MSD CRM – ClickDimensions User Guide

June 25, 2016 | Author: James Reyes | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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MSD CRM – ClickDimensions User Guide...


CLICKDIMENSIONS USER GUIDE FOR LBS EMAIL MARKETERS USING MSD CRM This user guide is designed for everyone sending marketing/bulk emails to DPO or Exec Ed Contacts using MS Dynamics CRM and ClickDimensions. It assumes that users have previous email marketing experience. .

Nicola Seguss Version 3 23 Dec 2014

Contents Background Information ..................................................................................................... 2 What you can expect from this user guide: ..................................................................... 4 Tips from the ClickDimensions User Group: ...................................................................... 4 ClickDimensions Training ..................................................................................................... 5 Setting up Marketing Lists for use with ClickDimensions ................................................. 7 Design your list .................................................................................................................. 7 Large lists ........................................................................................................................... 7 Build your list ...................................................................................................................... 8 Remove people from your list ...................................................................................... 16 Setting up a new template in ClickDimensions ............................................................. 17 How to send an email ....................................................................................................... 29 Reporting............................................................................................................................. 39 Subscription Management ............................................................................................... 43 Subscriptions Lists ............................................................................................................ 44 Subscription Management pages ............................................................................... 48 Marketing Automation Design Process........................................................................... 50 Autoreply emails ................................................................................................................ 52 Some other things to try once you have mastered the basics: .................................. 54 Appendix 1- Key terminology........................................................................................... 55 Appendix 2- Subscription Management page URLs .................................................... 59 Appendix 3 - Some illustrative examples of which Subscription Lists and Subscription Management pages to use for your mailings: .............................................................. 60

ClickDimensions - User Guide for LBS Email Marketers using MSD CRM


Background Information Before you get started as a new ClickDimensions user, you will need:  

To gain access to MSD CRM with ClickDimensions permissions, contact [email protected] to set this up. Take ownership of your training, including: o reading this guide o watching the CRM Fundamentals training videos o watching the ClickDimensions Academy training webinars o learning how to form Marketing Lists using the Advanced Find tool.

NOTE – you can always access all MSD CRM and ClickDimensions training materials, including the latest edition of this guide on WALT, which is accessed via Portal here: > Portal > IT Help > WALT > Training Home > Training manuals > 4.24 Microsoft Dynamics CRM

ClickDimensions is the bulk email plug-in for the LBS CRM solution - Microsoft Dynamics 2011. It is fully integrated within MSD CRM, so there is no need to switch between systems when forming your group(s), building your email, testing, sending it, and reporting on performance. Log-in to CRM here:

For email marketers (DPO & EE mkt and sales), ClickDimensions replaces SmartMARKETER for sending bulk/HTML emails such as:    

eBSR newsletters bulk programme-specific or cross-programme lead nurturing mailings invites to conversion events and bulk follow-ups enquiry generation emails to lists of leads from: o GMASS o GRESS o fairs cross-sell emails.

ClickDimensions is a marketing platform to be used for promotional emails. To send simple, personalised, plain text emails to targeted groups, you should use the mail merge functionality in MSD CRM, rather than ClickDimensions. See the “Mail Merge” user guides on WALT for more information.

ClickDimensions - User Guide for LBS Email Marketers using MSD CRM


We can use ClickDimensions for: 

email marketing including: o one-off campaigns o automated emails driven by a nurture programme o automated emails driven by workflows subscription management.

As of December 2014, the following ClickDimensions functionalities will require IT development and/or business process change:       

SMS messaging web tracking lead scoring webinars landing pages forms surveys

The ClickDimensions User Group should be the fount line for any questions on day-today use of the system. This group aims to meet monthly to share best practice and lessons learnt, and to look at system and process enhancements. There is a ClickDimensions User email distribution list [email protected] that you can use for reaching out to this group.

If the ClickDimensions User Group can’t help, you should direct all support queries to [email protected]

ClickDimensions makes system upgrades from time to time. It’s worth signing up to – and reading - their newsletter so that you have advance warning. They tend to enhance the look and feel of the interface and add new functionality. If you are not sure about something new that you see, contact [email protected] or [email protected] NOTE – ClickDimensions upgrade could make some of the images in this guide out of date.

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What you can expect from this user guide:         

Links to training provided by ClickDimensions Guidelines for naming conventions for lists, templates and campaigns Everything you need to know about the Subscription Management process How to set up a Marketing List How to set up a new template How to send an email Reporting Marketing automation and autoreplies Other tips and tricks

Tips from the ClickDimensions User Group:   

Use Chrome rather than IE8 Don’t have too many windows open at a time. Close any that are unnecessary to what you are currently doing Keep saving at every step

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ClickDimensions Training The training for MSD CRM and ClickDimensions users has all been documented or videoed so that there is no need for users to train each other. In fact, learning from other users is not as good idea as bad practices can slip in and important steps can be missed. It is also important to note that all of the training has been designed for experienced email marketers and not novice users. This document is designed to supplement the generic training provided by ClickDimensions. Before sending any emails, all LBS Email Marketers should view a series of recorded webinars, which are part of the ClickDimensions Academy:

