March 26, 2017 | Author: Rosanna Jose Cuevas | Category: N/A
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Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 1 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number. ________ 1.

7 x 100 + 6 x 10 + 5 = ________.

________ 2.

In 45 – 20 = 25, the difference is ________.

________ 3.

67 + 34 = 34 + ________.

________ 4.

Write CXVII in Hindu-Arabic.

________ 5.

Write 68 in Roman Numerals.

________ 6.

What is the missing number in 44, 50, 56, 62, ________.

________ 7.

What is the place value of the underlined number in 32 485?

________ 8.

How many tens are there in 250?

________ 9.

What is the largest 4-digit number?

_______ 10.

What is the smallest 4-digit number that you can make from 0, 1, 5, 8?

_______ 11.

Add: +

372 465

_______ 12.

Add: +

537 829

_______ 13.

Subtract: +

876 453

_______ 14.


_______ 15.

What number is 200 less than 5 678?

_______ 16.

Add 15 to the difference of 92 and 45.

_______ 17.

954 + 389

Lily wants to buy a purse that costs P75. She has only P58. How much more does she need to buy the purse?

_______ 18.

In 5 x 6 = 30, 5 and 6 are called ______________.

_______ 19.

How many 25¢ coins are equal to 5 pesos?

_______ 20.

Ricky has 5 P100-bills, 3 P50-bills, 6 P20-bills and 5 P10-bills. How much money has he?

_______ 21.

The product of 2 numbers is 16. their sum is 10. What are the two numbers?

_______ 22.

What is the missing number in 7 x _______ = 84?

_______ 23. There are 4 sections of Grade 2 in a school. Each class has 52 pupils. How many Grade 2 pupils are in the school?

_______ 24.

In a school, there are 2 sets of triplets and 5 sets of twins. How many children would that be?

_______ 25.

Letty had a vacation of 3 weeks. How many days was that?

_______ 26.

If today is Friday, what day was it 3 days ago?

_______ 27.

What is 100 more than 10 x 34?

_______ 28.

How many nines are there in 72?

_______ 29.

Kitty baked 126 cupcakes. She put them 6 in each plastic bag. How many plastic bags did she use?

_______ 30. What is the average of 32, 34, and 39? _______ 31.

What number am I? If you multiply me by 6 and then divide by 3 you will get 16?

_______ 32.

Gina has P35 and her sister has P45. They need P95 to buy a gift for their mother. How much more do they need?

_______ 33.

How many days are there in March, April, and May?

_______ 34.

How many weeks are there in 35 days?

_______ 35.

How many months are there in 1 ½ years?

_______ 36.

If the short hand of a clock points between 4 and 5 and the long hand is at 8, what time is it?

_______ 37.

A VHS movie lasted for 2 hours and 10 minutes. If finished at 10:00 o’clock. What time did it start?

_______ 38.

Ann has a book with 154 ages. She has read 67 pages. How many more pages has she to read?

_______ 39.

Liza saves P15 a week from her pocket money. How much does she save in 6 weeks.

_______ 40.

What fraction of the figure is shaded?

_______ 41.

In how many ways can you divide the figure in two matching-halves (one, two, three, many)

_______ 42.

Mother cut a cake into 24 equal pieces. She gave 4 pieces to her neighbor and served 12 pieces of cakes. What fraction of the cake remained?

_______ 43.

Hedy has 84 stamps. One-third of them are U.S. stamps, 1/6 are Japanese and the rest are Philippine stamps. How many Philippine stamps has she?

_______ 44.

Four dozen pupils are divided into groups of 6 to play a game. How many groups are there?

_______ 45.

What is the biggest possible remainder when you divide by 9?

_______ 46.

What is the perimeter of the figure?

_______ 47.

What is the area of the same figure?

_______ 48.

My denominator is 2 more than my numerator. The sum of my numerator and denominator is 8. What fraction am I?

_______ 49.

After paying for P186.50, Joy received a change of P13.50. How much did she give the cashier?

