure INHIBIT / INCLUSION / AOI / Driver / Buffer gates - Gate expander- Reed Muller expansion- Synthesis of multiple output combinational logic circuits by product map method - Design of static hazard free and dynamic hazard free logic circuits. BASIC LOGIC CIRCUITS AND HDL Introduction – Logic Gates and Networks – Synthesis - Introduction to CAD Tools – Hardware Description Language (HDL) :VHDL, ABEL and Verilog HDL – Multiple Output Circuits – Multilevel Synthesis – Analysis – Use of CAD Tools - Combinational Logic Circuits : Arithmetic Circuits – Use of CAD Tools - Combinational Logic Blocks: VHDL for Combinational Circuits SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS Threshold logic: Linear seperability – Physical mplementation Reduced Functions - Various theorems in threshold logic. Symmetric functions: Basics – McCluskey decomposition method – Synthesis of symmetric functions – Sequential logic circuits : review of registers, counters - Mealy machine - Moore machine Isomorphic sequential machines - State diagrams - State table minimization – Design examples - Essential hazards Unger's theorem. SIMULATION OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS Registers , counters – Use of CAD tools : VHDL for storage elements, register and counter – Examples: Simple Processor – Finite State Machines (FSM) – Analysis of Synchronous sequential

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circuits – Algorithmic State Machine ( ASM Charts ) - Digital Systems : Building blocks – Examples : 1- bit Counter, Shift –and – Add Multiplier. Central Processing Unit ( CPU ) :Fundamentals - Design( CPU ) – CISC - Instruction Set Architecture – Microprogram Control Structure - RISC – Control Organization – CPU Synthesis : VHDL Synthesis – High _Level Design Flow – RTL Simulation – Top – Level System Design – CPU Design - CPU : RTL Simulation . PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES Basic concepts - Programmable Logic Element (PLE) - Programmable Logic Array (PLA) - Programmable Array Logic (PAL) - Structure of Standard PLD's - Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLD's - Programming PAL device using PALASM - Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) - Types of FPGA: Xilinx XC3000 series -Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) - Programmable Interconnect Point (PIP)-Examples TEXT BOOKS 1. An Engineering Approach Fletcher, PH of India , 1996.


Digital Design ,by William

2. Logic Design Theory , by N.N. Biswas , Prentice Hall 1993




3. Fundamentals Of Digital Logic With VHDL Design , by Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic , Tata_Mcgraw Hill,2003 4. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals , by M. Morris Mano and Charles R Kime , Pearson Education Asia , 3RD Edition , 2003. 5. VHDL Programming By Example, by Douglas L.Perry , Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Co.Ltd, 4TH Edition,2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Digital Design : John F Wakerly, Prentice Hall Of International, III rd Edn, 2001. 2. Introduction to Digital Systems, by James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.

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3. Logic Synthesis , S. Devadas, A. Ghosh and Graw Hill, 1994.

K . Keutzer, Mc

4. Introductory VHDL From Simulation To Synthesis Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Pearson Education Asia,2001.



5.VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems , by Navabi .Z., McGraw Hill, 1993 ***

HW 8. VLSI SYSTEMS MOS SYSTEM AND DESIGN PROCESS MOS Technology and VLSI - Process parameters and considerations for BJT, MOS and CMOS - Device modeling. MOS Layers - Stick diagram - Layout diagram - Propagation delays – Examples of combinational logic design. DIGITAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Programmable Logic Array ( PLA ) - Finite State Machines – Design: ALUs, Memories and Registers. CMOS CIRCUIT AND LOGIC DESIGN CMOS Logic Gate Design - Basic Physical Design of Simple Gate CMOS Logic Structures- Clocking Strategies - I/O Structures – Layout design rules – Physical design : Concepts – CAD tool sets –logic gates. SPECIFICATION USING VERILOG HDL Basic concepts – VLSI design flow – Gate primitves – Switch level modeling – RTL modeling –Data flow modeling – Simple combinational and sequential systems. CMOS SYSTEMS DESIGN AND DESIGN METHOD Design Strategies : CMOS Chip Design Options - Design Methods Design Capture Tools -Design Verification Tools - Design Economics Data Sheets, CMOS Testing - Design Strategies for Test - Chip Level Test Techniques - System Level Test Techniques - Layout Design for Improved Testability. Subsystem Subtraction -

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Path -

Operations - Addition /


Parity Generators Comparators - Zero / One Detectors – Binary Counters – ALUs: Multiplication, Shifters, Memory Elements - Control Logic Implementation – HDL. TEXT BOOKS 1. Basic VLSI Design Systems and Circuits , by Douglas A. Pucknell and Kamran Eshraghian , Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1993. 2.Principles of CMOS VLSI Design , by Nell H. E. Weste and Kamran Eshraghia II nd Edn , Addision Wesley, 1998 3. CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation , by Jacob Backer, Harry W. Li and David E. Boyce , Prentice Hall of India, 1998 4.Verilog HDL – Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis , by Samir Palnitkar, IIIrd Edn, Pearson education Asia , 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Modern VLSI Design , by Wayne Wolf , 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall,1998. 2. Introduction to NMOS and CMOS VLSI System Design , by Amar Mukherjee, Prentice Hall, 1986. 3. Introduction to VLSI Design , by Fabricious. E, McGraw Hill, 1990. 4. VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems , by Navabi .Z., McGraw Hill,1993. ***

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