Week 1: ULR: Password: cda101! Relevant sessions include:    

Day 1: Email templates Day 2: Subscription Management Day 3: Sending an Email Day 4: Email Statistics

Week 2: URL: Password: !cda201 Relevant sessions include: 

Day 4: SMS and Nurture Marketing

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You will need to make sure you view the 2011 versions by selecting the correct tab:

Useful reference guides (Make sure you select CMR 2011 tabs) Introduction to email marketing: Create an email template: Send an email: Email performance:

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Setting up Marketing Lists for use with ClickDimensions Design your list The better targeted your list is, the more relevant its content is to the customer, and the more likely they are to respond in the desired way. Please use the process outlined below to create a bespoke list. This process applies to all groups you want to create for bulk or automated emails sent through ClickDimensions. For example:      

enquiry generation campaigns event invites automated follow-ups automated lead nurturing campaigns cross sell campaigns eBSR newsletter.

NOTE – Before you start building your target lists, make sure you are familiar with the key terminology (see Appendix 1) and the Advanced Find Tool (see WALT).

Large lists NOTE – If you are planning to send a mailing to a list that has more than 30k contacts on it, you should communicate this to the ClickDimensions User Group to ensure that multiple large emails are not all scheduled to go out at the same time. NOTE – you need to limit the size of the groups that you send your mailing to:  

around 50k contacts in total for a static lists around 70k contacts in total for a dynamic lists.

We have these limits because sending the emails from MSD CRM/ClickDimensions relies on the processing capacity of the World Wide Web. MSD CRM and our data is hosted entirely online. The bigger the Marketing List, the more processing required. If your list is too big for the web to handle, it times out. This is compounded if the email is a large file with lots of images or attachments. The 70k limit on list size is a guideline only. The actual maximum list size at any one point in time is dependent upon the processing capacity available at that time. For example, if you send your email first thing in the morning, before the US wakes up, you might find that you can get away with a bigger list. We didn’t have this issue with SmartMARKETER because they host our data, which cuts out a step in the processing, but creates other problems.

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Where you are sending large emails, be aware that they can take considerable time to process and you may need to wait overnight before ClickDimensions updates. If your list is dynamic and greater than 5,000 records, you can get a one-off count by coping the list to a static list. To break up your list into smaller chunks, you will need to use some criteria that ensures that you end up with mutually exclusive groups. This could be something entirely arbitrary, such as the 1st letter of their preferred email address.

Build your list

Step 1 – Open a new list Navigate to: Sales and Marketing > Marketing > Marketing Lists > New

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A window like this will open:

Step 2 - Name your Marketing List We all need to use some basic principles when naming marketing lists to ensure that MSD CRM and ClickDimensions are easy for everyone to use, now and in the future. The list name consists of up to four elements, which refer to the design of the group: 1. The department sending the email (MC, DPO or EE) 2. The Programme Type, if relevant 3. List name – this could be the campaign name or a distinguishing feature of the contacts in the list 4. The date, if relevant and always for static lists NOTE – There should be no spaces in the name, so always use an underscore: _ A dynamic list of women who have enquired about the full-time MBA could be: DPO_ MBA_female A static list of HRST ENQs who are being invited to an on-campus event by Exec Ed during June might be: EE_HRST_UK_Jun_14 A List used by DPO to send lead nurturing emails to MBA enquires would be: DPO_MBA_ENQ_Target_List

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Step 3 Decide if your list should be Dynamic or Static. 

If this is a list that you will use again and again, and you would like new contacts to be added to the list automatically as they meet set criteria that are captured in MSD CRM, make your list Dynamic. For example, the Master Target Lists of all contacts who have expressed an interest in the full-time MBA programme in the last three years should be Dynamic.

If this is a fixed list of people that should not update, then make it Static. Or if you need to be able to add/remove people from the list in groups or one-by one, then you can only do this with a Static list. For example, your hand picked list of email testing colleagues would need to be a Static List. (See more about this special group later.)

It may be that you need to create two separate lists to form the group you want. You can simply attach both when you send you email. By doing this, you can be sure that you won't end up with duplicate emails to the same contact.

Step 4 - Link your Marketing List to a Subscriptions List For mailings to registered Contacts, you must link your Marketing List with the appropriate Subscriptions List where one exists. See the section on Subscription Management later in this document for more information about how the process works. A Marketing List can only be linked to one Subscriptions List. You choose which Subscriptions List to use based on the content of your email and not on the characteristics of your target audience. The Subscriptions List refers to the content that the customer may or may not want to receive. Where the content of your email refers to more than one programme or type of content (i.e. cross-programme mailings), then you need to create a separate Marketing List for each type of programme enquiry. You then link each Marketing List to its respective Subscriptions List. Then, when you send your email, you simply add the multiple Marketing Lists to one "Email Send".

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You can only skip this step for three types of mailings:  

Any mailings to leads from the GMASS, GRESS and fairs lists who still have a Contact Status of "Created" Any programme-related mailings to contacts who have a Contact Status of "Registered", i.e. they have not yet expressed an interest in a specific programme The content of your email is of a unique, one-off nature that does not fit with any of the Subscriptions Lists.