_______ 50.

What unit will you use to measure the distance between Manila and Baguio?

Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 2 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number. ________ 1.

What is the value of 3 in 8, 397?

________ 2.

Write “six thousand five hundred fifty-eight” in Hindu-Arabic?

________ 3.

How many P100 bills will make P5, 000?

________ 4.

________ = 9 000 + 600 + 80 + 6.

________ 5.

What will you put in the blank, < = or > ? 5, 945 ________ 5, 954.

________ 6.

Choose from (200, 300, 400, 500) so that ________ x 9 > 4, 476.

________ 7.

What number is 347 more than 5, 928?

________ 8.

What is 19 less than 45 + 38?

________ 9.

What will make 4958 = 4, 000 + [ ] + 50 + 8, true?

_______ 10.

Write LXXXIV in Hindu-Arabic.

_______ 11.

Write 47 in Roman numerals.

_______ 12.

Fill the _______ to make (35 +5) + 13 = (_______ + 9) + 17 true.

_______ 13.

What is the missing factor in 8 x [?] = 384?

_______ 14.

27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 = _______ x 27.

_______ 15.

What is the missing number in 452 – [ ] = 275?

_______ 16.

There are 1, 672 students in St. Anne’s School. Of these, 948 are boys. How many are girls?

_______ 17.

Mother bought a dozen mangoes for P114. How much was one mango?

_______ 18.

165 students went to a ball game. 75 of the students were boys. What is the ratio of boys to girls?

_______ 19.

In 9 x 8 = 72, 9 and 8 are called _______.

_______ 20.

Which of the following is a prime number? (21, 23, 25, 27)

_______ 21.

What is the missing number in 16, 23, 30, _______, 44, 51?

_______ 22.

The numbers 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 are called _______ of 8.

_______ 23.

George gathered 265 eggs. He put 12 in each egg tray. How many trays did he fill up?

_______ 24.

You have 7 boxes of milk. Each contains 48 cans. How many food packages can you prepare if you put 2 cans of milk in each package?

_______ 25.

Aileen read 90 pages of her story book in 5 days. The book has 161 pages. At the same rate, in how many more days can she finish the book?

_______ 26.

Tom, Jack and Phil picked 204 mangoes. If they shared the mangoes equally, how many did each get?

_______ 27.

Mother used ¾ kilo of sugar for one dessert and ½ kilo for another. If she bought 2 kilos of sugar, how much sugar remained?

_______ 28.

Ray has P228. he gave 1/3 of it to his sister and ¼ of it to his younger brother. How much had he left?

_______ 29.

What comes next? 3/5, 6/10, 9/15, 12/20, _______?

_______ 30.

Mother bought 4 2/5 meters of white cloth and 5 ½ meters of blue cloth. How many meters of cloth did Mother buy?

_______ 31.

Joy has 3 P50-bills, 4 P20-bills, 7 P10-bills and 8 P5-coins. How much money has she?

_______ 32.

How many P5-coins will be equal to one P500-bill and one P50-bill?

_______ 33.

Joy started doing homework at 7:15 p.m. and finished at 9:00 p.m. How many minutes did she take to do her homework?

_______ 34.

1.7 is equal to how many tenths?

_______ 35.

Write six and one hundred thirty-six thousandths in symbols.

_______ 36.

0.45 is equal to what fraction in lowest terms?

_______ 37.

Ray has a 3 2/3 meter rope and a 3 ½ meter rope. What is the total length of his ropes?

_______ 38.

Name the angle in the figure using 3 letters.

_______ 39.

What do you call an angle of 980?

_______ 40.

Gay has some money. On her birthday, Mother gave her P75 and father gave her P90. Now she has P292. How much money had she at first?

_______ 41.

Nelly is making handkerchiefs each 2.5 dm on a side. How much lace does she need to put around 3 handkerchiefs?

_______ 42.

What is the smallest number divisible by both 16 and 24?