NOTE - If the content of your email refers to a new programme, then a new Subscriptions List needs to be created and should be added to all of the relevant Subscription Management pages. See Appendix 2 for a list of the current Subscription Lists to use for which types of mailings and Marketing Lists.

Step 5 - Enter a basic description This should be useful for you and/or your colleagues in the future, e.g. Contacts who have expressed an interest in the full-time MBA

Step 6 – Save It should look like this:

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Step 7- Start to build your list by clicking on Manage Members Click on the Manage Members icon.

From here, you can either use an existing “View” or create a new Advanced Find to pick up all of the relevant contacts that you would like to send your mailing to. Note – Whichever method you use to form your group, there are some essential criteria that you should use to ensure that your mailing goes to the right types of contacts. For eBSR emails, you will want to create four separate batches of marketing lists, with these criteria: Batch one – all active DPO and EE sales contacts Contact Type

AND Contact status Secondary Contact Type

Is equal to: Contact Status is: Active Does NOT equal : Created Contact type Is NOT equal to: Unsubscribed from eBSR

Batch two – the wider LBS community (external) Contact Type

AND Secondary Contact Type

Is equal to: Alumnus OR Past Participant Status is: Active Contact type Is NOT equal to: Unsubscribed from eBSR

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Batch three – the wider LBS community (internal) Contact Type

Is equal to: Faculty OR Staff OR Student Status is: Active

For the GMASS, GRESS or and pre-fair enquiry generation emails to leads from data lists we have “rented”, you must include these criteria: Contact Type

AND Contact status AND Campaign

Is equal to: Contact Status is: Active Is equal to: Created Is equal to: This is the campaign code that the list was loaded or updated with Created on date is equal to: Adjust depending upon the list requirements (e.g. GMASS data expires at 12 months)

AND Other segmentation criteria as required by the objectives of your email and/or the T&Cs of the data list vendor.

Note – See the MSD CRM – List loading guide on WALT for more information on Contacts in MSD CRM loaded from 3rd parties.

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For lead nurturing and events emails, you must include these criteria: Contact Type

AND Contact status

Is equal to: Contact Status is: Active Is equal to: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Provisional OR Reapply

NOTE - You must use at least one of these, as relevant to your target group AND Secondary Contact Type

Programme type is equal to: "Interested in" the relevant Programme type Contact Type is equal to: Interested in The created on or after date is equal to: Any date within the last 3 years

AND Other segmentation criteria as required by the objectives of your email

You don't need to worry about excluding people who have opted-out of all LBS emails because MSD CRM and ClickDimensions will take care of this automatically. If someone has opted out of a specific type of email, then this will be managed by the Subscription List you have linked your Marketing List to.

Tip: If you have a lot of similar Marketing Lists to set up, it is much quicker if you first use Advanced Find and save a “View” that matches your basic criteria. You can then use this as the basis of each list, tweaking the Programme Type and/or your additional criteria each time.

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Step 8 Once you have designed your list, click “Use Query” and then “Save”. You can view the contacts on the list by clicking on “Marketing List Members”:

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Remove people from your list

If you need to remove a group of people from your list, it will need to be static. First, click “Manage Members” again. The, select “Use Advanced Find to remove members”:

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Setting up a new template in ClickDimensions Please watch Day 1 of the ClickDimensions training webinar on email templates for an introduction to this topic, but follow the step-by-step guidance below when setting up your templates.

Some things to think about before you build your email template: 

What are the objectives of your email? What do you want people to do? How will you know if it’s been a success? Who are your audience and what do they want? This will dictate the length, style and calls to action.

Don’t throw everything but the kitchen sink into your email. Communications work much better when the messaging is clear and the call to action is well defined. Focus your email on one or maybe two topics and clearly sign-post the follow up action you’d like the contact to take.

Don't forget the onward journey. What is the customer experience once they click though from your email? Does it make sense from a customer experience perspective? Do you need a dedicated landing page?

Given the objectives of your email, is an HTML email the right way to go? Your message may be better suited to a low-tech, plain text email. These appear more personalised to recipients and less like a marketing emails, and can therefore have more cut through with your audience. You can use ClickDimensions to send a plain text email if you need to be able to track the links, or you can simply could use the MSD CRM Mail Merge functionality.

You can design your email yourself using email design tools in ClickDimensions. See step 4 below for details of the options available to you.

Unless you are a skilled copywriter with a great eye for email design and an appreciation of the drivers of successful email marketing, please consider drafting in expert help to put your email together. This will help you to ensure that your email is effective in meeting its objectives and that we are all able to deliver a consistent brand experience for all of our customers.

Whoever designs your email, make sure that they follow the brand guidelines

If your email template is being built for you and has lots of images, ask the design agency to host the images remotely. Otherwise you will need to load each individual image into ClickDimensions and then into your email, which can be very time consuming and cause issues in the HTML.

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Whoever writes the copy, be sure that they apply the LBS Tone of Voice guidelines:

You should expect that 50% of the time, your email is being viewed on a mobile device. This means that you'll want to make sure your template works equally well on desktop and mobile devices. Less is more! Simple templates with clear calls to action and large clickable buttons work best on mobile devices and desktops.

Think above the fold. Sadly, not everyone will read your email! Maximise the chances if it being read by thinking about what will the customer see in their email preview or when they first open it. Do they know what they’re getting? Have you given them a good reason to read your email?

Images look great in emails, but get the balance right. Too much space in your email dedicated to images can trigger spam filters. Plus email service providers often block images altogether so use meaningful alt tags and think about how your template looks without images, for example:

Some template best practice recommendations from ClickDimensions: ClickDimensions Email Templates: Secrets to Creating Great HTML For Email Marketing:

 

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Mail Chimp Email Marketing Field Guide:

Step 1- Open a new template Navigate to: Sales and Marketing > Email Marketing > Email Templates > New

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You will see a window like this:

Step 2 – Name your email template We need to use some basic principles when naming email templates to ensure that MSD CRM and ClickDimensions are easy for everyone to use now and in the future. The template name consists of up to 4 elements, which refer to the content of the email: 1. The department sending the email (MC, DPO or EE) 2. The Programme Type (this is the programme that the email is focused on, if relevant) 3. Template name. This is the content of the email. 4. The date(if relevant) NOTE – There should be no spaces in the name so always use an underscore: _ So the email sent to EMBA-Global prospects to tell them about the new class would be: DPO_EMBGA_New_Class_May 14 An email sent to market ADP to contacts who had enquired about other programmes would be: EE_ADP_Cross_Sell

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The first invite for the MBA information event in October could be: DPO_MBA_event_invite_1Oct 14

Step 3 Insert your subject line. You have the chance to change this later when you send your email. Best practice tips for subject lines that get better open rates:         

Avoid splashy promotional phrases, CAPS, or exclamation marks. However, Sentence Case Where You Cap Up The First Letter Of Every Word Can Improve Readability And Therefore Your Open Rate. Short is sweet - Keep your subject line to 50 characters or less, including spaces. The more tempting and intriguing the better. Subject lines framed as questions perform well. For regular newsletters, keep the subject line fresh. So Avoid "December Newsletter". Make sure your subject line reflects your content, otherwise you could see your unsubscribe rate go up. Use A/B split testing to find out what works best for your audiences. Try personalisation.

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Step 4 Next you need to choose from three Editor types: 1. Drag and Drop Editor This editor is a simple, wizard-driven way to create an email with no HTML involved. Select a layout from a list of choices, add and style text and links, and see the changes happen in real time. An image editor allows you to modify images, including applying filters, frames and other effects. This editor automatically makes your email responsive, which means it will look good on phones as well as on larger screens. 2. Block Editor This editor allows you to build your own emails within ClickDimensions. Use this option if you want to design your own simple templates with full control over your copy, links and images: 3. Free Style Editor This is a "What You See is What You Get Editor" for use with pre-designed templates. Use this option if you want to upload an HTML template designed for you and then make some minor edits to copy, links and images: 4. Custom HTML Editor This editor is only really useful if you want to upload HTML and can then make your own edits to the code yourself. Go for this option if you are an HTML whiz kid: NOTE – We strongly recommend against loading HTML code from another email platform – e.g. SmartMARKETER. This is likely to have “extra” tracking coding hidden in the HTML that has been shown to cause unforeseen problems in the way your email behaves when edited and sent.

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Step 5 - Save

Step 6 Once you have clicked save, the functionality for building your email becomes available:

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Please refer to the ClickDimensions user guides for detailed instructions on email build functionality: 1. Drag and Drop Editor: 1. Block Editor: 2. Free style Editor: 3. Custom HTML:

Step 7 - design your email And keep pressing the save button regularly.

Step 8 – insert your merge fields Place you curser where you want the merge field (with a space first) and then click on “Contact” (not Owner, Lead or Account).

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Scroll down the list of merge fields available to you. We recommend that you go for “First Name” as with this example:

There is a risk with any merge field that the data will be blank. To avoid sending out emails that start “Dear ,” or worse “Dear First Name”, you can provide some alternative copy that ClickDimensions will insert if the field is blank: Before: ${[0]!""} After: ${[0]!"Sir/Madam"} In this case, if the First Name is blank in MSD CRM, then Sir/Madam will be added to the email. You can follow the same principle for any mail merge field.

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Step 9 - Insert Subscription Management links See the section on Subscription Management later in this document for more information about how the process works. All emails sent to enquiries using ClickDimensions should have two unsubscribe links at the bottom:

Link 1 – content specific Copy: Manage your subscription preferences URL: See Appendix 1 for URLs for the Subscription Management pages. Where possible, use a Subscription Management link in your email that features a cluster of relevant programmes that customers can choose from. However, avoid using the full programme portfolio options as these do not provide a good customer experience, particularly for Exec Ed.