_______ 43.

How many prime numbers are there between 40 and 50?

_______ 44.

Round off 4756 to the nearest hundred.

_______ 45.

What is the biggest number by which you can divide both 24 and 36?

_______ 46.

Tom put 128 stamps to a page. How many stamps are needed to fill up the last page?

_______ 47.

The underline 7 in 7 476 is _______ times as great as the 7 that is not underlined.

_______ 48. _______ 49.

A rectangular garden is 32 m long and 25 m wide. What is its area? How tall is a tree that cast a shadow of 30 m when a 3 m post cast a shadow of 5 m?

_______ 50.

A rectangular park is 85 m by 65 m. If a jogger goes around it 5 times, how many meters will that be?

Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 3 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number. ________ 1. ________ 2.

Write seventeen million, nineteen thousand, five hundred, eight in figures. Write CDLXXIX in Hindu-Arabic.

________ 3.

What number is 2185 less than 57, 481?

________ 4.

What number is 3650 more than 35, 867?

________ 5.

9, 600, 000 is how many times greater than 960?

________ 6.

How many ten thousands are in 1, 000, 000?

________ 7.

Reduce 64/72 to lowest terms.

________ 8.

What is the largest prime number less than 50?

________ 9.

What is the smallest 4-digit number containing 0, 1, 5, and 6?

_______ 10.

The greatest common factor of 42 and 70 is _______.

_______ 11.

What is the least common multiple of 42 and 70?

_______ 12.

17 x 2 + 35 ÷ 5 – 19 = _______.

_______ 13.

800 – 273 = _______.

_______ 14.

What is the remainder when 8642 is divided by 23?

_______ 15.

The Librarian gave 38 different books to each of 15 classes. How many books did she give out in all?

_______ 16.

Which is the largest? a. 3.346 b. 3.391

c. 3.411

d. 3.401

_______ 17.

45 x [ ] = 1080. What is the missing factor?

_______ 18.

If 3 mangoes cost P22.50, how much do 10 mangoes cost?

_______ 19.

Tom began doing homework at 7:45 p.m. and finished at 9:30 p.m. How many minutes did he spend doing his homework?

_______ 20.

Father has 4 P100-bills, 5 P50-bills, 15 P20-bills and 8 P5-coins. How much money does he have?

_______ 21.

ABCD is a rectangle. We say AD is _______ DC. the area of the shaded portion?

_______ 22.

ABCD and MNOP are two squares. AB = 15 cm and MN = 8 cm. What is the area of the shaded portion?

_______ 23.

Mother bought a can of milk for P108.50 and a bottle of coffee for P97.50. How much change did she get from a P500-bill?

_______ 24.

What will you put on the blank, ? 47, 398 _______ 47, 389.

_______ 25.

Round off to the nearest thousand. 567, 501.

_______ 26.

Jose picked 108 caimitos. He sold all except 12 of them. How many did he sell?

_______ 27.

Which is greater, 11/13 or 15/17?

_______ 28.

Give the correct sign in the blank: 1600 _______ 4 x 401.

_______ 29.

Subtract 4.35 from 6 and add the difference to 3.64.

_______ 30.

The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 42 cm. How long is one side?

_______ 31.

How many angles are in the figure?

_______ 32.

There are 72 scouts. If 3/8 of them are cubs, how many are cub scouts?

_______ 33.

The area of a rectangle is 108 cm2. If the width is 9 cm, the length is _______.

_______ 34.

Jane and Kate had a combined time of 5 minutes, 35 seconds in a relay where both swam 200 meters. If Jane’s time was 2 minutes and 48 seconds, what was Kate’s time?

_______ 35.

35 3/8 – 12

_______ 36.

17 2/3 + 15 ¾ = _______.

_______ 37.

Kate needs 1.4 meters of lace to make a pillowcase. How many meters of lace does she need for 8 pillows?

_______ 38.

Liz has 108 stamps. 1/3 are U.S. stamps and 1/6 are Japanese stamps. The rest are Philippine stamps. How many Philippine stamps has she?

_______ 39.

Round 56.455 to the nearest hundredth.

_______ 40.

How many whole numbers rounded to the nearest 10 become 50?

_______ 41.

Including 1, how many common factors do 48 and 84 have?

_______ 42.

Tom can walk 5 ½ km in one hour. How far can he walk in 1 ½ hours?

_______ 43.

Jim’s test scores are 86, 88, 92, 90 and 89. What is his average?

_______ 44.

If A = 930, what kind of angle is it?

_______ 45.

One side of a pentagon is 12 cm. What is its perimeter?

_______ 46.

A rectangular school yard is 95 m long and 78 m wide. If a jogger goes around it 8 times, how many meters will that be?

_______ 47.

For every 3 hats that Nena makes, her mother can make 5. If together they make 96 hats in one week, how many can Nena make in one week?

_______ 48.

January has 31 days. If January 1 is Friday, what day of the week is February 14 of the next month?

_______ 49.

You have 7 T-shirts and 5 pants. If you can match each shirt with each pair of pants, in how many ways can you dress up?

_______ 50.

Disk has P100. If his round trip fare is P3.00, for how many round trip fares does he have enough money?

¼ = _______.

Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 4 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number.

________ 1.

Write eighty-six million, nine hundred twenty-five thousand, ninety-four in Hindu-Arabic.

________ 2.

37 less than the sum of 26 and 35 is equal to ________.

________ 3.

28 more than 78 – 19 = ________.

________ 4.

Write briefly: 5 x 104 + 4 x 103 + 7 x 102 + 6 x 10 + 7 = ________.

________ 5.

MCMLXXII = ________.

________ 6.

21 1/6 – 9 3/6 = ________.

________ 7.

17 ¾ + 13 3/5 = ________.

________ 8.

5/6 x 3 2/5 = ________.

________ 9.

8 000 – 4 586 = ________.

_______ 10.

What is the value of 5 in 45, 632, 178?

_______ 11.

How many times greater is the underlined 3 than the unmarked 3 in 5, 325, 137?

_______ 12.

1 3/5 is equal to how many tenths?

_______ 13.

Using the pattern (28 x 29) – (28 x 27) = 28 x 2 = 56, find (92 x 84) – (92 x 82) = _______.

_______ 14.

What is the smallest value of n that will make 8, n86 > 8, 578?

_______ 15.

What is the smallest multiple of 7 which is divisible by 9?

_______ 16.

3.5 x 2.6 = _______.

_______ 17.

47.5 divided by 0.5 = _______.

_______ 18.

6 x 5 – 8  2 + 7 = _______.

_______ 19.

What is the smallest 4-digit number that you can write using all the digits 0, 6, 5, 8 without repetition?

_______ 20.

There are 15 poor children, I want to give each of them P8. How much money do I need?

_______ 21.

What is the remainder when2145 is divided by17?

_______ 22.

Change 9 3/7 to an improper fraction.

_______ 23.

Change 157/7 to a mixed number.

_______ 24.

What change will I get from P50 if I buy a P18.75 pencil case and a notebook for P7.50?

_______ 25.

Which number has both 2 and 9 as factors? 6282, 7282, 8184.

_______ 26.

The greatest common factor (GCF) of 24, 26, 60 is _______.

_______ 27.

The least common multiple of 24, 36, 60 is _______.

_______ 28.

The ratio of 45 centimeters to 8 centimeters is _______.

_______ 29.

There are 45 pupils in a class. If 18 of them are boys, what percent of the class are girls?

_______ 30.

The ratio of the price of a bed to a sala set is 3:5. if the sala set costs P14, 800, what is the cost of the bed?

_______ 31.

A rectangle has a length of 15 dm. If the area is 120 dm2, what is the width?

_______ 32.

A circular water tank has a radius of 5 m and a height of 10 m. How many cubic meters of water does it hold?