Link 2 – "global" or unsubscribe from all Copy: Unsubscribe from all bulk mailings from London Business School URL: Use standard ClickDimensions unsubscribe link code snippet: ${Gears.unsubscribe()} We recommend that you use easy to read, clear copy in the footer of all emails like this:

If you don't wish to receive this type of email from us in future, please click here to manage your mailings preferences. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from all bulk mailings from London Business School.

Small, hidden copy is more likely to encourage people to mark your email as spam if they don’t want to receive your emails. Contacts with a "Created" status, such as members of GMASS, GRESS and some fairs lists, should only have a global unsubscribe link: Unsubscribe from all London Business School mailings. This is in addition to any other subscription management or other messaging required by the list provider.

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Step10 - test your email Try this checklist:  Double check that the content is factually correct - dates fees, names, telephone numbers etc.  Have a colleague, who hasn't seen your email before proof read your email thoroughly.  Double check that all the links in your email work, including your Subscription Management links.  Does the email render well in Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as in your LBS Outlook client and (see below)  Are you happy with how your email appears on iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Blackberrys and Windows phones.  Make sure all of your images have alt tags  Any personalisation includes default 'fall-back' value for when personalised data is missing (See Step 8). Your expert email testers A great way to ensure your email is thoroughly tested is to send it to a Static group that includes you and your colleagues. See page 9 for more on how to set this group up. Email service providers Make sure that this group also features a variety of email clients. In 2013, the most popular email clients of the LBS enquiry base were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Gmail – 45% of enquirers email addresses Hotmail – 13% Yahoo – 11% – 1% Others – 30% (14,000+ variations including all work email addresses).

(Based upon the preferred email address of all programme enquirers) The “Others” group includes company’s own email software – of which MS Outlook will be a major component. It’s impossible to test across all of these variations, but if you can test that your email renders properly in Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, you can be confident that the email works for at least two thirds of our audience.

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Web browsers As well as email clients, you also need to test browsers. Be sure to open your email in Webmail, Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo using the following web browsers:    

Chrome Safari Firefox All current versions of Internet Explorer

Step 11 Get final sign-off to send the final email from your stakeholder(s) and/or line manager.

Step 12 Once you are completely happy with your email, it’s signed off and you are ready to send it, always create a plain text version of your email for those recipients who don't view emails in HTML. This will also ensure your email does not get marked as spam. Best practice tips for creating a plain text version of your email: 

 

It may not be pretty, but a plain text email is essential if you want to get through the spam filters and some recipients will end up only receiving this version. Think about formatting and how it will view on a mobile or desktop screen. Strip out any extraneous headings and cull links and calls to action back to the bare minimum.

Step 13 - you are now ready to send your email

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How to send an email Please watch Day 3 of the ClickDimensions training webinar on sending emails for an introduction to this topic, but follow the step-by-step guidance below when sending your emails.

Step 1 Navigate to: Sales and Marketing > Email Marketing > Email Sends > New

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Step 2 You should see a window like this:

NOTE – A subject line is required, but don’t add this first because when you select your template, this will overwrite it.

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Instead, the first thing you should do is select your template:

This will pre-populate your subject line. At this point you might want to edit this to your final chosen version.

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Step 3 - select your campaign, if appropriate

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Step 4 - set who your email should appear "from" in recipient's i nbox Names of actual human beings get better click through rates than faceless mailbox names. If you have a named individual that you'd like your contacts to recognise, or start to form a relationship - such as a lead sales rep, senior admissions person or programme director, then use that name. Unless you are 100% sure that every contact on your Marketing List has a correctly allocated "owner" (i.e. a sales person who is managing that contact) leave the "From Record Owner" as No.

You then have a number of options: 1. Send from an actual person by picking the appropriate "From User" (i.e. member of the sales/recruitment team).

This will populate the From Name and From Email automatically. 2. Send from an alias by completing the From Name and From Email yourself, for example:

The “From Name” can be anything you like and the “From Email” can be any valid email address. Remember that the "From email address" is the email address that any bounce backs or replies will go to.

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Step 5 - set when your email will go out Either send your email to send immediately, or choose a time and day that best suits your email and/or audience.

Don’t worry, even if you select "Send immediately", your email won't deploy until you are ready and click the "Send" button. See Step 9 below. NOTE – If you delay the send and then need to cancel the email, you will need to have IT do this for you. So it may be worth waiting to set up your send if there is any chance you might need to cancel your mailing.

Step 6 - you need to click "save" before you can go any further. Step 7 - Next add your Marketing List(s) It is fine to send your email to multiple lists at one time. In fact by doing this, you can be sure that you won't end up with duplicate emails to the same contact. To add your lists, start by scrolling down slightly and clicking on the Marketing Lists box:

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A blue outline will appear around the box and a new ribbon will appear at the top:

Click on the "Add Existing Marketing List" button in the top left hand corner. A window like this will appear:

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Select all of the lists that you would like your email to go to and click "Ok". Your lists will appear here:

If you need to add any other contacts, such as yourself, the sales rep, or other key stakeholder, you can do that by clicking on Contacts:

And then on the "Add Existing Contact" button, which will appear in the top left hand corner:

Find your contacts and click "Ok".

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Step 6 – make sure you are on the "Email Sends" tab. Step 7 – tweak your template content if necessary for the current send. This won't change the original template you set up. Click save.

Step 8 Send yourself one final test by entering your email address in the box labelled "Test Emails (Semicolon Separated" and the click the "Test" button:

This will bring up a Spam Assassin Report, which is worth checking. More on this here:

Step 8 - If all is fine and your email is ready to go, click "save". Step 9 Whether your email is set to send immediately or at a point in the future, once you have finished setting your email send up, you need to click the "Send" button:

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When this window appears, tick the box and click "Approve":

Then click "Save and Close" and your email will deploy, either right away or on the pre-set date.

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Reporting Reporting, analysing and optimising you emails is a key part of effective email marketing. NOTE – Reports on large emails can take some time to come through fully. Wait at least 24 hours before escalating to IT. Please watch Day 4 of the ClickDimensions training webinar on email statistics for a thorough introduction to this topic. You can find additional guidance here: NOTE - make sure you're on the CRM 2011 tab.

Step 1 Navigate to Marketing > Email Marketing > Email Sends > Sent

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Step 2 Find the email you have sent, scroll down to Email Statistics and you should see something s section like this, which shows overall email performance:

Step 3 To see all the clicks on the links in your email, click on this button in the top ribbon:

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Wait a few moments and a report that looks like this will open up:

To see which contacts have clicked on the links, click the link yourself. A list of people who have clicked with load. You can then click on the Contact’s name and go through to their record.

You can also view a heat map of where recipients are clicking on your email by clicking on this icon in the top ribbon:

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You heat map will look a bit like this:

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Subscription Management Please watch the ClickDimensions training webinar on Subscription Management for an introduction to this topic. As a School, we need to be very careful to allow contacts to manage their contact preferences and the emails they receive from us. This is particularly important given the volume of emails we send to contacts and the diversity of different emails we send regarding our complex portfolio of programmes and considerable schedule of events. We are required to give contacts the chance to unsubscribe from emails. But rather than just unsubscribing them from everything, it is better if we can give customers the chance to stay opted in to the emails that are most relevant to them. To manage customer's content subscription preferences, we use a set of Subscriptions Lists set up within MSD CRM. The customer can then decide if they want to be on a certain list. They can let us know their preferences by ticking or unticking boxes on a Subscription Management page. ClickDimensions guides for subscription management:

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Subscriptions Lists

We have one Subscriptions Lists for each "type" of mailing we send. By "type" we mean the type of content the customer can expect to receive if subscribed to that list. This is where they can be found in MSD CRM:

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Setting up a new Subscription List ClickDimensions super users can create new Subscription Lists when they start new types of mailings. Typically this will be for a new Programme Type.

Step 1 Navigate to: Settings > ClickDimensions > Subscription Lists > New

This page opens:

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Step 2 Complete the required information: 

Name:The formatting of the Subscription List name should describe the content of the mailings that someone on the list would receive. This must be very clear to the customer who must be able to understand what type of content they are opting in or out of receiving.

Owner: This will default to you.

eBSR Subscription: Leave unchecked unless this is the master BSR list.

Programme Type: If appropriate, set the correct Programme Type from the drop-down list.

For example:

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Step 3 - Click Save and Close

NOTE – Where the Subscription List is linked to a Programme Type or is for a eBSR subscription, this will automatically create or remove SCTs when the customer uses the form.

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Subscription Management pages

Customers can then opt in or out of programme emails using Subscription Management pages. For example:

If the customer uses the form to opt out of programme-specific mailings, then a workflow will automatically change their “Interested in” SCT for that programme to be “Interest Withdrawn”. If the customer opts in to programme-specific mailings that they hadn’t been signed-up to before, their interest in that Programme Type is also captured in MSD CRM by the creation of an “Interested in” Secondary Contact Type for that Programme Type.

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Creating and editing Subscriptions Management pages Super users can find and edit the Subscription Management pages in MSD CRM here:

Wherever possible, pages should feature more than one subscription option, allowing contacts to opt in and out of multiple subscriptions lists and facilitating cross-sell. Create a Subscription Management Page: Once created, TEST, TEST, TEST to ensure the page behaves as you expect it to.

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Marketing Automation Design Process Marketing Automation is a powerful tool that can be used to make our communications with Contacts more efficient and effective. MSD CRM and ClickDimensions can be configured to send automated emails as part of sales treatments – or planned customer journeys. These may be triggered by a Workflow in CRM or a Nurture Programme in ClickDimensions. However these mailings do need to be carefully planned and managed on an ongoing basis. Risk factors to be mindful of include:   

a complex and overlapping set of audience segments email marketing being decentralised across the organisation a long, non-linier buying cycle.

As of December 2014, this is brand new functionality for the Sales and Marketing Teams. Whilst we do have some “autoreply” emails configured to be triggered automatically based on Contacts filling out forms (see below), we are very much finding our feet with this. This is particularly the case for:  

deciding if the automated email should be run via a workflow or a Nurture Programmes built in ClickDimensions ensuring rigour is applied to the design, testing and on-going maintenance of automated emails.