_______ 33.

A circular garden has a radius of 25 m. If you go around it 5 times, how many meters will that be?

_______ 34.

A fish tank is 6 dm long and 4 dm wide. How many liters of water does it contain when it is filled so that the water is 4.5 dm deep?

_______ 35.

Suppose your step is 4 dm and you can make 70 steps a minute. At this rate, how far is your house to your school if you take 9 minutes to got to school?

_______ 36.

What is the next number in the sequence 3, 10, 18, 27, 37, _______?

_______ 37.

What number should replace n in [n] – 5 - > [ ] x 3 - > [ ]  6 - > [9].

_______ 38.

I am thinking of a number. Twice my number plus 7 equals 49. What is my number?

_______ 39.

The product of 42 x 41 is closest to which multiple of 10?

_______ 40.

How many numbers from 30 to 90 contain the digit 3?

_______ 41.

Change 0.125 to a fraction in lowest terms.

_______ 42.

How many angles can you name from the figure?

_______ 43.

How many line segments can you name from the figure?

_______ 44.

A farmer kept track of his cows and hens by counting legs and heads. He counted 78 legs and 35 heads. How many cows had he?

_______ 45.

How many pieces, each 40 cm long, can you cut from a 25 m roll of lace?

_______ 46.

Divide P340 among Tom, Phil and Larry so that Tom gets twice as much as Phil and Larry gets as much as Phil. How much does Tom get?

_______ 47.

There are 156 scouts in a school. If 45% are cub scouts, how many cub scouts are there?

_______ 48.

If one side of a square is increased by 5 cm, then the perimeter is increased by _______ cm.

_______ 49.

A man left his home by bus at 9:15 am and reached a town 46 km away at 10:45. What was his average speed per hour to the nearest km?

_______ 50.

A dozen doughnuts and a loaf of bread cost P69; half a dozen doughnuts and a loaf of bread cost P42. How much does a dozen doughnuts cost?

Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 5 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number. ________ 1. Write six billion, thirty-seven million, one hundred five thousand, fifty-five in Hindu-Arabic. ________ 2. 7 000 – 4 874 = ________. ________ 3. 27 more than the difference of 92 and 47 is equal to ________. ________ 4. Change 235/21 to a mixed number. ________ 5. What is the remainder when 4 809 is divided by 29? ________ 6. Write 8/13 as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredths. ________ 7. What operation should go into the [ ] to make the sentence true? (7 x 12) / 6 – 5 [ ] 3 x 9 = 36. ________ 8. Round 7.95952 to the nearest thousandth. ________ 9. 9 5/6 + 5 9/16 = ________. _______ 10. 11 4/7 – 5 ¾ = _______. _______ 11. 415.3 x 25.9 = 4.153 x _______? _______ 12. 54.14 – 7.8 = _______. _______ 13. What is the value of 6 in 362, 793, 254? _______ 14. What is the next number in 14, 17, 21, 26, 32, …? _______ 15. The greatest common factor (GCF) of 72, 120 and 168 is _______. _______ 16. The least common multiple of 72, 120 and 168 is _______. (You may leave the answer as a product of prime factors.) _______ 17. Fill in the blank with the smallest digit that will make 82429_______ divisible by 6.

_______ 18. A car covers 84 kilometers on 8 liters of gasoline. How far can it run on 12 liters? _______ 19. A farm is 1.53 hectares. How many square meters is it? _______ 20. A picture 15 cm by 9 cm is framed in a piece of cardboard 18 cm by 12 cm. What area of the cardboard can be seen? _______ 21. A right circular cylinder closed at both ends has a radius of 5 cm and a height of 15 cm. What is its total surface area? _______ 22. A school rectangular garden is 25 meters long and 18 meters wide. How many cubic meters of soil will be needed to raise the whole surface 20 cm high? _______ 23. The parallel sides of a trapezoid are 17 cm and 23 cm respectively. If the height is 9 cm, what is the area? _______ 24. 32 x 23 – 5 x 2 + 12 = _______. _______ 25. How many composite numbers are greater than 25 but less than 35? _______ 26. 500 is _______ times as large as 0.05. _______ 27. There are 25 girls in a class of 55. What is the ratio of girls to boys in the class? _______ 28. A truck fully loaded weighs 18, 000 kilograms. Half loaded it weighs 10, 550 kilograms. What is the weight of the truck alone? _______ 29. Tony is 2/3 as old as Pete; the difference in their ages is the unknown factor? _______ 30. If the product of 4 4/5 and another factor is 12 3/5 what is the unknown factor? _______ 31. During a sale, Kathy paid P107.95 for a blouse marked P127. What was the percent discount? _______ 32. If 4207 x 345 = 1 451 415 what is 42.07 x 3.45? _______ 33. the scale of a map is 1 cm to 75 km. Two cities are 5.5 cm apart on the map. How far apart are they? _______ 34. The product of 154 and a fraction is 11. the fraction must be _______ than 1. _______ 35. the ratio of two whole numbers is 5:7. If their sum is 132 what is the bigger of the two numbers? _______ 36. A math book is 2 2/5 cm thick. How many can be placed in a shelf one meter wide?

_______ 37. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 50 cm. The base is 4 cm shorter than a leg. How long is the base? _______ 38. The area of ABC is _______ square centimeters. _______ 39. Which is smaller, 11/13 or 13/15? _______ 40. Mang Jose swept 5/8 of the school yard in 35 minutes. How long will it take him to sweep the whole yard? _______ 41. The volume of a cube is 125 cubic cm. What is the total surface area? _______ 42. How many rectangles are there in the figure?

_______ 43. How much will P25 000 become in 5 years at 12% simple interest? _______ 44. A spool has a radius of 5 cm. A string 8.8 m long. How many times can the string be wound around the spool? _______ 45. A salesman has a basic salary of P2, 500 a month. He gets a commission of 5% on all sales above P50, 000. How much did he earn in a month when he sold P276, 000 worth of goods? _______ 46. How many square tiles, 5 cm by 5 cm, will be needed to tile a bathroom 2.4 meters long and 1.8 meters wide? _______ 47. The field of Mang Pete has the shape and measurements in the figure. What is its area?

_______ 48. What value of H will make the sentence true? H 8 x 2 H = 2842. _______ 49. A rectangular garden is 10 m by 8 m. Rose bushes are to be planted along the edges about 4 dm apart. About how many can be planted? _______ 50. An unstretched spring is 48 cm long and it stretches 9 mm for each 100 grams it supports. How long is the spring when it is supporting a height of 1 kg?

Metrobank-MTAP-DECS-NCR Math Challenge Grade 6 Name:___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Score:_______ Solve and write the answer on the blank before the number. ________ 1.

Express 8 7/15 as an improper fraction.

________ 2.

The next fraction in the sequence 2/3, 5/6, 11/12, 23/24, …?

________ 3.

Express 1980 as a product of prime factors.

________ 4.

What is the greatest common factor of 108 and 216?

________ 5.

What is the least common multiple of 108 and 216? (Leave answer in prime factor.)

________ 6.

17 9/14 + 18 16/21 = ________.

________ 7.

Change 157/12 to a mixed number.

________ 8.

Express 0.725 as a fraction in lowest term.

________ 9.

Which is greater, 13/15 or 16/19?

_______ 10.

What is the largest common multiple, less than 250, of 5 and 6?

_______ 11.

The sum of all primes greater than 40 but less than 50 is _______.

_______ 12.

What digit can be placed in the blank in 784_______ so that the resulting number I divisible by both 2 and 9?

_______ 13.

Change 0.035 to percent.

_______ 14.

If the last 4 zeros in 7, 000, 000 are removed, the resulting number is what fraction of the original number?

_______ 15.

Find the value of 5 + 2 x 7 – 20  4 + 16  2.

_______ 16.

Simplify: [(2/5 + 3 1/5)/(4 ½)] / [4 4/5 x 2/3].