With this in mind, you should work closely with IT when you want to set up automated emails.

This is the process for new automated emails: 1. The team that “owns” the customer designs how the automation should work. A description in a Word doc is fine at this stage. It should give as much detail a possible of the business rules that trigger the automated email, including: a) the criteria that should used to identify which Contacts should receive the automated email (i.e. what would be used in the Advanced Find tool) b) the conditions that need to be in place for them to receive it (e.g. between 12 and 24 hours after they take a specific action) c) anything else they think is relevant. 2. Share this with the ClickDimensions Super Group: [email protected] who can provide feedback and advise regarding any potential impact or shared interest from other teams managing other parts of the funnel.

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3. Then send it to the CRM Administrator in IT for his feedback and his recommendation as to whether: a) it is possible to automate this email b) the automation would be best run via a workflow in CRM or a Nurture Programme in ClickDimensions. Depending on the complexity of the request or the impact on other areas of the funnel, a workshop may take place at this stage, potentially with NTT and/or other sales teams. 4. If there is agreement that a CRM workflow is needed, then you would build the ClickDimensions template(s). Otherwise, you should build, test and launch a Nurture Programme in ClickDimensions to run the automation. 5. If a CRM workflow is needed, send the finalised brief for the new workflow to IT Helpdesk as a formal BAU request, this will need to include: c) a. the business rules that trigger the automated email d) b. what should be triggered: I. the email template name II. the email subject line III. the “from name” IV. the “from email address” 6. The workflow is built by IT 7. IT deploy it in the UAT system 8. The team that “owns” the customer tests it in UAT and signs-off 9. IT deploy it in the Live CRM system.

ClickDimensions guides to building nurture marketing programmes: uremarketing/ NOTE - make sure you're on the CRM 2011 tab.

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Autoreply emails The following autoreply emails are set up as of December 2014: Email type Brochure download autoreplies for each Exec Ed and DPO programme and the Exec Ed Port Cal

Triggered by A workflow that runs whenever a brochure download SCT is created in MSD CRM

Owned by Mar Comms

eBSR sign-up confirmation

A workflow that runs whenever an eBSR subscription SCT is created in MSD CRM A workflow that runs whenever a Registered Interest SCT is created in MSD CRM A workflow that runs whenever a Reserve a place SCT is created in MSD CRM Creation of a Campaign Response of Registered for an event if a template has been set up by the events team

Mar Comms

Request more information autoreplies for Exec Ed and DPO Reserve a place confirmation

Event registration confirmation

Mar Comms Exec Ed

DPO and Exec Ed Events Teams

See the Events Management guide for more information about events autoreplies.

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These are some of the templates:

The majority of these template where set up before MSD CRM went live as plain text emails. This was done for expediency and to deliver a like-for-like provision with the old system. Upgrade work to enhance these templates should be considered. Where templates are changed, you should work with the CRM Administrator in IT to ensure that the workflows continue to run and any changes should be tested thoroughly.

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Some other things to try once you have mastered the basics: 

Comparing your results and sharing best practice with fellow email marketers across the School.

Split testing:

Working with a sales team on an Outlook Cast:

Sending a follow-up email to recipients who have not opened or clicked a link in a previous email:

Becoming a ClickDimensions Super User and shape the design of new capabilities and processes.

Good luck with your mailings!!

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Appendix 1- Key terminology Programme Type 

e.g. EMBA London, Project and Infrastructure Finance, etc.

DPO programmes: EMBA Dubai

Executive MBA (Dubai)

EMBA London

Executive MBA (London)


EMBA Global Americas and Europe


EMBA Global Asia


Global Masters in Management


Masters in Business Administration


Masters in Finance Full Time


Masters in Finance Part Time


Masters in Management


Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy

Exec Ed programmes: ACF

Advanced Corporate Finance


Corporate Finance Evening Programme Portfolio


Corporate Finance Evening Programme - Accounting & Financial Analysis


Corporate Finance Evening Programme - Valuation


Corporate Finance Evening Programme - Funding, Risk & Restructuring


Corporate Finance Modular Programme Portfolio


Corporate Finance Modular Programme - Accounting & Financial Analysis


Corporate Finance Modular Programme - Valuation


Corporate Finance Modular Programme - Funding, Risk & Restructuring


Custom Programmes


Developing Strategy for Value Creation


Emerging Leaders Programme


Essentials of Leadership


Executing Strategy for Results


Financing the Entrepreneurial Business


Financial Seminar for Senior Managers


High Performance People Skills for Leaders


Human Resource Strategy in Transforming Organisations


Investment Management Programme


Leading Businesses into the Future


Leading Change

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Mergers and Acquisitions


Market Driving Strategies


Making Innovation Happen


Negotiating and Influencing Skills for Senior Managers


Masterclass in Private Equity


Project and Infrastructure Finance




Strategic Marketing: From Behavioural Insights to Business Growth (new name for CMKP) Senior Executive Programme


Strategic Investment Management


Transitioning into General Management (new name for ADP)

NOTE – programme names do change over time, so double check that you are using the right ones