_______ 17.

At 3:15 p.m., the smaller angle formed by the hands of a clock is _______.

_______ 18.

Tricia got a sing-a-long system marked P7250 at a 15% discount. How much did she pay for it?

_______ 19.

On a boat, 15% travel first class, 42% travel second class and 301 travel third class. How many passengers are there?

_______ 20.

If 456 out of 950 students in a school are boys, what percent are girls?

_______ 21.

A sales man has a basic salary of P4, 000 and a commission of 5% on all sales over P80, 000. How much did he earn in a month when his sales amounted to P255, 000?

_______ 22. _______ 23.

A colored TV marked P12, 750 was sold at a sale discount of 15% and an additional cash discount of 5% on the sale price. How much was paid for it to the nearest peso? What is the ratio of 45 decimeters to 3.5 meters?

_______ 24.

Three numbers are in the ratio 2:3;4. if the sum is 144, what is the largest number?

_______ 25.

A flagpole cast a shadow of 15 meters when a 6-meter post cast a shadow of 4 meters. How high is the flagpole?

_______ 26.

Three angles are in the ratio 3:4:5. If the smallest angle is 420, what is the sum of the three angles?

_______ 27.

Angles A and B are complementary. If A is 80 more than B, find A.

_______ 28.

What is the smaller angle between the hands of a clock at 1:30?

_______ 29.

The sum of all the edges of a cube is 180 cm. What is the length of an edge?

_______ 30.

A leg of an isosceles triangle is 3 cm longer than the base. If the perimeter is 51 cm, find the length of a leg.

_______ 31.

A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 180 less than the vertex angle. Find the vertex angle.

_______ 32.

The diameter of a circle is 30 cm. The circumference is _______.

_______ 33.

A rectangular field, 65 m by 55 m is to be fenced with barbed wire. If 3 strands of wire are to be placed around, how many meters of wire will be needed?

_______ 34.

A rectangular grass lawn 45 m by 32 m has a concrete walk 1 ½ m wide around it. The area of the concrete walk is _______.

_______ 35.

How much air is enclosed in a conical tent with a radius of 6 m and a height of 8 m?

_______ 36.

The Math tests of Romel are 87, 86, 93, 89. What must he get in the next test so that he will have an average of 90%?

_______ 37.

A family spends 35% of their monthly income on food. How many degrees will be the sector to represent food on a circle graph?

_______ 38.

A photograph measuring 7 ½ cm by 5 cm is enlarged so that the longer side is 18 cm. The length of the shorter side is ________.

_______ 39.

Write in symbols: the square of the sum of a and b divided by their difference.

_______ 40.

Simplify: 6x – [3y – 5x(2y + 3)] + 7xy.

_______ 41.

What can be subtracted from 7x3 – 13x2 + 9x – 8 to get 3x3 + 2x2 + 4x + 7?

_______ 42.

Divide 6a4 – 13a2 – 8 by 2a2 + 1.

_______ 43.

If 8 more than thrice a number is less than 80, find the largest integer that satisfies the condition.

_______ 44.

Solve for x:

(2x + 5)/3 = (3x – 1)/4.

_______ 45.

Solve for x:

2(3x – 4) < 4x – 5.

_______ 46.

Five times a number increased by 7 equals 45. Find the number.

_______ 47.

If 3x – 4y is squared and (2x + 3y)2 is subtracted from it, what is the result?

_______ 48.

If x > 5 which of the following is the smallest? a. 5/x b. 5/(x + 1) c. 5/(x – 1)

d. x/5 e. (x + 1)/5

_______ 49.

A rectangular park is 115 m by 95 m. At least how many complete rounds must a jogger make around the park to be sure he has run 5 km?

_______ 50.

Pieces of soap 8 cm by 6 cm by 5 cm are to be packed into a box 6 dm by 3.2 dm by 3 dm, interior dimensions. What is the most number of pieces that can be packed into it?

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