Programme 

The individual iteration, e.g. MBA2016, TGM152

Primary Contact Types      

Alumnus (DPO & EE Alumni) Student Faculty Staff Past Participant (EE non-alumni) Contact (see contact statues)

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Contact Status (only applies to Contacts) Contact status



These contacts have not yet specifically given us permission to contact them about our programmes by registering with the website or contacting us directly. They may be a non-DPO or EE contact (e.g. a referee or HRO) or they may have been loaded into MSD CRM as a lead from a fair, GMASS or GRESS list. For loaded contacts with a “created” status, only the owners of these lists should contact these people, being careful to follow the T&Cs of the list vendor. When sales teams create a contact manually, their status is automatically set as “registered”. This state is also reached when the contact registers on the website opting in to communications from the School, but doesn’t specify an interest in a specific programme type e.g. eBSR sign-ups. Contacts who sign-up with us at Fairs or attend cross-programme events may have a status of “registered” if they have not expressed an interest in a specific programme type. This state is reached when a contact expresses an interest in one or more Programme Types This may happen automatically when a contact downloads a brochure, registers for a programme-specific an event, or submits a CV etc. Or it may be triggered when a sales rep manually creates an “Interested in” Secondary Contact Type for a Programme or Programme Type. A contact reaches this state when DPO Client Services rep completes the Prospect Status field on the Contact Score for a specific Programme and setting it to one of: Qualified Confirmed Confirmed Star Contacts who have started, but not submitted an application. Contacts who have submitted an application. Contact who have been offered a place. If a contact withdraws an application or declines a place they are set to a Withdrawn state. If a contact’s application is rejected they are set to a Rejected state. Contacts who have been asked to Reapply. The contact has joined a programme (DPO or Exec Ed)


Contact (interest expressed)


Applying Applied Admit Withdrawn Rejected Reapply Student

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Secondary Contact Types (STCs) Enquiry-related SCTs:                            

Applicant Attended a fair Attended event Call back request Cancelled reservation Class visit Consultation booked Consultation cancelled Consultation completed Consultation rescheduled CV review Downloaded brochure Enquiry loaded Fair converted GMAT score loaded GRE score loaded Inbound email contact Inbound phone contact Interest withdrawn Interested in Portfolio Calendar Registered Registered for event Registered interest Reserved place in Tell us more Unsubscribed from eBSR Walk in

Lead-related SCTs:    

Fair loaded GMASS loaded GRE (pre-test) loaded GRESS loaded

HRO-related SCT: 

HR Contact

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Appendix 2- Subscription Management page URLs Email content type eBSR or similar news/insights Full LBS portfolio DPO Events mailings EE News and Events mailings DPO programmes for experienced managers (EMBAs & Sloan) DPO – full prog portfolio Exec Ed – full prog portfolio Exec Ed – Coporate Fianance Programme Portfolio Exec Ed – Finance cluster Exec Ed – Career Transition cluster Exec Ed – Leadership cluster Exec Ed – Marketing cluster Exec Ed – Strategy cluster Exec Ed programmes from HR professionals

Subscription management page URL

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Appendix 3 - Some illustrative examples of which Subscription Lists and Subscription Management pages to use for your mailings: Mailing content Marketing cluster lead nurturing email

Cross-sell for new Exec Ed leadership programme Pre-QS Fair greeting EMBA deadline reminder

Cross sell message about fulltime MiF GMASS email nurture programme eBSR monthly newsletter

Audience i.e. criteria for Marketing List(s) List 1 - All contacts with an "Interested in" SCT for CMKP created in the last 3 years AND a status of: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Provisional OR Reapply List 2 - All contacts with an "Interested in" SCT for MDS created in the last 3 years AND a status of: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Provisional OR Reapply All contacts with a status of "Contact (interest expressed)" for any programme created in the last 3 years, EXCEPT for those with an "Interested in" SCT for MiM or ELP. All contacts with a status of "Created" AND with the Adcode for that specific fair List 1 - All contacts with an "Interested in" SCT for EMBA Dubai created in the last 3 years AND a status of: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Reapply

Subscription List to use Customer Focused Marketing programme mailings Market Driving Strategies programme mailings

Subscription Management link to use Exec Ed Marketing cluster page and the Global unsubscribe link

Leading Businesses into the Future mailings

Exec Ed Leadership cluster page and the Global unsubscribe link


Global unsubscribe link only

Executive MBA (Dubai) mailings

DPO programmes for experienced managers page and the Global unsubscribe link

List 2 - All contacts with an "Interested in" SCT for EMBA London created in the last 3 years AND a status of: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Reapply

Executive MBA (Dubai) mailings

All contacts with an "Interested in" SCT for MBA created in the last 3 years AND a status of: Contact (interest expressed) OR Prospect OR Applying OR Reapply "Created" contacts with a GMASS source code created within the last 12 months.

Full-time Masters in Finance mailings

DPO full portfolio page and the Global unsubscribe link


Global unsubscribe link only

All contacts with a status of Registered or above who have not unsubscribed from eBSR mailings.

Business Strategy Review - News, views and events

eBSR or similar news/insights page and the Global unsubscribe link

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